Bible Prophecy
"Now the Holy Spirit expressly
says What IS the “Apostasy”?
The term "depart" from the faith which we find in many of our Bible translations comes from the Greek word aphistemi (apostasy), which literally means “to stand away from God’s Word,” and denying that which is professed as truth in the Bible.
The Prophecies
The "Falling Away" of the Churches:
The Bible warns in “the latter times” churches will "depart from the faith" and will “no longer endure sound doctrine.”
From Bible prophecies we find this "falling away" (Apostasy) would begin with 'some' churches which would then grow into 'many' churches as we approach the coming Apocalypse. After the Rapture it will become 'all' churches (the great Apostasy) ...
"Now the Holy Spirit expressly says (This is God
warning us)
"Beloved, (he is speaking to believing Christians) But I want to remind you,
"For the time will come
These crucial Bible prophecies and warnings were written for those going to churches in the "latter" times
The problem is not many people today really want to hear what the Bible has to say.
Few will take the time to learn what the Bible actually teaches (or warns) about many of the serious social issues which are now confronting this generation. A deeper knowledge and understanding of God's Word could quickly eliminate much of the anger (or confusion) concerning these things which are dividing many people, churches, and Christians today. Yet, more and more people are basing their knowledge and understanding of God's Word solely on whatever their church or church leaders are choosing to tell them. The Bible warns against developing a higher degree of love and loyalty toward a particular church or church leader than toward God and God's Word.
The Apostle Paul praised the Berean churchgoers because they would eagerly listen to their church leader (and Paul), but would then go home to "search the Scriptures daily" to see if what they were being taught was true ...
"The Bereans were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica,
The danger in not holding our local churches accountable to the Scriptures is that people can quickly be led to replace the sincere love for (and obedience to) God's Word which God seeks and desires, with a socialized or "works-based" form of Christianity. Even though all Christians should be doing good works in loving, helping, forgiving, and sharing with others as proof of their faith (while also enjoying the friendships and social benefits which can be found when regularly attending a church), we have to remember that our good works (or social activities) can never save us into Heaven ... (but, we are promised rewards for them in Heaven).
All believing Christians know Jesus Christ is God who stepped forth from eternity ("From of old, from everlasting" - Micah 5:2) in order to suffer and die for our sins so we can be "washed clean" of all of our sins by His blood shed on the Cross and then clothed in His perfect righteousness, through faith. We are promised if we turn away from those sins ("repent") which He suffered and died for, and place all of our faith and trust in Jesus having paid the terrible price for all of our sins (past, present, and future) upon the Cross, and believe He rose from the dead on the third day (to offer us a new and eternal life), we will have the full assurance (and God's promise) of everlasting life in Heaven.
God's Word also teaches the Greatest Commandment is to love God above all other things. Now consider the fact that Jesus Christ is not only God manifest in human flesh, but in John 1:1 and Revelation 19:13 we also find Jesus Christ is the "WORD of God."
So, when Jesus (God) says ... "IF you love me,
We can't love Him if we reject, deny, oppose, or reject any of His Word, including any of His Laws, statutes, rules, or commandments. Remember, that except for those laws which were given specifically to Israel (to separate them from all other people and nations), all of God's Laws and Rules were given to Mankind from a loving God in Heaven to protect us from the Evil One and from the terrible effects and consequences of sin. The Bible warns "The Falling Away," the "Rapture,"The "Antichrist," and the "Apocalypse" are all closely linked ...
"Now brethren,
This prophecy goes on to tell us the Antichrist cannot be revealed until sometime AFTER the Rapture ...
"For the mystery of Lawlessness
The Bible warns many deceitful teacherswill successfully infiltrate into our churches ...
"For such are false apostles,
The "God is Love" passage will be misused to deceive many into ignoring God's Law ...
"Beware of false teachers (prophets),
Jesus clearly warns those who willfully practice this (or any) form of "Lawlessness" ... "NOT everyone
A Warning to the Churches
Jesus warns ‘lukewarm’ churches (and Christians) will place their "opinions" above God's Word as found in the Bible ...
“And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write,
In Greek, Laodicea can be translated "Peoples Opinions" (See below). In John 1:1 and Revelation 19:11-14 we find one of Jesus Christ's "Names" is "The Word of God." The whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is the Word of God.
We find here the Laodicean style churches have put "The Word of God" (Jesus) outside as they teach, preach, and believe their own "opinions" as to what is "right or wrong" and "good or evil," even if it denies, or opposes, or ignores what God's Word actually says.
We also find Jesus Christ (the Word of God), having been placed outside these churches, has to knock to get back in. We then find there are still some individuals in these churches who will open the door and invite Him into their lives, and with open arms and with tears of joy they will be welcomed and received into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Churches Teaching Opinions and Not the Word of God
From The name "Laodicea" is built of a compound Greek name "lao" and "dikeaomai", meaning "people's opinions." These people and churches base their teachings and beliefs on "opinions" and not on God's Word as found in Scripture.
God has also warned us through other prophecies
"Behold, the days are coming," says the Lord GOD,
This prophecy could be somewhat analogous to a monstrous tidal wave. If we're standing on a beach and see the water rapidly start to recede from the shore we know it signifies a tidal wave is rapidly approaching which will at some point devastate and destroy everything in its path.
In our scenario, the receding water represents the teaching (and hearing) of God's Word, the shore represents our churches and synagogues, and the Tidal Wave represents the coming Apocalypse which will one day devastate and destroy almost every living thing on planet Earth. The coming Apocalypse is the fierce and terrible "Day of the Lord" which prophet after prophet has cried out and warned us to watch for and to escape from by drawing near to God who will lovingly hide and shelter all who will draw near to Him before "that Day."
A Recent Voice of Warning
One of the most popular and respected Bible teachers of the 20th Century was J. Vernon McGee who started sounding the alarm concerning the falling away (“apostasy”) of the established churches over 40 years ago! Dr. McGee’s warnings and writings included the following:
“We are seeing in our day an amazing, an alarming, and an awful apostasy of the church. There has always been a question among students of prophecy about just how far the organized church would go into the apostasy before the Rapture occurs.
Some of us did not believe that we would see the organized churches plunge this far into a departure from the faith before the true church — that is, the body of believers who actually trust in Christ as Savior, recognizing they are sinners and their only hope is in Him — would be taken out of the world. When Dr. William Culbertson was here in Los Angeles speaking at the Prophetic Conference, he said to some of us privately, “The things I am seeing today I thought would not take place until the Tribulation!” And I’m sure that this is the viewpoint of many students of prophecy today.
In this sense, therefore, it’s an amazing apostasy that has come upon us. Suddenly the church has departed from the faith, and many of us thought that by the time this happened the true church would be gone.
It's an alarming apostasy ... and an awful apostasy. For this reason I think we can accurately say that we are right now in an amazing and alarming and awful apostasy in the church.”
The coming "One-World" Religious System
The Bible warns around the time of the coming Apocalypse a global religion or religious system will begin to gather and rise which will draw Protestants, Roman Catholics, Islamics, Jews and other religions together through deceptive and seductive promises of "Peace" and "Love." This rising religious system will one day have a very powerful leader who will be looked upon as "a man of peace." One of this man's 33 titles found in the Bible is "the Antichrist."
The only groups who will be excluded from this coming One-World Religion will be Bible-believing Christians and Jews.
The coming Antichrist will have a RELIGIOUS partner
“Then I saw ANOTHER beast
The Antichrist will not be alone. Another man, also empowered by Satan, will rule alongside the Antichrist. This powerful and deadly religious leader or “beast” (as God sees him) will rise to world power with the Antichrist. In this prophecy God reveals some important information and details concerning this religious man of power ...
“Two horns like a lamb,” tells us he will emerge with Christian credentials or doctrine, but “Spoke like a dragon” tells us he will be a liar and a deceiver who is controlled and directed by Satan. This person, along with the coming religious system he will lead, is also referred to in the book of Revelation as “The Woman Who Rides the Beast.” We are warned this all encompassing, one-world religion will rise to power out of the "City of Seven Hills" (Rome).
This coming ecumenical Religious System will one day imprison and execute millions of believing Christians
A number of years ago a Bible teacher warned that one day we would hear "ecumenical" Christians saying, "If we could just get rid of that 10% of extremist Christians (those "fundamentalists" who actually believe the Bible), the world would be a much better place."
According to Bible prophecies, these people will someday soon get their wish ...
The Bible-believing Christians we find below who WILL one day be imprisoned, tortured, and executed by this coming One-World Religion for their faith and trust in God's Word are those who will turn back to the Lord AFTER the Rapture, and are sometimes referred to as the "Tribulation Saints."
God will take the sting out of death for these
millions who will die in faith, and wants them
“Then I heard a voice from Heaven
“Then I saw the souls
“I saw under the altar
Jesus warns ... “Now brother will betray brother to death,
Remember, one of Jesus Christ's names in the Bible is "The Word of God" (see John 1:1 and Revelation 19:11-14). We are already starting to see people in this country and around the World being accused of "hate crimes" for simply referring to verses and passages found in the Bible, God's Word.
Where does your church stand on Bible Prophecy?
Most churches today either reject or deny Bible Prophecy saying it's just symbolic or has already happened in the past. Others will say they refuse to teach it because "it's too divisive." Others simply ignore or avoid it because of their lack of knowledge or training in this area.
How important IS Bible Prophecy in God's Word?
Overall about 25% - 30% of the entire Bible is prophetic. Out of the 216 chapters found in the New Testament, there are 318 prophecies referencing the Second Coming of Christ. This represents about one out of every thirty verses just in the New Testament! Then consider that 23 out of the 27 books in the New Testament include prophecies. We also find that for every prophecy about Christ's first coming, there are eight concerning His Second Coming. Yet, many of you have attended church for over 25 years and have never heard any detailed teachings on Bible Prophecy.
Jesus rebuked and held the religious leaders of His day accountable for not knowing and teaching the Bible prophecies.
Many of you reading this may never have been taught and weren't even aware of most of the Bible prophecies found on this page, or on this site. If a church or church leader never includes Bible Prophecy in their teaching, then how will the people ever know whether or not that church is one of the churches which these many prophecies concerning the Apostasy or the "falling away" are warning against? Or how will the people know whether we might now be drawing near to the coming Apocalypse? Or how will the people know how to escape (or be removed from) the coming Apocalypse in order to prepare and protect their families and children?
For Jesus warns ...
“WATCH therefore,
Other prophecies also warn ...
“Before the decree is issued,
God has taken a lot of time and effort in His Word trying to lovingly warn us of this "falling away" (Apostasy) of the churches which will trap many well-intentioned churchgoers and families unaware. God loves us and wants us to know the grave danger of being subtly and deceptively led away from the safety and the protection of His Word which was sent forth and given to save us from such things.
Yet, we will never know if we are being led astray until we take the time and effort to diligently study, search, and learn more of God's Word to see if these things are true.
God will never punish us for obeying His Word, as written.
Now, I hope you will test the Bible Prophecies found on this page and on this site, and "Search the Scriptures daily" to see if these things are true.
Copyright/The Prophecies/Craig Crawford 2018
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