Russian Leader Putin Warns U.S. Against Interfering in
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel) (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
India and Russia Agree to Revive Traditional Ties
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel) (The
Russia/China axis grows strong as Europe rises ...)
Russia and Turkey Pledge to Jointly Step Up Anti-Terror
--New/Moscow Times (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will invade Israel)
(The Bible warns Turkey will join this coalition ...)
OPEC Dumps the Dollar for the European Union 'Euro'
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower') (Big trouble ahead for
this nation as it turns its back on God... )
Germany Calls for End of European Arms Embargo on
Communist China
--NewsMax/AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
(Prophecies...China and allies)
China Buys 23 European Airbus Jets
--NewsMax/AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Samsung to Invest $ 24 Billion in New Chip Lines
--World Tribune
(This is while many US electronics factories
are shutting down, laying off, and moving jobs and investments overseas ...)
England to Host Mideast (Israel) Peace Conference ...
Without Israel?
(Prophecies ... A 'Peace Plan' will be enforced upon Israel...which will
change the world forever)
Islamic Terrorists Attack US Consulate in Saudi Arabia
(Islamic Terror)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Iran Group Threatens 'Top Secret' Counter-Attacks
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Russia Promises Preventive Strikes on Terror ...
Threatens Use of Cruise Missiles, Strategic Bombers
--WND/Associated Press
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Villagers In India Tortured For Converting To Christ
--AsiaNews (Christians will be hated)
(God's Test: "Love Him or Hate Him?" Just hearing the name
of Jesus Christ will cause a response from within us)
Israel OKs Egyptian Troops and Armor In Sinai
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Israel)
(In the Bible God warns Israel never to turn to Egypt or other nations for
their security ... the times draw near)
Lesbian Teacher 'Married' 14 Year Old Girl Student in
Pagan Witchcraft Ritual
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath will be filled with violence and
(Bible Warnings against homosexuality)
European Parliament Chief Pressures Turkey on Cyprus and Reforms
--AFP (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise') (When
I first started studying Bible prophecy the thought of ever seeing a 'European
Parliament' seemed impossible)
China Tests Ballistic Missile Submarine ... Will Carry
Nuclear Arms
--Washington Times
(Prophecies...China and allies)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies ... Apocalypse prolog)
Iran Signs Aerospace-Satellite Accord With China
--World Tribune
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Iran Making New Missiles
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies ... Apocalypse prolog)
Russian Leader Putin Calls US Foreign Policy
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Russia and allies)
('Burning the grass' ... It is an effective Socialist/Marxist tactic to first
accuse your enemy of your crimes)
Palestinian Leaders Say '2-State'
Solution For Israel is 'Only Temporary' ... Meaning They Want Israel Destroyed
--WND/Israel National News
(According to the Bible the future of the world will soon be
determined by the tiny nation Israel ...)
Ukraine Supreme Court Calls for New Presidential Runoff
--AFP (France)
(This will be interesting to watch ... the
Russian leader Putin felt this election was so important to Russia that he got
personally involved)
Russian Leader Putin Joins Ukraine Leader Against a
Quick Runoff Vote
--Washington Times
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will invade Israel)
IBM Selling PC Unit to Chinese Firm
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(The flight of both intellectual property and
capital to China is weakening us while strengthening them ...)
California Attorney General
Says Schools Can't Tell Parents When Their Kids Go For
(Prophecies...The generation of wrath)
(The Bible says a lot about abortion ... study the passages on 'passing
children through the fire' ... and 'Molech')
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath will be filled with violence and
Denver's Christmas 'Parade of Lights' a 'No Christian
Zone' ... But Homosexuals, Kung Fu, and Santa are Okay
--WND (Prophecies ...
Christians will be hated)
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath)
(The Bible warns the world will love the things of darkness ...)
European Union Military Force Takes Over Bosnia Peacekeeping From NATO
--BBC News (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
Dollar Continues Rapid Decline Vs. Euro ...
--Drudge Report/AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
Iranian Islamic Group Recruiting
Suicide Bombers ...
(Islamic Terror)
(We don't have airport security to protect
against Christian terrorists ... yet some still believe Mohammed was a
great prophet)
Clashes Erupt Inside Ukraine's Parliament
-- WND/Reuters
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath will be marked by violence and
Russia's Fearful Eye on Eurasia and Democracy ...
-- UPI
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will invade Israel)
(Gog of Magog ... Russia will again become an aggressive military force
under a powerful leader)
The Age of Immorality ... The Scriptural Connection to
End Times
--WND/Hal Lindsey
(Bible Warnings against homosexuality)
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath will be marked by violence and
School District Rules No Songs or Carols Representing
'Any Religion' Will Be Allowed During Christmas Season
--WND/Fox News (Prophecies ...
Christ and Christians will be hated) ('Narrow is the
gate and difficult is the way to life in Heaven and few will find it ...')
'Wise Men' of the UN Challenge U.S. Right to Take
'Preventive' Military Action
--WND/London Telegraph (The
Bible warns of a new world order which will one day rule the world and come
against nation Israel ...)
Ukraine Parliament Votes Out Russian-Backed Government
--AFP (France)
(This will be interesting to watch ... the
Russian leader Putin felt this election was so important to Russia that he got
personally involved)
Israel Closer to Giving Up Gaza Border
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
Israeli Military Intelligence Reports That Egypt is
Backing Palestinian Terror
--World Tribune (Prophecies...Israel)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Al-Qaeda Statements Increasingly Focused On Israel
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
100 Suspected Rwandan Troops Spotted in East DR Congo
--AFP (France) (Prophecies..
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
World Aids Day Marked With Stark Warnings
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases will spread)
Russia's AIDS Epidemic is Larger Than Any Other Country
in Europe or Central Asia ...
--Moscow Times (Russia)
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases will spread)
Israel Warns the EU Not to Be Fooled By Iran
--WND (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will invade Israel)
Iran Boasts of 'Great Victory' Over US, Warns Nuclear Freeze is Temporary
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies will invade Israel)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Iran Says It Will Never Abandon Nuclear Enrichment Activities
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies will invade Israel)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
In Fallujah 1 of every 2 Islamic Mosques Used to Conceal
Fighters and Weapons
--WND/USA Today
(Islamic Terror)
(Islamics have described mosques as military
outposts and mullahs or imams as military officers/recruiters ...)
Ukraine Opposition Breaks Off Talks ...
--AFP (France)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
European 'Union' Eyes Green Light for Turkey Membership ... But Voices Warning
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
Russia, Turkey, and allies will invade Israel)
Russian Defense Minister Calls Russia's Anti-Missile
Test a Success
--UPI (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, Turkey, and allies will invade Israel)
Powerful Earthquake Rocks Northern Japan
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in
diverse places')
ACLU Threatens School ... Either Force Students to Watch
Homosexual Film or Face Lawsuit
(Bible Warnings against homosexuality)
(The ACLU is a malignant and growing cancer that is
devouring and destroying this nation from within ...)
Archbishop of Canterbury Warns Churches Not to Speak
Against Homosexuality
--WND/BBC News
(Prophecies....Churches and leaders would be corrupted)
(Bible Warnings...homosexuality) (The
Pilgrims came to escape this church...)
Couples in California Now Have 'Registry Option'
--Fox News
(Bible Warnings against homosexuality)
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath will be filled with immorality)
Ukraine Crisis: List of Voting Abuses Reported
Includes Beatings, Ballots Covered in Acid, Disappearing Ink
--WND/London Telegraph
(I'm afraid the Democratic National Committee might learn a few
new tricks they haven't yet tried ...)
Pro-Russia Ukraine Regions Threaten to Split Off in Wake of Disputed Vote
--AFP (France)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Ukraine's Pro-Western Yushchenko Demands Prosecution of Governors Who Threaten
to Split the Ukraine
--AFP (France)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
'Deep Impact' Spacecraft to
Collide with Comet For Scientific Studies
--WND/Fox News
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase 'in
the last days')
Race to the Moon ... Mining Helium 3 Gas on the Moon Could Hold the Key to
Meeting Future Energy Demands
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase 'in
the last days')
The Iranian Deception ... the Cause for the
Prophetic 'Magog War' May Now Be Visible
--WND/Hal Lindsey
Russia, and allies will invade Israel) (The
pressure for war builds ... will Russia move to defend Iran and Ukraine?)
'Dead' Iraqi Insurgent Opens Fire on Marines
(Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war) (This is a common
tactic ... why doesn't the ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN Nightly News report these
Mystery Surrounds Ukrainian Candidate's Strange Illness
... Experts Investigating Biological Warfare Toxins
--WND/Associated Press (Photos show
appearance altering disease ... this is the man who is opposing the
Russian-backed candidate)
Ukrainian Parliament Declares Ukraine Election Invalid
--WND/Reuters (This
situation in the Ukraine could spiral out of control ... somehow. someway,
somewhere, Russia will strategically counter this move.)
Analysis: Was There a Plot to Assassinate
President Bush in Chile?
--WND/Jack Wheeler
(The China/Russia axis is quickly expanding and consolidating power in
South America)
Inside The Ring ... Notes From the Pentagon
--Washington Times/Inside the Ring
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
(An eye opener ... the Mafia openly running Unions)
Russian Leader Putin
Defends Ukraine's Kremlin-Backed Candidate at EU Summit
--Moscow Times (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
U.S. Worried It Will Be Shut Out Of Turkey
--Middle East Newsline
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
(Turkey will pull away from the US and move towards Europe and Iran...)
Abraham Lincoln's 'Thanksgiving Day' Proclamation
--Abraham Lincoln
(This may be the last time you can read this
document before our Democrat/Socialist judges and schools declare it illegal)
The Real Story of Thanksgiving ...
The One The Schools and Media Will No Longer Allow You to Hear
--Rush Limbaugh
(Historical, entertaining, and worth reading
Intrigue in the
Ukraine ... A Russian Grab for Power
--NewsMax/Dick Morris (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Strategic Analysis: President Bush's New Security
--JR Nyquist (Prophecies..
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Prime Minister Declared Winner in Disputed Ukrainian Election...
--Drudge/AP (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
(Russia will probably be willing to back the use of force
if necessary to keep their man in power ...)
European Union Warns Ukraine's
Leaders of 'Consequences' if Election Poll is Not Reviewed
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
Iran, and allies)
Powell Warns US Cannot Accept Ukraine Election Result As
Legitimate ... Threatens 'Consequences'
--Drudge Report/AP (This
situation in the Ukraine has the possibility of spiraling out of control ...)
Dollar Falls to Yet
Another New Low Against the 'Euro'
--Drudge Report/Netscape (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
(Prophecies ... The coming
Postal Service Expected Seek Approval For Another
Price Increase of the 1st Class Stamp to $.41
North Korean Prisoners Were Gassed in Experiments
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Iran Gets China's Support in the UN
Iran, and allies)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(Trouble ahead ... the US is now Russia and China's main restrainer.)
Iran's Top General Warns They Will 'Crush' Any
Parties/Nations Attempting to Undermine Iran's 'Interests'
--UPI (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
(Russia/China will use their
pawns/terrorists and knights/'rogue states' to prepare the coming battlefield
for war)
Marine Covers Enemy Grenade ... Sacrifices Life
--WND/Army Times (We pray the
Lord will bring peace and comfort to his family that is 'beyond all understanding,
even in troublesome times ...')
Thanksgiving - Students Allowed to Thank
Anyone or Anything ... Except God
--WND/Fox News
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath) (Our nation is
turning its back on our only hope for the troublesome times that now lie ahead
Mass Offensive Launched South of Baghdad
--WND/AP (Prophecies..
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
U.S. Military Captures Top Insurgency Commander Close to
Syrian Border
--World Tribune (Prophecies..
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies ... Syria)
'9-11' Style Attack Foiled by British Security Forces
--WND/The Scotsman
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath will be filled with violence) (Prophecies..
'Wars and rumors of war')
Pentagon Turns Up Heat on Iran ... Discussing Military
Action to Neutralize Nuclear Weapons Threat
--WND/The Observer
Iran, and allies)
(At some point in time the US will be unable or unwilling to
restrain or stop this threat)
Earlier: Israeli Intelligence Site
... To Destroy Iran's Nuclear Bomb Program 350 Targets Must Be Hit
--Debkafile (Israel)
Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Russia has been assisting Iran ... and will help to protect Iran)
Oil-rich Islamic Sudan Buys Arms from China, Russia, and
--World Tribune
Iran, Sudan, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies will destroy millions)
200,000 Ukrainians March on Parliament to Protest Rigged
Iran, and allies)
(Russia 'meddled' in this election as it consolidates and
protects its growing power base ...)
Russia Throws Weight Behind Brazil Space Ambitions
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
(The China/Russia axis is quickly expanding and consolidating power in
South America)
China's Leader Meeting With Castro in Cuba Seeking
Closer Ties
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(The China/Russia axis is quickly expanding and consolidating power in
South America)
China's Army Eyes Internet as Wartime Tool
--Koening Int'l/UPI
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day march and destroy millions) (Prophecies..
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
UN Report Sounds Global Warning Over AIDS ... Data Shows Nearly 40 Million
People Now Carry HIV Virus
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases spreading)
Asia at Critical Stage of AIDS Battle as Infections Top 8 Million
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases spreading)
AIDS Spreading Quickly in Russia ... Estimates Show
Nearly 2 Percent of Population Could Be Infected
--Drudge Report/AP
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases spreading)
Record Numbers of Women With HIV
--BBC News
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases spreading)
Battlegroups First Step Toward 'Euro' Army ... British
and French Troops Poised For Instant Action
--WND/London Telegraph
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Islamic Military/Terror Group al-Qaida Seeks Nuclear
Weapons From Russia
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies...Russia and Islamic allies will attack and invade Israel)
Iran Nuclear Bomb Program Produces Gas For Uranium
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies...Russia and Islamic allies will attack and invade Israel)
(An Iranian bomb will neutralize Israel's nuclear deterrent ...)
US Socialists Salute Yasser Arafat ... Arafat Was
Trained in Old Soviet Union (Along with Other Islamic Terrorists)
(Prophecies...Russia and Islamic allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Many Democrat members of Congress are also open members of the Socialist
Yasser Arafat's Nephew Says Cause
of Death is 'Inconclusive'
--WND/Reuters (Reports
from Soviet defectors and Israel intelligence said Arafat was a
homosexual/pedophile ... and probable cause of his death was AIDS)
Saudis and Arabs Funneled Millions of Dollars to
President Clinton's Library...
--Drudge Report/NY Sun (Prophecies...'In
the last days perilous times will come' ... Evil men will grow worse and worse, lying and deceiving)
President Bush Gets Tough on North Korea and Iran
--WND/London Times
(Prophecies...China, allies) (At some point the US will be
unable or unwilling to restrain these armies)
US Troops Report Islamic 'Atrocity
Sites' in Fallujah
(Islamic Terror)
... False prophets would rise)
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Top US Observer Says Ukraine Presidential Vote Was Rigged by the Russian
Backed State
--AFP (France)
Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Homosexual 'Weddings' in Church of
--WND/London Times
(Prophecies....Churches and church leaders would become
(Bible Warnings against homosexuality)
Palestinian Islamics Say There Will Be No Elections
Without Jerusalem
--UPI (Prophecies...Israel)
(As you will note in the prophecies concerning Jerusalem...God says He
is the One who is stirring things up ... so we will know.)
Second Wave of Locusts Hits Israel ...
--Ha'aretz (Israel)
(The awesome and terrible 'day of the locust' ...
the 'Apocalypse'... steadily draws near.)
(Prophecies...The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
President Bush Pressing Israel For A Palestinian State Within Israel
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(The Bible warns any nation who will try to interfere
with God's plan for Israel will get hit ... hard!)
New Reality TV Program Would Show Spouses Seeking to
Commit Adultery
--WND (Prophecies...
the generation of wrath) (Hollywood glorifies adultery
... adultery hurts, ruins, and destroys many lives besides just those who
commit it.)
Congress Pushed to Study 'Porn' Addiction ... Effects
Said to Mirror Addictions to Heroin and Crack
(The generation of wrath will be filled with immorality)
(Only the Lord's Word, strength, and protection can keep us on the narrow path
of safety...)
Basketball Turns Ugly ... Players and Fans Brawl
--Drudge Report/AP
(The generation of wrath will be filled with violence and a lust for
violence) (The 'generation of wrath' is steadily taking
control ...)
Fans In Spain Hurl Racist Epithets at Black English
Soccer Players ...
--Drudge Report/The Sun (UK)
And Jesus warns 'There will be wars and rumors of war ... ethnic against
Secret Iranian Nuclear Weapons Site Under Civilian Homes
Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies...The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Ivory Coast Says 63 Killed in
Clashes With French
--AFP (France)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Black Slaves Freed From Islamic Arab 'Masters'
(Islamic Terror)
... False prophets would rise)
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
ACLU Is Up In Arms Because a Teen
Girl Cites God in Testimony Featured on Federally Funded Page
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath) (The ACLU is a
malignant and growing cancer that is devouring and destroying this nation
from within ...)
Persecution of China's Christians
(Prophecies ...
Christ warned that believing Christians will be hated)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The 'signature' of the generation of wrath will be violence
and immorality)
Secretary of State Powell Says Iran is Pursuing Nuclear
--WND/Washington Post
Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel) (Prophecies..
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Iran Seeks To Restructure Its Intelligence Services to
Prepare for Possible Conflict with Israel, US
--Middle East Newsline
Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel) (Prophecies..
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
EU Limbo Over as Lawmakers Approve New Executive...Forced to Remove Sole
Anti-Homosexual Commissioner
--AFP (France)
(Bible Warnings against homosexuality)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
(EU, Russia, UN, US) Foreign Ministers to Visit Mideast in Bid to Restart
'Peace Talks'
--Ha'aretz (Israel)
(Prophecies...A coming 'peace plan' forced on Israel will change the world ...
High Locust Alert Declared in
Southern Israel as Swarms Converge on Sinai Peninsula
--Ha'aretz (Israel)
(The awesome and terrible 'day of the
locust' steadily approaches ....)
Federal Borrowing Limit Raised to
--Drudge Report
(We are now the world's greatest debtor
nation ... this places our nation in a very dangerous and vulnerable
US Dollar Continues Record
--BBC News
(With the rise of the Euro, long-term Dollar
declines will continue ...)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
Chinese Move to Eclipse U.S. Appeal in South Asia
--WND/Koenig Int'l/NY Times
(Prophecies...China and allies will one day march and launch ... destroying millions)
Earlier: China Ready to Occupy US Vacuum in Latin America
--Pravda (Russia)
(Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, the Panama
Canal ...The China/Russia axis is slowly expanding and consolidating power in
South America)
Russia Determined to Strengthen
Its Nuclear Arsenal ... Deploying New Weapons and Rearming Its Military
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies...The coming 'Apocalypse')
Russia Developing New Missile ... Putin Says Form is
Unlike Weapons Held by Other Countries
--WND/Associated Press
Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel) (Prophecies..
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Russian Leader Putin Says Russia to Acquire New Nuclear Weapons Systems
--AFP (France)
Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies...The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Iran Has Blueprints of Nuclear Bomb
Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies...The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Iran Warns Nuclear Suspension 'Subject to Progress' in Talks With EU
--AFP (France)
Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
China Ready to Occupy US Vacuum in Latin America
--Pravda (Russia)
(Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, the Panama
Canal ...The China/Russia axis is slowly expanding and consolidating power in
South America)
China's Espionage Against America ...
--NewsMax/Charles Smith (Prophecies...China and allies
will one day attack and destroy millions) (Many feel
Clinton should have been tried for treason)
Clinton Library Sees His Impeachment (for Committing a
Felony) as 'Persecution'
the last days perilous times will come' ... Evil men will grow worse and worse, lying and deceiving)
Feds Refuse to Halt Deadly Abortion Pill
(Prophecies ... The Bible warns the generation of wrath will be filled with
violence and immorality)
Dollar Drops to New All-Time Low Against Euro...
--Drudge Report/Reuters (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
US X-43A 'Scramjet' Clocks Nearly 10 Times Speed of Sound
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase 'in the last
and K-Mart to Merge in $11 Billion Deal
--WND/Associated Press
(I would have been willing to throw in 3-D ImageTek Corp.
for a couple of billion ...)
French Leader Chirac Wants Europe to Rival the US in
Power ... Chides Britain for Supporting the US
--WND/London Times
will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
Europe's Moon Probe is Safely in Lunar Orbit
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
(Prophecies ... Knowledge will increase 'in the last
ACLU Forces US Military to Quit Sponsoring the Boy
Scouts Because the ACLU Hates God
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath) (The ACLU is a
malignant and growing cancer that will help our enemies destroy this nation
from within ...)
Palestinian Officials Praise
Yasser Arafat
and Continue Their Calls to Eliminate Israel
(Our nation will experience great trouble if we continue to try
to force Israel to divide the Land which God has given them ...)
Democrat Radio Host Garrison Keillor Says Believing
Christians Should Not Have the Right to Vote
--WND (Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)
(This same Keillor left the US several years ago to go live in Europe ... why
did he return if it's so bad here?)
Troops Launch Offensive to Retake
--WND/Associated Press
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Iraq War Updates From Fallujah and Surrounding Areas
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Wounded U.S. Troops Detail Fallujah Fight
--Washington Times/AP
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Colin Powell Quits as US Secretary of State
--AFP (France)
(He was pro-Arab/anti-Israel and often
opposed President Bush's policies ...)
An Unidentified Submarine Penetrated Israel's Territorial Waters
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
Taiwanese Leader Chen Vows to Press For UN Bid Under Title of "Taiwan"
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China and allies
will one day march and launch, destroying millions) (Prophecies..
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
China Warns Taiwan Against Provocation
--Koenig/MSNBC (Prophecies...China and allies
will one day march and launch, destroying millions) (Prophecies..
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Iran and Europeans Reach Nuke Deal
--Fox News
Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
Vatican Praises Murdering Terrorist Yasser Arafat for
'Palestinian Vision'
(Prophecies....Churches and church leaders would become
corrupted) (The Roman Catholic church will be deadly
prominent 'in the last days')
Israeli Court Recognizes Homosexuals Right to Inherit
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Israel)
(Bible Warnings
against homosexuality from the Old and New Testaments)
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath)
6.7 Earthquake Hits Colombian Coast
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in
diverse places')
For Some Christians The Truth in
the Bible is Non-Negotiable
--WND/AP (Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)
(God's test for mankind - We must either believe all of it or believe
none of it ... there is no in between.)
US Troops Now Occupy All of Fallujah ... Deadly
Skirmishes Will Continue During 'Mop-Up'
--Drudge Report/AP
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Iran Behind Drone Incursion Into Israel
Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Diplomats Say Iran Agrees to Suspend Uranium Enrichment
--NewsMax (Prophecies...'In
the last days perilous times will come' ... Evil men will grow worse and worse, lying and deceiving)
Japan to File Complaint Over Intrusion By Chinese
Nuclear Submarine Into Its Territorial Waters
(Prophecies...China and allies
will one day march and launch, destroying millions) (Prophecies..
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Chinese Leader Hu Plans Stop in Cuba During Upcoming
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...China and allies
will one day march and launch, destroying millions)
China-Brazil Summit Produces Mutual Benefits, Closer Relationship
AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies
will one day march and launch, destroying millions)
China backs Brazil on Security Council
(Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, the Panama
Canal ...The China/Russia axis is slowly expanding and consolidating power in
South America)
Earlier: Cuba's Fidel Castro Greets Venezuela's
Leader Chavez ... His Close Friend and Ally
(Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina, Uruguay, the
Panama Canal ...The China/Russia axis is slowly expanding and consolidating
power in South America)
Islamic Military/Terror Group Plan to Smuggle Nuclear
Weapons Materials Into USA Though Mexico ...
--Drudge Report/Time Magazine
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...China and allies
will destroy millions)
(Prophecies...Russia and allies)
Using a variety of apparently 'nationless' but well trained, supported, and
armed para-military/Islamic terror groups to inflict damage, confuse, and
'prepare' the enemy is part of the 'asymmetrical' warfare tactics top China
and Russia military officers have said they would use to defeat the US ...
also, since 'permission' to use nuclear weapons against the US was granted by
a Saudi Sheik, Mecca should also be targeted for retaliation if and when a
nuclear weapon does devastate an American city ... or cities.
US Senator Arlen Specter 'Fuming'
Over Being 'Snubbed' by Homosexual Groups After Supporting Their Bill
(Bible Warnings
against homosexuality from the Old and New Testaments)
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath will be filled with immorality)
Fi' Means Always Faithful ... Photo of US Marine Taking A Break From the
Fighting in Fallujah
--WND/LA Times
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Christian Pastor in China Facing 'Harsh' Punishment for
Storing Copies of Bible, Christian Books
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath)
(Prophecies...China and allies) (This Christian
pastor is 'Semper Fi')
Islamic Terror/Military Cell Arrested For Dutch Murder
(Islamic Terror)
... False prophets would rise)
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Episcopalian Church Hires Islamic (Muslim) Cleric
--WND/Denver Post
(Prophecies....Churches and church leaders would become
corrupted) (Islamics are taught to believe Jesus
never died on the Cross)
Earlier: Episcopal Church Refuses to Change
Position on Promoting Practicing Homosexual Priest to Bishop
--Koenig/Christian Post
(Prophecies....Churches and church leaders would become
corrupted) (Bible Warnings
against Homosexuality)
Note - Prophecies concerning the 'falling
away' (apostasy) warned one day we would see churches and church leaders who would
turn away from the truth and 'no
longer teach sound doctrine.' We are now seeing direct fulfillment of
these Bible prophecies. According to the Bible this 'falling away'
or 'corruption' of the churches which is predicted in the Bible ['corruption'
refers to the 'corruption' of meat as it rots] will directly
precede and will help prepare the way for a 'coming world leader' who has been given over 30 titles
in the Old and New Testaments ... one of which is the 'Antichrist.'
Although he will be against believing Christians and Jews, a better
translation would be 'pseudo-Christ' [remember 'Christ' is simply the Greek
translation of the word 'Messiah'], because this coming world leader will be
very popular in the world's eyes and will be looked upon as a man of 'peace'
... a new-age 'messiah.' We are told in prophecy he will be supported by
a strong and powerful religious leader and a 'one-world' blended religion will
rise. The Vatican has recently been focusing much effort into this. This is one more clear sign and striking evidence
that the Bible is the "History of the World ... written in advance!" and the
generation who 'will see all these things' is probably alive today ...)
Scott Peterson Found 'Guilty' of Murdering His Wife and
Unborn Child
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath is filled with violence and immorality)
(No remorse ... He is a reflection in the mirror of the MTV generation.)
Infusion of Crime ... Numbers of Illegal Immigrants
Wanted and Convicted of Crimes Soars to 14,506 in Tucson Area
--WND/Tucson Citizen (When
one person or group of persons is allowed to be outside or above the Law in a
Democracy ... the Democracy is dead or dying)
New Camera
Provides Full 360-Degree Geo-Referenced Spherical View
--WND/Federal Computer Week
(Prophecies ... Knowledge will increase 'in the last
Yasser Arafat Given a State Funeral in Egypt
(A terrorist ...Yasser Arafat wasn't his real name...He also
went by the name Abu Amar...his real last name was al-Husseini...and he was
from Cairo)
UN Flies Flag at Half-Mast for Yasser Arafat ... Annan
Gives 'Special Tribute' at General Assembly
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath who will lead the world into
'Armageddon' will be led by and filled with violent and immoral men and women)
Pope John Paul II Mentions his 'Sadness' At The Passing
of Yasser Arafat
--Koenig Int'l/CWN
(Prophecies...the coming Antichrist will have a powerful religious partner)
(Prophecies... the coming 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Yasser Arafat's Terrorist Legacy: A Partial List
--Arutz 7
(Prophecies ... The generation who will lead the world into 'Armageddon' will
be led by and filled with violent and immoral men and women)
Will Arafat's Death Lead to the Acceleration of End-time
--Koenig Int'l/Bill Koenig
(Prophecies of Messiah's
(Prophecies ... the coming 'Apocalypse')
US State Department Says Israel Must Complete Gaza
Pullout After Arafat's Death
--Koenig/Bill Koenig (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies of Messiah's
Return) (Gaza is the part
of Israel which was given to the tribe of Judah...Joshua 15)
Powerful Earthquakes Hit Eastern Indonesia
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in diverse places'
... the 'birth pangs' of Matt 24:4-8 are now coming closer and closer)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
When Democrats Gain Power -
California School Suspends 11-Year-Old Girl For Doing
Cartwheels, Hand Stands
--Drudge Report/Local 6
(George Orwell warned what would happen when
Socialists gain power in his classic books 'Animal Farm' and '1984')
Pray for the Millions of Persecuted and Suffering
Christians Around the World This Sunday
--Koenig Int'l/Janet Chismar (Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)
(Prophecies ... The generation of wrath)
(Prophecies...the coming Antichrist)
Iran Boasts It Can Mass-Produce Shahab-3 Missile
--AFP (France)
Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Iranians Had Key Role in Unmanned Drone Launch Over
--Koenig/Ha'aretz (Israel)
Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Dutch Officials Order Piece of Art Destroyed Because It
Contained Phrase, "Thou Shall Not Kill" ...
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
(Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)
(The world is sliding into darkness ...)
How Clinton's Team Hid and Covered Up the Attack on
Flight 800
--WND/Jack Cashill
the last days perilous times will come' ... Evil
men/women will grow worse and worse, lying and deceiving)
Iran Warns Israel and US It Will Retaliate Militarily If
Nuclear Weapons Plants Are Hit
Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(France 'incubated' the Ayatollah before pushing the US out of Iran)
Iran is Backing al-Qaida Terror
(Prophecies...Iran and allies will attack Israel)
(Think about it .. it appears that the US will be unable or unwilling to
help Israel when this happens)
Iraqi PM Gives Go-Ahead For Fallujah Assault
--AFP (France)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Military Assault to Retake Fallujah Begins ...
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Thousands of US and Iraqi Troops Storm Fallujah
--Associate Press
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Europe Rising; Spain and Germany Target Tighter Defense Cooperation ...
Spain Wants Closer Ties to Cuba
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower') (Islamic terror helped this
new socialist Spanish leader obtain power)
US Dollar Falls to Another
Low Against the Euro
--Drudge Report/AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
France Military Sends Reinforcements to Ivory Coast
--Associate Press
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
BBC Reporter Weeps for
Arafat...Network Gets Hundreds of Complaints for Open Bias Favoring Islamics
--WND/Jerusalem Post (The current
BBC is a cheap mockery of the old BBC which was once the finest news
organization on the planet)
Cuba's Fidel Castro Greets Venezuela's Leader Chavez ...
His Close Friend and Ally
(Venezuela, Cuba, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, the
Panama Canal ...The Russia/China axis is slowly expanding and consolidating
power in South America)
China Jails Former Hong Kong Envoys for Spying For Britain
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(China is wielding its heavy hand of power ... there is no room for dissent in
this brutal dictatorship)
Iran Jails More Journalists and Blocks Web Sites
--Koenig/NY Times
(Prophecies...Iran and allies will attack Israel)
(Iran, Russia, and China appear to be 'locking down' before the battle ...)
Judge Makes Saskatchewan 7th Canadian Jurisdiction with
Homosexual 'Marriage'
--Koenig/BPN (Bible Warnings
against homosexuality from the Old and New Testaments)
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath)
5.9 Quake Rocks Northern Japan
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in diverse places')
Strong Earthquake Hits Northern Taiwan
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in diverse places')
Episcopal Priests 'Apologize' for Being Druids ... A Pagan Religion
(Prophecies....Churches and church leaders would become
Note - Prophecies concerning the 'falling
away' (apostasy) warned one day we would see churches and church leaders who would
turn away from the truth and 'no
longer teach sound doctrine.' We are now seeing direct fulfillment of
these Bible prophecies. According to the Bible this 'falling away'
or 'corruption' of the churches which is predicted in the Bible ['corruption'
refers to the 'corruption' of meat as it rots] will directly
precede and will help prepare the way for a 'coming world leader' who has been given over 30 titles
in the Old and New Testaments ... one of which is the 'Antichrist.'
Although he will be against believing Christians and Jews, a better
translation would be 'pseudo-Christ' [remember 'Christ' is simply the Greek
translation of the word 'Messiah'], because this coming world leader will be
very popular in the world's eyes and will be looked upon as a man of 'peace'
... a new-age 'messiah.' We are told in prophecy he will be supported by
a strong and powerful religious leader. This is one more clear sign and striking evidence
that the Bible is the "History of the World ... written in advance" and the
generation who 'will see all these things' is probably alive today ...)
Iran ... A Great Prophetic War Lies Ahead
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecy Checklist - Before the "Rapture")
China Backs Iran Amid 'Difficult' Nuclear Talks with EU
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Earlier: China Signs $70 Billion Deal With Iran For The
Development of Iran's Energy Sector
--Koenig Int'l/World Tribune
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies will attack and invade Israel)
Republican Office in North
Carolina Vandalized
Following March of 100 Wearing Masks
(In 1933-34 German Socialists used 'Brown Shirts' for their civil disruption
and intimidation...which ultimately gained them the power they desired)
At Least Eight French Soldiers Dead, 23 Wounded After Attack by Ivory Coast
Government Planes
--AFP (France)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
The Netherlands Braces for Islamic 'Jhad'
--Washington Times
(Islamic Terror)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Russia is Cornering Strategic Metals Markets
--JR Nyquist
(Prophecies...Russia) (Russia's strength lies in
deception ...Winston Churchill called Russia 'A riddle wrapped in a mystery
inside an enigma.')
Islamic Military
Group Warns US of 'Unbearable Hell' After Bush Re-election
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
US Military Seals off Rebel Stronghold of Fallujah
--Koenig Int'l/BBC News
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Canadian Intelligence Warns of bin Laden's Nuclear
Weapon Intentions
(Islamic Terror)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Cloud European Union Meeting with New Iraqi Leader ... French Leader Chirac
Noticeably Absent
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a 'superpower') (France and Germany are central
powers within the European Union ...)
Dollar Plunges to Record Low Against the 'Euro' ...
--Drudge Report/
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a world 'superpower')
'Brain' Grown in Petri Dish Flies Flight Simulator
(Prophecies ... Knowledge will increase in 'the
last days')
Peggy Noonan
- So Much to Savor ...
--Drudge Report/Wall Street Journal
Iran Will Be a Leading Issue For the Bush Administration
--M.E. Newsline (Prophecies...Iran, Russia
and allies) (Putin complemented Bush's
victory ... a proverb warns when your enemy is extra nice, 'Beware!')
2 Russian Generals Were Given Awards By Saddam's
Defense Minister Just 10 Days Before the Iraq War
--World Tribune/Bill Gertz
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Russia is not our friend ... hiding WMD is their specialty)
US Jets Pound Enemy Strongholds in Fallujah ... American
Forces Said to be Gearing Up For Major Offensive
--WND/Associated Press
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
UN Chief Says Violence in Intensifying in Sudan ...
Evidence of War Crimes on a 'Large and Systematic Scale'
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
(Over a million Christians have been slaughtered ...)
More Buddhists Killed by Islamics in Thailand in Escalation of Violence
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Iran and European Union Hold 'Last-Chance' Meeting on Tehran's Nuclear Weapons
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia,
Sudan and allies will attack and invade Israel)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again as a 'superpower')
Reality TV Outrage in Britain ... Decomposing Body to be
Shown During Program
--Drudge Report/Guardian (UK)
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath will be filled with violence and
Science's New Frontier ...
Headless Humans for Organ Harvesting
(Prophecies ... Knowledge would increase in the last
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath will be filled with violence and
Openly Lesbian
Hispanic Woman Elected Dallas Sheriff...
--Drudge Report/Chron (Bible Warnings
against homosexuality from the Old and New Testaments)
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath)
Israel on Alert For Invasion by
--WND (The terrible 'Day of
the Locust' that the prophet Joel described slowly draws near ...)
European Union Unveils Mid East Plan to Push Forward the
Establishment of a Palestinian State In Israel
--Koenig Int'l/EU Observer
(Prophecies...A coming 'peace plan' will change the world)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again as a 'superpower')
Weekly Mafia and Gangland News ...
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath will be filled with violence and
China Responds to Ethnic Unrest With Military Blockade and News Blackout
--AFP (France)
Wars and rumors of war and 'ethnic vs. ethnic')
(Prophecies...China and allies
will invade the Middle-East)
Australian Spy Sold Secrets to Russian KGB That Could
Compromise US and British Spy Agencies
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will attack and invade Israel)
U.S. Launches Assault on Strongholds Near Syrian Border
--World Tribune (Prophecies..
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
(Prophecies ... Syria)
Uruguay Elects First Leftist/Socialist President
(The Russia/China quest for a 'Marxist'
anti-US world now includes Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Uruguay, Panama
Canal, etc. ...)
Anti-Islam Dutch Filmmaker Murdered ... He Criticized
Islamic Treatment of Women
--WND/Associated Press
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath)
Group Posts Photos of Beheaded Japanese
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath)
Islamics Behead Local
Buddhist Chief in Thailand
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath)
Islamic Sudan's Army Reported Surrounding Darfur Refugee
Camps ... Denying Access to Humanitarian Groups
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath)
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, Sudan, and allies will attack and invade Israel
Report That Iranian Money Financed Recent Bomb Attack
Against Israel
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath)
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, Sudan, and allies will attack and invade Israel
6.7 Magnitude Earthquake Rocks Vancouver Island, Canada
--Drudge Report/
(Prophecies ... 'and there will be earthquakes in diverse places')
Democrat John Kerry Was a Vietnam-Era War Hero ... For
The Viet Cong
--WND/Joseph Farah
(Prophecies: Note the prophecies which describe the generation of wrath includes 'traitors')
Iran Lawmakers Shout 'Death to America' As They Vote
Unanimously To Continue Enriching Uranium for Weapons
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel
(Prophecies ... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
The CBS and NY Times' Powerful Mis-Information and
Propaganda War to Destroy Bush ...
--WND/Pat Buchanan
(It is interesting the political positions taken
by CBS, NY Times, et al, seem to be identical to those of China, Russia,
Cuba, Iran ...)
China Blasts "Arrogant" Bush Ahead of US Elections
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(China misses the Clinton Democrats who gladly gave them our defense secrets
... and the Panama Canal)
Islamic Palestinian Suicide Bomber Kills at Least Three in Israel Market
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Ethnic Clashes Erupt in China, Leaving 150 Dead ...
Government Imposes Martial Law
--Koenig Int'l/NY Times (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war and 'ethnic vs. ethnic')
South Korean Navy Fires Warning Shots at North Korean Vessels
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
'There will be wars and rumors of war')
Stealing the Vote: Son Wonders How
Mentally/Physically Impaired Parents Cast Vote in Nursing Home
the last days perilous times will come' ... Evil
men/women will grow worse and worse, lying and deceiving)
Iraq on the Brink of Fallujah Assault
--AFP (France)
'Wars and rumors of war')
Hanoi (and Russia) 'Urged' Anti-War Activists to Run For
Political Office in the US
(Prophecies: Note the prophecies which describe the generation of wrath includes 'traitors')
(Their slogan has been: Use democracy to defeat democracy)
Pornography Industry Fears Bush
Victory ...
--WND/Agape Press
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath) (Pornography is
addictive and will cause great pain, guilt, and hurt in many families ...)
Candidate Ahead in San Francisco
--Fox News
(Bible Warnings
against Homosexuality)
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath)
European Union Candidate Forced To Quit Because He Believes Homosexuality Is
Wrong and A Sin
--Fox News (Bible Warnings
against Homosexuality from the Old and New Testaments)
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath)
Dramatic Outbreak of Rare Infection May Be Yet Another
New Disease To Spread Through Homosexuals in the US
--WND/Independent Online, South Africa
(Bible Warnings
against Homosexuality)
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
Dog Calls 911 and Opens Door For
Police After Owner Fell From Wheelchair
--WND/Fox News
Europe Rises! European Union (EU) Leaders Trumpet Their 'Historic New Constitution' in Rome
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a 'superpower')
(Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)
EU's New Constitution Signed In Rome...The EU's Meteoric Rise in Power Started
With The 'Treaty of Rome'
--BBC News
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a 'superpower')
(Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)
Earlier: European Union
Display Depicts 'The Union' As the New Roman Empire
Which Will Dominate the World
--WND/London Telegraph
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as the final 'superpower') (Prophecies...The
Coming Antichrist)
Bin-Laden 'Bedazzled' Saddam Hussein with $60 Million
Jewel, the 'Pearl of Allah'
(Yet the Democrats and media will have you
believe there was no link between bin-Laden, Iraq, and the attack on the
United States ...)
Traitor: Joseph Farah Shows How and When John
Kerry Committed Treason Against America
(Prophecies: You will note that the prophecies which describe the generation of wrath includes 'traitors')
Poll Shows That 82% of Miami's Jewish Vote Will Go to
John Kerry
See Ezekiel 36:17-23 & Leviticus 18:21-22 - The Democratic
Party stands on two issues: Abortion (passing children through the fire) and Homosexuality.
European Union Considering Making Nuclear Concessions to Iran
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a 'superpower')
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel
Russian Duma Backs Putin Plan to Fortify Russia's 'Central' Authority and
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel
Intelligence Analysis: Arafat and the French Power Play in the Middle
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a 'superpower')
Russia Brings Newest Weapons to Euro Naval Expo in Paris
--Koenig Int'l/Moscow News
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel
'Wars and rumors of war')
Iran's Nuclear Enrichment Facility Nearly Complete
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel
'Wars and rumors of war')
France (A European Union Leader) Declares It Will Always
Be on Palestine/Islam's Side Against Israel
--WND/Xinhua News
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a 'superpower')
(Prophecies ... A coming 'Peace Treaty' will change the world)
Confessions of a Master Thief and Murderer ... From
Robbing the Super-Rich to Murdering Fellow Accomplices
--WND/Knight Ridder
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath)
(Jesus warns many unbelievers who claim to be Christians will not enter Heaven
George Carlin's New Book Mocks Jesus ... (he is mocking
the only one willing and able to save him from Hell)
(Prophecies: The generation of wrath)
(The Separation ...
Heaven or Hell) (Prophecies ... Christ and Christians will be hated
by the world)
Russian Expert Warns Flu Epidemic May Kill Over One
Billion Soon ... Maybe This Year
--Drudge Report/
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases will spread)
(Prophecies ... The coming 'Apocalypse')
Russian Special Forces Moved Many of Saddam's Weapons
and Arms to Syria
--WND/Washington Times
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies will attack and invade Israel
Christian Sentenced to 10 months in Jail and 300 Lashes
For 'Spreading Christianity' in Saudi Arabia
--Koenig Int'l/Assist News (Prophecies ... Christ and Christians will be hated)
(Islam preaches a lie ... so it will always try to silence the truth)
A Third Document Ties John Kerry
to Hanoi During the Vietnam War ...
(Prophecies describing the generation of wrath includes 'traitors')
Armed Islamic Group Takes Polish Woman Hostage in Iraq
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
(Islam is a dark religion of fear ... The 'warriors of Mohammed' like to
fight their wars against unarmed women and children)
Islamic 'Warriors' Abduct Two Women, One Irish Woman and One From Kosovo, In
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
(Islam is a dark religion of fear ... The 'warriors of Mohammed' like to
fight their wars against unarmed women and children)
Islamic TV Airs
New Footage of Pleading British Woman Now Held Hostage By Islamics in
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
(Islam is a dark religion of fear ... The 'warriors of Mohammed' like to
fight their wars against unarmed women and children)
IRS Warns Churches Cannot Pray for
Bush Victory
(Regulation = Control .... we have let ourselves become a deeply
controlled people and nation)
(Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)
7 Homeschooling Dads Thrown in
Jail ...
--WND (From a nation where the
majority ruled ... to nation where a minority will rule ... directed by
a 'committee' ... which will be directed by one man)
City Manager Has the 10 Commandments Removed From
Police-Station Wall
--WND/Hartwell Sun, Georgia
(Prophecies ... Christ and Christians will be hated)
(And God warns ... 'Woe to those who call good evil and evil good')
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Triburn/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies ... the generation of wrath) (As you read
through the archives you see how the Mafia controls labor unions ...)
Historic Day, Sad Day ... Israeli Knesset Passes Gaza 'Disengagement' Plan ...
14 Day Countdown Begins
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies of Messiah's
Return) (Gaza is part of
the land which was given to the tribe of Judah ... See Joshua 15)
Israeli PM Sharon Says Jewish Settlers Have Developed a
'Messianic' (Messiah) Complex
--Jerusalem Post
(Prophecies of the Messiah)
(Prophecies of Messiah's
(Note: In Ezekiel 36:17-23 God tells us that He is not
re-gathering Israel into their Land because they deserve it, but because His
Name and His Word are at stake ... He says He is doing it because He said
He would do it. In fact He says the Jews have profaned His Holy Name
while scattered among the nations and He is re-gathering them back into their
Land to judge them
(and the World) for their unbelief. Prophecies tell us that 2/3 of the
Jews in Israel will be destroyed during the coming 'Time of Jacob's Trouble,'
also called the 'Day of the Lord,' the 'Apocalypse,' and the 'Great
Tribulation.' Most of the people in the world will also be
destroyed at this time, which is also described as the 'Day of God's Wrath' upon
a violent, immoral, and unbelieving generation. A generation who will
fearlessly and foolishly mock God and His Word. Many feel that
generation is alive today. God says all those who believe in and trust
in His Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth ... born 14th in the line of King David ....
will be sheltered and protected during this coming time of trouble which will
be unlike anything the world has ever seen. I think this attempt
to once again split Israel in two (Israel vs. Judah) is prophetically significant (see
'the stick' of Ezek 37)
and may be indicative of how very close we are to the coming 'Day of the
Lord' ... The Bible warns, "For when they (in Israel) say 'Peace and
Safety/Security', then sudden destruction comes upon them." (1 Thes
5:2-11). We don't know when this will happen, but the dark spirit of
this generation appears to be relentlessly pushing Israel and the nations
of the world into this coming awesome and terrible Day ... exactly like
the Bible warns us it would.)
ABC News Has Received And Holds New Terror
Warning/Threat Video
--Drudge Report
(Islamic Terror)
(Islamics swayed the vote in Spain through terror and intimidation ... they
may try to help the Democrats in the same way)
Top Israeli Rabbi Says Jews Should Vote For Bush
--WND/Jerusalem Post
Islamic Terrorists Hope to Beat
Bush and Help Kerry Through Violence
--WND/Washington Times
(Islamic Terror)
generation of the 'Apocalypse' will be driven by violence and immorality)
Kidnapped Israeli Airman May Have Been Smuggled to Iran
(Islamic Terror)
French Leader Chirac Says Turkey's Bid to Join the EU Is 'Not a Done Deal'
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a 'superpower') (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies
will include Turkey)
Drunk Elephants Kill Three in India ...
South Korean Military Units on Highest Alert Over Possible Border Breach
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
'Wars and rumors of war')
US Airstrikes Kill Zarqawi Aid in Fallujah
--WND/Associated Press
'Wars and rumors of war')
CBS Plans Election Eve Bush Attack ... Even Though Missing
Explosives Were 'Gone Before US Arrival'
--Drudge Report
the last days perilous times will come' ... Evil
men/women will grow worse and worse, lying and deceiving)
Indian Scientists Were Assisting Iran on Nuclear Weapons
--Bill Gertz Defense News
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies) (Prophecies...The
'Apocalypse' prolog)
Vote Fraud: Governor Says Four Ohio Counties Have
More Voters Than Eligible Citizens
the last days perilous times will come' ... Evil
men/women will grow worse and worse, lying and deceiving)
Anti-US, Antii-Bush BBC Has Michael Moore, Madeleine
Albright as Election Analysts
--WND/Media Bulletin (The current
BBC is a cheap mockery of the old BBC which was once the finest news
organization on the planet)
European Union Says Israel's Pullout From Gaza Strip
Will Not Be Enough ...
--Koenig/Ha'aretz (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...A coming 'Peace Plan' will be enforced on Israel and will change
the world forever)
Turkey Seeking Firm Backing From EU Heavyweights at Berlin Summit
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as a 'superpower') (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies
will include Turkey)
Iran - 16 Year Old Girl Ordered Hanged to
Death in Public Because of Her 'Sharp Tongue'
(Other than hate, death, and anger, exactly what did
Mohammed add to what Jesus (the Bible) had already taught that makes him a
'great prophet'?)
--WND/Iran Focus
Russia Boosts Military and Defense Spending By 28
Iran, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
China Sends Advanced Missile Technology to Iran,
Breaking Vow on Halting Arms Transfers
--Washington Times
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Iranian Official Threatens the US
and Israel ... Says
Missile Attacks 'Are Ready to Strike'
--WND (Prophecies...
Iran, Russia, and allies) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)