Israeli Havoc Grows and Palestinian Attacks Mount as Israel Prepares to
Retreat From Gaza (Judah)
--Debkafile (Israel)
and Jerusalem) (One of Messiah's
titles in 'The Lion of the Tribe of Judah' ... trouble draws near.)
Second Defecting Chinese Official Backs Claims of
1,000 Spies in Australia
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (The Clinton/Reno FBI let China
walk away with Los Alamos secrets ...)
British Prime Minister Calls For US Action on Climate
--Drudge/Wash Post
(The Bible warns
'the Earth will be scorched by great heat and fire from the sun' ... Rev
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked and condemned by its violence and
Venezuela Seizes Colombian Missile Parts Headed For
--UPI (Prophecies... 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
(Oil-rich Venezuela has joined the Russia, China, Cuba, Iran axis and will
grow as a threat)
Jimmy Carter Wants the US to Close Down Guantanamo ...
--Associated Press
(This same Jimmy Carter gave Iran to the Ayatollah and he gave the Panama Canal
to China ...)
Israeli Leader Forges Ahead with Gaza Pullout Plans
Despite Delay Calls
--AFP (France)
and Jerusalem)
Crisis-Hit European Union Mulls Options After Election
--AFP (Prophecies
... The coming Antichrist)
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise as a world 'superpower')
EU Experts Say a New Europe Re-Unification Treaty is
Inevitable in Some Form
--BBC News (Prophecies
... The coming Antichrist)
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise as a world 'superpower')
Los Alamos 'Whistleblower' Severely Beaten
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by its violence)
Indiana Lawmaker Sued For Saying the Name of Jesus in
Opening Prayer
--WND (Prophecies
... Christians would be hated)
(The Socialist/Marxist strategy always includes attacking both Christianity
and the 'middle-class')
Islam Spreading South of Border
(Prophecies ... False prophets would rise) (Note
on Islam)
Christian Preacher Beheaded By Islamics
--WND (Note
on Islam) (Prophecies
... Christians would be hated)
(Religion of the 'Moon God' ... Islam is a religion of death, anger, fear,
and hate)
Grizzly Bear Kills Woman After Pulling Her From Tree
Hundreds of Arabs Stone Jews on Temple Mount in
Jerusalem ...
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
and Jerusalem) (According to Bible
prophecy ... there will be a new Jewish Temple built in Jerusalem)
Tens of Thousands Jews In Israel Celebrate 'Jerusalem
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
and Jerusalem) (According to Bible
prophecy the world's destiny hangs on Jerusalem and the Temple Mount ...)
Bill Clinton Counsels French Leader Chirac on
European Union Constitution...
--Drudge Report/Washington Post
... The coming Antichrist)
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise as a world 'superpower')
Fresh Blow to EU Treaty as Britain Shelves Referendum
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise as a world 'superpower')
(... and 10 shall rise.)
Iranian-Backed Hezbollah Wins Vote in Southern Lebanon
(On Israel's Northern Border)
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...With Russia
as 'Guard' Iran,
and allies will attack and invade Israel)
and Jerusalem)
Superbug' Virus Kills 12 in Spinal Unit ...
British National Health System Worried
--WND/The Independent
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
British Marine Commando Scratches Leg on Training Run
... Then Quickly Dies of 'Superbug' Infection
--WND/London Times
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
Earlier: 'Superbug' Bacteria Resistant to Antibiotics Now an
Increasing Problem Worldwide
--WND/Dominion Post, New Zealand
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
On 30th Anniversary of 'Jaws' ... South African
Student Attacked and Swallowed By 20 Foot Shark
Victory: U.S. Changes Policy On Israel's Border ... Now Says Israel
Must Move Back to 1949 Lines
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Israel) (The
children of Israel must earnestly return to God and learn who Messiah
is ... the time is short)
Taiwan Successfully Test Fires First Cruise Missile
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies... 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Soros - Russian Leader Putin Urged Military Force Against
Protesters During Election in Ukraine
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia
and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Socialists use force to silence opposition...our Democrat party is run by Socialists)
Turkey's Future in Question After EU Vote
--World Tribune/AP (Prophecies...Russia,
and allies will attack Israel)
(The Bible warns Turkey will support Iran/Russia in this attack against
Iran Sending Forces, Bombs, and Money to Help
Insurgency War Against US in Iraq
--NewsMax/Charles Smith (Prophecies...With Russia
as 'Guard' Iran,
and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Rumsfeld Warns China Is Building Up Military
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies... 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
China Deploys New 'AWACS' Radar Planes ... Using
Military Owned Commercial Airline as Cover
--NewsMax/Charles Smith
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (China, like Japan, will offer
no warning before attacking ...)
China's Grip on Internal Dissidents Is Tightening
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Socialists
use force to silence opposition...our Democrat party is run by Socialists)
Chinese Diplomat in Australia Seeks Asylum
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
'It's a War' Along the Mexican Border...55 Killed This
Year by Drug-Cartel Push for Border Control
--WND (Prophecies... 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Congressional Call For Troops Along Mexican Border
--WND (National
nosedive ... the mass
immigration we are seeing orchestrated is no accident and will change this
nation forever.)
New Pope Dolls (Idols) Hit the Market
--WND (Prophecies....Churches
would be 'corrupted') (The Roman Church removed one
Commandment ... the one against worshipping 'graven images')
Former Israeli Leader Warns Retreat From Gaza (Judah)
Is Rewarding Islamic Terror
and Jerusalem) (It is like us expelling
every American from Manhattan and giving it to the Moslems in response to
9/11 ...)
Syria Tested Three Missiles - One Broke Up Over Turkey
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... Syria)
Did President George Bush Really Say That??!!
--HFT/David Hocking
and Jerusalem) (The prophets warned all
nations would turn against Israel at the time of the end ...)
The New Bush Doctrine ... America's Betrayal of Israel
(and Believing Christians)
--WND/Hal Lindsey
and Jerusalem) (In the Bible God uses
evil nations as His tools for judgment ... God's judgment on us will come)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by its violence and
China, Russia, and India Meet ... Joining Forces to
'Synchronize' Asia Policies
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(It draws near ...)
US Defense Sec'y Rumsfeld Heads to Singapore for Talks on Asian Security
--AFP (Prophecies... 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
China Ship Spied on Taiwan for Three Days...Nuclear
Missiles on New Chinese Subs Can Destroy the US
--World Tribune/East-Asia-Intel
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind ...) (Thank Clinton for the new
Chinese missiles ...)
Earlier: Head of CIA Warns China Military Buildup is a Threat
to U.S.
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (The Clinton people in the State
Dept. still claim China has only peaceful intentions)
Algeria and Iran Agree On Military Cooperation
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Iran and allies
'guarded' by Russia will attack and invade Israel)
(More strategic 'pre-war' maneuvering ...)
Iran Advances In Solid-Fuel Ballistic Missile
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Iran and allies
'guarded' by Russia will attack and invade Israel)
U.S. Seizes Nuke Shipment For Iran
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Iran and allies
'guarded' by Russia will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
EU President Calls EU Constitutional Crisis
--UPI (Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise)
(Remarkable ... this 'crisis' has now prepared the path for the '10 nation
empire' of Daniel and Revelation to rise)
Dutch Reject EU Constitution, Landing Second Deadly
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise as a world 'superpower')
... The coming Antichrist)
Breaking His Word With Prosecutor, Clinton Now Claims
the Charges Against Him Were False
--WND (Prophecies
... 'In the last days evil men will grow worse and worse - lying,
deceiving, and being deceived')
New York Times and Washington Post Cross the Line ...
Some Dare Call It Treason
--NewsMax/Phil Brennan
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will also be marked by 'traitors')
Saudi Religious Police Arrest 8 Christians
--WND (Prophecies
... Christians would be hated) (Note
on Islam)
NBC and Warner Bros. to Air Trojan Condom Commercials
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by its immorality)
(One of Satan's many titles is 'Prince of the power of the air' ... Eph 2:2)
Amnesty International Leadership Donated Thousands To
Kerry During Campaign Against Bush ...
--Drudge Report/Washington Times
(It is no surprise they are twisting and
manufacturing facts to attack Bush and our armed forces ...)
Tom Cruise Goes Weird and Wacky...
--Drudge Report/NY Times
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath')
(You can't worship what Scientologists do without spiritual 'side-effects'
Jewish Group Plans Rally in Jerusalem to Regain
Control Over the Temple Mount
and Jerusalem) (The Temple Mount in Jerusalem
will be 'Ground Zero' for the coming 'Apocalypse'.)
Bush Makes Alarming Statements Concerning His Vision
of Israel's Future
--Koenig Int'l/Bill Koenig
and Jerusalem) (Jesus warned us to
'Watch!' ... and that we would know when we are getting close.)
20 Dead in Islamic Suicide
Bombing at Afghanistan Mosque
--AFP (France) (Note on Islamic terror)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by its violence)
Iran May Already Have Nuclear Weapons
--Arutz 7 (Prophecies...Russia
and Iran will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Iran Tests New Solid Fuel Rocket
--UPI (Prophecies...Russia
and Iran will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Six Burned Alive as Islamics Torch US Fast Food Outlet
in Pakistan
--AFP (France) (Note on Islamic terror)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by its violence)
Islamic Cleric Calls for Revenge Against Britain on
Official 'Palesinian' TV
--Arutz 7
(Prophecies ... False prophets would
rise) (They are not far
away ... there are now more new mosques than churches in England.)
Lutheran Minister Who Doesn't Believe in God, Eternal
Life, or The Resurrection is Back on the Pulpit
(Prophecies....Church leaders
and churches would become 'corrupted' (as in rotting meat or a decomposing
European Leaders Refuse to Bury EU Constitution After
French Vote 'No'
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise)
(Significant ... this now sets the stage for the '10' to rise)
... The coming Antichrist)
Analysts Concerned China and India May Unite and
Coordinate Military Nuclear Weapons Protocol
(Prophecies...Out of a '200,000,000' man army ... China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
China and Uzbekistan Join Forces Against the
US...China Wants US to Know It's Becoming a 'Superpower'
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind) (The China-Russia axis of
power grows strong ...)
Islamics Kill 22 Christians in Indonesia
--Reuters (Note on Islamic terror) (Prophecies
... Christians would be hated)
(They have killed over a hundred thousand in Indonesia alone ...)
FBI Arrests Florida Doctor and New York Martial Arts
Expert For Offering Help to al-Qaida
--WND/AP (Note on Islamic terror)
(In Islam, Mosques are considered forts and outposts ... our enemies will
use 'freedom of religion' to their advantage)
US Deploys 15 Stealth Jets In South Korea ...
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies... 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Iran 'Guardian Council' Approves Measure Which
Requires the Development of Nuclear Technology
--UPI (Prophecies...Russia
and Iran will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Church of England (Episcopal Church) Rules Their
Homosexual Priests Can 'Marry' Men, But Not Have Sex
--WND/London Times
(Prophecies....Churches and church leaders would become
'corrupted' (rotting meat) (Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
News Analysis - Bush Policy Will Push Israel Back to
1949 Armistice ... The 'Auschwitz Border'
--Arutz 7
and Jerusalem) (The Bible ...
Whenever Israel relies on other nations to dictate their peace and/or their
borders disaster follows.)
Bethlehem Christians Fear Islamic Takeover ...
--WND/Assyrian Int'l News Agency
(Prophecies of the
(Prophecies ... Christians would be hated for
believing in Messiah)
"But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah,
though you are little among the thousands of
Yet out of you shall come forth to Me
The One to be Ruler in Israel,
Whose goings forth have been from old,
from everlasting." [The
prophets wrote Messiah would be born in Bethlehem ... and He would be
(Micah 5:2)
(Yet, Israel is willing to give this same Bethlehem (home of
Ruth-Boaz, King David, and Yeshua/Jesus) away to their enemies. This prophecy was written about 700 years
before Jesus/Yeshua was born in Bethlehem and about 300 years after
King David ... it was 14 generations from King David to the Babylonian
captivity and 14 generations from the Babylonian captivity until the Messiah
(Christ) [see Matt 1:17] ... Jesus/Yeshua was a direct descendant of King
David through both Mary [His mother] and through Joseph [His adopted father]
- that is why Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem when the Romans
forced all the citizens to register for taxes in their 'home towns.'
The Jewish religious leaders of the day never denied Jesus/Yeshua was a
direct descendant of King David because at that time all the Jewish
genealogies were kept in the Temple as they waited for Messiah, and they were
easily verified. Isn't it interesting that God allowed all the Jewish genealogies
to be destroyed with the Temple in the same generation which Messiah was put
to death (exactly as the prophet Daniel predicted.) It is also
interesting that the religious and political powers ignored all of Micah's
prophecies concerning the coming Messiah and (earlier) his prophecies
that a little back-water nation called Babylon (who was then under Assyrian
control) would one day rise and conquer Israel. It is notable that
this headline (see above) was reported by the 'Assyrian International News
Agency.' The miracle of Jonah wasn't the fish ... it was that the
powerful Assyrians repented (from the King down)
... and God later used this same Assyria to judge Israel exactly
as He warned He would through Hosea and other prophets ... and
interestingly, He promises Assyria special blessings after Messiah
returns (see Isaiah). Pray bless the
children and nation of Israel ... for the awesome Messiah which they brought
forth will soon return -
(Prophecies of Messiah's
President Bush Tells Israel to Stop Building
Settlements ... Specifically Mentions Jerusalem
and Jerusalem) (As you will
note, God warns He is the One stirring things up ... as a
warning to Israel and the nations.)
Bush Plans To 'Monitor' Israeli Withdrawal ...
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies...Israel) (If you belong to a
church that teaches Israel has no right to their Land ... for your own sake leave it!)
First-Ever Seattle Heat Warning...
--Cheryl/Drudge Report
(The Bible warns there is an appointed time when
'the Earth will be scorched by great heat and fire from the sun' ... Rev
Intel Report Says Iran Already Equipped For Nuclear
Bomb ... Sources Say Bush Stunned by the News
--WND (Prophecies...Russia
and Iran will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Marxism Dominates the Democratic Party Today
(The Democratic Party has marched in 'lock-step'
with Moscow and Beijing for many years now ... freedom as we know it will
soon be lost)
Poll - Majority Want Hillary Clinton as President
--NewsMax (Prophecies
... 'In the last days evil men and women will grow worse and worse - lying,
deceiving, and being deceived')
Iran Plans To Award Big Gas Project To France
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia will attack and invade Israel) (We
can expect no help from Europe ... Greed and fear will drive their rise)
London's 'Big Ben' Mysteriously Stops Ticking
--Fox News
Threat From China Unrecognized
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies... 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Japan Deploys Patriot Missiles Around Tokyo To Guard
Against N. Korea Strike ... New Chinese Mobile Missile
--World Tribune/East-Asia-Intel
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Russia Successfully Tests New Cruise Missile
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia
and Iran will attack and invade Israel)
(The Bible warns both Russia and China
will one-day attack Israel ...)
Rand Corp: Only Israel and Russia Are Currently
Willing to Sell Advanced Military Tech to China
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind) (How long, oh
Israel, before you take God's Word seriously?!)
Israeli Knesset Official Warns US No Longer Supports 'Defensible Borders' for
--Arutz 7
and Jerusalem) (God will not
be mocked ... by supporting the enemies of Israel we have now put our nation
in great danger.)
Student Barred From Singing 'Awesome God'
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)
(God will turn His back on those nations who turn their backs on Him ... which
means big trouble ahead.)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by its violence and
French Leader to 'Play Last Card' With Television Appeal for EU Constitution
Referendum 'Yes'
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise)
... The coming Antichrist)
If the Current EU Constitution Vote Fails ... What
Happens to the 'Beast'?
(Prophecies from both Daniel and Revelation)
--WND/Hal Lindsey
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise)
... The coming Antichrist) (The Bible warns 10
nations will rise ...)
Pressures Sharon...US Sees Israel's Withdrawal From Gaza as Just 'Stage
One' in Giving Up Her Land
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(Prophecies ... A coming 'peace plan'
enforced upon Israel will change the world ...
Sharon's Gaza Withdrawal Plan For Israel is
Unprecedented, Cruel, and Dangerous
--NewsMax/Herbert Zweibon
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(The Bible warns of great and terrible trouble ahead ...)
Sex With Animals is Ruled Okay on British TV
--WND/The Guardian
(Prophecies ... The generation of the coming Apocalypse)
(Not since the deepest depravity of the Roman Empire ...)
Rumsfeld Warns We Need to Refute Anti-U.S. Lies
(Prophecies ... 'Deceiving, and being deceived')
(Russia's Putin bragged propaganda could turn world opinion against a leader
'in 3 weeks' ...)
Iran and China ... The New East-West Strategic
--World Tribune (Prophecies...Russia
and Iran will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Iran and Europeans (EU) Give Themselves 'Breathing
Space' (More Time) in Nuclear Talks
--AFP (France)
(These Europeans are cowards and will not
stand up to Iran ... this 'breathing space' will force the US and
Israel to do their dirty work.)
Iran-Backed Hezbollah Warns 'All of Northern Israel In
Our Rocket Range'...They Have 12,000 Rockets Deployed
and Iran will invade Israel)
rocket launchers in Lebanon are manned by Iranian Revolutionary Guards ...)
Israeli Leader Sharon's Troublesome Remarks to American
--HFT/David Hocking (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies ... 'In the last days evil men will wax worse and worse...lying,
deceiving, and being deceived')
1,000 US Troops Launch Offensive in Iraq
--WND/AP (Prophecies... 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
52 So Far ... Another Palestinian-Arab Teenage Bomber
Prepared to Kill Israelis is Apprehended
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(Note on Islamic terror)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath')
Woman Priest Marries Her Lesbian Partner in England
(Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
(Prophecies....Churches and church leaders would become
The Pipeline That 'Will Change The World' ...
--Drudge Report/Independent (UK)
(It's no surprise that Russia, Iran, and
China have slowly been 'turning' Turkey away from the West ...)
Newsweek Shuns Critics Over Its Picture of 'American
Flag in Trash Can' on International Edition Cover
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be also marked by liars and
Making Friends and Influencing People ... Lesson 1 -
--BBC News
Pruden on Politics ... 'Psssst - You Wanna Hear a
Good Insult?'
--Washington Times/Wes Pruden
Doctors in Egypt Forcibly Lock Man Into Mental
Hospital For Converting To Christianity
--WND (Prophecies ... Christians would be hated for
believing in the Messiah)
British Marine Commando Scratches Leg on Training Run
... Then Quickly Dies of 'Superbug' Infection
--WND/London Times
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
Earlier: 'Superbug' Bacteria Resistant to Antibiotics Now an
Increasing Problem Worldwide
--WND/Dominion Post, New Zealand
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
Norway Fears Deadly 'Legionnaires' Disease Epidemic
... 4 Dead, at Least 24 Known to be Infected
--WND/Aftenposten (Norway)
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
China Building Attack Submarine Base Near Malacca
Straits in Indonesia ... Australia Protests
--World Tribune/East-Asia-Intel
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Politicians in London Call For Israel's Destruction
--Jerusalem Post
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise)
... The coming Antichrist)
Israeli Leader Sharon Heckled by American Jews For
Forcing Israelis to Give Up Their Land
and Jerusalem - Updated)
Do 50,000 Baptists Have a Hidden Agenda in Israel ...
--Arutz 7/Ellen Horowitz
(After living through the Holocaust,
Crusades, and the Inquisition, Jews have a right to be suspicious of those
who call themselves 'Christians' ... yet, the Roman Catholic Church also
slaughtered over 3 million believing Christians during the Inquisition ...
and the Bible warns a coming world leader, a man of 'peace'
(Prophecies ... The coming
Antichrist) and his 'religious' partner will one-day slaughter
millions and millions of believing Christians and Jews after
enforcing a 'peace plan' upon Israel
(Prophecies ... A coming 'peace plan' for Israel will change the world ...
forever). A believing Christian is one who simply
believes Jesus/Yeshua is the Messiah of Israel - a Jewish light unto the
Gentiles - and believes God when He says, 'Those who bless Israel
shall be blessed and those who curse Israel shall be cursed.')
Laser Could Rival Energy From the Sun
(Prophecies ... Knowledge will increase
'in the last days') (I've seen some of the
laser work at Lawrence Livermore Labs ... it's pretty amazing.)
Israel's Olmert Says Israel May Let Egypt Take Over
Gaza Crossing
and Jerusalem - Updated) (Gaza is in the land which
God gave to the Tribe of of Messiah's titles is 'Lion of the Tribe of Judah' ... and in
both Isaiah and Hosea God clearly warns Israel never to enlist
Egypt's help for 'security.' The Bible warns there will be no lasting peace in
Israel (or the world) until the Messiah returns ... Around 200
AD the Romans re-named Israel/Judah 'Palestinia' after Israel's ancient enemy
the 'Philistines' to try to 'disconnect' the Jews from their land ... there
never has been a 'Palestinian' people or nation, and most who are now
called 'Palestinians' are
Jordanian and Egyptian ... Yasser Arafat was Egyptian. God
promised the Land of Israel to the Jews - It's theirs!)
Palestinian Attacks May Be 'Steps Before All-Out War' in Israel ...
and Jerusalem) (Prophecies... 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Iran Threatens Europeans Ahead of Nuclear Talks
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Russia Threatens Force if the US Militarizes Space ...
China Also Denounces Plan
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Iran Won't Back Down on Nukes ... Decision 'Has Been
Made and It Is Irreversible'
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Scientists Say Sunshine May Prevent Cancer...
--Drudge Report/Associated Press
Report: Sumatra Earthquake
Shook Earth's Total Surface...
--Drudge Report/AP
(Prophecies ... Earthquakes) (The
Bible warns of a coming earthquake which will cause the Earth to 'reel to and fro like a drunkard')
Human Embryo Cloned For the First Time in Britain
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... Knowledge will increase
'in the last days')
Large Lake Disappears Overnight By Russian Village ...
--Pravda (Russia)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by its violence and
Turkey Military Strikes Kurdish Bases in Iraq
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(The Bible warns Turkey will join this coalition against Israel ...)
Hell No, They’re (Islamic) Terrorists!'
--Arutz 7/Arlene Peck (Note on Islamic terror)
(Those who oppose democracy are using democracy to destroy it ...)
Austria Keen to Boost Economic Cooperation With Iran
--Iranian News Agency
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack Israel)
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise again as a
US Warns China on Currency...
--Drudge Report/NY Times (Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Palestinian Government-Paid Cleric Preaches Jews Are a
Virus to be Destroyed and Islam Will Rule America
and Jerusalem) (Yet the whole world is
pressuring Israel to give away part of their land to this same evil
enemy ...)
Palestinian Government Receives Promises of Economic
Help From China
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
4 Arrested in India for Handing Out Bibles ... State
Requires 'Government Permission' to Convert
(Prophecies .... Christians will be hated)
Black Book' in Massachusetts Teaches Graphic Homosexual Sex to Kids at High
(Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
(Prophecies ... The generation of the Apocalypse will be 'marked' by its immorality)
ACLU Files Suit to Stop 'Teen Abstinence' Program
(Prophecies ... 'The generation' will be 'marked' by its immorality)
(The Bible warns, 'Woe to those who call evil good and good evil' ...)
Newsweek Retraction Does Little to Calm Pakistani and
Afghan Anger
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... False prophets would rise)
(Islam is a religion of darkness filled with violence, hate, and anger ...)
The Chilling Growth of the China-Russia Alliance
--World Tribune/Navrozov
(Prophecies...China and allies will
destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
NewsWeek Called 'Treasonous' Over False 'Quran in
Toilet' Report
(Prophecies ... 'In the last days evil men will wax worse and worse ... lying,
deceiving, and being deceived')
4 Israelis Hurt in Palestinian Rocket-Grenade Attack
(Southern Israel)
and Jerusalem)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Iranian-Backed Hizbullah and Israel Engage In Heaviest
Clash In Months (Northern Israel)
--Middle East Newsline
and Jerusalem)
Iran, Hizbullah will stir up trouble to help their people in the Lebanon
Report Warns There is a 50 - 50 Chance al-Qaida Has
Nuclear Weapons
(Note on Islamic terror)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
'Doomsday' Clock Clicks on North Korea Deadlock
--WND/The Australian
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Apocalypse')
UK Leader Blair to Focus on 'National ID Cards' in
Legislative Program
(Prophecies...The coming
(A coming leader will one day say '...and to
protect against counterfeiting the ID must be part of the body')
'Extreme' Geomagnetic Event Recorded On The Sun
(The Bible warns there is a coming time when
'the Earth will be scorched by great heat and fire from the sun' ... Rev
Federal Judge (One Man) Strikes Down Nebraska
Homosexual-Marriage Ban (Passed Overwhelmingly by Voters)
(Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
(Democracy in America has been crushed by 'the Democrats' who relentlessly
pursue 'rule by the few' ...)
Former U.S. Representative (Democrat) Marries His
Homosexual Partner in Massachusetts
--Fox News
(Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
(The Bible says 'Sodom and Gomorrah' were given as warnings of a future
judgment ...)
The Russian Government is 'Filling the Airways' With
Programming to 'Churn Out' Young Patriots
--Moscow Times
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will attack and invade Israel)
(The Russian 'war machine' now prepares for the future ...)
Party Takes Majority of Vote in Taiwan .... and China Won't Like It
--WND/Glasgow Sunday Herald, Scotland
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Japan Beefs Up 'Cyber Defense' in Wake of Chinese
--NewsMax (Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Many Dead As (Russia-China-Iran Backed) Islamics Try to Destabilize Another
(Pro-US) Central-Asian Nation
(Note on Islamic terror)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will attack and invade Israel)
Personal Nuclear Power ... New Battery Lasts 12 Years
--Drudge Report/Live Science
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase
'in the last days')
Israeli FM Warns
Iran May Have Nuclear Capabilities in Less Than Nine
--Ha'aretz Daily
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Apocalypse')
China Ignores U.S. Sanctions as Chinese Missile Sales to
Iran Thrive
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
China and Cuba Seek New Ways to Work Together
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind) (China and Russia are
aggressively preparing for war against the US ...)
Iranian-Backed 'Hezbollah' Fires Rockets and Mortars
Into Israel From Lebanon
--Ha'aretz Daily
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
and Jerusalem)
U.S. Department of Defense Is Quietly Shutting Down
Joint Military Projects With Israel ...
--Middle East Newsline
and Jerusalem) (The Bible warns
one-day Israel will have to face all her enemies alone ... with God.)
Israel Expects the 'West Bank' To Be Next The Combat
--Middle East Newsline
and Jerusalem)
(God warns one-day He will destroy Jordan for helping Israel's enemies ...)
Strange Disease: 12-Year-Old Girl Still Looks Just
Like A Baby ... And Is Only 13 Lbs and 27 Inches Long
--Drudge Report/Channel 4 News Pittsburgh
'Declaration of Brasilia' ... 'Historic' Summit As South
American and Arab Nations Unite Against Israel
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem)
(It makes my skin crawl to realize most
people will simply ignore these awesome warning signs ...)
Current Nuclear Threats And Bible Prophecies of the 'End
--WND/Hal Lindsey
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Apocalypse')
Russian General Says Their Nuclear Missiles Are
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Russian-Made Rockets Found Hidden in Lebanon
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(We must defend against Russia and China ... terrorists are their 'pawns' in
this war.)
Germany 'Overwhelmingly' Approves the New European Constitution
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise again as a
'superpower') (Yet most in the US are
ignorant of these momentous events ...)
Yesterday: Austria Overwhelmingly Ratifies the New 'European'
(Prophecies...The coming
(This new Constitution will place a single 'Leader'
over all of Europe for the first time since the Roman
Earlier: French Leader Warns France A 'No' on the New European
Constitution Would Mean 'The Fall of Europe'
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise again)
(The 'Euro'... It is now the first time since the Roman Empire that Europe has had a common currency)
Alarm Spreads as North Korea Speeds up Nuclear Weapons Drive
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Apocalypse')
Iran Poised to Resume Nuclear Activities ...
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
European Union and Iran in 'Last-Ditch' Talks Over Nuclear Ambitions
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Iran, backed by Russia and China, is feeling strong and aggressive ...)
Russia Supports Iran's 'Nuclear Conversion' Plan ...
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack Israel) (Russia
has subtly and methodically re-emerged as a serious global military threat
Bibles Banned on Public School Playground
(Prophecies .... Christians will be hated)
(The Bible warns judgment will fall upon a nation who rejects God
and relies on its military and prosperity.)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland news
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by its violence and
Israel Celebrates Its 57th Year!
--Arutz (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem) (If 'the generation'
of Israel did start in 1948 then the level of prophetic activity should
continue to rise ...)
'Quickly and Quietly' Europe Becomes a 'Superpower'
(Note: It may take a couple of 'clicks' to get to, but it's worth the
--Oxford Press (Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise again as a
(Prophecies...The coming
Earlier: Romania and Bulgaria to Sign 'Entry
Pact' to Join the Emerging 'European Union'
--AFP (France) (Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will
rise) (The
'Antichrist') (This coming world leader 'will
conquer (expand) through treaties and war')
North Korea Removes Fuel Rods for
Nuclear Reactor...Could
Yield Enough Plutonium For Up To 8 Nuclear Bombs
(Prophecies...China and allies) (Forget the
Berlin Wall ... China and Russia have never stopped preparing for a decisive
war against the US)
China Rules Out Any Sanctions on North Korea
--WND/NY Times
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Because North Korea is fully backed by both China
and Russia)
Pentagon Warns China Is Stepping Up Their Spying
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Iranian Newspaper Warns Israel of 'Catastrophic
Consequences' Over Interfering With Mosque in Jerusalem
--Arabic News (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Major U.S. Offensive Targets Zarqawi Positions Near
--World Tribune
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies ... Syria)
Dr. James Dobson 'Disgusted' With Sen. Lott's 'Judge Deal'...Lott's
'Deal' Will Surrender Power to the Democrats
(Prophecies ... Evil men will wax worse and worse lying and deceiving)
(Over the years Trent Lott has damaged this nation as much as the Clintons)
Gallup Poll Shows Americans Think Congress Stinks At Its
(Prophecies ... 'In the last days evil men will wax worse and worse ... lying,
deceiving, and being deceived')
Another Woman Teacher Faces
Charges For Having Sex With an Underage Student
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by its immorality)
Condoms Given To Middle-Schoolers At School Health
--Drudge Report/AP
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by its immorality)
Syphilis on Rise Among Homosexuals
--WND/Greenwich Time, Connecticut
(Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
Swiss Wrapping Glacier in Foil to Stop Melting
--NewsMax (The Bible warns there is a coming time when
'the Earth will be scorched by great heat and fire from the sun' ... Rev
Intrigue: The Still Unsolved 'Stoffel Affair' ... Mysterious Assassination in Iraq
--Debkafile (Israeli Intelligence)
Leader of Lebanon Firmly States, 'No Peace With Israel'
and Jerusalem)
(The Bible clearly warns there will be no lasting peace in
Israel or the world until Jesus, the Messiah returns ...)
US Military and NASA Hit By Major Web Attack ...
Thousands of Computer Systems Struck by 'European' Hacker
--WND/NY Times
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will attack and invade Israel)
European Union and Russia Sign Landmark Accord
--Koeing Int'l/CNN
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise again as a
'superpower') (Both Russia and the EU are
anti-Israel and anti-US ...)
Russia and the European Union Begin Preliminary
Membership Talks
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise again as a
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Brazil's Leader Praises Palestinians ...
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem)
(Both Brazil and Venezuela have now moved into to
the Russia/China sphere of influence ...)
Declassified Report Warns Islamic Terrorists are Flowing
Into Canada ...
--WND/National Post
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
(Islamics are now allowed their own courts in parts of Canada ...)
Mid-East 'Quartet' Stalled on Dates to Move Ahead With
Their 'Roadmap' Peace Plan for Israel
(Prophecies ... A coming 'peace plan' for Israel will change the world
forever) (Powerful ... The 'Quartet' includes the
UN, EU, United States, and Russia)
Commentator Vox Day Wonders if Bush Is a Biblical 'Wolf'
in Sheep's Clothing
--WND/Vox Day (As
Christians we are to love, serve, and obey our King in Heaven ... His Law is
just ... and our gov't now opposes much of His Law)
Democrats Set to Endorse Homosexual 'Marriage'
--WND/Washington Times
(Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by its immorality)
Grandiose Military Parade in Moscow's Red Square Marks
the Start of 'Victory Day' Celebrations
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Bush-Putin and the 'Hitler-Stalin' Pact ... Why Are We
Celebrating in Moscow?
--WND/Pat Buchanan
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(The 'Cold' War has never ended for Russia ... and they grow strong)
Iran Uses Lebanese Based Iranian-Backed Hizbullah Forces
To Quell Unrest Close to Iraqi Border
--Middle East Newline
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack Israel)
(Prophetically we need to follow Iran very closely ... this could be very
Iran Confirms Conversion of Uranium ...
--Drudge Report/AP
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
US Offensive in Western Iraq Kills 75 Islamic Militants
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
US Forces Fight Islamic Militants in Afghanistan ...
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Why Jews Live in the Year 5765 -
--Arutz 7/Moshe Lerman
Iran's Atomic Clock Ticks Down
--World Tribune/John Metzler
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
White House Says North Korea Nuclear Test Would Be 'Provocative'
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Castro Warns US Invasion Will Set South America 'On Fire'
(Brazil, Venezuela, and many other South
American nations are now allies of Russia, China, Cuba, and Iran...and Carter
gave the Panama Canal to China)
Palestinian Authority 'Rules Out' Disarming Anti-Israel
Terrorist Groups
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem)
(The Bible warns there will be no lasting peace in
Israel or the world until Messiah returns)
Behind the Scenes Report of the Arrest of a Top al-Qaida Leader in Pakistan
... and the New, Younger, al-Qaida
--Debkafile (Israel)
(Note on Islamic terror)
(Prophecies ... False prophets would rise)
(Prophecies ... 'The generation' will be marked by violence)
Boy Suspended From School For Talking to Mom Who Called
Him From Iraq Where She Is Deployed ...
--WND/Internet Broadcasting System
(Many of our nation's schools have now turned into an 'Orwellian'
nightmare right out of 'Animal Farm')
Maryland State Regulators Force Gas Stations to Raise
Prices ... Said $1.99 Per Gallon Was Too Low
--WND/Washington Post
Protestant Church 'Lowlights'...The Prophecies of the
'Apostasy' (Falling Away) of the Church are Being Fulfilled
--Koenig Int'l
(Prophecies....Churches and church leaders would become
corrupted) (Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
(Prophecies ... The 'Rapture')
Jewish School Bus Full of Kids Targeted By Palestinian
Rocket ... More Palestinian Rockets Strike Israeli Town
and Jerusalem)
(According to the Bible, the destiny of the world lies in the coming fight
over Israel and Jerusalem ...)
North Korea May Be Quickly Preparing for a Nuclear
Weapons' Test
--WND/New York Times
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Japan Threatens North Korea with UN
--BBC News
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Russia 'Mocking' WWII Ceremonies
--BBC News
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will attack and invade Israel)
White House Tries to Allay Russian Anger
--Koenig Int'l/AP
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will invade Israel)
(... and for reasons yet unknown the US will be unable or unwilling to stop
Mystery Over Iranian MG Rover (British Auto Company) Bid
--BBC News
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies)
(Islam is the fastest growing religion in England ... they are even
considering their own parliament)
Inside the Pentagon: The Bolton Situation ... Lack of Operational
Support Lets 2 Top Taliban Leaders Escape
--Washington Times/Inside the Ring
(There is no doubt that 8 years of
Clinton/Gore corrupted and weakened our military greatly ...)
'Sunlight is Increasing' ... Researchers Say 4% More
Solar Radiation Reaching Earth Since 1990
--WND/London Telegraph
(The Bible warns there is a coming time when the Earth will be scorched by great heat and fire from the sun ... Rev
China Rising ... Does the Future Belong to China?
--Koenig Int'l/Newsweek
(Prophecies...China and allies will
one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
East-Asia-Intel: Russian Bombers Take Part in China
War Exercise ... China to 'Divide and Conquer' Taiwan
--World Tribune/East-Asia-Intel
(Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
Iraq and Afghanistan Weaken the USA's Military Defense
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will invade Israel)
(Russia has trained, armed, and supported most major Islamic terrorist
Russia's 'Volley-Fire' Rapid Missile Weapon System
Becomes World's Most Efficient Weapon in Its Class
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will invade Israel)
(... and for reasons yet unknown the US will be unable or unwilling to stop
Russia Offers to Join Iran in Building Major Gas Line to
India Through Pakistan
--Arabic News
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Jewish Homes and Graves in Gaza, Israel May Be Given
Over to Islamic Terrorists
and Jerusalem)
(Gaza in
the land which was given to the tribe of Judah ... Messiah is also called 'The
Lion of the Tribe of Judah')
Iran and European Union Nuclear Weapons Talks Close to
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise again as a
in Iran Faces Death Penalty for Converting to Christianity 25 Years Ago
--WND/Compass Direct
(Prophecies .... Christians will be hated)
(Note on Islamic terror)
Forty Christians Arrested in Saudi Arabia ...
--Koenig Int'l/Michael Ireland
(Prophecies .... Christians will be hated)
(Note on Islamic terror)
(Prophecies ... False prophets would rise)
Another Hollywood Film, 'Kingdom of Heaven,' Makes
Christians the 'Bad Guys'
--Hal Lindsey
(Prophecies .... Christians will be hated)
(Hollywood favors Islam
who now slaughters, rapes, mutilates, beheads, and burns Christians alive)
Human Babies 'Grown in Lab'
--Koenig Int'l/London Evening Standard
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase
'in the last days')
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland news
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by its violence and
Parents Sue to Block Pro-Homosexual Classes Being Forced
Upon Their Children in Public School
(Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
(God will turn His back on those nations who have turned their backs on Him
... God help us in our next war.)
Could Iran 'Checkmate' America ...
--Arutz (Israel)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Homosexuality, abortion, forced atheism...our nation has moved into great
First-Strike Against Iran 'Gaining Traction'
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(... and for reasons yet unknown the US will be unable or unwilling to stop
Iran Signs Mutual Defense 'Memorandum of Understanding'
With Another Central Asian Nation (Tajikistan)
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel) (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Turkey Massing Troops Along Kurdish Areas of Iraq Border
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(The Bible warns Turkey will join this coalition against Israel ...)
Earlier: Turkey Joins Russian Naval Exercise
--M.E. Newsline
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
Bible warns Turkey will join Russia and Iran in their attack against Israel
After Returning From Talks With President Bush Saudi FM Warns Israel's Leader
to 'Pay Attention'
--Arutz (Israel)
and Jerusalem)
(As Christians we are to support Israel and her people ... don't be
'convinced' to turn against Israel)
Saudis Play A Major Role In Al Qaida's Iraq Network and
Attacks Against US and Allied Forces
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Palestinian Missile Production Moves Into Full Swing ... Preparing for
Israel's 'Retreat' from Gaza (Judah)
--Debkafile (Israel)
and Jerusalem)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
20 Islamic Taliban Terrorists Killed in Firefight With
US Troops and Police in Afghanistan
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
15 Year-Old Boy Brutally Attacks and Rapes New Teacher
at School
--WND/London Times
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by its violence and
Another Homosexual 'Cannibal' Arrested ... Sought to Eat
Victim After Killing and Dismembering Him
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by its violence and
Chicago Mob Boss `Joey the Clown' to Surrender
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by its violence and
Putin's Recent Visits Reveal Deepening Russian Penetration of the
--Debkafile (Israel)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Russian Leader Offers Palestinians a Wide Range of
Military Equipment and Training
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Russian Strategy ... An Interview With a Czechoslovakian - Part 4
--JR Nyquist/Peter Cibulka
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel) (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Iran is 'Determined' to Pursue Nuclear Weapon Technology
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Votes Now Appear to Be Leading in France's European Union Campaign
--AFP (France) (Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise again as a
(Prophecies...The coming
Japanese PM Tells European Union Not to Lift China Arms
(Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise again as a
Florida Authorities Cannot Stop 13 Year-Old Girl's
--BBC News
(Prophecies ... The generation of the 'Apocalypse' will be marked by violence
and immorality)
Indiana Democratic Party Sues to Allow Vote Fraud
(Prophecies ... Liars, deceiving, and being deceived will increase in 'the
last days')
'Superbug' Bacteria Resistant to Antibiotics Now an
Increasing Problem Worldwide
--WND/Dominion Post, New Zealand
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
Mars Spacecraft Set to Deploy Radar...
--Drudge Report/BBC News
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase in
'the last days')
No More Jews To Be Allowed in East Jerusalem ...
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(Prophecies...A coming peace plan forced upon Israelis will change the
European Union 'Deeply Concerned' Over Israel's Plan to
Build More Homes
--Koenig Int'l/Ha'aretz
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again as a world
and Jerusalem - Updated)
U.S. Increases Intel Against Israel
--Middle East Newsline
('Those who bless Israel shall be blessed and those who curse Israel shall be
cursed ...')
Note: One of the most seemingly absurd
prophecies in the Bible is that one day Israel would return as a nation, and
then all nations would turn against Her. Not all nations turned against
Nazi Germany and not all nations turned against Saddam's Iraq ... yet we are
seeing history being made as we watch all nations turn against the tiny nation
Israel ... exactly like the Bible warned we would see 'in the last
days.' And if you want another seemingly absurd prophecy ... found
in both the New Testament and the Old Testament ... the Bible says this tiny
little nation of Israel will one day be the final "Superpower' who will rule
over all nations on Earth. This is just added proof that
the Bible contains 'The History of the World ... written in advance!'
Presbyterian's Host 'Anti-Israel' Meeting
(Prophecies....Churches and church leaders would become
(Prophecies of the Messiah)
(Note: The Bible clearly warns ... 'Those
who bless Israel shall be blessed and those who curse Israel shall be cursed.'
Remember, true believing Christians believe Jesus (Yeshua is His Hebrew name
and 'Christ' is simply the Greek word for 'Messiah') is the Messiah of Israel
foretold by the prophets who would also be given as a light unto the
Gentiles (non-Jews). In
Rev 3:9 Jesus severely warns those whom He calls 'of the synagogue of Satan'
... 'who call themselves Jews and are not' (this includes all those
churches and Christians who believe the Church has replaced Israel and that
Israel has forfeited all of God's promises). God will fulfill
every promise and covenant (and prophecy) made to the children of Israel ...
World Council of Churches Calls for Divestment From
--Koenig/Haaretz (Israel)
(Prophecies....Churches and church leaders would become
(Prophecies of the Messiah)
(Note: The Bible clearly warns ... 'Those
who bless Israel shall be blessed and those who curse Israel shall be cursed.'
Remember, true believing Christians believe Jesus (Yeshua is His Hebrew name
and 'Christ' is simply the Greek word for 'Messiah') is the Messiah of Israel
foretold by the prophets who would also be given as a light unto the
Gentiles (non-Jews). In
Rev 3:9 Jesus severely warns those whom He calls 'of the synagogue of Satan'
... 'who call themselves Jews and are not' (this includes all those
churches and Christians who believe the Church has replaced Israel and that
Israel has forfeited all of God's promises). God will fulfill
every promise and covenant (and prophecy) made to the children of Israel ...
Showdown With Iran ... Battle Groups Heading For
--WND/J. Corsi
Iran, and allies will invade Israel) ... and for yet unknown reasons the US will be unable or unwilling to stop them.
Note: We will soon know (in the next few days, weeks, months, or years)
whether or not this coming 'showdown' with Iran is connected to the awesome
and terrible prophetic war the Bible warns of in Ezekiel 38 - 39 when one day
Iran/Russia/allies will come against Israel. Many good Bible
teachers believe this prophetic war must take place before the
final 'Battle of Armageddon' and many good Bible teachers believe this
prophetic war will take place during the coming 'Battle of
Armageddon' (which is actually a series of wars and battles which will rage
during the coming 'Apocalypse.') If the U.S. is successful in forcing a
'regime change' in Iran/Persia and a peaceful democratic nation emerges who
will be willing to live in peace with Israel, then the world is a little
further from 'the great and awesome day of the Lord' than we think.
However, if we are not successful, and Iran/Persia along with their powerful
ally Russia/Magog have devised a war plan to 'neutralize' the US
(militarily, financially, or politically) then we (and Israel) are on the
brink of the darkest and most terrible days in the history of mankind.
The Bible says no man will know the day or the hour, but everything else we
are now seeing supports all the Bible warns we would see (including Israel in
the land in unbelief, the world turning against Israel, Europe/Rome rising,
many churches and synagogues 'corrupted' and no longer teaching sound
doctrine, 'scoffers' ridiculing those who wait in faith, the 'Kings of the
East' (China and allies) rising and threatening war, and a generation filled
with violence and immorality) just before the 'great and awesome Day of the
Lord.' The coming days are times to draw near to the Lord, seek His
face, confess and repent of our sinful ways (including short tempers, wrath, contentiousness,
sexual immorality, not treating others the way we would want to be treated,
selfishness, greediness, drunkenness, pride, unwilling to forgive others (the Bible warns
we will be forgiven as we are willing to forgive others), etc, etc, etc, ... The Bible warns if we are guilty of one sin, we are
guilty of all sins ... which shows how desperately we need a Savior to
save us from our sins and from Hell. Remember as you consider Jesus (Yeshua)
on the Cross, the Cross represents the agony and the torment of Hell ('where
there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth') and on that Cross Jesus put upon
Himself all of the sins of the world and substituted Himself for each one of
us (as the 'Passover Lamb of God.') We have to believe it, trust in
it, put our faith in Him alone ... for if we reject it, or believe there are 'many ways'
into the Kingdom of Heaven ... then we have rejected His Word and His loving
offer of full payment for our 'debt' of sin ... and each and every man and woman
who rejects it, scoffs at it, ridicules it, does not believe He died and rose
again (or simply ignores it) will face the agony and the torment of the Cross
which He came down to save us from. Jesus (Yeshua) said He did not come
(the first time) to judge the sinner ... but to save the
sinner (that's me ... and you if you will accept it) from their sins and from
Hell which awaits everyone who will reject God's Love which He manifested on
the Cross when He died and rose again from the grave (exactly as the prophets of
the Bible predicted He would do). Do not fear
... but walk in faith ... and remember Jesus (Yeshua) warned you will not win
any popularity contests from 'the world' who denies Him. Our hope lies
beyond the grave where the Bible promises all who have waited in faith and
have endured the suffering and the hardships (and the ridicule) of this world
will finally find their rest and peace ... for all eternity ... it's God's
