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Berkeley Islamic Professor's Vicious War Against America and the Jews

--NewsMax/      (Islamic Terror)  (Yet, our taxes go to pay this man's salary)


Islamic Terrorists in Jordan Planned Chemical Attack Threatening 20,000 Deaths

--AFP  (France)        (Islamic Terror)       (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


Arab Study Guide Claimed Muslims Preceded Columbus to America, Became Algonquin Chiefs
--WND/Wash Times 
(Prophecies...Lying and deceiving)  (Like Satan in the Garden, Islam is filled with lies and contradictions)   


Iraqi Says Islamic Leaders' 'Talk of Love and Peace in Islam' Just A Cover for Violence
  (Islamic Terror)       (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


Cubans Beat Human Rights Leader at U.N.
(Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')  (Much like Islam, Marxist/Socialism spreads through lies/violence/death)


Defiant Lutherans Appoint Homosexual Clergy
--WND/Duluth News  
 (Prophecies...Churches will become corrupted)   (Bible warnings on homosexuality) 


Israel Concerned Over Rise in Egypt and Saudi Military Power

--Middle East Newsline      (Prophecies...Israel)      (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war) 


Islamic Captors Probed Kidnapped French Journalist About Christian Beliefs
--WND/New York Newsday
   (Islamic Terror)       (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


Bush and Blair Holding Meeting on Iraq
--WND/Associated Press


US Intel Shows Syria is Helping to Fund Iraqi Uprising
    (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)      (Prophecies...Syria)  


Imprisoned Christian Pastor in China Crippled in Prison, Now Fears For His Life
  (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)       (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


Arafat Says 'No Peace' in Israel Until End of Jewish 'Occupation' and Settlements in Israel

--AFP  (France)   (Prophecies...Israel)    (The Bible says there will be no lasting peace until Messiah, the Christ returns ...)


Arafat Vows No Compromise on Israeli Settlements Amid Fury at Bush

--AFP  (France)        (Prophecies...Israel)   


First Secretary at Iranian Embassy in Baghdad Gunned Down

--AFP  (France)    (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)      (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


Australian Muslims Want Troops Sent Home
--WND/Islam Online   
   (Prophecies...False prophets)   


Slain Hostage in Iraq Defied Islamic Killers
--WND/BBC News
    (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


VIP Club-Goers in Spain Get Implanted Chips for ID, Payment Purposes
--WND   (Prophecies...The coming Anti-christ)


Hundreds of Christians Killed in Vietnam During Easter Demonstration
  (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)      (Prophecies...China and allies)  


China 'Cautions' US VP Cheney on Taiwan

--UPI      (Prophecies...China and allies)       (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war) 


Single 'Structural' Cause For 9/11 Was From Clinton's Justice Department



Fierce Fighting in Fallujah...Wounded Marines Return to Rejoin Battles

--Washington Times/AP   (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)   (And CBS' Rooney says our men in Iraq aren't heroes...)


John Kerry's War Wound Called A 'Fingernail Scrape' By His Commanding Officer

--NewsMax       (Prophecies...Liars  -  'Evil men will wax worse and worse lying and deceiving' in the last days)   


2500 U.S. Forces Prepare For Confrontation With Iranian Cleric in Iraq
--WND/Associated Press  
 (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


Iran Uses Hamas and Hizbullah Terror Fronts In Iraq

--Middle East Newsline      (Prophecies...Iran and Islamic allies)     (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)   


Israel Prevented 10 Terrorist Attacks Over Passover Including One Using AIDS Virus...

--Pravda  (Russia)     (Islamic Terror)       (Prophecies...Israel)     (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


Arafat Approved Attack On U.S. Convoy Which Killed Several

--Middle East Newsline     (Islamic Terror)     (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


Sex Change Operation Approved For Australian Child

--BBC News    (Prophecies...An immoral and violent generation in 'the last days')  


Group Is 2 For 2 In Earthquake Predictions...Says One is Coming For San Bernadino, CA Area

--Fox News      (Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places) 


US Forces in Fierce Fire-Fight in Fallujah...Helicopter Crashes
--WND/Fox News  
 (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


U.S. Military Says 23 Troops Killed in Past 3 Days - CNN

--Koenig Int'l/CNN      (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


American Shame...CBS/60 Minutes' ANDY ROONEY Says 'Our Soldiers in Iraq Aren't Heroes'

--Drudge/Buffalo News   (Get a copy of "A Table in the Presence" by Lt. Carey Cash  to see real heroes and miracles in Iraq ...)

(Note:  This same CBS 'humorist' Andy Rooney said he would go to see 'The Passion' only if he 'needed a good laugh.')


Ex-FBI Director Reports 'Al Qaeda Declared War on the United States'

--WND/Fox News     (Islamic Terror)        (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)


Islamics Torch 10 Christian Churches
 (Islamic Terror)   


Islamic Lecturer At Berkeley Urges Uprising Against the US
  (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')   (The hate and anger of Islam cannot support democracy...)


6 Americans Missing in Iraq
--WND/Fox News    
 (Islamic Terror) 


Russia Rages at NATO Growth

--UPI   (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies)     (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)   


Iran Leader Sees US 'Vulnerable' in Iraq...Says Defeat Would be 'Valuable Lesson'

--WND    (Prophecies...Iran and Islamic allies)     (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)   

Report:  Islamic Terrorist Chemical Weapon Threat 'Worse Than Expected'
--WND/Financial Times    
 (Islamic Terror)      (Prophecies...False prophets)     (Prophecies...a violent generation)


Iran, Syria Backed Hizbollah Sponsoring Anti-Israel Attacks
--WND/Associated Press   
 (Islamic Terror)       (Prophecies...a violent generation)


Vietnam Cracks Down on Christians

--Fox News       (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)    


Christ is Your Peace

--Koenig Int'l


Turnout For 'The Passion of the Christ' is Large in Hong Kong
  (Prophecies of the Christ/Messiah)    (Prophecies...The Rapture)    (Prophecies of Messiah, the Christ's return)


Islamics in Fallujah Threaten to Start Killing Christians

--WND    (Islamic Terror)   (Mohammed is a prophet of hate, anger, and fear and will lead followers into an eternity of darkness ...)


Islamic Group in Iraq Threatens to Behead 30 Foreigners
--WND/The Scotsman 
  (Islamic Terror)    (Islamics have beheaded many innocents in many countries these past few years)


Iran is Fueling Iraqi 'Rebels'

--WND    (Prophecies...Iran and Islamic allies)     (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)   


Trouble in Iraq...US on Defensive as Iraqi Security Forces Start to Buckle

--Debkafile    (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)   (Prophecies...Syria)    (Prophecies...Iran and Islamic allies) 


U.S. Moves An Additional 3rd Marine Battalion Near Fallujah

--Fox News   (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)  


U.S. Offers Bilateral Ceasefire to Fallujah Fighters

--Koenig Int'l/Fox News    (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)   


Islamics Shoot, Kill Red Cross Workers in Iraq Then Leave Their Burnt Bodies in Street

--UPI   (Islamic Terror)   (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')   (Islam is a dark religion of fear, hate, and anger ...)


Russia and Lebanon Discuss Defense Projects

--Middle East Newsline    (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and Islamic allies)  


Armed Hamas Agents Raising Funds at Mosques
 (Islamic Terror)    (Prophecies...False prophets would rise) 


Recent Findings Renew Authenticity Debate Over 'The Shroud of Turin'
--WND/National Geographic  
  (Prophecies of the Christ/Messiah)      (Prophecies of Messiah, the Christ's return)


'WeirdNetDaily'...Baffling 'Demon' Fires Flaring Up Again



'The Passion of the Christ' Breaks Film Records in Italy
--WND/BBC News  
   (Prophecies of the Christ/Messiah)      (Prophecies of Messiah, the Christ's return)


North Korea Says Standoff With US at "Brink of Nuclear War"

--AFP  (France)  (Prophecies...China and allies)   (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)    (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)


Islamic al-Qaeda Encourages Loyalists to Mutilate the Enemy

--WND    (Islamic Terror)    (Islamics have been doing this in the Philippines, Algeria, Indonesia, Chechnya, Sudan, etc, etc.)


Iran Said Operating Spy Centers in Iraq

--UPI    (Prophecies...Iran and Islamic allies)     (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)   


Iran and Russia Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Promote Provincial Cooperation

--Iranian News Agency     (Prophecies...Iran, Russia and Islamic allies)  


China Stresses Expansion of Ties With Iran

--Iranian News Agency    (Prophecies...China and allies)    (Prophecies...Iran and Islamic allies)  


Syria Smuggles Missiles and WMD To Sudan

--Middle East Newsline     (Prophecies...Syria)


US Forces Recapture Southern Iraqi City

--WND/AP      (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)   


U.S. Troops Celebrate Passover in Hussein's Palace
--WND/Jewish Telegraphic Agency


Jimmy Carter Says the War Has 'Turned Out to Be a Tragedy'
--WND/ Chronicle  (Jimmy Carter gave Iran to the Ayatollah and then let American hostages sit and rot for over a year...)


China Sounds Alarm on Deadly Aids Virus

--Koenig Int'l/BBC News   (Prophecies...Deadly diseases spreading)


Russian Group Plans Men on Mars by 2011

--AP     (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase 'in the last days')


Intelligence Analysis of the Miltiary Situation in Iraq

--Debkafile     (Prophecies...Iran and Islamic allies)     (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)   


Iran 'Declares War' on U.S.

--WND/Joseph Farah     (Prophecies...Iran and Islamic allies)     (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)   


Iranian Backed Shiite Militia Now Controls 3 Iraqi Cities

--WND/AP    (Prophecies...Iran and Islamic allies)     (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)   


Iranian Backed Islamic Militia in Iraq Takes 'messianic' Name

--WND/San Jose Mercury News    (Prophecies...False 'Prophets')   (Prophecies...the Antichrist)


New Islamic al-Qaeda Plot to Burn US Forests

--WND    (Islamic Terror)   


Girl, 11, Survives Croc Attack...Rescuer Jumps From Boat Onto Its Back

--WND/Sydney Morning Herald


Russian Defense Minister Warns NATO

--UPI      (Prophecies...Russia, Iran,  and Islamic allies)   


The Other Rich Mrs. John Kerry...He Had Marriage 'Annulled' After 18 Years, 2 Children.

--Drudge/Wash Times    (Prophecies...'Lying and deceiving in the last days')    (Prophecies....the generation in 'the last days')


18 U.S. Troops Killed During Iraqi Battles

--Washington Times    (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


US Marines Fight On, Roof To Roof      (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)   


Anxiety, Anger in Camp Pendleton Area

--UPI       (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)    


40 Insurgents Killed Inside Iraqi Mosque During Battle With Marines

--WND/AFP  (France)     (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Iran and Syrian Hezbollah Supporting Iraqi Insurgents

--Washington Times      (Prophecies...Iran)     (Prophecies...Syria)


U.S.- Syria Clashes Reported on Iraq Border

--UPI     (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)      (Prophecies...Syria)


Polish Troops Kill Top Sadr Aid in Iraq
  (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


China Asks U.S. to Stay Clear of Taiwan

--AP     (Prophecies...China and allies)     (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)    


Harvard Celebrates Homosexuality With 'Gaypril'...Includes Panel On Sadomasochism

--WND     (Bible warnings...homosexuality)    (Prophecies of the generation in 'the last days')


Christian Slave 'Crucified' By Islamic 'Master' in Sudan
 (Islamic Terror)   


10 Christian Tribesman Jailed in Vietnam
 (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated) 


Moslem Cleric Says Mutilations Are Justified And Permissible Under Islam

--WND (Prophecies...Christ)  (My heart trembles for those who will one day stand before God saying Mohammed was another "Jesus")


Troops Seal Off Fallujah, Preparing for Major Operation Against Insurgents
  (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Islamic Shiite Hell Sweeps Baghdad, Dozens Killed, 200 Wounded
 (Islamic Terror)    (Prophecies...False prophets would rise)   (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Islamics Target Islamics in New Campaign
--WND/The Scotsman 
 (Islamic Terror)    (Prophecies...False 'Prophets')   (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


'The Passion' A Hit Among Arabs...But, Quran Says Jesus' Crucifixion Never Happened

--WND/AP  (The Koran is filled with contradictions, lies...Jesus' crucifixion was prophesied...Roman Historians even documented it)


Nine Policemen Killed as Maoists Storm Post in Nepal

--AFP  (France)     (Prophecies...China and allies)      (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


'European Union' Defense Ministers to Mull Joint Military Body, Bosnia Force

--AFP  (France)     (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in power)      (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war) 


ID Card Will Be Compulsory in UK 'By 2008' ...

--Drudge Report/Independent  (UK)     (Prophecies of the coming 'Anti-christ')  


Sharon Drops Pledge Not to Harm Arafat

--Koenig/Fox News    (Prophecies...Israel)    (Arafat and Russian Sponsored Terror Around the World)


World Defends Arafat Following Sharon 'Threat' - Jerusalem Newswire

--Koenig/Jerusalem Newswire   (Prophecies...Israel)   (The Bible warns all nations will turn against the tiny nation of Israel)


'Return of The Warrior Jesus ..."
--WND/New York Times  
   (Prophecies of the Christ/Messiah)      (Prophecies of Messiah, the Christ's return)


Africa's Top Anglican Warns US Church 'Trying to Redefine Christianity and Rewrite Scripture'
--WND/Miami Herald  (Prophecies...Churches will be corrupted by 'ungodly men')   (Bible warnings on homosexuality) 


Two US Marines are Killed in Iraq

--UPI     (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Madrid Islamic Bomb 'Mastermind' Cornered, Blows Self Up

--Koenig Int'l/Reuters    (Islamic Terror) 


Mom Who Bludgeoned Sons To Death Found Not Guilty

--Fox News    (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


Rabid Vampire Bats Kill 13 in Amazon
--WND/Sydney Morning Herald


More than 5,000 AIDS cases in Saudi Arabia

--UPI   (Prophecies...Deadly diseases spreading)


Iran Insists It Has No Secret Nuclear Sites ...

--AFP  (France)    (Prophecies...'Lying and deceiving in the last days')    (Prophecies...Iran and Russia will attack Israel)


European Union Warns Israel - Don't Kill Terrorists, or Else

--Koenig/Jerusalem Newswire    (Prophecies...Israel)   (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in power) 


Palestinian Terrorist Infiltrates Jewish Settlement, Kills Israeli, Wounds Girl

--AP     (Islamic Terror)      (Prophecies...Israel)   


Islamic Terrorist Urges Rome's Destruction

--Koenig Int'l/MSNBC    (Islamic Terror)


Muslims Threaten to Attack Spain, Again

--UPI    (Islamic Terror)      (Prophecies...False prophets would rise) 


Spanish Police Discover Railway Bomb, Same Kind Muslims Used in Madrid Attacks

--AFP  (France)  (Islamic Terror)  (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')  (Prophecies...False prophets would rise) 


New Rail Line Bomb Found in Spain 'Matches Madrid'

--BBC News  (Islamic Terror)  (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')  (Prophecies...False prophets would rise) 


Muslims Denounce Israel Temple Mount Raid

--UPI     (Prophecies...Israel)     (Prophecies...False prophets would rise)


As NATO Arrives on Its Border, Russia Grumbles

--Koenig/NY Times   (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in power)   (Prophecies...Russia and Islamic allies) 


French Leader Jacques Chirac Will See Secret Russian Space Center

--Pravda  (Russia)   (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in power)   (Prophecies...Russia and Islamic allies) 


Abortion Doctors Reveal 'Gruesome' Partial-Birth Procedure in Court Trial
 (Prophecies...An immoral and  violent generation in 'the last days')


Abortion Pill Being Sold to Young Australian Teens, 13-Year-Old Girls Repeat Buyers
--WND/The West Australian  
 (Prophecies...An immoral and  violent generation in 'the last days')


NASA Satellite To Test Einstein Theory of Earth's Gravity Warping Space-Time

--BBC News     (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase 'in the last days')


Vampire Bats on Attack in Brazil

--BBC News


Anger Management Lesson Turns Into Chaos, 11 Students Suspended, 2 Arrested
 (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


A Jewish Rabbi Looks at 'Scary Numbers' In Prophecy for Israel

--Arutz 7  (Israel)    (Prophecies...Israel)      (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)


4,000 Rockets Have Fallen On Israeli Town in Gaza, Israel

--Arutz 7  (Israel)    (Prophecies...Israel)   


Islamic Militant Groups Forging Alliances, Unite Against Israel

--Koenig Int'l/Washington Post   (Prophecies...Israel)  


Israeli Police Storm Islamic Mosque on Temple Mount in Jerusalem After Incident
--WND/Fox News 
 (Prophecies...Israel)    (God warns He will make Jerusalem 'a cup of trembling')


Israeli Tanks Enter Gaza Refugee Camp

--Koenig Int's/Fox News   (Prophecies...Israel)  


NATO Celebrates Seven New NATO Members...Russia is Angry

--AFP  (France)  (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in power)  (Prophecies...Russia and Islamic allies) 


China Extends Sea Control 200 Miles...Enforcement May Lead to Confrontation
  (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...China and allies)    


China Says Taiwan Independence Would Be 'Disastrous'
   (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...China and allies)  


An New Easily Implantable Microchip...VeriChip & 'The Beast'

--Koenig Int'l/CBN    (Prophecies of the coming 'Anti-christ'...the false messiah)  


US 'Creeping Up' On Space Weaponization
 (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors)  (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase 'in the last days')


Scientists Predict Major Southern California Earthquake Within Five Months

--Drudge Report/KTVU     (Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places) 


What Does "Judeo-Christian" Mean?

--Koenig Int'l/Dennis Prager


Interesting Prophecies of Israel...Oil?
--WND/Hal Lindsey  


Israeli Leader Bids to Pin Down US Support of Gaza Withdrawal Plan

--AFP  (France)  (Prophecies...Israel)  (Prophecies... A 'peace plan' will one day be enforced upon Israel...)


Russian Military to Strengthen Its Nuclear Strike Potential

--Pravda  (Russia)     (Prophecies...Russia and Islamic allies)      (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)


Russian Lawmakers Back Limits on Public Protests...

--Drudge Report/Alertnet     (Prophecies...Russia and Islamic allies)


US - Taiwan Radar Deal Angers China

--BBC News     (Prophecies...China and allies)      (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war) 


Meteor or Space Object Lights Up Australian Sky Like '50,000 Headlights'

--WND    (The Bible warns someday sights in the heavens will cause men's hearts to fail ...)


'The Passion of Christ' Packing Arab Theaters in Islamic Countries

--Koenig Intl/SF Chronicle   (Prophecies of the Christ/Messiah)      (Prophecies of Messiah, the Christ's return)


Pirated Copies of 'The Passion' Secretly Passing Through Communist China

--WND   (Prophecies of the Christ/Messiah)     (Prophecies of Messiah, the Christ's return)


4 Christians Arrested in Egypt For Carrying Bibles...Christian Girls Being Kidnapped
 (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated) 


Burma's Christian Children Taken By Buddhists, Kept From Parents
--WND/Christian Solidarity Worldwide  
 (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated) 


State of Tennessee Drops Support of Christian Children's Home
 (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated) 


Christian Pastor Beaten and Crippled By Chinese Prison Guards For Preaching to Inmates
 (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)      (Prophecies...China and allies)   


Fox News Reports 'Horror in Fallujah'

--Fox News     (Islamic Terror)   (Islam is a religion of hate, anger, violence, lies, and darkness)


Blast Kills 5 US Military Personnel
--WND/Fox News  
 (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Israelis, Arabs Clash in Jerusalem

--Fox News    (Prophecies...Israel)    (God warns He will make Jerusalem 'a cup of trembling')


Norway 'Boycotting' Products From Israel...

--WND/Kosher Today     (Prophecies...Israel)   (The Bible warns all nations will turn against the tiny nation of Israel)


Signs of the Times:  10 Commandments Removed in Indiana
--WND/South Bend Tribune, Indiana  


Signs of the Times:  10 Commandments Removed From Park in Idaho

--WND/Idaho Statesmen  


New Yorker Admits Role in Missile Plot Intended to Shoot Down U.S. Airliners
 (Islamic Terror)    (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


George Soros Preparing Revolution in Ukraine

--Pravda  (Russia)    (This same Soros is a close friend of the Kremlin and has sworn to help the Democrats defeat Bush)


Evidence Found of Egyptian Nuclear Weapon Program
 (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)


Chicago and L.A. Towers Were Next Targets After World Trade Center

--Washington Times   (Islamic Terror)  


Russia Reacts After Lithuania Expels 3 Russians Envoys For Spying

--AFP  (France)    (Prophecies...Russia and Islamic allies will attack Israel)


Socialist-Marxists Consolidate Power...Venezuela Workers Who Backed Recall Fired



Hundreds of Missiles Missing in Ukraine
--WND/Russia Journal  


Islamic al-Qaeda Plot To Blast London Foiled

--Drudge Report/ThisIsLondon    (Islamic Terror)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Taiwan Leader 'Rattles' China with Independent Talk

--UPI    (Prophecies...China and allies)      (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war) 


Islamic Terror Group Investing Millions in American Real Estate
--WND/Jerusalem Newswire  
 (Islamic Terror)  


Uzbek Forces Kill 20 Terror Suspects as New Attacks Rock Capital

--AFP  (France)   (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


NBC Signs Jay Leno for 5 Years at $27 Million Per Year

--Drudge Report


Star Wars:  Mystery Over New Russian Weapon

--Drudge Report/CNN      (Prophecies...Russia and allies will attack Israel)


NASA Scientists Consider 'Terraforming' Mars With Water, Atmosphere, and Plants
--WND/The Observer  
  (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last days')


Researchers 'Say' They Are  on Verge of 'New Creation', Artificial 'Life' in Laboratory

--Drudge/Sun-Sentinel    (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last days')

(Yet, after almost 25 years the best 'intelligent' robots can still barely pick a random part out of a bin, or trash off the floor.)


Islamic Sites Post Global Frenzy of Threats...Feel Their 'messiah' is Imminent

--WND    (Prophecies...The coming 'Anti-christ'...the false messiah)    (Prophecies of the real Messiah's return)


Islamic Terror Group Hamas Says Their 'god' Has Declared War Against Bush
--WND/Associated Press  
 (Islamic Terror)    (Prophecies...False prophets would rise)


Kerry Quotes Bible to Attack Bush
 (Prophecies...'Evil men/women 'will grow worse and worse' lying and deceiving in the last days')


Catholic Official:  'A Problem With John Kerry' ... Professes Faith, Opposes Bible
  (Prophecies...a violent and immoral generation in 'the last days')


Signs of the Times ... Lutheran Bishop Condemns 'The Passion of the Christ'

--Reuters       (Prophecies...The Bible warns Christian churches will be corrupted by 'ungodly men') 


Frenzy as 'The Passion of the Christ' Hits South Africa...Methodist Leader 'Against the Film'
--WND/Times, South Africa  
 (Prophecies of the Christ/Messiah)   (Prophecies of the Messiah's return)


Methodist Church Turns Its Back on God, the Bible...and the Boy Scouts of America
--WND/Hans Zeiger
 (Prophecies...Churches will be corrupted by 'ungodly men')   (Bible warnings on homosexuality are clear) 


Russia May Have New Nuclear Weapon System to Counter Our New Missile Defenses

--UPI    (Prophecies...Russia and allies will attack Israel)


A Little Common Sense About 9/11...Clinton's 8 Years vs. Bush's 8 Months

--Drudge Report/Peggy Noonan 


New Hamas Islamic Terror Leader Calls Bush 'The Enemy'...(Clinton was their Friend)

--AP     (Islamic Terror) 


Hamas Planning Major Terror Attack Using 800 Islamic Suicide 'Soldiers' Against Israel

--Debkafile   (Islamic Terror)    (Prophecies...Israel) 


al-Qaida Islamics Execute 8 Pakistani Soldiers...Hands Tied While Shot in the Head
--WND/Reuters    (Yet we court-martial an officer for just scaring an Islamic in order to protect his troops...)


Japanese Leader 'Puzzled' By Chinese Outcry Over War Shrine Visit

--AFP   (France)    (Prophecies...China and allies)  


Earthquake In Turkey Injures at Least 12

--AP    (Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places) 


NASA's New Experimental Jet Smashes Speed Record

--BBC News     (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last days')


Dubai in 'The Passion' Grip...Advanced Bookings Soar...Up to 7 Showings a Day
--Khaleej Times, United Arab Emirates 
 (Prophecies of the Christ/Messiah)   (Prophecies of the Messiah's return)


'The Passion of the Christ' a Big Hit in Beirut, Lebanon and Damascus, Syria
--WND/Middle East Online 
  (Prophecies of the Christ/Messiah)  (Prophecies of the Christ/Messiah's return)


'Cross Purposes' ... An Israeli Review and Comments on 'The Passion of Christ'

--Ha'aretz  (Israel)    (Prophecies of the Christ/Messiah)    (Prophecies of the Christ/Messiah's return)


Bush to Meet Sharon in 'Search for Middle East Peace'

--Koenig Int'l   (Prophecies...Israel)   (The Bible says there will be no lasting peace in Israel until Jesus, the Messiah', returns)


Foreign Web Sleuths Save 6 Year-Old U.S. Girl From Brutal Porn Ring

--WND     (Prophecies...a violent and immoral generation in 'the last days')


First-Ever Hurricane Forms in South Atlantic

--Drudge Report/MyWay  


Twenty Attacked by Vampire Bats in Peru

--Drudge Report/


Russian Deputy State Duma Chairman Threatens 'Latvia Will Be Destroyed'

--Pravda  (Russia)    (Prophecies...Russia and Islamic allies)


China Criticizes US for Recognizing Taiwan President's Election Victory

--AFP   (France)    (Prophecies...China and allies)  


China Sends Warnings to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Japan

--AP    (Prophecies...China and allies) 


Russian Sponsored Terror in the Middle-East and Around the World

--Nyquist/JGlazov  (Prophecies...Russia and Islamic allies)   (Prophecies...'Deceiving and being deceived in the last days')


Russians Claim Terrorists 'Couldn't' Have Bought Russian Suitcase Nukes

--Koenig/SF Chronicle   (Prophecies...Russia and Islamic allies)   (Prophecies of the coming  'Apocalypse')


European Union (EU) Eyes Breakthrough on 'Historic' Constitution

--Koenig Int'l/AFP  (France)     (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in power)


EU Picks Its First Powerful 'Antiterror' Official

--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times  (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise)   (Prophecies...The coming 'Anti-christ')


Saudi Royals Are Still Funding Islamic Terror Group al-Qaida
  (Islamic Terror) 


Gun-Toting 'Outkast' Rapper Featured at Democrat Event w/ Ex-Presidents

--WND    (Prophecies...a violent and immoral generation in 'the last days')


2 Palestinian Islamics Killed Attacking Israeli Settlement From the Sea
--WND/Associated Press  
 (Islamic Terror)    (Prophecies...Israel)


Muslims Irate Over Archbishop Comments  (Islam is a religion filled with anger)

--UPI  (The Bible says there will be no peace in our hearts until we make peace with God through Jesus Christ)


Taiwan President Confirmed As Re-election Winner...China Gives Warning

--AFP    (Prophecies...China and allies) 


Israel Unveils Tiny Drone Planes

--Koenig/BBC News     (Prophecies...Israel)  


U.S. Soldier Killed in Iraq Bomb Blast

--AP   (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Oregon County Bans All Marriage Licenses

--WND (The Bible warns of three steps in the fall of a nation - Spiritual falling away....moral awfulness...political anarchy)


Supreme Court to Consider Purging 'God' From Pledge of Allegiance

--Koenig Int'l/MSNBC   (God will soon consider purging His many, many blessings from the US)


Homosexual Teacher Tells Class He's 'Married' to Another Man
 (Bible warnings...homosexuality)  (Prophecies of the generation in 'the last days')


Kerry Says People are Born Homosexual

--Drudge/Herald   (Bible warnings...homosexuality)    (Prophecies of the generation in 'the last days')


Islamic al-Qaida Now Directing Attacks in Iraq
--WND (Justification for war - Iraq provided support to attacked the US...the US attacked Iraq)


Israelis Stop Retarded Palestinian Boy Wearing Deadly Bomb Vest

--Koenig Int'l/AP  (Islamic Terror)   (The cowardly Islamics paid him $23 to blow up innocent people)


Blair Offers 'Hand of Partnership' to Libya's Kadhafi in Changing World

--AFP   (Prophecies...Libya will be part of the Russia, Iran coalition which will attack and invade Israel)


Islamics Publish Ad Showing How Much They 'Care' About 'Jesus'

--WND  (Yet they kill Christians...the Quran and Hadith are a bizarre 'quiltwork' of contradictions and lies)


Madeliene Albright Says Fighting Terror Was Clinton's 'Top Priority'
 (Prophecies...'Evil men/women 'will grow worse and worse' lying and deceiving in the last days')


FBI Verifies Kerry Attended Meeting Which Discussed Assassinating Senators
  (Prophecies describing  the generation and its leaders which will be living in 'the last days')


Iran and Syria – 'A Match Made in Hell'

--Koenig/Jerusalem Post   (Prophecies...Iran)     (Prophecies...Syria)    (Prophecies...Israel)


Iranian and Syrian Backed Hizbullah Opens New Northern Front Against Israel

--MiddleEastNewsline     (Prophecies...Israel)


Asteroid Scare Prompts NASA to Formalize Response

--Koenig/    (The Bible warns that someday sights in the heavens will cause men's hearts to fail ...)


Brain Waves Control Video Game

--BBC News  (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last days')


'European Union' Fines Microsoft a Record $613 Million
--WND/Associated Press  
 (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in power)


Russian President Presided Over Practice of Russian Nuclear Attack on U.S.
  (Prophecies...Russia and allies will invade Israel)


Canadian Medical Student is Flunked For Refusing to Perform Abortion

--WND     (Prophecies describing  the generation which will be living in 'the last days')


Convoy of 'Illegals' Tried To Run Down Border Agents
--WND  (For a democracy to survive, all laws must either be enforced equally or changed...)


16-Year-Old Girl Hooks and Lands 873-pound Shark
--WND/Melbourne Herald Sun


Leader of Islamic Terrorist and Suicide Bomb Group Hamas Killed in Israel
 (Islamic Terror)    


Hamas Terrorists Say Israeli Leader Has 'Opened the Gates of Hell'
 (Prophecies...Israel)   (Watch Israel...Israel is the key to Bible prophecy)


Afghan City Calm After 100 Killed in Clashes Over Minister's Assassination

--AFP  (France)    (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Close-up Picture of Comet From NASA...Described as 'A Flying Mountain'

--BBC News   (Prophecies of the coming  'Apocalypse')   (' a great mountain burning with fire' Rev 8:8-9)


Ex-president Jimmy Carter Speaks Against Bush and Blair
--WND/London)  (This same Jimmy Carter gave Iran to the Ayatollah and the Panama Canal to the Chinese)


More Signs We Are Close...Methodists Accept Lesbian 'Pastor' After Church Trial
(Prophecies...The Bible warns we will see the church corrupted by evil men/women)


Episcopalians Say Homosexual 'Marriage' Rite Will Be Developed

--Koenig/Wash. Times  (Prophecies...Churches will be corrupted)    (Bible warnings on homosexuality are clear) 


Report:   bin-Laden Has Nuclear Weapons
--WND/CTV, Canada  
 (Islamic Terror)     (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)


Two U.S. Soldiers Killed in Iraq

--Fox News   (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Taiwan in Turmoil as Opposition Disputes President's Victory

--AFP  (France)  


Pakistani Troops Renew Assault on Al-Qaeda Militants

--AFP (France)  (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Chinese Christians Put on Trial For Revealing Gov't Crackdown on Christians
 (Prophecies...China and allies)    (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)


Taiwan in Crisis As Chen Re-elected and Opposition Demands Annulment

--AFP  (France) 


Kerry Curses Secret Service Agent After Tumble on Ski Slope
--WND/New York Times 
 (Prophecies of the generation and its leaders in 'the last days')


Two U.S. Marines Killed in Iraq

--AP    (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


When Democrats Rule...Homosexual Book for 1st Graders in N.C.
 (Bible warnings...homosexuality)  (Prophecies of the generation in 'the last days')


Pro-Life Sign Ripped From Woman's Hands and Destroyed at Kerry Rally
--WND  (The Democrats also used violence and intimidation during Gore and Clinton rallies)


Islamic Bombers Name Next Possible Targets
--WND/Ft. Frances Times, Ontario 
 (Islamic Terror)    (Prophecies...a violent generation)


N. Korea Warns Military Drill 'Casts Shadow' Over Nuclear Weapon Talks

--AFP  (France)   (Prophecies...China and allies)     (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war) 


Taiwan President and Vice-President Survive Assassination Attempt

--AFP  (France)   (Prophecies...China and allies)    (Prophecies...a violent generation)


China and France Begin Joint Naval Exercises...

--Drudge/Wash Times   (Prophecies...China and allies)  (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite)


U.S. Revives Study of Nuclear Weapon Fallout

--Koenig Int'l/NY Times   (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)


Recently Discovered Asteroid Makes Record-breaking Approach to Earth

--Drudge Report/


Darkness Rising ... Is Opposing Homosexual Marriage 'Hate Speech'?
 (Bible warnings...homosexuality)  (Prophecies of the generation in 'the last days')


Tolerance of Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program Spurs Neighbors
 (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)    (Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies will attack Israel)


Attacks Were Plotted to Split Spain From Allies
 (Islamic Terror)    (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war) 


Mexico Urges Illegals to Sue California Supermarkets
--WND/North County Times, California 


At Least 5 Killed, 100 Wounded in Kosovo Clashes

--AP  (Prophecies...Wars...ethnic vs. ethnic)   (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


At Least 8 Die in Syria, Kurdish Clashes

--AP  (Prophecies...Wars...ethnic vs. ethnic)   (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Kerry Retreats to His Sun Valley Vacation Mansion for Luxury 'Unwind'

--Drudge Report  


Day in November The Sun Nearly Shut Down Earth...

--Drudge Report/ThisIsLondon


Four Christian Missionaries Killed in Iraq

--UPI   (Islamic Terror)   (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)


Believers Tortured to Abandon Christianity

--WND   (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)


Group Claims 'The Passion' Violates 'Hate Crime' Statutes

--WND    (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated) 


'New' Islamic Group Behind Istanbul Masonic Lodge Attack

--WND (Islamic Terror)  (Islamic brutality in Algeria, Indonesia, Sudan, Spain, Philippines, Israel, US, India, etc, etc...)


Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Considered 'Threat to European Union'...

--Drudge Report/Yahoo News   (Prophecies...Deadly diseases spreading)


US Capital in Flames on Islamic Jihad Website

--WND    (Islamic Terror)     (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war) 


Mountain Operation in Afghanistan Nets Top Taliban
--WND/London Telegraph  
 (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war) 


Putin Basks in Reelection Sweep Amid Warnings of 'Tsar-Like' Power

--AFP  (France)    (Prophecies...Russia and allies will attack Israel)


Spain's PM-Elect Backs European Constitution After Winning Election

--AFP  (France)    (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in power)


China Puts Troops on Alert for Taiwan Election

--UPI    (Prophecies...China and allies)     (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war) 


Bombs Kill Six U.S. Soldiers in Iraq

--AP  (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Islamic Bomb Attacks Leave At Least 11 Dead in Israel

--Fox News    (Islamic Terror)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Videotape Claims Islamics Tied To Cowardly Madrid Bomb Attack

--WND     (Islamic Terror)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Army Placed on Alert in Soviet Georgia

--AP  (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war) 


The Bloody March of Islam...Who's Next After Madrid?

--Debkafile    (Islamic Terror)    (Prophecies.. Wars and rumors of war) 


NASA Schedules News Briefing About Unusual Solar Object...

--Drudge Report/


Former Crewmate Says Kerry's Account of Heroics in Vietnam are Not True
 (Prophecies...'Evil men/women will grow worse and worse lying and deceiving in the last days')


China Charges Christians Who Revealed Crackdown With Leaking Intelligence
 (Prophecies...China and allies)     (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)


Russia's Putin Basically Unopposed in Sunday 'Presidential' Vote

--AFP  (France)   (Prophecies...Russia and allies will attack Israel)


Iran Freezes UN Nuclear Weapons Inspections
--WND/RC Journal, South Dakota 
 (Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies will attack Israel)


Blair Calls for Greater European Role in the Israel 'Peace Process'

--Koenig/Jerusalem Post  (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise)  (Prophecies...Enforced peace on Israel)


Kerry Fails to Back Up Foreign 'Endorsements'

--Wash. Times   (Prophecies...'Evil men/women will grow worse and worse lying and deceiving in the last days')


Two Bright Comets in April/May...May be the Two Busiest Comet Months in Centuries  (The Bible warns that someday sights in the heavens will cause mens hearts to fail ...)


How The Democrat Congressional Aide Who Spied For Iraq Was Finally Caught

--Drudge Report/National Review  (Prophetic profile of the generation in 'the last days' includes 'traitors')


Mass Graves in Iraq Ignored by the Media
 (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')  (Our media calls good evil and evil good ...)


Boy Banned From Giving Bible Verses at School Christmas Party
--WND/Atlanta Journal Constitution  
  (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)


Impeachment, Suspension of South Korean President Triggers Panic

--AFP  (France)


Islamics Claim Cowardly Madrid Attack...At Least 190 Killed, 1,200 Hurt
 (Islamic Terror)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


At Least 173 Dead, 600 Injured in Madrid Train Blasts

--AFP  (France)   (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Iraq Spy Suspect Worked for Democrats

--NewsMax    (Prophetic profile of the generation in 'the last days' includes 'traitors')


Survey - 85% of Israelis Wish to Join "anti-Semitic" EU

--Koenig Int'l/Maariv  (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise in power and will impose a peace on Israel)  


Arafat Wants A Mutual Cease-Fire With Israel

--UPI    (Prophecies...Israel)     (Islamic Terror) 


Judge Puts Cloth Over Plaque of Ten Commandments During Murder Trial
--WND   (God will turn His back on those nations that turn their backs on Him...God help us)


Catholic Law School Rejects Christian Group
  (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)


Internet Blamed in Spread of Syphilis Among Homosexuals...

--Drudge Report/Yahoo  (Bible warnings...homosexuality)  (Prophecies of the generation in 'the last days')


Former Khmer Rouge Soldiers Turn To Christ
--WND/North County Times, California


Expert Says Hubble Telescope Images 'Within a Stones Throw' of Creation

--Koenig Int'l/NY Times    


Iran Says It Will Resume Uranium Enrichment

--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post    (Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies will attack Israel)


CIA Director Warns of al Qaeda's 'Spectacular Attack' Plans

--Koenig/Washington Times  (Islamic Terror)   (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Islamic Terrorist Group Hamas Used Britons in 2003 Suicide Attack
 (Islamic Terror)     (Prophecies...False prophets)


U.S. and Europe Split on Iran Nuclear Weapons Pledge

--AP  (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise in power)    (Prophecies...Iran and allies will attack Israel)


Taiwan President Accuses China of Interfering in Election

--AFP    (Prophecies...China and allies) 


World's AIDS Cases Rising for Women

--AP   (Prophecies...Deadly diseases spreading)


Pakistan Tests Long-Range Nuclear Capable Missile

--BBC News   (Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog) 


Pakistan, Saudis Focus On Defense Cooperation

--Koenig Int'l/M.E. Newsline   (Prophecies.. And there will be wars and rumors of war)


Anarchy Reigns in San Francisco; Officials 'Rationalize' Their Defiance of Law

--Koenig Int'l/Agape Press    (There is no democracy if one person or group is outside the law...)


Democrat Lawmakers in California Propose Voting Age of 14

--Drudge Report/SF Gate   (The Democrats twist and use 'Democracy' to destroy democracy)


Homosexual Episcopalian Bishop Takes Up Post

--BBC News  (Prophecies...Corrupt churches and leaders will rise)  (Bible warnings...homosexuality)


Islamic Terrorists Feel Pressure in US, Expand South America Operations

--WND   (Islamic Terror)    (Prophecies...False prophets)


Official Online Web-Page for Kerry Loaded with F-word, S-word
 (Prophecies...a violent and immoral generation in 'the last days')


Kerry Says the Bible 'Is Not Clear on Homosexuality'
--NY Times  
 (Bible warnings...homosexuality)    (Prophecies...Lying and deceiving in 'the last days')


Islamic Terror Group Building Army For Gaza Takeover

--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Newswire    (Prophecies...Israel) 


Seattle Mayor to Recognize Homosexual 'Marriages'

--Koenig Int'l/AP  (Bible warnings...homosexuality)  (Prophecies...An immoral generation in 'the last days')


14 Killed During Israeli Operation Against Islamic Terrorists in Gaza

--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post    (Prophecies...Israel) 


Hamas and Islamic Jihad Terrorist Groups Vow Revenge After IDF Raids

--Koenig Int'l/Ha'aretz    (Prophecies...Israel) 


Sunni Muslim Considers Shi'ite Muslims As Their Leading Target In Iraq

--Koenig Int'l/M.E. Newsline  (Islamic Terror)   (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Avian Flu Found on Maryland Chicken Farm

--Koenig Int'l/Newsday   (Prophecies...Deadly diseases spreading)


Egypt Deploys 1,000 Police After 2 Christians Axed to Death

--Drudge Report/Reuters  (Prophecies...Christians will be hated)


China Boosts Military Spending in Budget

--AP   (Prophecies...China and allies) 


Europe Is Becoming the New Spiritually ‘Dark Continent’

--Koenig Int'l/CBN  (Prophecies...The coming 'Anti-christ')  (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise in power)


Israel Considers '200 Yard' Floating Airship Stationed at 70,000 Feet

--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times    (Prophecies...Israel) 


China's 'Amazon' is Riding the Country's Internet Revolution

--BBC News


Russia's Arctic Researchers Rescued Off Ice Floes



Kerry Backs Government Benefits For 'Legally' Wedded Homosexuals
--WND/Baptist Press
 (Bible warnings...homosexuality)  (Prophecies...An immoral generation in 'the last days')


Russian North Pole Scientists Stranded on Drifting, Collapsing Ice
--WND/The Scotsman


Unemployed German Sues Government to Pay For His Brothel Trips

--BBC News    (Prophecies...An immoral generation in 'the last days')   (This one takes the cake ...)


K-12 Grade School in California Encourages Bisexuality, 'Crossdressing'

--WND   (Bible warnings...homosexuality)  (Prophecies...An immoral generation in 'the last days')


'Thumb-Print' Readers Proposed On School Buses To Track the Children

--Drudge Report/St. Petersburg Times    (Prophecies...The coming 'Anti-christ')


Grocery Store Goes to 'Finger-Print' Payments
--WND   (Prophecies...The coming 'Anti-christ')


The UN's 'Confusion' Over 'Palestine'
--WND/Hal Lindsey  


China Ramps Up Warnings to US About Hong Kong

--Drudge Report/AFP  (France)   (Prophecies...China and allies) 


China Warns Taiwan Against Independence

--AFP  (France)   (Prophecies...China and allies)     (Prophecies.. wars and rumors of war)


School Makes Teacher Called For Military Duty Pay For His Substitute
--WND/Associated Press 


Gas Prices Skyrocket ... More Hikes Expected
--WND/Las Vegas Review-Journal  


The U.S. Has Found an 'Extensive' Iranian Military Presence in Libya

--Koenig Int'l/Middle East Newsline    (Prophecies...Iran, Libya, Russia and allies will attack Israel)


Oregon May Be Next For Homosexual 'Marriages'
 (Bible warnings...homosexuality)  (Prophecies...An immoral generation in 'the last days')


Bush Envoy - 'Quite Possible' N. Korea Turned 8,000 Fuel Rods Into Plutonium

--Koenig Int'l/NY Times   (Prophecies...China and allies)     (Prophecies.. wars and rumors of war)


Maoist Guerilla Attack in Nepal Kills at Least 39

--AP    (Prophecies.. wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Islamic Terrorists Claim Attack On Philippine Ferry

--UPI    (Islamic Terror)   (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Kerry Secures Democratic Presidential Nomination

--Agence France-Presse  (AFP)


'Passion' Beats 'Return of the King' for Box Office Record

--NewsMax     (Prophecies of the Christ/Messiah)


Blasts Kill at Least 143 at Shiite Shrines in Iraq
 (Islamic Terror)   (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')  


Attacks Kill at Least 29 Shiites in Pakistan
 (Islamic Terror)   (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')


Europe's 'Comet Chaser' Spacecraft Deployed After Launch

--AFP    (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last days')


Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Strains 'Run Wild'
--WND/New York Times    (Prophecies...Diseases spreading)


Russia Claims to Kill Chechen Rebel Leader

--UPI   (Prophecies...Russia and allies will attack Israel)


UN Warns Devastating Locust Plague Threatens Middle East Nations


Court Forces Catholic Charities to Act Against Their Moral Convictions


PETA Compares a Pig to Jesus on Their Billboard

--WND    (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)


Israeli Government Vows to Finish Barrier Around Jerusalem

--AFP    (Prophecies...Israel) 


Islamic Military Group Vows 'Blackest Days in Israel's History'

--Koenig Int'l/Ha'aretz   (Prophecies...Israel)     (Islamic Terror) 


Putin Stuns Russia By Naming Unknown Tax Chief as Prime Minister

--Agence France-Presse  (AFP)   (Prophecies...Russia and allies will mobilize and attack Israel)


Iran and Syria Talk Defense Cooperation

--UPI    (Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies will attack Israel)     (Prophecies...Syria)


British Elite Forces Joining U.S. Commando Team to Find bin-Laden



Iran Warns Israel Against Attacking Its Nuclear Facilities

--Koenig/Jerusalem Post  (Prophecies...Israel)  (Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies will attack Israel)


Iran Threatens Libya With 'Islamists' If Nuclear Secrets Revealed
--WND/London Telegraph  
 (Prophecies...Iran, Libya, Russia and allies will attack Israel)


Putin Juggernaut in Russia Sweeps Away All In Its Path

--DrudgeReport/Telegraph  (UK)  (Prophecies...Russia and allies will attack Israel)


Islamics Claim Responsibility for Philippine Ferry Blast, 180 Missing

--Koenig Int'l/Fox   (Islamic Terror)   (Prophecies...a violent generation in 'the last days')  


At Least 3 Killed, 18 Missing in Tanker Blast Off Virginia Coast

--Associated Press    


Homosexual Priests Committed 81% of Clergy Sex Crimes Against Children

--WND/Washington Times   (Prophecies...Corruption of churches and church leaders)


Plan to Allow Transsexuals into Olympic Games Under Consideration

--Drudge/Xinhua  (Bible warnings...homosexuality)  (Prophecies...An immoral generation in 'the last days')


Saturn Looms Large As Spacecraft Draws Near

--BBC News    (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last days')


NASA Rover Captures Images of Dusty Blue Martian Sunset

--AP    (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last days')


As With Jesus, 'The Passion' Divides...Brutality of Christ's Death Was Foretold

--Koenig Int'l/Hal Lindsey    (Prophecies of the Christ/Messiah)


New Clashes Shake Jerusalem Around Shrines

--Koenig Int'l/Reuters    (Prophecies...Israel...God says He will make Jerusalem 'a cup of trembling')


Hillary Clinton Says Bill Clinton Should Be Credited For Our Military

--WND (Prophecies...Evil men/women will grow worse and worse lying and deceiving in 'the last days')


Iran Nuclear Weapon Production Capabilities Have Advanced Greatly
  (Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies will attack Israel)


California Court Defiantly Refuses to Uphold Marriage Law
 (Bible warnings against .homosexuality)   (We are now seeing our democracy crumble ...)


Millions in Taiwan Join Anti-China Protests

--AFP    (Prophecies...China and allies)     (Prophecies.. wars and rumors of war)


Libya's Kadhafi 'Won't Take No' Over Single African Army

--AFP    (Prophecies...Libya, Iran, Russia and allies will attack Israel)


Study Shows 4,392 Priests Accused of Sex Abuse...

--Drudge/AP News (Prophecies...We will see corruption of churches and corrupt church leaders)


Moderate Earthquake Strikes Near Tokyo

--UPI    (Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places) 


White House Rejects Defense Department Syria Incursion Plan
 (Prophecies.. wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies...Syria)


Series of Earthquakes Jolts South Philippines

--AP    (Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places) 


Police: Partiers Injected With Blood At Sex Parties...

--Drudge Report/Local 6   (Prophecies...A violent and immoral generation in 'the last days')


European Union to Impose $4 Billion in Tariffs on U.S. Goods

--Koenig Int'l/IHT   (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in power)


Rosie O'Donnell 'Marries' Her Lesbian Girlfriend

--Fox News (Bible warnings against .homosexuality)  (Prophecies...An immoral generation in 'the last days')


Hollywood Moguls Plot 'Passion' Revenge
--WND/New York Times  
 (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)


Andy Rooney Says Movie 'Passion' is 'Good for a Few Laughs'

--NewsMax    (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)


Rosie O'Donnell to 'Marry' Lesbian Girlfriend in SF Today

--Fox News  (Bible warnings against .homosexuality)    (Prophecies...An immoral generation in 'the last days')


ACLU To Sue Salvation Army For Religion
 (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)


Russia Demands Release of Agents in Qatar

--AP    (Prophecies...Russia and allies will attack Israel)


France Says Haiti Situation Is Urgent



New Georgia Leader Plans Close Ties With U.S.

--Washington Times


New York Politicians Lead Protests Against 'Passion of Christ'
 (Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)


Two Killed As U.S. Copter Crashes in Iraq

--AP    (Prophecies.. There will be wars and rumors of war)  


Scientists Reveal Earth Was Minutes From Asteroid Alert
--WND   (Prophecies...the coming 'Apocalypse')


1/2 of Young Americans 'To Get Sex Diseases' By Age of 25

--WND/Reuters  (Prophecies ... Diseases spreading)   (Prophecies...Immoral generation in 'the last days')


US and  N.Korea Meet in Quest to Solve Nuclear Crisis

--AFP    (Prophecies...China and allies)  


China Indicts 2 'Unofficial' Christian Leaders

--AP    (Prophecies...Christians will be hated)    (Prophecies...China and allies) 


Supreme Court OKs Discrimination Against Christian Theology Students

--NewsMax    (Prophecies...Christians will be hated)


S.F. Wants Homosexual Judge to Hear Marriage Case

--WND   (Bible warnings against .homosexuality)    (Prophecies...An immoral generation in 'the last days')


Israeli Leader Blasts International Court Hearings Against Security Fence

--AFP    (Prophecies...Israel)   (Islamic Terror) 


Russian Leader Sacks Government Ahead of Presidential Poll

--AFP   (Prophecies...Russia and allies will attack Israel)


Earthquake in Morocco Kills at Least 300

--WND/Associated Press   (Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places) 


Brazil's Bawdy Carnival Draws Thousands

--AP    (Prophecies...An immoral and violent generation in 'the last days')


Saudi Arabia's Oil Fields Now in Decline
--WND/New York Times


Bin Laden Lieutenant Taunts Bush on Tape

--AP   (Islamic Terror) 


Earthquake Jolts France, Southwestern Germany

--AFP    (Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places) 


Kerry's Wife Lavishly Supports Islamics, Radicals, and Homosexuals

--WND    (Prophecies...An immoral and violent generation in 'the last days')


San Francisco To Resume Homosexual Marriages
 (Bible warnings against .homosexuality)  (Prophecies...An immoral generation in 'the last days')


Putin Urges Stronger Russian Military

--AP   (Prophecies...Russia and allies will attack Israel)


10 Killed in Northern Iraq Suicide Bombing

--AP    (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


Rebels Massacre More Than 190 Unarmed Civilians in Uganda

--AFP    (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


60 Dead in Clashes in Colombia

--AFP    (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


Haiti's Rebels Take Second City

--AFP (Prophecies.. wars and rumors of war)  (Prophecies...A violent generation in 'the last days')


Ayatollah Backed Party 'Wins' Control in Iran
 (Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies will attack Israel)


Jimmy Carter Continues to Blame the US
--WND  (Carter also surrendered Iran to the Ayatollah and gave the Panama Canal to the Chinese ...)


At Least 8 Israelis Killed, 66 Wounded in Suicide Bombing in Jerusalem

--Ha'aretz     (Prophecies...Israel)   (Islamic Terror) 


Early Jewish Talmud Mentioned Jesus' Death
--WND/Baptist Press


Sweeping New Powers for Gov't in UK
--WND/London Observer 
 (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in power)


Our Great Spy Agencies Missed Glossy Brochures Selling Nuclear Info
--WND/New Zealand Herald


Judge Refuses to Enforce the Law...Denies Stay of Homosexual 'Unions'

--NewsMax  (Bible warnings against .homosexuality)  (Prophecies...An immoral generation in 'the last days')


Anarchy Breaking Across America...More Homosexual Marriage Defiance
--WND   (Our democracy is a democracy no group or person can be outside the law)


Plan to Excuse Illegal Immigrants From the Law Stirring Anger
--WND/Insight  (In a democracy the law has to be enforced...or changed by elected representatives)


Professor Calls Student's Defense of Biblical Values 'Hate Speech'

--NewsMax  (Prophecies...Christians will be hated)   (Prophecies...An immoral generation in 'the last days')   


US Military Preps for War in Space
 (Prophecies.. wars and rumors of war)  


Chief Rabbi Urges Jews to Emphasize the Temple Mount

--WND    (The Bible says a new Jewish Temple will be built 'in the last days' ...)





















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"When you see

these things,

know that it is near - -

at the door."

(Mark 13:29)




"Watch therefore,

and pray always

that you may be

counted worthy to escape

all these things

that will come to pass . . ."

(Luke 21:36)




"Before the decree is issued,

before day passes like chaff,

before the LORD'S fierce anger comes upon you,

before the day of the LORD'S

anger comes upon you!

Seek the LORD,

all you meek of the Earth,

who have upheld His justice.

Seek righteousness,

seek humility.

It may be that you

will be hidden

in the day of the LORD'S anger."

(Zeph 2:2-3)