Virus Spreads to Become Biggest Computer Virus Outbreak
of the generation which will be living
in 'the last days')
Defense Analysts See Attacks in Iraq Through 2005
wars and rumors of war)
in 'the last days')
Iraqi Gov't Papers Show Saddam Bribed French Leader
--UPI (Prophecies...Lying,
deceiving in 'the last
Democrats Pursue and Promote the Homosexual Agenda
--WND/CNSNews (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...the
generation of 'the last days')
50-Ton Whale Explodes in Taiwan Street...
--Drudge Report/ETaiwanNews
Car Bomb Kills 2 US Soldiers in Iraq
--Koenig Int'l/CNN
wars and rumors of war)
in 'the last days')
Russian Defense Industries Report A Record $5.4 Billion
in Exports
--World Tribune
Russia and allies)
Doom' Computer Virus Spreading Fast
--BBC News
U.S. Police Chiefs Condemn Our Border Security As a Sham
we will see 'ethnic against ethnic')
Flow of Mexican Illegals Rises Almost 70% in 12 Years
Flu' Spreading in Asia ... UN Issues Warning
--AFP (Prophecies
... Deadly diseases spreading)
U.N.'s Nuclear Chief Says Threat of Nuclear War Highest
(Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
German Cannibal Expresses 'Regret' Over Murdering, Eating Victim
and immorality in 'the last days')
2nd NASA Rover Sends Mars Photos
and travel will increase in 'the last
New NASA Rover Lands on Mars
and travel will increase in 'the last
UK Gov't Adviser Supports Killing Babies With Birth
--WND (Prophecies...the
generation of 'the last days')
Five U.S. Soldiers Killed in Iraq Attacks
wars and rumors of war)
in 'the last days')
California Lawmakers Vote to 'Celebrate' Abortion
--WND (Prophecies...the
generation of 'the last days') (Abortion is murder for
convenience ...)
Lebanese Leader Says Killing
Any Jew
Is a Great Accomplishment
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible says those who curse Israel will be cursed ...)
British Politician Says She Would Be A Suicide Bomber if
(The Bible says those who curse Israel will be cursed ...)
Report Says US is Prepared to Target Syria
--WND/CNSNews (Prophecies..
and 'there will be wars and rumors of war')
Israel May Swap 400 Islamic Terrorists for 3 Dead Soldiers and Hostage
--AFP (Prophecies...Israel)
(The children of Israel place great value on their brethren
Al-Qaida Said to Be Threatening A
Major U.S. attack
--UPI (Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...a
violent generation in 'the last days')
Two More Buddhist Monks Slashed to Death by Islamics
--UPI (Islamic Terror) (Prophecies ... false prophets)
Kid's Channel Show Depicts Teen Homosexual 'Romance'
(Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...the
generation of 'the last days')
US Supports Georgia, Presses Russia on Troop Withdrawal
--AFP (Prophecies...
Russia and allies)
India Test Fires Nuclear-Capable Missile
(Prophecies...'Apocalypse' prolog)
North Korea Could Soon Be Making 13 Nuclear Bombs a Year
--Koenig Int'l/Guardian
(Prophecies...China and allies)
NASA Gets Signals From Mars Rover
--Fox News (Prophecies...Knowledge
and travel will increase in 'the last
Iraq Mortar Attack Kills 2 U.S. Soldiers
wars and rumors of war)
in 'the last days')
World Powers
Could Adopt Geneva Accord 'Peace' Plan For Israel
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Newswire
(Prophecies...a coming peace plan)
Bush's Push For Illegals Creating Anxious Nation
(In a democracy the law is the highest ruler ...
all laws must be either enforced or changed)
Christian Girl Abducted By Muslims to Force Conversion
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... false prophets)
WHO Warns of 'Bird Flu' Mutations As Thailand Reports Cases
--AFP (France) (Prophecies
... Deadly diseases spreading)
Woman Has 176 Pound Tumor Removed...
--Drudge Report/BBC News
Student Broadcaster Suspended for Saying 'God Bless'
(Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)
U.S. Warns Syria Against Aiding Terrorists
--Koenig Int'l/Fox News
Speculation Grows Over Future of Israeli Leader Sharon
--Koenig Int'l/Ha'aretz
(God will not bless any leader that divides
the land of Israel)
Israeli Warplanes Strike Lebanon After Missile Attack
--Ha'aretz (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies..
wars and rumors of war)
India, Russia Sign $1.6 Billion Defense Deal - Described
as "Historic Occasion"
--Koenig Int'l/BBC News (Prophecies...
Russia and allies)
North Korea and Libya Acquired Nuclear Bomb Tools
--Koenig Int'l/Seattle Times (Prophecies...
Russia, Libya and allies)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Europe Grapples With Rising anti-Semitism - Attacks
Against Jews
--Koenig Int'l/MSNBC (Prophecies...Israel)
Jewish/Israeli Journalists Banned From Arab League
--UPI (The
Bible warns the nations of the world will turn against Israel)
Iraqi Shiites Demonstrate, Demand Saddam Hussein's
Critics Asking Why Flu Shot Didn't Match the Flu Strain
New Internet Virus Spreading Fast...
--Drudge Report/Ananova
Japanese Troops Arrive in Iraq on Landmark Military Mission
--AFP (Prophecies..
wars and rumors of war)
Hubble Space Telescope Mission to End
--Koenig Int'l/Fox News (Prophecies...Knowledge will increase in 'the last
U.S. Eyes Space For Defense and Vast Lunar Energy
--Koenig Int'l/Reuters (Prophecies...Knowledge will increase in 'the last
Nations Becoming More Involved in Israel 'Peace' Process
--Koenig (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...
Russia and allies)
will rise)
Israel Warehouse Holds Mankind's History
--Associated Press
Powerful Car Bomb Kills 25 in Baghdad
--WND/AFP (Islamic Terror)
in 'the last days')
Libyan Leader Proposes Role as Middle-East 'Peace Maker'
--WND (Prophecies...
Libya, Iran and allies)
deceiving in 'the last
Islamic Hamas Warns of a 'Sea of Blood' in Israel
(Islamic Terror)
Israeli Envoy Wrecks Swedish Exhibit Which Glorified
Suicide Bomber
--Ha'aretz (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns all nation will turn against Israel)
4 Illegal Aliens Gang-Rape Woman in NY City
--WND (Prophecies...violence
and immorality in 'the last days')
Chinese 'Businessman' Buys Large Stake in Air Canada
--AP (His
company is closely tied to the Chinese Military and also now controls the
Panama Canal)
3 US Soldiers Killed By Bomb...Iraq War Toll Now Hits
--Fox News (Prophecies..
wars and rumors of war)
in 'the last days')
World's Largest Bomber - Russia's 'Blackjacks' Fly Again
--BBC News (Prophecies...Russia and allies)
CIA Says Saudi Arabia Will Go Nuclear
(Prophecies ... the 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Gas May Hit $3 a Gallon This Summer
--WND/Chicago Sun-Times (Al Gore
wrote in his book that he would like to see $3 gas)
Jewish Group Approves of Homosexual Marriage
--Boston Globe (In Ezek 36 God
warned some Jews would 'profane His Holy Name' while dispersed)
Twelve People Killed in Two Separate Clashes in Kashmir
--AFP (Prophecies...
wars and rumors of war ... ethnic vs. ethnic in 'the last days')
Showtime to Air Lesbian TV Series
--WND (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...the
generation of 'the last days')
U.S. to Pull Troops From S. Korea Capital
--AP (Prophecies...China and allies)
Israel Seeks Return of Jewish Temple Artifacts from the
(The Bible warns a new Jewish Temple will
be built in the last days ...)
Lawmaker Pressing for Homosexual Marriage Bill in
--WND (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...the
generation of 'the last days')
'Extremely Dangerous' Cold Grips the Northeast
Taiwan Scientists Accidentally Develop Two-Headed
--Drudge Report/Ananova
(Prophecies...Knowledge will increase in 'the last
Christian Convicted For Sign Against Homosexuality in
--WND (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...the
generation of 'the last days')
Christian Leader Shot Dead While Praying in Moslem
--WND (Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
NASA Rover Successfully Rolls Onto Surface of Mars
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last
President Bush Maps Out Manned Trips to Mars and the Moon
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last
Four Israelis Killed as Islamic Mother Blows Herself Up
--AFP (Islamic Terror)
in 'the last days')
US Islamic Leader Indicted for Terror Links
(Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies ... False prophets would rise)
WHO Says 'Bird Flu' Virus Could Be More Serious Than SARS
--AFP (Prophecies
... Deadly diseases spreading)
5.4 Earthquake Shakes Mexico's Southern Coast
--Koenig Int'l/Fox News
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
U.S. 'Nudges' Russia on Withdrawing Troops From Georgia
--AP (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
New Jersey Grants Benefits to Homosexual 'Couples'
--WND/AP (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...the
generation of 'the last days')
Mexican President Says Illegal Immigrants 'Don't Want US
--WND/El Universal, Mexico
deceiving in 'the last
Two More Die After Being Swept Away by Waves Off Calif.
--Drudge Report/
Saudi Funds Still Flow to al-Qaida
--WND (Islamic Terror)
Bush to Meet Latin America's New Socialist Marxist Leaders at Summit
--AFP (France)
(Chinese/Russian backed Marxist socialists
gaining control in South America)
Mexico Seeks Open U.S. Borders For Its Citizens
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times (Prophecies..
ethnic strife and war in 'the last days')
Bush's Advisers Debating Military Force Against Syria
--Koenig Int'l/Knight Ridder
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Israel to Annex Parts of 'West Bank' if Palestinians Declare State
--AFP (Prophecies...Israel)
Demonstrations in Israel - 'The People of Israel Will Not Surrender!'
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
New Warning Over 'Monkeypox' Threat
--BBC News (Prophecies
... Deadly diseases spreading)
All Russian Duma Committees May Be Led by Putin's People
--Moscow Times (Russia)
Iran, and allies)
China Wants U.S. to Stay Out of Hong Kong's Affairs
--Koenig Int'l/Fox News (Prophecies...China and allies)
Political Crisis in Iran Preceding Elections
--AFP (Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies)
Homeowner Charged After Shooting Intruder to Protect
Report - Palestinians Discuss Unilateral Establishment
of State
--Koenig/Ha'aretz (Israel)
(Prophecies...a coming 'peace plan' for Israel)
California Republican Fed Up With Language Allowed by
--WND/San Francisco Chronicle
of the generation in 'the last days')
North Korea Shows "Nuclear Deterrent Force" to US Delegation
--AFP (Prophecies...China and allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Evidence Found Showing Russia Was Providing High -Tech
Arms to Iraq
--Drudge Report/ (Prophecies...Russia and allies)
Bush To Announce New Missions to the Moon and Mars
--WND/Houston Chronicle
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last
Palestinians Threaten a Single 'Islamic-Jewish' State of
pressure against Israel is mounting ...)
Rumsfeld Weighs Military Strikes
in Lebanon and Somalia
--WND/World Tribune
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Americans Oppose Increase in Immigration
--WND/Washington Times
... 'ethnic against ethnic' strife in 'the last days')
Eighteen Dead in Three Massacres in Colombia
in 'the last days')
Woman's Skin Fall Off, Miraculously Survives
--WND/KGTV-TV, San Diego
9 Killed as Black Hawk Goes Down on Medivac Mission
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war') (Prophecies...violence
in 'the last days')
35 GIs Wounded in Mortar Attack
--WND/Fox News
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war') (Prophecies...violence
in 'the last days')
China Demands Taiwan President "Stop Playing With Fire"
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Dem Candidate Dean Says His Faith Approves of
deceiving in 'the last
(Note on Dean: Homosexual groups have promoted,
sponsored, and funded his campaign since the beginning)
Cops Baffled Over UFO Sighting
Feds Find Makings of Sodium Cyanide Bomb in Texas
--WND/CBS News (Prophecies...violence
in 'the last days')
Mouth Media ..."
--Thomas Sowell (Prophecies...Lying,
deceiving and
being deceived in 'the last
"Maximum Earthquake Alert" In Iran as 26 Tremors Hit in Quick Succession
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
Christian Fired From HP For 'anti-Homosexual' Bible
--WND (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...the
generation of 'the last days')
'Bullied' Homosexual Students
Awarded $1.1 Million
--WND (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...the
generation of 'the last days')
European Leader Warns Against 'Two-Speed' Europe
--UPI (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in
British PM Sets Timetable for Converting to Euro in UK
--UPI (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in
Israeli Cabinet Bending Under US
Pressure to Implement Road Map 'Peace Plan'
--Arutz 7 (Israel) (Prophecies...a
coming 'peace plan'
will be enforced upon Israel)
Israel, Palestinians, and US Know Road Map 'Peace Plan'
Won't Work
--Ha'aretz (Israel) (Prophecies...a
coming 'peace plan'
will be enforced upon Israel)
At Least 15 Dead, Mostly Children, in Bomb Blast in Afghanistan
--AFP (Islamic Terror)
in 'the last days')
Report: Syria Hiding Iraq's WMDs in Three
Pro-abortion Group Urges Europe to Counter 'Christian'
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
in 'the last days')
Legionnaire's Disease Death Toll in France Rises
--UPI (Prophecies
... Deadly diseases spreading)
Iran Says Ties With Egypt to be Restored Within Days
--AFP (Prophecies...Iran and allies)
Libya Admits Buying Nuclear Bomb
--WND/Sify News (Prophecies...Libya, Iran,
Russia and allies)
Spacecraft Beams Back Color Photos Taken on Mars
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last
Hundreds See Fireballs Fall From Sky in Spain
--Koenig Int'l/Houston Chronicle
A Pervasive, Virulent anti-Israeli and anti-Western
Sentiment in the Vatican
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post
(Prophecies of the Anti-christ)
Israel Faces South African-Style Boycott Over Security Fence
--AFP (France)
(The Bible warns the world will turn
against Israel...)
Egypt`s FM Tells Iran Camp David Peace is an 'Issue Of
The Past'
--Iranian News Agency
Saudi Religious Police Raid Stores Carrying Barbie
Dolls, etc.
--WND/Washington Times
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise)
Israel Develops Chemical Super-Laser
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(Prophecies...Knowledge will increase in 'the last
Chinese Caught Trying to Bug Israeli Embassy
--Koenig Int'l/World Tribune
(Prophecies...China and allies)
NASA Celebrates Mars Rover Landing
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last
Storm Wreaks Havoc in Colorado
--WND/Associated Press
At Least 10 Dead in Southern Philippine Bombing
in 'the last days')
U.S. Soldier Killed by Mortar in Iraq
--Fox News
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war') (Prophecies...violence
in 'the last days')
Europe Seeks to Rival U.S. as Military Superpower
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in
Leader Says 'Politically United' Europe Could Have
Prevented Iraq War
--Drudge Report/
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in
Spacecraft Captures 'Space Dust' in Rendezvous With
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last
Explorer Spacecraft Speeds Toward Mars Landing
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last
Meteorite hits Iran...
--Drudge Report/Reuters
Earth Changes Its Spin, Baffling Scientists
Egyptian Charter Jet Crashes Into the Red Sea ... All
148 Killed
--WND/Associated Press
US Calls For Halt to Israeli Settlement of the Golan
Heights in Israel
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post
U.S. Soldier Killed as Copter Downed in Iraq
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war') (Prophecies...violence
in 'the last days')
US Closes Alaskan Oil Facility Out of Fear of Terrorist
Attack ...
(Islamic Terror)
British Flight to Washington Cancelled For a Second Day
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
China - Taiwan 'Rhetoric' Heating Up
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Terrorist Suspect Worked at US Nuclear Weapons
--WND/Baltimore Sun
(Islamic Terror)
Strong Earthquake Rocks Mexico City
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
6.1 Earthquake Hits Indonesia's Bali
--Koenig Int'l/Fox
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
Spacecraft Set For Comet Encounter...
--Drudge Report/BBC
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last
Christian Missionary Shot Dead in Kenya
--WND/BBC News
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
New "Palestinian" Constitution Forces Christians to Submit to Islamic Law
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(Prophecies ... False prophets)
(Islamic Terror)
Israel To Expand Settlements in Golan Heights (Ancient
--WND/New York Times
New Rotating EU President Vows to Resist a 'Two-Tier' Europe
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in
Pope Says 'New International Order' is Needed For Peace
(Prophecies of the coming 'Antichrist')
Israel Gets Pressured By the World ... and the World
Experiences Chaos
--Koenig Int'l/Bill Koenig
(The Bible warns those
who curse Israel shall be cursed...)
North Korea Accuses US of Aerial Espionage in
Preparation for War
(Prophecies...China and allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Dollar Plumbs New Lows Vs Euro...
--Drudge Report/Reuters
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in
Forced Regime Change Next for Syria and Iran?
--WND/London Telegraph
and allies)
BBC Bans Reference to Saddam as 'Dictator'...Calls Him
--WND (The BBC is now very
pro-Islamic and anti-US/Israel)
Islamic Warning of Imminent Terror Attack
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...violence
in 'the last days')
Teens Being Caught Up in 'Bi-Sexual' Trend ...
--WND/S. Florida Sun-Sentinel (Warnings...homosexuality) (Prophecies...the
generation of 'the last days')
Israel Warns Islamics Are Preparing for Major
'Non-Conventional' Terror Attack
--Koenig Int'l/Ananova (Islamic Terror)
Libya's Gadhafi Armed al-Qaida With Bio-Chem Weapons
(Prophecies...Libya, Iran,
Russia and allies)
Libya Reveals Nuclear Secrets ...
--AFP (Prophecies...Libya, Iran,
Russia and allies)
Thousands Die As Asia's Forgotten Wars Slog Into New Year
--AFP (Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
in 'the last days')
The Next Generation of Diseases Are in Hiding, Somewhere
--Koenig Int'l/NY Times (Prophecies
... Deadly diseases spreading)
New Euro Currency Hits Another Record High vs. the
--Drudge Report/Reuters
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in power)
There Have Been Ten 6.0 and Higher World Earthquakes in
Seven Days
--Koenig Int'l/US Geological Survey
(Prophecies...Earthquakes in diverse places)
French Warning Tipped Off Terrorists, Say U.S. Officials
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times (Islamic Terror)
Anglican Church 'Weddings' for Homosexuals in UK
--Koenig/Guardian (UK)
(Prophecies...Churches would become corrupt) (Warnings...homosexuality)
Putin Gains Additional Authority in Russia
--AP (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
Iran Refuses Help From Israel After Devastating
--WND (Prophecies...Iran and allies)
(Israel is always the first to offer help in times of need ...)
Muslim Arrested After Trying to
Kidnap Sister Who
Married a Christian
--WND/Seattle Post (Islamic Terror)
Technology From Israel and the US Saved Pakistani Leader From Bombings
--Debkafile (Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Four Coalition Soldiers, Seven Iraqis Killed in Iraqi City
--AFP (Islamic Terror)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
Islamic Military Group Al-Qaida
Vows 'Back-Breaking' Strike
(Islamic Terror)
in 'the last days')
Democrat Candidate Dean Says 'He's Not Sure' if
Bin-Laden is Guilty
--WND (Prophecies...Lying,
deceiving and
being deceived in 'the last
40,000 Feared Dead in Iranian Earthquake
--Drudge/AP News
(Prophecies...Earthquakes) (The
Bible warns those who curse Israel shall be cursed...)
5 US Soldiers Killed
in Iraq
--Fox News (Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
in 'the last days')
Suicide Bomb in Israel Kills at Least 4, Wounds 15
(Islamic Terror)
in 'the last days')
Iran Says It Will 'Sweep Away' Israel If Attacked
--Koenig/WND (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia and allies) (The Bible warns those who curse Israel
shall be cursed...)
6.7 Magnitude Earthquake Kills at Least 4,000 in Iran
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...There will be earthquakes in
diverse places)
Officers Describe Saddam Hussein, al-Qaida, Saudi Links
(Islamic Terror)
in 'the last days')
France, Germany Seek Leadership in the 'European Union'
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in power)
US Defense Firms in Secret Talks With Libya
Russia, Iran, and allies)
British Scientists Keep Up Hopes for Survival of Mars Probe
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last
US Schools Ditching All Christian References
--Fox News
(Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)
3 U.S. Soldiers Die in Iraq Blast
--Fox News (Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
in 'the last days')
Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld Says Threat to U.S. Is
--Koenig Int'l/Yahoo News (Islamic Terror) (Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
US And Pres. Bush to Promote 'Kwanzaa' ... A Recently
Invented Pagan Holiday
--WND/London Telegraph (The Bible
warns against lifting up 'other' gods ...)
Kwanzaa Creator Is a Convicted
Felon Who Physically Tortured at Least 2 Women
(Prophecies...Deceiving and
being deceived in 'the last
Iran to 'Strongly Retaliate' If Its Nuclear Facilities
Are Attacked by Israel
--Arabic News (Prophecies...Israel)
Russia, and allies)
White-Tailed Deer Successfully Cloned ...
--Drudge Report/Texas A&M
(Prophecies...Knowledge will increase in 'the last
Democrat Candidates' Obscenities 'Evidence Of Changing
--Drudge Report/Washington Times (Prophecies
of the generation who will be living
in 'the last days')
Venezuelan Leader and Fidel
Castro Meet on Venezuelan Island
--AFP (France)
(China and Russia's 'multi-axis,' anti-US
world is quickly rising)
Mexico and Cuba to Patch Old Ties
--AFP (France)
(China and Russia's 'multi-axis,' anti-US
world is quickly rising)
China Cracks Down on 'Unofficial' Worship
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times
and Christians will be hated)
U.S. Terror Alert and Israel
--Koenig Int'l/Bill Koenig
Russia Deploys Strategic 21st Century Nuclear Missiles,
"Unrivaled In The World"
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Times (Prophecies...Russia and allies)
(Prophecies...Apocalypse prolog)
Iran Says Israel Will "Dig Its Own Grave" If It Attacks Nuclear Sites
--AFP (Prophecies...Israel)
Russia, and allies)
Christmas CD Banned in Scotland Because It Mentions
and Christians will be hated)
Roadside Bomb Kills 2 US Troops and Translator
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
in 'the last days')
Elevated Terror Risk Based on More Than Just 'Precaution'
--Debkafile (Israel) (Islamic Terror)
6.5 Mag Earthquake Rocks Central California ...
--Drudge Report/
(Prophecies...There will be earthquakes in
diverse places)
US Forces Capture Saddam General
Demoralized Russian 'Pro-Democracy' Leaders to Boycott Presidential Race
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia and allies)
U.S. Fears Russian Moves Signal Return to Authoritarian
--Koenig Int'l/Chicago Tribune (Prophecies...Russia and allies)
Israel Defense Minister Converses With Radio Listeners In ... Iran
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Israel)
Iran, and allies)
'Quartet' (Russia, UN, EU, US) To Meet Soon About
'Implementing' Peace in Israel
--Koenig Int'l/AP (Prophecies...a 'peace plan'
will be enforced upon Israel)
EU's Solana Warns Israel Against Unilateral Action for
'Peace' - EU Business
--Koenig/EU Business
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise) (Prophecies...a 'peace plan'
will be enforced upon Israel)
Muslims in Thailand are Naming Their Babies 'Saddam'
--Agence France-Presse (AFP)
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise and
lead many)
Libyan Leader Says He Will Give Up Weapons of Mass
(Prophecies...Lying and deceiving in 'the last
Libya, Iran and allies)
North Korea Says Will Build Nuclear Bombs Until US
Accepts Terms
--Koenig Int'l/AFP (Prophecies...China
and allies)
(Prophecies...Apocalypse prolog)
US Appeals Court Rules 10 Commandments is
--WND (The future is grim
for a nation who will turn their back on God ...)
U.S. Opposes Israel's Efforts For Peace
--Koenig Int'l/Ha'aretz (Prophecies...Israel)
Europe's Mars Lander Clears Vital Hurdle
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase in 'the last
US Soldier Killed in Ambush
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
in 'the last days')
Report That Michael Jackson Has
Converted to Islam
(Prophecies...False prophets would rise and
lead many)
Iran Signs Protocol on Surprise Nuclear Inspections
(Prophecies...Lying and deceiving in 'the last
Sony Unveils World's First 'Running' Humanoid Robot ...
--Koenig Int'l/Reuters
(Prophecies...Knowledge will increase in 'the last
Syrian Leader in Greece...Talks of Having Provided Rome
with 5 Emperors
--Arabic News (Prophecies...Europe/Rome)
Thirteen Cows Killed By Single Lightning Bolt...
--Drudge Report/
Idea of Dividing Jerusalem Appearing in New 'Peace'
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...Israel)
Israel Prepares to Give Up All Gaza, Much of 'West Bank'
--WND (Prophecies...Israel)
Christian Boy Beaten, Forced to Become Muslim
(Islamic Terror)
Putin and His KGB Cohort Have Brought 'One-Party Rule'
Back to Russia
--Koenig Int'l/William Safire
and allies)
China Vows to Crush Taiwan's Independence Move
and allies)
(Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
US Forces Kill 11 After Ambush
--WND/AP (Prophecies...'wars and rumors of war')
in 'the last days')
Taiwan Parliament Urges China to Remove Missiles
--Koenig Int'l/Reuters
and allies)
Bush Changing Views on Putin, Russia
--Koenig Int'l/Washington Post (Prophecies...Russia)
Algeria Says Saddam Capture Is An Insult to 'Arabs' (Islamics)
--UPI (Islamic Terror)
(Islamics in Algeria have now killed and
tortured over 100,000 people ...)
Twelve Slain as Philippine Troops Clash with Islamic Rebels
--AFP (France) (Islamic Terror)
Russian Calls For Implementing a 'Just and Comprehensive
Peace' in Israel
--Arabic News (Prophecies...Russia) (Prophecies...a 'peace plan'
will be enforced upon Israel)
Iran Warns Israel Against Strike on Nuclear Sites
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia and allies will attack Israel)
Survivors of Islamic Massacre ... Lions Now Threaten
Christian Orphans
(Islamic Terror)
