Islamics Scouting Jetliners for New Attacks...Apparent
Coordinated In-Flight Security Probes
--Washington Times (Islamic Terror)
of the generation of wrath)
Iran Uses Hamas Hizbullah In Iraq
--Koenig/M.E. Newsline
(Prophecies... Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Israeli Military Calls For War on Iran Backed Hizbullah
--World Tribune
(Prophecies... Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Marines Kill 25 and Capture 25 Others in Fierce Fighting
in Iraq
--WND/Associated Press
Wars and rumors of war)
Islamics Warn Christian Missionaries To Stay
Out...Threaten Death Like South Korean, Kim
(Islamic Terror)
of the generation of wrath)
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Japanese Carrier Makes Cell Phone Wallet - A Small Chip
Initiates and Completes Transactions
Europe Has Funded, Built, and Manned Its Own Protective
Barrier Fence While Blasting Israel's
--WND/Arutz 7 (Prophecies...Europe/Rome
will rise again)
Homosexuals March Through
Jerusalem in 'Gay Pride' Parade
warnings on homosexuality) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days') (We are
getting close ...)
Pentagon Says China is Expanding Military in a
'Comprehensive, Well-Planned' Manner
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
New Russian, Chinese Fighter Jets and Missiles Now
Superior to Ours...
(Prophecies... Russia, Iran, and allies)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
("Thanks John Kerry ...")
United Nations Tells Israel to Tear Down the Protective
Anti-Terrorist Wall It Has Built
(Jesus warns 'When you see these things know that it is near - at the door!')
European Union Backs UN Rebuke Over Israel's Protective Anti-Terrorist Wall
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome
will rise again and become the world superpower)
World Press: 'Defiant' Israel Continues Building
--Associated Press (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns in 'the last days' all nations will turn against Israel ...)
Kibbutz Miracle - Mother And Children Saved From Palestinian Rocket In Their
Bed in Israel
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Islamic Terror)
Sandy Berger Linked to Kerry
--WND (Prophecies...the generation
of wrath ... the prophetic profile includes traitors)
Clinton's Man Berger Was Also Key Figure in 'Chinagate'
--WND (Prophecies...Evil
men will grow worse and worse lying and deceiving)
Commission Report 'Misses' Iranian-Saudi-Syrian Rescue Operation For Saudi
Democrats will do anything to hide the Clinton Administration's
complicity and support of Islamic terrorist groups)
Saudis Find The Head of Slain US Hostage in a Refrigerator
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...the generation
of wrath ...will be filled with violence)
Taiwan Jets Practice Emergency Landings Amid Military Tensions with China
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Saber Rattling ... China
and U.S. Hold Major War Exercises
--NewsMax (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Canada Bans Bible at Citizenship Ceremonies
--NewsMax (Prophecies...the generation
of wrath)
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Commission Report 'Misses' Iranian-Saudi-Syrian Rescue Operation For Saudi
U.S. Marine Killed in Action in Iraq
--Associated Press
Wars and rumors of war)
Fighting On Israel's Northern Border ... Iran Backed Hezbollah Launches
Artillery Attack
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Clinton Aide and Kerry Advisor
Removed Classified 9-11 Documents
--WND (Prophecies
of the generation of wrath)
of Clinton's Man Sandy Berger Illegally Removing Classified Records
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Evil
men will grow worse and worse lying and deceiving)
(Prophecies...the generation
of wrath)
100 Christian Church Leaders
Arrested in China
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Taiwan Ready to Hold Rare Military Drill to Counter
China's Military Exercises
--Associated Press (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
European Union Parliament Opens First Post-Expansion Session
--AFP (France)
will rise again and become the world superpower)
Islam Threatens Attacks in Italy
--WND/Deutsche Presse-Agentur
(Islamic Terror)
Wars and rumors of war)
Algeria Seizes Parts Made in Israel Under Law That Makes
Any Dealings With Israel A Crime
--UPI (Prophecies...Israel)
Air Force Plans Massive New Bomb
For Penetrating Deep Bunkers
--WND/Jane's Defence Weekly
Wars and rumors of war)
Mystery Creature Lurks in Maryland
Israel Ready to Strike Iran If Russia Supplies Iran With
Rods for Enriching Uranium
Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Is Al Qaeda Preparing a Nuclear Blow to the US Sometime
--JR Nyquist (Islamic Terror)
Iran, Russia, and Islamic allies)
(Prophecies...The coming Apocalypse prolog)
Russian President Shakes Up Top Military
--Associated Press (Prophecies...
Russia and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
GOP Convention Protests Organized By Anarchist 'Ruckus
Society,' Funded By John Kerry's Wife
--WND (Prophecies
of the generation of wrath)
Israeli Leader Warns French Jews
Must Move to Israel,
Citing Rise of anti-Semitism
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns of a coming Holocaust worse than German
led one in WWII)
Hotter-Burning Sun Is Warming the Planet
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times
(The Bible warns one-day heat from the sun
will cause men to gnaw their tongues in agony)
Mobile Phones May Soon Store Money and Personal
--Koenig Int'l/Reuters
(The Bible warns one-day all the world's
money will be controlled by a central source)
Austria to Honor Schwarzenegger on Postage Stamp
(Our Governor who refused to say the pledge
of allegiance at Reagan's funeral is popular in Europe ...)
Large Shark Leaps Into Fishing
Boat Causing Havoc, Injuring One
--WND/Mainichi Daily News, Japan
Iran Gave 'Safe Passage' to 9-11
Hijackers ... Wanted to Join Bin-Laden in U.S. Attacks
--WND/Strait Times, Singapore
Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
China Blamed For Wave of Cyber
--WND/Financial Times
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Islamics Threaten Italy ...
--WND/CJAD, Canada
(Islamic Terror)
Wars and rumors of war)
Philippine Spokesman Says Filipino Hostage's Safety More Important Than
Foreign Policy
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
Episcopalian Bishop Supports
Homosexual 'Blessings'
--WND/Charlotte Observer
warnings on homosexuality)
and church leaders will be corrupted)
Bin Laden's Goal is to Kill 4 Million Americans
--NewsMax (Islamic Terror)
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...The coming Apocalypse prolog)
Martha Stewart Sentenced to 5
Months in Jail ...
Islamics Warn Islamics to Avoid
'Christian' Companies
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...False
prophets would rise)
85 More Black Slaves Freed From
Islamics in Sudan
(Islamic Terror)
China Producing New Type of
Submarine ...
A 'Technical Surprise' to U.S.
--WND/Washington Times
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Backed Hong Kong Newspaper Warns Taiwan to 'Enter Fold,' or Else
--WND/Lahore Daily Times, Pakistan
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
North Korea Admits Reactor Used
For Nuclear Weapons Program
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...The coming Apocalypse prolog)
This Week in Gangland ... Mafia News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
of the generation of wrath)
US Shrugs Off China Warning, Will Continue Selling Weapons to Taiwan
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Author Says Al-Qaida Has Russian 'Suitcase'
Nuclear Bombs Inside U.S.
--NewsMax (Islamic Terror)
Russia and Islamic allies)
(Prophecies...The coming Apocalypse prolog)
UN to Assess Israel's Security Fence Damages
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...Israel)
Christians and Jews Join Forces for Israel
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post
(The Bible says, "Those who bless Israel shall be
Iranian Leaders Threaten the US
Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
China Delivers Blunt Warning to U.S.
--UPI (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
China to Demonstrate Air
Superiority in Upcoming War Games Aimed at Taiwan
--WND/eTaiwan News (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Russia Warns NATO on Baltic
Military Patrolsy
--WND/London Independent
Russia and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Egypt's Plan to Send Troops to Help Keep Peace in Israel
Draws Ire
--AP (Prophecies...Israel)
(In the Bible God warns Israel not to call on Egypt or other nations for
protection ...)
Iran Plans to Continue Nuclear Weapons Program Work
-AP (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...The coming Apocalypse prolog)
CIA Says Islamic Terrorist Threat
to US is Now Highest Since 9/11
(Islamic Terror)
Wars and rumors of war)
Islamic Suicide Attack Kills At Least 11 in Baghdad
(Islamic Terror)
Senator's 'Cowed' By Homosexual
Activists...Afraid to Vote For Marriage Amendment
--WND (Bible
warnings on homosexuality)
of the generation of wrath)
More Atrocities in Sudan ... Killing, Rape, Abductions
Threaten Tens of Thousands of Christians
--WND/Assist News Service (Islamic Terror) (Prophecies
of the generation of wrath)
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Islamic Hamas Has New Missile to Fire Into Israel
(Islamic Terror)
Thousands of Photos Found With
Young Priests Having Sex
at Roman Catholic Seminary in Austria
--WND/The Scotsman (Bible
warnings on homosexuality)
and church leaders will be corrupted)
'Married' Homosexuals Already Seek Divorce
--WND (Bible
warnings on homosexuality)
of the generation of wrath)
Earth's Magnetic Poles May Be on Verge of Flipping
...Collapse of Magnetic Field Being Studied
--WND/NY Times
(The Bible warns during the Apocalypse the Earth will reel like a drunkard
Shipwrecked Australian Children Found on Remote Island
After 7 Days
Israel's Leader Blames Deadly
Bombing on World Court Decision
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies
of the generation of wrath)
An Israeli's Response to the
'World Court' Ruling Against Israel
--Arutz 7/Isaac Kohn (Prophecies...Israel)
U.S. Team to 'Set Limits' on Israel's Settlement
--Ha'aretz (Israel)
(The Bible warns, "Those who bless Israel shall be
blessed...and those who curse Israel shall be cursed")
Iraq Attacks Kill 3 US Soldiers
--WND/Associated Press
Wars and rumors of war)
October Date Set for Signing 'First Ever' European Union
Constitution ... in Rome
--UPI (Prophecies...Europe/Rome
will rise again and become the world superpower)
(Prophecies...the coming
European Union is 'Very Clear' Against Death Penalty in Talks With Iraqi FM
--AFP (France)
will rise again)
Islamic 'Militants'
Mutilate Teenage Girl in Kashmir...Chop Off Ears, Nose, and Tongue
--AP (Islamic Terror) (Prophecies
of the generation of wrath) (Mohammed was a
prophet of hate, anger, lies, and violence)
Sri Lankan Woman Beheaded in Saudi Arabia
--Associated Press (Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...False
Prophets would rise) (Prophecies
of the generation of wrath)
Powerful Earthquake Strikes Tibet
--Associated Press
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
Iraq and Syria 'to Seal Frontier'
--WND/BBC News
Wars and rumors of war)
Microsoft Has Patented A Method
For Transmitting Power and Data Using Human Body
--Times of India (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase
'in the last days')
Islamics Kill at Least 1, Injure Twenty in Israel
Bus-Stop Bombing
--WND/Jerusalem Post
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies
of the generation of wrath)
Mother and Baby Attacked on Paris Train After Being
Mistaken For Jews...
--Drudge Report/Ha'aretz Daily
(Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies
of the generation of wrath)
More Classified Information
Missing From Top Secret Los Alamos Lab
--WND/Associated Press
Wars and rumors of war)
Al Qaeda Wants Wall Street
--Fox News (Islamic Terror)
Wars and rumors of war)
US Pastor Group Supports Fidel
Castro and Atheistic Regime
--WND (Prophecies...Churches
and church leaders will be corrupted)
China to Practice Taiwan
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
University Offers 'Partner' Benefits Only to Homosexuals
--WND (Bible
warnings on homosexuality)
of the generation of wrath)
Leader Says Fight Against AIDS Must Be China's Top Priority
--AFP (France)
Freed Pakistani Hostage Says He Saw Islamic Captors Beheading Three Captives
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
(Mohammed's religion of Islam is a religion of anger, hate, and violence
designed to recruit young men)
Systematic Slaughter Unfolds in Sudan
--AP (Islamic Terror)
(Mohammed hated Christians and the Islamic holy book Hadith says he kept black
slaves calling them 'raisin heads')
Fueled By 'World Court' Decision, Palestinians Will Now Take Israel's Barrier
to the United Nations
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns 'in the last days' the nations of the world will turn against
Arnold Schwarzenegger and European Royals Attend
Austrian Leader's Funeral
--Associated Press
(The power of Hollywood ... Arnold has
certainly had a meteoric rise in politics)
World Court Says Israel's Anti-Terrorist Barrier is
--Associated Press (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns the nations of the world will turn against Israel ...)
Arafat Calls The Hague World Court (ICJ) Decision
Against Israel A 'Real Victory'
--UPI (Prophecies...Israel)
Hamas Leader Claims 'Hundreds' of Suicide Bombers
Waiting to be Deployed Against Israel
(Islamic Terror)
of the generation of wrath)
Israel Vows to Ignore World Court Verdict That Anti-Terrorist Barrier Illegal
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns the nations of the world will turn against Israel ...)
Israel Credits Anti-Terrorist Barrier for Significant
Drop in Terror Attacks
--World Tribune (Islamic Terror)
al-Qaida and Iraq's Saddam Loyalists Attempt to Take
Wars and rumors of war)
Kerry-Edwards Most Pro-Homosexual
Activist Ticket Ever
warnings on homosexuality)
of the generation of wrath)
Beijing Warns US on Taiwan Arms
--BBC News
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
State-Controlled Media in Syria Told to Start Using
'Mr.' Instead of 'Comrade'
(Most of the Islamic terrorist groups have been trained and assisted by China
and Russia)
Notes From the Pentagon...Inside the Ring
--Washington Times/Inside the Ring
Wars and rumors of war)
Moderate Earthquake Shakes Eastern Taiwan
--Associated Press
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
Under This Rock - Weekly Mafia Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci (Prophecies
of the generation of wrath)
Iran, With Russia and China Courting War With America
--JR Nyquist (Prophecies...
Russia, Iran and allies)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Swedish Pastor Sentenced to Month in Jail for Offending
Homosexuals in Sermon
--WND (Prophecies...Christ
and believing Christians will be hated) (Similar
laws are now being passed in the US ...)
4 US Marines Killed in Iraq
--WND/Associated Press
Wars and rumors of war)
European Court Denies Fetus Any Rights to Live in
Pro-Abortion Ruling
--Associated Press
of the generation of wrath)
will rise again)
Governor's Stray Aircraft Almost Shot Down Before
Reagan's Funeral
--WND/Washington Post (The Bible says fear is
not a spirit of the Lord ...)
Antibiotic-Resistant Syphilis Spreading
--Associated Press
Panel Urges Large-Scale Anti-AIDS Battle...5 Million New
Infections, 3 Million Deaths Last Year
--Associated Press
Democrat Thinks God is Worse Than
of the generation of wrath)
Cell Phone Call Saves Girls Surrounded By
--Drudge Report/Local 6
Earthquake Shakes Israel, No Damage Reported
--Ha'aretz Daily (Israel)
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
European Union to Have Seat on the UN Security Council?
--WND/Deutsche Presse-Agentur
will rise again)
Georgia Intercepts Russian Convoy in Disputed Region
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...
Russia, Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Africa Report ... China Backed Zimbabwe's Killing Fields
--JR Nyquist/Jan Lamprecht
violent generation in 'the last days')
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Could the Gaza Evacuation Plan
Cause a Civil War in Israel?
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
(Gaza is part of the land which was given to the tribe
of Judah...)
Backed By Russia, Iran is Flexing Its Muscle Threatening
Nuclear And Conventional Action
--Koenig Int'l (Prophecies...
Russia, Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Yemen Accuses Iran of Supporting Rebel Leader
--UPI (Prophecies...
Russia, Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Arab Militaries Upgrade Tank Fleet
--Middle East Newsline
Wars and rumors of war)
Iran and Syrian Backed Hizbullah Increases Missile
Arsenal Facing Israel
--Middle East Newsline
Wars and rumors of war)
Video Shows Islamics Imported From Around the Arab World
in Major Iraq Attacks...
--D.Report/My Way (Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days')
Wars and rumors of war)
Israel Thwarts A Double Suicide Bombing ... Have Now
Stopped 105 Out of 109 Attempts This Year
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible says there will be no lasting peace in Israel
until Jesus, the Messiah returns ...)
Greece's Military Continues Procurement Plans
--Middle East Newsline
Wars and rumors of war)
(EU, UN, US, Russia) Diplomats Meet in Jerusalem to Discuss State of 'Peace'
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...a coming 'peace plan' for Israel will mark the beginning of the
'last' 7 years)
(The Anti-christ)
Teachers Union to Show Anti-Bush
Propaganda Film ... Angers GOP Members
U.N. Says HIV Cases Hit Record High in 2003
--Associated Press
UN Report Says Rampaging AIDS 'Pandemic' Has Asia and East Europe In Its
--AFP (France)
Bangkok AIDS Meeting to Feature Drag Show
--Associated Press (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
UN Issues Locust Plague Warning
For Northern Africa
--WND/BBC News
Pictures From Saturn Moon Titan Have Scientists Puzzled
--Koenig Int'l/USA Today (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase
'in the last days')
Woman Placed in Jail and Beaten to Death in China for
Handing Out Bibles
--WND/Agence France-Presse (Prophecies...Christ
and believing Christians will be hated) (Prophecies...China and allies)
Mideast 'Quartet' (EU, UN, US,
Russia) to Hold Jerusalem Meeting on 'Peace Plan' for Israel
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...a coming 'peace plan' for Israel will mark the beginning of the
'last' 7 years)
Iran's 'Supreme Leader' Warns US of Global Retaliation to Any Attack
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Russia's Most Powerful and Deadly Submarine
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...
Russia, Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Warning Of Egyptian Military Intentions Against Israel
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
Wars and rumors of war)
Mexican Soldiers Disrupt Funeral of U.S. Marine Who Was
Killed in Action in Iraq ...
--Drudge Report/Houston Chronicle
Cassini Spacecraft in Orbit Around Saturn Moon Titan ...
Data and Images Received
--Drudge Report/ (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase
'in the last days')
Keep the 'Declaration of
Independence' Alive
--WND/Alan Keyes (Only through a
miracle from God will our democratic Republic stand for one more
Israel Braces Itself for Defeat in 'World Court' Over Anti-Terrorist Barrier
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
Kerry Will Use Photo Ops and Media
to Hide 'Big-City Liberal' Image...
--Drudge Report/AP (Prophecies...Evil
men grow worse and worse lying and deceiving)
(Prophecies...the generation
of wrath)
Baghdad Accuses Iran and Syria of Supporting Insurgents
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Iran and Syria Call on Coalition Troops to Leave Iraq
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
China to Conduct Military Exercises This Month in Warning to Taiwan
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
India Tests Nuclear Capable Missile
--AFP (France)
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
Signing of European Union Constitution on November 20 in Rome
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome
will rise again) (10 nations out of the old Roman Empire will
soon become the 'Superpower')
43% of US War Deaths Are From
Rural America ...
--WND/Associated Press
Wars and rumors of war)
US Military Says Dozens of Taliban Captured or Killed in Afghanistan
--AFP (France)
Wars and rumors of war)
Feminists Praying to Mary for
Legal Abortion
of the generation in 'the last days')
Pro-Abortionists Are Told They Shouldn't Take Communion
--WND/Wilmington News Journal, Delaware
of the generation in 'the last days')
Archbishops Warn of 'Christian
corrupted) ('Christian Zionism' is simply believing God
will fulfill all His promises to Israel)
High Tech Israeli Invention Can
See Through Walls-
--WND (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase
'in the last days')
Bin Laden Focusing on US Elections
Al Qaeda Threatens Europe Attacks After July 15 Expiration of Truce Offer
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Chemical Weapons Found in Iraq by
Polish Troops
Wars and rumors of war)
15-Year-Old Girl Drugged, Raped at Party While
Classmates Looked On...
--Drudge Report/Houston Chronicle
of the generation in 'the last days')
Earthquake in Turkey Kills at
Least 18
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
Three Transplant Patients Die of Rabies
Spacecraft Sends 'Mind-Blowing' Images of Saturn
--Fox News (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase
'in the last days')
How to Pray ...
--Billy Graham
Accused of Forcing UK Sailors Into Iran Waters
--WND/The Scotsman
Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
and Iran Talk Tough as Servicemen Row Brews
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
The Iranian Threat
--JR Nyquist (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Israel Gives US List of 28
Settlements to Be Removed From Gaza ... US Says It 'Falls Short'
--Ha'aretz (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
('Those who curse Israel shall be cursed ... Gen 12:3)
America's Founding Fathers and the 'Roadmap' Peace Plan
for Israel
--Arutz 7/Ruth Matar (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...a coming 'peace plan' for Israel will mark the beginning of the
'last' 7 years)
Hundreds of Thousands Join Hong Kong Democracy Rally
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China and allies)
US Strikes Suspected High-Level
Terrorist Hideout in Iraq
--WND/Associated Press
Wars and rumors of war)
German TV Denounces Baptists as 'America's Holy
Warriors' in Iraq
and believing Christians will be hated)
of the generation in 'the last days')
Experts Say Drought in West May Be the Worst in 500
--WND/San Diego Union-Tribune
Spacecraft Cassini Enters Saturn's Orbit
--Fox News (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase
'in the last days')
Pastors Seek Sermon Insurance for
New 'Hate-Crime' Law
--WND (Prophecies...Christ
and believing Christians will be hated)
of the generation in 'the last days')
Presbyterians Urged to OK
Homosexual Clergy
--WND/Virginian-Pilot (Prophecies...Churches
and church leaders will be corrupted)
warnings on homosexuality)
Call For a Europe Led By Six Nations
--Koenig/EU Observer (Prophecies...Europe/Rome
will rise) (Prophetically speaking, things are
happening very rapidly now ...)
Iraqi Christians Facing Persecution
--WND (Islamic Terror)
and believing Christians will be hated)
of the generation in 'the last days')
7th Annual 'Gay Pride Parade' Underway in Tel Aviv,
Israel ...150,000 People Expected
--Koenig/Ha'aretz (Bible
warnings on homosexuality)
of the generation in 'the last days')
U.S. Bombs Islamic Terrorist Zarqawi Safehouse
-Fox News
Wars and rumors of war)
Saudis Preach Death to Jews and Christians
--WND (Islamic Terror)
and believing Christians will be hated)
Say Sharon's Evacuation Plan Violates Biblical Jewish Law
Document Describes Iraq and al-Qaida Link
(Basic rule of war ... Iraq supports al-Qaida, al-Qaida attacks US, US attacks
Clinton Administration Twice Asserted Links Between
Saddam, Al Qaeda...
--Drudge Report/Washington Times (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
North Korea Threatens to 'Test' Nuclear Weapon
--NewsMax (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
China and North Korea Hold Emergency Meeting After Nuclear Test Threat
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
Bush Heads to Ireland For US-EU
--AFP (France)
will rise) (10 nations out of ancient Rome will
soon become the 'Superpower')
EU Officials in Brussels Say
Bush-EU Talks Are Costly and Worthless
--UPI (Prophecies...Europe/Rome
will rise) (The European Union is controlled by anti-US
and anti-Israel leaders)
Monica Lewinsky Speaks Out ...
--Drudge Report/MyWay
men lying and deceiving) (Bill Clinton is a 'mirror' of
this generation)
Exposed - U.N.'s Worship of the Occult
--NewsMax/Canada Free Press
of the generation in 'the last days')
Inside the Ring ... Notes From the Pentagon
--Washington Times/Inside the Ring
Ancient Indian Villages Unearthed in Utah
--Washington Times
Archbishop of Canterbury Praises New Bizarre Bible
--WND (Prophecies...Churches
and church leaders will be corrupted) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Army Halts Service Medallions Due
to Bible Reference on the Back
of the generation in 'the last days')
and believing Christians will be hated)
Many Killed
as Fighting Intensifies Ahead of Iraqi Transfer of Power
--AFP (France) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
of the generation in 'the last days')
Humiliating Ordeal Ends as Iran Frees British Troops
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
Iran Seeks Swap of British Sailors
for Suicide Attackers
--WND (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
(Islamic Terror)
Wars and rumors of war)
Intel Chief Says
Islamics/Palestinians Still Want Israel Destroyed
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
General Warns Other Nations Gaining on U.S. in Air Power
--Koenig Int'l/MyWay (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
Bill Clinton's Book Conflicts With
His Sworn Testimony
men lying and deceiving 'in the last days') (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Clinton Says Truth About Monica 'Would Have Ended My
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Evil
men lying and deceiving 'in the last days') (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Slain South Korean Was Devout Christian
--Koenig Int'l/SydneyMorningHerald
(Islamic Terror)
and believing Christians will be hated)
Islamic Vows to Kill Iraqi Leader
Fight the U.S. 'Until Islamic Rule is Back on Earth'
--WND/AP (Islamic Terror)
Wars and rumors of war)
Iran State TV Shows British Troops Being Marched Blindfolded
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Iran Frees British Sailors...But is Keeping 3 Military
Patrol Boats, Equipment
Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
China, Syria Seek To Expand Defense Ties
--Koenig Int'l/M.E. Newsline
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Baseball Size Hail Pounds Texas, Smashing Windows of
Six-Story Hospital
--Koenig Int'l/CNN
Iran to Prosecute British Sailors
--WND/Fox News (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
World Is Ignoring Massive Islamic
Backed Genocide
--WND (Islamic Terror)
UN Watchdog Warns Islamic Terrorist Nuclear Threat 'Real
and Imminent'...
--Drudge Report/ThisIsLondon
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
Former French PM Calls Israel's Creation an "Historic
--Koenig Int'l/Israel Insider
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
Kerry’s Communist Ties Could Bolster Islam Against
Israel and the U.S.
--Koenig Int'l (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days' ... character traits include 'traitors')
Islamics Kill At Least 48 in
Russian Border Attack
--WND/Associated Press
(Islamic Terror)
Russia, Iran and allies)
19 Year Old British Student
Auctions Virginity on E-Bay
--WND/ABC News (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
San Francisco May Let Non-Citizens Vote
--WND/United Press International
Iran Confiscates 3 British Ships
--WND/Associated Press
Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Russia's Missile Forces Get Reinforcements
--NewsMax (Prophecies...
Russia, Iran and allies)
France Would Join "International Presence" in Gaza, Israel
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
9-11 Panel Discovers Saddam -
Osama Link
(Islamic Terror)
Wars and rumors of war)
Saddam's Daily Torture Horrors Seen on Video Make Abu
Ghraib Abuses Seem Almost Trivial
--WND (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days')
US President Bush Once Again Blocks Embassy Move To Jerusalem
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns Jerusalem will be 'a cup of trembling ...')
First Private Space Flight Successful
--Fox News
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase
'in the last days')
Holocaust Survivor Says Anti-Semitism Growing...It May
Be Best For Jews To Start Leaving France
violent generation in 'the last days')
Iranian and Syrian Backed Hezbollah Fighters Are in Iraq
Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Algerian Islamic Militant Leader Killed by Armed Forces
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
have killed and slaughtered over 100,000 in Algeria over the past 10 years)
US Nudges Taiwan to Boost Defense Capabilities Against China
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Union' Constitution - 'Blueprint for Tyranny?'
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
rise) (Prophecies of the coming 'Antichrist')
Israel Creating Star Wars-Like
Remote Control Border
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Penn State Says: 'Too Many' Christian Clubs Here
--WND (Prophecies...Christ
and believing Christians will be hated)
Transvestite Students Get Their Own Restroom
--WND/Associated Press
warnings on homosexuality)
of the generation in 'the last days')
Escalation in al-Qaida's War Against U.S.
--Debkafile (Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Wars and rumors of war)
Islamic al-Qaida Beheads American Hostage
in Saudi Arabia
--WND (Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Overwhelming Evidence of Connection Between al-Qaida and
Iraq Before 9/11 Attack
--WND/AP (Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Wars and rumors of war)
Intelligence Assessment of the 9/11 Commission Report ... Whitewash and
(Award winning Israeli Intelligence site)
men lying and deceiving 'in the last days')
Putin Says Russia Warned US That Iraq Was Planning Post 9-11 Attacks
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
Wars and rumors of war)
Russian Report: Americans Are Ignorant of the
'European Union' and Its Rise to Power ...
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
European Union Agrees to 'Historic' Constitution ... (Rome Rises)
--BBC News (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
rise) (Prophecies of the coming 'Antichrist')
European Union Constitution Talks Go Down to Wire Amid Rancor on 'Top Job'
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
rise) (Prophecies of the coming 'Antichrist')
European Union 'Tantalizingly Close' to an 'Historic' Constitution Agreement
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
rise) (As noted several years ago, the Euro will
rise and dollar will fall)
European Union Gives Croatia Green Light for Entry Talks
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
Kerry's Religious 'Faith Director' Linked to Homosexual
and Marxist-Leninist Groups
--WND (Prophecies...Evil
men lying and deceiving 'in the last days') (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Islamic Terrorist Tactics Work ... Americans Leaving
Saudi Arabia in Droves
--WND (Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Israel to Build Anti-Islamic
Terrorist 'Moat' Along Egyptian Border
(Islamic Terror)
Deaths 'Set to Double'
--BBC News
Sex Slavers Sold Girls for $500,00
... Worldwide Market Now Estimated at $7 Billion
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Scientists Have Performed Successful 'Teleportation' on
Atoms For First Time
--Koenig Int'l/BBC
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase
'in the last days')
Strange Comet Unlike Anything Known - Comet Wild 2’s
Jets and Craters Astound Astronomers
--Koenig Int'l/MSNBC
(The Bible warns one day 'men's hearts will
fail' because of sights in the heavens ...)
Sharon Vows to Keep Jerusalem Undivided
--WND/Jerusalem Post
(The Bible warns Jerusalem will be 'a cup of trembling ...')
Clinton Says He Had Sex in The Oval Office With an
Intern 'Because He Could'
--WND/NY Post (Prophecies...Evil
men lying and deceiving 'in the last days') (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
California Muslim Students' Graduation Sashes Emblazoned
With Arabic Word That Incites Violence
(Islamic Terror)
(Many of these taxpayer supported students will work diligently to help
destroy this nation ...)
American Medical Association Backing Adoptions By
Homosexuals and Lesbians
warnings on homosexuality)
of the generation in 'the last days')
2 Car Bombs in Iraq Kill At Least 38, Injure 138
(Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Wars and rumors of war)
European Union Asked to End
Anti-Israel Bias
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
United Nations Tells Caterpillar - Don't Sell Bulldozers
to Israel
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...Israel)
(Exactly as the Bible clearly warns ... the noose is
tightening around Israel)
Christian Woman Arrested and
Whipped Under Islamic Law
(Islamic Terror)
Two Three-Pronged Major Terror
Attacks Thwarted in Israel
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Islamic Terror)
Islamic Group Shows Tape of U.S. Hostage - Threatens to
Kill Him Within 3 Days
--Koenig Int'l/AP
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days')
34 Killed in Colombia Massacre - FARC Suspected
--Koenig Int'l/CNN (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days')
Moscow on the Verge of an Epidemic?
--Pravda (Russia)
Goodbye L.A. ... ACLU and
Democrats Have Turned City Into
A Third World Banana Republic
--WND/Joseph Farah (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
GOP to Force Vote on Marriage - Democrats Must Choose
Sides Before Convention
--Koenig Int'l/WND (Bible
warnings on homosexuality) (Prophecies...A
violent and immoral generation in 'the last days')
Iran Massing Troops On Iraq Border...
--Drudge Report/Washington Times (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Iran Establishes Suicide Army
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Man Tortured in Saudi Arabia For
Preaching Christianity
(Islamic Terror)
and believing Christians will be hated)
Iran Threatens UN Nuclear Watchdog as Pressure Mounts
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
North Korea Rejects US Demand Ahead of Nuclear Talks
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China and allies)
Israel Begins Withdrawing From
Gaza, Israel
(Gaza is part of the land which was given to the
tribe of Judah ...)
Family of American Hostage Being Held in Saudi Arabia
Prays for Release
--WND/Associated Press
(Islamic Terror)
(Islam is a religion of spiritual darkness filled with hate, anger, and fear)
21 Nepal Policemen Killed in Deadly Maoist Attack
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Violence in 'the last days')
Wars and rumors of war)
Governments Left Reeling in Apathy-Clouded European Polls
--AFP (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
(Prophecies of the coming 'Antichrist') (The way is now
set for a 'strong leader' ....)
Russia Sees an AIDS 'Explosion' - Government Slow to
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Post
Sexual Assaults Plague Government Schools
--NewsMax (Prophecies...A
violent and immoral generation will mark 'the last days')
Iran Says World Must Accept It As A Member of 'The
Nuclear Club'...
--Drudge Report/AP (Prophecies...
Iran and allies) (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
(We may be closer than we think ..)
North Korean Missile 'Brings US
Within Range'
--WND/London Telegraph (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
Israeli Settlements Now Come Under ... British MI6 Surveillance
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Israel)
(Exactly as the Bible clearly warns ... the noose is
tightening around Israel)
Islamics Butcher 3 Hostages ...
(Islamic Terror)
(As one freed Islamic slave lamented ... followers of Mohammed 'love to see
blood flow')
UK Scientists to Create Cloned Human Embryos
(Prophecies...Knowledge will increase 'in the last
Islamics Claim US Citizen Captured
and One Slain in Saudi Capital
(Islamic Terror)
(Islam is a religion of spiritual darkness filled with hate, anger, and fear)
Second Iraqi Government Official Assassinated in 24 Hours
--AFP (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days')
Iraqi Foreign Ministry Official Assassinated, Three Hostages Butchered by
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...False Prophets would rise) (Prophecies...Violence in 'the last days')
'Endangered' Mice That Cost U.S. $100 Million 'Never
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Evil
men/women will grow worse and worse, lying, deceiving,
and being deceived 'in the last days')
Worldwide Congregation Will Attend Reagan Funeral
--Washington Times
Israeli Cabinet Approves Withdrawal From Gaza, Israel With 14 - 7 Vote
--Debkafile (2/3
vote to withdraw from Israeli land ... 2/3 in Israel will be destroyed because
of unbelief - Just a coincidence? Zech 13:8-9)
Black Day for the Jewish People
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Gaza is part of the land which was given to the
tribe of Judah ...)
Israel Could Start Evacuating Gaza In August
-- Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Israel)
(Gaza is part of the land which was given to the
tribe of Judah ...)
Rabbinical Commentary: God Says 'How Long Will
This Nation [Israel] Provoke Me'
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(Gaza is part of the land which was given to the
tribe of Judah ...)
Czechs, Irish Vote As European Union Elections Sweep On
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
(Prophecies of the coming 'Antichrist')
European Union Reviews Cypriot Military Needs
-- M.E. Newsline (Prophecies...Europe/Rome)
(All the EU needs now to drive it to 'critical mass' is a cataclysmic global
Iran Warns European Union It May Regret Pandering to US on Nuclear Issue
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
Iran Seeks Cruise Missile To Support Its Intermediate
Range Ballistic Missiles
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
Lutheran Minister Who Doesn't Believe in God is
Suspended a Second Time
--WND/Melbourne Herald Sun
(Prophecies...Church leaders will become corrupted) (We
are seeing many prophecies fulfilled ...)
Court Says Ban Against Homosexual
'Marriage' is "Unconstitutional"
--WND/Reuters (Bible
warnings on homosexuality) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
(US, UN, Russia, EU) to Present Israel Peace Plan to UN
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post
(Prophecies...a coming 'peace plan' for Israel will mark the beginning of the
'last' 7 years)
Will China Attack Taiwan in 2006?
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Explosion in Internet 'Spam' and 'Trojans' Set Off by
--Moscow Times
Islamic Scholar Points Out the
Quran Says Israel Belongs to the Jews
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...False Prophets would rise)
Islamics Have On-Line Application Form For Suicide
Bombers ...
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...False Prophets would rise) (Prophecies...Violence in 'the last days')
On War ... Parallels Between Nazi Germany's Invasion of
Czechoslovakia and Israel's Problem
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
Iraqi Christians Flee Before Iraq Becomes Islamic
Republic on June 30
--WND/Insight (There are
several prophecies yet to be fulfilled with Iraq/Babylon ...)
Pentagon's Wolfowitz Pushed Israel for Gaza Pullout
--World Tribune (Prophecies...Israel)
(Gaza is part of the land which was given to the
tribe of Judah ...)
Israel's First Surface-to-Surface
Cruise Missile
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
Sudanese Children Dying of Hunger as Black Africans Flee From Islamics
--BBC News
(Islamic Terror)
(Over a million Christians have been killed during this Islamic slaughter ...)
Mutilation of Slaves ... 'They Love to See Blood Flow'
--CSI Int'l
(Islamic Terror)
Fighting Rages in Former Strongholds of Afghanistan's Taliban Regime
--AFP (France) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Violence in 'the last days')
German's Seek 'Reagan Street' in
Six US War Veterans Defy Age to Recreate Legendary Parachute Jump
--AFP (France)
South Korea Unhappy With Planned US Troop Pull-Out
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Court Bans Bible-Class Which Had Been Operating for 50
--Fox News
of the generation in 'the last days')
Astronomers Thrilled
as Sun, Earth, Venus Align After 122 Years
--AFP (France)
(The Bible warns someday sights from the
heavens will 'cause men's hearts to fail')
Israel Planning Super High Tech
Attack Ship
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
Wars and rumors of war)
Israeli Cabinet Approves Withdrawal From Gaza, Israel With 14 - 7 Vote
--Debkafile (2/3
vote to withdraw from Israeli land ... 2/3 in Israel will be destroyed because
of unbelief - Just a coincidence?)
Israel Says Egypt to Play Key Role in Post-Pullout Gaza
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
(In Isaiah and Hosea God warns Israel against looking to
Egypt for help in times of trouble ...)
Islam, Judaism, Christianity - Some Observations - Part
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
Hospitals In Canada Struggle to
Contain Superbug
Australia is Fighting Another
Stronger Than Antibiotics
--WND/The Australian
Iran Military Chief Lashes Out at New Iraq Government
--UPI (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
Russian President Putin Visits Mexico
--AP (Prophecies...
Russia and allies)
European Union Considers Sending Military To Help Keep
Peace in East Congo
--AP (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
Germany Proposes Further Rights For Homosexuals
--AFP (France) (Bible
warnings on homosexuality) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Aston Martin Set to Turn First
Ever Profit
--WND/Financial Times
The Strong and Quiet Faith of
Ronald Reagan
The French Praise US Liberators
--WND/Knight Ridder
Iran's Suicide Bombers Parley Begins
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...
Iran and allies)
Russia Backing North Korea in
Russia and allies)
Episcopalian Bishop Says He Doesn't
Jesus is The Only Way to Heaven
and church leaders will become corrupted) (Then why even
pretend to believe the Bible?)
Sudan's Islamic Air Force Bombs
Market Killing 15 Innocent Civilians
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Muslims Expanding Beyond Temple Mount
--WND/Israel National News
