Democrat Hillary Clinton Promises $5000 For Every U.S.
Baby ...
--WND/AP (Like her
Democrat "free" health-care for everybody plan this money will come out of the
pockets of the working middle-class and small businesses who can barely stand
up under the heavy federal, state, and local government tax loads now ... "but
it sounds so good"... "but it's free!"... the Democrats count on
the short-sightedness, fiscal ignorance, and the dependence upon
government hand-outs of their massive constituencies ... who do you
think will pay for this $5000 for every baby of both citizens
and the millions upon millions of non-citizens (who vote for
Democrats ... and who now already receive better health-care and
educational benefits than many our tax-paying citizens, military veterans, and
battle-wounded soldiers ... thanks to those professional politicians who are
using these millions of "new" votes to stay in power ... and to bleed this
once prosperous nation dry ... (prosperous because of the blessings from our Lord ... whom they now
curse, mock, and deny).
President Bush Authorizes $25 Million Oil Aid for North
Korea ...
--AFP (France)
(North Korea is a Russia-China client state who also provides Arabs with
nuclear weapon parts and designs ... Russia and the Arabs hold the vast
majority of the world oil supplies ... Russia is now a creditor nation
(in the black) while the US is now a debtor nation (in the red) ...
China holds almost a trillion US dollars ... why are we the ones
giving North Korea oil and money paid for by US taxpayers???
Paper: Bush Quietly Advising Hillary Clinton and
Top Democrats ...
--Drudge/S.F. Examiner
(Maybe next week's headline will read, "Bush Authorizes $5000 For Every North
Korean Baby")
Reports: Scientologist-Actor Tom Cruise Building Multi-Million Dollar
Bunker 'To Protect Against Alien Attack'...
(Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)
(Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise and lead many)
In the following passage
excerpted from Walter Martin's 'The Kingdom of the Cults' we find a
description of one 'Scientologist,' as Ralph Smith recounts ...
"One 'preclear' (a student of
Scientology) said that his 'thetan' (somewhat similar to a 'soul' or
'spirit' in Scientology) had inhabited the body of a doll on the planet
Mars, 469,476,600 years ago. Martians seized the doll and took it to a
temple, where it was zapped by a bishop's gun while the congregation chanted
"God is Love." The thetan was then put into an ice cube, placed aboard
a flying saucer, and dropped off at Planet ZX 432, where it was given a
robot body, then put to work unloading flying saucers. Being a bit
unruly, it zapped another robot to death and was shipped off in a flying
saucer to be punished. But the flying saucer exploded, and the thetan
fell into space." (Kingdom of the Cults, Walter Martin,
pg. 346)
(I wonder if Tom
Cruise's 'thetan' has this many bad days ...)

Maybe this is Tom Cruise's 'thetan' out of gas ... or waiting
for his ice cube to melt
Gaza's Place In Bible Prophecies ...
--WND/Hal Lindsey
(Prophecies ...'Gaza
shall be forsaken')
and Jerusalem
after becoming a nation)
Senior Al Qaeda in Iraq Leader Killed by U.S.
Forces ...
--Fox News (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
Iran Leader Ahmadinejad Visits Bolivia to Boost Latin
America-Iran Ties ...
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
The Russia-China global axis grows
strong ...
Russia-China Backed Ecuadoran President Celebrates
Victory After Vote ...
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
The Russia-China axis grows
strong ...
Russia-China-Backed Leaders of Iran and Venezuela Cement
Ties ... Declare 'No One Can Defeat Us'
--Drudge/ABC News (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)

Iran's Ahmadinejad With Venezuela's Chavez - ABC
San Francisco Homosexuals Mock Jesus Christ With 'Last
Supper' Take-Off ... Taxpayers Subsidize Event
Warnings: Homosexuality and Abortion)
Signs: We Will Know When We Are Close ...)
(The time draws near ...)
"I (the LORD) have
held My peace a long time,
I have been
still and restrained Myself. (God’s patience will
Now I will
cry like a woman in labor . . .
I will lay
waste the mountains and hills"
(God) will punish the
world for its evil,
and the
wicked for their iniquity;
I will halt
the arrogance of the proud ..."
"Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam,
(the first person "raptured"
in the Bible)
also prophesied about these men, saying,
the Lord (Jesus Christ ... Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew)
comes with ten thousands (millions) of His saints,
to execute judgment on all,
to convict all who are
among them of all their
ungodly deeds
which they have committed in an ungodly way,
and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners
have spoken against Him.’"
(Jude 1:14-15)
"For behold, the LORD will come with
fire and with His chariots,
like a whirlwind (a global hurricane of fire),
to render His anger with fury,
and His rebuke with flames of fire.
For by fire and by His sword the LORD will judge all flesh;
and the slain of the LORD shall be many."
(Isaiah 66:15-16)
says the LORD of Hosts (armies):
Behold, disaster shall go forth from nation to nation ...
And at that day the slain of the LORD
shall be from one end of the Earth
even to the other end of the Earth . . ." (Nobody
will escape God's wrath after the coming 'Rapture')
(Jeremiah 25:27-38)
Swedish Artist Unveils Sculpture Depicting Jesus Christ
As A Sexual Organ Exposed Dog ...
--WND/AFP (France)
describing the 'Generation of Armageddon')
Signs: We Will Know When We Are Close ...)
Democrat Presidential Candidates Approve of
Homosexual Fairy Tale Book For 2nd Grade Children ...
--Fox News
Warnings: Homosexuality and Abortion)
describing the 'Generation of Armageddon' will be marked by its immorality)

Democrat Party Candidates
Approve Of Homosexual Book For 7 Year-Olds - Fox News
Jesus-Yeshua called a little child to him ...
Whoever causes one of these little ones who
believes in Me to sin,
it would be better for him if a millstone
were hung around his neck
and he were drowned in the depths of the sea.
Woe to the world because of offenses, for
offenses must come,
but, woe to that man (or woman) by whom the
offense comes!"
(Matthew 18:2,3-7) ('Woe' is a terrible, terrible,
terrible curse
"For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven
against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of
men . . .
For even their women exchanged the natural use
for what is against nature (lesbianism).
Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use
of the woman,
burning in their lust for one another,
men with men committing what is shameful
(homosexuality) . . .
that those who practice these things are worthy of death
and not only those who do the same
but also (all
who approve of those who practice them!"
(Romans 1:18, 26, 27, 32)
Other offenses were also included which were not listed here.)
Here, God clearly warns all those who simply tolerate or
"approve of " these things with their great "open-mindedness" will be
held just as guilty as those who actually do them.
"And as it is appointed for men
(mankind ... men and women)
to die once,
after this the Judgment" (The Bible warns there is
no reincarnation ... and no 'Purgatory')
(Hebrews 9:27)
(The most important Bible prophecies ... Heaven or Hell ... the final
Democrat Presidential Candidate John Edwards Approves
Homosexual Stories For 2nd Graders ...
--WND/Joseph Farah
Warnings: Homosexuality and Abortion)
describing the 'Generation of Armageddon')
Colorado Students Walk Out
Protesting the Pledge of Allegiance ... Refuse to Say 'One Nation Under God'
--Fox News
(The Democrat Party's state-enforced Marxist-atheist indoctrination of
our children is out of control ...)
Democrats Should Run Iranian Leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad For President
--WND/Ann Coulter
Signs: We Will Know When We Are Close ...)
France Accuses Iran Of Building New Clandestine Military Nuclear Site ...
--Debkafile (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Russia Rejects Sanctions On Iran ...
--Drudge/Reuters (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Saudis Worried Nuclear Issue With Iran Headed To
--Drudge/AFP (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Iranian Military 'Shelling Targets Deeper Inside Northern
--Drudge/AFP (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Report: North Korea Shipped Intermediate-Range
Missile to Syria ... Financed By Iran
--World Tribune
(Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will
be utterly
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Iran Strengthens South America Ties ...
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Rain of Mortar Shells and Rockets Fall on Southern
Israel ...
Nat'l News
... Wars and rumors of war)
and Jerusalem
after becoming a nation)
Georgian Leader Accuses Russian Military Of
--AFP (France) (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Russia Determined To Retaliate If Other Nations Deploy
Weapons in Space ...
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)
Iran Leader Tells the UN "Calamities Will Befall" the
United States and Israel ...
--Jerusalem Post
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
(Russia gives him strength ...)
Defiant Iran Leader Tells UN Nuclear Issue Is
'Closed'... Will Ignore UN Demand To Curb Nuclear Program
--World Tribune (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Homosexuals Get the Death Penalty in Iran ...
--Fox News
Warnings: Homosexuality and Abortion)
Gaza: Christian-Muslim Tensions Heat Up After
Islamic Attacks 80 Year-Old Christian Woman ...
--Jerusalem Post (Prophecies
... Christians will be hated)
(Prophecies ...'Gaza
shall be forsaken')
(Note On Islam ...)
U.N. Wants to Tax World with Sea Treaty ...
coming Antichrist) (The Bible warns just prior to
Armageddon we will see the rise of a one-world government ...)
U.S. Finds Iran Missile Systems in Iraq ...
--World Tribune (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Iran Warns 200,000 US Troops Are Now Within Firing Range
Of Their Missiles ...
--WND/Fox News (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
French Leader Warns UN Allowing
Iran To Go Nuclear Could Cause War ...
--Drudge/Reuters (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Syrian MiG Goes Down Near Israel ...
--World Tribune
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will
be utterly
Clintons Kill Negative GQ Story ... Return Of The
Clinton War Room
--World Tribune
... 'In the last days evil men (and women) will wax worse and worse...deceiving (lying), and being deceived')
Economic Storms Brewing ... The
Enemies Of The United States Watch and Wait.
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
What Does It Mean To Be Born Again?
--WND/Greg Laurie
most important Bible prophecies ... Heaven or Hell ... the final separation)
US Says Iran Is Sending Missiles To Iraq To Attack
American Troops ...
--WND/AP (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Columbia University Says "Yes" To Iranian Terror Master
and "No" To Speaker Opposed To Illegal Immigration ...
--Fox News (Warning
Signs: We Will Know When We Are Close)
(Most university leaders now follow the Kremlin Party line ...)
NASA Scientist Who Predicted A Coming Human Caused 'Ice
Age' In 1971 Now Warns of Global Warming ...
(Prophecies: The coming 'Apocalypse')
(The Bible warns around the time of Armageddon the sun will scorch the
Earth ... Rev 16:8-9)
U.S. General Doesn't Expect War With Iran ...
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
From Israel: The Unkosher Feast ...
Nat'l News/Ellen Horowitz (Warning
Signs: We Will Know When We Are Close)
New Russian Prime-Minister (Comrade) Zubkov Applies
Stern Authority Over Cabinet ...
--Moscow Times
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
'MidEast MTV' Targets Jews With Murder, Violence ...
Music Video In Hebrew Celebrates Israelis 'In Black Bags'
--WND "I (God) will
bless those who bless you (Israel) and
will curse those who curse you"... (Genesis 12:3)
Former (Anti-US) French and German Leaders Chirac and
Schroeder Are in Russia at Putin's Invitation ...
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
("Gomer" is an area around modern France-Germany)
Russia's Putin To Visit Iran October 16 ... As Russia Turns Its Face To Iran
and Its Back On the U.S.
--Debkafile (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Iran Shows New Long-Range Missile ... Saying "Israel Must Be Wiped Off The
Map" ... "Death To America"
--Debkafile (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Israel Threatens To 'Wipe Syria Off The Map' If They Use
Chemical Weapons ...
Daily News
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will
one day be utterly
Commentary: Prophesied Destruction of Syria
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will
one day be utterly
Report: Israeli Forces Seized Nuclear Material in
Syrian Raid ...
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will
one day be utterly
Iranian and Chinese Weapons Seized in Afghanistan ...
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
U.S. Commander: Iran Is Supplying Taliban With
Bombs ... We May Have To 'Act Decisively' If It Continues
--NewsMax (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Dubai Moves To Acquire 20% of NASDAQ and 28% of the
London Stock Exchange ...
(As oil prices shift the world's wealth
to Russia and the Middle East our Democrat Party still blocks US from drilling
and building new refineries ...)
U.S. Sec'y of State Rice Says Conference On Dividing The
Land Of Israel Must Be 'Substantive'...
"I (God) will
bless those who bless you (Israel) and
will curse those who curse you"... (Genesis 12:3)
Canada's Dollar Briefly Trades Higher Than US Dollar ...
Dollar Tumbles To New Low Against Euro As Euro Hits
... 10 nations of the Roman Empire will reunite and rise in great power ...)
coming Antichrist)
As The 144-Nation Atomic Energy Conference Votes To
Criticize Israel Only The US Votes With Israel ...
The Bible warns around the time of Armageddon all nations would
'unite' against Israel ... (Zechariah 14:2...Revelation 16:12-16).
Two Russian Strategic Bombers Fly Along Alaska and
Canada Coasts ...
(Russia) (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
U.S. Seizes Elite Iranian Officer In Iraq ... Accused of
Smuggling IEDs Used To Kill and Maim US Soldiers
--Fox News (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
What Iran Wants To Do ...
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
coming Antichrist)
Russia-Backed Syria Greets Sec'y of State Rice With Car-Bomb Assassination of
Lebanese MP...
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will
be utterly
One Of Israel's Voices of Reason, Nadia Matar, Arrested
In Jerusalem After Peaceful Protest ...
Nat'l News
and Jerusalem
after becoming a nation)
(She could be a good Prime Minister of Israel ...)
Nadia Matar Describes Her Arrest And Imprisonment After
Being Released From Jail In Israel ...
Nat'l News
and Jerusalem
after becoming a nation)
Al Qaida Is 'On The Run'... U.S. Takes Out Top Commander
North Of Baghdad
--World Tribune (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies ... Iraq)
Dozens of Islamic Taliban Killed in Afghanistan ...
--AFP (France) (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
Traveling Public Outraged As Highway Checkpoint In
Colorado Asks For Blood and Saliva ...
coming Antichrist)
Dollar Hits Another New Low Against The Euro ...
--BBC News
... 10 nations of the Roman Empire will reunite and rise in great power ...)
coming Antichrist)
Ann Coulter: "Is There A Trial Lawyer In The
House?"... Democrats Valuing Their Attorneys Over Doctors
While We Were Sleeping ... The Secret Sellout of North
(The US will be 'neutralized' before
Russia-Iran attack Israel ... it could be financially, politically,
militarily, or a combination of the three.)
Zogby: Democrat Run Congress Gets Just 11%
Approval ... Lowest Ever
describing the 'Generation of Armageddon')
Christians 3 - Senate 0...Victory For Family Arrested
After Praying In Capitol When Hindu Prayer Opened Senate
describing the 'Generation of Armageddon')
"You shall have no other
gods before Me"
(Exodus 20:3)
"And in all that I (God)
have said to you,
be circumspect
and make no mention of the name of other gods,
not let it be
heard from your mouth."
(Exodus 23:13)
" Thus says the Lord
of hosts (armies), the God of Israel:
'You have seen all the
calamity that I have brought on Jerusalem and on all the cities of Judah;
and behold, this day
they are a desolation, and no one dwells in them,
because of
their wickedness which they have committed to provoke Me to anger,
in that they went
to burn incense and to serve other gods whom they did not know,
they nor you nor
your fathers.
However I have sent
to you all My servants the prophets,
rising early and
sending them, saying,
"Oh, do not do this
abominable thing that I (God) hate!"
But they did not
listen or incline their ear to turn from their wickedness,
to burn no
incense to other gods.
So My fury and My anger
were poured out ..."
(Jeremiah 44:2-6)
In the Bible we find God will
raise up evil nations to judge those who have turned against Him and His
Word ...
China Building World’s Largest Navy As U.S. Sea Power Is
In 'Absolute Decline' ...
--World Tribune (Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
From Russia: Iran and Syria Work Together
Developing Deadly WMDs To Wipe Out USA ...
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will
be utterly
Iran Promises Devastating "Final Response" To
The U.S. And Israel On October 12 ...
Nat'l News
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)

Iran's Leader With Their Doomsday Hour
Dozens of Iranian Engineers and 15 Syrian Officers Died
While Loading Deadly Chemical Warhead On Missile ...
--Jerusalem Post
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will
one day be utterly
"Do not be deceived,
God is not mocked,
for whatever a man sows,
that he will also reap ..."
(Galatians 6:7)
Iranian-Syrian "Strategic Collaboration Pact" Has Test-Fired SCUD Missiles
With Chemical Warheads ...
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel) (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will
one day be utterly
(Israeli intelligence
has photos of convoys moving Russian-assisted Iraq WMD materials to Syria just
prior to the US coalition attack ...
Iran Draws Up Plans to Bomb Israel ...
--Drudge/AP (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
Air Force Setting Up Cyber Command ...
News (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
Earlier: Chinese Military Hacked Into Pentagon In Most
Successful Cyber Attack On U.S. Defense Department
(Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Russia-China and their global allies are preparing for war ... )
US Congressman Warns There Are 'Too Many Mosques In This
--Drudge/Politico (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war ... and "ethnic against ethnic")
Our enemy grows and prepares and waits ... when
you study Islam you will find mosques are considered military outposts under
the command of imams or sheikhs ...'imams' and 'sheikhs' are not just
'teachers,' but are also considered military ranks and are required to submit
to higher ranks through chains of command ... and the chains of command for
all mosques now ultimately lead to either Saudi Arabia or Iran ... in
England over 6000 churches have now been turned into mosques ... Islamics
in the US have also warned the powerful and growing Nation of Islam (which
includes such wealthy notables as Louis Farrakhan, Mohammed
Ali, Mike Tyson, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) is also preparing and waiting with
them ... they claim the coming war will be black vs. white ... when in
reality it will be Islamic vs. Christian.
Anti-Syrian Christian MP Killed In Lebanon Car Bombing ...
(France) (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will
be utterly
(This is the
Russian tactic of assassinating those who oppose them, or might reveal
their true intentions, or might effectively stand in their way ...)
Possible Options For A Syrian (Iranian) Counter-Strike Against Israel ...
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will
one day be utterly
(Iran, Russia, Syria,
and China at this point in time will never allow anything that appears to give Israel or
the US a victory, either militarily or diplomatically ... they have made
commitments and statements to their global allies that cannot
allow them to back down on any issue that would make them appear weak
or compromising as they press forward toward war.)
Israeli Attack on Syria Could Foreshadow Strike on Iran
--NewsMax (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
Israel Seals Off Gaza Strip ... Declares It 'Enemy
(Prophecies ...'Gaza
shall be forsaken')
and Jerusalem
after becoming a nation)
Iran-Backed Hamas Calls Israel's Decision To Declare
Gaza "Enemy Entity" An 'Act of War'...
--Jerusalem Post
(Prophecies ...'Gaza
shall be forsaken')
and Jerusalem
after becoming a nation)
Israel Attack Has Iran in Panic Mode ...
--NewsMax (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
Israel Allowing An Enemy To Continually Launch Rockets
At Civilians Is Unparalleled In History ...
--Israel Nat'l News/Mladen
(Prophecies ...'Gaza
shall be forsaken')
and Jerusalem
after becoming a nation)
Israel's Vice-Premier Is Prepared To Divide Jerusalem
--Ynet (Israel)
and Jerusalem
after becoming a nation)
Wednesday In Jerusalem ... Protest Rally Against Olmert
Plan To Divide Israel
--Israel Nat'l News
and Jerusalem
after becoming a nation)
Official 'Palestinian' Newspaper Glorifies 9/11 Attacks
Against The US ...
--Arutz 7
(Yet our government is giving them millions of dollars in weapons and
our Spec Ops are training their troops ...)
Meteorite Crash Causes 'Mystery Illness'...
--Fox News
U.S. Attorney Charged in Seeking Sex With 5 Year-Old
Girl ...
--Fox News
(Prophecies describing the 'Generation of Armageddon' ... 'corrupt'
immorality") (The Bible uses the word 'corrupt'
like smelly, rotting meat ...)
