More News . . . (cont.) | ||||
Democrat Barney Frank Says Congress Prepared To Pass Pro-Homosexual Law ... --WND (Bible Warnings: Homosexuality) (In the Bible we find God will raise up evil nations to judge those who have turned against Him and His Word ...)
Greenspan Says Euro Could Replace Dollar ... --NewsMax (Prophecies ... 10 nations of the Roman Empire will reunite and rise in great power ...) (The coming Antichrist)
Film To Show Collapse of the Soviet Union Was A "Great Deception"... --JRNyquist (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
Russia Warns Military Intervention in Iran Would Be "Catastrophic"... --AFP (France) (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
--Debkafile (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
Spy Chief Warns China and Russia Are Spying on the U.S. ... --Koenig/USA Today (Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies...Russia and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
Report: Eight Israeli Warplanes Hit Syria ... Syria Was Preparing A "Deadly Surprise" For Israel --Haaretz (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will one day be utterly destroyed)
French Warn War with Iran Coming ... --NewsMax (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
France Slammed By Iran After Minister Warns of War ... --AFP (France) (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
600 Iranian Missiles Said To Be Pointed At Targets In Israel ... --Jerusalem Post (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
--Jerusalem Post (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
Iranian Weapons Intercepted in Afghanistan ... --AFP (France) (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
Syria's 'Massive' Buildup of Missiles ... Russian Exercise Included Cruise Missile Attack on U.S. --World Tribune/Geo-Strategy Direct (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
--Moscow Times (Prophecies...Russia and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel) (Sponsored by party leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky ...)
Earlier: 'Is Al Qaeda a Kremlin (Russian) Proxy?' --JRNyquist (From an interview with high-level KGB defector Litvenko shortly before he was assassinated by Russia ...)
Earlier: Russia's Zhirinovsky Calls For A Nuclear Attack Against Japan and Re-Occupying Alaska ... --Moscow Times (Prophecies...Russia and allies will go to war and will invade Israel) (Prophecies: The coming 'Apocalypse')
Russian Billionaire Snaps Up Every Item Before Art Auction ... --BBC News (Russian billionaires were/are Russian KGB and Communist Party officers ...)
U.S. Sovereignty Could Be Threatened by U.N. Treaty ... --NewsMax (The coming Antichrist) (The Bible warns just prior to Armageddon we will see the rise of a one-world government ...)
Blasting Those Leaders Who Will Not Stand Up To (Or Even Identify) The Enemy ... --WND/Barbara Simpson (Those leaders in the Democratic Party want the US to lose ...)
Microsoft Suffers Stunning European Union (EU) Antitrust Defeat...Must Share Code With Rivals --Drudge/Reuters (Prophecies ... 10 nations of the Roman Empire will reunite and rise in great power ...) (The coming Antichrist)
Episcopalian Church 'Storm' Brews As Mass Defections Over Homosexual Bishops Loom ... --WND (Bible Warnings: Homosexuality and Abortion) (Prophecies ... Churches and church leaders would 'fall away')
Earlier: Church of England (Anglican-Episcopal) Backs Calls for Killing Disabled Babies at Birth... --Drudge/Daily Mail (UK) (Prophecies ... Churches and church leaders would 'fall away') (Bible Warnings: Homosexuality and Abortion)
We are now seeing the 'apostasy' ... the 'falling away'... no longer teaching or enduring 'sound doctrine' in most of the largest churches today ... exactly like the Bible said we would see just before the Rapture, the 'Apocalypse', Armageddon, and Messiah's Return ...
"Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some (churches and church leaders) will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons (denying the truth of God's Word, saying "all roads" lead to Heaven, homosexuality and abortion are okay, etc.) speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods . . ." (1 Timothy 4:1-3)
"For the time will come (which we are now seeing) when they (many churches, church leaders, those who call themselves Christians) will no longer endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers (ministers, priests, reverends, rabbis, pastors) (who will tell them only what they want to hear and not what the Bible teaches) and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. (Such as the 'DaVinci Code') But you (simple, believing Christians) be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry." (2 Timothy 4:3-5)
"Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary ('compelled') to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain men (and women) have crept in unnoticed, (church leaders, ministers, priests, reverends, rabbis, pastors) who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness . . . (who twist, ignore, deny, resist, and refuse to teach or believe God’s Word in the Bible) But I want to remind you, though you once knew this, (Sabbath and Sunday school students ...) that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed all those who did not believe." (Jude 1:3-6)
The 'falling away' (apostasy) of many churches and church leaders, the 'Rapture', and the rise of the coming 'Antichrist' are all closely related in Bible prophecy ...
"Now brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) and our gathering together to Him ... (the coming 'Rapture') Let no one deceive you by any means, for that day (the 'Rapture') will not come unless the falling away ("apostasy") comes first ..." (churches and synagogues turning away from the Word of God like we are now seeing) and the man of sin (the Antichrist) is revealed, the son of perdition (another title of the coming Antichrist) who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, (a powerful 'one-world' religion is coming) so that he sits as God in the Temple of God, (a new Jewish Temple will be built in Jerusalem) showing himself that he is God. (Jesus warns this event will trigger the last half of the 'Apocalypse'... the 3 1/2 year 'Great Tribulation.') Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things?" (Paul was only with them for 3 weeks and still taught them about the Rapture, Antichrist, and 2nd coming!) (2 Thessalonians 2:1-10)
California PTA Endorses Homosexuals' Indoctrination Plan For School Children ... --WND (Bible Warnings: Homosexuality and Abortion) (Prophecies describing the 'Generation of Armageddon' ...)
British Fighter Jets Again Scramble To Intercept Russian Bombers... --WND/AFP (Prophecies...Russia) (Russia may also be probing NATO air defenses with advanced stealth warplanes at the same time ...)
Nov. 2000: Did Russian Warplanes Use Stealth Technology When Penetrating USS Kitty Hawk Air Defenses ... --WND/JRNyquist (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
Dec. 2000: Russian Warplanes Take US Navy By Surprise Buzzing Aircraft Carrier Flight Deck ... --WND (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
What Clinton-Gore Did To Our Military (2000): U.S. Pacific Fleet No Match For Russian Air Force ... --London Telegraph/Discerning the Times (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
Iran and Russia To Review Expansion of "Mutual Cooperation" ... --Iranian News Agency (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
New Moon Begins the "Day of Trumpets-Shouting"
"Yom Teruah" the first of the Jewish-Biblical "Fall" Feasts started Thursday, "the first day of the seventh month"...
On Thursday September 13, 2007 the
New Moon was sighted from The Bible warns the 7 Feasts of Israel (3 in the Spring, then Pentecost, and 3 in the Fall) are all Prophetic ...
"Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or in the new moon, or of the sabbath days: which are a shadow of things to come." (Colossians 2:16-17) (... and Jesus-Yeshua fulfilled the Spring feasts and Pentecost on their very days!)
Jesus-Yeshua, the promised Messiah, said ....
"Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill." (Matthew 5:17) (Bible Prophecies of the Messiah from the Tanakh - Old Testament)
The three (3) Jewish-Biblical 'Fall' Feasts are prophetically yet to be 'fulfilled' ... (Bible Prophecies of Messiah's return)
Yom Teruah ... or ... Rosh Hashannah--Karaite Korner (Prophecies of the "Rapture" ... the coming 'rescue') Thursday to Friday was the first of the Jewish-Biblical 'Fall' Feasts ... the Biblical "Day of Trumpets-Shouting." The Bible is 100% consistent ... according to the Bible, the Jewish-Biblical month (called Tishrei) which started with the sighting of the New Moon today is the "first day of the 7th month" and not the first month of the year ... the Bible says Nissan (the month of Passover in the spring) is the 1st month ... Jesus-Yeshua, the promised Messiah, warned against following the "traditions" of men and not the Word of God.
While facing the religious teachers and leaders, Jesus-Yeshua (the promised Messiah) rebuked them ...
"For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men." (Mark 7:8)
"He (Jesus-Yeshua) said to them (the religious leaders), 'All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition ... Making the Word of God of no effect though your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do.'" (Mark 7:9,13)
The Trumpet (Shofar) Blows - God's Warning To All ...
"When I (God) bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from their territory and make him their watchman, when he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But he who takes warning will save his life (in Heaven). But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away (his or her soul after he dies) in his iniquity (sin); but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand." (Ezekiel 33:2-9)
"When I (God) say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die (in Hell),’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life (eternal life in Heaven), that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity (sin); but his blood I will require at your hand. "Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul. "Again, when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die (be sent to Hell); because you did not give him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand. "Nevertheless if you warn the righteous man that the righteous should not sin, and he does not sin, he shall surely live because he took warning; also you will have delivered your soul." (Ezekiel 3:18-21) (The most important Bible prophecies ... Heaven or Hell ... the final separation)
2 Million Dunams (Approx. 500,000 Acres) of Land in Israel Temporarily 'Sold' For 'Sabbath' Year ... --Haaretz (Prophecies...Israel after becoming a nation) (Messiah: A Remarkable Mathematical Prophecy ... '69 Weeks') (Prophecies: Armageddon) God told the children of Israel that since they refused to obey God's Word and did not rest the Land each Sabbath Year for 490 years (= 70 years of Sabbath Years) they would be removed from the Land for 70 years into Babylon so the Land of Israel could rest (and then they were removed from the Land for 70 years! ... see the books of Jeremiah and Daniel) ... We also know from the Bible that God has set aside a final 7 years (one "week" of years) of judgment for nation Israel (and the whole world ... Daniel 9:24-27 ... the first 69 weeks of years (62 + 7) was fulfilled when Jesus-Yeshua the Messiah was revealed (on Palm Sunday) and then "cut-off" (executed) "but not for himself") ... Since Israel became a nation once again in 1948 Israel has often tried to 'fool' God by selling their land to a non-Jew for one year so they could still work the land ... the Bible warns God will not be mocked ... Israel will one day owe God 7 years for the lost Sabbath years ... the "70th Week of Daniel" warns of the last 7 years of judgment against Israel (and the world) ... the book of Revelation then provides the details of exactly what will happen during this coming last 7 years of this Age which was revealed in the book of Daniel and throughout the Bible which is also called 'the time of Jacob's (Israel's) Trouble,' the Day of the Lord, the Day of the Lord's Wrath, the Great Tribulation, and the 'Apocalypse' (which actually means the 'revealing' (of Jesus-Yeshua the Messiah) and is where the book of Revelation (Apocalypse) gets its name) which will end with the final 'Battle of Armageddon' (when Jesus-Yeshua, the promised Messiah, will return to save Israel and to rule over the whole world) which completes a terrible series of wars and judgments which will engulf Israel and the whole world over a coming 7 year period of time ... God warns in the Bible this final 7 years (of this Age) will begin with a 'Peace Plan' (Covenant) which a coming world leader (the Antichrist) will one day enforce upon Israel ...)
And Jesus-Yeshua warns after we see the warning signs (which we are now seeing) ...
"For then there will be great Tribulation such has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened no flesh (on Earth) would be saved." (Matthew 24:21-22)
Jesus-Yeshua, the Messiah, warns us that never in the history of Mankind has there been anything as terrible on Earth (even the Flood of Noah) as the coming 'Apocalypse', the Great Tribulation ... only a small remnant of the world will survive.
Second Massive Earthquake In Two Days Rocks Indonesia ... --Fox News (Prophecies ... Earthquakes in 'diverse' places) (I think it might be significant that Indonesia is the worlds largest Islamic nation ...)
Congo Battles Deadly Ebola Outbreak ... --AFP (France) (Prophecies ... Deadly diseases will spread)
Taiwan Accuses the UN of Being Afraid of Beijing ... --World Tribune (Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
France Considers Returning to NATO ... --AFP (France) (Prophecies ... 10 nations of the Roman Empire will reunite and rise in great power ...) (The coming Antichrist)
Israeli Air Force Either Targeted Iranian-Syrian Missile Installation or Syrian Nuclear Facility ... --Jerusalem Post (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will one day be utterly destroyed)
UK Troops Sent to Iranian Border... --Drudge/Independent (UK) (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Report Feeds Fever Over Another KGB Man Succeeding Putin ... --AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Film To Show Collapse of the Soviet Union Was A "Great Deception"... --JRNyquist (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel)
Russian Leader (China Ally) Putin
Putin Dissolves Russian Government ... --WND/AP (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
US Confronting China Over "Pearl Harbor II" Attack Plan Against Our Pacific Fleet ... --WND (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Cyber-War ... China Now Attempting To Penetrate Australian Government Computers For Military Secrets --WND/The Australian (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
China's Trade Surplus Jumps 33 Percent ... --NewsMax (Yet our gov't still categorizes them as an "Undeveloped Nation" so China still receives financial assistance and low interest loans from us ...)
Euro Strikes Record High Against Dollar ... --AFP (France) (Prophecies ... 10 nations of the Roman Empire will reunite and rise in great power ...) (The coming Antichrist)
Massive Earthquake Triggers Tsunami In Indonesia ... --WND/AP (Prophecies ... Earthquakes in 'diverse' places)
Russian Military Creates and Tests World's Most Powerful Non-Nuclear Bomb ... --Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel) (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)
Russia Tests New Powerful Non-Nuclear Bomb - AP
Islamics Threaten To Cut Off The Head of "Prostitute" Britney Spears ... Also Target Madonna --WND (Prophecies describing the 'Generation of Armageddon' ... "violence and 'corrupt' immorality")
Israeli Media Confirms Israeli Air Force Struck Targets In Syria Near Euphrates ... --Israel Nat'l News (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will one day be utterly destroyed)
'Nuke Sites Spotted In Syria'... Possible Photos Taken By Israeli Jets --Ynet News (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will one day be utterly destroyed)
'Israeli Air Force and Ground Troops Targeted Iranian Weapons in Syria' ... --Jerusalem Post (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will one day be utterly destroyed)
US Confirms Israeli Strike Deep Within Syria Targeting Iranian Arms Shipment ... --WND/London Telegraph (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed)
--Fox News (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, Germany, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel) (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)
--Israel Nat'l News (Prophecies of the Antichrist) (Prophesies ... A coming 'Peace Plan' will be enforced upon Israel and will change the world ... forever!) It is hard to see from prophecy how this 'agreement' will ever be 'ratified' ... because the Bible warns a coming (and very popular) world leader (the Antichrist) will have to enforce a "covenant" (peace plan) upon Israel ... and the very day this coming 'peace agreement' begins will start the clock on the last 7 years of this Age and will begin an unstoppable 7 year (360 day Jewish-lunar-prophetic year) countdown to Armageddon and Messiah's return ... the Bible warns there will be 3.5 years of a false peace and then 3.5 years which will contain all of the Judgments found in the book of Revelation (and many other books in the Bible) which provide the details of the this terrible 7 year period of time which will engulf Israel and the World which was earlier prophesied and revealed in the book of Daniel.) (Prophecies of the "Rapture"... the coming 'Rescue')
Abortion In the Land Of Israel ... (Bible Warnings: Homosexuality and Abortion) (Prophecies describing the 'Generation of Armageddon' ...)
"Were your acts of harlotry a small matter, that you have slain My children, (notice that God looks upon these little, slain babies as His!) and offered them up to them (to other 'gods', idols) by causing them to pass through the fire ..." (Ezekiel 16:20-21)
"By causing them (babies) to pass through the fire ..." Back then, unwanted babies were 'offered' to a false god 'Molech' (a god of lust and pleasure) by placing the baby onto the glowing red-hot arms of a small bronze statue which was placed in the fire. Do a study of Molech (an idol, false god) or passing babies 'through the fire' in the Bible and you will find God will judge a nation (and a world) for the killing of babies for convenience. God says a lot about this killing of unwanted babies ('passing sons and daughters through the fire') in the Bible. The technology we now use to kill these 'unwanted' babies is different, but the intent is exactly the same. Now, instead of calling them 'priests' we call them 'doctors,' and instead of burning the babies alive (passing them 'through the fire'), we cut them into little pieces while they're alive and call it 'abortion.' God sees it and it causes Him to cry out in agony and anger. This is one more reason why the coming Apocalypse is also called 'the Day of God's Wrath' which will come upon 'a morally corrupt and violent' generation. Also, the Bible warns us that 'not only those who do such things, but also all those who approve of those who do such things' will be held just as guilty. Please remember, our God is a forgiving God who is filled with grace and mercy, and even those who have done or approved of such things can still be washed clean and forgiven through the 'blood of the Lamb of God,' our Lord, the only One who can now save us from our sins, Jesus-Yeshua the promised Messiah.
A Hebrew writer wrote recently "Gai Ben Hinnom was the source of the word Gehenna, or Hell, because it is where pagans would sacrifice children." Yet, the very foundation upon which the Democrat Party stands (its Party "Platform") is based on promoting abortion (sacrificing children) ... In the Bible we find God will raise up evil nations to judge those who have turned their backs on Him and His Word ...
--Koenig/Melissa Chargonneau (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, Turkey, and allies will invade Israel) (Gog of Magog?)
Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff Warns, "We're Preparing for Nuclear Attack" --NewsMax (Prophecies: The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)
'Palestinian' Rocket Attack Injures 67 Israeli Troops ... --Ynet News (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel) (Prophecies ...'Gaza shall be forsaken')
At Least 66 Israeli Soldiers Wounded In 'Palestinian' Rocket Attack On Military Base ... --Jerusalem Post (Prophecies ...'Gaza shall be forsaken') (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Calls For Israeli Invasion of Gaza ... --Israel Nat'l News (Prophecies ...'Gaza shall be forsaken') (Prophecies...Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation)
--WND/Chuck Norris (... this time they tried to destroy the Pentagon, White House, and our economy)
Unholy Alliance In Israel Trying To Destroy The Temple Mount ... WND/Joseph Farah (Prophecies of the coming Antichrist) (The Bible warns a new Temple will be built around the time of Armageddon ...)
Poll Shows Around 95% Of Christians Believe Hell Exists ... --WND (The most important Bible prophecies ... Heaven or Hell ... the final separation)
Kathleen Willey Accuses Clintons of Having Her New Manuscript Stolen In Targeted Burglary ... --WND (Prophetic descriptions of the 'Generation of Armageddon' ...)
--WND (Prophetic descriptions of the 'Generation of Armageddon' ...)
US Sinking As It Blindly Denies God and Biblical Values ... --WND/Craig Smith (Prophetic descriptions of the 'Generation of Armageddon')
--Debkafile (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)
China May Lead US Economy To Collapse By Dumping US Dollar ... --Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Iran Fighting 'Proxy War in Iraq' Against The US ... --Drudge/Ilo (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Two US Carrier Strike Groups Head Back To Persian Gulf Bringing Number Back To Three ... --Debkafile (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Report Of A Partial Call-Up of Army Reserves In Syria In Response To Israeli Jet Incursion ... --Debkafile (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed)
Israeli Under-Cover Forces Snatch Top Hamas Man ... --Ynet (Israel) (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)
Bin Laden Urges Americans To Convert To Islam ... --UPI (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (A note on Islam ...) (This is sometimes done in Islam prior to an attack ...)
CIA Director Warns New al-Qaida Attacks Against US Targets Coming ... --NewsMax (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) He says, "We (CIA) assess, with high confidence that al-Qaida is focusing on targets that would produce mass casualties, dramatic destruction and significant aftershocks."
Earlier: 'Is Al Qaeda a Kremlin (Russian) Proxy?' --JRNyquist (From an interview with high-level KGB defector Litvenko shortly before he was assassinated by Russia ...)
--Debkafile (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed)
Air show in Syria ... Syrian Account Makes It Sound Like Israeli Fighter-Jets Wanted To Get Spotted --Ynet (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed)
Iran 'Pouring In Weapons and Financing' To Sadr City Area of Baghdad ... --World Tribune (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Islamic Sheikh Says Israel Will Disappear ... --Jerusalem Post (Prophecies ... Messiah's return) In the Bible God says Israel will never disappear ... just watch ... only one can be true.
From Israel: The Imperatives of War ... --Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war ... increasing) (Prophecies...Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation)
--WND/Lindsey (Prophecies ... Christians will be hated) (Bible Warnings: Homosexuality) (Heaven or Hell ... The Most Important Prophecies) (Good Bible teachers were trying to warn people over 10 years ago 'hate crime' bills would be deceptively crafted to target Christians who believe the Bible ...)
United Nations At It Again ... (Prophecies...Israel) The Bible warns around the time of Armageddon all nations would 'unite' against Israel ... (Zechariah 14:2...Revelation 16:12-16).
Parents Ask Court To Stop Homosexual Indoctrination At Schools ... --WND (Bible Warnings: Homosexuality and Abortion)
MTV to Debut 'Bisexual' Dating Show... --Drudge/TVWeek (Bible Warnings: Homosexuality and Abortion) (Prophetic descriptions of the 'Generation of Armageddon')
America Under Invasion ... by Mexican Trucks ... Apparently Our Congress Can't Even Stop Them --NewsMax (They are allowed to travel anywhere ... and are not burdened with the taxes or regulations US truckers have)
Hillary Clinton To Return $850,000 As FBI Begins Probe of Chinese Money Man Hsu ... --WND/AP (Prophetic descriptions of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "lovers of money" ... and "traitors") (China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Another (Different From Above) Clinton China-Related Donor Scandal Is Emerging ... --NewsMax/Smith (Prophetic descriptions of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "lovers of money" ... and "traitors") (China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
The Clintons' Shady China Money Involved High Level Chinese Military Intelligence Officers ... --American Spectator (Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind) (China will one day use the top-secret missile technology Clinton-Gore gave them for money to destroy us ...) (Prophetic descriptions of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "lovers of money" ...and "traitors")
"... in May 1999 Chung (convicted Clinton money donor) told the U.S. House of Representatives that Liu introduced him to Gen. Ji Shengde, head of Chinese military intelligence, who told him, Chung testified, that: "We like your president (Bill Clinton) very much. We would like to see him reelect [sic] I will give you 300,000 U.S. dollars. You can give it to the president and the Democratic Party."
Syria Fires On Israeli Jets ... --Jerusalem Post (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed)
Syria: We Fired On Israeli Air Force Plane --Ynet (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed) (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed)
--Drudge/Ynet (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel) (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed)
Alert Declared in Israeli Air Forces After Syria Claims Israeli Jets Penetrated Its Air Space ... --Debkafile (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed)
Earlier: 'Russia Caused Tensions Between Israel and Syria'... --Jerusalem Post (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
British Jets 'Chase Russian Bombers'... --Drudge/BBC News (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Russia Adds Weapons and Alliances As Their 'Economic Warfare' Plan Moves Into The Final Phase ... --JRNyquist (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Olmert On Neo-Nazi Gang From Russia In Israel ... --Ynet (Israel) (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Israeli Air and Ground Defenses Thwart Attack By Islamic Forces Along Gaza Border ... --Ynet (Israel) (Prophecies ...'Gaza shall be forsaken') (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Russia Signs Billion-Dollar Defense Deal With Indonesia (The Largest Islamic Nation) ... --Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Democrat Party Presidential Candidate Kucinich In Syria ... Praises Syrian Leader Assad ... Trashes US Troops --WND (Prophetic descriptions of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "traitors" ...) (Russia now has many friends in the Democrat Party ...)
1st US Driver's License For "North American Union"... --WND (The coming Antichrist) (The Bible warns just prior to Armageddon we will see the rise of a one-world government ...)
--WND/Ann Coulter (Democrat Barney Frank lived with a homosexual prostitute who was caught 'recruiting' at a school)
Russian Church Offers Blessing To Russian Strategic Nuclear Missile Forces ... --Moscow Times (Russia) (Prophecies: The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon) From the Moscow Times article: "Christians have long believed that the world will end with the Apocalypse. On Tuesday morning, the Russian Orthodox Church gave its blessing to the men and women who could make it happen."
Putin Inspects Russian Nuclear Submarines and The HQ of 16th Submarine Squadron ... --Itar-Tass (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel) (Prophecies: The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon) (These Russian submarines are each 'pregnant' with 12 new advanced ballistic missiles ... and each missile has 12 independently targeted nuclear warheads ... these submarines are specifically designed for pre-emptive nuclear strikes ... if and when the orders are given to attack, these known naval and military bases will be quickly and quietly abandoned (and/or left to 'expendable' forces to look like they are still manned) for their secret 'war-time' bases.)
Russian Nuclear Submarine - Itar-Tass
China Expands Military Training for Youth ... Up To 50 Million Children As Young As 9 Years Old --NewsMax (Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
"Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million; (For the first time ever such an army could be raised in China ... it may also include a 'coalition') I heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision: those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow; and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone (sulfuric, or a kind of poisoned air). By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths. For their power is in their mouth and in their tails; for their tails are like serpents, having heads; and with them they do harm." (Revelation 9:16-19)
This prophecy says the "army of the horsemen was two hundred million." These "horsemen" may be a small division or group within that army, such as a strategic nuclear weapons division, or they may be brightly painted missiles sitting upon missile launchers. The "two hundred million" may be to help identify the nation or area they will rise out of. Also called "the kings of the East," it appears the Chinese military is someday going to use the deadly missile and weapons technologies (which Clinton secretly and illegally gave and sold to them) - against us!!
Sudan Turns to Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea For Weapons ... --World Tribune (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, Sudan. and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel) (In this prophecy one of the nations listed, "Cush," is sometimes translated into English as 'Ethiopia' but should more accurately be translated 'Sudan'...)
Nuclear Warheads Mistakenly Flown On B-52 ... --WND/Military Times (Prophecies: The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)
--Debkafile (Prophecies ...'Gaza shall be forsaken') (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Broad Array of 'Palestinian' Leaders To Meet In Iran ... --Jerusalem Post (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
'Palestinians' Turn to Russia For 'More Effective' Intelligence Training ... --World Tribune (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
The Blood-Red Moon, the Temple Mount, and the Bible ... --Bill Koenig
Earlier: Blood-Red Moon To Rise Over North America Early August 28 ... --Koenig/CBN News The last total eclipse 'blood-red moon' occurred seven years ago on July 16, 2000, during the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David when Clinton, Barak and Arafat tried to divide the land of Israel ...
The Bible warns the generation of Armageddon will one day see signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars ...
"And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the Earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring;" (Luke 21:25)
Russian Billionaire Buys A380 Jumbo Jet For $300 Million To Use As His Private Jet ... --Pravda (Russia) (Most Russian billionaires are ex-KGB, Russian military, and Communist Party leaders ...)
Hillary Clinton and Democrat Party's Chinese Fundraiser Hsu Skips His Court Date ... --Drudge/AP (Prophetic descriptions of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "traitors" and liars ...)
Hillary Clinton Endorsed Walter Cronkite After He Called For U.S. To Be Under 'World Law'... --WND (The coming Antichrist) (Walter Cronkite who was molded into a grandfatherly figure was a staunch socialist-communist...)
Officials At State-Run Indian Airline Sacrifice 2 Goats to Appease Hindu 'Sky god' ... --Drudge/Reuters (Prophecies describing the 'Generation of Armageddon')
Earlier: Hindu Prayer Opens Democrat Controlled U.S. Senate ... --WND (This is what happens with a Democrat Congress ... first they turn their backs on God and His Word ... then they worship 'other' gods ... God will remove His protection and blessings from this nation ... we (Bible believing Christians) must continue to pray for our loved ones, our families, our friends, our leaders, and our nation ... for big trouble now lies ahead.)
Earlier: Hindu Prayer Opens Democrat Controlled California State Senate ... --WND (Prophecies describing the 'Generation of Armageddon')
"You shall have no other gods before Me" (Exodus 20:3)
"And in all that I (God) have said to you, be circumspect and make no mention of the name of other gods, not let it be heard from your mouth." (Exodus 23:13)
" Thus says the Lord of hosts (armies), the God of Israel:'You have seen all the calamity that I have brought on Jerusalem and on all the cities of Judah; and behold, this day they are a desolation, and no one dwells in them, because of their wickedness which they have committed to provoke Me to anger, in that they went to burn incense and to serve other gods whom they did not know, they nor you nor your fathers. However I have sent to you all My servants the prophets, rising early and sending them, saying, "Oh, do not do this abominable thing that I (God) hate!" But they did not listen or incline their ear to turn from their wickedness, to burn no incense to other gods. So My fury and My anger were poured out ..." (Jeremiah 44:2-6)
Germany Arrests 3 Islamics (Muslims) Planning 'Massive' Bomb Attacks Against U.S. Installations ... --Fox News (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (A note on Islam and any religion that would convert by the sword ...)
Muslim (Islamic) Democrat Congressman Joins Anti-Semitism Panel ... --WND "I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you". . . (Genesis 12:3)
--Drudge/AP (Bible Warnings: Homosexuality and Abortion) (Prophecies describing the 'Generation of Armageddon') (Not since the deepest depravity of ancient Rome has a Senate (and Congress) been so filled with the type of men and women we now find in our Senate ... may our Lord strengthen all those left in our Senate who still bow their knees to Him in love, faith, trust, and obedience..)
Jews Urging Christians To Save Jewish Temple Site ... --WND (Prophecies...Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation) (The Jews captured it in 1967 and then rather than keeping it in faith, they turned it over to their enemies in fear. We, as Christians, should support the Jewish people whenever and whereever possible ... but it is the Jews who must also one day realize "the just shall live by faith (in God)" (Habakkuk) and not by fear.
Israeli Company Uses Virtual Reality To Cure Phobias ... --Jerusalem Post (Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase 'at the time of the end')
Human-Animal Hybrid Embryo Approved For Research ... --Drudge/Guardian (UK) (Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase 'at the time of the end')
From Israel: Israel "May Have To Go It Alone" ... --Israel Nat'l News/Ellen Horowitz (Prophecies...Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation) (The Bible warns Israel will "go it alone"... the U.S. will be 'neutralized' and will be (for reasons yet unknown) unwilling or unable to help defend Israel from Russia, Iran, and allies during the coming war ... God will defend Israel ... also, this same so-called "Christian" Jimmy Carter (who gave Iran to the Ayatollah) angrily left his church because they wouldn't worship his 'Queendom' of God) (Prophecies of the coming "Rapture"... which some might call the coming "Rescue" ... when God will shelter all believing Jews and Gentiles from the coming "Day of the Lord's Wrath")
Russian Bombers Launch Missiles Over Arctic ... --WND/London Telegraph (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Chinese Military Hacked Into Pentagon ... Most Successful Cyber Attack On U.S. Defense Department --WND/Financial Times (Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Russia-China are preparing for war ... and most Americans won't realize it until it's too late.)
Newly Arrived Iranian Instructors Upgrade 'Palestinian' Missile Capabilities in Gaza ... --Debkafile (Prophecies ...'Gaza shall be forsaken') (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
--Debkafile (Prophecies ...'Gaza shall be forsaken') (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
--WND (Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind) (China will one day use the top-secret missile technology Clinton-Gore gave them for money to destroy us ...) (Prophetic descriptions of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "traitors" and liars ...)
Clinton with Felon (Donor) Linked To China Missile Scandal
--Debkafile (Prophecies Iraq ... Southern Iraq will one day be left uninhabitable) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
From Israel: Of Men and Mice ... Israel's Warriors vs Israel's Political Leaders --Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Islamics Caught Red-Handed Destroying Artifacts From Jewish Temple Mount ... --WND (Prophecies...Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation) (The coming Antichrist) (The coming Antichrist will help Israel build a new Temple)
Major Shakeup In Iranian Revolutionary Guards Takes Iran A Step Closer To War ... --Debkafile (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Report: Pentagon Preparing Plan For 3-Day Air-strike Plan To Annihilate Iranian Military ... --Fox News (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
A Judge Halts U.S. Immigration Crackdown ... Sides With ACLU
From Israel: What's The Deal About The "Sabbath Year?"... --Ynet (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel after becoming a nation) (Prophecies: The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon) God told the children of Israel that since they refused to obey God's Word and did not rest the Land each Sabbath Year for 490 years (= 70 years of Sabbath Years) they would be removed for 70 years into Babylon so the Land could rest ... we also know from the Bible that God has set aside a final 7 years of judgment for nation Israel (and the world) ... since Israel became a nation once again in 1948 Israel has often tried to 'fool' God by selling their land to a non-Jew for one year so they could still work the land ... the Bible warns God will not be mocked ... Israel will one day owe God 7 years for the lost Sabbath years ... the "70th Week of Daniel" warns of the last 7 years of judgment against Israel (and the world) ... the book of Revelation then provides the details of exactly what will happen during this coming last 7 years of this Age revealed in the book of Daniel which throughout the Bible is also called 'the time of Jacob's (Israel's) trouble,' the Day of the Lord, the Day of the Lord's Wrath, the Great Tribulation, and the 'Apocalypse' (which actually means the 'revealing' (of Jesus-Yeshua the Messiah) and is where the book of Revelation (Apocalypse) gets its name) which will end with the final 'Battle of Armageddon' which completes a series of terrible global wars and judgments on Israel and the world.)
And Jesus-Yeshua warns after we see the warning signs (which we are now seeing) ...
"For then there will be great Tribulation such has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened no flesh (on Earth) would be saved." (Matthew 24:21-22) (This also kills the false 'preterist' doctrine that all this already happened around 70 AD)
Poll: 62% In Israel Don't Know Next Year Is a 'Sabbath' Year ... --Ynet (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel after becoming a nation) (The coming Antichrist) (Prophecies: The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon) The coming "70th Week of Daniel" ... the Bible warns there is a week of years (7 year period) coming (3.5 years of a false 'peace plan' + 3.5 years of the Great Tribulation) which will change the world forever ... Jesus-Yeshua warns "and unless those days were shortened, no flesh (on Earth) would be saved ..." and as a note, this could never of happened with 'spears and swords'...
Israeli Leader Olmert Offers Judea, Samaria to Islam and Divides Jerusalem in Draft Accord ... --Israel Nat'l News (Prophecies...Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation) (Prophecies: The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)
--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war ... increasing)
2000-Year-Old Meteor Shower Early Morning Sept 1, 2007 ... Best Seen In Pacific Time Zone --Koenig/ (Prophecies of the coming "Rapture"... which some might call the coming "Rescue") "It is not often that we can tell when a shooting star was first released from a comet into space"... latest calculations show the meteors that are about to rain down on Earth in the early morning of September 1 date from around 4 A.D., plus or minus 40 years ... around the time Jesus the Messiah (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) was born in Bethlehem ...
"But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me (God) The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting." (Eternal! The Bible tells us Messiah of Israel would be eternal!!) (Micah 5:2) (This prophecy was given and written around 500 years before Jesus-Yeshua the Messiah was born!)
Bethlehem ... the city of King David ... lies in the land which God gave to the tribe of Judah ... within the nation of Israel.
United Nations Summit Calls For Boycott of Israel ... --Ynet (Prophecies...Israel) The Bible warns 'at the time of the end' all nations would turn against Israel ... (Zechariah 14:2...Revelation 16:12-16).
--Debkafile (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Israel May Eliminate Visa Requirements for Russian Tourists ... --Israel News (Russia hates Israel ... Israel humiliated them in two wars ... Russia has penetrated Israel with a Trojan Horse filled with Marxist Russian Jews)
US Court Decides Against Bible ... "Death Knell for Religious Freedom in Public Schools" --WND (Prophecies: The 'Generation of Armageddon') (The Democrats will soon have complete Stalinist-Marxist atheistic indoctrination in our schools ...)
Russian Bombers and Advanced Submarines Continue To Make Unpleasant Surprises For NATO ... --Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
Iran Upgrading its U.S. F-14s and Testing New GPS-Guided Smart Bombs ... --World Tribune (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and invade Israel)
China Says Its Military Not a Threat ...
--NewsMax/Smith (Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Clinton even allowed them into Los Alamos National Laboratories ...)