Avian Flu 'Most Lethal' Ever to Hit Planet Earth
--WND/ABC News
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases will spread)
China Helps Iran Produce 5,000 Nuclear Centrifuges
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
Chinese Warships Cruise Near Gas Field Claimed by Japan
--World Tribune (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies...
'Wars and rumors of war')
China Secretly Bought System to Intercept U.S. Spy Data
--Washington Times (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies...
'Wars and rumors of war')
Russian Military Accused of Violating Lithuanian and
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war...and will invade Israel)
Syria Ready to Finalize 'Association Agreement' With the
European Union
--Arabic News
... Europe-Rome will reunite and rise as a world super-power)
Gaza's Long Shadow
--Jerusalem Post/Carolyn Glick
and Jerusalem)
(See the Zephaniah warning below ...)
NASA to Unveil Plans for 2018 Moon Mission
--Koenig/USA Today
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase in
the last days)
House Adds 'Sexual Orientation' to 'Hate Crime' Bill
(Bible Warnings...Homosexuality)
(As in Canada, simply stating God's Law from the Bible will soon be a crime)
Federal Appeals Court Judge Rules 'Pledge of Allegiance'
is Unconstitutional
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)
(We have moved from a Christian nation (which God blessed) to an
anti-Christian nation)
Palestinian Official Says There Is No Gaza-Egypt Border
(Prophecies...Israel) (See
the Zephaniah warning below ...) (Egypt has already broken all its
promises to Israel)
Egyptians and Palestinians Make a Mockery of Their Accords With Israel
(Prophecies ... 'In the last days evil men will wax worse and worse ... lying,
deceiving, and being deceived')
Palestinians Pouring Arms and Terrorists Into Gaza From Egypt
(Prophecies...Israel) (See
the Zephaniah warning below ...) (The Bible warns there is
another coming war against Egypt)
Jewish Spokeswoman Nadia Matar Explains Her Arrest for 'Incitement'
--Arutz 7
(The rise in power of the Marxist-Left in
Israel and in America is strikingly similar ... they both hate God and mock
Hebrew Kabbalist Urges Jews Back to Israel Ahead of Coming Disasters
--Arutz 7
... The coming Antichrist)
(Prophecies ... the coming Apocalypse)
Jews Sickened By the Islamic Destruction and
(Prophecies...Israel) (See
the Zephaniah warning below ...)
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
Gaza-Egypt Border Wide Open Despite Egyptian Promise to Secure It ...
--Arutz 7
(Prophecies...Israel) (See
the Zephaniah warning below ...)
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
Palestinian Leaders and Terrorists Unite to Celebrate Gaza Pullout ...
(Prophecies...Israel) (See
the Zephaniah warning below ...)
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
Arab Palestinian Leaders Threaten More Attacks on Their Road to Jerusalem
--Arutz 7
and Jerusalem) (The bloody road to
Jerusalem will engulf the whole world in its fire ...)
Day of Slaughter as Islamics Murder Nearly Another 170
Civilians in Iraq ...
--Fox News
(Prophecies .... False 'Prophets' would rise)
violent and morally corrupt generation)
Afghan Commanders Let bin-Laden Escape ...
--WND/Associated Press (No Islamic
nation can or will ever be a true ally of the United States ...)
Afghanistan's Taliban Kill Seven Civilians in Afghanistan ...
--AFP (France)
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Russia-China Backed Vietnam Burns Homes of Christians
(Prophecies of the Messiah)
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)
Palestinian Murder of Palestinian Boy Killed on TV Exposed as Cruel
Anti-Israel Fraud
(Prophecies ... 'In the last days evil men will wax worse and worse ... lying,
deceiving, and being deceived)
Commentary From Israel:
America's Dark Side
-Jerusalem Post/Carolyn Glick
(When we turn our back on Israel, we turn our back on God ... more trouble
Ambassador Gives Syria Stiffest Warning Yet ...
(Prophecies ... Syria)
Palestinian Mobs Continued to Loot, Smash, and Torch Jewish Synagogues in Gaza
(Prophecies...Israel) (See
the Zephaniah warning below ...)
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
New 'Superbug' Infection Spreads Across UK ... Infects
Thousands and 'Scores' Dead
--WND/The Independent
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases will spread)
Palestinians (Philistines) Triumphant as Israel Forsakes Gaza
(Painful 'birth pangs' will now grow more and more intense around the
globe...and the calm between 'birth pangs' will grow shorter)
Israel Leaves Gaza ... Islamics Rush In to Burn Jewish Synagogues
--Arutz 7
(Prophecies...Israel) (See
the Zephaniah warning below ...)
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
Iran-Backed Hamas Vows War Against Israel Will Go on After Gaza Pullout
Iran, and allies will go to war...and will invade Israel)
Iranian Military Leaders Feel 'Katrina' Shows Their
Military Can Defeat the US ...
--WND (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war...) ('Neutralized'
... The US will be unable or
unwilling to stop them)
Federal Response to New Orleans Was 'Faster' Than After
Hugo and Andrew ...
(The painful 'birth pangs' the Bible warns of
before Messiah's return will now grow worse and closer together ....)
Americans Shocked Many Gaza Evacuees Still Homeless
and Jerusalem) (The
parallels between Gaza and Gulf Coast are striking ...)
Israel Lowers the Flag Over Gaza for The Last Time
--Jerusalem Post
(No...see Zephaniah below...the flags of Israel-Judah
will again fly over Gaza...after the terrible coming 'Day of the Lord')
Sun's String of Fury as 7th Major Flare Erupts...
(In 'the last days' the Bible warns
'the Earth will be scorched by great heat and fire from the sun'... Rev
Israeli Cabinet Votes to End Gaza Rule
(Prophecies of the Messiah) (If
this doesn't make you sad then you don't really know Jesus-Yeshua ... born in the tribe of Judah)
September 11, 2005 ... Israel to Quit (Forsake) Gaza Today
--Arutz 7
and Jerusalem) (See
the Zephaniah warning below ...)
China Warships Make a Show of Force In Area Disputed
With Japan
--WND/Japan Times (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies...
'Wars and rumors of war')
Scientists Discover Large Growing Possible Volcanic
Bulge Forming in Oregon...
New US Nuclear Doctrine Includes Pre-Emption Strategy...
--Drudge/Washington Post (Prophecies ...
'Wars and rumors of war') (Prophecies
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Iran Warns of 'Certain Consequences'
--UPI (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war...and invade Israel) (The US will be unable or
unwilling to stop them)
Islamics Threaten US Forces With Chemical Weapons If Tal Afar Offensive
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
'Wars and rumors of war')
New Islamic Tape Threatens Attacks on Los Angeles
--Drudge/ABC News
(Prophecies .... False 'Prophets' would rise)
violent and morally corrupt generation)
British Intel Chief Says World Civil Liberties Must Be Sacrificed to Fight
... The coming Antichrist) (This will be one of the
official arguments for taking 'the mark' ...)
Canadian Pastor Faces Prison For Refusing to Apologize
for Anti-Homosexual Stance
(Bible Warnings...Homosexuality)
(This is the first generation since the depravity of Rome that believes
homosexuality is 'ok')
Israeli Army Packing Up in Gaza
and Jerusalem) (Psalm
83 is being fulfilled ... and see Zephaniah warning below)
Strong Earthquake Rocks Papua New Guinea
(Prophecies ... 'there will be earthquakes in diverse places')
Chinese President Urges Expanded Trade Ties with Canada
--AFP (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(The noose is tightening around America ...)
State Dept. Snubs Israel as It Drops Israel From Hurricane Relief Credits
--World Tribune
(The Bible warns just before the end all nations will turn against Israel ...)
Earlier: Israel Offers Help to US
--Jerusalem Post
(Israel is usually the first nation to offer other
nations help in times of need ...)
The Image of The Truth
--Jerusalem Post/C.Glick
(Worth reading ... you may have to register (free)
with the J. Post)
Islamic Murder, Violence, and Political Intrigue in Gaza
(Prophecies .... False 'Prophets' would rise)
(There will be no peace in Gaza Israel until Messiah returns
Another Large Solar Flare May Disrupt Communications ...
('Global Warming' ... The Bible warns
'the Earth will be scorched by great heat and fire from the sun' ... Rev
Earthquake Shakes Alpine Region in Italy...
(Prophecies ... Earthquakes 'in diverse places')
World War III ... Four Years and Counting
--Koenig/S.Stalinsky (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war) (...and the US will be unable or
unwilling to stop them)
The Myth of Moderate Islam ... Where Terror is
(Prophecies .... False 'Prophets' would rise)
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
Islamic Chaos in Gaza as Arafat's Cousin is Assassinated By Arab Mob
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies .... False 'Prophets' would rise)
violent and morally corrupt generation)
Saudi Billionaire Boosts Voting Stake in Murdoch's News
(These huge Islamic investments in global news
organizations do have an effect on how Israel is presented ...)
California Legislature Approves Homosexual-Marriage Bill
--Fox News
(Bible Warnings...Homosexuality) (Prophecies...A
morally corrupt generation) (See the Ezekiel
warnings below)
Mayor Orders Forced Evacuation of All in New Orleans
--WND (Just like Gaza ...See
the Zephaniah verses below)
From Israel ... America the Betrayer
--Arutz 7/Cale Hahn
and Jerusalem)
Congressmen Question Allstate About Firing Manager for
Anti-Homosexual Article
(Bible Warnings...Homosexuality) (Prophecies...A
morally corrupt generation) (See the Ezekiel
warnings below)
Russians Destroy Aircraft That Went Down in Ocean With
Top Secret Equipment
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war...and will invade
Evidence Found Linking High Level Syrian Officials to Assassination...
(Prophecies ... Syria)
France Considers State Funds for Islamic Mosques ...
--WND/Washington Times
(Prophecies .... False 'Prophets' would rise)
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
First Muslim Becomes 'Miss England'
--WND/London Telegraph
(Prophecies .... False 'Prophets' would rise)
Israel Offers Help to US
--Jerusalem Post
(Israel is usually the first nation to offer other
nations help in times of need ...)
New Orleans Had Many Warnings ... No Improvement Even
After 'Ivan' Barely Missed
Why Didn't the Mayor Deploy These City/School Buses?
(Photo of Unused Bus Lot)
Louisiana disaster plan, pg
13, para 5 , dated 01/00
'The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal vehicles. School
and municipal buses, government-owned vehicles and vehicles provided by
volunteer agencies may be used to provide transportation for individuals who
lack transportation and require assistance in evacuating'...
Yet, Louisiana Democrat Senator Says She Wants to Punch
President Bush
(She should punch the Democrat Mayor first, the
Democrat Governor of Louisiana second ...)
Earlier: New Orleans Mayor Officially Welcomed Homosexual's
'Southern Decadance' 2003
(Bible Warnings...Homosexuality) (Prophecies...A
morally corrupt generation) (See the Ezekiel
warnings below)
At Least 6 Murders and 12 Rapes Inside New Orleans' Superdome
--NewsMax (Prophecies...A
violent and morally corrupt generation)
California Senate Approves Homosexual 'Marriage' Bill
(Bible Warnings...Homosexuality) (Prophecies...A
morally corrupt generation) (See the Ezekiel
warnings above ...)
Earthquake Swarm Near California's San Andreas Fault...
(Prophecies ... Earthquakes 'in diverse places')
Fight Over Bulldozing Jewish Synagogues in Gaza
(Judah) Israel
--WND ('A man will reap what he
has sown'...God will be angry with the US for helping to force the
evacuation/uprooting of Jews in Gaza, Israel.)
Congressional Leader Recommends Bulldozing Most of New
(Just like Gaza ....)
Jewish Graveyard Uprooted to Complete the Forced
Evacuation of Gaza (Judah)
--WND (Some of the
newscasters have described the devastation in the Gulf as 'Biblical
proportions' ... they are probably right.)
Governor Orders Forced Evacuation of New Orleans
(Just like Gaza ....) (See the
Zephaniah prophecies below ... God warned His fierce anger would rise after
Gaza was forsaken)
US Air Force Academy Forced to Give Up Prayer
--Associated Press (The
Lord will turn His back on those nations who turn their backs on Him ... may
God help us all)
Updates: 4:15 PM - Police Say Storm Victims Being
Raped and Beaten Inside Convention Center
--Drudge/WWL Channel 4
violent and morally corrupt generation)
Chaos in New Orleans As Rescue Helicopters Shot At and
Fires Started
--WND/Associated Press
Crime and Looting Along Mississippi Gulf Coast
--WND/Biloxi Sun-Herald
20 Oil Rigs Missing in the Gulf of Mexico
--WND/AFX News
Timeline: From Gaza to Katrina ... A Devastating
Two Weeks
--Koenig Int'l/Bill Koenig (White House
Katrina and Gaza ...
--Koenig Int'l/Avner Bosky
(If this is just the 'beginning of
sorrows', it does not bode well for Israel or the United States)
Chinese Activist Warns of Nuclear War ...
--WND/Washington Times
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Ann Coulter Provides Insight on Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy and Chappaquiddick
--WND/Ann Coulter
violent and morally corrupt generation) (Coward
... He had 2 hours to save her life)
Katrina Slams Into New Orleans with 145-mph Winds
Report: The Invasion of the Chinese
--Drudge/Time Magazine
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies...
'Wars and rumors of war')
European Envoy Warns Israel...'Gaza Withdrawal is the Model for Jerusalem'
--Arutz 7
and Jerusalem)
... A coming 'peace plan') (Prophecies
... The coming Antichrist)
Islamic Bombmaker Calls for Eradication of Israel
and Jerusalem) (Prophecies...
'Wars and rumors of war') (Psalm 83 is being fulfilled
Islamic Suicide-Bomber Attacks Bus in Israel
and Jerusalem) (Prophecies...
'Wars and rumors of war')
Secret Clauses in Israeli-Egyptian Protocol Grant Egypt Sweeping Strategic
--Arutz 7
and Jerusalem) (The Bible warns there is
still a coming war between Israel and Egypt ...)
British Soldiers March in Homosexual Gay Pride Parade
(Bible Warnings...Homosexuality) (Prophecies...A
morally corrupt generation)
Venezuela Opens Oil Fields to Chinese Oil Company
--Merco Press, Falkland Islands
(Russia and China have (and are) taking control of many
worldwide oil assets)
Unconcerned Over Hurricane ... Party Goes on in French
morally corrupt generation)
U.S. Army Colonel Receives Distinguished Service Cross
--UPI (Prophecies...
'Wars and rumors of war')
Crossfire War: Russia - China Naval Exercises
Practice Blockade
--UPI (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
First China-Russia War Games End...China Broadcast War Games on Prime-Time
--AFP (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Turkey Eyes Russian Defense Offer
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Russia and allies will go to war ... and invade Israel)
(Turkey will join this coalition)
Russia Increasing Defense Budget ...
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war ... and will invade Israel)
Palestinians Poised For Attacks Against Israeli Targets ...
and Jerusalem) (Prophecies...
'Wars and rumors of war')
Moody's Downgrades Ford Motor Co. and General Motors to
'Junk' Status
The Shadow of Coming War ... The Iraq Diversion
--JRNyquist (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Attacks Against U.S. Defense Department Computers Are Coming
From China
--WND/Washington Post
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies...
'Wars and rumors of war')
China Begins ‘Unrestricted Warfare'
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies...
'Wars and rumors of war')
Before Gaza ...
After Gaza, West Bank Withdrawal, Attention Will Turn to 'Road Map' Peace Plan
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... A coming 'peace plan' enforced upon Israel will change the
world ... forever)
Palestinian Leader Okays New Coordinated Attacks Against
and Jerusalem) (Prophecies...
'Wars and rumors of war')
Uprooting the Jewish Dead From Gaza Cemeteries to Begin
and Jerusalem) (Read the
Zephaniah prophetic warning verses below ...)
About ABC Firing Radio Host for Islamic Statements and
Islamic Group CAIR's Ties to Terror
--WND/Joseph Farah (A
Saudi leader once bragged how he could call the head of a network and have
news stories squashed)
Iranian Defense Minister is Founding Father of Hizbollah With US Blood on His
--Debkafile (Prophecies...
'Wars and rumors of war')
Iran, and allies will go to war ... and invade Israel)
US Says Iran Cannot Be Let Off Hook Over Nuclear Charges
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war ... and will invade Israel)
Chinese and Russian Troops Continue War Games ... Said
To 'Frighten the Enemy'
--Koenig/AP (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Israel OKs Egypt's Militarization of Border Near Gaza
--World Tribune
and Jerusalem) (The prophets warned
Israel against seeking security from Egypt ...)
Israel and Egypt Agree on Deployment of Egyptian Guards in Southern Gaza
--AFP (France)
and Jerusalem)
Shock - 65 Pregnant at One Ohio High School!
--Drudge/Channel 5 News (Prophecies...A
morally corrupt generation) (There are only 490
girls in this school ...)
Russian and Chinese War Games Are On ...
--Drudge/AP (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Prepare for a 'Cup of Trembling' ... Islamics Now Taking Aim at Jerusalem
--Arutz 7
and Jerusalem) (A test of faith in
His Word ... God warns He is stirring things up)
Civil Blitzkrieg in Gaza
--Arutz 7/Ellen Horowitz
and Jerusalem) (The Bible warns we would
see such a time ...)
Synagogue Stormed as Israel Now Clears Settlements in the 'West Bank'
--AFP (France)
and Jerusalem) (Jewish settlement in this area
goes back thousands of years ...)
Earlier: Rice Warned The Forced Evacuation of Gaza (Judah)
'Only the First Step'
and Jerusalem) (By pressuring Israel, our
administration is putting this nation at great risk ...)
Palestinian Islamic Terrorist Leader Says 'Total Annihilation of
Israel' is Joint Strategy
and Jerusalem) (We are now firmly on
the road to Armageddon ... there is no turning back)
Hidden Navy Cameras Help Catch al-Qaeda Terrorist Missile Launchers in Jordan
'Wars and rumors of war')
California Court Approves 'Two Moms' ... A Stroke of
Their Pen Redefines the Family
(Bible Warnings...Homosexuality) (Prophecies...A
morally corrupt generation)
Scientists Messing With Speed of Light...Researchers
Slow It Down, Stop It All Together
... Knowledge and travel would increase at 'the time of the end' -
Dan 12:4)
Last Gaza Community in Israel to Be Uprooted Today
--Arutz 7
and Jerusalem) (It may not look or
feel like it ... but we are now crossing a threshold)
to Be Stripped of Jewish Habitation By Monday Night
and Jerusalem) (See the Zephaniah
prophecy below ...)
The Depth of Gaza 'Uprooting' ... Dead to be Exhumed Next Week
--Arutz 7
and Jerusalem) (When this is
completed we will have crossed a threshold)
Egyptian Generals Take Control of the Gaza Strip
(Read the prophecies in Isaiah and Hosea warning Israel against asking
Egypt for security ...)
CIA Official Warns al-Qaeda's Nuclear Efforts Are
'Sophisticated and Professional'
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies will go to war)
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
ABC Radio Talk Show Host Fired For Linking Terrorism
With Islam
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
(Prophecies .... False 'Prophets)
Castro and Venezuelan Leader Chavez Call for Solidarity as They Meet in Cuba
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia and allies will go to war) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Cuba, Panama Restore Full Diplomatic Relations
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia and allies will go to war) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Joint China-Russia War Games Prepare For Live Fire Drills
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia and allies will go to war) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Iran's Designs on Gaza, Israel ...
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies will go to war ... and will invade
Iran-Backed Hamas Warns the Gaza Forced Withdrawal is
'The Beginning of Israel's Destruction'
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies will go to war ... and will invade
Large-Scale China-Russia War Game Moves Onto Chinese Soil
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia and allies will go to war) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Hal Lindsey Looks at Bible Prophecy Surrounding
Sharon's Surrender to Arab Islamics
--WND/Hal Lindsey
and Jerusalem) (Edom, Moab, and
Ammon are all part of modern Jordan)
16th Israeli City in Gaza Cleared This Week ... 5 More to be Removed Next
and Jerusalem) (See the Zephaniah
verses below ...)
Israel Clears Gaza After Violent Synagogue Standoff
--AFP (France)
and Jerusalem) (See the Zephaniah
verses below ...)
Jewish Gaza 'Capital' Now a Ghost Town ... Bustling
City Now Completely Uprooted
and Jerusalem) (In the Bible God
says what He means ... and means what He says.)
Russia and China Launch First Major War Games Amid US Concern
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia and allies will go to war) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Russia Warns Use of Force Against Iran Would Be
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war)
Russia-China War Games Seen as 'Message' To the U.S.
--Wash Times (Prophecies...Russia and allies will go to war) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Indonesia Cuts Sentence of Bomber Convicted of
Bali Bombing To 26 Months
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies .... False 'Prophets)
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
Israel Begins Forcibly Ejecting Jews From Gaza (Judah)
--AFP (France)
and Jerusalem)
Details and Costs of the Jews Being Forcibly Removed
From Their Land ...
--Hope for Today/David Hockiing
and Jerusalem)
Powder Keg ... Islamic Militants Poised To Take Over Judah (Gaza)
and Jerusalem)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Note: We will now see an acceleration of
'bad things'
Al Qaeda Another Kremlin Terrorist Proxy Trained By the Russian KGB-FSB?
--JR Nyquist/Alexander
Litvinenko-KGB Defector
Iran, and allies will go to war...)
Russian Leader Putin Takes Pilot's Seat in Cruise-Missile Armed Strategic
--Drudge/AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war)
Russia-China War Games Include ICBMs...Claim Exercises
Are Only 'To Fight Terrorism'
--WND (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Israeli Soldiers in Tears Amid Jew-vs-Jew Violence
During Forced Removal
and Jerusalem)
(Note: The name 'Jew' is derived from 'Judah' ...
the prophecies are now unfolding just as the Bible warns)
Up' ... The Jewish People and Their Epic Journey Through Time
--Arutz 7/Ellen Horowitz
(Note: According to the Bible, after the coming
Apocalypse Israel will be the last nation standing)
of War' ...
--JR Nyquist
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war...) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Large 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake in Japan
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies ... Earthquakes 'in diverse places')
Israel Begins Historic Gaza (Judah) Withdrawal
and Jerusalem)
(Note: This is
historic and if completed will initiate a series of future sorrows for the
world ...)
Violence Erupts as Israel Formally Begins Gaza (Judah) Forced Pullout
--AFP (France)
and Jerusalem)
(Note: This violence will stir up even more violence
around the world ...)
Photo Essay - Tears and Wailing in Gush Katif´s (Town in Judah) Cemetery
--Arutz 7
and Jerusalem)
(These underreported events will one-day affect every person on
Earth ...)
Yesterday is Today ... Book of Lamentations
--Arutz 7/Naomi Ragen
and Jerusalem)
Worst Midwest Drought in 20 Years ... Shrinking Rivers,
Stranding Barges
'I (God) will bless those who bless you
(Israel) and will curse those who curse you ...'
(A recent book documented the natural disasters
that have hit the US each time our administration pressured Israel to
surrender Her land)
Intelligence Report ... New Surge in al-Qaida's Internal Electronic and Human
'Wars and rumors of war')
Iran's New Defense Minister Tied to U.S. Marine Bombing
That Killed 241 Americans
(Prophecies...Iran and allies will
attack and invade Israel)
(... and the US will be unable or unwilling to stop this
Iran Warns Bush Against Attack
--WND (Prophecies...Iran and allies will
to to war ... and invade Israel)
(... and the US will be unable or unwilling to stop this
Russian-Friendly German Leader Schroder Warns US Against
Iran Military Action
--World Tribune (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia and allies will to to war ...)
(... and the US will be unable or unwilling to stop this
'The Mullahs' Moment in the Sun' ... As US and Israel
Leaders Shrink Back Into Darkness
--Jerusalem Post/Carolyn Glick (Prophecies...Iran and allies will invade Israel)
(... and the US will be unable or unwilling to stop this
Israeli Hawks Circle Iran's Nuclear Weapons Plants ...
--Drudge/Telegraph (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war ... and invade Israel)
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Spacecraft Blasts Off For Mars Mission
--WND/Associated Press
... Knowledge and travel would increase at 'the time of the end' -
Dan 12:4)
Taiwan Begins Deployment of Cruise Missiles
--AFP (France)
'Wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Should the Democratic Party Merge With the Communist
--WND/D. Kidd
(Both believe in forced atheism ... and the
Democrats in Congress continually vote in lock-step with Moscow and Beijing)
Iran-Backed Military/Terrorist Group 'Hamas' Will Have the Strongest Army Left
in Gaza (Judah) ...
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war ... and invade Israel)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Archaeological Discoveries in Israel and Jerusalem are
Proving Critics Wrong
--WND/Jewish World Review
and Jerusalem)
Jewish Anti-Expulsion Rally Shakes Tel Aviv
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
and Jerusalem)
Massive Prayer Rally Fills Parts of Jerusalem
--WND/Israel National News
and Jerusalem) (God warns He is
the One who is stirring things up ...)
Russian General Confirms Strategic Nuclear Bombers' Role
in War Games With China ...
--WT/East-Asia Intel (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war)
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Iran Deploys 4,000 Nuclear Centrifuges In Secret
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war ... and invade Israel)
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
'Orient House' Reopening ... Showing Palestinian Foothold in Jerusalem
and Jerusalem) (The Bible warns the
destinies of the world and Israel are inseparable...we are seeing prophecy
Pakistan Tests Its First Cruise Missile...
--Drudge Report/Reuters
'Wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Apocalypse')
U.S. Supreme Court Judge Stands By Examining Foreign
Rulings to Advise Their Decisions
(The Bible warns 'at the time of the end'
there will be a 'one-world' government ... and it will come against Israel)
NATO Providing Security for the Pope ...
--WND/Reuters (Prophecies
... The coming Antichrist) (The Bible also warns the
'one-world' government will have a 'one-world' religion ...)
Another Polish Diplomat Attacked in Moscow
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will go to war ... and invade Israel)
Ann Coulter Says Terrorist's Diary Shows He Could Write
Speeches For Howard Dean
--WND/Ann Coulter (Prophecies...A
corrupt generation filled with violence)
Who's Victimizing Who in the Mid-East
and Jerusalem)
Index' ... Only 1/3 in Israel Oppose the Forced Evacuation of Jews From Judah
and Jerusalem) (God warns the 2/3 who
are not opposed ... '2/3 will be cut off and die" for their unbelief)
Lutherans Concerned Over Easing Ban on Homosexual Clergy
(Bible Warnings...Homosexuality)
(Prophecies.... Churches no longer enduring sound doctrine)
'corrupt' generation)
4 US Soldiers Killed in Iraq ... Rumsfeld Says Seized
Explosives 'Clearly' From Iran
--WND/CNN (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
('Neutralized' ... The US will be unable or unwilling to stop this
Defiant Iran Removes Seals at Key Nuclear Plant
--AFP (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
'Wars and rumors of war')
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Bin Laden Heading For Iraq? Iran Report Says He
Will Be There For Ramadan
(Prophecies .... False 'Prophets)
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror) (There will be no
peace on Earth until Jesus-Messiah returns)
Intelligence Report: Iraqi al-Qaida Chief Zarqawi Wants Bin Laden To
Relocate in Iraq ...
'Wars and rumors of war') (If this is true, it
would make our withdrawal from Iraq look like an al-Qaida victory)
Biblical Pool of Siloam (Where Jesus/Yeshua Performed
Miracles) Uncovered in Jerusalem
--WND/Los Angeles Times
(The Chief Rabbi of the 'City of David' project is a wonderful
man and we pray for him ...)
Iran Says It Increased Range and Accuracy of Its
Shihab-3 Missile
--Ha'aretz (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, Turkey, and allies will invade Israel) (They
are using technology Clinton illegally gave to China)
China Police Rough Up U.S. Christians During Raid on
House Church
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Egypt Plans to Sell 100 Armored Personnel Carriers to the 'Palestinians'
--Arutz 7
(The 'Palestinians' are mainly immigrants from Egypt and Jordan ... Yasser
Arafat was Egyptian)
Presbyterian Church Seeks To Force Israel Out of Her
Land ... Calls Israel 'Occupier'
(Prophecies.... Churches no longer enduring sound doctrine)
(Prophecies ... The coming
Trauma, Terror, or Torture ... The Lone Jewish Gunman
--Arutz 7/Ellen Horowitz
and Jerusalem) (Prophecies...A
generation filled with violence)
Rage' ... The Lone Jewish Gunman Stirs World Hypocrisy
--Arutz 7/Jack Engelhard
and Jerusalem) (... all nations will
turn against Israel and the Jews at 'the time of the end.')
Iran Resumes Uranium Conversion Activities ...
Iran and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Apocalypse')
Israel Warns of Danger in Southern Turkey
--UPI (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, Turkey, and allies will invade Israel) (Turkey
will assist in this attack against Israel ...)
Intelligence Chiefs Warn of Full-Blown Islamic
Insurgency In The UK
--UPI (Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
'Wars and rumors of war')
and Islamic Allies)
Palestinian Prime Minister in Speech Says ... 'Today
Gaza, Tomorrow Jerusalem'
--Jerusalem Post
and Jerusalem) (In these
prophecies God warns He is the One stirring things up ...)
Iran Rejects 'Unacceptable' EU Nuclear Offer
--AFP (France)
Iran and allies will invade Israel)
Deadly Roadside Bombs in Iraq Reportedly Coming
From Iran
Iran and allies will invade Israel)
Int'l Journalists Who Expose Islam Murdered...We Must
Understand the Enemy We Face
--Jerusalem Post/Carolyn Glick
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Studies Suggest Huge Hurricane Waves ...
--Fox News
Russian 7-Man Military Submarine Trapped Underwater .. Oxygen Should Last
Until Monday
--AFP (France)
Iran and allies will invade Israel)
Father Arrested For Objecting to School's
Required Homosexual Reading Material For Kindergartners
--WND (Bible Warnings...Homosexuality)
morally corrupt generation) (See the
Ezekiel warnings concerning 'Sodom' below)
Supreme Court Nominee Roberts Helped Homosexual
Activists Win 'Rights' Case
(Bible Warnings...Homosexuality)
morally corrupt generation) (See the Ezekiel warnings
concerning 'Sodom' below)
Iran Nuclear Weapons Would Significantly Increase
Possibility of a Nuclear War
--Middle East Newsline
Iran and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Apocalypse')
Iran Warns Their New 'Shihab' Ballistic Missile Can
Reach Nearly 2,000 Km
--Middle East Newsline
Iran and allies will invade Israel)
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Islamic Threat Of Imminent Large Scale Attacks Against the US and Britain....
'Wars and rumors of war') (Russian-China backed Islam
is at war against the US and the West ...)
Islamic Leader Threatens More Attacks Against Britain
--WND/CNN (Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
'Wars and rumors of war')
U.S. Accuses Russia-China Backed Venezuela of Aiding
Colombia Terrorists
'Wars and rumors of war')
Venezuela's Leader Chavez to Visit Iran Soon
'Wars and rumors of war')
Iran and allies will invade Israel)
China and Russia To Hold Joint War Games ...
--Drudge/Financial Times
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Iran and allies will invade Israel)
(Note: They are flexing their muscles and are sending a
message to friend and foe alike ... the Pentagon used to call this the
'nightmare scenario)
Seven Marines Killed in Western Iraq
'Wars and rumors of war') (These men have fought and
died bravely ... we shouldn't casually give Iraq back to Islamics)
New Jersey Teens Kill and Then Dismember Girl Next Door ...
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies...A generation morally corrupt and filled with violence)
Japanese Defense Planners Worried About China's Growing Military Spending
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
'Wars and rumors of war')
U.S. Now Pressuring Israel to Withdraw From Land in
Northern Israel Claimed by Iran-Backed Hezbollah
--World Tribune
and Jerusalem) (God will bring the
hammer down hard on us if we keep interfering in Israel ...)
Earlier: Iran Training 'Hezbollah' Military in Lebanon
(Along Israel's Northern Border)
--WND/Jerusalem Post
Iran and allies will invade Israel)
(The US will be unable or unwilling to stop this
attack ...)
Syria Facilitates Iranian Arms Transfers To 'Hizbullah'
in Lebanon
--Middle East Newsline
Iran and allies will invade Israel)
(The US will be unable or unwilling to stop this
attack ...)
100,000 British Muslims (Islamics) Support the Bombers
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
(Prophecies .... False 'Prophets) (There will be no
peace on Earth until Jesus-Messiah returns)
Palestinians Raise Fresh Demands For Gaza Pullout...And Want 300
Russia-China Armored Vehicles
and Jerusalem)
Pope Refuses to Back Down From Slur Against Israel ...
--Arutz 7
and Jerusalem) (Prophecies
... The coming Antichrist)
Methodists Suspend Pastor For Obeying the Bible and
Denying Membership to Active Homosexual
(Bible Warnings...Homosexuality)
(Prophecies.... Churches no longer enduring sound doctrine)
morally corrupt generation)
Mideast 'Quartet' Envoy Sees 'Better Life for
Palestinians' in Gaza ... After Forcing Jews Off Their Land
(Prophecies ... A coming 'peace plan' enforced upon Israel will change the
world forever) ('Jew' comes from 'Judah' ... Gaza
lies in Judah)
U.S. Draws Up Plan to Have 'Palestinians' Immediately
Occupy 21 Jewish Communities in Gaza (Judah)
--World Tribune
(Study the Bible ... God will raise up evil nations to judge those
nations who turn against His Word)
China Stocking Nuclear Weapons Against the U.S. ...
--Washington Times/Bill Gertz
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
New President of Iran Promoting Suicide Bomb Squads to
Come Against U.S. and Allies
Iran and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies...A generation morally corrupt and filled with violence)
Russian Military Designing Unique
Weaponry...Including An Underwater Machine Gun
--Pravda (Russia)
'Wars and rumors of war') (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran and allies will invade Israel)
Russia to Develop New Unique Spaceships ...
--Pravda (Russia)
'Wars and rumors of war') (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran and allies will invade Israel)
Iran Warns U.S. and Israel Against Attacking Their
Nuclear Weapons Facilities
Iran and allies will invade Israel)
('Neutralized' ... The US will be unable or unwilling to stop this
Following the Plight of the Jews in Gaza (Judah) ...
--Arutz /Rachel Saperstein (Prophecies...Israel)
(In Joel 3 God warns a terrible war will come sometime after
Judah/Jerusalem are sold out)
Meeting Resistance as Raids Are Carried Out in London to
Capture Islamic Bombers
--Fox News (Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
(Prophecies...A generation morally corrupt and filled with violence)
Infections Soar from Chinese Mystery Disease
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases will spread)
Paris: Louvre Gets $20 Million More for 'Islamic
(Prophecies .... False 'Prophets')
(France's allegiance now lies with Russia-China and the nations of Islam ...)
China Says It's 'Ready to Use Nuclear Weapons Against
USA' If the U.S. Interferes With Taiwan
--Drudge/Financial Times (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Earlier: "The Asian
Monster"...Russia-China's Powerful Central Asian Alliance Welcomes Iran
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran and allies will attack and invade Israel) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Russia Reaffirms Their Military and Nuclear Cooperation With
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel) (The US will be 'neutralized' before this attack.)
Report: Captured Documents Detail al-Qaida's
U.S. Nuclear Targets
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack Israel) ('Neutralized'
... The US will be unwilling or unable to stop this attack)
Palestinian Rocket and Mortar Fire Continues Against
Israeli Targets Around Gaza
and Jerusalem) (Gaza is the part
of Israel which was given to the tribe of Judah ...)
'URI' ... 'Global Religion Initiative' Growing in
--WND (Prophecies
... The coming Antichrist) (The path towards the
coming Antichrist's 'one-world' religion is being prepared ...)
Islamic 'Academic' in London Praises Bombers ... Says,
"No 'Civilians', Only 'Combatants' in Islamic Law"
--London Times
(Note on Islam and Religions of Terror)
(Prophecies .... False Prophets would rise)
Who 'Shorted' The British Pound? The Currency Fell
6% in 10 Days Before London Terror Attacks
'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Study Shows 6,500,000 South Africans May Have HIV
--Koenig Intl/AP
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases will spread)
Growing Number of Russian Army Draftees Have HIV
--Moscow Times
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases will spread)
U.S.-Trained Chemist Thought To Be 'Mastermind' Behind
London Bombings Captured Outside Cairo
--WND/ABC News
on Islam and Religions of Terror) (Prophecies
... The generation of wrath will be marked by its violence)
Egyptians Won't Hand Over Chemist
--Fox News
on Islam and Religions of Terror) (Prophecies
... The generation of wrath will be marked by its violence)
Islamic Cleric on Palestinian TV Urges Moslems Around
the World to Kill All 'Infidels'
on Islam and Religions of Terror) (Prophecies
... The generation of wrath will be marked by its violence)
Israel Proposes Giving Bethlehem Over to
Her Enemies ... (Just Like Joseph Being Sold by His Brothers)
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
and Jerusalem)
(Prophecies of the Messiah)
"But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah,
though you are little among the thousands of
Yet out of you shall come forth to Me
The One to be Ruler in Israel,
Whose goings forth have been from old,
from everlasting." [The
prophets wrote Messiah would be born in Bethlehem ... and He would be
(Micah 5:2)
Apparently, God wanted the children of Israel (and the world)
to know three things through this prophecy ...
1. The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem
2. The Messiah would rise out of Judah
3. The Messiah would be eternal ...
Yet, Israel is willing to give this same Bethlehem (home of
Ruth, Boaz, King David, and Yeshua/Jesus) away to their enemies. This prophecy was written about
300 years after
King David and about 700 years
before Jesus/Yeshua was born in Bethlehem ... it was 14 generations from King David to the Babylonian
captivity and 14 generations from the Babylonian captivity until the Messiah
(Christ) [see Matt 1:17, which includes the genealogy] ... Jesus/Yeshua was a direct descendant of King
David through both Mary [His mother] and through Joseph [His adopted father]
- that is why Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem when the Romans
forced all the citizens of Israel to register for taxes in their 'home towns.'
The Jewish religious leaders of the day never denied Jesus/Yeshua was a
direct descendant of King David because at that time all the Jewish
genealogies were kept in the Temple as they waited for Messiah, and they were
easily verified. Isn't it interesting that God allowed all the Jewish genealogies
to be destroyed with the Temple in the same generation which Messiah was put
to death (exactly as the prophet Daniel predicted.) It's
as though God felt they would no longer be necessary. God warns
in 'the last days' 2/3 of the people of Israel would 'be cut-off and die'
because of their lack of faith and unbelief in God's Word. Pray for...support...and bless the
children and the nation of Israel ... for the awesome and wonderful Messiah which they brought
forth will soon return -
(Prophecies of Messiah's
Jesus warns us to beware, for false prophets would
rise after Him ...
"Then if anyone shall say unto you,
'Look, here or there is the Christ, Messiah,' or
Do not believe it.
For false christs and false prophets will
who shall show great signs and wonders [miracles];
so as to deceive, if possible, even the very elect.
'Behold, I have told you beforehand.'
[Meaning this will surely happen]
Therefore if they say to you,
'Behold, he is in the desert ...'
Do not go forth! [Those who
follow Islam or Baha'i please be warned]
For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes
unto the west,
so also shall the coming of the Son of Man [Messiah] be.
[There will be no question it is Him when He
(Matthew 24:23-27)
