North Korea Appears to Be Preparing For A Nuclear
Weapon Test
--WND/Washington Times
(Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Nuclear Weapons in the Hands of Iran Would Be a Major
Challenge to the 'Bush Doctrine'
--BBC News
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(... and then Ezekiel 39 suggests a 'nuclear battlefield' cleanup
Russian Leader Putin Defends and Supports Iran's
Nuclear Program
--WND/Jerusalem Post
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(It's no longer a matter of "If," but "When" ...)
Romania and Bulgaria to Sign European Union 'Entry'
--AFP (France) (Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise again as a
Leader Says A French 'No' on the New 'European
Constitution' Would Mean the 'Fall of Europe'
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will rise again as a
'superpower') (The 'Euro' is the first time since 'Caesar'
that Europe has had a common currency)
British Professor Depicts Israel As Illegal and Racist
--NewsMax/The Guardian
(The Bible warns the nations of the world will
turn against Israel at the time of the end ...)
News Giant BBC Admits It Equipped 3 Hecklers With
Microphones to Disrupt Conservative Campaign Event
--WND/London Telegraph
(It's frightening how the major news
media is now using Marxist tactics to suppress opponents to their agenda
Poll: 63% of Americans Believe the Bible is
Literally True
Troops From Jordan to Deploy in Israel ('West Bank')
South Korean and Russian Defense Ministers Meet to
Boost Military Ties
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
China Rejects Japan Apology
(Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune
(Prophecies ... The generation of the 'Apocalypse' will be marked by violence
and immorality)
Russian Parliamentary Group Warns (US) Threats Against
Syria are Threats Against Russia
--Arabic News
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(... and for reasons yet unknown the US will be unable or unwilling to help
Russian Strategy ... An Interview With a Czechoslovakian
--JR Nyquist/Peter Cibulka
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Poll in Israel Shows 55% in Israel Support
'Disengagement' Plan to Give Gaza to Her Enemies ... 29% Opposed
--Jerusalem Post
71% who are in favor or 'don't care' = 2/3 ... the Bible warns 2/3 of Israel
would be 'cut-off and die' for unbelief)
Iran Threatens to Pull Out of Nuclear Weapons Talks
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
Islamics Murder Then Dump at Least 50 Men, Women, and
Children 'Hostages' Into River In Iraq
--BBC News
(Prophecies ... The generation of the 'Apocalypse' will be marked by violence)
(Note on Islamic Terror)
New Pope Sets 'Interfaith' Dialogues as Priorities
--AFP (France)
(The Bible warns a coming leader of a 'one-world'
corrupted religion will kill millions of believing Christians)
'Directed Energy' Weapons Coming From Air Force
--WND/Jane's Defense Weekly
(My guess is that crop circles are probably caused
by testing computer-controlled precision weapons such as these ...)
Strong Earthquake Hits Southern Japan
(Prophecies ... And there will be earthquakes in 'diverse places')
New York Girl Dies of 'Flesh Eating' Bacteria
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
Earlier: 'Flesh-Eating' Germs on Rise ...
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
Giant Asteroid to Fly By Earth in 2029 ... Mammoth
Collision is Quite Possible
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Apocalypse')
'Flying Cars' Ready for Take-Off and Flight as NASA
Prepare Plans for the New Technology
--WND/CBS News
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase in
'the last days')
Israel Fears Regional War In 2006
--Middle East Newsline
and Jerusalem)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Turkey Joins Russian Naval Exercise
--M.E. Newsline
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
Bible warns Turkey will join Russia and Iran in this attack against Israel
Iran Seeks Defense Ties With Saudis
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
78-Year-Old German Cardinal Becomes Pope Benedict XVI
(Prophecies...The coming
(The Pope is called the 'Vicar of Christ'
... the exact same words in Greek are translated 'Antichrist')
Temple Mount Activists In Jerusalem Vow Jewish
Sovereignty Over the Holy Site
and Jerusalem)
(According to the Bible, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is 'Ground-Zero' for
the coming 'Apocalypse')
U.S. Again Warns Israel Against Expanding Jewish
and Jerusalem)
(We are walking on very dangerous ground when trying to keep Jews from their
God given homeland ...)
Islamic Palestinians Shoot Two Israelis in Gaza ... IDF Ordered Not to Return
--Arutz 7
and Jerusalem)
Cardinals Gather in Rome to Elect New Pope
(Prophecies...The coming
(The Pope is called the 'Vicar of Christ'
... the exact same words in Greek are translated 'Antichrist')
Roman Church Cardinal Who Warned 'Antichrist' is Alive
Today is Rising in Odds to Become Next Pope
(Prophecies...The coming
(Prophecies...10 Nations of Europe/Rome will rise again as a
Anti-Japanese Protesters Rampage in China
(Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Protesters don't 'rampage' in China without being 'choreographed' by the
China Rejects Japan's Demand for Apology
(Prophecies...China and allies will one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
South Korea Sets Closer Military Ties With China
and Russia as US Ties 'Fray'
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...China and allies will one-day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
Opposition Charges Turkish PM is Hiring Thousands of
Islamics Which Violates Their Constitution
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
Bible warns Turkey will join Russia and Iran in this attack against Israel
70-Foot 'Freak' Wave Smashes Norwegian Cruise Ship on
the Way Back From Bahamas ...
--Drudge Report/AP
Drunken Crewmen Vandalize England's QE2 Luxury Liner ...
Priceless Tapestry of Queen Tossed Overboard
--The Scotsman
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
Chinese Missile Destroyers Spotted Near Japan
--World Tribune/East-Asia-Intel
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Seoul Downgrading U.S. Alliance In Favor of Closer
Military Ties to China and Russia
--World Tribune/East-Asia-Intel
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies...Russia will help attack Israel)
Congress Condemns European Union Arms Sales to China
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again as a
Putin Consolidating Political Power in Russia, New Law
Will Allow Only 'Minimum Number' of Parties
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
French Leader Warns Against a 'No' Vote on EU ... Says
'Europe Must Be Strong'
--Drudge Report/UPI
(Prophecies...10 Nations of Europe/Rome will rise again as a
Possible Implications of Large Asteroid Scheduled for
'Near-Miss' in 2029 ...
--WND/Hal Lindsey
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Apocalypse')
Top European Union Official Meets With Terrorist Group
'Hamas' and Praises Their Efforts Against Israel
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again as a
(Prophecies...The coming
(Note on Islamic Terror)
Israel and the U.S. Disagree on Iran ... US Doesn't Think Israel Should Worry
So Much
--Arutz 7
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(... and for reasons yet unknown the US will be unable or unwilling to help
Earlier: Deterring Iran From Launching Nuclear Missiles Against
--Arutz 7
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Egypt To Deploy Combat Helicopters Along Israeli Border
--Middle East Newsline
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(According to
the Bible, there will be another war between Egypt and
Israel ...)
French Leader on TV to Convince Voters to Say 'Yes' to EU Constitution
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again as a
China Websites Call for Large Weekend Anti-Japan Protests ...
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Japan Signals Tough Line with China as Row Deepens
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Earlier: Japanese Official Calls China 'Scary'
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Yemen Finishing Battle Against Iran-Backed 'Insurgents'
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Bombs From Iran-Backed 'Insurgents' in Baghdad Kill 18
--Fox News
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Earlier: Iranian Troops in Lebanon Controlled Unmanned Aircraft Which Flew Mission Over Israel
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
and Jerusalem - Updated)
Connecticut House Approves Homosexual Marriage Bill
(Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' who will be sent through the coming
Scientists Asked to Destroy Deadly Flu Strain...Fears
That Samples Sent to Labs Could Spark Global Epidemic
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
6 Episcopalian Priests Threatened By Episcopal Church
for Their Opposition to Homosexual Bishop
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated...even
in churches)
(Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
Lutherans Consider Active Homosexuals for Clergy
leaders and churches would be
corrupted) (Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
India, China, and Russia to Create New Alliance to
Challenge USA's Supremacy
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Russia Has Grabbed Control of the Oil and Gas Industry
--Fox News (Prophecies...Russia and allies will invade Israel)
(Do a study of how the price of oil and gas has risen since the Russian gov't
gained control ...)
China's Nuclear Build-up Worries U.S.
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
China's Navy Buildup Worries Pentagon
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
China-Japan Row Escalates ...
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
China Premier Hits Back at Japan
--BBC News
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Russia and France Sign Launch-Pad Deal...Russia to Send Rockets Into Space
From South America
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies...10 nations of the Roman Empire will rise again as a
Israel's Military Protests Restraint as
Islamic-Palestinian Rocket Attacks Continue Against Israel
--World Tribune (Prophecies...Israel - Updated)
(Worldwide pressure is now growing strong towards war and great violence ...)
(The 'Rapture')
Israel asks Egypt for Help in Gaza
--BBC News (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem - Updated) (In
Isaiah and Hosea God warns Israel against asking Egypt for help ... they are
to trust in God.)
Egyptian Forces Along Gaza Border in Question
--Arutz 7 (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(According to the Bible, there will be another war between Egypt and
Israel ...)
Bush and Sharon Meet ... U.S.- Israel Relations
'Severely Strained'
--World Tribune (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(We need to support Israel in every way we can ... and leave the rest to God.)
U.S.- Israeli Relations At Lowest Point In Years
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Israel - Updated) (The
Test: God warns He will force Israel to depend on Him...and Him
alone...against all nations.)
Israel's Connection to the Mount ... The Temple Mount
--Arutz 7 (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem - Updated) (Two
more Temples are coming ... one just before the 'Apocalypse' and one
after Messiah returns)
Mexican Army Helping and Escorting Drug-Runners on US
--WND (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war'
... 'ethnic against ethnic')
Walking, Human-Shaped Robots Go on Sale
--NewsMax (Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase in
'the last days')
South Korea Using Armed Robots to Patrol Border
--NewsMax (Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase in
'the last days') (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Thousands Flee in Panic as Indonesian Volcano Spews To Life .. Close to Deadly
Earthquake Zone
--AFP (France)
(Indonesia is the world's largest Islamic
nation and has allowed the murder, torture, and beheadings of thousands
of Christians ...)
Bush Meets Israeli Leader ... Top Issues to Include Gaza
Pullout, West Bank Settlement Activity
--Reuters (Prophecies...Israel - Updated)
(We have no more right to tell Israel where they can build than them telling
us where we can build ...)
Outrageous Anti-Israel Episode On US TV (PBS)
--Arutz 7/Jack Engelhard
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(The Bible warns all nations will turn against Israel ...)
Palestinians Continue Missile and Mortar Strikes Against
--Middle East Newsline
and Jerusalem - Updated)
China and India Agree to Form Partnership
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Iran Says It Will 'Never' Give Up Its Nuclear Enrichment
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Iran-Backed 'Hezbollah' Flies Surveillance Aircraft Over
Northern Israel
--Ha'aretz (Israel)
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
Democrats Oppose New US Nuclear Weapons Program
--WND/The Guardian (If you do
your research you will find over the past 20 years the Democrats have
consistently voted the Russian-Chinese party line ...)
Some Experts Believe the Speed of Light is Possibly
Slowing Down
--WND/ The Guardian
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase in
'the last days')
Europe Plans A Robotic Quest For Life on Mars
--WND/The Independent
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase in
'the last days')
(Prophecies...The Roman Empire will rise again)
China's Growing Influence in Latin America Worries
--Washington Times
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
China's Move on Latin America ... Beijing Alliances Have
U.S. Intelligence Nervous
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(.. and Jimmy Carter gave them the Panama Canal)
Chinese Begin to Worry U.S. Militarily...
--Drudge/Herald Tribune
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(The Chinese-Russian militaries are working closely ...)
U.S.-Turkey Relations 'Rocky'
--Fox News (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel) (The
Bible warns Turkey will join Russia and Iran in this attack against Israel
Earlier: China and Turkey Discuss Military Cooperation
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies...China and allies) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies) (Turkey
will join and assist them in this coming war ...)
Islamics Warn Israel Over 'Aqsa Mosque' on the Jewish
Temple Mount in Jerusalem
--UPI (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem - Updated)
Jerusalem Police Out in Force as Tensions Rise
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(n the 'last days'... 'and I [God] will make Jerusalem a cup of
High Alert in Jerusalem
--Arutz 7 (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem - Updated)
Police Close Temple Mount in Jerusalem to Jews to Prevent Prayer
--Arutz 7
(Prophecies...The coming
(Beware! A coming world leader will
help the Jews build a new Temple in Jerusalem ...)
The Gaza Strip - Myths and Facts - Part I
--Arutz 7 (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem - Updated) ('Lion of
the Tribe of Judah' - The Gaza Strip is in the land which was given to
the Tribe of Judah.)
The World Looks to Rome and Last Farewell for Pope John Paul II
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Nations of the Roman Empire will
're-assemble' and rise again as a
(Prophecies...The coming
Europe to Mount New Mars Mission
--BBC News
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase in
'the last days')
(Prophecies...The Roman Empire will rise again as a
Hole Drilled to Bottom of Earth's Crust...Breakthrough
to Mantle Looms
('And he opened the bottomless pit and smoke arose
out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and air were
darkened'...Rev 9:1)
Last His Testament, Pope Wanted All of His Personal Notes to Be Burned
(Prophecies...The coming 'Antichrist'')
(Several times the Pope called for the killing of 'evangelical' Christians
whom he called 'rapacious wolves.')
The 'End Times Church' ... Of Popes, False Prophets, And
The Anti-Christ
--Koenig Int'l
(Prophecies...The coming 'Antichrist''
and the 'Second Beast')
(Prophecies....Churches and church leaders would become
Islamics Have Killed 200,000 People in Algeria
(Note on Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence)
(Yet the world blames Israel for protecting herself ...)
Al Qaida Uses Iraq As Safe Haven
--Middle East Newsline
(Note on Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence)
Red Ink Deemed 'Too Harsh' For Grading Papers ...
--WND/Desert News, Utah
(This is another case of the politically motivated
weird and angry 'few' methodically wresting
away control of our schools ...)
'Flesh-Eating' Germs on Rise ...
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
Threat of ACLU Is Driving Boy Scouts of America From
Thousands of Schools
... The 'generation of wrath') (We are
guilty of allowing the few to wrest control of this nation from the many
It Looks Like
Europe and Russia Are Ganging Up on America Over Iran
will rise again as a 'Superpower')
and Iran will attack and invade Israel)
European Union Bloc of Nations Prepared to Work Around
Britain While 'Harmonizing' Laws, Courts, and Taxes
will rise again as a 'Superpower') (Since its rise,
the EU has and will view the US as an adversary and not an ally ...)
France Approves Constitutional Revision In Order To Hold
EU Charter Referendum
will rise again as a 'Superpower')
(Marxist/Socialist leaning France and Germany represent the political future
of the EU ...)
China Warns the Vatican To Back Away From Taiwan and Not
to 'Interfere'
--World Tribune/AP
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Iran-Syria Backed 'Hezbollah' Planned Attacks on Senior
Israeli Officials
(Prophecies...Israel - Updated)
(Prophecies ... Syria
and Damascus)
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
The 'Islam Factor' May Help Decide Who The Next Roman
Catholic Pope Will Be
(Prophecies...The 'Antichrist'
and the 'second beast') (The Bible warns of a coming
'one-world' religion that will kill many Christians and Jews.)
Roman Catholic Cardinals Set Date For Secret Papal Vote
(Prophecies of the coming
'Antichrist' and the 'second beast') (Popes have had
millions of believing Christians slaughtered in the past ...)
President Bush Says He Will Pressure Israel to Halt
Settlement Expansion
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(Prophecies...A coming peace plan forced upon Israelis will change the
Iran and Algeria Agree On Military Cooperation
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and Islamic allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Ancient 'Libya' covered much of northern Africa ...)
Islamics Vigorously Protest Planned Jewish Visit to The
Temple Mount in Jerusalem (The Jews' Holiest Site)
and Jerusalem - Updated)
Army Sgt. Paul Smith Awarded First Iraq Congressional
'Medal of Honor' for Heroics Before Being Killed In Action
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
In North Korea (and Many, Many Other Nations) Being a
Christian Leads to Prison and Torture
--World Tribune
(Prophecies ... Christ and Christians will be hated)
('Christ' is the English/Greek word for 'Messiah')
(Prophecies of the Messiah)
New Nuclear Warhead Proposed to Congress ... Would Take
About 10 Years to Develop
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
(Clinton stopped our nuclear weapons program ... while
Russia, China, and allies continued theirs)
Panic as Killer Virus Spreads in Angola
--WND/London Telegraph
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
Car Thieves Chop Off Car Owner's Finger to Defeat
'Finger Print' Security Device
--WND/BBC News
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
Iran Linked to Attacks Against Israel
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
Russia Mounting an Airlift of Arms
Including Advanced Anti-Aircraft Missiles to Damascus
--Debkafile (Prophecies ... Syria
and Damascus)
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
Ex-Leader Claims Syria is Behind the Bomb Attacks in
(Prophecies ... Syria
and Damascus)
Iran/Syria Backed Hamas and Hizbullah Sign Cooperation
Accord in Their 'War Against Israel'
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Syria
and Damascus)
(Prophecies...Israel - Updated)
Bush Pressing Israel Hard to Implement the 'Quartet of
World Powers' Roadmap 'Peace Plan'
--Arutz 7/Rachel Neuwirth
(Prophecies...Israel - Updated)
(Prophecies...A coming peace plan forced upon Israelis will change the
US State Dept. Calls on Israel to “Foreswear” Its Nuclear Arms
--Arutz 7
- Updated)
(It is hard to determine these days whether
we are a friend or a foe of nation Israel ... the time grows short)
Iran Threatens The US If Force is Used Against Their
Nuclear Weapons Facilities
Iran, and allies will invade Israel) ...
and for yet unknown reasons the US will be unable or unwilling to stop them.
TV Ads Warn of Iran Nuclear Attack Against US Cities
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
(If so, it will be approved by Russia and China)
Hindus Attack Christian Church ... Scores Beaten and
--WND/Asia News
(Prophecies ... Christ and Christians will be hated)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence)
Graduates 100 Islamic 'Fighters' to Use Against Israel
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence)
('Hamas' means violence ...)
Hamas Meets Iran-Backed Hezbollah in Beirut
(Note on Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence)
(We have moved into a very dangerous time ...)
Thirty Killed in Rio de Janeiro 'Drive-By' Slaughter
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence)
Mexican Military Responds to the American Civilian
'Minutemen' Who Are Trying to Protect Our Border
--NewsMax (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war
... 'ethnic against 'ethnic') (Mexico has
never supported the US in any war ...)
Clinton Adviser Berger to Admit Illegally Taking
Classified Papers...
--Drudge Report/NY Times
(Prophecies ... 'Evil men will wax worse and worse,
lying, deceiving, and being deceived')
Russia Will 'Profit' From Their Cooperation With North
Korea ...
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia
and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Russia is World's Leader in the Development of Nuclear
Technologies For Space ...
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia
and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Iran and Pakistan Plan Joint Naval Exercises
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and Islamic allies will attack and invade Israel)
The EU (European Union) Will Seek to Impose Sanctions on
--Drudge Report/AP
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again as a world
(Prophecies ... The coming
Brain Chip Reads Man's Thoughts
--BBC News
(Prophecies ... Knowledge will increase in
'the last days')
U.S.-Turkey Relations 'On The Rocks' ... Japanese
Deployment Would Put Chinese Troops 'At Close Range'
--World Tribune/Geo Strategy Direct
will join Russia and Iran to invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Russia's KGB Ordered 1981 Assassination of Pope
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia)
(They used Islamics ... and the KGB apparatus is still in place and still
using assassinations for political gain.)
Two-Thirds of the Earth's Resources are 'Used Up'
--Drudge Report/Guardian
... The Earth will 'wear out' - "And the Earth shall wax [grow]
old like a garment" - Isaiah 51:6)
Earth's Ability to 'Sustain Future Generations' is
--BBC News (Prophecy
... "And the Earth shall wax old like a garment" - Isaiah 51:6)
(God says He will restore the Earth after the coming
Palestinians Are Smuggling More Advanced Anti-Aircraft Missiles Into
Israel From Egypt
--Middle East Newsline
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
More Than 500,000 'Illegals' Were Caught Last Year In
Southern Arizona Alone
--Time (All laws must
be enforced or repealed or a democratic Republic is 'dead '... no
individual (including a president) or group can ever be 'outside' the Law.)
Violent Central American Gang Will Target Civilian US
'Minutemen' Watching Mexican Border
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence)
Pentagon Invests in Using Robots to Operate on Wounded
--Koenig/USA Today
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase in
'the last days') (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
U.S. Army Seeks Robot Surgeons
--Fox News
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase in
'the last days') (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Angola's 'Ebola-Like' Virus Toll Rises to 122, One Short of Record
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
Large 8.7 Magnitude Earthquake Off Indonesia
--Fox News
(Prophecies ... And there will be 'earthquakes in diverse places')
Many Dead After New Earthquake Hits Indonesia ...
--Fox News
(Prophecies ... And there will be 'earthquakes in diverse places')
On Easter/Resurrection Day +1 and Christmas Day +1 major
earthquakes violently shook the world's largest Islamic nation (who has allowed the
murder, torture, and beheadings of thousands of Christians) ...
perhaps God
is issuing a timely warning and answering the prayers of His sheep who are
being led to slaughter by those who are filled with hate and who follow and
worship the 'angel of darkness'...
(Note on Islamic Terror) ... It was remarkable to read reports
of the many Christians who were miraculously protected and spared from the
deadly tsunami ... and how many Islamics noticed it.)
Muslims (Islamics) Plan to Disrupt Jewish Group's Visit
to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(Note on Islamic Terror)
Muslims (Islamics) Attack Christian Easter Service
(Note on Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... The Bible warned false prophets would rise)
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)
North Korea Struggling to Curb Deadly 'Bird Flu'
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
Angola Quarantines Against Deadly ''Marburg' Virus
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
Russia Calls Deadly AIDS Virus a 'National Security
--Drudge Report/CNN
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
New York City Reports 'Fierce' Drug-Resistant HIV Strain
--Drudge Report/NT Times
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
(Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
Forced Homosexual/'Diversity' Class For Middle and High
School Students...Any Who Disagree Must 'Keep Quiet'
(Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
(As with the next item, it is the parents and not the state who must control the
education of our children ...)
Teacher Wins Suit After Being Rejected By Superintendent
Because Her Kids Went to a Christian School ...
(Prophecies ... Christ and Christians will be hated)
(A nation who turns their back on God after being blessed like we have faces
serious trouble)
Colorado Supreme Court Overturns Death Penalty Sentence
Because the Jury Mentioned Bible Verses
... The 'generation of wrath')
(We are living in perilous times ... there is terrible trouble
ahead for our nation as we reject God)
Islamic Scholar Claims The 'Koran' Predicts America Will
Cease to Exist in 2007
--WND/Jerusalem Post (God
may judge this nation ... but this 'scholar' is trying to divert attention
from the tsunamis that have hit Islam hard - see below)
European Union Accuses Israel of Breaching 'Roadmap'
Peace Plan...For Allowing Jews to Move to Israeli Towns
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again)
(Prophecies ... The coming
(Prophecies... A coming 'Peace Plan' for Israel)
US Sec'y of State Says Israel is 'At Odds' With the US
... Says Israel is Wrong for Allowing Jews to Move in Israel
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(Our nation's stand against Israel may soon
put the US 'at odds' with our God ... the God of Israel.)
US Army Orders Involuntary Call-up
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Mexican Hitmen Dissolved Their Foes in Acid ...
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and immorality)
Princeton Review Lifts Up Those US Colleges Which Ignore
God ... Praises Their 'Diversity'
... The 'generation of wrath' ... ) (The 'Day' draws
near ... and great trouble lies ahead for all who will turn their backs on
Scottish Anglican (Episcopalian) Church Wants to Allow Homosexual Priests
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies....Churches and church leaders would become
(Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
Trouble in Lebanon ... Iran and Its 'Hezbollah'
Terrorist Army Will Not Allow Democracy to Rise in Lebanon
Iran, and allies will invade Israel) (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Iran Achieves Breakthrough In Shihab-3 Missile
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
Earlier: Israel and the U.S. Coordinate to Defend Against Iran's
Shihab-3 Missile
--M.E. Newsline (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel) ...
and for yet unknown reasons the US will be unable or unwilling to stop them.
French Leader Chirac Calls
for Support of European Union Charter
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again as a world
(Prophecies ... The coming
Rumsfeld Says Venezuela Weapons Buy From Russia is
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
(Russia and China have made major inroads on our southern flank in South
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and immorality)
Russia Developing New Advanced '5th Generation' Fighter
Jet ... Will Be Armed With 'Ultrasonic' Missiles
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel) (Deception...We
have given billions of dollars to 'poor' Russia while they re-arm)
Earlier: Russia's New "Terminator" Armored Vehicle Marks New
Generation of Russian Weaponry
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel) (Deception...We
have given billions of dollars to 'poor' Russia while they re-arm)
Syria and Iran-Backed 'Hezbollah' Looking to Attack
and Jerusalem - Updated)
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Syria
and Damascus)
U.S. Forces With Iraqi Commandoes Raid Rebel Camp ... 80
Militants Dead
'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Rice Asian Trip Highlights Revelation 16 Prophecy Of
Preparing “The Way Of The Kings From The East”
--Koenig/Bill Willson
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
European Union Foreign Policy Chief Says Banning Arms Sales to China is
--AFP (France)
will rise again as a 'Superpower')
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
the Ring' ... Notes From the Pentagon
--Washington Times
'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Ominous Comes This Way'...'BRIC' (Brazil, Russia, India, China) Military
Alliance Backing Iran-Syria
--JR Nyquist/R. Roberts
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Russia Helped Saddam and Al-Qaida ... Now Arming Iran
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel) ('Wear
your enemy down'...Russia and China attacking the US through surrogates.)
China Threatens U.S. Alliances ... Warns Australia to
'Amend' Its 50 Year Alliance With the U.S.
--Fox News
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
North Korea Says It Has Increased Its Nuclear Arsenal
--WND/Channel News Asia
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies...The coming 'Apocalypse')
Israel and the U.S. Coordinate to Defend Against Iran's
Shihab-3 Missile
--M.E. Newsline (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel) ...
and for yet unknown reasons the US will be unable or unwilling to stop them.
Jordan's King Warns Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah Are 'Encouraging' Terror Attacks in Israel
and Jerusalem - Updated)
Iran, and allies will attack Israel)
(Prophecies ... Syria
and Damascus)
Jerusalem: Israeli Police Block Jews But Allow
Islamics On Temple Mount
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(Prophecies tell us the Jews will build one more Temple in Jerusalem
just before the return of Messiah.)
10 Dead in Minnesota Killing Rampage
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence)
'Superbug' Infections Spiral in Canada Hospitals
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
Earlier: Drugs For 'Superbug' Infections 'Will Soon Be Useless'
--WND/London Telegraph
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
U.S. Soldiers Kill 26 Enemy Fighters in Battle After
Attack on Convoy
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
20 Soviet Nuclear Torpedoes Were Placed Along Italy's
Coastline By Russian Submarines
--Pravda (Russia)
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Israel's New 'Jerusalem Plan' Angers Arab
--Drudge Report/AP
and Jerusalem - Updated)
Rumsfeld Blames Turkey for Bloody Iraq Insurgency
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(According to the Bible, Turkey will assist in this invasion ...)
Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' Becomes Best Seller in Turkey
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(According to the Bible, Turkey will assist in this invasion ...)
Earlier: U.S. Concerned Turkey May Be Siding With Syria
--World Tribune
Iran, and allies will attack Israel)
(It appears from prophecy Turkey will join this 'coalition' against Israel
6.4 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Argentina
(Prophecies ... And there will be 'earthquakes in diverse places')
7.0 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Japan
--Koenig Int'l/AP
(Prophecies ... And there will be 'earthquakes in diverse places')
Report: At Least 10 Million Illegal Aliens in U.S.
(For a free Republic/Democracy to survive
all laws have to be either enforced or repealed ... no group or person can
ever be 'outside' the Law)
Iran Has at Least 12 Kh-55 Strategic Cruise
Missiles Capable of Carrying 200 Kiloton Nuclear Warheads
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Ukraine Sent Cruise Missiles to Iran and China...
--Drudge/Itar-Tass (Russia)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Iran, and allies will attack Israel)
Earlier: Ukraine Leaving the USA Aside...Now Aims to Develop
Close Ties With Russia
--Pravda (Russia)
Iran, and allies will attack Israel)
Islamics Demand Apology From the Pope For Crusades
(Note on evil religions ...)
(Prophecies...The coming
'Antichrist') (This is from a religion who
has killed, mutilated, and enslaved millions in just the last 10 years ...
however, the Papal led Roman Catholic 'church' brutally and
mercilessly killed millions of believing Christians and Jews in the past ...
and according to prophecy, Islam and the Roman Catholic church may join forces
in the future to slaughter millions and millions more believing
Christians and Jews.)
$3 a Gallon Gasoline in Malibu...
--Drudge/News 3
(Watch how oil prices have risen since
Russian leader Putin wrested control of oil giant 'Yukos' using strong-arm
tactics ...)
CIA Chief Warns Iran and Syria Are Aiding Iraqi
Iran, and allies will attack Israel)
(Prophecies ... Syria
and Damascus)
New Teen Girl's Bible Talks of Oral Sex and Lesbianism
and church leaders would become corrupted)
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by immorality)
No Stopping 'Global Warming', Studies Predict....
--Drudge Report/Reuters
(The Bible warns there is a coming time when the Earth will be scorched by great heat and fire from the sun ... Rev
Report: China and Russia to 'Rehearse Invasion of Taiwan' ...
--Drudge Report
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Earlier: U.S. Catches China Transferring Weapons of Mass
Destruction (WMD) Technology to Iran
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
East-Asia-Intel ... China Forces Building
Rapidly...Taiwan Could Last Two Weeks in Conflict with China
--World Tribune/East-Asia-Intel
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Russia Increasing Espionage Activities Against the US ... Extortion,
Blackmail, and Entrapment
--JR Nyquist
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Russia and China are diligently preparing for war...while we ignore
More Soviet Intrigue and Assassinations ... 'East and
West, Again'
--JR Nyquist
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Russia will have to somehow 'neutralize' the US before this attack ...)
Ukraine Leaves the USA Aside ... Now Aims to Develop
Close Ties With Russia
--Pravda (Russia)
(Watch how oil prices have risen since
Russian leader Putin wrested control of oil giant 'Yukos' using strong-arm
tactics ...)
Israeli Leader Sharon Welcomes Palestinian 'Truce'
--BBC News
(Prophecies ... 'Evil men will wax worse and worse,
lying, deceiving, and being deceived')
Jerusalem Homosexual Festival Slammed
--Fox News
(Bible Warnings
... Homosexuality)
(Don't miss this...the Bible warns those who simply approve of such
things will be held just as guilty.)
Syrian Military Split Over Withdrawal From
Lebanon...Reports of Fighting and Assad Fleeing Damascus
--World Tribune (Prophecies ... Syria
and Damascus)
Egypt Mulls Buy Of 100 F-16s
--Middle East Newsline
'Wars and rumors of war')
(In Bible prophecy
there is still much left ahead for Egypt...war, curses, and final blessings)
Infighting - Reformers Clash With Iran-Backed Factions
--World Tribune
and Jerusalem - Updated)
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Palestinian Militants Capturing
Strongholds in Revolt Against Current Leadership
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(These 'Palestinian terrorists' are backed by Iran, Syria, Russia, and China
Russian Solar Sail Spacecraft is Tested for Flight...
--Drudge Report
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase
in 'the last days')
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and immorality)
Russia's New "Terminator" Armored Vehicle Marks New
Generation of Russian Weaponry
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel) (Deception...We
have given billions of dollars to 'poor' Russia while they re-arm)
Police in Canada Rule It Is 'No
Hate Crime' To Proclaim Israelis as 'Legitimate (Death) Targets' ...
--WND (Prophecies...Israel
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(Note on Islamic Terror)
(Islamics have recently been given their own court systems in Canada ...)
Venezuela Seizes Private Land for 'Re-Distribution' ...
Joining the Ranks of China, Russia, and Cuba
--WND (The
'propaganda war' against the US started after Gulf War I and is successfully
turning the world against us ... and toward Russia and China.)
Bloody Philadelphia ... 21 Murders
in 8 Days
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath')
(Philadelphia earlier charged Christians
reading and displaying Bible verses with 'hate crimes'...)
Sec'y of State Rice Concerned About China's Military
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
North Korea Threatens to Build More Nuclear Bombs to Deter War Drills
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Jewish Rabbis Protest 'Dangerous' Gaza Plan ... Declare
and Jerusalem - Updated) (As in
the days of Elijah, God will always have a small believing remnant in the land
of Israel ...)
Lebanese Rally Rages Against Syria
--Washington Times (Prophecies ... Syria
and Damascus)
Israel Rehearsing Plans to Destroy Iran's Nuclear Weapons Plants
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(I don't think Israel will publicly announce any operations beforehand.)
Senators Demand Action on Saudi Islamic Extremism
(Note on Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise)
Islamic 'Honor Killings' Shock Berlin
(Note on Islamic Terror)
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and immorality)
New Holocaust History Museum to Open in Israel
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
and Jerusalem - Updated) ('Those
who curse Israel shall be cursed ...')
New 'Inclusive' Bible Debuts
(Prophecies....Churches and church leaders would become
corrupted - 'no longer teaching sound doctrine')
California Judge Rules State Should Approve Homosexual
--Drudge Report/AP
(Bible Warnings against homosexuality) (Prophecies
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and immorality)
3 Dead, 1 Critical Because of 'Political Correctness' In
a Georgia Courthouse
--WND ('Political
correctness' is another cute name ... like 'gay' ... the media powerfully uses
to disguise something much darker and culturally dangerous.)
The Dan Rather
CBS Ignored ...
--WND/Les Kinsolving
(Prophecies ... 'Evil men will wax worse and worse,
lying, deceiving, and being deceived')
London Shock ... Man Cooked and Ate Friend's Brains...
--Drudge Report/This is London
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and immorality)
FCC Rules Nude Woman Ad on 'Monday Night Football' Was
Acceptable For Families and Kids
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by immorality)
Canada Recalls Passports of All Israeli-Born Citizens
... Will Not Recognize Jerusalem as Part of Israel
--Jerusalem Post
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Military Shell Game ... As Syria Re-Deploys Its Forces in Lebanon Iran Moves
--WND (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Syria)
Russia Training Nearly 1,000 Techs For Iran's
Nuclear (Weapons) Facility
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
China Enacts Law That Sets 'Legal Framework' to Attack
Taiwan if It Declares Independence
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Taiwan Condemns China's 'Anti-Secession' Law, Lawmakers Torch Flag
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
China on War-Footing as Parliament Passes Taiwan Anti-Secession Law
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
US Warns China Over 'Anti-Secession' Law
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
China Approves 12.6 Percent Rise in Military Spending
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
China Ready to Attack Taiwan
--Pravda (Russia)
(If and when China does attack Taiwan, it will be well
coordinated w/ Russia and at a time they both feel confident in 'containing'
the US)
Venezuela Restocks Its Arsenal ...
--WND/Financial Times
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
(Venezuela's allies now include China, Russia, Cuba, and Iran ...)
Strong Earthquake in Turkey Injures 18
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... And there will be 'earthquakes in diverse places')
Israel Warns Iran Nuclear 'Nightmare' Very Close
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Syria Moves Intelligence Headquarters to Iranian-Syrian
Backed Hizbullah Sector in Lebanon
--World Tribune (Prophecies ... Syria
and Damascus)
Georgia 'Provokes' Military Conflict With Russia
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel) ('Provokes'
because Russia is refusing to withdraw its military from Georgia ...)
Iran Jails Christian Colonel ...
(Prophecies ... Christ and Christians will be
Israel Hands Jericho Over to the 'Palestinians' ...
and Jerusalem - Updated) (Jericho
has had great significance to the Jews ... including Elijah's last visit
before ascending.)
First' ... A Mournful Cry from Israel
--Arutz 7/Levi Chazen
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(I've heard Rabbis say 'coincidence' is not a kosher word ...)
10,000 Jews Planning Temple Mount Ascent
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(Prophecies tell us the Jews will build one more Temple in Jerusalem
just before the return of Messiah.)
Egypt May Be Preparing Nuclear Weapons ...
--WND/NBC News
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
(In Bible prophecy there is still much left ahead for
Egypt ... war, curses, and final blessings)
Huge Chinese Spy Network in U.S.
--NewsMax/Wes Vernon
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies...The coming 'Apocalypse')
UN Nuclear Chief Warns Only 'Joint
Global Strategy' Can Stem Nuclear Terror Attacks
(Prophecies...The coming
'Antichrist') (The Bible warns the 'global
strategy' will be a 'one-world' gov't lead by a very popular and 'powerful'
War With Iran is Inevitable Warns Middle East Expert and
'Atomic Iran' Author
--WND (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel) ...
and for yet unknown reasons the US will be unable or unwilling to stop them.
Iran and U.S. Forces Moving 'Eyeball to Eyeball' Along
Iraq Border...Commanders Warn of 'Short But Intense War'
--World Tribune/Geo Strategy (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
(If this is the prophetic war looming ... draw near to the Lord!)
Iran Projecting $35 Billion in Oil Revenues By End Of
The 'Persian Year' (March 20)
--World Tribune/Geo Strategy Direct (Prophecies...Iran
(Persia), Russia (Magog/Scythia), and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Israeli General Sees War With Syria 'On The Horizon'
--World Tribune (Prophecies ... Syria)
and Jerusalem - Updated)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Israel Heads For War With Syria
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies ... Syria)
(Prophecies...Israel - Updated)
(Syria is not listed among those who will join the Russian invasion ...)
Get Iran Out of Lebanon, Too
--WND (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
Groups Demand Jerusalem Mayor Cancel Global Homosexual
Event Scheduled to be Held in Jerusalem
(Bible Warnings against homosexuality)
and Jerusalem - Updated) (Sodom
and Gomorrah were given as warnings ...)
Rice Warns Islamic-Terrorists Threatening At U.S. Borders...Determined to Infiltrate Through Mexico and Canada
(Note on Islamic Terror) (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
the Ring' ... Reports From the Pentagon
--Washington Times/Bill Gertz (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Cops Were Mafia Hitmen
--Fox News
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and immorality)
Iran Reports U.S. Aircraft Over Nuclear Weapons Sites
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel) (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Iran Warns an American Attack Would Be 'Nightmare' For
the U.S.
--WND/Reuters (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel) ...
and for yet unknown reasons the US will be unable or unwilling to stop them.
China Will Have 800 Missiles Aimed at Taiwan in 2006
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Darkness rising...2005-2006 is looming as a very bad time for the world)
Israeli Military Prepares For Pullout Under Fire
--Middle East Newsline
- Updated)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Annan Says UN Must Accept Islamic-Terror Group Hezbollah
(Note on Islamic Terror)
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence)
(Prophecies ... The coming
El Salvador to Name Plaza After Yasser Arafat
--WND/Israel Nat'l News
- Updated)
(Prophecies... Messiah's Return) (The Bible
warns all nations will turn against Israel ...)
Singapore Surpasses America As Top Tech Nation
... US Drops From First to Fifth
(Watch the downhill slide and coming trouble
as this nation puts pressure on Israel to give up her land... and as it
turns its back on God)
Arrest Warrant Issued For Michael Jackson ... Failed to
Show Up At Court
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by immorality)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and immorality)
The Newly Established Jewish 'Sanhedrin´s' Declaration Against the Proposed
Withdrawal in Israel ...
--Arutz 7
(Israel under fire ... Russia/Iran/Europe-Rome/China all rising
... a generation of violence and immorality ... the time draws near.)
Sec'y of State Rice Tells Israel to Dismantle 'Illegal'
--Koenig/Jerusalem Post
- Updated)
(Trouble lies ahead for any and all nations who will
interfere with God's covenants with Israel ...)
Iran Warns EU to Back Down on Nuclear Probe ...
Threatens to Break Off Negotiations
Iran, and allies will invade Israel) ...
and for yet unknown reasons the US will be unable or unwilling to stop them.
Russia May Withdraw From Nuclear Missile Treaty
--UPI (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Commander Warns China is Building Military Quickly
--Koenig/Fox News
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
U.S. Jews' Attachment to Israel on a Decline
--Arutz 7
(In Ezekiel 36:17-23 God warns the children of Israel
would 'profane' His Holy Name while dispersed among the nations ...)
FBI Warns of 'Illegals' Entering From Islamic-Terrorist
Nations...Getting False Identities in (Russia/China Ally) Brazil
(Note on Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... False prophets would rise)
Syrian-Iranian Military Units Now Secretly Deploying in Lebanon
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Syria)
Russian Military Forces Report Killing Chechen Separatist Leader Maskhadov
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
South Korea Fears Regional Military Conflicts
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
New Chinese Law Would Make Invasion of Taiwan 'Legal'
--WND/London Times
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
China Warns US and Japan to Keep Taiwan Out of Military
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
China Warns Australia Against Alliance With U.S.
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
China's Strategic Move Into South America ...
--JRNyquist/Gordon Frisch
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Panama Canal, Brazil, Venezuela ... the list grows)
China Ridicules US Concerns Over EU Lifting Its Chinese
Arms Embargo
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again as a world
Syria Seeks Russian Protection ...
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Syria)
Iran Funding for 'Fatah' (Palestinian Militants) Tied to
Continued Fight Against Israel
--World Tribune
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
European Union Shocked by (Islamic) Turkey's Forceful Clampdown on Women's Demonstration
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again)
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(It appears Turkey will assist in this attack ...)
Arab Arrested in Plot to Attack Israel's Knesset
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(Note on Islamic Terror)
(The Bible warns there will be no lasting peace in Israel until Messiah
returns ...)
Earthquake "Swarm" Off Oregon Coast Has Resulted in
Thousands of Small Earthquakes
(Prophecies ... And there will be 'earthquakes in diverse places')
Magnitude 5.2 Earthquake Off The Coast of Oregon
(Prophecies ... And there will be 'earthquakes in diverse places')
What Are You Doing This Summer?' ... Preparing For a Difficult Time of Testing
in Israel
--Arutz 7/Nadia Matar
('Gaza' lies in part of the land which was given
to the Tribe of Judah ... trouble lies ahead.)
The World Against Israel - British Leader Hosts “London
Meeting 2005: Supporting The Palestinian Authority”
--Koenig/Bill Wilson
(The Bible warns all nations will turn against
Israel ... we as a nation must support Israel ... it's their Land.)
'Israel in Retreat' - Part 1 ... A Jewish Perspective
From the West
--Arutz 7/Rachel Neuwirth
Palestinian Radio Says Tel Aviv Nightclub Was a
'Military' Target
(Prophecies...'Evil men will wax worse and worse
... lying, deceiving, and being deceived')
(Note on Islamic Terror)
Is the Roman Empire Now Reviving?
--WND/Hal Lindsey
will rise again as a world 'Superpower')
(Prophecies ... The coming
Official Reports Russian 'Spetsnatz' (Special Forces) Units Moved Iraqi WMD
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia
and Iran will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
North Korea Ends Long-Range Missile-Test Moratorium, Raising Nuclear Stakes
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Iran Denies IAEA Access To Nuclear Facilities
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Russia
and Iran will attack and invade Israel)
Iran Building Deep Underground Hardened Shelters to
Protect Nuclear Weapons Program
--Fox News (Prophecies...Russia
and Iran will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
China Will Keep Taiwan by 'Force of Law'
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
China to Increase Military Spending by 12.6 Percent in 2005
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
China Deports US Christian Church Leaders
(Prophecies...Believing Christians will be hated)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Bush Demands Syria Withdraw Troops From Lebanon
--NewsMax (Prophecies ... Syria)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
(Syria is backed by Russia, China, and Iran ...)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and immorality)
Russia Warns No Defense System Will Stop Their New
Ballistic Nuclear Missiles
--WND/AP (Prophecies...Russia
and Iran will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Europe Closing Military Gap With the US
--WND/High-Tech Weapons
will rise again as a 'Superpower')
(Prophecies ... The coming
Analysis - China to Replace Hong Kong Leader
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
European Union Vows Support for 'Palestinian' State
Within Israel
will rise again as a 'Superpower')
(Prophecies...A coming peace plan forced upon Israelis will change the
Drugs For Superbug Infections 'Will Soon Be Useless'
--WND/London Telegraph
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
Earthquake in Arizona Registers 4.6 Magnitude
--Koenig Int'l/USGS
(Prophecies ... Earthquakes in 'diverse places')
Intense Round of Storms From the Sun is Blamed for
Arctic Ozone Loss
(The Bible warns there is a coming time when the Earth will be scorched by great heat and fire from the sun ... Rev
(EU, UN, US, Russia) Demands Full Israeli Withdrawal From Gaza
(The Bible warns all nations will turn against Israel ...
and that is exactly what will lead the world into 'Armageddon')
US Sec'y of State Rice Criticizes Israeli Security Plans
(Another Islamic bomber just slaughtered many Israelis ... what
right does Rice have to criticize Israel's security?)
Israeli Air Force Training For Long-Range Bombing
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
and Iran will attack and invade Israel)
Optimism At Start of International Israel/Palestinian 'Reform' Meeting in
London ... Israel Excluded
("When they say 'Peace and Safety' sudden destruction
will come" ... the destiny of the world now lies at the doorstep of
Russia's Embassy in Argentina Launches Russian TV Series
For Latin America
--Pravda (Russia)
and Iran will invade Israel) (The
Russian propaganda machine is a powerful force manipulating world opinion....)
