More News . . .
Grateful Iraqis Thank America For
Iraq Mortar Attack Injures 11 US Troops
--WND/Associated Press
Wars and rumors of war)
of the generation in 'the last days')
U.S. Army to Call Back 5,600 Ex-Soldiers
Wars and rumors of war)
Islamics Kidnap Christian Girl to
Force Conversion
(Islamic Terror)
Israel's Wayward Prime Ministers
Last 4 Leaders Broke Their Word
--Daniel Pipes
men lying and deceiving)
West Nile Fever Plague Spreads to
4 More States
Clinton Back in Spotlight to Sell Book
--Washington Times (Prophecies...Evil
men will grow worse and worse lying, deceiving,
and being deceived 'in the last days')
Russia Poised to Become Oil King
Russia and allies)
Israel's Sharon Hints at Assurances From Bush on Iran
Nuclear Weapons Threat
--World Tribune (Prophecies...Israel)
Iran, Russia, and allies)
(Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
Islamic Clerics Impose Taliban-Style Rule in Fallujah
After US Pullout
(Islamic Terror)
Notes From the Pentagon ...
--Washington Times/Inside the Ring (Pentagon)
Wars and rumors of war)
UN and US Warn That Huge Death Toll in Sudan Is Now Inevitable
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
(A continuance of the Islamic slaughter of
over a million Christians in that country ...)
Pure Evil in Sudan
--Koenig Int'l/Joseph Farah
(Islamic Terror)
of the generation in 'the last days'... violence and immorality)
Sharon Says No Jews in Gaza,
Israel By Next Year
(I honestly don't know, but I'm not sure God will let him do this ... this is
prophetically significant)
European Union Seeks Coordination With Egypt Over Gaza,
--UPI (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
Scatter Your Enemies
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
Tenet Quits As Head of the CIA
Men Who Served With Kerry in Vietnam Threaten to Sue Him
For Falsely Using Their Photos
--WND (Prophecies...Evil
men will grow worse and worse, deceiving,
and being deceived 'in the last days')
At Least 64 Killed or Wounded As Islamics Battle Troops
in Algeria
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days'... violence and immorality)
Australian Television Program for 2 - 3 Year-Olds Pushes
Lesbian Story of Girl With 2 'Moms'
--WND/Melbourne Herald Sun
warnings on homosexuality) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Suspend Boy Who Wore T-shirt Critical of Homosexuality
at School Sponsored 'Gay Day'
--WND (Bible
warnings on homosexuality) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
China War Games Seen as 'Message'
--Drudge Report/Gertz File
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Analysis - Putin's Oil Cartel
--UPI (Prophecies...
Russia and allies)
U.S. Believes Chalabi Told Iran of Cracked Secret Codes
men will grow worse and worse, deceiving,
and being deceived 'in the last days')
US Military Attacked in Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia
--WND/Associated Press
Wars and rumors of war)
Troubles and Fissures Deepening Within the 'House of Saud'
Iran Plans To Provide Military Aid To Lebanon
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...
Iran, Russia, and allies)
John Kerry is the Most Actively Pro-Homosexual
Presidential Candidate Ever
--WND (Bible
warnings on homosexuality) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days') (Candidates are
reflections of the generation)
Midwest U.S. Hit by 92 Tornadoes and Counting
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times
Report Says Egypt Telling Arafat to Step Down By June 15
(Islamic Terror)
Canada's Anglican Church Picks Leader Who Favors
Homosexual Marriages
--Koenig/AP (Prophecies...Churches
and church leaders will become corrupted)
warnings on homosexuality)
Georgia Flexes Military Muscle at Pro-Russian Separatist Border
--AFP (France)
Wars and rumors of war)
Shock Waves in Seoul as U.S. to Shift 12,000 More Troops
to Iraq
--World Tribune
Wars and rumors of war)
China's Jiang Strangles Hong Kong in Power Play
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Chinese Army Preparing Large-Scale Military Exercises Aimed at Taiwan
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
North Korea Says Bomb Program Is Pretext for War
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Christian Beaten to Death in Hospital By Muslim Cop Who
Said It Was 'His Religious Duty'
(Islamic Terror)
and believing Christians will be hated)
Twenty-Two Killed, Many With Throats Slit (the Islamic/Mohammed Way) in Saudi
(Islamic Terror)
of the generation in 'the last days'... violence, lies, and immorality)
Experts Say Iran Ready to Take It 'to the Brink'
--Koenig Int'l/Fox News (Prophecies...
Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
3 US Soldiers Killed By Roadside
Bomb in Iraq
--WND/Associated Press
Wars and rumors of war)
of the generation in 'the last days')
Islamic Terrorists Kill US Soldier
They Held Captive
--WND/Associated Press
(Islamic Terror)
of the generation in 'the last days')
Saddam's 'Dirty Dozen' Will Be New
Iraqi Leader's Hostages
Wars and rumors of war)
Outside View - Islam's Sway Over Turkey
--UPI (Prophecies...
Russia, Iran and allies) (It appears Turkey
[Meshach, Tubal] will join this coalition ...)
Bush, Ignoring Chirac, Pushes for Turkey's EU Membership
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...
Russia, Iran and allies) (It appears Turkey
[Meshach, Tubal] will join this coalition ...)
Israel Major Supplier of Arms to
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(This will one day come back to haunt Israel ...)
Nigerian Polio Outbreak Hits New Heights, Threatens Region
--AFP (France)
Supreme Court Rules Protection for Kids From Porn is
Unconstitutional Muzzle on 'Free Speech'
--WND/Associated Press
of the generation in 'the last days')
Leopards Prey on People in Bombay Park
--Associated Press
Iran to Continue Building Nuclear
Centrifuges This Week
--WND/Al Bawaba
Iran and allies)
Iraq Sovereignty 48 Hours Early
Early Iraq Handover May Signal
Serious Loss of Ground
Wars and rumors of war)
Schwarzenegger Did Not Recite
Pledge of Allegiance...Sat
Quiet at Reagan Service
4.5 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Illinois...
--Drudge Report/USGS
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
6.6 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Alaska ...
--Drudge Report/USGS
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
Iranian Woman 'Gives Birth to a
--WND/IRNA (Iran)
NATO Heads in Turkey and Iraq
Turnover...Dangerous Week For Islamic Bio-Chem Terrorist Attacks
--Debkafile (Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Wars and rumors of war)
West Nile Fever Spreads Throughout
US ... Deadliest Strain Found in US and Israel
First Chemical Attack in Iraq By
Terrorists Using Mustard Gas
Wars and rumors of war)
Muslim Kids Stage Mock Beheading
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days')
Russian Server Blamed for Latest Web Virus...
--Drudge Report/SF Gate (Prophecies...
Russia and allies)
Clinton 'Fabricated' Damning
--WND (Prophecies...Evil
men lying and deceiving)
2 Marines Killed in Afghanistan
--Fox News
Wars and rumors of war)
Strong Earthquake Hits Northern Iran
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
Families Warned About Disney's
'Gay Days'
--WND/Agape Press
warnings on homosexuality) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Baptist Church Attacked For
Hosting Anti-Homosexual Event
warnings on homosexuality) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Islamics Kill At Least 10 and Take 50 Hostages in Saudi
(Islamic Terror)
Wars and rumors of war)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Missing - A Laptop of DEA Informants
--Drudge Report/Newsweek
Earthquake Shakes Parts of South Korea
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
3 Chidren Found Beheaded, Grisly Murders Stun Baltimore
--WND/Baltimore Sun (Prophecies...A
violent and immoral generation in 'the last days')
Palestine, Palestinians, and Arafat ... 'The Big Lie'
--Arutz 7
(The Romans renamed Judea to 'Palestine'
(Philistines) in 200 AD after a Jewish rebellion as a slap to Israel and the
An Anti-Israel
EU Parliamentarian Declared Europe Should Supply Arabs With Nuclear Weapons
--Koenig/Caroline Glick (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
rise) (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
China Gags Tiananmen Dissidents
and Prevents Contact With Media
--WND/Muzi News
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Hindus Welcomed to Worship at Fatima Alter, One of Catholicism's
Most-Sacred Sites
--WND/Portugal News
(The Bible warns a 'one-world' religion will
rise in the last days... many believing Christians will be slaughtered)
Pope Worries About American
'Soul-less' Life
--WND/Associated Press
of the generation in 'the last days')
MTV to Launch Homosexual and Lesbian Cable Network
--Fox News (Bible
warnings on homosexuality) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Disney's New Book Series W.I.T.C.H. Pushes Witchcraft,
Report - Russia and Iran to Sign Nuke Deal Soon
--Koenig Int'l/AP (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran and allies)
Turkey and Israel Experience 'Tense Relations' -
Jerusalem Post
--Koenig/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran and allies)
(It appears Turkey will be part of this attack against Israel)
West Nile Fever Reaches Los Angeles
--WND/Associated Press
China and Brazil Weigh Nuclear Trade Deal That Could
Extend to Enriched Uranium
--WND/Knight Ridder
Intelligence Update on the Potential Islamic Terror Operations in the US This
--Debkafile (Israel)
(Islamic Terror)
Wars and rumors of war)
violent generation in 'the last days')
US in "Serious Threat Period"
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
Wars and rumors of war)
violent generation in 'the last days')
The Gaza Terror Tunnels ... From
Egypt Into Israel
(Islamic Terror)
Putin Fends Off Charges of 'Authoritarian' Rule
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia and allies)
Russian Government to Order
Administrative and Legislative Secrecy
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...Russia and allies)
(It appears the whole world is moving into war and battle footing ...)
Palestinians Use Geneva Protected
Ambulances to Smuggle Combatants Into Israel
(Islamic Terror)
Palestinian Terrorists Kill Two Palestinian Children ... Israel Gets Blamed
--Arutz 7
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns world opinion and powers will be
turned against Israel ...)
Peaceful Religion is Not Spelled I-s-l-a-m
--Koenig/Mychal Massie
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
A Task For a New European President - Who Can Rescue the
'European Commission?'
--Koenig/Int'l Herald Tribune
(Prophecies...The coming 'Antichrist')
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
Iran Recruiting Volunteers to Fight Against US and
Briton in Iraq
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Iran and allies) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
More Severe Storms Forecast for Midwest U.S. After 100
Weekend Tornadoes
--Koenig Int'l/Reuters
Concerts Cancelled After Palestinian Islamics Threaten
Madonna and Kids
--WND (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days') (They
both represent the generation of the last days ...)
Shows Kerry in Opposition to Catholic Church on Major Issues
--WND (The Democrat Party has built
itself around homosexuality and abortion ... in direct opposition to
God's Law)
Kansas Forces Taxpayers to Reward Illegal Aliens
China Warns Taiwan's Chen He is Treading 'A Dangerous Road'
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
Did Iraq Send the West Nile Fever
to the US and Israel?
spreading) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
Christian Group Looking to Form A New 'Nation' Within
the US
(Probably not ... According to the Bible,
persecution and hate against believing Christians will continue to rise)
Blair Will Call For NATO
to Take Control of Whole Southern Portion of Iraq
--WND/London Telegraph
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
rise) (The future role of NATO could be
interesting to watch...)
Survey: Liberals Dominate
News Outlets
(The US 'Liberal' agenda parallels and
embraces the Socialist/Marxist agenda now spreading worldwide)
Russian Report of Russian
'Universal' Super Soldier
--Pravda (Russia)
U.S. in Urban Battle Against Sadr's Militia ... Kills
Dozens of Radical Cleric's Militiamen
--Fox News (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
UK Plans 'Mini-Nuke' Nuclear
Strike Force
--WND/The Scotsman (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
Enforcing Islamic Sharia Law in
Canada Assailed
--WND/Toronto Star
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
Islamics Kill 28 in Kashmir Land Mine Blast Day After New Indian PM Takes Over
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Brazil's Stalinist Leader Lula on Stopover in Ukraine Meets Counterpart
--AFP (France)
(The Stalinist/Marxist takeovers in Brazil,
Venezuela, and other SA countries has gone almost unnoticed ...)
Brazil's Leader Lula on Offensive to Boost Brazil-China Alliance
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Multiple Twisters Ravage Nebraska
--Fox News
Ringling Bros. Circus Performer Suffers Fatal Fall
--Fox News
Anti-War Activists Who
Reveal the Movement's Stalinist Ties Are Silenced From Within
US Troops Battle Sadr Militia
In Karbala, 18 Killed
--WND/Associated Press (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
America's 'Best Friend' in Iraq
May Have Been Spying For Iran
--WND/CBS News
men will grow worse and worse, lying, deceiving,
and being deceived 'in the last days')
Bill Cosby Chides Black Parents,
Educators ... Says Poor Black Children Can't Speak English
Islamic Palestinian Authority
Called Women, Children, Elderly to Be Human Shields in Battle
--WND (The 'lions of Mohammed' like to
hide behind women, children, mosques and shrines before killing 'in the name
of allah')
48 House Catholics (Not
Christians) Send 'Warning' to Bishops About Withholding Communion
and church leaders will become corrupted) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Thousands in Britain May Have Human Form of Mad Cow Disease
--AFP (France)
US Abstains as Security Council Votes to Criticize Israel
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
(A sign we are near is the US will become 'neutralized' ...
Israel will stand alone - with God)
Israel "Disappointed" by US Failure to Veto UN Resolution on Their Operation
Against Terrorists
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns all nations would turn against Israel as Armageddon nears
Employee Fired For Wearing 10
Commandments Pin
--WND (Prophecies...Christ
and Christians will be hated)
of the generation in 'the last days')
Five More Killed as Islamics Attack Christian Village in Nigeria
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Islamics Using Protected 'Holy'
Shrines in Iraq to Fire on Troops
--WND/AP (The 'lions of Mohammed' like to
hide behind women, children, mosques and shrines before killing 'in the name
of allah')
Marine Hero's Story Told on Net
... Media Not Covering Our Soldiers In Battle
Death Toll in Vietnam's Crackdown
Against Christians
Grows to 280
(Prophecies...China and allies) (Prophecies...Christ
and Christians will be hated)
Taiwan Offers Olive Branch to China ... China Immediately Dismisses the 'Olive
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
Christians Sentenced
2 to 3 Years for Sunday Meetings Held at Home
--WND (Prophecies...Christ
and Christians will be hated)
of the generation in 'the last days')
US Rebukes China's Threat to
(Prophecies...China and allies) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
British Islamic Convert 'Obliged'
to Bomb Embassy,
Perform 'Holy' War
(Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Pitcher Randy Johnson Tosses Perfect Game
--Fox News
Strong Earthquake Shakes Taiwan
--Associated Press
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
Russia Will Hold 'Big' Military
Exercises This Summer
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran and allies)
Beijing Threatens Taiwan With
(Prophecies...China and allies) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
Russia Pledges to Finish Iran
Nuclear Reactor
--WND/Moscow Times (Prophecies...Russia, Iran and allies) (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
Israel Urged to Strike Iranian
Nuclear Plant Before Weapons Can Be Produced
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...Iran and allies) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
Rise of Judicial Dictatorship and
the Fall of Democracy in the US
--WND (If we are in 'the
generation' of the 'Apocalypse" we should see a marked difference in how the
world embraces immorality, violence, and anti-Christian worldviews before
1948 and after 1948 when Israel again became a nation ... exactly as
the Bible predicted.)
Dark and Bloody Islam's Recent
History of Decapitating Victims
--WND/Benador Assoc
(Islamic Terror)
(Besides 'marrying' a 9 year old 'wife', Mohammed also ordered many heads cut
Berg Beheading Video Called "How-To-Kill"
Demonstration for Islamics
(Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Veterans to Kerry: Stop
Using Photo
--WND (Prophecies...Evil
men will grow worse and worse, lying, deceiving,
and being deceived 'in the last days')
Israeli Troops Battle Palestinians in Sweep Through Gaza Flashpoint, 12 Killed
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns there will be no lasting peace in Israel until the real
Messiah returns)
Gandhi Has 'Decided' Not to Be Indian PM
--AFP (France)
US Missile Shield to Use Russian
--WND/Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
(Prophecies...Russia, Iran and allies)
Head of Governing Council Killed
in Iraq
--WND/Fox News (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Homosexuals Can Now 'Marry' In
warnings on homosexuality) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
US and UK Speed Up 'Exit Strategy'
From Iraq
--WND/Glasgow Herald
Stuff of the Future ... Invisibility Cloaks, Flying
Cars, Robots Become a Reality
--BBC News
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase 'in the
last days')
US Supreme Court Will Not Stop
Homosexual 'Marriages'
(In direct
opposition to God's Law)
--WND (Bible
warnings on homosexuality) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
(Close...The 'Great Tribulation' is when God will pour out His
wrath on a generation and world in rebellion against Him and His Law)
Muslims Slaughter 600 Christians...'Bodies of Pregnant
Women Were Ripped Open, Burned'
(Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days') (Prophecies...Christ
and Christians will be hated)
Muslims (Islamics) Torture
Christian To Death
(Islamic Terror)
(Satan in the Garden mixed a little truth with doubt and lies...Mohammed did
exactly the same in the Koran)
Arafat Calls on Palestinians to 'Terrorize Your Enemy'
(Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
India's Marxists Join Communists
in Endorsing Gandhi as PM
--AFP (France)
Marine Officer Upbeat on War's Progress
--World Tribune (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
Christian Soldiers...Chinese Christians Silently Winning
Souls Across Middle-Kingdom
--Newsweek (Christians are
told to use the hope and love found in God's Word (Jesus) ... while Islam uses
anger, hate, and death)
Democrats Set Homosexual Quotas For Convention...Requiring
Homosexual Delegates
--WND/Focus on the Family (The
Bible warns Sodom was given as a warning and example of a judgment yet to
Islamic Barbarians at the Gates of Jerusalem - Part I
--Arutz 7
(Islamic Terror)
(Followers of Mohammed have been doing these things all
over the world...)
Al-Qaida-Affiliated Leader Zarqawi Commander of Islamic
Terrorists in Iraq
--WND (Basic rules of war:
Iraq supported Al-Qaida, Al-Qaida attacked the US, and the US responded by
attacking Iraq.)
U.S. Soldiers Attack Targets in Najaf
--WND (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
Bremer Says U.S. Will Leave Iraq if Requested
--Associated Press
Vet Says Officers Told Kerry to
Leave Vietnam,
Couldn't Take His Behavior, Attitudes Anymore
New Movie 'Saved' Mocks
--WND (Prophecies...Christ
and Christians will be hated)
of the generation in 'the last days')
Israel: Urban Battle Rages in Gaza...Difficult Choices Lie Ahead
--Debkafile (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
Wars and rumors of war, 'ethnic against ethnic)
CBS and the Beheading of Nick Berg
--WND/Hal Lindsey (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
China Increases Aid To Syrian Missile Program
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies...China and allies)
European Union Disregards US Sanctions On Syria
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
Rumsfeld Makes Surprise Visit to
--WND/Fox News
Nigerian Muslims Rampage Against Christians for Second
(Islamic Terror)
Wars and rumors of war, 'ethnic against ethnic')
Homosexuals Sue to End Ban on
Homosexual 'Marriage'
warnings on homosexuality) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Non-Citizens Grab US Acres for Under $1...Foreigners
Control 5th of Mineral Wealth in West
--WND/New York Times
Media Plays Down, Ignores Beheading
--Fox News
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days')
China Considers Law 'Mandating' Taiwan Come Under
China's Control
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
U.S. Troops Battle Al-Sadr Militia
--Fox News
Wars and rumors of war)
Christians Ordered to Renounce
Their Faith in Laos
--WND/Digital Freedom Network
and Christians will be hated)
102 Year-Old Woman Survives
60 Foot Fall
--WND/The Scotsman
Islamics In Iraq Behead American
--Fox News
(Islamic Terror)
(We have seen followers of Mohammed doing this to many all over the world for
the past 10 years)
Israeli Passenger Airliner Buzzed By French Military
Fighter Jets
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
(Little Israel will be attacked, hated, and mocked by the
nations until Jesus, the Messiah returns ...)
Palestinians Kill 6 Israeli
--WND/Associated Press
Wars and rumors of war)
Iran Warns Israel of Nuke Retaliation
--Associated Press (Prophecies...Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Syria is Ready to 'Defend' Itself Against the US
--WND (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Damascus will one day be utterly
Homosexual and Lesbian Weddings Begin Monday
--NewsMax (Bible
warnings on homosexuality) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Deaf-School Students Accuse Nuns of Rapes and Assaults
--Fox News
and church leaders will become corrupted) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Danish Trawler Scoops Up German Sub in its Nets
--AFP (France)
Quietly, U.S. Prepares For Israel Strike On Iran
--Koenig/ME Newsline (Prophecies...Israel)
(Prophecies...Iran and allies) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
House Votes to Stop Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program By
Any Means
--World Tribune (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and Islamic allies) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
Islamics Rape 100 Women in Attack
--WND (Violence and rape have
always been part of Islam...Mohammed knew it would help recruit young men)
Islamics Kill Young Arab Christian in Jerusalem
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
and Christians will be hated)
African Frogs Threaten San Francisco Area...
--Drudge Report/SF Gate
Super-Crime Syndicates Plague New European Union
--UPI (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Chinese Premier Calls for U.N. in Iraq
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Russian Official Supports Mars Mission
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase 'in the
last days')
Telemedicine on Rise in U.S. Military
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase 'in the
last days')
China Unveils Plan to Curb Rapid AIDS Spread
--Koenig Int'l/NY Times
Sudan Rejects UN Charges of Ethnic Cleansing in Darfur
--AFP (France) (Prophecies..
Ethnic against ethnic) (Islamics have slaughtered hundreds of
thousands of Christians in Sudan...)
Drug-Proof Gonorrhea Rises in
--WND (Prophecies...Diseases
spreading) (Bible
warnings on homosexuality)
News Media Journalists Seen As Slightly More Believable
Than Used-Car Salesmen
and being deceived 'in the last days')
18-Year-Old German Confesses to Creating 'Sasser' Internet Worm
--AFP (France) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Evidence Helps Link Saddam to 9-11 Attack On WTC and the
--WND (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
At Least 1 Israeli Soldier Killed, Several Wounded at Lebanon Border
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
Wars and rumors of war)
At Least 14 Killed, 90 Injured in Suicide Bomb Attack on Pakistan Mosque
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days')
Oregon Muslim Arrested in Madrid Bombings
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days')
Olympics Website Omits Israel's Capital (Jerusalem)
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
Bush Urges Israel to Exit Captured Territory
--Koenig Int'l/AP (Prophecies...Israel)
Teacher Suspended For Replying 'Yes' When Asked If She
Thought Jesus Was in Heaven
--WND/WYFF-TV (Prophecies...Christ
and Christians will be hated)
DNA Based Microscopic Nano-Robot Takes Its First Steps
--WND/New Scientist
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase 'in the
last days')
Very Large Asteroid Will Make
Close Fly-By This September
(The Bible warns someday sights from the
heavens will 'cause men's hearts to fail')
China and EU Will Have World’s Biggest Trade
Relationship, Predicts Prodi
--Koenig Int'l/EU Observer (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
(Prophecies...China and allies)
of Americans Who Don't Attend Church Services Nearly Doubling
--WND (Prophecies...Churches
and church leaders will become corrupted) (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
Non-Believers Hold Their Own Day
of Anti-Prayer Rally
--WND/Dispatch (Immorality/violence,
Europe rising, nations turning against Israel, Iran/Russia defense treaties -
getting close?)
ACLU Warns City Against Saying
--WND/SD Union-Tribune (We are in
that period of prophecy where the separation of true believers is now taking
Science - Wearing False Teeth May Be a Thing
of the Past With New Stem-Cell Procedure
--WND/London Guardian
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase 'in the
last days')
Agenda of Islam - War Between Civilizations
--Koenig Int'l
(For my friend Chan ...)
Islamic PA
Radio Praises "Heroic Attack" Which Killed Pregnant Mom and 4 Young Daughters
--Arutz 7
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days')
Christians Fighting Back in Nigeria...More than 200 Muslims Killed in Attack
--AFP (France)
Wars and rumors of war...'ethnic against ethnic')
Israeli Planes Attack Islamic Terrorist Group Hezbollah
Targets in Lebanon
--Fox News (Prophecies...Israel)
Wars and rumors of war)
Christian Solidarity Int'l Helps
Free 56 Boy Slaves From Islamic 'Masters' in Sudan
(Islamic Terror)
(The religion of the Koran and Hadith is one of anger, hate, and violence ...)
US Walks Out After Sudan Elected
to UN 'Human Rights' Body for Third Term
--WND/Associated Press
Egypt Court Bans Egypt-Israel Friendship Society
--Koenig Int'l/Ha'aretz (Prophecies...Israel)
of World Powers Calls for Full Israeli Withdrawal From Gaza Strip
--Koenig Int'l/Ha'aretz (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns all nations of the world will one day turn
against Israel...)
Israeli Team Programs Microscopic DNA Nano-Computer to
Identify and Fight Cancer Cells
--Koenig Int'l/Israel 21C
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase 'in the
last days')
City in California is Forced to Remove Cross From Its
of the generation in 'the last days')
A Look at California Wildfires
--Associated Press
Fourth California Porn Actor Fails HIV Test
--Associated Press
of the generation in 'the last days') (Prophecies...Diseases
Strong Earthquake in China
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
John Kerry's Purple Heart Wound
Was Treated With a Band-Aid
(US, UN, EU, Russia) Meets at U.N. to Revive 'Roadmap' Peace Plan For Israel
(Prophecies...Coming 'Peace Plan') (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
Ex-US Diplomats Urge Bush to Rethink Israel Support
--AFP (France)
(The Bible warns all nations of the world will one day turn
against Israel...)
Wildfires Spread Across Southern California
--Fox News
(The Bible warns...Those who bless Israel
will be blessed and those who curse Israel shall be cursed)
Saudi Prince Blames Attack By al-Qaida
on 'Zionism'
Presbyterian Flip-Flop on
Homosexual 'Marriage'
and church leaders will become corrupted) (Bible
warnings on homosexuality)
'Sasser' Virus Attack Wide-Spread
--WND/Internet Week (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days') (The computer
for this site was hit over the weekend...)
Some Call It Treason...How
Clinton Sold America's Security to China
--WND (Prophecies
of the generation in 'the last days')
men lying and deceiving 'in the last days')
Brutally Murder Pregnant Jewish Mother and Her 4 Small Children
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days')
Islamic Terrorists and
Chinese Intelligence Said to Launder Drug Cash Through
Stock Market
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Turkey Arrests 25 Suspected Islamic Terrorists With Plans to Bomb NATO Summit
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days')
Strong Earthquake Rocks Chile
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
Former Military Colleagues Say Kerry is 'Unfit' to Serve
as Commander-In-Chief
Homosexual Activist Leader
Threatens to 'Torture' and 'Terrify' Officials Who Oppose Them
violent and immoral generation in 'the last days')
warnings on homosexuality)
Ex-Iraqi Officer Ties Saddam to Al-Qaida Ally
(Islamic Terror)
(Looking at the deep al-Qaida presence in Iraq today, is there any question
they were there on 9/11?)
EU Counts Down to Historic Moment, 10 New Nations Create
Biggest Trading Bloc in World
--Koenig Int'l/BBC News
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
European 'Union' Counts Down to its 'Big Bang' Enlargement
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
Islamic Terror Group PLO Says the US Will Pay if Israel
Kills Arafat
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days')
France Struggles to Curb Extremist Muslim Clerics
--Koenig Int'l/NY Times
(Prophecies...False Prophets would rise)
10 U.S. Soldiers Killed in Iraq
--Fox News
Wars and rumors of war)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Russia Has Developed an Anti-Missile Interceptor for
Marketing to Middle East Clients
Int'l/Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Russia
and Islamic allies)
Secret M-14 Group Planned Insurgency Before Fall of
--WND/New York Times
Wars and rumors of war)
Mystery Group in Iraq Wages War on
Sadr's Militia
--WND/The Scotsman
Wars and rumors of war)
Canadians Allow Islamic Courts To Decide Disputes...
--Drudge/Washington Times
(Prophecies...False Prophets would rise)
In Nigerian State New Islamic Law
(Sharia) To Be Strictly Enforced
--BBC News
(Prophecies...False Prophets would rise)
(Muslims (Islamics) have killed many, many Christians there ...)
In Indonesia Muslims Burns
Hundreds of Christian Homes Until All Are Burned Down
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...Christ
and Christians will be hated)
violent generation in 'the last days')
In Thailand Muslim Attackers Foiled After Attacking
Police Stations to Kill and Steal Arms
(Islamic Terror)
(Islam follows a prophet who is filled with hate, anger, and violence ... in
opposition to Jesus)
Libyan Leader Kadhafi Says He Has 'No Regret' for Terror-Linked Past
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...Libya, Iran,
Russia, and Islamic allies)
Kadhafi Presses Europe Over Iraq and Mideast (Mideast = Israel)
--AFP (France)
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...Libya, Iran,
Russia, and Islamic allies)
Islamic Suspect in Madrid Bombing Also Charged With Assisting 9/11 Attack
--BBC News
(Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Methodists Meet Under Cloud of Schism Over Ordaining
--NewsMax/Reuters (Prophecies...Churches will become corrupted) (Bible
warnings on homosexuality)
U.S. Catholic Cardinal Refuses to Enforce Church's
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Churches will become corrupted) (Bible
warnings on homosexuality)
Congressman Omits 'God' from Pledge Before House
--Drudge/Washington Times
of the generation in 'the last days')
Princess Diana's Stepbrother Found Dead of Apparent
Overdose in Cambodia
April Fry - 102 Degrees in Downtown Los Angeles
--Drudge Report
Comets and Eclipses - Eyes to the Sky For a
Celestial Fiesta in May and June
--Koenig Int'l/AFP
(The Bible warns someday sights from the
heavens will 'cause men's hearts to fail')
GIs In Heavy Fighting
Near Least 64 Arab Insurgents Killed
--Fox News
Wars and rumors of war)
Iran-Backed Hezbollah Sending Forces to Iraq to
Assist Anti-U.S. Insurgency
Russia, and Islamic allies)
Jordan Disrupted Major Islamic Terror Chemical Attack
Which Could Have Killed Thousands
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days')
EU and Russia Reach Last-Minute Agreement on New Partnership Deal
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
and Islamic allies)
Kerry 'Blackout' - Couldn't Recall Where He Lived for 20
--NewsMax (Prophecies...'Evil men/women
will grow worse and worse' lying and deceiving in the last days')
Former Sec'y of Defense McNamara - Russian Weapons, NY
Remains Top Nuclear Target
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Russia and Islamic allies) (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
(Prophecies of the coming 'Apocalypse')
Heavy Fighting in Fallujah
Wars and rumors of war)
Islamic Militants in Europe Openly Call for Jihad and
the Rule of Islam
--Koenig Int'l/N.Y. Times (Islamic Terror)
violent and immoral generation in 'the last days')
'Satanic Rituals' Alleged: Priest Charged With
Nun's Brutal Murder
--Fox News (Prophecies...Churches
and Church Leaders will become corrupted)
violent and immoral generation)
U.S. Fails To Deter Iran From Developing Nuclear Weapons
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and Islamic allies) (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
Iran Plant Used to Produce Weapons Grade Nuclear
Material May Be Targeted by Israel
--WND (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and Islamic allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
After First Denying It, Kerry Now
Admits Tossing His Service Medals
--WND/ABC News
(Prophecies...'Evil men/women
will grow worse and worse' lying and deceiving in the last days')
John Kerry's War Record Found On
Campaign Web-Site is Challenged By Ex-Skipper
--WND/Boston Globe
(Prophecies...'Evil men/women
will grow worse and worse' lying and deceiving in the last days')
Cuba and China Solidify Military Ties
--NewsMax (Prophecies...China and allies)
China 'Rules Out' Democratic Elections For Hong Kong in 2007 and 2008
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Chinese Envoys Caught Rushing Past Los Alamos Lab Guard
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Sudanese Rebels
Take Aim at Chinese Troops Deployed in Sudan
--World Tribune
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Supreme Court Refuses to Allow
Prayer at Virginia Military College
--Fox News
Russian Newswire: 'Black Hole'
Devours People...
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...The' Rapture')
(It's as though the World is already preparing its excuses for the Rapture...)
U.S. Weighing Military 'Options' on Fallujah and Najaf
--Fox News (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
2 US Sailors Killed in Suicide
Boat Attack
--WND (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
violent generation in 'the last days')
China's Military Buildup Raises Concerns in US
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
French Mayor to Conduct First
Homosexual Marriage
--WND/London Guardian
warnings on homosexuality)
(Prophecies...An immoral generation in 'the last days')
Former Episcopal Church Leader
Says 'We Are in Danger'...Church
Now Going Astray
--WND/London Guardian
and Church Leaders will become corrupted)
Pope John Paul Announces Six New 'Blesseds' Including A
Mystic and A Polish Prince
--UPI (The
Bible says all who sincerely believe are 'blessed' and are 'saints')
coming 'Anti-christ')
Violence Throughout Iraq...5 US Soldiers Killed
--Fox News (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Egyptian Government (Islamic) Newspaper Blames the Jews
For All World Terrorism
(One of Satan's titles/descriptions in the Bible is the
'father of all lies' ...)
Palestinian Prime Minister Calls on World to Protect Arafat
--AFP (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns in the last days all nations of the
world will turn against Israel ...)
Pat Tillman, NFL Star Who Became
An Army Ranger, Killed In Action
--Drudge Report/ABCNews (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Iran Official Warns US Against Najaf Attack
--UPI (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and Islamic allies) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
Israel Said Still Making Nuclear
--WND/Seattle Post-Intelligencer
(Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
Islamic Kills 8-Month Pregnant
Sister To Uphold 'Honor'
--WND (Prophecies...False prophets)
(Prophecies...Violence in 'the last days')
(Islam is a religion of hate, anger, and violence)
At Least 150 People Dead, Over 1,000 Injured in North Korea Train Blast
--AFP (France)
Man Shoots Down Advertising Blimp
With Shotgun
--WND/Salisbury Post, North Carolina
Homosexual 'Gay Militia' Storms
Christian Meeting
violent and immoral generation in 'the last days')
warnings on homosexuality)
Christian Student Silenced by
Homosexual 'Day of Silence'
violent and immoral generation in 'the last days')
warnings on homosexuality)
Russia Continues Providing China with Weapons
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia, Iran,
and Islamic allies) (Prophecies...China and allies)
Islamic Nations Urge US to Drop Support for Sharon's Peace Plan
(Prophecies...Coming 'Peace Plan') (Prophecies...Israel)
Fury and Outrage in England At
CBS-TV Airing of Dying Princess
Diana Photos
--Fox News
violent and immoral generation in 'the last days')
Islamic Suicide (Dumb) Bombs Kill
68 in Iraq, Including Children
(Islamic Terror)
violent and immoral generation in 'the last days')
US Marines Faced Early Morning Attack in Fallujah
--Fox News (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
Middle East Man Sought AIDS Laced Bomb
--Fox News (Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...Diseases spreading)
violent and immoral generation in 'the last days')
Bird Flu's 'Huge' Potential Risk For Mankind
--BBC News
(Prophecies...Diseases spreading)
Homosexual 'Marriage' Bill
Advances in California
warnings on homosexuality)
violent and immoral generation in 'the last days')
U.S. Says Syria Aids Iraqi-Bound Militants
--UPI (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
Thousands of Illegals Make Mad Rush For US Border to
Beat Deadline
--Koenig Int'l/WND
(Democrats appreciate and encourage their
growing illegal voting base ...)
TV Networks Reject Gibson's 'The Passion (Suffering) of
the Christ'
--Newsmax (Prophecies...Christ
and Christians will be hated)
Blair Says There Will Be British Referendum on European Union Constitution
--AFP (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
rise) (Prophecies...The
coming 'Anti-christ')
North Korea's Kim Seeks Aid and Closer Military Ties With China in Talks
--AFP (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Tony Blair's Office Says The Queen Approves of
Homosexual Clergyman For England Church
--Koenig Int'l/AP (Prophecies...Churches will become corrupted) (Bible
warnings on homosexuality)
An Israeli's Open Letter to Mr. Sharon (and Bush, and
the Rest of the World)
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
U.N. Says AIDS Epidemic Poses Threat to World Peace
--Koenig Int'l/Reuters
(Prophecies...Diseases spreading)
British Football Stadium Possible Target of Islamic Bomb Attack
--AFP (Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Unmanned Robotic
Plane Drops Bomb in Test - A Step for Remote-Control Warfighting
--Koenig/MSNBC (Prophecies...Knowledge
and travel will increase in 'the last
days') (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
Italy Seizes Shipment of 7,000 Kalashnikov Rifles Bound for New York
(The Chinese have never explained why they
tried to smuggle 10,000 - 20,000 of these rifles into LA a few years ago)
Muslim Spared Death Sentence After Slitting Throat of
Jewish 'Friend'
--NewsMax (Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
British Discover Islamic Plan to Use Deadly Chemical in
Attacks Against Sears Tower
--WND (Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Islamic Terror Group Hamas Vows "Volcano of Revenge" Against Israel After
Leader Killed
--WND (Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days')
Intel Israel Heralds New Chip Breakthrough...Promises to
Change World of Computing
--WND/Ha'aretz Daily
and travel will increase in 'the last
U.S. Death Toll in Iraq For the Month of April Hits
99...Fierce Battles Fought Today
--Fox News (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
violent generation in 'the last days')
EU Pushes for Early 'Quartet' Meeting to Push 'Peace
Plan' for Israel
--Koenig/AP (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
(Prophecies...Coming 'Peace Plan') (Prophecies...Israel)
Israeli Strike Kills New Hamas Islamic Terror Leader
--WND/New York Times
(Islamic Terror)
Syria Backed Terrorists Ratchet Up Terror Stakes in Jordan, Israel
--Debkafile (Islamic Terror)
Lebanese Army Deploys Near Israel Border
--UPI (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Israel)
Jordan Warns Israel
--UPI (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Israel)
U.S. Kosovo Peacekeepers Gunned down By Jordanian
Officer in 10-minute Barrage
--WND (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Cleric In France Invited Congregation to 'Rejoice in the
Madrid Bombings'
--WND/London Telegraph
(Islamic Terror)
Saudi Female TV Host Shows Her
Beaten Face to Show Plight of Islamic Women
violent generation) (Islam considers wife-beating
acceptable...Christianity considers it a sin before God)
New Spanish Socialist PM (Pro-Russia/China/France)
Orders Troops Out of Iraq ASAP
--Fox News
China FM Calls for Asia and Europe to 'Strengthen' the
United Nations
North Korean Leader Heads to China
--AP (Prophecies...China and allies)
European Union Declares 'Roadmap' Peace Plan is the Only Route to 'Peace' in
--AFP (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will
(Prophecies...Coming 'Peace Plan') (Prophecies...The
coming 'Anti-christ')
Seized US Soldier Shown in Video
(Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Hundreds In Cincinnati Community
Pray for Seized GI's Return
--WND/Cincinnati Post
Democrat Candidate John
Kerry's Current Wife Fumes 'I Can't Believe I Came to
the U.S.'
of the generation in 'the last days')
British Homosexual Cleric Promoted to Senior Post in
--UPI (Prophecies...Churches will become corrupted) (Bible
warnings on homosexuality)
Berkeley Islamic Professor's Vicious War Against America
and the Jews
--NewsMax/ (Islamic Terror) (Yet,
our taxes go to pay this man's salary)
Islamic Terrorists in Jordan Planned Chemical Attack Threatening 20,000 Deaths
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Arab Study Guide Claimed
Muslims Preceded Columbus to America, Became Algonquin Chiefs
--WND/Wash Times (Prophecies...Lying
and deceiving) (Like Satan in the Garden, Islam is filled
with lies and contradictions)
Iraqi Says Islamic Leaders'
'Talk of Love and Peace in Islam' Just A Cover for Violence
(Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Cubans Beat Human Rights Leader at
--WND (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days') (Much like Islam,
Marxist/Socialism spreads through lies/violence/death)
Defiant Lutherans Appoint Homosexual Clergy
--WND/Duluth News
(Prophecies...Churches will become corrupted) (Bible
warnings on homosexuality)
Israel Concerned Over Rise in Egypt and Saudi Military
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Israel)
Wars and rumors of war)
Islamic Captors
Probed Kidnapped French Journalist About Christian
--WND/New York Newsday
(Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Bush and Blair Holding Meeting on
--WND/Associated Press
US Intel Shows Syria is Helping to
Fund Iraqi Uprising
Wars and rumors of war)
Imprisoned Christian Pastor in China Crippled in Prison,
Now Fears For His Life
and Christians will be hated)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Arafat Says 'No Peace' in Israel Until End of Jewish 'Occupation' and
Settlements in Israel
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible says there will be no lasting peace until Messiah, the Christ
returns ...)
Arafat Vows No Compromise on Israeli Settlements Amid Fury at Bush
--AFP (France)
First Secretary at Iranian Embassy in Baghdad Gunned Down
--AFP (France) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Australian Muslims Want Troops
Sent Home
--WND/Islam Online
(Prophecies...False prophets)
Slain Hostage in Iraq Defied Islamic Killers
--WND/BBC News
violent generation in 'the last days')
VIP Club-Goers in Spain Get Implanted Chips for ID,
Payment Purposes
(Prophecies...The coming Anti-christ)
Hundreds of Christians Killed in
Vietnam During Easter Demonstration
and Christians will be hated)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
China 'Cautions' US VP Cheney on Taiwan
--UPI (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Single 'Structural' Cause For 9/11 Was From Clinton's
Justice Department
Fierce Fighting in
Fallujah...Wounded Marines Return to Rejoin Battles
--Washington Times/AP (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
(And CBS' Rooney says our men in Iraq
aren't heroes...)
John Kerry's War Wound Called A 'Fingernail Scrape' By
His Commanding Officer
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Liars
- 'Evil men will wax worse and worse lying
and deceiving' in the last days)
2500 U.S. Forces Prepare For Confrontation With Iranian
Cleric in Iraq
--WND/Associated Press
Wars and rumors of war)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Iran Uses Hamas and Hizbullah Terror Fronts In Iraq
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Iran
and Islamic allies) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
Israel Prevented 10 Terrorist
Attacks Over Passover Including One Using AIDS Virus...
--Pravda (Russia) (Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Arafat Approved Attack On U.S. Convoy Which Killed
--Middle East Newsline (Islamic Terror)
violent generation in 'the last days')
Sex Change Operation Approved For Australian Child
--BBC News
immoral and violent generation in 'the last days')
Group Is 2 For 2 In Earthquake Predictions...Says One is
Coming For San Bernadino, CA Area
--Fox News
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
US Forces in Fierce Fire-Fight in
Fallujah...Helicopter Crashes
--WND/Fox News
Wars and rumors of war)
violent generation in 'the last days')
U.S. Military Says 23 Troops Killed in Past 3 Days - CNN
--Koenig Int'l/CNN (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war)
violent generation in 'the last days')
American Shame...CBS/60 Minutes' ANDY ROONEY Says 'Our
Soldiers in Iraq Aren't Heroes'
--Drudge/Buffalo News
(Get a copy of "A Table in the Presence" by
Lt. Carey Cash to see real heroes and miracles in Iraq ...)
(Note: This same CBS 'humorist' Andy Rooney
said he would go to see 'The Passion' only if he 'needed a good laugh.')
Ex-FBI Director Reports 'Al Qaeda Declared War on the
United States'
--WND/Fox News (Islamic Terror)
Wars and rumors of war)
Islamics Torch 10 Christian
(Islamic Terror)
Islamic Lecturer At Berkeley Urges
Uprising Against the US
--WND (Prophecies...A
violent generation in 'the last days') (The hate and
anger of Islam cannot support democracy...)
