More News . . .
Flu Shot Unable to Combat Virus Strain...
--Drudge Report/AP (Prophecies
... Deadly diseases spreading)
Israel Indicts Canadian Islamic Terrorist
--UPI (Islamic Terror)
Islamics Want Islamic Religious Court in Canada
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise and
lead many)
IBM to Move Highly Paid Software Jobs to China, India
--Drudge Report/Yahoo News
Fed'l Reserve Chairman Greenspan Says 'China Is Not
Taking Away US Jobs'
(Prophecies...Lying, deceiving, and being
deceived in 'the last
Dollar Drops to New Low Against Euro...
--Drudge Report/Reuters
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again)
Saddam Hussein is CAUGHT!
Troops from 4th Infantry Division Captured Saddam Hiding
in a 'Spider Hole'
--Drudge Report/DefenseLink (Military)
Iraqi Joy Overflows Onto Streets, Fills Air With Crackle of Bullets
--AFP (France)
Document Shows 9-11 Terrorist Trained in Iraq...
--WND (Islamic Terror)
Mexico, China Ready to Sign 'Strategic Association' Accord
--AFP (France)
and allies) (...and China now controls the Panama
Library Which Would Not Allow
Church Flyers Hosted Muslim Ramadan Party
--WND/London Telegraph
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Experts Warn of Upcoming Worldwide Flu 'Pandemic'
--Koenig Int'l/Fox News (Prophecies
... Deadly diseases spreading)
Judge Says Teaching Islam is Okay in California Schools
(Prophecies...False prophets would lead many
away from Heaven)
School Counselor Suspended For Referring to the Bible
(Prophecies...moral corruption)
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
EU Calls on Israel to Dismantle Jewish Outposts in
Judea, Samaria
--Koenig Int'l/Ha'aretz
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again)
EU In Crisis as Constitution Summit Collapses
--AFP (Prophecies...Europe/Rome
will rise again)
(Prophecies...the coming Anti-christ)
Muslims Want Islamic Religious Court in Canada
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise and
lead many)
Israeli Leaders
Debate a 'Palestinian State' to Save Israel
--Koenig Int'l/NY Times (Prophecies...Israel)
Church in England Barred From Posting Notice of
Christmas Services
--WND/London Telegraph (Prophecies...Christ
and Christians will be hated)
Election Focused on Which Candidates' Group Killed Most
--WND/Associated Press
European Union (EU) Agrees to Create Military Planning Cell Next Year
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome
will rise as a world power again 'in the last days')
United States of Europe...EU Leaders Launch Crunch Summit on Constitution
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome
will rise as a world power again 'in the last days')
The Savaging of America's Foundation ...
--WND/Hal Lindsey
(Worth reading ...)
Fed'l Reserve Chairman Greenspan Says 'China Is Not
Taking Away US Jobs'
(Prophecies...Lying and deceiving in 'the last
Survey - Almost Half of Germans Cheat on Their Partner
--Reuters (Prophecies...moral corruption in 'the last days')
(Prophecies...Lying and deceiving in 'the last
EU Reaches Agreement with Syria for Closer Ties
--Koenig Int'l/Reuters (Prophecies...Europe/Rome)
Scientists Create Sperm From Stem Cells...
--Drudge Report/AP
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the
last days')
France, Germany Exploring Idea of New EU Treaty for
'Core of Fast-lane States'
--WND/London Telegraph
(Out of which 10 nations will rise to great power)
Jordanian Broadcast Calls For Israel's Defeat in
Apparent Breach of Treaty
Australia Discusses Giving Homosexuals 'Refugee' Status
--WND/The Australian (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral corruption in 'the last days')
Strong Earthquake Rocks Taiwan
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Earthquakes 'in diverse places')
U.S. Warns Israeli PM Against 'Unilateral' Attempt to
Impose Peace in Israel
--Ha'aretz (Israel)
('Those who bless Israel shall be blessed, those who curse
Israel shall be cursed ...')
Earthquake in Virginia ... Felt in Washington D.C..
--Drudge Report/AP
(Prophecies...Earthquakes 'in diverse places')
Earthquake Hits Oklahoma...No Damage Reported
--Drudge Report/Oklahoma Daily
(Prophecies...Earthquakes 'in diverse places')
Israel Building Nuclear-Proof Bunker
--Koenig Int'l (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...the Apocalypse prolog)
Islamic and
European Union States Affirm 'Solidarity'
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times (Prophecies...Europe/Rome
will rise in power again)
Suicide Bomber Blows Up Car Wounding 31 US Soldiers Near Mosul
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Suicide Bomb Attack Kills Five in Central Moscow
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Political Earthquake in Russia As Opponents Ousted from Duma
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia)
Israeli Settlers Vow to Fight Evacuation as Israel Slams UN Over Vote
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
Medical Study Find's Today's Teens Becoming World's
Sickest Adults
--WND (Prophecies
of the generation of 'the last days'...) (The Bible
warns we will 'reap what we sow')
Putin Party Takes
Control of Russian Parliament, Consolidating Power
--WND/London Telegraph (Prophecies...Russia)
Islamic Terrorists' Planned to Nuke London With 'Dirty
--WND (Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
German Cannibal Saught New Victim Before Arrest
--AFP (Prophecies
of the generation of 'the last days'...violence and gross immorality)
U.S. Soldier Killed in Mosul
--Fox News (Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
in 'the last days')
Officials Delete 'God' From Patriotic Song
Israeli Says Israel Should 'Build the New Temple Now!'
--Arutz 7
(Exciting ... we know from Bible prophecy a new
Jewish Temple will be built!)
Russian Textbook Ban Raises Fear of Return to 'State-Controlled' History
--AFP (Prophecies...Russia)
(The socialist/Marxist controlled Democrats are doing the same in the US)
Teacher Takes 'Christmas' Out of Carol...2nd-Graders
Will Sing 'Winter' Instead
--WND (Prophecies...Christ
and believing Christians will be hated)
Pro-Kremlin Party Set for Victory in Russian Parliamentary Poll
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia)
North Korea Warns It Will Respond to Japan's Spy
--Koenig Int'l/USA Today (Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
and allies)
Taiwan to Vote on China Missile Threat
--Koenig Int'l/Wash Times (Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
and allies)
Syria Puts Armed Forces On Alert
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Israel Thwarts Major Islamic Suicide Bomb Attack Against
School Children
--WND/Israel Insider
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...violence
in 'the last days')
Report: US 'Disappointed'
With Sharon's Stand Against Islamic Terrorists
--WND/Israel Insider (The Bible
warns all nations of the world will turn against Israel ...)
Gunned Down ... Iran Forces Quell Massive Uprising
--WND (Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...violence
in 'the last days')
F-Word Filled South Park Film
Provides Holiday-Weekend TV 'Entertainment'
--WND (Prophecies...
The generation of 'the last days')
A Slap at Israel ... White House Supports Powell-Geneva
Authors Meeting
--Koenig Int'l/Ha'aretz (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...a 'peace plan'
will be enforced upon Israel)
Chinese Officers Say Taiwan's Leaders Are Near 'Abyss of
--Koenig Int'l/NY Times (Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
and allies)
New European Currency (the 'Euro') Soaring Against the
Dollar ...
--Drudge Report/Financial Times (UK) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome
will rise in power again)
Child Disciplined for Saying 'Gay'
--Koenig Int'l/WND
(George Orwell predicted what a godless
socialist/Marxist world would be like ...)
Worker Fired For Insulting Bin Laden...Could Have
Offended Muslims
Survey Shows Only 9% of Christians Believe in Biblical
--WND ("Narrow is the gate and
difficult is the way to life [in Heaven] and few will find it ...")
EU Warns Israel Against "Invading" Palestinian Territory With Barrier
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome
will rise again)
Homosexual Who Ate His Victim in Germany Says 'Victim Was Willing'
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...violence
and gross corruption/morality in 'the last days')
Chinese Military Ready For "Necessary" Casualties over Taiwan
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
and allies)
Next Deadly Flu 'Pandemic' Could Wreak Global Havoc,
Scientists Warn...
--Drudge Report/USA Today (Prophecies
... Deadly diseases spreading)
Geneva 'Peace' Ceremony Becomes Forum for Slamming
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...a 'peace plan'
will be enforced upon Israel)
Ex-President Jimmy Carter Slams Israel in Geneva Speech
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...a 'peace plan'
will be enforced upon Israel)
Will the UN Take Control Over the Internet?
--WND (Prophecies
of the coming Anti-christ)
Taiwan Leader Says China Has 496 Ballistic Missiles
Aimed at Taiwan
--WND/Taipei Times
and allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
China Warns Taiwan 'Extremists' ...
--Koenig Int'l/Reuters
and allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Powell Implicitly Warns Russia Over Support for Georgian Separatists
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia)
Biggest Iraq Battle Since Saddam's Fall
--WND/Fox News (Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
will be wars and rumors of war')
World Leaders For 'Geneva Accord' Peace Plan Launch
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...a 'peace plan'
will be enforced upon Israel)
NATO Discusses New EU (European Union) Defense Plans
--BBC News (Prophecies...Europe/Rome
will rise again)
New High For Euro as Dollar Falls
--BBC News (Prophecies...Europe/Rome
will rise again)
Earthquake in China Kills at Least 11
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in 'diverse places')
Strong Earthquake Hits Papua New Guinea
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in 'diverse places')
U.S. Sources - Powell to Meet with 'Geneva Accord'
--Koenig Int'l (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...a 'peace plan'
will be enforced upon Israel)
The 'Geneva Accord' Sellout of Israel
--Koenig/Charles Krauthammer (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...a 'peace plan'
will be enforced upon Israel)
US Questions EU Defense Deal ... Requests Clarification
--WND/London Telegraph
will rise again)
Japan PM Outraged at Killing of Two Diplomats by Islamics in Iraq
--AFP (Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
California Law Requires $78 'Trapping Fee' to Catch
(We laugh, but this helps show how deeply the
freedoms of this nation have been eroded)
Official Says Islamic al-Qaida 'Plotting Something Big'
Against US
--WND/USA Today (Islamic Terror)
(Terrorists are the military arm of Islam)
Britain In Secret 'European Union' (EU) Army Deal With
Germany, France
--Drudge/Telegraph (UK) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
re-unite and rise in power again)
EU Constitution Talks Strike Deal on 'Commission'
--AFP (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
re-unite and rise in power again)
Powell Urges Start of Mideast (Israel) Peace Plan
--Koenig Int'l/AP (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...a 'peace plan'
will be enforced upon Israel)
U.S. Lawmakers Urge Bush to Adopt Unofficial 'Peace
Plans' For Israel
--Koenig Int'l/Ha'aretz (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...a 'peace plan'
will be enforced upon Israel)
Ex-CIA Director Says Europe's Hatred of Jews is
Threatening Rule of Law
--WND (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
re-unite and rise in power again)
Vatican Gives Dalai Lama Visit Low Profile
--Koenig/Reuters (Prophecies
of the coming Anti-christ...a 'one-world' religion will rise out of Rome)
US Troops in Iraq Cheer Surprise Bush Visit
Official in Canada Fired For Anti-Homosexual Remarks
--WND/Ottawa Citizen (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral corruption in 'the last days')
UN Urges Israel To Destroy Nuclear Weapons
--Reuters (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...the Apocalypse prolog)
Mayo Clinic Official Predicts Worst Flu Season in 30
--Koenig Int'l/USA Today
Preachers of Hate ... Islam and the War on America
--Koenig Int'l/Kenneth Timmerman (Islamic Terror)
(Terrorists are the army of Islam)
Abraham Lincoln's 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation and
--Koenig Int'l/Bill Koenig
Thanksgiving and the True Story of Squanto
--Koenig Int'l/The 700 Club
Canada Prepares to Enforce Islamic Law
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise and lead many
away from Heaven)
Prize Winning UK Cartoon Shows Israeli PM Eating
Palestinian Babies
--WND (The Bible warns the world
will violently turn against Israel and the Jews)
Union' (EU) Redraft Would Deny Britain of Foreign Policy Veto
--London Telegraph (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
re-unite and rise in power again)
EU Army Being Pushed By France Would Be Direct Challenge
to US ...
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
re-unite and rise in power again)
China Warns U.S. Over 'Ambiguous' Stand on Taiwan
--Koenig Int'l/Reuters
and allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Red Cross Stores Bar All 'Christian' Decor and Nativity
--Koenig Int'l/WND
and Christians will be hated)
Thousands of Red Cross Workers Hit by AIDS...
--Drudge Report/Ananova (Prophecies
... Deadly diseases spreading)
Interview With A Former Russian
Combat Soldier . .
--Pravda (Russia)
Russia 'Cheated' Israel As Roadmap 'Peace Plan' Approved
in UN
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...a 'peace plan')
Chinese Police Arresting Christians Who Own Bibles
and Christians will be hated) (Prophecies...China
and allies)
UN Watchdog Condemns Iranian Nuclear Program, But No Threat of Sanctions
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran)
Syrian Defense Minister Inspects Syrian Army Formations
in Lebanon
--Arabic News (Prophecies...Syria)
Administration Pressuring Israel
--Koenig Int'l (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns the world would turn against the Jews in
'the last days')
U.N. - Global AIDS Epidemic Rampant and Deadly
--Drudge Report/Reuters (Prophecies
... Deadly diseases spreading)
HIV/AIDS Secrecy Proving Deadly...
--WND/NY Times
(Prophecies ... Diseases) (AIDS is the first 'politically
protected' deadly disease ever in the US)
England and France Defend 'European Union' Military
--WND/BBC News
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise)
US, Europe Condemn Iran Nuclear Program But Don't Do Anything
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran)
(Israel says a nuclear Iran will threaten their existence)
Sun Is Going Haywire'
(..."and there will be signs in the sun and the
Report: al-Qaida Warns Islamics of Major Upcoming
Attack Against the US
--Debkafile (Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Woman Stranded, Wounded in
Sub-Zero Temperatures 'Saved by Angels'
Iran Vows - 'No' to Decisions 'Suppressing' Its 'Nuclear
Energy Rights'
--Arabic News (Prophecies...Iran)
Islamic Attackers in Iraq Kill and Then Brutalize Two
American Soldiers
--Koenig Int'l/AP (Islamic Terror)
Islamic Chemical Attack Foiled in the UK
(Islamic Terror)
(Through immigration Islam is now deeply rooted in the
UK and Europe)
UK Muslims (Islamics) Outraged When Asked to Condemn
--WND (Islamic Terror)
(Terrorists are the army of Islam ... and they now waging
a bloody global war)
European Union Buries Anti-Semitism Report Because It Blames Moslems
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise)
(The Bible warns the world will unite against Israel)
Injectable Bio-Chip Implant for
'Cashless' Transactions Announced
--WND (Prophecies
of the coming Anti-christ)
China Warns US Against Sending 'Wrong Signals' to Taiwan ...
--AFP (France)
and allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
China Shuts Down 125 Churches...Cutting Off 3000
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
and allies)
China Threatens Taiwan With Force
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times
and allies)
North Korean Spies and Saboteurs Infiltrating South...
--Drudge Report/Washington Times
and allies)
Islamic Suicide Bombings Kill 18 Iraqis
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
Morocco Stops New Wave of Islamic Bombings
--World Tribune (Islamic Terror)
World Alert on Islamic 'Cars of Death' Terror Attacks
--Koenig Int'l/Guardian (UK) (Islamic Terror)
Russia Identified as Main Nuclear Provider to Iran
--Associated Press (Prophecies...Russia
and Iran)
Syphilis Increase Among Homosexuals Sparks AIDS
--Drudge Report/UPI (Warnings...homosexuality)
... deadly diseases will spread)
Islamic TV Depicts Jews Eating Christian Child's Blood
--WND (Millions of believing
Christians and Jews will be slaughtered under a coming world leader)
UN Security Council Votes Unanimously to Adopt
Roadmap 'Peace Plan'
(Prophecies...a 'peace plan')
(Prophecies...Russia) (Russia sponsored this...where's the
Israel Vows to Ignore UN Resolution on Roadmap 'Peace Plan'
--AFP (France)
( enforced 'peace plan' will signal the end)
(Prophecies...the Anti-christ)
Massive Blasts Kill At Least 25
and Injure 400 In Istanbul
--WND (Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
County Rejects Acknowledging 'God' in Foundation of
Massachusetts' Supreme Court Rules for Homosexual
--Koenig/Fox (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral corruption in 'the last days')
Homosexual Marriage Ruling's Consequences Could Be
--Koenig/WND (The
Bible says the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah were given as warnings ...)
Iran Will Not Accept Any Further Demands on Nuclear Enrichment
Israeli Defense Chief Warning on Iran ... 'The Point of
No Return'
--Ha'aretz Daily
(Prophecies...the Apocalypse prolog)
Islamic Mom Kills Raped Daughter to 'Restore Honor'
of this generation)
(Islam is a religion of darkness filled with
hate, anger, and fear ...)
Rumsfeld Says US Would Use 'Nuclear Forces' to Protect
S. Korea
--Washington Times
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
coming 'Apocalypse')
Union' Defense Agency Aims to Boost Military Muscle
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise in power)
(Prophecies...the 'Anti-christ')
Mossad Chief - 40 Global Terror Warnings on Jews,
--Koenig Int'l (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns the world will turn against the Jews in
'the last days')
Israeli Intelligence Chief - A Nuclear Iran is The
'Worst Threat to Israel in History'
--Ha'aretz Daily
(Prophecies...the Apocalypse prolog)
Israeli Chief of Staff Delivers New Warning to Syria
Israeli Bombers Over Lebanon Hoping to Prevent
"Jerusalem Day" Attack
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
US Troops in Iraq Nab One of the Leaders Behind Attacks,
--WND/Associated Press
FCC Approves "F" Word on TV and Radio
--Koenig Int'l/AFA Alert
of this generation...moral corruption, violence, and Armageddon)
Disney's New Santa Drinks, Robs, Swears And Has Sex...
--Drudge Report (Prophecies
of this generation...moral corruption, violence, and Armageddon)
Large 7.5 Earth Quake Shakes Alaska, Tsunami Warning in
--Koenig Int'l/EDIS/OES
(Prophecies...There will be earthquakes in
diverse places)
2 Black Hawks Crash in Northern Iraq, Killing 17
--Koenig Int'l
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Many Diaspora Jews Fear for the
--Koenig/Daniel Ben Simon
(The Bible warns a terrible time is coming for them)
Official Calls for Jews to 'Come
Home' to Israel After Terror in Turkey
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Israel back as a nation is a miracle and a great
prophetic sign ...)
Israeli Commentary
... 'Israels Big Lie'
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(The Bible warns clearly there will be no
lasting peace in Israel until Messiah [Jesus] returns)
Intelligence Memo Links Saddam Hussein With Bin Laden
(That's not much of a surprise ...)
AIDS is One of Africa's 'Greatest Fears'
--BBC News
... deadly diseases will spread)
AIDS May Sweep Through Asia
--BBC News
... deadly diseases will spread)
New Computer Virus Disguised as PayPal E-mail
--Koenig Int'l/MSNBC
Senate Democrats Succeed in Blocking Bush's 3 Judicial
--WND (The
Democrats are waging a determined socialist/marxist war against Democracy and freedom ...)
24 Dead in Bomb Blasts at 2 Jewish Synagogues in
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel) (Islamic Terror)
At Least Twelve dead, 10 Seriously Injured in Queen Mary II Accident
Iranian Women Sentenced to 50 Lashes for 'Undermining' Ramadan
--AFP (Islamic Terror)
(Islam is a religion of darkness filled with hate, anger, and
French Official Says Fire at Jewish School Likely an
anti-Jewish Act
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(The Bible warns the world will turn against the Jews in
'the last days')
Alabama Ousts Judge for Displaying
the 10 Commandments
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
US To Spend $157 Million to 'Improve' Muslim (Islamic)
Schools in Indonesia
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise and lead many away from Heaven)
Muslim (Islamic) Chaplain Allowed to Display Quran at
NYPD Headquarters
(Islamic Terror)
(Yet we condemn and fire a judge who supported the 10
Abercrombie & Fitch Catalog Articles Pushes Porn and
Group Sex for Teens
--WND (Prophecies
of the generation of which will draw us down into the terrors of the
China and India Conduct First Joint Naval Exercises
and allies)
Freak Hail Storm Buries Parts of Los Angeles
--Associated Press
Biggest Solar Flare Ever Recorded, Confounded Solar
--Koenig Int'l/Guardian
Greek Composer Calls Jews 'Root of All Evil' at Official
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns the world will turn against the Jews in
'the last days')
Bush Cheers Homosexual Church
--WND (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral corruption in 'the last days')
Police Beat Christian To Death
at 'Re-education' Camp
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
17% Think it Best if Israel 'Ceased to Exist' ... Jews
'Not Real Italians'
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies say that Rome/Europe will rise once more against the Jews)
At Least 22 Italians Killed in
Bomb Attack on Base in Iraq
--Koenig Int'l
(Those who bless Israel shall be blessed and those who curse Israel shall be
6.5 Mag Earthquake Shakes Tokyo
--Koenig Int'l/Reuters
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
Japan's Navy Spots Chinese Submarine Off Coast...
--Drudge Report/Local 6
and allies)
Judge Who Supported the 10 Commandments May be Fired
--WND (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days') (The Bible says
'woe to those who call good evil')
Official PA Publication Depicts Jews as Threat to Entire
(Prophecies...Lying and being deceived will characterize the 'end times')
Saudi Sheik Says 'Slavery is Part of Islam'
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
Israel Intelligence Update ...
(The Bible warns the world would turn against Israel 'in the
last days')
to Withdraw 5,000 Troops From Lebanon
has occupied Lebanon for about 20 years)
US Sec'y Powell Says Road Map 'Peace Plan' for Israel is
'Only Way to Go'
--Koenig/Jerusalem Post
(Prophecies...a coming 'peace plan' enforced upon Israel will signal the end)
Russian FM Ivanov Says 'No Alternative' to Road Map 'Peace
--Koenig Int'l/Ha'aretz
(Prophecies...a coming 'peace treaty' will signal the end)
Lunar Eclipse Report...Red Moon Dives Behind Earth
--BBC News
Islamic Suicide Bomb Kill At Least Ten in Saudi Arabia
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Saddam's Legacy ... 300,000 Iraqis May Be in Mass Graves
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
(...yet, most Islamic nations still support him.)
CIA Says North Korea's Nuclear Weapons are Now
--WND/New York Times
and allies)
Set Sights on Jerusalem
--Koenig/Stan Goodenah (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...corruption in 'the last days')
Christian's Under Deadly Persecution Will Be Focus of
Global Prayer
--WND (Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Court Rules Homosexual Sex is Not Adultery
(Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral
corruption in 'the last days')
Islamic Kills Daughter Because of Her Relationship with
Christian Boy
(Prophecies...False prophets)
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
County Sells
89 Year Old Widows' Farm For Missing One $572 Tax Bill
--Harrisburg Patriot-News, Pennsylvania (This
is what a 'Godless' government will do)
Total Eclipse of the Moon Tonight at 8:06 PM EST
--Fox News
Six US Soldiers Dead as Blackhawk Crashes in Iraq
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
New Evidence Reveals A Much Larger 9-11 Islamic Plot and
--WND (Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
3rd Judge Blocks Partial Abortion
(God judged Israel because they were
sacrificing their babies to a god of pleasure and convenience)
Lunar Eclipse to Turn Moon Red - Latest in String of
Cosmic Shows
--Koenig Int'l/CNN
("...and there shall be signs in the sun and
the moon ...")
Two U.S. Soldiers Killed in Separate Iraq Incidents
--Fox News
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Sun Produces Monster New Solar Flare...Largest Ever
--Drudge Report/BBC News
("...and there shall be signs in the sun and
the moon ...")
North Korea Will Block U.S. From Its Nuclear Sites
--Koenig Int'l/CNN
and allies)
Sun Unleashes Three More Major Flares...Historical
Amount of Solar Activity
--Drudge Report/
Advisors Tell Bush 'Squeezing Israel' Will Save US Lives
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Newswire
European Union To Keep Up Pressure on 'Members in Waiting'
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise in power)
Christian TV Programs Pulled...Said 'Tone' Incited
'Hatred' of Islamics
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Oprah Winfrey Hails Celebrity Lesbian Marriage
--WND (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral
corruption in 'the last days')
Mystery Weapon Destroys US Tank in Iraq
Christian 'Prayer Journal' Leads to Prison in China
and allies)
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Saudi Arabia Thwarts Al-Qaeda Plot to Kill Other Islamic Pilgrims at Mecca
--AFP (Islamic Terror)
(The Islamic way is a way of hate, anger, and great darkness)
New al-Qaida Threat Warns Islamics to Leave New York, Washington, and L.A.
--Debkafile (Israel) (Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Homosexual Who Left Wife and Family Elevated to
Episcopalian Bishop
(Prophecies...Corrupt churches/leaders) (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral
Afghanistan to Become Islamic Republic
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
US Chopper Transporting Troops to R&R Leave Shot Down in
--WND/Associated Press
Saudi Defense Minister Denounces 'Smear Campaign'
Against Islam
--WND/Arab News
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
13 Year Old Girl Surfer in Hawaii Loses Arm in Shark
US Episcopalians Set to Appoint First Homosexual Bishop
(Prophecies...Corrupt churches/leaders) (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral
Grasshopper Swarm Leaves 11 Dead...
--Drudge Report/SMH
(Islamics in Sudan have murdered, raped, and
burned alive over 2,000,000 Christians)
China Plans to Launch Moon Probe...
--Drudge Report/Xinhua (China)
and travel will increase 'at the time of the end')
European Union Poll Says 'Israel the Biggest Threat to
World Peace'
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise in power)
(We're getting close...)
Israeli Leader Flies
to Moscow to Counter Russian 'Roadmap' Offensive
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...a coming 'peace treaty' will signal the end)
European Union Slams Turkey's Failings, Sparking Ankara Anger
--AFP (France)
and allies) (It appears from prophecy Turkey will join this
China's Rising Military Star Also Heads Space Program
--World Tribune
and allies)
North Korea Conducts Second Flight Test of Cruise
--World Tribune
and allies)
Consecration of Homosexual Bishop Looms
(Prophecies...Corrupt churches/leaders) (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral
Malaysian Leader to Jews - "You are
not the Chosen People"
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns the world will turn against the Jews/Israel)
Judge Warns Christian Mom Not to Expose Daughter to Idea
Homosexuality Wrong
(Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral
corruption in 'the last days')
Supreme Court Justice Says US Must Rely More on
Foreign Law
(The sanctity of our Constitution and rule of Law
has been discarded as we prepare for the coming Anti-christ)
Agency Reports 35 - 40 Countries Able to Make Nuclear Weapons
--WND/Agence France-Presse
(Prophecies of the Apocalypse)
China Convicts Eight of 'Subverting State Power'
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
Christians Arrested and Women Raped in Egyptian/Islamic
(Prophecies...Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Massive Boston Mosque Project Tied to Islamic Terror
(Prophecies...Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...False Prophets would rise)
Bush Celebrates Islamic Ramadan at White House
--Drudge Report/AFP
(Prophecies...Islamic Terror)
Firefighter Saves News Crew...TV Truck Burned
--WND/Hollywood Reporter
Moscow Banning Pagan Halloween
(Halloween is another occultic ritual spread
and nurtured by the Catholic church)
Israel and US to Fund Laser That Shoots Down Rockets
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post
Members Plan 'Dismantling' of Israel Thru Internationall Control
--Debkafile (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...Europe will rise)
(Prophecies...the Anti-christ)
Israel Intercepts Show Syria Ordered Attacks on Israel
Border Guards
--WND/World Tribune
1st Strike? France Aims Nuclear Missiles at 'Rogue
--WND/London Telegraph
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
North Korea Sends 400 Ballistic Missiles to Islamic
Nations in Mideast
--WND/World Tribune
Islamic Bombs and Suicides in Baghdad Kill At Least 34, Hurt 224
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
13 Die, 850 Homes Burn in California Fire
Crisis Grips Russia After Arrest of Tycoon, Critic of the Government
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia)
(Russia is quickly consolidating power ...)
China Arrests a Dozen Roman Catholic Priests
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China) (China is quickly
consolidating power ...)
China Issues a 'Stern Warning' to Taiwan
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
California Wildfires Consume 250 Homes
--Fox News
Rockets Hit Baghdad Hotel Where Wolfowitz Was Staying
--Koenig Int'l
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Twin Earthquakes Hit China; At Least Eight Dead
--Koenig Int'l/Fox News
(Prophecies...Earthquakes 'in diverse places')
Syria Threatens to Attack Israel's Golan Settlers if
Israel Strikes Again...
--Drudge Report/Telegraph.UK
Illegal Immigration Helps Democrats Gain Seats from
--WND (Democracy is dead when one
person or group is protected from the laws passed by the people)
Strange UFO Spotted in Colorado
New Nuclear Site Found in Iran
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
Russia Opens New Air Force Base in Kyrgyzstan
--Moscow Times (Prophecies...Russia, Iran,
and allies will invade Israel)
Study Says Most Americans Believe They Are Going to
Heaven ... Only One Half of 1 Percent
Think They Are Hell-Bound...
--Drudge Report/Sun-Sentinel
(The Bible says only those who confess they
have sinned, believe that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for all of their
sins, was buried, and then raised from the dead, and have sincerely asked
Jesus Christ into their life as their personal Lord and Savior will go to
Heaven ... all the rest we are told will spend eternity in the darkness and
torment of Hell. God's/Jesus' offer of life in Heaven is free and
available to every boy, girl, man, and woman in the world simply need
to receive and accept the offer and believe in the One who paid the price for
you. The Kingdom of Heaven has a King ... and He lovingly lowered
Himself even lower than the angels to die and suffer for our sins.
People who scoff at that or don't sincerely believe that will have no place in
His Kingdom of Heaven.)
The Islamic Nuclear Weapons Threat
is Real and Is Growing ...
--WND/Hal Lindsey
Prophets would rise)
Russia-Ukraine Island Dispute Threatens to Escalate
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia)
LA to Help Finance Retirement Home for Homosexuals
(Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral
corruption in 'the last days')
Kennedy Hires Leading Homosexual
Spokesman as
Press Chief
(The Bible says Sodom and Gomorrah were given as warnings)
United Nations Orders Israel to Halt Protective Wall
--WND/Reuters (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns in 'the last days' all nations will
turn against Israel)
Defiant Israel Vows to Press On With Barrier Despite UN Resolution
--AFP (France)
(The Bible warns in 'the last days' all nations will
turn against Israel)
Britain to Introduce Compulsory National ID Card,
Calls It a 'Valuable Step',,,
--Koenig Int'l/EU Business
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise in power)
(Prophecies...the 'Anti-christ')
Global Homosexual Event Targets Jerusalem
(Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral
corruption in 'the last days')
Islamic Pakistan and Saudi Arabia in Nuclear Pact
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
Islamic Terrorists Recruiting in Indonesia
--WND/CBS News
(Islamic Terror)
(Indonesia is now the world's most populous Islamic
Homosexual Episcopalian Bishop Says 'Only God Can Stop
of churches/leaders in 'the last days') (Warnings...homosexuality)
Flesh-Eating Infection Strikes Fishermen, Surfer in
Florida ...
--Drudge Report/Local 6 News
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases spreading)
CBS Caught Lying in Reagan AIDS Smear
and deceiving will grow worse and worse in 'the last days')
French Rabbi Attacked ...
--WND/BBC News
(The Bible warns we will see the world turn against the
Israeli Raids Against Islamic Terrorists Kill 10, Wound
--Koenig Int'l/AP (Prophecies...Israel) (Islamic Terror)
Islamic Insurrection Bloodies Kashmir
--Koenig Int'l/CBN
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Malaysian PMīs Speech Also Outlines Plan To Destroy Israel
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
Prophets would rise)
US Presses Europe over European Union's Rising Defense Plans
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite as a world
empire in 'the last days')
Laser Technology - Warfare At the Speed of Light
--Koenig Int'l/Oakland Tribune
(Prophecies...Knowledge, travel will increase 'at the time of the end')
Homosexual Agenda Promoted by Churches and Schools -
Paul Strand, CBN
--Koenig Int'l/CBN
(Prophecies...We will see corrupt churches/leaders) (Warnings...homosexuality)
Syria Boasts of 'Deep-Rooted' Relations Between Syria
and China
--Arabic News
Iran Voices Support For Syria
--Arabic News
'Imminent' Attack Threatens Jews in the UK
'Scariest Time for Jews Since the
(The Bible says the next 'Holocaust' won't be confined to
Discovery of Purple
Frog Delights Scientists...
--Drudge Report/BBC News
Some Sick and Wounded US Troops Being Held in Squalor
--WND/UPI (These troops
should have the finest care available in this country)
France Warns Against Any Action Against Iran
--WND/London Guardian
Horrific ...Teens Turn Boy Into Human Torch
--WND/Tasmanian Mercury
(Prophecies of the generation of 'the last days')
Muslims Rally Around Malaysian PM Over His Attack on Jews
--AFP (France)
(God said He would bless those who bless them and curse those
who curse them)
Islamic Palestinians Burn and Damage 'Joseph's Tomb' in
--WND/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
Islamic Summit Calls for Unity Against 'Jewish Control'
of World
--Koenig Int'l/Ha'aretz (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
Four U.S. Troops Killed in Iraq
--Koenig Int'l
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Chinese Spacecraft Also Conducted Intelligence-Gathering
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times
Anglicans Warn of Split in Church if Homosexual Bishop is Consecrated
--Koenig Int'l/NY Times
(Bible warnings...homosexuality)
(Prophecies...Corrupt churches/leaders)
Israelis Say Temple Mount is More Important Than Peace
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible says Israel will build a new Temple on the Mount)
Islamic Summit Opens With Call to Unite Against Jewish
'Control' of the World
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
Kofi Annan Warns Against Rising Hostility Between Islam and the West
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
(Islam has hostility against all non-Islamics ...)
China Completes First Manned Space Flight
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Knowledge, travel will increase 'at the time of the end')
European Union Leaders Convene to Tackle European Constitution
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite as a world
empire in 'the last days')
Deadly Blast Rocks US Diplomatic Convoy in Gaza
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
North Korea Rejects South Korean Call for New Talks
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
China Puts Man in Space
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Knowledge, travel will increase 'at the time of the end')
Plague of Virulent 'Anti-Semitism'
Sweeping the Globe
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
(God said He would bless those who bless them and curse
those who curse them)
European Union (EU) Viewed by China as World Power to
Rival US...
--Drudge Report/London Telegraph
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite)
California Governor Davis Signs Homosexual Benefit Bill
--Koenig Int'l/Fox News
(Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral
corruption in 'the last days')
Bin Laden's Son Helping to Run Islamic Terror From Iran
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
Iranian Force Has Long Ties to Al Qaeda
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Post
(Islamic Terror)
Iran Denies Hiding Nuclear Facilities
--Koenig Int'l/Reuters
(Islamic Terror)
New Israel 'Peace Draft' Includes Islamic Rule on Temple
--Drudge Report/Ha'aretz
(Prophecies...a coming 'peace plan')
(Prophecies...the 'Anti-christ')
Venezuela Accused of Links With Islamic
Militant/Terrorist Groups
--WND/UPI (Venezuela is now a
Marxist/Leninist gov't with close ties to Cuba, Iran, Russia, and China)
US Accuses Syria of Stashing $3 Billion of Saddam's Cash
--WND/London Telegraph
Russia Prepared to Stage Pre-Emptive Nuclear Strikes
--WND/Sydney Morning Herald
Angry Islamic States Tell US to Get Out of Iraq, Condemn Israel
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...False prophets)
(Islam is a religion of darkness filled with hate, anger, and
Israel Adds Submarines to Nuclear Capabilities
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...Apocalypse prolog)
(Prophecies...the coming 'Apocalypse')
Iranian/Syrian-Backed Terrorists Vow to Open New Front
Against Israel
--WND/London Telegraph (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Syria Warns Israel ...
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
European Union Blames Both Israel,
Palestinians for 'Road Map' Deadlock
(Prophecies...a coming 'peace plan') (The stage is set for
this 'peace plan' to be enforced upon Israel)
Saudis Fear Iranian Nuclear Weapons Threat
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
City Official (a Transvestite) Wants Christ Out of
Homeless Center
--WND (Prophecies...moral
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Islamic Conference Urges 'Eviction' of 'Foreign Forces' from Iraq
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
(Islam is a religion of darkness filled with hate, anger, and
Thousands of Egyptians Demonstrated in Solidarity With
Syria Against Israel
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
2 US Soldiers Dead, 4 Wounded in
Baghdad Attack
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
FBI: Despite Shortage, Jews Need Not Apply for
Arabic Linguist Jobs
Ancient Paw Found Frozen in Siberia...Similar to
'Abominable Snowman'
--WND/Sky News
20 Pregnant Cows Struck Dead By Lightning Under Tree in
--Associated Press
Why Broken Hearts Hurt So Much...May Affect Brain as
Much as Physical Pain
--WND/London Telegraph (Jesus/God
has special promises for those who come to Him with broken hearts)
Russia Does Not Dismiss the Use of Nuclear Weapons in a
'Preventive Strike'
--Pravda (Russia)
Changing the Balance of European Military Force
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite)
New World Order...UN Tells Canada to Outlaw 'Spanking'
European Union Warns Israel About Building Separation
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite)
NATO Chiefs Mount 'Anti-Terror' Exercise
--WND/AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite)
(NATO is becoming a world police force)
Taiwan Warns China Is Preparing For 'Paralysis Warfare'
--WND/Taipei Times
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Russia May Ditch the Dollar and
Start Setting Oil Prices in 'Euros'
--WND/Moscow Times
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite)
US State Department Seeks to Restrain Israel
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times
(The Bible warns all nations will turn against Israel)
Episcopal Church Faces Split on Homosexual Bishop Issue
(Prophecies...Corrupt churches/leaders) (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral
A Commentary on The Impending Judgment of America
--Koenig Int'l/Jerry Robinson
(God told Noah He would destroy the world
for moral corruption and violence)
Syria Says Ready to Fight if Israel Attacks Again
--Koenig Int'l
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Israel Heightens Alert Against Possible Terrorist Attack
--Koenig Int'l
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Russia Calls For 'Conference' on Israel...Wants to
Implement 'Road Map'
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post
(Prophecies...a coming 'peace plan')
Pakistan Test Fires Nuclear-Capable Missile
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Schwarzenegger Wins California Election in a Landslide
3 US Soldiers Killed in Central Iraq
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Islamic Palestinian PM Will Not Stop Terror Against
--WND (Prophecies...Israel) (Islamic Terror)
(Islam is a religion of darkness filled with hate, anger, and
Israel Won't Rule Out Another Attack in Syria
--Koenig Int'l
(Prophecies...Syria) (Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Pope Travels to Pompeii to Pray at Shrine of the Virgin Mary
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Corruption of churches)
(A 'Queen of Heaven' comes from Babylon, not the Bible)
Chinese Premier Says Manned Space Flight "Very Soon"
--AFP (France)
and travel will increase 'at the time of the end')
Islamic Family 'Proud' of Daughter Who Killed 19 With
Suicide Bomb
--WND/AFP (Islamic Terror)
(Islam is a religion of darkness filled with hate, anger, and
Emergency UN Meeting Over Israel Strike of Terrorist
Camp in Syria
(No UN Emergency meetings over Islamics who have murdered and
tortured millions ...)
Israel: Yom Kippur Fast Underway, Security on High
Alert for More Attacks
--Ha'aretz (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
L.A. Times Faces Anger for Schwarzenegger Coverage...
--Drudge Report
(Prophecies...Lying and deception in 'the last days')
Israel Air Force Strikes at Terrorist Camp Deep Inside
--Ha'aretz (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Syria to Complain to UN Over Israeli Air Raid
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Israelis Head Into Holy Day Mourning Dead
--AP (Prophecies...Israel) (Islamic Terror)
(Islam is a religion of darkness filled with hate, anger, and
Israel Could Launch New Attacks on Syria If They Continue to Harbor Terrorists
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
European Leaders Begin Talks Over
New 'European Union' Constitution
--Koenig Int'l/ABC
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite)
(Prophecies...the Anti-christ)
Roman Catholic Pope Names New 'Saints'...Brings His
Total to 476
(Prophecies...Corruption of churches)
(The Bible says all believing Christians are saints and there are
Factory Closures and Moves Overseas Devastate Middle America
Israel: Islamic Suicide Bomb Kills At Least 18 in
Crowded Restaurant
--WND/Ha'aretz (Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Palestinian's Complaining to UN About Israel's Security
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...Israel)
European Union (EU) Says Constitution 'Vital Step' for 'Future World Role'
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite)
(Prophecies...the Anti-christ)
Beefing Up ICBM (Ballistic Missile) Capacity
--Koenig Int'l/Moscow Times
US Offers Money to Help Reduce Number of Islamic
Terrorist Schools in Indonesia
--WND/Weekend Australian
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
Jihad - Islamics Have Penetrated U.S. Prisons, Law
Enforcement, and Military
--Koenig Int'l/Daniel Pipes
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
Tiger Attacks 'Roy' of 'Siegfried and Roy'...Suffers
Massive Blood Loss
Russian Warnings on NATO
--Pravda (Russia)
Pentagon Says Islamic Terrorists May Be Infiltrating US
--Koenig Int'l/Fox News
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
Islamic Pakistan Test Fires Nuclear-Capable Missile
--Koenig Int'l/Fox News
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war') (Prophecies...Apocalypse
Spreading Islamic Fundamentalism in U.S.
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Post
prophets would rise)
North Korea - 'We're Making Atomic Bombs'
--Koenig Int'l
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
China's Military Buildup Ignored During US War on Terror
--Koenig Int'l/WND
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
US Communist Party to Support Democrats
--WND (Most Democrat
politicians are Marxist Socialists so their is no real difference)
EU Seeks to Avoid Clash Over New European Army Military HQ Plans
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite)
US Sec'y of State Powell Says Jewish 'Settlement
Activity Must End'
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post
(Study the prophecies...we are getting close)
US Pressure Forces Israel to Exclude City of Ariel From Safety Fence Route
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Built out of nothing, the city of Ariel is now a wonderful
European Union (EU) As Divided as Ever on
--Koenig Int'l/EU Observer
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite)
(Prophecies...the Anti-christ)
Episcopal Leader Defends Ordaining Homosexual
--Fox News
(Prophecies...Corrupt churches/leaders) (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral
US Soldier Killed, 2 Wounded in Afghanistan
--WND/Fox News
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
New Law Could Give Illegals Right to Vote
--WND (Democracy is dead when one
person or group is protected from the laws passed by the people)
North Korea Has No Interest In Talks, Wants More Nuclear Weapons
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Iran Putting Spies in Iraq to Foment Unrest
--WND/London Telegraph
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies will attack Israel)
EU FMs to Meet on Mideast, Say Arafat is 'Sole Leader' of
--Koenig Int'l/Ha'aretz
(Prophecies...Europe/Roman Empire will re-unite and rise
in power)
Abortions In Israel
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(God judged [and will judge] Israel for
sacrificing children for pleasure and convenience)
Iran Rules Out Compromise on Uranium Enrichment
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies will attack Israel)
Ukraine Warns US of Nuclear Terror Threat
Waiting for 'the Big One' ... Russian, Chinese,
Terrorist Ties
--JR Nyquist
(Prophecies...Russia/allies) (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Islamic Terror)
European Space Agency's First Moon
Mission Blasts Off
--Associated Press
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the
last days')
Italy Plunged Into Darkness After Mammoth Power Outage
--AFP (France)
Wars and Rumors of War ... The
Weapons of Future Wars
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...the Coming Apocalypse)
Meets...Says Israeli Security Fence Route is 'Great Concern'
--Koenig Int'l
('Quartet' is Russia, UN, EU, and the US)
Palestinian Guns Down Israeli and Baby Girl
(Islamic terror)
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
(This is why Israel wants a 'Security Fence')
Islamic Terrorist Yasser Arafat Puts Together New
'Palestinian' Cabinet
--AP (Arafat
was the first to hijack airplanes, murder Olympians, use suicide
bombers... and he is Egyptian)
Investigation to Look at Recruitment of Islamic
Chaplains For U.S. Military
--WND/Insight (Prophecies...False
prophets would rise and many will follow)
(Islamic terror)
Democracy Is 'Receding' in Russia
--Koenig Int'l/MSNBC
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will attack Israel)
7.5 Earthquake Hits Siberia, Russia
--Drudge Report/USGS
(Prophecies...Earthquakes 'in diverse places')
Leaders of Brazil and Cuba Sign Accords
(Brazil and Venezuela now have anti-US
Leninist/Marxist governments and leaders)
Venezuela's Leader Chavez Wants to Outlaw Protests
Against His Gov't
--NewsMax (China
and Russia are quickly executing their plan for a 'multi-polar' anti-US world)
Casts Shadow Over US-Russian Summit
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies)
Israel Considers Strike Against
Iran Nuclear Sites
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
Massive 8.0 Earthquake Hits Northern Japan; 479 People Reported Hurt
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Earthquakes 'in diverse places')
State of Washington Officials Declare 'Jesus' is
Forbidden Word
(Prophecies...Jesus and Christians will be hated)
European Union to Expand Rights of Homosexuals
--AFP (France) (Bible warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral
corruption in 'the last days')
Federal Court Rules Against National "Do-Not-Call
--Fox News
Islamic Group Hamas Leader Rules out Truce with Israel
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
(There will be no lasting peace in Israel until
Jesus, the Messiah, returns)
Thailand Admits Plot to Attack Israeli Airliner in Bangkok
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Israel is the focus and the key to understanding
prophecy ...)
Leaders of China, Russia, and Central Asia Begin Talks in Beijing
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Allies) (Prophecies...China/allies)
Iran Presses on With Uranium Enrichment
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies)
North Korea Rejects Calls to Dismantle Its Nuclear Program
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China/allies)
Christians Helping Sick and Discarded Children in Africa's AIDS 'Pandemic'
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases) (20,000,000 dead and
30,000,000 more infected in Africa)
Iran Flaunts Ballistic Missiles on Iraq War Anniversary
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Original 9/11 Plan Had 10 Jets Targeting Both Coasts
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times (Islamic Terror)
NASA Crashes Galileo Spacecraft into Jupiter to Avoid
Contaminating Moons
--BBC News
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the
last days')
UN Says World Falls Far Short of Goals to Fight
AIDS Epidemic
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases spreading)
Strong Earthquake Shakes Dominican Republic
(Prophecies...Earthquakes 'in diverse places')
Earthquake Shakes Northern Pakistan
(Prophecies...Earthquakes 'in diverse places')
US soldiers Killed in Iraq
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
US Islamic Chaplain Charged With Espionage
(Prophecies...False prophets would deceive many)
Egypt Attempts to Close a Christian Church
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Bush Renews 'Area 51' Secrecy Order
California Governor Signs Law Giving Homosexuals Most
Marriage Rights
--Koenig Int'l/AP (Bible warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral
corruption in 'the last days')
United Nations Condemns Israel's Threats on Arafat
--Koenig Int'l/AP (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns all nations will turn against Israel 'in the
last days')
Strong Earthquake Rocks Tokyo, Some Injuries
--Koenig Int'l/Reuters
(Prophecies...Earthquakes 'in diverse places')
With Russian Help North Korea Ready to Export Missiles
(Prophecies...Russia) (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Fearing Isolation, Latvians Vote 'With a Heavy Heart' on Joining European
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Roman Empire will re-unite
and rise in power)
17 Killed in Latest Kashmir Fighting Against Islamics
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Violence
in 'the last days')
(Prophecies...False prophets)
Arafat 'Threatens Suicide Over Expulsion'...
--Drudge Report/NZ Herald
(This same 'warrior' has surrounded himself with
women and children as human shields)
Hurricane Isabel Wallops Eastern Seaboard
--WND/Associated Press
Isabel Wreaks Havoc on US Capital
--AFP (France)
Former Iraqi Defense Minister
--WND/Associated Press
"Bible = Hate Speech" Bill Passes in Canada
--WND (Bible warnings...homosexuality) (You
can be put in prison for quoting Bible verses concerning homosexuality)
Saudis Considering Nuclear Bomb
--Koenig Int'l/Guardian
(Prophecies...Apocalypse prolog)
(Prophecies...the coming 'Apocalypse')
Hurricane Isabel Hammers N.C.
--Koenig Int'l News
Canadian Parliament Embraces Homosexual Marriage
--WND/Canada Nat'l Post (Bible warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...moral
corruption in 'the last days')
'Bible = Hate Speech' Bill Nearing Vote in Canada
(Bible warnings...homosexuality)
corruption in 'the last days')
Europe's Looming HIV/AIDS 'Catastrophe'
--Koenig Int'l/BBC
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases spreading)
US Probes Syria On Hiding Iraqi Weapons
--WND/Washington Times
U.S. Penalizes Israel For Settlement Activities in Their
--WND/Financial Times (Prophecies...Israel)
China Bolsters Military Along North Korean Border
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
North Korea Denounces US-Led Naval Drill as "Prelude to Nuclear War"
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Senior U.S. Official to Level Weapons Charges Against
--Koenig Int'l/NY Times
The All-Out Assault on the American Family
--Koenig Int'l/CBN (Prophecies...moral
corruption in 'the last days')
US Expected to Abstain From UN Vote To Protect Arafat
(Many people are blind/asleep as prophecy unfolds before our
Lebanese Forces On Alert to Protect Arafat
--WND/Dubai Gulf News (Prophecies...Israel)
Indonesian Muslims Now Move Against Christians Through
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Japan Says They Will Attack if North Korea Aims Missile
--WND/London Independent
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Disappointed European Union Puts Brave Face on Swedish Euro Slap
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Roman Empire will re-unite)
Arafat Consolidates Power...Planning 'Mega' Terror Attack Against Israel
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...Violence
in 'the last days')
Israel Wonders Why the World Supports a Murderer Like
--WND/Jerusalem Post
(This is exactly what the Bible says we will see in' the
last days')
Israel Considers Killing Arafat as an Option
--WND/CBS News
to Meet Over Pushing Road Map 'Peace Plan' For Israel Forward
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post
(Prophecies...'Peace plan' for Israel)
(Prophecies...the Anti-christ)
Ex-Soviet Estonia Set to Say Reluctant 'Yes' to Join European Union
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Roman Empire will re-unite)
Hurricane Isabel Churns Towards East Coast
--WND/Associated Press
Wounded U.S. Troops Billed For Hospital Food by U.S.
--WND/St. Petersburg Times (Outrage...Marine
who lost foot in Iraq charged $243 by the gov't)
But, It's Free
College Tuition for Non-Citizen Illegal Aliens
(Democracy is dead whenever one person or
group is outside the law)
And, Free Breakfast Now Available To All New York
City School Kids...
--Drudge/NY 1
(Free "food for votes" while our wounded
troops have to pay for their hospital food (see above) ...
UN Warns Israel Against Arafat Ouster
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
Israel Slams UN, World "Hypocrisy" Over Proposal to Expel Arafat
--AFP (France)
Arafat Tells Supporters They Will Go to Jerusalem as
--Drudge/Fox News
(Prophecies...Israel ... notice God says He will make Jerusalem a 'cup
of trembling')
Iran Reacts With Anger, Defiance to IAEA Nuclear Deadline
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran)
American Airlines Cuts Jobs But Sponsors Homosexual
--NewsMax/Paul Weyrich (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
corruption in 'the last days')
Israeli Threat to Expel Arafat Draws Worldwide Warnings
--AFP (France)
U.S. Blocks Israeli Cabinet Move to Exile Arafat
--Koenig Int'l/Ha'aretz Daily (Prophecies...Israel)
Saudis Move F-15s Near Israel's Border...Violates Pledge
to U.S.
(Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Iran Refuses To Hand Over A Top Al-Qaida Leader
Long-range Missile Developed By North Korea...Capable of
Reaching U.S.
--WND/The Australian
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Navy Says China May Have Gleaned Secrets From US Spy
--WND/CNN (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Can't Attach Satellite Tracker to Suspect's Vehicle
Without Warrant
--New York Times
Islam...2 Sisters Axed To Death By Brothers in Muslim
'Honor' Killing
--WND (Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...Violence
in 'the last days')
(Prophecies...False prophets)
Swedish FM Anna Lindh Dies of Stab Wounds After Attack
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...violence
in 'the last days')
Aide Says Any Harm to Arafat Would Leave Region (Israel) on "Edge of Abyss"
--AFP (France)
North Korea Has New Intermediate-Range Missile
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Ahmed Qureia (aka 'Abu Ala') Accepts Palestinian PM Post
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(This is Yasser Arafat's 'hand-picked' man)
Israel Defense - Abu Ala (aka Ahmed Qureia) Bodes Ill For Israel
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
FCC Says Howard Stern Show Is 'News' Program...
--Drudge Report/Y News
corruption in 'the last days')
Bombing Kills Hospital ER Chief and His Daughter on the
Eve of Her Wedding
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Israel Bombs Hamas Leader's House
in 'the last days') ('Hamas' was the Hebrew word for
Jewish Support for GOP Grows
Iran Must Be Stopped Now
--Arutz 7/Commentary (Israel)
(It appears from prophecy Iran will attack
Israel before any US 'intervention')
Iran Threatens to Reconsider Cooperation With UN Nuclear Watchdog
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran)
Second Islamic Bomb Attack in Israel - At Least 6
Dead, 40 Hurt in Jerusalem
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
in 'the last days')
At Least Six Israelis Killed, 15 Wounded in Suicide Bomb
In Israel
--Koening Int'l News/Ha'aretz (Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Arafat's Man Qorei (aka 'Abu Ala') on Verge of Becoming New Palestinian PM
--AFP (France)
(Like most Islamics he has two different names...a
real name and a 'war name')
Paramedic Suing...Fired For Inviting a Co-Worker to
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
High School For Homosexuals Opens in New York
(Bible warnings...homosexuality)
corruption in 'the last days')
Shots Fired on British Embassy in Iran
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran)
North Korea Brandishes Nuclear Threat at 55th Birthday Parade
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
German FM Calls for European Union to Play Bigger Role in Israel 'Peace Plan'
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...' Peace plan' for Israel)
(Prophecies...Europe unites)
(Prophecies...the Anti-christ)
U.S. Officials Say Both China and North Korea Behind
Iran's Missile Program
(Prophecies...Iran) 'Doomsday Warning' For America
--WND (Islamic Terror)
North Korea to Send 'Defiant Message' With National Day Parade
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Arafat Presents His Choice For New Palestinian PM
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
British Police Want DNA of Every Man, Woman, and Child
--Drudge Report/BBC
(Prophecies...the Anti-christ)
'Road Map' Peace Plan For Israel
At An End?
(Prophecies...' peace plan')
(The Bible says a 'peace plan' will be enforced by a coming
leader...the Anti-christ)
Iran Close to Nuclear Weapons...Bush to Demand Urgent
--WND/London Telegraph
Grandma Sold Grandson For Spare Body Parts
--WND/The Scotsman (Prophecies...violence
and moral
corruption in 'the last days')
Palestinian Prime Minister Abbas Resigns
--Koenig Int'l News
Israel Will Not Accept Arafat Taking Control of PA
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
European Union Ministers 'Alarmed' by Abbas Resignation
--Koenig Int'l News/CNN
(Prophecies...Europe will re-unite)
(Prophecies...the Anti-christ)
Six Die in Islamic Car Bombing in Busy Indian Kashmir
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
Pakistan Providing Supplies to Islamic Militants in
Indian Kashmir
--Times of India (Islamic Terror)
(Islamic 'militants' are performing terrible acts of cruelty
all over the world)
(Islamic) Militants Torture, Mutilate, Kill Two Women
--Times of India (Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Hurricane Fabian Moves on After Bermuda Hit
--Koenig Int'l News/Fox
Astronomers Issue "All Clear" For Asteroid On Potential
Collision Course
coming Apocalypse)
Iranian Intelligence Agents Arrested in Baghdad
Bush Backing Away From Roadmap 'Peace Plan' For Israel?
--Financial Times
(Prophecies...coming peace plan for Israel)
Indonesian VP Calls US 'King of
--WND/Sydney Herald (Indonesia is
now the world's largest Islamic nation at over 300,000,000)
World's Smallest Microchip Unveiled, Can Be Embedded in
Human Bodies
--WND/AFP (France)
will increase)
(Prophecies...the Anti-christ)
US High-Tech Workers Being Displaced By Foreign
North Korea Approves Nuclear 'Deterrent Force'
--WND/Japan Times
(Prophecies...China/allies) (Prophecies...the
Taiwan Holds Massive War Games Amid Warnings of Future Chinese Threat
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Russia, Saudis For Implementing Full Roadmap 'Peace
Plan' For Israel
--Arabic News
(Prophecies...Russia and Moslem allies)
(Prophecies...coming peace plan for Israel)
Israel Asks US to Pressure Saudi Arabia to Move F-16s
Away From Border
--Arabic News (Prophecies...Israel)
Israeli PM Handing Over Iran Portfolio to Intelligence
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran)
Muslim Writer: Jerusalem Is Not Sacred To Islam
prophets would rise)
California State Legislature Passes Homosexual
'Marriage' Bill
--Drudge/NBC (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
corruption in 'the last days')
Homosexual Activist Group Starts 'Draft Hillary' Effort
--WND/AP (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
corruption in 'the last days')
California Senate Scolds Boy Scouts for Not Accepting
'Gays,' Atheists
--WND (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
corruption in 'the last days')
General Motors Says No Christian Club For Workers
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Russia May Provide Air Defense Systems to Iran
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia
and Iran)
Arafat Declares 'Roadmap' Peace Plan For Israel Dead
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...coming peace plan for Israel)
Iran Recalls Ambassador From
Britain....British Embassy Fired On
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran)
Islamic Leader Says Lipstick and Perfume are 'Rape
--WND/The Scotsman
California Passes Bill To Allow Drivers Licenses for
Illegal Immigrants
--Drudge Report/Fox
U.S. Foreign-Born Population Hits 33 Million...
--Drudge Report/Washington Post
More Than Half Of Miami Population Born Outside U.S.A....
--Drudge Report/SPTimes
Asteroid Heading for Earth, May Hit in 2014
--Koenig Int'l News/Reuters
(The Bible says something in the sky will cause
men's hearts to fail ...)
Israel Vows 'All Out War' Against Islamic Terrorist
Group Hamas
(Islamic Terror)
Islamics Kill 13 More in Kashmir
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...violence in 'the last days') (Islamic Terror)
Hurricane Fabian Still Going Strong
--Koenig Int'l News/AccuWeather
Syria Recruiting, Moving 'Jihadists' For Duty in Iraq
Against US
Saudi Fighters Heading to Iraq for Holy War Against
--WND/Reuters (Islam was
designed by Mohammed to be a 'religion' of war ...)
Taliban Source Says Bin Laden Planning 'Unbelievable Attack'
Iran and Russia Call For Expansion of Bilateral Ties
--Middle East Daily/Tehran Times
(Prophecies...Iran and Russia)
Iranian Leader OKs Deployment of New Intermediate-Range
--World Tribune
Israeli Defense Minister Threatens
Gaza Invasion To Thwart Attacks
--Koenig Int'l News/Reuters (Prophecies...Israel)
Ethnic Fighting and Violence Has Killed 200 in Congo Over Past 6 Weeks
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
against ethnic')
More Great Whites Spotted At Calif. Surf Beach...
--Drudge Report/Local 6
Two U.S. Soldiers Killed in Afghan Combat
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
N. Korea Says Beijing Talks Convinced It of Need for Nuclear Arsenal
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China/allies) (Prophecies...the
South Korea Warns North Korea Against Nuclear Threats
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Christians Denounce Public Homosexual Sex Acts at
'Decadence Festival'
--NewsMax (Prophecies...moral
corruption in 'the last days')
U.S. Tells Palestinians If Gov't Falls, They'll Withdraw
Support for Palestinian State
--Koenig Int'l News/Ha'aretz (Prophecies...Israel)
British-Based Islamics Plan to Honor 9/11 Hijackers
--WND/Washington Times
Dem. Bustamante Embraces Chicano Group Seeking to
Reclaim U.S. Southwest
--WND (Prophecies.. wars...ethnic against
Two Dead, Seven Missing After Russian Submarine Sinks
--AFP (France)
Worm' Suspect Arrested...
--Drudge Report/Washington Post (Prophecies...the
generation of 'the last days')
- Iran Likely to Reach Nuclear 'Point of No Return' Within 1 Year
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (Prophecies...Iran)
(Prophecies...Apocalypse Prolog)
Report -
North Korea Will Soon Test Their Nuclear Weapons
--Washington Post (Prophecies...China/allies) (Prophecies...the
Report - Israel Has Defensive Plans to Bomb Iran's
Nuclear Plant
--Inside the Ring (Pentagon) (Prophecies...Iran)
California Senate Approves 'Virtual' Homosexual Marriage
(Bible warnings...homosexuality)
(Sodom and Gomorrah were given as warnings ...)
69,000 Dead and Missing From Peru's Two Decades of Strife
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Leading Shiite Cleric Among at Least 17 Killed in Iraq Car Bomb
--AFP (Islamic Terror)
(Islamics will kill anybody, even other Islamics, in the
name of some god 'Allah')
U.S. Considers Int'l (European) Force to Enforce Peace
in Israel
World Tribune (Prophecies...Enforced
'peace plan')
(Prophecies...the Anti-christ)
An American Tragedy Unfolding - Voices of the
--WND/Hal Lindsey
Monument to Homosexuals Is OK; Monument to Commandments
Is Not
--NewsMax (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
corruption in 'the last days')
Russia Sells Iran System For Advanced Uranium Enrichment
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Russia, Iran
and allies)
(Prophecies...Apocalypse Prolog)
The North Korean World of Torture
--Koenig News/CBN (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Palestinians Fire 4 More Rockets at Israelis
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
Monument to Homosexuals Is OK; Monument to Commandments
Is Not
--NewsMax (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
corruption in 'the last days')
7 Die in Warehouse Shooting
--NewsMax (Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Cases of West Nile Fever Virus Double Again
(Prophecies...deadly diseases spreading)
The 'White-Collar Recession'
--NewsMax/Boston Herald
Mars at Nearest Point to Earth in Almost 60,000 Years
(The 'planet of war' which many of the
ancients feared ...)
U.S. Mulls International Force for
the Israeli-Palestinian War
--Koenig News/M.E. Newsline (Prophecies...Coming
'peace plan') (Things are moving
quickly ...)
Prime Minister Wants to End
Japan's Anti-war Law
--Koenig Int'l News/Guardian UK
(Prophecies...'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Palestinian PM Holds Crisis Talks
--AFP (France)
Entrepreneur Sells Segway Rides, $10 for 10 minutes On
New 'Scooters'
--St. Paul Pioneer Press
Wiccan Priestess Wins Court Case...Jesus Christ Banned
at Town Hall
(And Jesus said ... "You are either with Me
or against Me" ... there is no in between)
US Fails to Convince Russia to Halt Nuclear Cooperation with Iran
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran,
and allies)
Iran and Turkey Slam US-Led Coalition Over Instability in Iraq
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran,
and allies) (Turkey will one day join a Russia-Iran
Nuclear Arms-Grade Uranium Reported at Iran Plant
--AP (Prophecies...Russia, Iran,
and allies)
(Prophecies...Apocalypse Prolog)
Clashes As Israeli Police Open Temple Mount to
--WND (Bible prophecy says there
will one day be a new Jewish Temple on this Mount)
China Says North Korea's 'Security' Must Be Addressed
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China/allies)
China Plans Airborne Unit Near Taiwan Strait
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China/allies)
China Continues Crackdown on Christian Home Churches
(Prophecy...Christians will be hated)
Clinton Gave China 'False Certification' For Nuclear
--WND/Insight (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...Liars and deceiving in 'the last days')
India Points Finger at Islamic Groups for Deadly Car Bombs
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Middle East (Israel) Conflict Shows No Signs of Abating
--AFP (France)
(The Bible says it will not abate until Messiah
Bomb Blasts in India Kill at Least 44, Wound 150
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days') (Islamics
kill Christians, Jews, Hindus, and other Islamics ...)
Seven Dead, 38 Injured in Colombia Bomb Blast
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Up To a Thousand Villagers Feared Killed in Liberian Massacre
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
(Prophecies.. wars...ethnic against
Hamas Military Wing Commander Assassinated Sunday
--Koenig Int'l News/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...Israel) (Islamic Terror)
44 Murders A Day In US, 23 Million Crime Victims Last
--Drudge Report/USDOJ (Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Bush Increased His Pressure on Israel, His Problems Have
--Bill Koenig
("Those who bless Israel shall be blessed
and those who curse Israel shall be cursed")
US Soldiers Get Baptized in Iraq
Report: States Pay $7.4 Billion To Educate Illegal
(Either change or enforce the law ...
democracy is dead when one person or group is above the law)
Israel Rejects Palestinian 'Truce' Proposal
--AFP (Prophecies...Israel) (Islamic Terror)
Palestinians Launch Deepest Rocket Attack on Israel
--Koenig Int'l News/AP (Prophecies...Israel) (Islamic Terror)
Islamic Terrorist Group Hamas Calls Bush 'Islam's
Biggest Enemy'
--Koenig Int'l News (Islamic Terror)
Ethnic Fighting Spreads in Northern Iraq
--Koenig Int'l/Fox News
(Prophecies...'and there will be wars and rumors of war...ethnic against
One Israeli Says: 'An Imposed Solution Is the Only
--Ha'aretz (Israel)
(Prophecies...coming 'peace plan')
(The Bible says a
peace will be imposed upon Israel ...)
Judge Suspended For Protecting the 10 Commandments
Al-Qaida Flooding Into Iraq
--WND (Islamic Terror)
UAW Demands 'Health Coverage' For Abortions (The Bible has
a lot to say about people/nations who 'pass their children through the
Three British Soldiers Killed in Iraq
--AFP (Prophecies...'and
there will be wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Egyptians Suing Jews for 'Stealing' Gold in Exodus
Israel-Palestinian Clashes Threaten Major 'Conflagration'
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible says an enforced peace upon Israel will
the last 7 years...)
Islamic Jihad, Hamas Formally End 'Ceasefire' in Israel
--AFP (Prophecies...Israel)
Gas Prices Could Reach Record Highs
--Drudge Report
(Remember Al Gore (Democrat) wanted
$3.00 per gallon gas to 'help' the environment)
Iraqi Security Guards at UN HQ Implicated in Bomb Blast
--AFP (Islamic Terror)
(Islamic brutality can be now be seen on every major
CDC Says 715 People Infected With West Nile...
--Drudge Report/USA Today (Prophecies...deadly diseases spreading)
7.1 Mag Earthquake Hits New Zealand...
--Drudge Report/MSN
(Prophecies...earthquakes in 'diverse places')
4.4 Mag Earthquake Hits Wyoming...
--Drudge Report/Interest
(Prophecies...earthquakes in 'diverse places')
Senior Islamic Hamas Terrorist Killed by Israelis After Suicide Bombing
--AFP (Islamic Terror)
...Note: 'Hamas' was the Hebrew word God used for 'violence')
Powell Urges Greater 'Pressure' to End Middle East (Israel) Violence
--AFP (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible says an enforced peace upon Israel will
the last 7 years...)
Escalating Mideast Violence (in Israel) Concerns U.N.
--UPI (No word
about the 55,000 Christians in the Philippines and 2.1 million in Sudan
slaughtered by Islamics)
Islamic 'Charities' Linked to Violent Islamic Terrorist
--Financial Times (Islamic Terror)
(Islam is a religion filled with hate, anger, and
French Heat Death Toll May Be 10,000
--Fox News
(The Bible says during the Apocalypse many will be
tormented and scorched by great heat)
US Supreme Court Rejects Appeal to Save
The 10 Commandments
(God help us ... the America we once knew is now
dying an ugly and miserable death ...)
Alabama Court Must Remove 10 Commandments Before
(God will turn His back against those
nations that turn their backs on Him ...)
Women's Charity Fined For Not Hiring Transvestite
--WND (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
corruption in 'the last days')
Governor Considering Gas Rationing in Arizona
Islamic Court Orders Man Convicted of Raping Girl, 9, to
Mental Hospital
(Yet, they worship the 'Prophet' Mohammed
who took a 9 year-old for a wife)
World Outrage Over Car Bomb Attack at UN's Baghdad Base
--AFP (France)
(Where is the 'World' outrage over the
Islamic bus bomb attack in Israel?)
Israel: Islamic Suicide Bomber Kills At Least 18
on Jerusalem Bus
--AP (Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Life In Prison Terms for Christian 'Blasphemers' Upheld
(Prophecies....Christians will be hated)
Islamic Bombing in Baghdad Kills At Least 15, Many Injured
--WND (Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...violence in 'the last days')
Chinese 'Front' Firms Spy on the US
--WND (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Iran Aids and Abets al-Qaida Leaders
(Prophecies...Iran) (Islamic Terror)
Iran Warns Israel Against Strikes on Nuclear Reactor
--Koenig Int'l News/Ha'aretz (Prophecies...Israel)
US, South Korea Launch War Games Despite North Korean Fury
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Weird, Wild Weather From Denver to Delhi Stumps
--Koenig News/Ha'aretz
Mofaz - Arafat Has Given 'Green Light' for Terror
--Koenig Int'l News/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Close Calls - Divine Protection for Christians in Israel
--Koenig Int'l News/CBN
France Says Death Toll From Heatwave Could Reach 5,000
--AFP (France)
Powerful Earthquake Rocks Inner Mongolia
--Associated Press
(Prophecies...'earthquakes in diverse places')
Disintegration of America...University Teaches 'How to
Be Gay'
--NewsMax (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
corruption in 'the last days')
Citadel Forced to Drop Mealtime Prayers After Federal
Court Decision
--Koenig Int'l News/CNN
1/3 Suffer From
'Celebrity-Worship' Syndrome
(The Bible condemns idol worship which can
include people, money, and things)
Warns Syria: Hands Off Iraq
After Killer Heatwave, France Braces for Violent Storms
--AFP (France)
Turkey Asks U.S. to Stop Israel's Plan to Open Temple
--Koenig Int'l News/Ha'aretz Daily (Prophecies...Israel)
Washington DC Islamic Cleric Tied To Hijackers
--WND (Prophecies...false
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
Idi Amin, Brutal Former Ugandan Dictator, Dies In Saudi Arabia
--AFP (France)
(Another Islamic who murdered and
slaughtered 100,000s of people)
Killings Raise Fears of Sniper in West Virginia
(Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')
Judge Blocks Pledge of Allegiance in Colorado
West Nile Fever Numbers Triple Again
(Prophecies...deadly diseases spreading)
Israel Intelligence Chief Says 'Cease Fire' In Steep
Decline, Critical
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
China Test-Fires New Missile
--Inside the Ring (Pentagon) (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Asia's Most Wanted Man Hambali Arrested in Thailand
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
Record Power Blackout Hits the Northeast
'Will the Bible Be Banned in the United States?
--WND/Hal Lindsey
Palestinians and The Jewish Temple
--WND/Joseph Farah
Cloning Yields Human-Rabbit Hybrid Embryo...
--Drudge Report/Washington Post
(Prophecies...Knowledge will increase in 'the last
Canada Reports 2nd SARS Death in 3 Days...
--Drudge Report/Guardian
(Prophecies...deadly diseases spreading)
Powerful Earthquake Hits Greek Islands
--Associated Press
Heatwave In France 'Claims 3,000 Lives'...
--Drudge Report/ThisIsLondon
(Those who curse Israel will be cursed ...)
Arms Race Fear Over New Gamma-ray Bomb
--Koenig Int'l News/The Scotsman
(Prophecies...Apocalypse prologue)
Iran to Launch Second Phase of Nuclear Power Plant
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran)
(Nuclear power plants provide material for nuclear bombs)
'Mass Immigration' Causing Deep Urban Strain
Muslims (Islamics) Protest Possible Bush Appointment
Libya to Pay Families for Lockerbie Airline Bombing
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran,
Libya) (Islamic Terror)
Bus Bomb Kills 17 (Half of Them Children) in Afghanistan
--AFP (Islamic Terror)
(Islamics kill Islamics...Islamics kill Christians...Islamics
Kill Jews...)
Islamic TV Glorified 'Martyrs' Ahead of Suicide Bombings
In Israel
--WND (Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')
Iran Rejects US Questioning of al-Qaeda Suspects
--AFP (Prophecies...Iran)
Two Israelis Killed in Separate Suicide Attacks
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Jerusalem Police Preparing to Open Temple Mount to Jews
Next Week
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
Smart Bomb Technology Moving to China
--WND (Prophecies...China/allies)
U.S. Soldier Killed in Bomb Blast
--Fox News (Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')
Lebanon, Syria, Iran Blamed For Hizbollah Attacks on
--WND/Jerusalem Post
Israel Warns Syria It Will Strike Its Targets in Lebanon
--Koenig's Intl News/Ha'aretz
and rumors)
Syrian - Saudi Arabian Summit
Significance Widely Highlighted
--Arabic News
Archbishop of Canterbury Summons Leaders
--Associated Press (Prophecies...Corruption of churches) (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
Record London Temps Break 100
--Fox News
NATO Takes Over Afghan Peace Keeping in 1st Operation
Outside Europe
--WND/Asscociated Press
(Prophecies...Europe will re-unite)
Israeli Air Force Bombs Hizbollah Artillery Positions in
Lebanon ...
--Debkafile (Israel)
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Flexing Muscles With Bombings and Artillery Attacks ...
--Debkafile (Israel)
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
'Unmasking Islamic Hamas' Hydra of Terror'
(Islamic Terror)
Arafat Warns Israeli Anti-Terror Operation Threatens
--WND/Reuters (Islamic Terror)
(The Bible says there will be no lasting peace until Messiah
returns ...)
Islamic Terror Attack in England May be Imminent
--WND/London Telegraph (Islamic Terror)
Philadelphia Phillies Homosexual 'Gay Day' Protested
(Bible warnings...homosexuality)
corruption in 'the last days')
Southeast Asia's Islamic Fanatics Prove They Will Die For Their 'Cause'
--AFP (France)
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
Israel Warns Syria, Lebanon on Border Attacks
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Death Toll Rises From Europe's Searing Heat
--Toronto Star
Nationwide Increase in Teen Prostitution...
--Drudge Report/MSN (Prophecies...moral
corruption in 'the last days')
China Expands Missile Proliferation to Egypt, Iran,
Libya, Syria, North Korea
--WND (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Israel Warns United Nations Over Hezbollah Attacks on
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
U.S. Soldier Killed in Western Baghdad
--AP (Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')
Israel Strikes at Hezbollah in Lebanon After 'Massive
Fire' on Israel
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(Where's the UN resolution against Lebanon for firing on
Bush Waives Sanction on PLO Office in Washington for
Further 6 Months
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Video Shows Disney's 'Gay Days' a Public 'Orgy of
(Bible warnings...homosexuality)
corruption in 'the last days')
Episcopalians Recognize Homosexual 'Unions'
--Washington Post
(Prophecies...Corruption of churches) (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
No Relief From Stifling Heat in Europe, Wildfires Rage On
--AFP (France)
Two U.S. Soldiers Killed in Baghdad
--Washington Times (Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')
Cuba and Iran Jamming US Satellites
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Car Bomb Explodes in Baghdad,
Up to 12 Dead, 52 Wounded
--Fox News
(Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')
New Homosexual Bishop Predicts Other Churches Will Soon 'Welcome Gays'
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Corruption of churches) (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
Corner-Stone Ceremony For New Jewish Temple To Be Held on Thursday
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(The Bible says a new Jewish Temple will be
built in Jerusalem ...)
Jewish Rabbis in Israel Say, 'We Want Moshiach (Messiah)
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(Prophecies of Messiah's Return)
Episcopalians Elect Openly Homosexual Bishop
(Prophecies...Corruption of churches) (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
Judge Rules Boy Scouts are a 'Religious' Group...Can't
Use Park
(Prophecies...corrupt and violent generation)
Paper: N. Korea to Send Missiles to Iran, Plans
for Joint Nuclear Warheads
(Prophecies...Apocalypse prologue)
Russian MiG 25 Foxbat Among Iraqi Warplanes Found Buried in Desert
and allies)
Russia Joins Organization of Islamic Conferences
--Pravda (Russia)
and allies)
Hiroshima Mayor Sees War on Horizon
--UPI (Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
(Bible prophecies of the coming Apocalypse)
First Horse Cloned...
--Drudge Report/Washington Post
(Prophecies...Knowledge will increase in 'the last
Justice Ginsburg Says Int'l (Not US) Law Shaped Supreme
Court Rulings
--Drudge Report/News
Mars Info ...
--Drudge Report/MarsToday
North Korea Threat Has Russia Re-Arming
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...China/allies)
Iran May Have Nuclear Weapons by 2005
(Prophecies...Apocalypse prologue)
Chinese 'Students' Suspected in Espionage
--WND/Washington Times (Prophecies...China/allies)
California Law Forces Hiring of 'Transgenders'
(Prophecies...immorality in 'the last days')
At Least 10 Dead in Islamic Car Bombing of Jakarta Marriot Hotel
--AFP (France)
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
Islamic Long Term 'Plan' to Take Over America
prophets) (There are now
Islamic parliaments in England, Belgium...deep roots in Canada, France)
US State Dept. Proposes Cut in Israel Loans
--Washington Times
(The Bible says all nations will one day turn against
Israel ...)
Islamic Gunmen Wound Mother, Child in Israel
--Associated Press
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
Christian Requests 2 Extra Days in Prison for 'Promise
Keepers' Event
Democrat Scolds Pope Over Homosexual Marriage Stance
--WND/Boston Herald
(Prophecies...immorality in 'the last days')
United Way Cuts Funding To Boy Scouts For Homosexual
--WND/Philadelphia Inquirer
(Prophecies...immorality in 'the last days')
Thieves Make Off With California Man's House...
--Drudge Report/Local 6
Islamic Hizbullah Attacks Northern Israel Three Times
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
It Was the Bible, Not the Koran
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(Prophecies...deception in 'the last days')
Judge Ejects 'Religious' Boy Scouts From Park
(The Bible warns, 'Woe to those who call
good evil and evil good ...')
Episcopal Church to Vote on Homosexual Bishop
--Fox News
(Prophecies...corruption of churches) (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
(Note: The fact they even have to vote on it is a clear
indication how corrupted our churches have become)
Convoy Attack Kills U.S. Soldier
--Fox News (Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Report: Syria Aiming 100 Missiles Armed With VX Gas at
North Korea Warns of 'Prelude to War'
--Fox News (Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
9-11 Report Suggests Role By Saudi Spies
--WND/Houston Chronicle
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
Our New Gov't: Woman Ticketed for Not Getting Permit for
Kiddie Pool
Islamics Kill At Least 39 in Chechnya Attack on Russian Military Hospital
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
(Islam spreads through lies, fear, death, hate, and terror
Tension Rises Over Israel 'Peace Roadmap' As No Breakthrough in Sight
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...coming 'peace plan')
Russian News: China Getting Ready for Major
Military 'Blitzkrieg'
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
China Slams Pentagon Report on Threat to Taiwan...
--Drudge Report/Reuters (Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
US Secretly Negotiating With Iran For Al-Qaida Members
--WND/NBC News
US Confirms Iran's New Missiles Can Reach Israel, Russia
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran and allies)
US Congressman DeLay to Israeli Knesset - 'Israelīs Fight is Our Fight'
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
Funding For Pagan God Sneaked Into California Budget
Pentagon Says China Deploying More Missiles Aimed at
--Associated Press
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Syrian Premier Sees Bright Future for Relations with Turkey
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran and allies) (Note: Turkey
is now run by Islamics)
Islamics Butcher New Christian Convert...Sent to Family
in 4 Pieces
--WND (Islamic Terror)
(Islam is a dark and evil religion filled with hate and
anger ...)
FBI Invites Muslim Scholars to Preach ...
Fearing Violence, Police Suspend Jewish Visits to Temple
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Foreign 'Holy Warriors' in Iraq Get a Shock...The People
Side With U.S.
(Islamic Terror)
Islamics Kill at Least 4 and Injure 31 In Bombay Bus Bombing
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
CDC Says New AIDS Cases in U.S. Rose in 2002
(Prophecies...deadly diseases spreading)
CDC - HIV/AIDS Rising Among Gay, Bisexual Men
(Prophecies...deadly diseases spreading)
(Bible warnings...homosexuality)
Gray Davis Threatens to Give Illegal Aliens Legal
Drivers Licenses
(Illegal immigrants vote for Democrats and
illegally shift the legal balance of power)
Entertainer Bob Hope Dies at 100
--Associated Press
Lance Armstrong Wins 5th Consecutive Tour de France
Al-Qaida Says It Shot Down Plane Carrying Americans in
South Africa
--WND/South African Press Association
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
Islamic Group Threatens to Kidnap More Israelis
(Islamic Terror)
Israel Foils Weekend Double Islamic Suicide-Bomb Plot
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Homosexuality to Split the Episcopalian Church?
(Prophecies...corruption of churches) (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
New York City High School for Homosexual and Transgender
--Drudge Report/NY Post
(Bible warnings...homosexuality)
(Prophecies...immorality in 'the last days')
Girl Attacked By Rabid Beaver
--WND/Martinsburg Journal, West Virginia
Turning From Anti-Terror Fighter to Islamic Terrorist Sponsor ...
--Debkafile (Israel)
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
4 US Soldiers Killed in Separate Attacks
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Philippine Leader Gives Army Mutineers Ultimatum
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Hormone Approved for Boosting Height of Short Kids in
Good Health
(Prophecies...knowledge will increase in 'the last
North Korea Warns US Not to Start a War Over Nuclear Stand-Off
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
More US Soldiers Killed in Iraq as Hunt for Saddam Gets Boost
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
At Least 268 Injured After Large Quakes Jolt Japan
--AFP (France)
Israel Fends Off Bush Criticism of Fence
--AFP (France)
Islamic/Palestinian TV Glorifies Female Suicide Bomber
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
India Announces 4.58 Million Indians Infected With HIV-AIDS
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...deadly diseases spreading)
Saudi Arabia Reacts Angrily to September 11 Report
--AFP (France)
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
(Saudi Arabia is the cradle of Islam ...)
Phony Mexican IDs for Sale in L.A. Park
Democrats Rejoice...Florida Will Allow Nearly 125,000
Felons To Vote
--WND/South Florida Sun
(Democrats now using fraud, illegal
immigrants, and felons to elect Democrats)
Notes From the Pentagon ...
--Inside the Ring (Pentagon)
Legendary Dog-Eating Catfish Dies ...
Iraq: 3 US Soldiers Killed in Revenge Attack
--WND/Evening Standard
and rumors)
US Pressuring Israel on a Number of Issues
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(All nations will turn against Israel ...)
The Time of Jacob's (Israel's) Trouble ...
--WND/Hal Lindsey
(All nations will turn against Israel ...)
Jerusalem Touted as 'World's' Capital...Controlled Under
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
'Grave Consequences'...Arafat Warns Israel Not to Allow
Jews on Temple Mount
--WND/Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
China Military Launching New 'Aegis' Class Warships
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Jesus' Name Banned From Park in Chicago
(Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)
Baghdad Celebrates Deaths of
Saddam's Sons
--The Scotsman
Russian Official Calls for Expansion of Ties With Iran
--Iranian News Agency
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
Libya Calls for Expansion of Ties With Iran
--Iranian News Agency
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, Libya, and allies)
AG Says More Than 1,000 'Sex
Victims' in Boston Archdiocese Over 60 Years
--Drudge Report/Boston
of churches)
(Prophecies...immorality in 'the last days')
Report: Saddam's Sons Uday and Qusay Hussein
Killed in Raid
Israel: Islamic Hamas Using 'Ceasefire' to Re-Arm
with 1,000 Rockets
Israeli Defense - Shihab-3 Upgraded to Give Iran Ability
to Strike Israel
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
Priest Allegedly Paid to Rape Boys
--Fox News
of churches)
(Prophecies...immoral corruption (rottenness) in 'the last days')
17 Killed in Surge of Islamic Violence in Indian Kashmir
--AFP (France)
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
Israeli FM Says Iran Nuclear Program Threatens Entire World
--AFP (France)
