UN Farce: Libya Judges Israel's Human Rights
--WND/Scotland on Sunday
Israeli FM Attacks UN for Its 'One-Sided' Stand Against
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
US, British Descendants Threatened in Zimbabwe
--WND/Sydney Herald
(Prophecies...wars and rumors, 'ethnic group against ethnic group')
Islamic TV - Mohammed Ordered Muslims To Kill Jews
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
NBC Promotes Homosexuality...To
Run 'Queer Eye' Episode
(Bible warnings...homosexuality)
(This is a sign of a crumbling civilization ...)
'Amazing Race' Thrusting Homosexuality on Public
(Prophecies of the generation of 'the last days') (... and a
sign of a corrupt (rotting) civilization)
Iraqi Cleric Calls For Islamic Army
--WND/UPI (Prophecies...false
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
Illegal Aliens Work at US Military Bases
--WND/Trenton Times
Idi Amin in Coma in Saudi Arabia
--WND (This
bloodthirsty murderer has been living as an honored guest in the capital of
Worldwide Protest Against The 'Road Map' Peace Plan
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(Prophecies...a coming 'peace plan' which will change the world)
Jewish 'Temple Mount' News
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
Iraqi Islamic/Shiites Rise Up in Anger at US Forces
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...false
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
China Urges Hong Kong to Pass Subversion Bill, Stifle Social 'Instability'
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China/allies)
Homosexual 'Couple'
Weds in Argentina, a First for Latin America
--AFP (France)
(Bible warnings...homosexuality)
(This is a sign of a crumbling civilization ...)
Philippines Signs Truce with Muslim 'Separatists'
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...false
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
Gunfire Erupts Along Korean DMZ
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
China Urges N Korea and US to Revert to 1994 'Framework'
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Israeli Officials Say Fence Around Jerusalem To Be
Finished Soon
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
US Attorney Tape: Vince
Foster Probe a Fraud
and deception)
Attack on Convoy Kills U.S. Soldier
--Associated Press (Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
United Nations to Regulate Guns in the US?
Homosexual Republicans 'Hail' White House Access
(Bible warnings...homosexuality)
Hurricane Claudette Kills 2 in Texas
--Associated Press
Iran Admits Female
Canadian-Iranian Journalist was Beaten to Death
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
Fighting's Not Over...An Israeli Intelligence Update on Iraq
--Debkafile (Israel)
(Prophecies of Iraq)
FBI Polarized by Islamic Lobby
Homosexual 'Marriages' Ahead
--Washington Times
(Bible warnings...homosexuality)
(This is a sign of a crumbling civilization ...)
Israeli PM to Stress Need to Sideline Arafat in Talks With Blair
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel) (Islamic Terror)
Russian FM Starts a Middle East Tour Tomorrow
--Arabic News
IRA Bomb Expert Suspected of Training Islamic Militants
in Israel
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(Prophecies...Israel) (Islamic Terror)
African Union Moves to Quash Civil Wars
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
More Than 200 Dead in Latest Burundi Clashes
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Arafat Tells Children to Become Martyrs
--WND/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...false
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
Israel Threatens to Deport Arafat
--WND/Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(Prophecies...Israel) (Islamic Terror)
US Intelligence Confirms North Korean Nukes
--WND/Japan Times (Prophecies...China/allies)
American Jews Emigrating to Israel ...
--WND (And God said He would
bring them back into their Land from the East, West, North, and South ...)
Highly Trained Assassin 'Stalking' US Soldiers in Iraq
--WND/United Press International
Draft of New 'European Union' Constitution Completed
--WND/London Telegraph
will re-unite)
Rise of Islam Alters Europe and the West
--NewsMax (Prophecies...false
(Prophecies...Europe will re-unite)
Saudi (Islamic) Funding Behind Attacks Against US Troops
in Iraq?
--WND (Prophecies...false
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
Israel Told By Palestinian PM That Iran's Agents Are
'Out of Control'
--WND/World Tribune
Philippine Leader Warns Muslim Rebels After New Bomb Blast
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...false
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
Two US Soldiers Killed in Separate Attacks in Iraq
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Islamic TV Urges Men to Become Martyrs...Promising
Virgins in Paradise
--WND/CNSNews.com (Prophecies...false
prophets) (Islamic Terror)
Who (or What) Are the Palestinians?
--WND/Hal Lindsey (Prophecies...Israel)
Dog Hit By Car Hobbles Into Hospital For Help
--WND/Beckley Register-Herald, West Virginia
Lutheran Pastor Says He 'Doesn't Believe in God'
--WND/New York Times
(Prophecies...corruption of churches
in 'the last days')
Israel Angered By the BBC's Anti-Israel 'Nazi
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
Saudi Royals Funding Palestinian Uprising Against Israel
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
China Studies 'Invasion' of North Korea
--WND/The Age (Prophecies...China/allies)
(China and N. Korea are extremely close allies)
North Korea 'Tested Nuclear Devices'...
--Drudge Report/London (Prophecies...China/allies)
U.S. Asks Israel, Not Palestinians For More 'Road Map' Action
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...coming 'peace plan')
U.S. to Provide Aid to Palestinian Authority (PLO)
--Associated Press
(Our shift away from Israel is both
dangerous and crazy)
U.N. Recognizes Tel-Aviv - But Not Jerusalem
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Even the US voted against Jerusalem ...)
Islamic Jihad Says It Was Behind Deadly Blast in Israel
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel) (Islamic Terror)
Israel 'Peace Process' in Crisis
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...coming 'peace plan')
Putin Warns of 'Catastrophe' From US 'Unilateralism'
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia and allies)
Israeli President Says Syrian Leader is Hampering Peace
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
Christians Under Pressure in Postwar Iraq
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
3 US Soldiers Killed in String of Attacks
--WND/Fox News
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Iran Brings Israel Within Missile Range
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
Israel 'Very Concerned' About Iranian Ballistic Missile Test
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
Al-Qaida Said To Have Migrated to Iran
--WND/Washington Times
(Prophecies...Iran) (Islamic Terror)
Saudis Promote Strict Islam in Indonesia
--WND/NY Times (Prophecies...false
prophets) (Indonesia is the world's most populous
Muslim country)
Skydiver Killed After Parachute Sabotaged
--WND/Sky News
Islamic Terrorists Using "Cease-Fire" in Israel to Best Advantage
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
Jerusalem (al-Qods) Must Be Islamic Palestine's Capital
- Pak 'Expert'
--Islamic News Agency (Prophecies...Israel)
At Least 16 Dead In Islamic Suicide Blasts At Moscow Rock Concert
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
Iraqis Kill 7 Iraqi Police Recruits, Wound 45 After US Training
--AFP (France)
Malawi Muslim Group Threatens Elections in Africa
--Associated Press (Prophecies...false prophets
would rise)
(Islamic Terror)
Human-Skin Trade Thrives in Africa
--United Press International
Palestinians Moving Weapons in Gaza 1 Day After Israeli
--World Tribune (Prophecies...Israel)
Islamic Says: Israel Must Vacate Jerusalem (Al-Qods)
--Islamic News Agency (Prophecies...Israel)
1 US Soldier Killed 18 Wounded, 11 Iraqis Dead In
Battle North of Baghdad
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
US State Department Map Does Not
Recognize Israel's Boundaries
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
More Than 500,000 Persons Affected By AIDS in The Arab
--Arabic News
(Prophecies...deadly diseases spreading)
Woman Has 3,000 Gallstones Removed
--WND/The Scotsman
Iran's Successful Missile Test Puts Israel Within Range
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
Israeli FM Says Iran Poses Threat to Stability of the
Entire World
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
280 Caged Children Freed From Zambian Islamic 'School'
--WND (Prophecies...false prophets
would rise)
(Islamic Terror)
Petition to Islamics (Moslems): Stop Killing
--WND (Prophecies...false prophets
would rise)
(Islamic Terror)
32 Die in Mosque as Islamics Murder and Kill Other
--Associated Press (Prophecies...false prophets
would rise)
(Islamic Terror)
Saudi (Moslem) Mantra...'Islam is a Religion of Peace'
--WND (prophecies...false prophets)
(Islamic Terror)
and deceiving)
Bush Calls Sharon, Praises Him on Pullout From Bethlehem
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(We are moving from 'blessing' to 'cursing' Israel)
Islamic PA Assumes Security Control in Bethlehem
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
Three Iraqis Killed, 10 US Soldiers Wounded as
Violence Flares in Iraq
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
US Marines Readied for Liberian Deployment
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Pumping Military and Law Enforcement Personnel Into Russian Gov't...
--Moscow Times
Iran Offers Russia Chance to Build More Nuclear Reactors
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran)
Israel Hands Bethlehem Over to Islam As PA Takes Control
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
Foreign Immigration Fueling Explosive California Growth
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war, 'ethnic group vs.
ethnic group')
Science: Could Be Possible For Men to Bear Children Within 3 Years
--WND/BBC News
(Prophecies...Knowledge will increase in 'the last
Raid on June 18 Included Pitched Battle Inside Syria
--Debkafile (Israel)
(Prophecies...Wars and rumors of war)
Four US Soldiers Killed, Two Wounded in Baghdad Attack
--AFP (France)
Jewish Temple-Mount Site Re-Opens to Non-Muslim Visitors
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
Russia Calls for Expansion of Nuclear Cooperation With
--Iranian News Agency
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran)
Korea Threatens to Abandon Armistice
--Associated Press (Prophecies...China/allies)
(Prophecies...wars and rumors)
Supreme Court...'America's New Politburo'
--WND/Joseph Farah
Israel Offers Bethlehem to Palestinians
--Associated Press
(Study the prophecies...we are getting close)
Colin Powell 'Urges' Israel to Withdraw From Their 'West
Bank' Towns
(The Bible says 'in the last days' all nations would turn
against Israel)
Condoleezza Rice Forcing Israel to Change Government
--Debkafile (Israel)
(The US is playing a most dangerous game...we need
to stay out of this)
Italy Takes on 6 Month EU Presidency
--Associated Press
Europe will unite)
(Prophecies...the 'Anti-christ)
Pentagon Chaplains Sending People to Radical Islam Site
--NewsMax/NY Post (prophecies...false prophets)
(Islamic Terror)
Pak Expert Says Jerusalem Must Be Palestine's Capital
--Iranian News Agency (Prophecies...Israel)
North Korean Nuclear Bomb Possible By December
(Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prologue)
Growing Nuclear Threat Fuels Missile-Defense Research,
(Prophecies...wars and rumors)
(Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prologue)
Baptist Church Stands By Lesbian Minister
--WND/Knoxville News
(Prophecies...corruption of churches) (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
Crickets Wreaking Havoc in Western US, Worst Infestation
in Over 60 Years
--WND/The Scotsman
Christians Besieged in Pakistan, Girls and Women
Specially Targeted
--WND/Wash Times
(Islamic Terror)
(prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Britain Unveils Plans for Homosexual Marriages
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies of this generation...immorality) (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
California 'Hours' From Financial Disaster
--Drudge Report/Wash Post
(This is what happens with a Democrat
governor and a Democrat controlled assembly)
Israel Boycotts the BBC Because Reports Are Pro-Islam,
'Demonizing' Israel
--WND (In 'the last days'
all nations will turn against Israel ... the BBC is now also very anti-US)
Islamic Cleric Issue Order to Kill Any Jews Who Might
Buy Land in Iraq
--WND/Reuters (Prophecies...Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Violence...Laughing Motorist Repeatedly Runs Over
--WND/San Francisco Chronicle (Prophecies
of this generation...violence)
Homosexual 'Pride' Parades Celebrate Supreme Court
--Fox News
(Prophecies of this generation) (Bible
China Blocks and Stalls U.S. Action on North Korea
(Prophecies...wars and rumors)
2 Missing US Soldiers Found Dead
(Prophecies...wars and rumors)
of this generation...violence)
Saudi Arabia is 'Epicenter' of Terrorists Funding
--WND/Washington Post
(Prophecies...false prophets)
(Saudi Arabia is the 'epicenter' of Islam ...)
al-Qaida (Islam) '3rd Wave' Ready To Attack
--WND/Singapore Straits Times
(Islamic Terror)
14 Dead as Islamic Rebels Storm Indian Army Camp in Kashmir
--AFP (France) (Prophecies
of this generation...violence)
(Prophecies...false prophets)
Nevada Prepares To Tax Its Brothels...
--Drudge Report/NY Times
(Prophecies of this generation...)
Israel: Beware of an Islamic 'Hudna' (Cease-fire)
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (Prophecies...deception
and deceiving in 'the last days') (Prophecies...Israel)
Islamic Militants in Gaza Accept Truce
--AP (Prophecies...deception
and deceiving in 'the last days') (Prophecies...Israel)
Rep. Kennedy: 'I Don't Need Bush's Tax Cut. I've Never
Worked a [bleeping] Day in My Life'
--Drudge Report/Wash Post
(Go to bottom of the report...the Kennedy's
are a mirror of the Democratic Party)
Netherlands Opens First 'Deportation Center' For
--Drudge Report/SFGate
Praise Supreme Court Ruling on Sodomy
(The Bible warns the destruction of Sodom
and Gomorrah was given as a judgment and a warning...)
Nurse Corroborates Clinton Rape Charge
and immorality)
(Prophecies...Evil men lying and deceiving in 'the last days')
Supreme Court Strikes Down Ban on Homosexual Sex
(Prophecies of this generation) (Bible
British Soldiers Executed After Surrendering to Iraqi Mob
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
(Prophecies of this generation)
AIDS Could Kill 70 Million by 2020
--Associated Press
YWCA Choice for New Leader Outrages Many
--Fox News
Islamic Terrorist Groups Sign 3 Month Truce with Israel
--Associated Press (Prophecies...Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Islamic Hamas Leader Denies Terrorists Agreed to 3
Month Truce
--Ha'aretz Daily (Prophecies...Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
'Road Map'...Last Hope for Peace, Or Greatest Danger to
the Existence of Israel?
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(Prophecies...'peace plan' which will change the world) (Prophecies...Israel)
U.S. Mulls Sending CIA Director to Push 'Road Map'
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (For
our nation's safety...we need to stop pushing this 'peace plan')
Rabbis - No Gov't Has The Right to Set Up a Foreign
State in the Land of Israel
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(If this is the prophetic 'peace plan' then we are about
to cross a prophetic crossroad)
Taiwan Tinderbox...Declaration of Independence from
(Prophecies...wars and rumors)
Iran and China Review Expansion of Mutual Cooperation
--Iranian News Agency
(Prophecies...Iran, allies)
West Nile Fever Sparks Nationwide Alert
--WND/The Scotsman
Nebraska - Record Size Hail...6.5 Inch Diameter
--Drudge Report/NOAA.gov
WIRE- Man Killed for Singing Sinatra Off-Key...
--Drudge Report/SMH.com.au
(Prophecies of this generation...violence)
Apple Says New Power Macs Are World's Fastest PCs
6.9 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off the Coast of Alaska
--Drudge Report/Newsobserver
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
Conflict May be Nearing for US and Syria
(Prophecies...wars and rumors)
Ship Filled With Explosives Heading for Sudan is Seized by Greece
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
(Prophecies...wars and rumors)
Indian PM Tells China, "World Cannot Ignore Us If We Work Together"
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
China Notifies Moscow of Upcoming Tests of Strategic
--World Tribune
Dem. Candidate Dean Would Work to Get Homosexuals Full
'Marital Rights'
--Washington Post
of this generation)
Powell Says Israeli Pullback From Gaza Could 'Restore
Palestinians Faith'
--WND/Washington Post (Prophecies...Israel)
(Powell is pro-Islam and anti-Israel ... this is trouble)
Israel Peace 'Quartet' (Russia, UN, EU, US/Colin Powell)
to Meet on Sunday
--Iranian News Agency (Prophecies...Israel)
(This 'peace' process is the world vs. Israel...)
Turkey Ignores U.S. Warnings, Sets High-Level Contacts
with Iran
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, allies) (The Bible says
Turkey will join Russia, Iran)
Iraq: Missile Attack on Convoy of Luxury
Vehicles...Saddam DNA Being Tested
WMD Documents May Have Been Found by US Forces in Iraq
--Associated Press
Israeli Troops Kill Top Hamas Terrorist
--Haaretz (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...violence) (The Hebrew word for this violence is
Russia's Last Independent TV Network Goes Off the Air
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
Putin Says Russia Will Continue Helping Iran with Nuclear Program
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran)
Israel, Palestinians Must Seek Peace or Face "Catastrophe"- Peres
--AFP (France)
(Peres is a non-believing secular Jewish leader)
to Discuss Including Syria, Lebanon in Israel 'Peace Plan'
--Arabic News
(Prophecies...coming 'peace plan' which will change the world) (Prophecies...Israel)
Malaysian Assembly Hands Out Copies of Anti-Semitic Book
'Int'l Jew'
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible says all nations will turn against Israel ...)
Found in the Red Sea ... Parts of Pharaoh's Chariots or
Just Coral on Coral?
Study: 27% of Australians Rely on Drugs, Alcohol
for Mental 'Well-Being'
--WND/Melbourne Herald Sun
World 'Goes Potty' For Harry Potter Again
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
(The Bible warns drugs, alcohol, witchcraft are
all related ...)
EU Holds Door Open to Balkans, but Demands Crime Cleanup
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
Europe will unite) (The 'United States of Europe' ...)
Saddam's Sons 'Fled to Syria'
--BBC News
Gov. Gray Davis Outrage - Triples California Car Tax
--Drudge Report/Sacramento Journal
Arab Journalist Calls Saudi Arabia the Cradle of Terror
--WND (prophecies...false prophets)
(Islamic Terror)
(Saudi Arabia is the cradle of Islam ...)
Saudi Arabia Looking to Go Nuclear?
(Prophecies...the 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Report: North Korea Has Nuclear Warheads
--WND/Bloomberg News
(Prophecies...the 'Apocalypse' prolog) (prophecies...China/allies)
Administration Official Says Military Action Against
Iran Is An Option...
--Drudge Report/ABC.au (Prophecies...Iran) (Prophecies...wars
and rumors of war)
Guiliani: Anti-Semitism is the 'Scourge of Europe'
--Jerusalem Post (prophecies...Israel)
Europe will unite)
EU Leaders Back "historic" Draft Constitution, But Hard Bargaining Ahead
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
Europe will unite) (The 'United States of Europe' ...)
Islamic Palestinian Authority is Using, Not Fighting, Terrorism in Israel
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (prophecies...false prophets)
(Islamic Terror)
Russia Stresses 'Peaceful' Nature of Iran's 'Nuclear
--Iranian News Agency (Prophecies...Russa, Iran)
Crews Fight Devastating Fire in Arizona ...
--Drudge Report/Associated Press
China Arrests 8 Christians
--WND/Reuters (prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Pedophile 'Cured' After Brain Tumor Removed
--Associated Press
(Prophecies...knowledge will increase in 'the last
Islamic Suicide Terrorist Murders Father Of Six
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (prophecies...Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
France Resists Campaign To Isolate Terrorists Hamas, Arafat
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
Europe will unite) (prophecies...Israel)
EU Leaders Tackle New European Constitution at High-Security Summit
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
Europe will unite)
New Global Arms Race Is Gathering Steam
--Pravda (Russia) (prophecies...Russia/allies)
(Prophecies...the 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Russia Trains Cosmonauts For Mars Mission
--Pravda (Russia)
(prophecies...knowledge and travel)
Dark Cloud on the Horizon - Moral 'Relativism'
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies
of this generation)
Paganism and Witchcraft On Rise In the UK...
--Drudge Report/MSNBC
(The book of Isaiah warns of this before a
judgment ...)
Muslim Population in Ireland up Five-Fold
--Iranian News Agency (prophecies...false prophets)
EU Leader Says European Union Considers Iran a ''Great
--Iranian News Agency (Prophecies...Iran) (Prophecies...
Europe will unite)
U.S. Warns Iran Not to Pursue Nuclear Weapons
--Washington Times (Prophecies...Iran)
(Prophecies...the 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Britain Wants 2-Month Ultimatum For Iran Nukes
--WND/London Telegraph
Iran Secretly Helping Libya Develop Missiles
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
America Gives Russia a Fortune
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia)
Saddam Hussein's Secretary Captured by US Forces
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
North Korea Issues Nuclear Warning
--BBC News
Rage and Violence ... 16,107 Murders in the US Last Year
--Drudge Report/FBI.gov
of this generation)
Top Health Official Warns West-Nile Fever May Hit Hard
Gov't-Controlled Arab/Islamic News Fans Flames of
Anti-US Hate
Clinton Urged to Head NATO By Norwegian Politician
(The Clinton's are a mirror which reflect much of this
generation ...)
of this generation)
Homosexuals Unfurl 1.3-Mile-Long Rainbow 'Flag'
--Miami Herald
Nuclear Strike Threat Grows ...
(Prophecies...the 'Apocalypse' prolog)
(Prophecies...the coming 'Apocalypse')
North Korea Transporting Missiles to Iran by Air
--WND/JoongAng Daily, South Korea
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia) (Prophecies...China/allies)
Iran Sticks to Refusal to Allow Full Nuclear Inspections
--Agence France-Presse (AFP) (Prophecies...Iran)
Bush Says Islamic Terrorist Group Hamas Must Face Harsh
--WND/Associated Press
(Islamic Terror)
Saudi - Iranian Cooperation ... Say Israel Obstructs
Road to Peace
--Arabic News
US 'Will Not Waver' on Pushing Mid-East (Israel) 'Peace
--BBC News
(Prophecies...coming 'peace plan' which will change the world) (Prophecies...Israel)
European Union (EU) 'Peacekeeping' Force Offer for
Mideast (Israel)...
--Drudge Report/Washington Post
Europe will unite)
Syria's Pivotal Role in Iraqi Resistance is Glossed Over in Washington
--Debkafile (Israeli Intelligence
European Union (EU) Backs 'Historic' Constitution
--WND/Int'l Herald Tribune
Europe will unite)
(Prophecies...the 'Anti-christ')
Europe Tests Its Military Wings...
--Drudge Report/Guardian (UK)
(Prophecies... Europe will re-unite)
(Prophecies...the 'Anti-christ)
Mideast (Israel) 'Peace' Hopes Rekindled; US Monitor Starts Mission
(The Bible says there will be no lasting peace until Jesus, the
Messiah returns)
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
Ex-Clinton Advisor Morris Reports Hillary Clinton
'Invented' Tale
--Fox News
(Prophecies...lying, 'deceiving and being deceived' in 'the last days')
Islamic Hizbullah Warns Conflict is Imminent with
'Israeli Enemy'
--World Tribune (prophecies...Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Islamics Reject Reported Israeli Proposal for Ceasefire
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
(Islamic Terror)
Russia Helping China Rise to Superpower Status
Christian Persecution on Rise in Iraq
--WND (prophecies...Christians will be hated)
(Islamic Terror)
NASA OKs Nuclear Mission to Outer Planets
--London Independent (Prophecies... knowledge and travel)
Czechs Vote Overwhelmingly to Join the Rising European Union (EU)
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
(prophecies... Europe)
French Troops Patrolling With European Forces Return Congo Militia Fire
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
(prophecies... Europe)
and rumors of war)
(EU, UN, Russia, US) To Meet on Roadmap 'Peace Plan' for Israel
Bible says 'in the last days' all nations will turn against Israel)
--Ha'aretz Daily (prophecies...'peace plan') (prophecies...Israel)
UN Leader Kofi Annan Calls for International 'Buffer'
Force Inside Israel
--Ha'aretz Daily (prophecies...'peace plan') (prophecies...Israel)
Draft European Union Constitution To Be Unveiled
--Drudge Report/EU Business
(prophecies... Europe)
2 Israeli Women Seriously Wounded in Islamic Ambush...
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (prophecies...Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Colin Powell Says U.S. Wants to See Israeli Restraint
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (prophecies...Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Europe Unites ... European Union (EU) Draft Constitution Agreed
--BBC News
(prophecies... the dark empire of Rome will re-emerge ... Europe)
U.S. Forces Kill 27 Iraqi Fighters After Ambush on Tank
--NewsMax/Fox News
and rumors of war)
Saudis Fabricate Report of Jews Teaching Hatred
of this generation...lying and deception)
An Open Letter From Israel ... 'By
What Right, Mr. President'
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (prophecies...coming 'peace plan') (prophecies...Israel)
Powell Plans 'Quartet' Meeting in Jordan in Bid to Save
Roadmap 'Peace' Plan
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(prophecies...coming 'peace plan') (prophecies...Israel) (Getting
close ...)
Israel Strikes Back After Islamic Terror Bombing Kills
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (prophecies...Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Symbolism of New Chinese President's Visit to Moscow...Was 'No Accident'
--Pravda (Russia) (prophecies...Russia/allies)
European Union Troops Deployed in Congo
--BBC News
(prophecies... the dark empire of Rome will re-emerge ... Europe)
France to Abstain on Vote to Renew US Immunity From Int'l
Criminal Court
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
(prophecies... Europe)
Violence as Israel and Islamic Hamas Headed For All-Out War
--Agence France-Presse (AFP) (prophecies...Israel)
and rumors of war)
At Least 16 Israelis Killed, 93 Injured in Islamic
Suicide Attack in Jerusalem
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (prophecies...Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Israel Is "Deeply Troubled" By Bush's Position
(The Bible says 'in the last days' all nations will turn
against Israel ...)
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
Can Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program be Stopped ...
(An Islamic suicide bomber would love to have a Russian-style
nuclear 'backpack' ...)
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (prophecies...Iran)
Iranian Nuclear Experts Visited North Korea
--Agence France-Presse (AFP) (prophecies...Iran, Russia,
and allies)
States of Europe' Challenges U.S.
(prophecies...Final Empire ... Europe will re-unite)
Saudi Nationals Join Fighting Against U.S. in Iraq
--World Tribune
(Islamic Terror)
(prophecies...false prophets)
and rumors of war)
Britain is Entering Into a 'Sex Disease Crisis'...
--Drudge Report/London Telegraph
spreading) (Prophecies...immorality)
AIDS: The Silent Slaughter...450,000+ Dead in the US...More Than in WWII
(AIDS is the first 'politically protected' deadly disease in
the history of the US ...)
Fear Spreads to 4 More States ...
(They quarantine for 'Monkeypox' and
SARS, etc. ... but not for the deadly AIDS virus)
--Drudge Report/USA Today
Group Reports - Chinese Christian Leader Beaten in Jail
... Now Near Death
--Associated Press
(prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Islamic Leader of Europe's Largest Mosque Calls On
Muslims to Destroy Enemies of Islam
(Jesus commands His followers to love their enemies as
themselves ...)
(Islamic Terror)
(prophecies...false prophets)
Islamics in Sudan Burn to Death Christian Pastor and His
Family ...
59 Massacred
(Islamic Terror)
(prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Bush's 'Problem' With Israel's Leader ...
May Hint at Shifting From the Israeli to Palestinian
(The Bible says 'in the last days' all nations will turn
against Israel ...)
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (prophecies...Israel)
1st Homosexual Marriage License Issued in North America
US Pastor and Partner to be 'Married'
(Prophecies...corruption of churches) (Warnings...homosexuality)
NASA Launches New Mars Space Craft with Rovers
--WND/Reuters (Prophecies... knowledge and travel)
Israel Agrees to a 'Tolerable' Level of Islamic
Palestinian Attacks
--World Tribune (prophecies...Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Russian Leader Putin Snubs Israeli Foreign Minister Over Iran
--Agency France-Presse
4 US Soldiers Wounded ...
and rumors of war)
'Monkeypox' Cases Expected to Rise
--WND/Associated Press
SARS Fear Shuts Toronto School,
6,400 in Quarantine...
--Drudge Report/Washington Post
(prophecies...deadly diseases
Islamics Kill, Dismember 3 Hindus in Kashmir...
Tortured Before Being Slain
--WND/Hindustan Times
(Islamic Terror)
(prophecies...false prophets)
Poles Heed Pope to Embrace the EU ...
Say 'We are Returning
to The Great European Family'
--WND/ The Scotsman
will unite)
(prophecies...the coming
US Warns Palestinians Terror Will
Threaten the Creation of a Palestinian State
--BBC News
(prophecies...coming 'peace plan') (prophecies...Israel)
Report: Russia Ranks Second in World Arms Trade
--Iranian News Agency (prophecies...Russia)
Turkey Sends Fighter-Jets Over Greek Air Space
(It appears from prophecy Turkey will join the Russia/Iran
coalition ...)
--World Tribune (prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies)
North Korea Admits Nuclear Weapons Drive
--Agency France-Presse
(prophecies...China/allies) (prophecies...wars
and rumors of war)
US Calls For End to North Korea Nuclear Arms Program
--Agency France-Presse
(prophecies...China/allies) (prophecies...wars
and rumors of war)
'Thousands Show as Disney Celebrates 'Gay Days' For
--Orlando Sentinel
of this generation...immorality)
US Urges Israel and 'Palestinians' to Stick to Roadmap 'Peace Plan'
(We need to stay out of this ...)
--Agency France-Presse
(prophecies...coming 'peace plan') (prophecies...Israel)
4 Israelis Shot Dead at Army Post
--Reuters (prophecies...Israel)
of this generation...violence) (Islamic Terror)
'Monkeypox' Outbreak Confirmed in US ...
CDC Alert
Following Reports of Infections in Midwest
(prophecies...deadly diseases
North Korea Threatens to Counter US Arms Buildup
--Agency France-Presse
(prophecies...China/allies) (prophecies...wars
and rumors of war)
US Soldier Killed, Four Wounded in New Iraq Attack
--Agency France-Presse
(prophecies...violence) (prophecies...wars
and rumors of war)
Episcopalian Church Elects Homosexual Bishop...
He Left
His Wife and Children for Another Man
--AP (Prophecies...corruption of churches) (Warnings...homosexuality)
(It is eerie to see how many prophecies are now being fulfilled
so very quickly ... and all in a single generation.)
Federal Agencies Celebrate Homosexual 'Gay Pride'
(Bible warnings...homosexuality)
Iran and Turkey Eager to Expand Ties
(It appears from prophecy Turkey will join the Russia/Iran
coalition ...)
--Iranian News Agency (prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies)
Presbyterian Minister to Continue Same-Sex Homosexual
(prophecies...corruption of churches) (warnings...homosexuality)
Episcopalian Church in New Hampshire May Elect
Homosexual Bishop
--WND/Les Kinsolving
(prophecies...corruption of churches) (warnings...homosexuality)
All Eyes on Turnout as Poland Votes To Join the European Union
--Agency France-Presse
(AFP) (prophecies...Europe
will unite)
'New-Look' European Union Begins to Emerge As Deadline Looms ...
--Agency France-Presse
(AFP) (prophecies...Europe
will unite)
Episcopal Church Poised to Elect Homosexual Bishop ...
--Associated Press
(prophecies...corruption of churches) (Bible warnings...homosexuality)
'Dog Fight' Over Iran Inside Bush's Whitehouse ...
(We see Iran invading Israel in the future...but, for
some reason we can't find the US coming to Israel's defense)
--WND (prophecies...Iran)
Islamic Hamas Breaks Off 'Truce' Talks in Israel
--Israel Ha'aretz (prophecies...Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
French Troops Arrive in Congo
--Reuters (prophecies...wars
and rumors of war)
Pentagon Report ...
Super Secret NSA to Honor
Homosexual' 'Gay and Lesbian' Month
--Inside the Ring (Pentagon)
(Bible warnings...homosexuality) (prophecies...immorality)
Earthquake Jolts Mississippi River Valley
--Associated Press
(prophecies...earthquakes in diverse places)
Hillary Clinton Says Bill Clintons' 'Monica' Lie Was His
First ...
of this generation... lies and deception)
Islamics in Sudan Burn to Death Christian Pastor and His
Family ... 59 Massacred
--WND (Islamic Terror) (prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Bush: Holy Land Must Be Divided
--Israel Insider (prophecies...coming 'peace plan') (prophecies...Israel)
Bush Caves-In to Powell Over Israel Peace Plan ...
--World Tribune (prophecies...coming 'peace plan') (prophecies...Israel)
of this generation... lies and deception)
Israel Report ..."Today May Very Well Be Recorded in History as
'The Day of Catastrophe' for Israel"
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(Although there will surely be many twists
and turns along the way, we are now firmly on the road to Armageddon ...)
Thousands Gather in Jerusalem to Protest Road-Map 'Peace
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (prophecies...coming 'peace plan') (prophecies...Israel)
EU Plans to Add Lebanon and Syria to the Roadmap 'Peace
--World Tribune (prophecies...coming 'peace plan') (prophecies...Israel)
Russia Says a 'Comprehensive Peace' Should Include Syria
and Lebanon
--World Tribune (prophecies...Israel)
Saudi Arabia Rejects an American Proposal to Start
Normalization With Israel
(Islam will not rest until Israel is destroyed ...)
--World Tribune (prophecies...Israel)
(prophecies...false prophets)
EU Approves Congo Military Force ...
Will Deploy Forces From the New 'European' Army
--BBC News
Martha Stewart Has Been Charged By a Federal Grand
--Drudge Report/Washington Post
Lutheran Minister Says God Doesn't Exist
(prophecies...corruption of churches)
Muslims Lament Israel's Existence...
--Drudge Report/International Herald Tribune
Israel Seeks Formal Label of 'Jewish State'
--NewsMax (prophecies...coming 'peace plan') (prophecies...Israel)
'Peace Plan' for Israel Presses On ...
Wording Israel is a 'Jewish State' Probably Won't Be
--Associated Press (prophecies...coming 'peace plan') (prophecies...Israel)
Flooding Closes Major Colorado Highway
--Associated Press
(Keep an updated log of the long line of
natural disasters or distressing domestic or international events which happen
on the same days/weeks our leaders announce support for and press for a
'Palestinian State' within the borders of Israel ...)
11 Western States (20% of Nation)
Now Experiencing Extreme to Exceptional Drought Conditions...
--Drudge Report/Draught.edu
Scorching Heat Kills More Than 1,100 in India...
--Drudge Report/Associated Press
Iran Shuns Pressure Over Nukes...Refuses to Allow Tougher Inspections
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
Iran and the European Union (EU) to Strengthen Ties ...
--Iranian News Agency
Tiny Micro-Chip Digital 'ID' May be Coming For
European Euro Notes
--IDG News (prophecies
... the coming Anti-christ)
(prophecies...Europe will unite)
'Road Map' Peace Plan is Causing Deep Divisions in Israel's Knesset
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel) (prophecies...coming 'peace plan') (prophecies...Israel)
Israeli Opinion/Commentary: 'The End of the State
of Israel ...'
(The Bible says Israel will survive ... barely ...
there's big trouble ahead)
--Arutz Sheva (Israel)
(The Anti-christ)
(The 'Rapture')
Iraq Firefight Leaves 4 Dead,
9 Injured
--Washington Times/AP
and rumors of war) (prophecies...violence)
Russian Leader 'Builds Bond' With China's Leader, Says Relations 'Peaking'
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
Men Currently in Contention to
Lead Europe ...
--Drudge Report/Times
(prophecies...the coming Anti-christ)
(prophecies...the 'Rapture')
Homosexual 'Dating' Show to Air on TV This Summer
of this generation...immorality)
7.0 Magnitude Earthquake in Japan Leaves Over 100 Injured
--Agence France-Presse (AFP) (prophecies...earthquakes
in diverse places)
Israeli Government Gives Qualified Approval to
Peace 'Roadmap'
... the Bible says there will be no lasting peace until Messiah returns)
--AFP (prophecies...coming 'peace plan')
Divided Israel Cabinet Accepts 'Peace Plan'
--Associated Press
(The 'Apocalypse'...prologue)
(prophecies...the 'Rapture')
"For when they shall say, 'peace and safety' then sudden
destruction cometh upon them (1Th 5:3)." A peace plan such as this will
one day be enforced by a coming powerful and popular leader. We honestly don't
know if this is the 'peace plan' which the Bible talks about, but
it could be. If so, watch closely over the next few days, weeks, months,
and years to see what it takes to get this 'peace plan' fully enforced.
If this is the one, many on Earth will not be around to see it fully enforced
upon nation Israel ... Remember, according to Bible prophecy a coming 'peace plan' defines the last
7 years of this age. The Bible says when the coming 'peace plan' is
enforced, the 'door' will be shut and there will be no turning back from the
global 'Roadmap' to Armageddon. Jesus described the prophetic events we
would see leading up to the 'Apocalypse' as 'the beginning of sorrows'
.. where the actual translation should be 'the beginning of birth pangs',
which means we will see quiet 'lulls' between events. And, just as with
'birth pangs', these 'lulls' are now becoming shorter and shorter ...
(Voted on
May 25, 2003)
Text of the 'Road Map' Peace Plan for Israel...
(Read and notice the 'Peace and Security" Emphasis)
--Jerusalem Post (prophecies...coming 'peace plan')
(The 'Quartet' is Russia, UN, EU, and US ... vs. tiny Israel)
"For when they shall say, 'peace and safety' then
sudden destruction cometh upon them (1Th 5:3)."
'Peace and security' = 'Peace and safety' ... It may still take a while for all of the pieces to fall into
place ... but this 'Road Map' now puts the world firmly on the road to
(Note: The Jerusalem Post
might ask you to fill out a free, one-time only, registration form to read the
Presbyterians Elect Pro-Homosexual (anti-Bible) Leader
--Denver Post
(prophecies...corruption of churches) (warnings...homosexuality)
(Many prophecies are now in the process of fulfillment)
for a United Europe is Published ... Calls for a "Strong President'
--BBC News
(prophecies...Europe will unite)
(prophecies...the Anti-christ)
(prophecies...the 'Rapture')
Mad Cow Disease a Biological Mystery
--Associated Press (prophecies...deadly diseases
Scientists Studying the SARS Virus ...
It's A 'Novel' Disease That Has Never Been Seen Before
(prophecies...deadly diseases
Israel Bowing to US Pressure May Accept Mideast Peace
Road Map
--Associated Press (prophecies...coming 'peace plan') (prophecies...Israel)
Experts Fear US - Russia Nuclear Missile
'Miscalculation' and Risk of Accidental Exchange
(The coming 'Apocalypse'...prologue)
Union' Keeps Name...
Proposed Names Include 'United Europe', 'United States of Europe'
--BBC News
(prophecies...Europe Unites)
(prophecies...the Anti-christ)
(prophecies...The 'Rapture')
New Palestinian Prime Minister Says They 'Do Not Do
Without Arafat's Approval
(Islamic Terror)
First Photographic Images of Earth Taken From Mars
--WND/Spaceflight Now
(prophecies...knowledge and travel)
Pygmies Beg UN For Aid to Save
Them From Horrific Cannibal Attacks in Congo ...
--Drudge Report/TimesOnLine (UK)
of this generation...violence)
Presbyterian Minister to Continue Same-Sex Homosexual
(prophecies...corruption of churches) (warnings...homosexuality)
Episcopalian Church in New Hampshire May Elect
Homosexual Bishop
--WND/Les Kinsolving
(prophecies...corruption of churches) (warnings...homosexuality)
