Crisis in Relations Between Israel and the United States
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(The Bible has warned all nations would turn against Israel 'at the time of
the end' ...)
Turkey Threatens Military Action In Northern Iraq
... Against the Kurds
--AFP (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, Turkey, and allies will invade Israel)
('Neutralized' ... The US will be unable or unwilling to stop this
Leaders of Cuba and Venezuela 'Light a Fire of
Revolutions Across Latin American Against the U.S.'
--Pravda (Russia)
'Wars and rumors of war') (Russia-China are
staging these 'revolutions' which will soon threaten the US)
Earlier: Russia and China Tightening Noose Around America
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, Turkey and allies will invade Israel) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Note: We are opponents in a deadly Russian-Chinese
global war-game ... and most of us don't even realize it ... the advantage
has now shifted to them.)
Islamic Nations Blocking U.N. Anti-Terror
--WND (Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
(Prophecies .... False 'Prophets')
'Wars and rumors of war')
Official Palestinian Broadcasts Applauded the Islamics Who Gunned-Down
Two Jewish Grandparents ...
--Arutz 7 (Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
(Prophecies...A generation morally corrupt and filled with violence)
'Before Communications Are Cut' ... Report On the Siege and Forced Evacuation of
Gaza (Judah) Israel
--Arutz/Nadia Matar
(As in 2Kings 14:24, it will be written of Ariel Sharon ... 'and he did evil
in the sight of the Lord.')
Note: Read, study, and listen to Joel chapter 3...God
warns of a terrible coming war...starting sometime after the Land will be
'divided' and Judah will be 'sold' ... the 'Valley of Jehoshaphat' (Jehoshaphat
was a good king from Judah) sits between Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives ...
Tyre and Sidon are now in Lebanon.
Palestinian Leader Gloats, "Today (We Take) Gaza, Tomorrow (We Take) Jerusalem"
and Jerusalem) (God warned, 'In that day
I [God] will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people ...' Zech 12:3)
Israel In Unbelief ... Israel's
VP Peres Says, 'Jerusalem Must Be Divided'
and Jerusalem) (Things will get
worse, '... and half the city (Jerusalem) shall be taken into captivity' -
Zech 14:2)
From Israel ... 'Why Are We Jews So Self-Destructive?'
--Arutz 7/Rachel Neuwirth
(Prophecies...Israel) (Like Jonah, they
are trying to run away from God ... instead of moving ahead in faith.)
China Arrests 100 Young Christians ... Police Raid
Bible Study as Crackdown Continues
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Iran Confirms It Has Developed Long-Range Missile
--Ha'aretz (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
('Neutralized' ... The US will be unable or unwilling to stop this
Earlier: Persia's (Iran's) Appointment With Destiny ...
--WND/Hal Lindsey
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
('Neutralized' ... The US will be unable or unwilling to stop this
'American Hiroshima'...High Level FSB (KGB) Defector
Warns Russia is Training and Backing al-Qaida
--JR Nyquist (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Clinton's Other Genocide (While He Supported
Islamic Terrorists) ... Kosovo
--WND/Joseph Farah
(Prophecies...A generation morally corrupt and filled with violence) (Prophecies ...
Evil men lying and deceiving)
Space Shuttle 'Discovery' Lifts Off
--Fox News
... Knowledge and travel would increase at 'the time of the end' -
Dan 12:4)
Pope Prays For The Nations Attacked By Islamic Terrorists ... But Omits and
Snubs Israel
--Drudge Report/BBC News
and Jerusalem) (Prophecies
... The coming Antichrist)
5.6 Earthquake Shakes Western Montana
(Prophecies ... Earthquakes 'in diverse places')
Would-Be Islamic Bomber Received British Welfare
Payments ... UK Even Paid For His Apartment
--WND/Ireland Online (Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
(Prophecies .... False 'Prophets')
Israeli Forces to Shut Off Electricity and Water to
Force Gaza (Judah) Residents Out
(There are more Bible prophecies about the short time after Israel is
back in the Land than any other time in history ...)
The Jewish Settlers Show Their True Colors ... Which
are Good Colors
--Jerusalem Post/Carolyn Glick
(... Jesus/Yeshua was also opposed by the political/religious powers of
His day.)
Through the prophet Ezekiel, God tells us why
He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire ...
"This was the iniquity [sin] of your sister Sodom:
She [Sodom] and her daughter [Gomorrah] had
pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness;
neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor
and needy,
and they were arrogant (haughty) ...
Therefore, I [God] took them away as I saw fit."
[He destroyed ('disinfected') them with fire ...]
(Ezekiel 16:49-50)
In these verses, God links open homosexuality in a
society to sinful 'pride' and 'arrogance' ... the sin of Satan. Sodom
and Gomorrah were condemned and destroyed because they were filled with
sinful pride and arrogance while flaunting their homosexuality and sexual immorality
openly before God. They were also found guilty of having 'fullness
of food' without thanking or acknowledging God who provided it, and having 'an abundance of idleness' in the land (basically
'they did that which was right in their own eyes' as they ate, drank,
watched TV, and had their 'Gay Pride' parades, filling the lusts of
their eyes, their imaginations, and their flesh ... the people were so
de-sensitized to sin they just stood by as homosexuals tried to 'gang-rape' the
two men/angels God sent to warn Lot ... and their bars, restaurants,
shopping malls, and pornography web-sites were bustling.) They
were getting fat while the poor and needy were neglected and they offered
them no meaningful work or training. All of this reflected their
and rebellious attitudes toward God and His Word. Sin
meant nothing to them and there was no fear of God. Would
these charges indict and convict any nation(s) or people you know today?
God's judgment against Sodom was given as a warning!
The Bible warns the coming 'Apocalypse' (and Hell) will be like the
judgment against Sodom (only worse), but this time it will come against the whole world! Our time is short. God is pleading
with us to stop (repent of) our sinful ways and return to Him before
it's too late. With open arms and with tears of joy He will welcome
any and all who willingly return to Him through the One He sent forth to
save us ... Yeshua/Jesus ... the promised Messiah. And, as
with Lot (and Enoch before the Flood), God promises to remove ('Rapture') those who will sincerely return
to Him in faith before the coming 'Apocalypse,' which the Bible also
calls 'the Great Tribulation,' 'the Time of Jacob's [Israel's] Trouble,'
'the Last Days,' 'the Day of the Lord,' the 'Time of the End,' and the 'Day
of God's Wrath' ...
Israeli Defense Forces Prevent New Tel Aviv Suicide
--Arutz 7
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
(Prophecies .... False 'Prophets')
(The picture of Islamic suicide bombers in formation tells it all ...)
Iraq's New Draft Bill of Rights Says Citizenship
Available to Anyone ... Except Israelis
and Jerusalem)
warned He would one-day judge the nations by how they treated His brethren the Jews)
At Least 83 Tourists and Civilians Die in Islamic Car
Bomb Attack on Egyptian Resort
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
(Prophecies .... False Prophets)
(Prophecies ... A generation marked with violence)
Western Leaders Are Lost For Answers to Mounting Islamic Offensive ...
'Wars and rumors of war') (Read Debkafile's
impressive resume concerning Islamic attacks at the end of this article)
One In Four British Muslims Admit They Sympathize With
Their Terrorist Brethren...
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
(Prophecies .... False Prophets)
'Wars and rumors of war')
UK Muslim
Hopes To See Islamic Flag Fly Over 'Number 10 Downing Street' and the Whole
--Drudge/Wash Post
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
(Prophecies .... False Prophets)
(Muslim = Moslem = Islamic)
Muslims (Islamics) in the UK Say, 'End The Terror By Exiting Iraq'
--WND/London Evening Standard
(Prophecies .... False Prophets)
(The only
way to end the terror is to have all Islamics exit the UK ...)
Rice Tells Israel They Must Not Seal off Gaza (Judah)
After Retreat (When Was She Elected PM of Israel?)
and Jerusalem) (God says He will curse
those who curse Israel and will bless those who will bless Israel)
Major 7.0 Earthquake Hits India ... Tsunami Warning
(Prophecies ... Earthquakes 'in diverse places')
Strong Earthquake Shakes Tokyo
(Prophecies ... Earthquakes 'in diverse places')
Israel's Army Likely to Blow Up Synagogues in Gaza
(Judah) After Retreat
--Arutz 7
and Jerusalem) (The Bible warns a
generation would rise in rebellion against God's Word 'in the last days' ...)
Sharon Meets Rice on Final Push Over Gaza (Judah)
and Jerusalem) (God will one-day lift His
protection from the US ... a nation that once honored His Word)
Rice Threatens Israel with Sanctions If they Don't Let Egypt, Palestinians
Help 'Coordinate' Retreat...
and Jerusalem) (God will one-day lift His
protection from the US ... a nation that once honored His Word)
China's New Destroyers Feature Aegis Technology Copied
From U.S.
--World Tribune (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Japan's Defense Chief Gets New Powers
--World Tribune/AP (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
'Wars and rumors of war')
China Distances Itself from Nuclear Weapons Threat
Against the United States
--AFP (Prophecies ... 'In the last days evil men
will wax worse and worse...lying, deceiving, and being deceived')
Scuffle Mars Rice Meeting with Sudanese President
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, Turkey, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Sudan will be part of this coalition)
Canada Legalizes Homosexual 'Marriage'
(Bible Warnings
Against Homosexuality)
(Prophecies ... A generation morally 'corrupt') (See
the Ezekiel - Sodom verses below ...)
5 More Nuevo Laredo Cops (Mexico) Killed in 4
Days...Numerous AK-47 Rifle Shells Found Near Vehicles
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies ... A generation 'filled with violence' in the last days)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Record Level as Violent Offences in England Top
Million Mark
--BBC News
(Prophecies ... A generation 'filled with violence' in the last days)
London Police Chief Reporting Four New Bombs Exploding
in Subway, Bus
--AFP (France)
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
(Prophecies .... False Prophets)
(Prophecies ... A generation 'filled with violence')
Cowardly Muslim Clerics Blame the British For Getting
Themselves Bombed
--WND/London Telegraph
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
(Prophecies .... False Prophets)
(Prophecies ... A violent generation)
Father of 9/11 Hijacker Warns of '50-Year War'...Says to
Expect More Bombings and Attacks
--Drudge Report/Daily Mail (Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
(Prophecies .... False Prophets)
(Prophecies ... A violent generation)
Israeli Knesset Rejects Bill Which Would Delay the
'Disengagement' (Retreat) From Gaza (Judah)
--Arutz 7 (Jesus/Yeshua
who was born into the tribe of Judah warned, 'You are either with me or against
me'... there is no in-between ... an 'abstention' or 'undecided' concerning
Gaza/Judah is a vote against the Word of God ... the Bible warns
2/3 of the nation Israel will 'be cut off and die' because of their
Pentagon Says China's Military Strengthening...
--Drudge Report/AP (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (China/Russia will first
employ 'sneak' attacks to cripple the US ...)
Russia and Turkey Discuss Defense Cooperation
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, Turkey, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Historic March and Protest in Israel Against
Surrendering Gaza (Judah) to Her Enemies
and Jerusalem) (Gaza is the part
of Israel which was given to the tribe of Judah ...)
Hypocrisy as U.S. Turns Blind Eye to Iran-Iraq Political
Maneuvering and Manipulations ...
--Jerusalem Post/Carolyn Glick
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack Israel)
China Attempts to Downplay General's Threat To Destroy US
Cities With Nuclear Weapons ...
--World Tribune/FT (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
President Bush Should Have Responded to China's Threat
to Nuke Hundreds of US Cities ...
--WND/Joseph Farah
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Growing Trend of Outdoor Sex Orgies Unstoppable in
(Prophecies ... A generation will be marked by their open immorality) (See
the Ezekiel verses below concerning Sodom ...)
Islamic Leader Sought Revenge In Iraqi Massacre...Had Many Burned Alive Then
Attacked By Mortars
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
(Prophecies .... False Prophets)
(Prophecies ... A generation marked with violence)
Islamic Military Group Warns European Nations to Quit
Iraq by August 15 or Risk Attacks
--AFP (France)
(Note on Islam and religions of Terror)
(Prophecies .... False Prophets)
(Prophecies ... A generation marked with violence)
China Summons Japanese Diplomat as Tensions Over
'Test-Drilling' In Disputed Area Escalate
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
African Tribal Elder Killed English Wife Because He
Thought She Was Going To Trade Him for a Car
--WND/London Telegraph (Prophecies
... The generation of wrath will be marked by its violence)
US Senate Votes Against Adding New Border Agents
--WND/Washington Times
Second Chance at Heaven?
--Koenig Intl/Charles Stanley
(The Bible warns this life is a only a short
test ... The Final Separation - Heaven or Hell)
Former Soviet Agent Says Russians Still Involved in
Guarding WMDs Hidden In the US
--WND/All Headline News
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will attack and invade Israel)
Discovery of Mysterious Doors in the Great Pyramid
Being Investigated
--WND/Beirut Daily Star
Vacationing Israeli MD a Hero on Bombed London Subway
--WND/Jerusalem Post
(Israel is always the first nation to offer help after a catastrophe ... and
the only nation to offer assistance to the US after 9/11)
Jewish Police and Army Clash with Jewish Settlers at Gaza
--AFP (Prophecies...Israel) (Jesus/Yeshua
the Messiah is the one who warned ... 'A house divided against itself cannot
stand.' Matt 12:25)
The Real Hillary Clinton Being Exposed ...
--WND (Prophecies ... 'In the last days evil men
(and women) will wax worse and worse...lying, deceiving, and being deceived')
Congressman to Request Justice Dept. Briefing on
Islamic 'American Hiroshima' Nuclear Attack Plan
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Apocalypse')
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies)
Earlier Report: 'American Hiroshima' ... Islamics Have
Smuggled Russian Nuclear Weapons Into US
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will attack and invade Israel)
(The US will somehow be 'neutralized' before this attack.)
New Evidence Suggests Islamics After Nuclear Bombs
Planted in the U.S. By Russia
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Apocalypse')
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
(One could destroy a city with thermo-nuclear
Islamic Bomb Attack in Israel ... At Least 2 Killed, Dozens Injured
--Arutz 7
and Jerusalem) (Note
on Islam and Religions of Terror)
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath)
Congress Asked to Cover Homosexuals With Federal
Employment Protection
(Bible Warnings
Against Homosexuality) (Read the Ezekiel verses below ... God
explains why He destroyed Sodom with burning fire)
Russia and China Tightening Noose Around America
--JR Nyquist/Richard Roberts
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran and allies will attack Israel) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Note: We are opponents in a deadly, global
Russian-Chinese chess-game ... and most of us don't even know it ... the
advantage is now shifting to them.
Recent China Military Revelations
--JR Nyquist
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (... and will include an
invasion of the Middle-East.)
Turkey Eyes Russian Defense Offer
--M.E. Newsline
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, Turkey, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(The US will somehow be 'neutralized' before they invade.)
Earlier: Russia Will Equip Iranian Subs With Missiles
--World Tribune/Kommersant (Russia)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(The US will be 'neutralized' first ...)
Iran Could Destroy Israel With 2 Nuclear Bombs
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, Turkey, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
and Jerusalem)
Iranian-Backed Hizbollah Attack Reported Along Israel's Northern
--Arutz 7
and Jerusalem) (Note
on Islam and Religions of Terror)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Fallen Navy SEALs Killed in Battle and Rescue Mission
Honored With Memorial in Hawaii
--Fox News
'Wars and rumors of war')
Head of Islamic Center in London Responds Saying 'It is Okay
to Kill Innocent Civilians' in Attacks
on Islam and Religions of Terror) (Prophecies
... The generation of wrath will be marked by its violence)
More Than 30 Civilians Forced Into Huts and Burned to
Death in DR Congo Attack
--AFP (France) (Prophecies
... The generation of wrath will be marked by its violence)
Islamic Hamas Announces New Strategy to Destroy Israel
... Replace Suicide Bombs with Rockets
--WND (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem)
... Generation of wrath will be marked by its violence)
No Jews Allowed in 'Palestinian' State ... Planned
'Ethnic Cleansing' of Gaza (Judah)
and Jerusalem) ('Lion of the tribe of Judah'
... Gaza is part of the land which was given to the tribe of Judah)
Israel's Netanyahu Warns West to Stop Iran's Nuclear
Plans...Will Give Terrorists 'Nuclear Umbrella'
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, Turkey, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(The US will somehow be 'neutralized' before they invade.)
Russia's Largest Oil Company Wants To Expand In Iran
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, Turkey, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Iranian 'Cleric' Gloats, 'Britain Paid Price for US
and Israeli Policies'
--AFP (France)
on Islam and Religions of Terror)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran and allies will attack and invade Israel)
How the Clinton's Took Control of Federal Law
--WND (Prophecies ... 'In the last days evil men
(and women) will wax worse and worse...lying, deceiving, and being deceived')
(This report is amazing ... and the last half gets
really interesting.)
And, "The
People (the Children of Israel) Grew Discouraged ..."
--Arutz 7/Rabbi Dov Begon (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem)
(Prophecies of Messiah's
(Prophecies of the Messiah)
History of 'Gaza' and the Jews
--Arutz 7/Gary Fitleberg
and Jerusalem)
(Prophecies of Messiah's
Russian Scientists Develop Weapons of the Future ...
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran and allies will attack and invade Israel)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Arabic News ... Interesting - There is No Mention
of the London Bombings in 'Arabic News'
--Arabic News
on Islam and Religions of Terror) (Prophecies
... The generation of wrath will be marked by its violence)
Radical Islamics Find Haven in London ...'We Will Use
Your Democracy to Destroy Your Democracy'
(This is the same strategy now being used by the Democrats and their judges ... 'Use
democracy to destroy democracy.')
Immigrant Births at All-Time High ... Nearly 1/4 of
Mothers Foreign-Born, 1 in 10 an Illegal Alien
(A coordinated and illegal effort to permanently
change our voting demographics ...
'Use democracy to destroy democracy.')
Islamics Attack London ... Many Dead and Wounded in
Multiple Bomb Blasts
'Wars and rumors of war')
('Gray War' - Islamic terrorist 'groups' are supported and supplied by the Russia-China-Islamic
Al-Qaida Tells 'Nation Islam' to 'Rejoice'
on Islam and Religions of Terror)
(Muslims are taught Islamic states are just parts of a single 'Islamic Nation.')
Group In Iran Warns It Has Recruited 40,000 Suicide
'Time-Bombs' For Attacks Against U.S. and Aliies
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Russia/China-Backed North Korea Providing Nuclear Aid to
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran and allies will attack and invade Israel) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Sandra Day O'Connor Retires After Littering the Supreme
Court With Confusing, Immoral Decisions
--WND/Ann Coulter (Prophecies
... Generation of wrath)
'My Wife is a Shop-aholic' and Credit Questions Answered
Ex-European Union Chief Prodi Blasts England's Leader
Blair on Europe
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise as a world 'superpower')
(... and 10 shall rise.) (Prophecies
... The coming Antichrist)
French FM Warns EU Will Not Accept Iranian Resumption
of Nuclear Weapons Activity
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran and allies will attack and invade Israel) (Europe
will do nothing but wait for Israel or the US to act ...)
Dept. of Defense Developing Ray Guns to Protect Nuke
... Knowledge and travel would increase at 'the time of the end' -
Dan 12:4)
Study Shows TV May Stunt Toddlers Learning
--BBC News
Deep Impact ... NASA Probe Successfully Slams Into
--Drudge Report/AP
... Knowledge and travel would increase at 'the time of the end' -
Dan 12:4)
Hundreds of Clergy in Church of England Don't Believe
in God, 52% Think 'Homosexual Relations' OK
--WND/London Times
(Prophecies.... 'The falling away' ...Churches would become 'corrupted' by evil)
(Bible Warnings
Against Homosexuality)
United Church of Christ Backs Homosexual 'Marriage'
(Prophecies.... 'The falling away' ... Churches would become 'corrupted' by evil)
(Bible Warnings
Against Homosexuality) (See 'Ezekiel' below)
Gaza, Israel Could Turn Into 'State of Taliban'
--WND (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem) (Israel's
leaders always draw 'Red Lines' ... well, now they may have crossed
the 'Red
Line' with God)
Islamic 'Palestinians' Now Demanding More Land After Pullout ... and Then
More ... and More...
and Jerusalem) (The world is
pushing Israel back to the 'Auschwitz Borders' ... only 8 miles across in
one place)
Roadside ('Roadmap') Etiquette? Israel's Leader
Worrying More About 'Image' Than Jewish Rights
--Arutz 7/Ellen Horowitz
and Jerusalem) (Pray for and
support the children of Israel ... it's their Land!)
Jerusalem Arabs Want to Be in Israel's Zone
(Jews provide jobs, food, and medicine for the 'Palestinians'... in return,
Islamics kill Jewish boys, girls, men, and women.)
50 Islamic Terror Groups Believed to Be in Canada
--Debkafile (Note
on Islam and Religions of Terror)
(Prophecies ... False prophets would rise)
... Generation of violence)
Fishermen Catch (and Eat) Record-Sized 646-Pound
(The news report says this catfish was the size of a grizzly bear ...)
Russian, French, and German Leaders Meeting For Talks
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia and allies will
attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise as a world 'superpower')
Uzbek Police Torture Christian .... Try to Force Him
To Renounce His Faith
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated) (Note
on Religions of Terror) (Prophecies ...
'The generation' of wrath)
Homosexual ('Sodomite') Jerusalem City Councilman Gloats
In His 'Gay Pride' Parade Victory
--Jerusalem Post
(Read the Ezekiel verses below where God
states why He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ... our generation may be
Russia Wants To Build 6 More Iranian Nuclear Reactors
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(God uses evil nations as tools for judgment ...)
China Supplying Weapons To Iran and Sudan
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran,
Sudan, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Chinese and Russian Leaders Vow Security [Military]
and Economic Cooperation at Moscow Summit
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran,
Turkey, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Iran's New President Calls For Worldwide 'Islamic
Revolution' ... (Iran is Fully Backed By Russia and China)
--World Tribune
(Prophecies ... False prophets would rise)
on Religions of Terror) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran and allies will invade Israel)
Islamic Terror War Against Israel Continues on All
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
and Jerusalem)
Palestinians Will Move 250,000 Islamics Into
Territories Israel is Set to Evacuate
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
and Jerusalem) (Things will now go
from bad to worse in Israel ... the US ... and the world. )
Lesbians Target Innkeeper Over Reluctance to Host
Lesbian 'Marriage'
(Bible Warnings
Against Homosexuality) (Gov't protected 'rights'
of homosexuals are increasing ... while those of Christians are decreasing.)
China's Business Machine to Devour US Oil Market
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Blair Set to Snub Bush on Climate Change
(In 'the last days' the Bible warns
'the Earth will be scorched by great heat and fire from the sun' ... Rev
Homosexual 'Gay Pride' Parade in Jerusalem Approved by Israel's Courts ...
Disrupted By Protesters
(Bible Warnings
Against Homosexuality) (In Ezekiel 16:1 God warns,
'Son of Man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations'...)
Israelis Storm Hotel in Judah (Gaza) to Uproot
'Extremist' Jews
--Fox News
and Jerusalem) (Our prayers go out to
Nadia Matar and her family ... these 'extremists' simply believe the Bible)
Second Day of Iranian-Backed 'Hezbollah' Attacks Against Northern Israel ...
--Fox News
and Jerusalem)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran,
Turkey, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Chinese President Visits Russia for Talks
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia, Iran,
Turkey, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
China Tells U.S. Not to Meddle in Their Bid for
California Oil Giant
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
China/Russia-Backed Cuba and Venezuela to Build 'Oil Alliance'
--Pravda (Russia)
(China and Russia are deeply involved in South America ... our southern
flank grows vulnerable)
Student Gets 'F' Grade in California School Just For Mentioning God
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated) (Prophecies ...
'The generation' of wrath) (The world is now flaunting
its rebellion against God's Word ...)
Muslim Mobs Burn Christian Homes
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated) (Prophecies ...
'The generation' of wrath) (Note
on Islam)
Methodist Church in UK Approves Homosexual 'Marriages'
--BBC (Prophecies....Churches
and Church Leaders would be 'corrupted')
(Bible Warnings
Against Homosexuality)
Earlier: U.S. Episcopal Church Leaders Support and Defend
Openly Homosexual Bishop
(Bible Warnings
Against Homosexuality)
and Church Leaders would be 'corrupted')
Spain's Parliament Legalizes Homosexual 'Marriage'
(Bible Warnings
Against Homosexuality) (Gov't protected 'rights' for
homosexuals are increasing while rights for Christians are decreasing)
Canada Approves Homosexual
(Bible Warnings
Against Homosexuality) (Read the Ezekiel verses
below where God states why He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ...)
Russia Introduces New 'Night Hunter' Advanced Combat
Helicopter ...
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia and allies will invade Israel) (...
for some yet unknown reason the US will be unwilling or unable to stop them)
Iran's New 'President' Hopes to Spread 'New Islamic
Revolution' Around the World
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
Arabs Readying for Combat Against Israel
--Arutz 7
and Jerusalem) (The Bible warns things
will go from bad to worse in Israel ... and the world. )
China Activates Bomb Shelters
--WND (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (God uses evil nations as tools
for judgment ...)
Supreme Court Rebuked For 10 Commandments Decision ...
Confusing and Puzzling Precedent
--WND (Justice
Ruth Ginsburg voted against the 10 Commandments, though believing Jews are
to be a 'light unto the Gentiles'... Study Ezekiel 36 carefully)
'Mugabe Court' ... U.S. Supreme Court Erases Part of Constitution Concerning
Property Rights
--WND/Joseph Farah
(Prophecies ...
'The generation' of wrath)
(Like a 'frog in a kettle' ... we don't seem to notice our freedoms are being
Russia Wants to Build More Nuclear Reactors for
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran,
and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Iran's New President Helped Take U.S. Embassy in 1979
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran,
and allies will invade Israel) (...
for some yet unknown reason the US will be unwilling or unable to stop them)
Jerusalem Court Approves International Homosexual 'Gay
Pride' Parade through Jerusalem
--Jerusalem Post
(Bible Warnings
Against Homosexuality) (Read the Ezekiel verses
below stating why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ...)
Earlier: Thousands in 'Homosexual Pride' Parade in Tel Aviv
(Land of Israel)
(Bible Warnings ... Homosexuality)
(The Bible condemns both 'homosexuality' and 'pride'... The Bible
should be taken seriously.)
Homosexuals March Through Europe ... Demanding Right
to 'Marry'
(Bible Warnings
Against Homosexuality) (Read the Ezekiel verses
below stating why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ...)
Israel Begins Demolishing Empty Gaza (Judah) Homes
(As you will learn from these Bible prophecies, God warns a great trouble
now lies ahead for Israel ...)
U.S. to Israel - 'Stop Expanding Settlements'
(We should support the expansion of Jewish settlements in Israel ...
our 'anti-Biblical' position places us in imminent danger.)
The 'Dragon' Awakes ... Analysts Now Warn China Could
Attack Within the Next 2 Years
--WND/Washington Times (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (God uses evil nations as tools
for judgment ...)
Chinese Defector Warns Beijing is Devoted to Weakening
'Enemy' U.S.
--Koenig/Washington Times (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind ... and will invade the 'Middle-East')
Thefts of U.S. Technology Boost China's Military and
--Washington Times (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind ... and will invade the 'Middle-East')
Rev. Billy Graham - 'Let Hillary Run The Country'
(The Bible warns 'Woe to those who call evil good and good evil' ... The
Clinton's preach abortion, homosexuality, adultery, and lies.)
Visions' vs. The Reality of Fighting State-Sanctioned Palestinian Terrorism
--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick
and Jerusalem)
Voice From Israel ... 'Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me'
--Arutz 7/Ruth Matar
and Jerusalem)
(Prophecies ... 'In the last days evil men will wax worse...deceiving and being deceived')
The Children of Israel Were Commanded ... 'Go Forth and
Occupy the Land'
--Arutz 7/Rabbi Dov Begon
and Jerusalem)
The Story You Didn't See On CNN, NBC, ABC, or the BBC
--Arutz 7/Gary Bauer
and Jerusalem) (The clock
is ticking as the world is now being turned against Israel ...)
Rice Says U.S. Will Respect Palestinian Elections 'No
Matter What'... Would Allow Terrorists to Rule
(God warns. 'I will bless those who bless you (Israel), and will curse those
who curse you.' Gen 12:3, Gen 27:29)
Wildfires Burn Up Southern California and Arizona
--Fox News
(God warns. 'I will bless those who bless you (Israel), and will curse those
who curse you.' Gen 12:3, Gen 27:29)
NATO Makes First Visit To Palestinian Authority to
Discuss 'Regional Alliance' and Observer Status
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise as a world 'superpower')
(This is not a 'good thing' ...)
Islamics on Beheading Rampage in Thailand ... Their
Goal is to 'Terrify' Buddhists
--London Telegraph
(Prophecies ...
'The generation' of wrath) (Note
on Islam)
(To Islamics, being called a 'terrorist' is a
badge of honor ...)
Mideast 'Quartet' of Powers Sees 'Urgent Need' for
Cooperation on Israel's 'Pullout' From Gaza (Judah)
and Jerusalem) (This powerful global
'Quartet' includes the US, EU, UN, and Russia ... 'Mideast' = Israel)
US Adding Egypt and Saudi Arabia to 'Quartet' of Powers Overseeing
'Peace Plan' For Israel
(Prophecies ... A coming 'Peace Plan' for Israel will change the world
... forever.)
and Jerusalem)
China is a Major Arms Supplier To Iran and Sudan
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Iran
and allies will attack and invade Israel) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
National PTA Welcomes Homosexual Group
--WND/Wash. Times
(Bible Warnings Against Homosexuality) (Read
the Ezekiel verses below stating God's indictments against 'Sodom' ...)
Supreme Court's Ruling Against Private Property Is
'Slap in the Face' to American Homeowners
--WND (The freedoms found
in this nation were given as a gift from God...a people and nation who have
turned from God will be returned to bondage.)
Chinese Bid For UNOCAL
--Koenig/USA Today (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Turning against God and Israel
... the US is losing its 'blessings.')
Chinese Bid For MAYTAG...
--Drudge/AFP (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Turning against God and
Israel ... the US is losing its 'blessings.')
Blair Tells European Union to 'Change or Fail'
--BBC News
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise as a world 'superpower')
(... and 10 shall rise.) (Prophecies
... The coming Antichrist)
Survey Shows British Now Travel Abroad For Getting
Drunk, Having Sex, and Fist-Fighting
(Prophecies...'The generation' of wrath will be
'marked' by immorality and violence) (Churches in
England are being replaced with mosques...)
'Morning After' Baby Abortion Pill OK'd Without
Prescription ... No Parental Approval Required
--WND/AP (Prophecies ...
'The generation' of wrath) (The Bible condemns abortion ...
'passing children through the fire' ... study 'Molech' in the Bible)
Russia Provides Syria With More Advanced Weapons...
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Russia, Iran,
and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Syria)
Palestinians Stone-Wall and Demand More From Israel at Summit
and Jerusalem)
U.S. Episcopal Church Leaders Support and Defend
Openly Homosexual Bishop
(Bible Warnings
Against Homosexuality)
and Church Leaders would be 'corrupted')
State's High Court Favors Dead Mom's Lesbian
Sex-Partner Over Mother and Father For Custody
--WND (Bible Warnings
Against Homosexuality) (Prophecies ...
'The generation' of wrath) (See the Ezekiel verses on
Sodom below ...)
China Successfully Tests New Advanced Long-Range
Submarine Based 'Nuclear Capable' Missile
--WND/Washington Times (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Clinton gave
China our top-secret missile technology ...)
The Future GI Will Look Like Something Out of 'Star
Wars' ... With Artificial 'Super-Strength'
--World Tribune (Prophecies... 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Condoleezza Rice Making a Mess of Things in Israel and
the Middle East
--WND/Joseph Farah
(God warns. 'I will bless those who bless you (Israel), and will curse those
who curse you.' Gen 12:3, Gen 27:29)
Jerusalem 'Summit' Gets Under Way
--BBC News
and Jerusalem) (The Bible says
there will be no peace in Israel until Messiah returns ...)
Bloody 48 Hours in Israel In Spite of "Truce'
and Jerusalem) (The Bible also says there will be no peace
on Earth until Messiah returns ...)
House Representative Rightly Accuses the Democrats of
Incessantly Attacking Christianity
--WND/Wash Post
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated) (Prophecies ...
'The generation' of wrath) (Prophecies
... The coming Antichrist)
Pope Blasts Europe ... Warns Continent Excludes God
--Fox News
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise as a world 'superpower')
(... and 10 shall rise.) (Prophecies
... The coming Antichrist)
Bush Seeks 'Strong' Europe as Partner
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise as a world 'superpower')
(... and 10 shall rise.) (Prophecies
... The coming Antichrist)
Vietnam Persecuting Christians as Prime-Minister
Visits the US
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)
Mexican Drug Commandos Working As Elite Paramilitary
Units Now in 6 States North of the Border
(Prophecies... 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Israel Heads Toward War With Syria
--Middle East Newsline
and Jerusalem)
(Prophecies... 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies ... Syria)
US Sec'y of State Rice Reveals 'Deal' to Destroy All
Jewish Homes in Gaza (Judah)
--Washington Times
and Jerusalem) (Interfering with
God's plan for Israel puts us in great jeopardy ...)
China's New Missile is 'A Warning to
the US'
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Clinton illegally gave
China our top-secret missile technology ...)
Illegal Immigration is Just Getting Worse
--WND/Arizona Republic
Earlier: Another High Level Chinese Defector Claims China Plans
'Colony' for Australia
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
'No Turning Back On Ecumenical Journey' - Pope Meets
General Secretary of World Council of Churches
--Koenig/Wolfgang Polzer (Prophecies
... The coming Antichrist) (The Bible warns 'at the
time of the end' there will be a 'one-world' religion)
5 Moderate Earthquakes Shake Japan
--Koenig Int'l/Fox News (Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in diverse places')
Another Earthquake Off the Coast of California
--Koenig Int'l/ (Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in diverse places')
In Ezekiel 16:49 God explains why Sodom and Gomorrah
were condemned and destroyed ...
"This was the iniquity [sin] of your sister Sodom:
She [Sodom] and her daughter [Gomorrah] had
fullness of food,
and abundance of idleness;
neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor
and needy,
and they were arrogant (haughty) ...
Therefore, I [God] took them away as I saw fit."
[He 'cleansed' (destroyed) them with fire ...]
(Ezekiel 16:49)
In these verses, God links open homosexuality in a
society to sinful 'pride and arrogance' ... the sin of Satan. Sodom
and Gomorrah were condemned and destroyed because they were filled with
sinful pride while flaunting their homosexuality and sexual immorality
openly before God. They were found guilty of having 'a fullness
of food' without thanking or acknowledging God who provided it, and there
was 'an abundance of idleness' in the land (basically they ate, drank,
watched TV, and had their 'Gay Pride' parades as they filled the lusts of
their eyes, their imaginations, and their flesh ... the people were so
de-sensitized to sin they just yawned as their men tried to 'gang-rape' the
two men/angels God sent to warn Lot ... oh, and their bars, restaurants,
shopping malls, and pornography web-sites were bustling.) They
were getting fat while the poor and needy were neglected and they offered
them no meaningful work or training. All of this reflected their
and rebellious attitudes toward God and His Word. Would
these charges indict and convict any nation(s) or people you know today?
God's judgment against Sodom and Gomorrah was given as a warning!
The Bible warns the coming 'Apocalypse' (and Hell) will be just like the
judgment against 'Sodom and Gomorrah' (only worse) but this time it will
engulf the whole world! Our time is short ... God is pleading
with us to stop (repent of) our sinful ways and return to Him before
it's too late. With open arms and with tears of joy He will welcome
any and all who willingly return to Him through the One He sent forth to
save us ... Yeshua/Jesus ... the promised Messiah. And, as
with Lot, God promises to remove ('Rapture') those who will sincerely return
to Him in faith before the coming 'Apocalypse,' which the Bible also
calls 'the Great Tribulation,' 'the Time of Jacob's [Israel's] Trouble,'
'The Last Days,' 'The Day of the Lord,' and the 'Time of the End' ...
Now read the following headlines from the last few days ...
Simulated Sex at Philadelphia's 'Homosexual Pride'
Event ... Violence Threatened Against Christians
(Bible Warnings ... Homosexuality) (Flaunting homosexuality
and immorality in public + turning our backs on Israel = Disaster
ahead for the US)
Massachusetts School District Defends Polling 6th
Graders On Oral Sex
--WND (Home of Barney
Franks, the Mass. Congressional Representative who lived with a homosexual
prostitute who 'recruited' at local schools)
New 'Family Planning' Sponsored Booklet For Young
Teens Advises 13 Year-Olds on Anal Sex (Sodomy)
--The Scotsman
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by and condemned for
its immorality and violence)
Earlier: Sex With Animals is Ruled Okay on
British TV
--WND/The Guardian
(Prophecies ... The generation of the coming Apocalypse)
(Not since the deepest depravity of the Roman Empire ...)
Some 20 'Homosexual Pride' Events Across the US
Will Be Co-Sponsored By 'Showtime' Cable Network
--WND (Homosexuality)
(Like leprosy ... when the festering sores finally become visible across the
skin (or a nation) ... only a miracle can cure or save it)
In Los Angeles' 'Homosexual Pride' Parade Will Have a
Famous Celebrity Grand Marshall
(Bible Warnings ... Homosexuality) (The
Bible also warns those who simply 'approve of'' homosexuality will be
held just as guilty ...)
In Warsaw (Poland) Homosexual Marchers Ignore Parade
--BBC News (Bible
Warnings ... Homosexuality)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by immorality)
Earlier: Maine House Overwhelmingly Rejects
Ban on Homosexual 'Marriage'
(Bible Warnings ... Homosexuality) (The
Bible warns Sodom and Gomorrah were given as warnings of a yet future
global judgment ...)
Earlier: Federal Judge Orders America's
Oldest City to Fly the Homosexual Rainbow Flag
(Bible Warnings ... Homosexuality) (As God also
raised up Assyria and Babylon to judge Israel ... He is now raising up evil
nations to judge us.)
Analysts Missed Chinese Military
Buildup...Intelligence Report Uses Word 'Surprise' More Than Dozen Times
--WND/Washington Times
(Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of
mankind) (The Clinton administration gave China all
they need ...)
North Korea 'Is Building More (Nuclear) Bombs'
--BBC News
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Apocalypse')
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Major Islamic Threat to the US Has Been Quietly
Building South of Our Border ...
(With open homosexuality, pride, fullness of food, abundance of idleness,
arrogance toward God's Word ... we are now 'ripe' for judgment.)
Anger Erupts as 'European Union' Summit Fails
--BBC News
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise as a world 'superpower')
(... and 10 shall rise.) (Prophecies
... The coming Antichrist)
US Marines Battle on Two Fronts in Iraq ... Estimated
50 Terrorists Killed
--Fox News
(Prophecies... 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
California Suing Federal Government to Force
Christian Doctors to Perform Abortions (Not Very 'Pro-Choice')
--WND (Prophecies ...
'The generation')
(Three things unite the Democrats: 'Abortion'
(baby sacrifice) + homosexuality + their hate for Christians)
Vietnam: Christian Pastor Forcibly Held in
Mental Hospital For Sending Bibles
--WND/Christian Today
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)
(There is no difference in ideology between Marxist/Socialists and the
Condoleezza Rice's 'Mission Impossible' to Israel
and Jerusalem) (We are pressuring the
wrong side ... we must simply support Israel in the defense of Her Land.)
Fourth Significant Earthquake Shakes California
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in diverse places')
Vital Computer Networks in Britain Under Major Asian
Hacking Attacks
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Chinese Army Officer Threatens America ... Warns 'China
Is Not Iraq'
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked and condemned by its violence and
'Appeasement' ... Our Administration's 'Not So New'
Policy Surrenders to Palestinian Terrorists
--WND/Hal Lindsey
and Jerusalem) (Our new policy
could be 'fatal' to the US ...)
Bush's Position On Israel Has Become More 'Anti-Israel'
than Arab Nations
and Jerusalem) (We are now seeing the
'World vs. Israel' division the Bible warns we would see just before the
Death of the Boy Scouts in England ...
--WND (Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath')
Abortionist Accused of Eating Fetuses ...
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by and condemned for
its immorality and violence)
Another High Level Chinese Defector Claims China Plans
'Colony' for Australia
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
U.S. Freezes Military Ties and Shipments to Israel
--World Tribune
and Jerusalem) (The Bible
warns the enemies of Israel are the enemies of God ...)
More 'Peace Plan' Shuffling ... US Aggressively Interfering With Israel's
and Jerusalem)
(Prophecies ... A coming 'Peace Plan' for Israel will change the world
... forever.)
Giving In To Iran's Nuclear Weapons Quest ... Leaving Israel Alone to Face
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Russia, Iran,
and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(And for some reason the US will be unwilling or
unable to stop them.)
News Analysis: President Bush Policies Eroding U.S. - Israel Ties
--Arutz 7 (Prophecies...Israel)
(Remarkable! The Bible says God would re-gather Israel into Her Land ...
and then all nations would turn against Her)
Europe 'Turning Cold' on Turkey
--Koenig/Christian Sci Mon (Prophecies...Russia, Iran,
and allies will invade Israel)
Bible warns Turkey will join this alliance against Israel.)
Earlier: End of The 'U.S.-Turkey' Alliance ... (Remarkable! This is a Crucial
One We Have Been Waiting For)
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...Iran and allies)
(Once our
powerful ally in the Middle-East ... Turkey has now turned toward Islam and
Earlier: U.S.- Turkey Strategic Ties End
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Russia, Iran,
Turkey, and allies will invade Israel)
(Note: With European relations 'growing
cold' and the ending of strategic ties with the US there is only one way for
Turkey to turn ... toward Iran and Russia.)
In Ezekiel 16:49 God explains why Sodom and Gomorrah
were condemned and destroyed ...
"This was the iniquity [sin] of your sister Sodom:
She [Sodom] and her daughter [Gomorrah] had
fullness of food,
and abundance of idleness;
neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor
and needy,
and they were arrogant (haughty) ...
Therefore, I [God] took them away as I saw fit."
[He 'cleansed' (destroyed) them with fire ...]
(Ezekiel 16:49)
In these verses, God links open homosexuality in a
society to sinful 'pride and arrogance' ... the sin of Satan. Sodom
and Gomorrah were condemned and destroyed because they were filled with
sinful pride while flaunting their homosexuality and sexual immorality
openly before God. They were found guilty of having 'a fullness
of food' without thanking or acknowledging God who provided it, and there
was 'an abundance of idleness' in the land (basically they ate, drank,
watched TV, and had their 'Gay Pride' parades as they filled the lusts of
their eyes, their imaginations, and their flesh ... the people were so
de-sensitized to sin they just yawned as their men tried to 'gang-rape' the
two men/angels God sent to warn Lot ... oh, and their bars, restaurants,
shopping malls, and pornography web-sites were bustling.) They
were getting fat while the poor and needy were neglected and they offered
them no meaningful work or training. All of this reflected their
and rebellious attitudes toward God and His Word. Would
these charges indict and convict any nation(s) or people you know today?
God's judgment against Sodom and Gomorrah was given as a warning!
The Bible warns the coming 'Apocalypse' (and Hell) will be just like the
judgment against 'Sodom and Gomorrah' (only worse) but this time it will
engulf the whole world! Our time is short ... God is pleading
with us to stop (repent of) our sinful ways and return to Him before
it's too late. With open arms and with tears of joy He will welcome
any and all who willingly return to Him through the One He sent forth to
save us ... Yeshua/Jesus ... the promised Messiah. And, as
with Lot, God promises to remove ('Rapture') those who will sincerely return
to Him in faith before the coming 'Apocalypse,' which the Bible also
calls 'the Great Tribulation,' 'the Time of Jacob's [Israel's] Trouble,'
'The Last Days,' 'The Day of the Lord,' and the 'Time of the End' ...
Simulated Sex at Philadelphia's 'Homosexual Pride'
Event ... Violence Threatened Against Christians
(Bible Warnings ... Homosexuality) (Flaunting homosexuality
and immorality in public + turning our backs on Israel = Disaster
ahead for the US)
Thousands Attend 'Homosexual Pride' Parade in Tel Aviv
(Land of Israel)
(Bible Warnings ... Homosexuality)
(The Bible warns against both 'homosexuality' and 'pride'... Bible
warnings should be taken seriously.)
Massachusetts School District Defends Polling 6th
Graders On Oral Sex
--WND (Home of Barney
Franks, the Mass. Congressional Representative who lived with a homosexual
prostitute who 'recruited' at local schools)
New 'Family Planning' Sponsored Booklet For Young
Teens Advises 13 Year-Olds on Anal Sex (Sodomy)
--The Scotsman
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by and condemned for
its immorality and violence)
Earlier: Sex With Animals is Ruled Okay on
British TV
--WND/The Guardian
(Prophecies ... The generation of the coming Apocalypse)
(Not since the deepest depravity of the Roman Empire ...)
Some 20 'Homosexual Pride' Events Across the US
Will Be Co-Sponsored By 'Showtime' Cable Network
--WND (Homosexuality)
(Like leprosy ... when the festering sores finally become visible across the
skin (or a nation) ... only a miracle can cure or save it)
In Los Angeles' 'Homosexual Pride' Parade Will Have a
Famous Celebrity Grand Marshall
(Bible Warnings ... Homosexuality) (The
Bible also warns those who simply 'approve of'' homosexuality will be
held just as guilty ...)
In Warsaw (Poland) Homosexual Marchers Ignore Parade
--BBC News (Bible
Warnings ... Homosexuality)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by immorality)
Earlier: Maine House Overwhelmingly Rejects
Ban on Homosexual 'Marriage'
(Bible Warnings ... Homosexuality) (The
Bible warns Sodom and Gomorrah were given as warnings of a yet future
global judgment ...)
Earlier: Federal Judge Orders America's
Oldest City to Fly the Homosexual Rainbow Flag
(Bible Warnings ... Homosexuality) (As God also
raised up Assyria and Babylon to judge Israel ... He is now raising up evil
nations to judge us.)
Analysts Missed Chinese Military
Buildup...Intelligence Report Uses Word 'Surprise' More Than Dozen Times
--WND/Washington Times
(Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of
mankind) (The Clinton administration gave China all
they need ...)
North Korea 'Is Building More (Nuclear) Bombs'
--BBC News
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Apocalypse')
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Major Islamic Threat to the US Has Been Quietly
Building South of Our Border ...
(With open homosexuality, pride, fullness of food, abundance of idleness,
arrogance toward God's Word ... we are now 'ripe' for judgment.)
Nigeria's Islamic War On Christians...Over 10,000
Dead....Homes and Churches Burned Down
--WND (Prophecies
... Christians will be hated) (Note
on Islam)
(Religion of the 'Moon God' ... Islam is a religion of hate, anger, fear,
and death)
China Cracks Down on Christians ... 500 Arrested
(Prophecies ... Believing Christians will be hated) (Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Russia: Police Rough Up Christians After
Government Denies Land for Church
--Moscow Times
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)
(Prophecies...With Russia
as 'Guard' Iran,
and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Saudi Arabia Jails Christians ...
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated) (Note
on Islam)
(Religion of the 'Moon God' ... Islam is a religion of hate, anger, fear,
and death)
India: Christian Preacher Beheaded By Islamics
--WND (Note
on Islam) (Prophecies
... Christians will be hated)
(Religion of the 'Moon God' ... Islam is a religion of hate, anger, fear,
and death)
Egypt: Man Forcibly Locked Into Mental
Hospital For Converting To Christianity
--WND (Prophecies ... Christians
will be hated for
believing and trusting in Jesus (Yeshua), the Messiah)
(Prophesies of the Messiah)
Indonesia: 22 More Christians Killed By Islamics
--Reuters (Note on Islamic terror) (Prophecies
... Christians will be hated)
(They have now killed over 100,000 Christians in Indonesia alone ...)
USA: Head of the Democrat Party Howard Dean Lashes Out at
'Christian' Republicans
--Drudge/SF Gate (Prophecies
... Christians will be hated)
(Their ridicule and anger at Christians will someday turn into violence, jail
... and worse.)
Democrat Leaders Back Howard Dean ... (He
Is Another of Their Attack Dogs Planting Seeds of Hate).
--Drudge/Washington Post
('Platform': Three things unite the Democrats
... homosexuality + 'abort' (slaughter) babies + hate believing Christians)
Holiday of Pentecost (Shavout) Ends Monday Night in Israel ...
--Arutz 7
(This is a wonderful celebration for both
Jews and Gentiles (unleavened + leavened bread) who follow Messiah
(Yeshua/Jesus) ... The baptism of the Holy Spirit was first poured upon the
early church (while it was still all Jewish) on the Day of Pentecost (Shavout)
following the Passover (Crucifixion) and the Feast of First Fruits (the
Resurrection) ... However, if you do your homework, you will find this
year it should be celebrated on Sunday (the 'first day') June 19 (Sivan
12) ... count the Sabbaths after the 'Feast of First Fruits' (Passover
fell on a Saturday night/Sunday this year so the 'Feast of First Fruits' fell
on the following Sunday/'First Day') ... Some even believe the 'Rapture' (like
Enoch and Elijah) could happen around this time ... but the Bible warns
no man or woman will know 'the day or the hour' ... On this Holiday many
believing Jews will read from the Book of Ruth, where Boaz (in the line of
King David) married a faithful and loving gentile bride.)
New Jewish 'Sanhedrin' in Israel Plans Rebuilding The Temple
and Jerusalem) (Prophetically
very significant ... there will be a new Jewish Temple built in Jerusalem)
What Is the Sanhedrin ... Formidable Scholar,
Mathematician, and Rabbi Picked to Head Sanhedrin In Israel
--Arutz 7
(This may seem insignificant to the casual observer...but it's not...the
'Time of Jacob's Trouble' (the 'Apocalypse') draws near)
Israel's High Court Backs Forced Gaza (Judah)
'Pullout' Plan ... (This Was 'BBC News' Top Headline)
--BBC News
and Jerusalem) (In Isaiah, Hosea, Amos,
etc. God lays out His indictments against a nation which is about to be
Palestinian Official Warns Israel Must Withdraw From
More of Her Land to Achieve 'Peace'
and Jerusalem)
(Prophecies ... Return
of the Messiah)
Attacks on Jewish Gaza (Judah) Continue ... Shells
Smash Into Communities Slated for Retreat
--WND (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem) (God warns He would judge
Israel for unfaithfulness and unbelief ... after re-gathering them in
their Land)
Why The US Government's Changing Policy Toward Israel
Now Threatens America
--Hal Lindsey (Prophecies...Israel)
(God warns. 'I will bless those who bless you (Israel), and will curse those
who curse you.' Gen 12:3, Gen 27:29)
