Iran-Backed Islamic Zarqawi Vows 'Holy War' Ahead of Iraq's Historic Election
--AFP (France)
(Islam...a religion of darkness)
(Prophecies.. 'Wars and rumors of war')
(Islam is a dark religion filled with pride, hate, anger, and death)
9 More Chinese Added to Terror List for Possible WMD
Attack in Boston
--Fox News
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies.. 'and
there will be wars and rumors of war')
(The Chinese gov't never gave an explanation why
one of their ships tried to smuggle 10,000 - 20,000 AK-47 rifles into the port
of Los Angeles several years ago)
British Papers Mock Bush Inauguration ...
--Drudge Report (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise
as a world 'super power' just before the end)
FCC Chairman Powell is Stepping Down Today...
--Drudge Report/Wall Street Journal
(Prophecies...The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
immorality) (Good riddance ...)
Earlier: CBS Reruns Explicit Teen-Orgy Television Episode
During Prime-Time ...
(Prophecies...The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by immorality)
(We are falling into public depravity not seen since the fall of the Roman
ACLU Silences Coaches Prayers ... No Objection Until
Legal Group Read About Practice in Paper
(Prophecies...The 'generation of wrath') ('Anti-Democracy' -
The ACLU is a sign of things to come ... when the few will control and
intimidate the many)
California Beach Inundated with Dead Squid ... Over 500,
Measuring Roughly 5 Feet Long
--WND/Associated Press
Hal Lindsey Assesses Current Events and Recaps Prophetic
Signs Leading Up to Last Days
--WND/Hal Lindsey
(Prophecy Checklist - Before the "Rapture")
Checklist - After the "Rapture")
Israel Considers Attack On Syria
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies ... Syria) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies.. 'there
will be wars and rumors of war')
U.S. Warns European Union About China Arms Sales
--AFP (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise
as a world 'super power' just before the end)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
FBI Alerts Boston of Four Chinese Terror Suspects...
--Drudge Report/AP
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Russia and Ukraine to Unveil 3 New Monuments to
Stalin ...
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...Russia and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
(Stalin represents the treachery, deception,
and lies that define Russian tactics.)
Nations' Controlled Funds Used For Suicide Attacks Against Israel
--ME Newsline
(The Bible warns the nations of the world will unite
against Israel 'in the last days' ... 'Armageddon' is a hill on a large plain in
central Israel)
Commentary: The Next World War Has Begun ...
Manifested by Islamic Bloody Ritual Killing in New Jersey
--Arutz 7/Mike Levine (Israel)
(Islam...a religion of darkness)
(Prophecies.. 'there
will be wars and rumors of war')
Ex-President 'Anti-Iraq War' Jimmy Carter Linked to
Saddam Hussein's 'Oil-for-Food' Scam
--WND (Prophecies
of the 'generation of wrath' includes 'traitors')
(This same Jimmy Carter gave Iran to the Ayatollah and the Panama Canal to
China ...)
CBS Reruns Explicit Teen-Orgy Television Episode Despite
FCC Deal
(Prophecies...The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by immorality)
(We are falling into public depravity not seen since the fall of the Roman
Iran Leaders Call For Anti-US Suicide Attackers
(Prophecies...The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies...The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
Jewish Rabbis are Being Recruited by Jewish Women in
America to Insure Abortion Rights
--Jerusalem Post (In Ezekiel
36 God warns Jews would profane His Holy Name while dispersed among the
nations ... the Bible warns against killing babies)
DMV Rejects 'JOHN316' License Plate ...
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
(Rejecting God's love...manifested when He in Jesus Christ died
for us on the 'the unpardonable sin')
Note: The 'Cross' represents the agony and torment of
Hell that awaits every man and woman on and trust in the One who
hung on that Cross saves us.
Rabbis Ban Jews From Temple Mount
--WND/London Telegraph (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns Israel would be re-gathered in unbelief ...
and then would be sorely tested and judged)
Iran Issues 'Sharp Warning' to US Over Any Military Action
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel) (Prophecies.. 'there
will be wars and rumors of war')
Analysis: Russia and 'Global Conquest'
--JR Nyquist
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel) (Prophecies.. 'there
will be wars and rumors of war')
Saddam Lieutenant Acknowledges Iran is Funding
Resistance With Help From Syria
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Syria)
(Prophecies.. 'there
will be wars and rumors of war')
More Trouble in Israel ...
--HopeforToday/D. Hocking (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...A coming 'peace plan' will be enforced on Israel which will
change the world ... forever)
Christian Human Rights in Israel vs. Islamic Nations
(Islam...a religion of darkness)
(Christians will be hated)
Former Ambassador Reports the UN is Funding Terrorism
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible also warns the nations of the world will unite
against Israel ... 'Armageddon' is a hill on a large plain in Israel)
Death Toll in Asian Earthquake Disaster Nears 220,000
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in
diverse places')
Approximately 100 Million American Church Members Have
Very Little to No Understanding of Bible Prophecy ...
--Koenig Int'l
(Prophecies....Churches would become
corrupted) (Jesus said
'Watch!'...and warned 'lukewarm' Christians would be 'vomited' out of His
Note - Prophecies concerning the 'falling
away' (apostasy) warned one day we would see churches and church leaders who
would turn away from the truth and 'no longer teach sound doctrine.' We
are now seeing direct fulfillment of these Bible prophecies. This is one more clear sign and striking evidence
that the Bible is the "History of the World ... Written in advance!" and the
generation who 'will see all these things' is probably alive today ...)
European Leaders Hail Lead Over US As Airbus Unveils New 'Super Jumbo' Jet
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise
as a world 'super power' just before the end)
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Antichrist')
Russian Report: Brink of Nuclear Conflict ...
World War III Menace Looming
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies.. 'there
will be wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Apocalypse')
Iraqis From All Nations Welcomed to Vote ... All Nations
Except Israel
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns at the time of the end all
nations will turn against nation Israel ...)
U.S. Sanctions 8 Chinese Firms for Aiding Iran With
Their Ballistic Missile Development
--Drudge Report/NY Times
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Bush Won't Rule Out Military Action Against Iran to Stop
Nuclear Weapons Program
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies.. 'Wars and rumors of war')
Iran Gives Cuba 20 Million in Euro Credit ...
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
Russia to Sell Strategic Bombers to China
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Russia Warns Threat is Coming From Georgia
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies)
(Russia will become more aggressive regionally and globally ... many believe
the 'collapse' was a tactic.)
Russian Paper Accuses Ukrainian
of Destabilizing Russia
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies)
(Russia is preparing to 'flex its muscles'... military assets now include many
terrorist and 'rogue' nations.)
Israel Braces for Russian Missile Sale to Syria
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Syria) (Prophecies...Israel)
Iran and Syrian Backed 'Hezbollah' Strikes Northern Israel ... Israeli Defense
Force Hits Back
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Syria) (Prophecies...Israel)
Report Says US Planning for Possible War Against Iran
(Prophecies.. 'Wars and rumors of war')
(For some reason the
US will not be able/willing to help Israel when Iran and Russia attack and
French Report Says US Special Forces Inside Iran Select Sites for Possible Air
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies)
(As our nation turns its back on God, the probability of 'troublesome'
surprises ahead increases)
Minnesota Town Hits 54 Below Zero!
--Drudge Report/CNN
Sharon Orders Israeli Army to Crush Palestinian Militants After Deadly Attack
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
Note: The Bible warns there will be no lasting peace in Israel (or
the world) until Jesus Christ, the Messiah, returns ... Around 200 AD the
Romans re-named Israel/Judah 'Palestinia' after Israel's ancient enemy the
'Philistines' to try to disconnect the Jews from their land ... there never
has been a 'Palestinian' people or nation, most living there are Jordanian
and Egyptian ... Yasser Arafat was Egyptian. God promised that
little land of Israel to the Jews - it is theirs.
Iranian-Backed 'Islamic Jihad' Coordinating Attacks in
Israel With Other Islamic Military 'Terror' Groups
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
Jordan's King Reportedly Shown Picture of Iraq Based al-Zarqawi
With Iran Military Chiefs
--WND/Iran Focus
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
Rising China to Haunt Bush in Second Term
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies.. 'wars and rumors of war')
Earth Shaking Fire-Ball in India Blamed on Sonic Boom
New Pictures from Saturn's Moon 'Titan' By European
Space Probe
--Fox News
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase 'in
the last days') ('Titan' is a translation of the same
ancient word which we translate 'Satan' ...)
'Hate Crime' Laws Targeting Christians ...
(Christians will be hated)
(Warnings were given in the book "The Prophecies ... A Journey
to the End of Time" before these laws were enacted)
Israel Deems 46 Towns Vulnerable To 'Palestinian'
Missile Strikes
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence)
(Prophecies.. 'wars and rumors of war')
At Least 6 Israelis Dead, 5 Wounded in Multi-Pronged Palestinian Terror Attack
Against Israel
--Arutz 7 (Prophecies...Israel)
Munich Olympics and School Kids
... The New 'Palestinian' Leader/Terrorist Has Much Jewish Blood on His Hands
--Arutz 7/Angela Bertz
(Islam...a religion of darkness)
... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence)
Vietnam Veterans to Get Large 'Welcome Home' Celebration
After All These Years ...
--WND (It's sickening what
the arrogant, 'rich and famous' John Kerry's, Ted Kennedy's, and Jane Fonda's
did to ruin our young 'boots and mud' soldier's lives.)
China Reshuffles High-Ranking Military Posts Amid Taiwan Tensions
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies.. 'wars and rumors of war')
Italy to Try Eight 'Satanists' in Ritual Killings
--UPI (Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
Iranian Agent Arrested in Kuwait Setting Up Terrorist
Attacks Tied To al Qaida and bin-Laden
--WND (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
European Union Strides Aggressively Toward End Time
Position As Revived Roman Empire ...
--Koenig Int'l (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise
as a world 'super power' just before the end)
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Antichrist')
Russia, China Military Moves Flirt With Fulfillment Of
Ezekiel’s End Time Prophecy Of Massive Battle With Israel
--Koenig Int'l (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Space Probe Reaches Saturn Moon ... Hope to Have
Pictures Soon
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase 'in
the last days')
Reports' Magazine and Executive Promoting Extremism and Abortion
--WND (Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
immorality) (Abortion is an unholy combination of
immorality and violence)
Lutheran Decision on Homosexual Clergy Hands Victory to
Homosexual Groups
--Wash Times
(Prophecies....Churches would become
(Bible Warnings...homosexuality)
(Lutherans should leave now ... find a believing church)
Episcopalian Church Reaffirms Homosexual Bishop
(Prophecies....Churches would become
(Bible Warnings...homosexuality)
(Episcopalians should leave now ... find a Bible believing church)
Note - Prophecies concerning the 'falling
away' (apostasy) warned one day we would see churches and church leaders who would
turn away from the truth and 'no
longer teach sound doctrine.' We are now seeing direct fulfillment of
these Bible prophecies. According to the Bible this 'falling away'
or 'corruption' of the churches which is predicted in the Bible ['corruption'
refers to the 'corruption' of meat as it rots] will directly
precede the 'Rapture' and will help prepare the way for a 'coming world leader' who has been given over 30 titles
in the Old and New Testaments ... one of which is the 'Antichrist.'
Although the coming 'Antichrist' will be against believing Christians and Jews, a better
translation would be 'pseudo-Christ' [remember 'Christ' is simply the Greek
translation of the word 'Messiah'], because this coming world leader will be
very popular in the world's eyes and will be looked upon as a man of 'peace'
... a new-age 'messiah.' We are told in prophecy he will be supported by
a strong and powerful religious leader and a 'one-world' blended religion will
rise. The Vatican has recently been focusing much effort into this. This is one more clear sign and striking evidence
that the Bible is the "History of the World ... Written in advance!" and the
generation who 'will see all these things' is probably alive today ...)
Newly Re-established 'Sanhedrin' in Israel Seeks
Descendant of David to Make King Over Israel
--WND/Jerusalem Post
(According to the Bible, Jesus (Yeshua) was
14th in the line of King David ...)
(Prophecies ...
Messiah's Return)
Israel and the Sanhedrin ...
--David Hocking/HFT
(Prophecies...the Messiah)
(Prophecies ... The coming
(Prophecies ... Messiah's
New Toll Puts Earthquake Tsunami Deaths to At Least
272,000 ... Indonesia Says 210,000 Dead or Missing
--WND/Knight Ridder
(Prophecies ... earthquakes)
(Indonesia is the world's largest Islamic nation ... the blood of many
Christians has been spilled there)
Israeli Think Tank Says Only the U.S. Can Neutralize
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
(The US will be 'neutralized' before this invasion takes place ...)
Russia Arms Deal With Syria
Challenges US and Israel in the Middle-East
--Debkafile (Israel)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Syria) (Prophecies...Israel)
Russia Says Peace Deal With Japan May Be 'Far Off'
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
AIDS Growing in Russia at a 'Devastating Pace'...
--Drudge Report/AP
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases will spread)
Malaria Could Kill 100,000 More in Asia
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases will spread)
North Korea Now Has at Least 8,200 Underground
Facilities...China Conducts Multiple, Global Military Exchanges
--World Tribune/East-Asia-Intel
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(Prophecies.. 'wars and rumors of war')
China Says Their Forcibly Breaking Up Korean Lawmakers
Press Conference was 'Legal'
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Argentina Welcomes and Hails the 'Pink Peso' as
Homosexual Tourism Booms
--BBC (Bible Warnings
against homosexuality)
(The Bible warns 'Sodom and Gomorrah' were given as warnings of a great global
judgment that is to come ...)
Explosive Fireball Said to Shake the Earth in India
--WND (The Bible
warns one day sights from the heavens will cause men's hearts to fail ...)
Meteor Roars Over Wisconsin With Light and Noise
--WND/Antiago Daily, Wisconsin
(The Bible warns one day sights from the heavens will
cause men's hearts to fail ...)
'Comet Crasher' Space Probe Launched on 6-Month Journey
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase 'in
the last days')
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci (Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
Russia's Intention to Arm Syria Puts Russian-Israeli
Relations at Risk
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Syria) (Prophecies...Israel)
Israel Anger at Russian Arms Deal to Provide Advanced Missiles to Syria
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies) (Prophecies ... Syria) (Prophecies...Israel) (Israeli
intelligence site warns it's more than just missiles ...)
Syria Hosted Wedding For Top Islamic Terrorists
(Prophecies ... Syria)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
(Most of the large 'terrorist' organizations are Russian trained ...)
Syria and Iran Backed Hizbullah Increases Involvement
'Palestinian' War Against Israel
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies ... Syria)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
New Palestinian Leader ...
--David Hocking/HFT
(Prophecies ... Evil men will wax
worse and worse, lying and deceiving in the last days)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath')
EU Lawmakers Vote Overwhelmingly to Back Proposed New 'European' Constitution
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise
as a world 'super power' just before the end)
(Prophecies ... The coming
EU Ban on Arms Exports to China 'To Be Lifted'
--BBC (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise
as a world 'super power' just before the end)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
EU Resumes Trade Talks with Iran
--BBC (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise
as a world 'super power' just before the end)
Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
Nine Dead in Australia's Deadliest Bushfires in 20 Years
--AFP (France)
Clinton Memoirs Now in Chinese (to whom he illegally
provided our top-secret missile technology)
(Prophecies ... Evil men will wax
worse and worse, lying and deceiving in the last days)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' includes 'traitors')
Russia and Iran Join Efforts to Struggle Against
Invasion of UFOs
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...Russia and Iran)
(Some believe 'UFOs' may be related to the 'fallen angels' found in Genesis
and the New Testament)
Military Ordered to Prepare For Military Action Against Syria
(Prophecies ... Syria)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Earlier: U.S. Warns Syria ...
(Prophecies ... Syria)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
3 Dead, 12 Missing After California
Mudslide...Meteorologist: 'I've Never Seen Such a Sustained Event Like This'
Strongest Storm in 40 Years Lashes Russia and Northern
--Pravda (Russia)
European Union and Iran to Resume Talks After Nuclear Deal
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise
as a world 'super power' just before the end)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
Cuba Normalizes Ties With European Union Nations
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise
as a world 'super power' just before the end)
Russia Reports Another Record Year in Arms Exports
--World Tribune (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
1.5 Million US Jobs 'Lost to China' From 1989-2003...
--Drudge Report/Reuters
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Homosexuals Planned Christian Harassment in Philadelphia
--WND (Bible Warnings
against homosexuality) (Christians will be hated)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by
Development as Our 'Friends' in the Middle-East Voice Support for the Islamics
Killing Americans in Iraq
(The rise of anti-Christianity/atheism/immorality/homosexuality
in the US = The decline and fall of America...whom God has blessed and protected)
Russia-China Military Exercise Puts Pressure on U.S.
Pacific Forces
--World Tribune/Asia Intel (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
'Palestinians' Give Mahmoud Abbas (also called by his
'war name' Abu Mazen) Big Win
--WND/Washington Times (He
helped plan and finance the murder of the Israeli hostages at the Munich
Olympics ...)
Israel's Supreme Court Rules 7-2 that Lesbian Women Can
Adopt Each Other's Children
(In Ezek 36:17-23, Zech 13:8-9 God warns He is not
re-gathering Israel back into their land because they deserve it...but they
will be severely judged)
New Palestinian Leader Boasts
'Little Jihad' (in Israel) is Over, Big Jihad Starts'
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Planet Still 'Ringing Like a Bell' Two Weeks After
Earthquake and Tsunami
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in
diverse places') (The Bible warns one day the Earth will
'reel to and fro like a drunkard' ...)
Collision Of 2 Colossal Icebergs Around Antarctica Said
--Drudge Report/NASA
Head of the Anglican/Episcopal Church Says Tsunami
'Should Make Christians Question Existence of God'
(Prophecies....Churches and church leaders would become
corrupted) (Jesus warns He will 'vomit' lukewarm Christians
out of His mouth - Rev 3:16)
Note - Prophecies concerning the 'falling
away' (apostasy) warned one day we would see churches and church leaders who would
turn away from the truth and 'no
longer teach sound doctrine.' We are now seeing direct fulfillment of
these Bible prophecies. According to the Bible this 'falling away'
or 'corruption' of the churches which is predicted in the Bible ['corruption'
refers to the 'corruption' of meat as it rots] will directly
precede the 'Rapture' and will help prepare the way for a 'coming world leader' who has been given over 30 titles
in the Old and New Testaments ... one of which is the 'Antichrist.'
Although the coming 'Antichrist' will be against believing Christians and Jews, a better
translation would be 'pseudo-Christ' [remember 'Christ' is simply the Greek
translation of the word 'Messiah'], because this coming world leader will be
very popular in the world's eyes and will be looked upon as a man of 'peace'
... a new-age 'messiah.' We are told in prophecy he will be supported by
a strong and powerful religious leader and a 'one-world' blended religion will
rise. The Vatican has recently been focusing much effort into this. This is one more clear sign and striking evidence
that the Bible is the "History of the World ... Written in advance!" and the
generation who 'will see all these things' is probably alive today ...)
Unmasking Spies ... The Russian KGB's Victories Over the
--JR Nyquist
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
Iraqi 'Insurgent' Admits Iran and Syria are Providing
Weapons and Logistics
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Syria)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Iraq's Christians Fear Genocide from Islamics
--WND/London Telegraph
and Christians will be hated)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath')
religion of darkness)
Islamics Using Force to Convert Christians to Islam in
--WND/Assyrian International News Agency
and Christians will be hated)
religion of darkness)
Vicious Persecution of Christians in Pakistan
(Islam...a religion of darkness) (The Koran: Satan's tactics have not changed
since Eve... mix in a little truth, then create doubt, and then lie.)
Krakatoa Caused the First Modern Giant Tsunami ...
Unleashing Even Larger Deadly Tidal Waves
(The Bible warns much greater global disasters lie
ahead for the generation who has rejected God's love, sent forth to save us
sinners...Jesus, the Messiah)
Mystery Fire From Sky in California
Followers of Mohammed in the Earthquake Zone Should Be Thanking Their 'allah'
For Christians and Jews
--Wash. Times/Wes Pruden
(Islam ... a dark religion filled with fear and violence)
Satanic Murders Are Just 'Tip of the Iceberg'
--WND/The Age
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
immorality) (The Bible warns Satan is our
adversary ...)
Tsunami Toll Heaviest in Areas Which Have Killed and
Persecuted Christians (Islam...a
religion of darkness)
and Christians will be hated)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath')
Italy Wracked by Mafia Civil War
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
'Spongebob' and 'Barney' Video To Be Used to Help
Promote Homosexual 'Tolerance' in 61,000 Schools
(Bible Warning...homosexuality)
(The Bible warns 'those who approve of those things will be held just
as accountable as those who do those things'...)
US Officials Ban Crosses at Inauguration Parade
(Into darkness...The Bible says 'God will not be mocked, a man/nation will
reap what he has sown'...and our 'Clinton-style' America has sown greatly)
U.S. Falls Out of the World Index of Economic Freedom's
Top 10 For the First Time Ever ...
--Drudge Report/
('Pride comes before the fall' ... sincerely
pray for wisdom and guidance form the Lord in the coming days)
Democrat Vote Fraud in Washington State ... 'Ghostly'
Election Victory of Democrat Governor Hurts Us All
--WND/Craige McMillan
(Prophecies ... Evil men and women will wax
worse and worse, lying, deceiving, and being deceived in the last days)
Islamic Iran Fueling Anger ... Now Saying the Jews are
Stoning Christians
--WND (The
dark religion of Islam)
Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
China Conducts Major Military Exchanges With Mideast
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Russia Reports Progress In Exporting Arms to the Mideast
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Turkey Sits On 'Islamic Timebomb'
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, Turkey, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
Source Says Homosexual US Attorneys Were Complicit in
the Arrest of Christians at Homosexual Event
--WND (Bible Warnings...homosexuality) (Christians will be hated)
(The Clinton administration knowingly infused our government with many
Turkey Says a Palestinian State Within Israel is Needed
For 'Peace'
--UPI (Prophecies...Israel)
Iran, Turkey, and Islamic allies will attack and invade Israel)
U.S. Warns Syria ...
(Prophecies ... Syria)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Iran Boosts Air Defenses at Nuclear Weapon Sites
--Koenig/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and Islamic allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
North Korea Issues Guidelines for War With U.S.
--Koenig/Fox News
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Five Dead in Taliban Attack in Afghanistan
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
150 Maoist Rebels Killed in Clash in Nepal
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
18 Dead in Islamic Ambush of Security Patrol in Algeria
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
At Least Nine Killed By Islamic Bombing in Iraq
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
12 Israeli Soldiers Wounded in Palestinian Rocket Attack on Army Base In
--Arutz 7
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
3 Major Storm Systems Converging ... Could Result in a
'Once in a Generation' Storm
--Drudge Report/Seattle Times
(According to Bible prophecy, this
generation will see many more unique disasters, catastrophes, and wars ...)
US Warplanes Buzz Iran Airspace ... Said to Spy Nuclear
Weapon Sites and Test Defenses
'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
with Russia and Islamic allies, will attack and invade Israel)
Attorney Lashes Out at Philadelphia for Arresting
Christians Protesting Homosexual Event
(Bible Warnings...homosexuality)
(Christians will be hated)
(In Rev 3:7 the church of Philadelphia represents the faithful
church which will be 'Raptured')
More Democrat Voting Fraud Found in Washington
Gubernatorial Race
(Prophecies ... Evil men and women will wax
worse and worse, lying, deceiving, and being deceived in the last days)
Egypt Has Been Working to Obtain Nuclear Weapons
--NewsMax (Prophecies...The
coming 'Apocalypse' prolog)
(Prophecies.. 'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Cuba Restores European Relations
--UPI (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise
as a world 'super power' just before the end)
Palestinian Leader Abbas Slams Israel as 'Zionist Enemy' After Israel Kills 7
Palestinians to Stop Rocket Attacks
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Israeli Intelligence Chief Says Withdrawal From Gaza Holds Perils
--Debkafile (Israel)
(Iran war looming ... Europe rising ... Israel preparing
to withdraw form land given to the Tribe of Judah in Gaza ... the time draws
North Korea Warns the US ... Says Danger of Nuclear War
is Growing
--WND/Financial Times
'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Syria and Egypt May Have Nuclear Weapon Parts
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post
coming 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Turkey Foreign Minister To Get Cool Reception in Israel Because Turkey is Now
Leaning Towards Iran and Syria
--Debkafile (Israel) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, Turkey, and Islamic allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Syria)
Death Toll From Earthquake and Tsunami Still Rising ...
Now Past 155,000
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in
diverse places')
California Gives Tax-Payer Paid Benefits to Homosexual
(Bible Warnings against homosexuality)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
Up To 5,000 Americans Unaccounted for in Tsunami Disaster
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in
diverse places')
Toll From Earthquake and Tsunami Still Rising ... Now Past 120,000
--Ha'aretz (Israel)
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in
diverse places')
Warnings of Disease Explosion in Earthquake Zone
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be deadly diseases
U.S. Forces Kill 25 Terrorists After Being Attacked in
'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
On the Earthquake, the UN's and World's Hypocrisy ...
and Fulfilling Prophecies
--WND/Hal Lindsey
(And Jesus warns, "When you see these
things, know that it is near -- at the door!" Mark 13:29)
European Union 'Euro' Hits New Highs Against the
Japanese 'Yen'
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise
as a world 'super power' just before the end)
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Antichrist')
China And Turkey Discuss Defense Cooperation
--Middle East Newsline
and allies) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, Turkey, and Islamic allies will attack and invade Israel)
Palestinian Islamics Return to the Knife to Kill Jews Before Upcoming Election
--Debkafile (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
dark religion of Islam)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath')
Riyadh Attack First al-Qaida Attempt on Life of Saudi Prince
--Debkafile (Israel)
(The dark religion of Islam)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath')
(Russia has much to gain with higher oil prices ...)
Russian Leader Putin Acknowledges Russia's Involvement
and Intrigue in Taking Over Giant Russian Oil Company
--Pravda (Russia) (Russia first threw the Chairman
of the huge Russian oil company in jail and then took it over ... Russia and
Islamic allies will soon march)
Russia and Iran to Study UFOs
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran)
(Some think UFOs may be the return of the Nephilim which the Bible talks about
and they may play a role in 'the last days')
Russian Scientist Studying UFOs
--WND/Vladivostok News (In
Gen 6:4 the word used for 'sons of men' was originally translated 'fallen
angels' .... and Jesus warns, 'as in the days of Noah')
Democrat Attorney General Ramsey Clark to Defend Saddam
--WND (Corrupted ... The
foreign and social policies of today's Democrat Party are exactly the same as
those of Marxist/Socialist Russia, Cuba, and China)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and
Earthquake Mystery ... Wildlife Officials Surprised by
Lack of Dead Animals
(The death zone is heavily Hindu and Islamic...God
may be making a point...Hindus place animals above people and Islamics treat
people like animals)
Islamic Terrorists Kill Dozens More Islamics in Iraq
(The Darkness of Islam vs. the Light of the Messiah)
(Any one who accepts Mohammed rejects Jesus Christ the One who came to save us
Islamics Abduct and Kill Imam Who
Prayed for Peace by Slitting His Throat
(The Darkness of Islam vs. the Light of Christ, the Messiah)
(Mohammed and his followers are prophets of darkness, slit throats, death, and
fear ...)
Russian Threat to Yushchenko's Victory in the Ukraine
--WND/London Telegraph
Iran, and allies)
Only 44% in Britain Believe in God ... Huge Drop From
1968 When Figure Stood at 77%
--WND/London Telegraph
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath') (The
'falling away' the Bible warns about is taking place ...)
Coincidence ... Major Earthquake Last Year Also on the
Day After Christmas Killed 26,000
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in
diverse places') (I've heard Jewish rabbis
say 'coincidence' is not a kosher word ...)
at French-Run Resort Hotel in Thailand
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in
diverse places')
Geophysicist Says Earthquake Caused the Earth to Wobble
and the Location of Islands Moved by Almost 70 Feet
--WND/AFP (The Bible
warns of a coming earthquake when the Earth will be 'violently broken' and
'shall reel to and fro like a drunkard' ... Isa 24:19-20)
Sri Lanka Rejects Israel Rescuers ...
--BBC News (Prophecies...Israel)
(Israel is always the first to offer help and assistance after
a disaster ... and the only nation who offered the US help on 9/11.)
'Battlefield Drone' Situation Creates High Level Face-Off Between China and
the US with Israel In Between
--Debkafile (Israel)
and allies)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Analysis Shows Military Conflicts in the Middle East and
India-Pakistan May Soon Start Heating Up
--UPI (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Attacks in Iraq Kill 42 as bin Laden 'Anoints' Zarqawi
--AFP (France)
(Warning against Islam)
(Prophecies ... False prophets would rise)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath')
U.S. Captures 2 Key Aides of Zarqawi
--World Tribune
'Wars and rumors of war')
The Race We Must Run ... Biblical
for the Upcoming New Year
--WND/Greg Laurie
Eye-Witness Describes Tidal Wave Approaching and Then
Smashing into Thailand
--BBC News
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in
diverse places')
Russia and China to Hold Unprecedented Joint Military
Maneuvers Next Year...
--Drudge Report/Newsday (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
and allies)
'Wars and rumors of war')
China and Sudan ... Partners in Oil and Genocidal
--NewsMax/Seattle Times (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, Sudan, and allies)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Iraq to Air Footage of Iran
Meddling ...
Claims Satellite Footage of 50 Iranian Suicide Vehicles
Entering Country
--WND/Iran Focus
Iran, and allies)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Federal Judge Rules US GI's Can Be Forced to Wear U.N.
--WND (The Bible
warns we will see a 'one-world' government in 'the last days' ... and it's
leader will force a 'peace plan' upon the nation Israel)
Yushchenko Wins Ukraine Presidency
--AFP (France)
(Russia will not idly accept this defeat ...
they have propaganda, Islamic terrorist groups, and 'rogue nations' at their
Yushchenko's Kremlin-Backed Opponent Yanukovich Refuses
To Accept Ukraine Vote
--Drudge Report/Daily Telegraph
(This defeat and the announced Russia/China
joint 'War Games' are not unrelated ...)
Israeli Archeologists Find Jesus Miracle Sites
of the Messiah) (When you study the prophecies of
the Messiah you see there is, was, and will be no other than Jesus Christ ...)
Magnitude 8.9 Earthquake Kills Estimated 10,000 in South
Asia as Tidal Waves Ravage the Coastlands
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in
diverse places')
7.3 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Bangladesh...
--Drudge Report/Asia News
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in
diverse places')
Earlier: 8.2 Magnitude Earthquake Rocks Area Close to Antarctica
--Drudge Report/The Australian
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in
diverse places')
US Military Considers Incursions Into Syria to Counter
Attacks in Iraq From Safe Havens Across Border
'and there will be wars and rumors of war')
Religious Jews Join Christians to Sing Christmas Carols
--WND/World Peace Herald
ACLU and Islamic Group Target Mainly Christian Schools
and Christians will be hated)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath')
Iran Seeks Jets From Russia
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Russian Leader Putin Boils Over at Press Conference ...
Shows Increased Combative Attitude Toward the US
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Former World Chess Champion Kasparov Sounds Warning
Against Russian Leader Putin
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
'Wars and rumors of war') (Gog of Magog will be a
powerful leader ...)
Russia Successfully Test Fires New 5th Generation
Inter-Continental Nuclear Capable Ballistic Missile
--UPI (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
'Wars and rumors of war')
coming 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Japan Threatens Retaliation Against North Korea in Kidnap Row
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day attack and destroy 1/3 of mankind)
China Threatens U.S. Hold on Canadian Oil
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day attack and destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Euro Shoots to Record High 1.3548 Dollars
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise)
(Prophecies ... The 'Antichrist')
8.2 Magnitude Earthquake Rocks Area Close to Antarctica
--Drudge Report/The Australian
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in
diverse places')
School Board Yanks Bible From Reading List
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath')
(For many years the Bible was the only textbook used in the United States ...)
3 Out of 4 Doctors Believe in Miracles
--WND (In prayer, we are to
present our situation(s) before God and seek His Will and not our will
... praying in the name of His Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.)
Arafat's Successor Boasts Palestinian State Will Replace
--World Tribune (Prophecies...Israel)
(According to the Bible, the 'Battle of Armageddon' will
be the world's final attempt to destroy Israel and the Jews ...)
Arabs Bombard Israeli Neighborhoods Raining 14 Shells in 20 Minutes
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
Putin Says Russia Is 'Protecting Its Rightful Interests' in Taking Over Yukos,
the Giant Russian Oil Company
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
(Russia first threw the Chairman in jail, then bankrupted the company, then
'bought' it)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and immorality)
Deputy Sec'y of State Says America 'Not Required' to
Defend Taiwan if China Attacks
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day attack and destroy 1/3 of mankind)
US Sweeps Through Mosul Day After Strike on Nearby Base
Killed 22, Injured 72
--WND/Associated Press (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
Small Asteroid Passes Between Satellites and Earth...
--Drudge Report/
(The Bible warns one day sights from
the sky will cause men's hearts to fail ....)
U.S. Increases Intelligence Operations Against
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Leader of Pakistan's Presbyterian Church Calls Israel 'A
Terrorist State'
(Prophecies....Churches and church leaders would become
Iran Missiles Pose Threat to U.S. Interests in Iraq
--World Tribune (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
'Wars and rumors of war')
U.S. Base in Mosul Attacked By Rockets
--Fox News (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
Russia No Longer Free Under Putin
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
Russian Opposition Party Members
Sentenced to 5 years In Jail for Insulting Putin
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
US Confirms It Is Posting Military Officers to Taiwan Mission
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day attack and destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
Thirty-Two Men Commit Suicide Amid Britain's Biggest Child-Sex Probe
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and immorality)
President Bush Says He Will Bring Peace to Israel
--WND/London Telegraph (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies ... Messiah's
Return) (The Bible says
only Jesus, the Messiah, will bring peace to Israel)
'Help Free
the Philadelphia 4' ... Philadelphia Wants to Sentence
Christians to Heavy Jail Terms for Quoting Bible
and Christians will be hated) (We are moving towards a
judicial Socialist-state with imposed 'atheism' ... the few will soon control
the many)
Catches Iranian Terrorist Teams 'Red-Handed' ... Plotting Worldwide Bombings
of Israeli Sites
--Debkafile (Note
on Islam)
(Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise)
China's 'President' in Unprecedented Criticism of Hong Kong Leadership
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day attack and destroy 1/3 of mankind)
North Korea Threatens to Strengthen 'Deterrent' Against US
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day attack and destroy 1/3 of mankind)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Nativity Scene (Depicting Christ's Birth) Removed During
Christmas (Honoring Christ's Birth) to Avoid the ACLU
and Christians will be hated) (We are moving towards a
judicial Socialist-state with imposed 'atheism' ... the few will soon control
the many)
Discord Between President Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Sharon ... US
'Sympathies' Moving Toward Palestine
--Debkafile (Our
nation is turning its back on both God and Israel ....'Those who bless
Israel shall be blessed and those who curse Israel shall be cursed')
Christian Pastors in Australia 'Found Guilty' of
Preaching Against Islam
(Christians will be hated)
(The 'one-world' government the Bible warns about will kill many Christians
... a news site like this will soon be criminal)
New Chinese 'Secession Law' May Seek 'Legal' Basis for Use of Military Force
Against Taiwan
(Prophecies...China and allies)
'Wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies...The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Woman Charged in Grisly Theft of Fetus From the Murdered
Mother's Womb
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be marked by violence and immorality)
Senator Charges Clinton's Deep Cuts to Our Defense and
Military Caused Mess in Iraq
(Clinton reduced the size of our military by almost half ... and got rid of many good generals and admirals who disagreed with
'The Late Great Planet Earth' Revisited ... Update on
the Coming Global Clash Between 'Rome' and Israel
--WND/Hal Lindsey
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise)
(Prophecies ... The 'Antichrist') (Prophecies...The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Bush Warns Iran and Syria to Keep Out of Iraqi Elections
--AFP (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
(Prophecies ... Syria)
(Iran and Syria wouldn't be so bold if Russia and China weren't fully backing them)
China Rebukes Japan Over Taiwan
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Saudi Arabia Imprisons Christian Convert ... Muslim
Kingdom Bars Citizens From Leaving Islam
(Christians will be hated)
on Islam)
(Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise)
Islamic Militants Kill and Wound Algerian Troops
--UPI (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
on Islam) (Islam is in
direct spiritual opposition to Christianity ... you can't embrace both)
Islamic Hamas Continues Mortar Attacks Against Israeli
--UPI (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
on Islam) (Prophecies...Israel)
Bin Laden Tape Tells Saudi Leaders to Abandon Power or Face Revolt
--AFP (France) (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
Canadian Prime Minister Rebuffs US on Missile Shield ...
Also Says U.S. War Resistors to be Welcomed
--WND/Windsor Star, Canada
(The predominant religion in British Columbia is now
Islam ... Canada may allow Islamics their own courts)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath will be marked by violence and immorality)
Rumsfeld Discloses That Clinton Left Our Military 'Run
(The Clinton administration reduced our military size by almost half ... and
got rid of many good generals and admirals who disagreed with them)
Is Yesha (Judea/Samaria, Israel) Headed for
Destruction...A Jewish Voice Calls For Help From Christians in the US
--Arutx 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(In the prophecies concerning Jerusalem ... God says He
is the One who is stirring things up ... so we will know.)
European Parliament Backs Opening of Turkey's EU Accession Talks
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise)
Iran, and allies)
(Turkey will one day join this Iranian coalition)
North Korea Says Japanese Sanctions Would Be 'Declaration of War'
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Air Show Demonstrates 'Massive' Chinese Military Air
Force Modernization ...Teamed With Russia, Iran and France
--World Tribune/International Assessment and
Strategy Center
(Prophecies...China and allies)
'Wars and rumors of war')
China Building Large Amphibious Invasion Fleet
--World Tribune/Strategy Page
(Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
'Wars and rumors of war')
China Will Upgrade Weapons Technology If EU Lifts Arms Embargo
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Iraq Accuses Iran and Syria of Backing Terror
Iran, and allies)
(Prophecies ... Syria)
(Iran and Syria wouldn't be so bold if Russia and China weren't backing them)
Cuba and Venezuela Leaders Boast of Trade Pact to Beat US Version
--AFP (France)
(Russian/Chinese backed Marxist-Socialists are gaining and expanding power and control across South America
... our southern flank)
The Russia/China Quest for a 'Multipolar' (Anti-US)
World Marching Ahead
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(Their powerful anti-US propaganda machine is working well)
Top North Korean General's Son Defected to U.S. Base in
Japan, Then Disappeared
--World Tribune
Bush Taking Wrong Road in 'Palestine' ... A
Fascist-Imposed Democracy Will Cause Trouble
--Arutz 7/Goodtree (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns a false 'peace' will one day be
imposed upon Israel .... which will lead directly to 'Armageddon')
Scientists Amazed at Mount St. Helens' Growing Dome...
--Drudge Report/LiveScience
(The Bible warns of major catastrophic geological
events still yet future ... 'the Earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard')
Christian Rock Band Banned From Playing at Toledo Public
--Drudge Report/Toledo Blade
(Christians will be hated) (People can't even
tell you why they hate Jesus/God ... most anger comes from pride and fear)
Moving Toward State-Imposed Atheism ...
--WND/Joseph Farah
(Christians will be hated)
(Our nation is moving into an anti-Christian/anti-God phase where the few will
soon control the many ...)
City Presses Prosecution of Christians Who Protested at
Homosexual Event
--WND (Christians will be hated)
(Bible Warnings... homosexuality)
(God has blessed us in times of war because we honored Him ... this may
soon change.)
Swift Boat Vets Leader Sees Likely War With Iran
(Prophecies...Iran and allies ... If this battle
is close, the US will not stop Iran/Russia and will be neutral or
'neutralized' before the invasion takes place.)
Afghan Forces Capture Taliban Mullah Omar's Security Chief
--AFP (France) (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
Iraq Says Aide to Insurgency Leader Zarqawi Killed and Two Others Captured
--AFP (France) (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
Major Palestinian Bomb and Mortar
Attack Against Israel Army Base Kills At Least 5
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war') (The Bible warns there will
be no lasting peace in Israel until Messiah returns)
Prime Minister of Turkey Warns European Union Leaders
They Will 'Pay A Heavy Price' If They Reject Turkey
--WND/London Times
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise)
Iran, and allies)
(Turkey will one day join this Iranian coalition)
China and Russia Will Hold Their First Joint War Games
--Washington Times/AP
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(Prophecies ... Apocalypse prolog)
Russians Denounce Putin's 'Reforms' Which Are Quickly
Moving Russia Toward a Totalitarian Regime
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
('Gog of Magog' will be a powerful force and leader ...)
Russia Beefing Up Its Missile Forces
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Russia Prepared to Bomb Terrorists
On Foreign Soil ... Former Soviet Republic Georgia May Be First Target
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies) (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
Iran Refuses to Give Up Nuclear Weapons Research
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies)
(It appears this coming attack and war will include deadly nuclear strikes
US Military Action Against Iran 'Can't Be Ruled Out'
--WND/Jerusalem Post
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies)
(The US will be unable or unwilling to protect Israel when this attack takes
place ...)
U.S. Stages Simulated Attack On Iran
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies) (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
70 Year-Old
Retired US Army Colonel Called Up For Service and Sent
to Afghanistan
--WND/Marion Star, Ohio (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war') (The Clinton/Gore
administration reduced our military size by almost half ....)
Top Church Official in England Foresees Christian Church
Soon Being Forced Underground
(Christians will be hated) (The division
the Bible warns about is taking place ... it takes real faith and courage today to
acknowledge Christ as Lord)
Top Chinese Church Leader Arrested
... Jesus warned believing Christians will be hated by the world)
NBC Defends Couric's 'Anti-Christian' Remarks
--WND (Prophecies
... Jesus warned believing Christians will be hated by the world)
Palestinian Islamics Trigger Large Explosion Under
Israeli Base ... Rescue Hampered By Mortar and Rocket Fire
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
Iranian Missile Could Reach Eastern U.S.
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel) (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies ... Apocalypse prolog)
Albats - No One in Russia Dares Criticize Russian
Leader Putin as He Consolidates His Power and Control
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
('Gog of Magog' will be a powerful leader ...)
Court Says Parents Cannot Monitor Their Kids Calls
--WND (It won't take
many more socialist/Democrat judges to wrest control of the democratic process away
from 'we the people' in a democracy like ours ....)
Venezuelan Leader Could Become Major Threat to the US
(Russian/Chinese backed Marxist-Socialists are gaining and expanding power and control across South America
Special School in France Trains Intelligence Agents to
Become Economic Spies Against the US
--WND/Geostrategy Direct
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower') (The European Union is strongly
School Censors Christmas From Student Performance ...
But Leaves Reference to Other holidays
and Christians will be hated) (The division the Bible
warns about is taking place ... it takes courage today to acknowledge Christ
as Lord)
Nativity Scene Banned ... But Muslim and Jewish Symbols
and Christians will be hated) (Jesus Christ said He
came to Earth to save sinners ... it's our choice ... if we receive Him we
receive His offer)
Democrats Seek to Lower Tuition For Illegals ...
--WND/Boston Globe (In a
Constitutional Democracy the Law rules ... laws must be either enforced or
repealed ... there is no in between)
OPEC Agrees to Cut Surplus Output to 'Defend' High Prices
--AFP (France)
Russian Defense Minister Ivanov Says Russia Could Hit Terror Bases Anywhere in
the World
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel) (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
NATO Expanding Its Dialog of Cooperation With Middle East and North African
Mediterranean Nations
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower') (The consolidation of power
towards a 'one-world government' is moving faster)
China's Growing Global Clout and Power ...
(Prophecies...China and allies)
South American Leaders Launch 12-nation Bloc Led By Marxist/Socialist Nations
Venezuela and Brazil
--AFP (France)
(These nations are now falling under the
Russia/China axis of influence ... and the political position of the European
Union is a close cousin)
Seven Mortar Shells Fired at and Fall on Israel Today ... "and the World is
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
Sex Ed in Canada For 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders Includes
Oral Sex and Links to Porn Sites
--Newsmax/CNews (Canada)
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath will be marked by immorality)
Canada's Highest Court OKs Same-Sex Marriage
(Bible Warnings against homosexuality)
(Canada is an example of how Socialist 'Democrats' can use democracy to
destroy democracy ...)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath will be marked by violence and immorality)
(Immorality ... 'without morals')
Iran Conducts Largest Military Exercise Ever Close to
the Iraq Border
--World Tribune (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel) (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
Russia Reveals New Long-Range Cruise Missile Threat ...
--Matt Drudge/AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel) (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
CIA Officer Warns bin-Laden Has Secured 'Religious
Approval' to Use Nuclear Weapons Against the US...
--Drudge Report
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...China and allies
will destroy millions)
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Using a variety of apparently 'nationless' but well trained, supported, and
armed para-military/Islamic terror groups to inflict damage, confuse, and
'prepare' the enemy is part of the 'asymmetrical' warfare tactics top China
and Russia military officers have said they would use to defeat the US ...
also, since 'permission' to use nuclear weapons against the US was granted by
a Saudi Sheik, Mecca should also be targeted for retaliation if and when a
nuclear weapon does devastate an American city ... or cities.
Turkey Warns of Plans to Invade Northern Iraq
...Military Calls For Massive Military Operation Into Kurdish Region
(Prophecies...Turkey, Iran,
Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Japan Demands China Apology After Chinese Nuclear Submarine Intrusion Sets Off
Two-Day Chase at Sea
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies
will one day march and launch, destroying millions) (Prophecies..
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Powerful Russian 'Security Bloc' Spreading Its Wings
--Koenig Int'l/UPI
Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Iran Backed Hezbollah Boasts and Warns Armed Drone Can Now Hit Targets Deep Inside
--AFP (France)
Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
US Troops Push Deeper Into Fallujah
--WND/Associated Press
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
New York Times Gushes Over Yasser Arafat
--WND (KGB trained and
Egyptian born Yasser Arafat's resume includes: First to hijack
airliners, introduced the world to suicide bombers by brainwashing a
generation of Palestinian school kids, murdered 11 or so Israeli athletes at
the 1972 Munich Olympics, had two American diplomats assassinated in Lebanon,
and perfected the art of terrorism by using murder, rape, and kidnapping for
political advantage.... and he had his political enemies dismembered alive
with chainsaws in front of villages to repress any dissent against his godless
and brutal reign. Yet, he will be lifted up and honored by this
generation as a great worldly 'statesman'. So, every time you go through the
x-ray screening machine at the airport, you can remember the legacy of fear,
hate, and violence that Yasser Arafat has left and his Islamic religion of
darkness will continue to carry on. And, just as the Bible predicted we
would see in the last days, a generation filled with violence and immorality
will lift up the Yasser Arafats' and will hate believing Christians.)
Iran - 16 Year Old Girl Ordered Hanged to
Death in Public Because of Her 'Sharp Tongue'
(Other than hate, death, and anger, exactly what did
Mohammed add to what Jesus (the Bible) had already taught that makes him a
'great prophet'?)
--WND/Iran Focus
Russia Boosts Military and Defense Spending By 28
Iran, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
China Sends Advanced Missile Technology to Iran,
Breaking Vow on Halting Arms Transfers
--Washington Times
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Iranian Official Threatens the US
and Israel ... Says
Missile Attacks 'Are Ready to Strike'
--WND (Prophecies...
Iran, Russia, and allies) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
