

Alpha News Daily

Weekly News Update



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 A Short Bible Prophecy Lesson To Help Show How Close We Are ...


  + Israel back in the Land as a nation   (this started the clock ticking ...)

  + Iran and allies threatening war against Israel

  + Russia rising ... and acting as a 'guard' for Iran

  + China armed with weapons capable of quickly destroying 1/3 of mankind

  + Nations of the ancient Roman Empire (Europe?) reuniting and rising in power

  + Teachings of false 'Prophets' leading many

  + A Generation 'morally corrupt' and 'filled with violence'  

     (The Bible uses the word 'corrupt' -  like smelly, rotting meat)

  + 'The falling away'... churches and synagogues no longer teaching or enduring sound doctrine

  + Israel and Jerusalem . . . trouble, troubles, and more trouble 

  + All nations turning against nation Israel . . .                 

  = The Generation of the ... Rapture ... the 'Apocalypse' ... Armageddon ... and Messiah's Return.


For the first time in history this prophetic 'equation' is nearly complete . . . and all in this generation!!! 



That Tiny Red 'Dot' is Israel ... God warns, 'Israel is His'...'Allah' and his vast armies (green) keep trying to prove Him wrong

The 'God of Israel' and the Bible . . .  or . . . 'Allah' and the Koran . . . The Bible Warns One Is True . . .  and One Is False

The coming Battle of Armageddon ('Hill of Megiddo')  . . .  Armageddon lies right in the center of that tiny Red 'Dot'

"I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you". . .  (Genesis 12:3)


God's Promise  ...

--Alpha News Daily     (God's Promise ...) 


Finding Hope and Comfort  In Times of Trouble ...

--Alpha News Daily     (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...)


The ASSURANCE of Life In Heaven ... It's NOT Too Late!!! 

--Alpha News Daily    (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


Choosing To Be Done With Selfish Living ... (Audio-Video)

--Alpha News Daily    (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)   


Angels & Demons:  The Position, Power, and Activity Of Satan ... (Audio-Video)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church      (From the Bible:  Who is Satan ... a short Bible study)


The Bible Warns Two Judgments Lie Ahead ... Living In Light Of The Coming Judgment ... (Audio)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church       (God's Promise ...)       (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


Helpful Bible Studies ... (Audio - Video) 

--Alpha News Daily    (Helpful Bible Studies ... Audio - Video)


Bible Prophecies Page ... List Of Bible Prophecies (With Links)

--Alpha News Daily       (Bible Prophecies Page ...  List of Bible Prophecy Studies)


God's Word ... Our Daily Bread ... Daily Reading Through The Bible ... Verses and Index  

--Alpha News Daily       (Daily Bible Verses ... Daily List and Index)        (Daily Bible Reading ... you can start ANY time!)


A WISE Bible teacher once said a person's reaction to hearing God's Word when lovingly given to teach, to warn, or to rebuke is like a "Geiger Counter" ... and a person's reaction to hearing the Word of God (even those who profess to be Christian or Jew) was a pretty good indicator of their true relationship with God.  The word "disobedience" means "refuse to listen." 


THE BIBLE is clear when it warns only those who love God and His Son ("The Word of God" - Messiah) will be "saved" from being cast into Hell and will be welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven (where there will be eternal life filled with peace and beauty and joy and laughter and excitement) prepared for ALL who will listen and will trust in God and in His Word ...


BUT, God lovingly warns Mankind (whom He created) of great danger, pain, and distress for ALL who will reject and deny His Word, and will "refuse to listen" to His detailed instructions on finding and following the "narrow" (and "difficult") path of safety through this life ("the way"), and will end up utterly lost and trapped in the inescapable darkness, aloneness, and terrible torment of Hell AFTER they die ... called the "second" death ("where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth"  -  Matthew 13:41-42, Revelation 21:8) 


SO, if you find your heart hardening against God's Word when it is lovingly given to teach, or warn, or direct, or rebuke, please sincerely pray and ask God to help soften your heart towards Him and His Word (before it is too late) ...


     "And as it is APPOINTED for men    (ALL "Mankind" ... men and women)

       to die ONCE,      (when our "earthly" bodies die)

       but, AFTER this       

       the JUDGMENT"      (The first death is "appointed" for ALL ... the "second" death (HELL) is the one we should fear.)

       (Hebrews 9:27)      (God's Promise ...)      (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


This Week's News Headlines . . .

(In times of trouble ... Trust in the Lord, draw near to Him, earnestly pray for His guidance and direction, and seek His Will in your life.) 


Foxe's Book Of Martyrs ... Detailed History Of Christians' Faith During Torture and Death ... Lest We Forget

--AND   (Read Here FREE ... Foxe's Book Of Martyrs ... Chapter by Chapter ... Martyr by Martyr ... Caesars and Popes could not silence the Word of God)


Grenade Attack On Christian Church Compound in Kenya Kills Two ... Including Little 8-Year-Old Girl

--CDN    (ISLAM'S VIOLENCE ... Allah vs. The Word of God)      (Prophecies:  Christians will be hated)     (Prophecies:  The coming ANTICHRIST)


Police In India Beat Christians Who Converted From Islam ...

--CDN    (ISLAM'S VIOLENCE ... Allah vs. The Word of God)      (Prophecies:  Christians will be hated)     (Prophecies:  The coming ANTICHRIST)


Islamics Stormed Nigerian City "Like A Swarm Of Bees" Killing 150 ... 130 Of Those Murdered Were Christians

--CDN      (ISLAM'S VIOLENCE ... Allah vs. The Word of God)      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  Christians will be hated)


Three Christians Killed In Islamic Attack Against Church in Nigeria ... Including A Mother Of Three

--CDN    (ISLAM'S VIOLENCE ... Allah vs. The Word of God)      (Prophecies:  Christians will be hated)     (Prophecies:  The coming ANTICHRIST)


US Navy Chaplain Who Was Dismissed From Service For Praying "In Jesus' Name" Seeking Reinstatement ...

--WND      (Prophecies:  The coming ANTICHRIST)      If there had been one true believing Christian as "Commander-In-Chief" over the past twenty years we would not be seeing this open rebellion against God's Word now being given as a "lawful order" within our military ... God calls this "Lawlessness"... and Jesus (Yeshua) warns we are either "with Him or against Him"... there is no in-between.  May God place His hand of blessing upon all those faithful soldiers who have not bowed their knee to the prince of Darkness.   (Bible Prophecies:  The GENERATION of Armageddon ..."LAWLESSNESS")


Obama Administration Imposing A "Christmas Tree Tax" On All Fresh Christmas Trees ...



First-Century Boat Discovered By Sea Of Galilee "One Of The Finest Archeological Discoveries In Israel"...

--Jerusalem Post       (PROPHECIES of MESSIAH ...  from the ancient Jewish Scriptures)        (PROPHECIES of MESSIAH'S RETURN) 


Defending Israel's Democracy ...

--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick    (Prophecies ... ISRAEL)    (PROPHECIES:  RETURN OF ISRAEL'S GOOD KING)    (The "King of kings"...)


Daily Bible Reading: Ezekiel 7-9 ... Hebrews 10:24-39

--Alpha News Daily     (Daily Bible Verses ... Daily List and Index)     God prepared Israel (and now the World) for His "Day of Wrath" (and showed Ezekiel "why") ... and the book of Hebrews warns of fearful and terrible punishment for those who "spurn the Son of God" (see Psalm 2) and "profane the Blood of the Covenant."   Hebrews also lovingly warns the followers of Messiah (Christ) will "have need of endurance" in this life.  


Note:  With what appears to be a recent increase of prophetically significant events ... my heart trembles for all who refuse to soften their hearts toward God and refuse to listen to His Word (which was given to warn, to protect, and to save us.)


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

To embrace the gift of becoming the children of God we must WANT to obey Him (because we love Him and His Word is good) ...


   "For if we go on sinning deliberately

     after receiving the knowledge of the truth,

     there NO longer remains a sacrifice for sins,

     but a fearful expectation of judgment,

     and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries."

     (Hebrews 10:24-27)     (The ASSURANCE of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


Iran Will Have Five Nuclear Bombs Or Warheads by April 2012 ... Only 2-3 Months Left For Military Option

--Debkafile      (Prophecies: The coming "APOCALYPSE" and Armageddon ..."The Day of God's WRATH")       (Prophecies:  The coming "RAPTURE")


Huge Explosions On Iran Military Bases ... First Sparked By Bid To Fit Nuclear Warhead On Missile

--Debkafile      (Prophecies:  IRAN)       (Prophecies ... ISRAEL)       (Prophecies:  The coming "RAPTURE") 


War Fears After Iranian Base Explosions And Syria's Arab League Suspension ...

--Debkafile       (Prophecies:  DAMASCUS-SYRIA will be utterly DESTROYED)       (Prophecies:  RUSSIA, IRAN, TURKEY will invade Israel)


Russian Scientists Help Iran's Nuclear Program ...

--Middle-East Newsline      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)  


Russia Rejects Any New Sanctions Against Iran ...

--BBC News      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)


Russia will act as a "GUARD" for Iran and their coalition of allies ...


   "Now the Word of the LORD came to me, saying,  

   "Son of man, set your face against Gog,   ("Gog" is either a human leader or an angelic power)

     of the land of Magog (Russia),

     the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal,   (Turkey will join this unholy alliance ...)

     and prophesy against him, and say, Thus says the Lord GOD:

   "Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.   (Around Turkey)

     I will turn you around,

     put hooks into your jaws,      (The huge "Leviathan" gas field Israel recently discovered could provide the "hooks")

     and lead you out,

     with all your army, horses, and horsemen, all splendidly clothed,

     a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords.  

     Persia (Iran),

     Ethiopia (Sudan = "Cush"),

     and Libya (northern Africa) are with them,

     all of them with shield and helmet;  

     Gomer and all its troops;   (Gomer was around Germany-France ... their army was later invited to settle Galatia in Turkey)

     the house of Togarmah (Armenia)

     from the far north and all its troops --

     many people are with you.  

     Prepare yourself and be ready,

     you and all your companies that are gathered about you;

     and BE A GUARD for them.     (A "guard" would block sanctions and secretly provide weapons, command and control)

     After many days you will be visited.

     IN THE LATTER YEARS you will come       (The "latter years"... sometime AFTER Israel would again become a nation)

     into the Land of those brought back from the sword

     and gathered from many people on the mountains of ISRAEL,      (Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)

     which had long been desolate;

     they were brought OUT of the nations,

     and now all of them dwell safely."      (Nations today are ignoring the signs ... and there are no "walled" cities in Israel.)

     (Ezekiel 38:1-8)


The Bible contains the "History of the World ... Written in advance!!!"


   "For I AM God,

     and there is no other.
     I am God,

     and there is NONE like Me,
     Declaring the end from the beginning,
     and from ancient times
     things that are not yet done . . ."
     (Isaiah 46:9-10)


Daily Bible Reading: Jeremiah 49-50 ... Hebrews 5

--Alpha News Daily       (Daily Bible Verses ... Daily List and Index)


Israel Knesset Member Says Israel "Cannot Ignore" Nuclear Threat From Iran ...

--WND      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  IRAN)      (Prophecies ... ISRAEL)       (Prophecies:  The coming "RAPTURE")


Turkey Warns Against Military Attack On Iran ...

--Jerusalem Post      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA, IRAN, TURKEY, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)  


Russia President Warns War Rhetoric Against Iran Could Lead To A "Catastrophe"...

--Russia News      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)


EU Foreign Minister Rules Out Any Military Action Against Iran ... Says Attack Would Drag World Into "Spiral"

--Jerusalem Post      (Prophecies:  IRAN)      (Prophecies ... ISRAEL)      (Prophecies: The coming "APOCALYPSE" and Armageddon)


US Defense Chief Panetta Warns Against Military Strike On Iran ...

--VOA      (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia and allies will invade Israel)      (His position favors Iran and Russia ...)


Obama's Secretary of Defense Panetta Has A History Of Working Against America and For Our Enemies...

--WND      (Bible Prophecies:  The Bible DESCRIBES The GENERATION of Armageddon ... includes "TRAITORS")


Iran Prepping For Missile Attack Against Israel ...

--DavidHocking.org      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade Israel)


Iran Issues Its Second Threat In Four Days To Destroy Israel ...

--Debkafile     (Prophecies:  The coming "RAPTURE")      (Prophecies: "The Time of Jacob's (Israel's) Trouble"... The "APOCALYPSE" and Armageddon)


Libyan Mercenaries Arrive In Gaza With Rocket Launchers ...

--Debkafile      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA, IRAN, LIBYA, and allies will invade ISRAEL)      (Bible Prophecies:  GAZA ... LINKED to the "APOCALYPSE")  


Sudan Upgrades Military Airbases Along Southern Border ... Appear To Be Preparing For Attack

--VOA      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA, SUDAN, and allies will invade ISRAEL)      (Past reports revealed Russian pilots flying Sudan fighters ...)


Iran Answers Rumors Of Planned Attack ... Says Israel Will "Feel Their Wrath In Tel Aviv"

--DavidHocking.org      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade Israel)


Iranian General Threatens US ...

--Ynet  (Israel)      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)


Obama Backs Away From Confronting Iran ... Leaves Our Allies Israel And The Saudis On Their Own

--Debkafile      (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia and allies will invade Israel)      (Prophecies ... ISRAEL)      If you step back and look objectively at the News Headlines over the past years (concerning Defense, Economic, Domestic, and Foreign policies) you will find it appears Obama and the core Democrat Party Leaders have been acting as agents of a foreign power (Russia-China and their allies) while undermining (and even sabotaging) the vital interests of America, Israel, and our Allies.   


From Israel:  Waiting Out Obama ... Israel Could Only Mount Limited Response To Iran's Nuclear Threat

--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick      (Prophecies:  IRAN)       (Prophecies ... ISRAEL)       (Prophecies:  The coming "RAPTURE") 


China Providing Iran With Advanced Missiles ... Includes Anti-Ship Cruise Missile China Promised Not To Ship

--Wash Times      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will attack and invade Israel)      (Prophecies:  CHINA and allies will destroy 1/3 of Mankind)


Putin Announces Russian Build-Up Of Submarine Task Force Along Northern Sea Route ...

--Russia News      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

A fearful warning to those who "spurn the Son of God" and "profane the Blood of the Covenant" ...


   "Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses

     dies without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses.

     How much worse punishment,

     do you think, will be deserved

     by the one who has spurned the Son of God,   (read Psalm 2 ...)

     and has profaned the Blood of the Covenant

     by which He (the Son of God) was sanctified (set apart),

     and has outraged the Spirit of Grace?    (Not a good idea when you consider the "Spirit of Grace" determines who is saved out of Hell)

     For we know Him who said,

   "Vengeance is mine; I will repay."

     And again, "The Lord will judge His people."

     It is a FEARFUL THING to fall into the hands of the living God."       (The moment you take your last breath in this life ...)

     (Hebrews 10:28-31)     (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)



--Drudge/Telegraph      (Prophecies:  TEN Nations of the ROMAN EMPIRE will REUNITE and RISE in great power)      (Prophecies:  ANTICHRIST)


Germany's Merkel Calls For A "New Europe"...

--Drudge/CNBC      (Prophecies:  TEN Nations of the ROMAN EMPIRE will REUNITE and RISE in great power)      (Prophecies:  The ANTICHRIST)     German Chancellor Angela Merkel served as Secretary of the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Young Communists at Marx-Lenin University in East Berlin after growing up and prospering in East Germany under Soviet education and indoctrination ... and Russia's Vladimir Putin was once the powerful KGB Commander of East German operations (while he lived there) and he still speaks fluent German.


France And Germany Consider Major Overhaul Of The EU ... Radical Change Could Create Smaller Euro Zone

--NewsMax      (Prophecies:  TEN Nations of the ROMAN EMPIRE will REUNITE and RISE in great power)      (Prophecies:  The ANTICHRIST)


Euro Battered Over Italy And Greece Political Uncertainty ...

--Russia News      (Prophecies:  TEN Nations of the ROMAN EMPIRE will REUNITE and RISE in great power)      (Prophecies:  The ANTICHRIST)


French Leader Calls Israel's Netanyahu Names ... Obama Joins In With Complaints

--Ynet      (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia and allies will invade Israel)      (Prophecies ... ISRAEL)      The Bible warns "at the time of the end" (around the time of the coming "Apocalypse" and Armageddon (also called the "Time of Jacob's (Israel's) Trouble"- Jeremiah 30:7) ALL NATIONS (including the US) will unite (united nations?) and turn against Israel (Zechariah 14:1-2 ... Joel 3:1-2 ... Revelation 16:13-16) ...


But, it is heart-wrenching to see it happening ... it is like watching the water receding from the beach just before a great and terrible tidal wave strikes.  Remember ... Armageddon is in Israel.  Also remember ... through the return of Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) ... Israel WINS ... and will then rule over all the nations in peace.     (PROPHECIES of MESSIAH'S RETURN)


From Israel: "With Friends Like These"... Sarkozy and Obama Comments Reflect Their True Character

--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick      (Prophecies ... ISRAEL)       (PROPHECIES of MESSIAH'S RETURN)


Israeli Official Chides France ... Saying They Should Send The French Foreign Legion to Gaza

--Israel Nat'l News      (Prophecies ... ISRAEL and JERUSALEM)      (Bible Prophecies:  GAZA ... Is LINKED to the coming "APOCALYPSE")


Kenya Asks Israel To Help Them Fight al-Qaeda ...

--Israel Nat'l News      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)


Earlier:  "Is al-Qaida a Russian Proxy?" ... (From A Former Russian KGB Officer)

--JRNyquist      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (From an interview with high-ranking Russian KGB defector Litvinenko shortly before he was assassinated (silenced) by Russia's KGB in Britain ... the KGB officer suspected of leading the Russian KGB assassination team against Litvinenko in Britain has since been "elected" to the Russian Duma which provides him with immunity from extradition.)


Russia Rocket Carries US Astronaut Into Space ...

--BBC News      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (The Democrats have been shutting down our strategic rocket programs ...)


The PA (Formerly PLO) Who Now Governs Most Of "Palestine" Threatens Anarchy And Violence ...

--DavidHocking.org      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Prophecies ... ISRAEL)


Over 2,000 March In Hong Kong's Homosexual "Pride" Parade ...

--AFP      (GOD'S  LAW:  HOMOSEXUALITY)      (It's Global ... God calls it an "Abomination"... and the Bible warns God hates "Pride")


South Korea And Vietnam Celebrate Economic, Nuclear, and Strategic Ties ...

--World Tribune      (Prophecies:  CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of Mankind)


Odd Patterns In China Desert Visible From Space ...

--Drudge/SlashGear      (Prophecies ... KNOWLEDGE AND TRAVEL will increase around "the time of the end")


Pentagon Unveils New "Battle Concept" Designed To Counter China Military Efforts ...

--Washington Times      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of Mankind)


WHAT Is China Doing In The Desert?

--Drudge/Gizmodo      (Prophecies:  CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of Mankind)      (Prophecies: The coming "APOCALYPSE" and Armageddon)


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com


A loving warning to those who choose (and are chosen) to follow Messiah (Christ) ...

"YOU HAVE NEED OF  ENDURANCE" (in this life) ...


   "But recall the former days

     when after you were enlightened,

     you endured a hard struggle with sufferings,

     sometimes being publicly exposed to reproach and affliction,

     and sometimes being partners with those so treated.

     For you had compassion on those in prison,

     and you joyfully accepted the plundering of your property,

     since you KNEW that you yourselves had a better possession and an abiding one.   (In the eternal Kingdom of Heaven ...)

     Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.


     so that when you have done the Will of God

     you may receive what is promised.     (God's Promise ...) 


   "Yet a little while,
     and the Coming One will come and will not delay;

     but My righteous one shall live by faith,

     and if he shrinks back,
     My soul has no pleasure in him."

     But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed,

     but of those who have faith

     and preserve their souls."

     (Hebrews 10:32-39)          (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...)


George Soros Behind "Occupy" Jew-Hating ...

--WND      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia and allies will invade Israel)      (György Schwartz ... aka "George Soros"... is a Marxist-Socialist (Soviet-Communist) who has powerfully and aggressively been aiding and abetting our enemies (for several decades) by methodically planting, funding, and directing many Marxist-Socialist (aka "Left-Wing"-"Communist"-"Fifth-Column"-"Revolutionary") organizations in the US and around the world ... he was born and educated in Soviet-Hungary and emigrated to New York in 1956 at the age of 26 ... he also keeps an office close to the Kremlin ... and he has helped the global Socialist Party (Soviet-Communists) topple many economies, governments, and currencies ... read more about billionaire George Soros' background)


"Occupy" Protesters Splatter Blood And Urine On Food Carts After Vendors Stop "Free" Service ...

--Drudge/CBS      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      "Occupy" Protestors, Unions, Acorn, Nation Islam, La Raza, etc. now appear to be forming in the image of a rising Democrat Party militant "Brown Shirt" battalion ...  (Prophecies:  The coming ANTICHRIST)


Massachusetts Law Professor Says Sending Care Packages to U.S. Troops Is "Shameful"...

--Fox News      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      The Soviet (Aka - Marxist-Socialist-Liberal-Communist) "Fifth Column" in the US is now well entrenched ... the "Occupy Colleges-Universities-Schools" operation initiated over 40 years ago is nearing victory and is now successfully "occupying" our nation's educational system.


Daily Bible Reading: Ezekiel 4-6 ... Hebrews 10:1-23

--Alpha News Daily     (Daily Bible Verses ... Daily List and Index)   


Ezekiel 4-6 (excerpts):

God pronounces Judgment against Israel and Jerusalem ...


     Then lie on your left side,

     and place the punishment of the house of Israel upon it.

     For the number of the days that you lie on it,

     you shall bear their punishment.

     For I assign to you a number of days, 390 days,

     equal to the number of the years of their punishment.

     So long shall you bear the punishment of the house of Israel.

     And when you have completed these,

     you shall lie down a second time, but on your right side,

     and bear the punishment of the house of Judah ... 40 days

     I assign you, a day for each year.   (MATHEMATICAL Prophecy:  ISRAEL a Nation in 1948 ... JERUSALEM regained in 1967)


Hebrews 10:1-23 (excerpts):

Rabbi Shaul (Paul) teaches how Messiah (Christ's) Sacrifice is ONCE AND FOR ALL ...


   "For since the Law has but a shadow of the good things to come

     instead of the true form of these realities,

     it (the Law) can never, by the same sacrifices

     that are continually offered every year,

     make perfect those who draw near.

     Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be offered,

     since the worshipers, having once been cleansed,

     would no longer have any consciousness of sins?


    But in these sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year.

     For it is IMPOSSIBLE for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.   (It could only temporarily "cover" sins ...)

     Consequently, when Messiah (Christcame into the World, He said ...


   “Sacrifices and offerings You (God) have not desired,
     but a body have you prepared for Me (Messiah);
     in burnt offerings and sin offerings
     you have taken no pleasure.
     Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come to do YOUR Will, O God,
    as it is written of Me in the Scroll of the Book.’”    
(PROPHECIES of MESSIAH from the ancient Jewish Scriptures ...) 


     Then He added,

   “Behold, I have come to do Your Will.”

     He does away with the first in order to establish the second.

     And by that will we have been sanctified (set apart by God)

     through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all."   (That is why God allowed the Temple to be destroyed)


Cars Burned in Anti-Jewish Rampage in Brooklyn ...

--Israel Nat'l News      (Prophecies ... ISRAEL)       (Prophecies:  The coming "RAPTURE"... Jew and Gentile ... please don't be left behind)   


Museum In NYC To Display Homosexual-Themed Art Showing Blasphemous Ant-Covered Crucifix Scene ...

--Fox News      (GOD'S  LAW:  HOMOSEXUALITY)      (Prophecies: The coming "APOCALYPSE" and Armageddon ..."The Day of God's WRATH")


Betty Friedan Convinced Many That Being A Wife Or Mother Is "Evil"... 52,000,000 Dead Babies Lie At Her Alter

--WND/EllisWashingtonReport.com      (GOD'S  LAW:  ABORTION)      (From the Bible:  Who is Satan ... a short Bible study)      (God judged Israel for "shedding innocent blood"... for "passing sons and daughters through the fire"... now we call it "abortion")


Satan is a powerful seducer ...

His tactics to DESTROY Marriages, Families, Women and Men, have not changed ...


   "Now the Serpent (Satan) was more cunning      (Angels & Demons:  Names Of Satan In The Bible And What They Mean ... (Audio-Video)

     than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.

     And he (Satan) said to the Woman (Eve),

   "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?"      (First ... Satan creates doubt in God's Word.)

     And the Woman said to the Serpent,

   "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the Garden;      (God provided a variety of tasty fruits which were good to eat ...)

     BUT of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the Garden,    (Poison!  God carefully taught them not to eat ONE.)

     GOD has said, 'You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.'   (God lovingly taught them "good" from "bad")

     Then the Serpent (Satan) said to the woman,

   "You will not surely die.      (Satan is a "liar"... the "father of all lies"... she did die ... and ... ALL her offspring would die)

     For God knows that in the day you eat of it

     your eyes will be opened,      (Satan is seductively convincing her she's a "victim"... God's rules are holding her back)

     and you will be like God,      (Like God ... telling her she will be "Equal" to God ... and does not have to listen to Him)

     knowing good and evil."      (Satan is convincing her she can set her own rules ... then pick and choose what to obey)

     SO when the woman saw that the tree was good for food,   (The "lust of the flesh"...)

     that it was pleasant to the eyes,     (The "lust of the eyes"...)

     and a tree desirable to make one wise,      (The "pride of life"...)

     she took of its fruit and ate."    (She disobeyed God ... and Mankind has suffered ever since ... just as God had warned.)

     (Genesis 3:1-6)     (Messiah was sent forth to fix our "sin" and "death" problem through HIS death and resurrection)


God warns those who come to believe, love, trust, and obey Messiah (Christ) who was sent to "save sinners" ...


   "You have overcome the Wicked One (Satan).

     Do NOT love the World

     OR the things in the World.

     IF anyone loves the World,

     the love of the Father (God) is NOT in him.  

     For all that is in the World --

     the lust of the flesh,

     the lust of the eyes,

     and the pride of life --

     is NOT of the Father

     but is of the World.    (One of Satan's titles is "Ruler of the World") 

     And the World is passing away,         (Prophecies: The coming "APOCALYPSE" and Armageddon ..."The Day of God's WRATH")

     and the lust of it;

     but he who DOES the Will of God

     abides FOREVER (in His Kingdom of Heaven)."     (God's Promise ...)

     (1 John 2:14-17)      (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


Gallup Poll:  Majority Of Democrats "Seldom Or Never" Go To Church ...

--Drudge/CNS      (Bible prophecies: 'Generation of Armageddon')      (Prophecies:  The coming ANTICHRIST)


Daily Bible Reading: Ezekiel 1-3 ... Hebrews 9

--Alpha News Daily     (Daily Bible Verses ... Daily List and Index)   Rabbi Shaul (Paul) is explaining to Hebrews the difference between the "First Covenant" and the "New Covenant" (first prophesied in Jeremiah 31:31) and how both were confirmed through blood ... and "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins"... and the shedding of goats and bulls blood by priests (who also needed cleansing) could only be "temporary"... Ezekiel (and Jeremiah) both warn how God's Anger was kindled because the people rejected His Word (through His servants the Prophets) and thus had rejected the first Covenant ... and as God sends Ezekiel to the exiles dwelling in "Tel-Abib" (Babylon), God warns him most of the people (and their "descendants") will not listen to His Word ... but God says those of "foreign speech" (gentiles) surely would have listened to Ezekiel if he had been sent to prophesy to them.


As a note:  It was only after Jesus (Yeshua) was rejected as the promised Messiah (as the Prophets forewarned) that He allowed His Word to be offered as a "light" (which reveals God) to the "Gentiles."  And, just as the Temple was destroyed during the generation of Jeremiah and Ezekiel after the people persistently "refused to listen" and rejected God's Word sent through the prophets, the Temple was once again destroyed (and those in Jerusalem once again suffered greatly through "famine, pestilence, and the sword") in that same generation Messiah was rejected (70 AD) for exactly the same reasons.     (PROPHECIES of MESSIAH from the ancient Jewish Scriptures ...) 


The Prophets also explain (and promise) that one day during a coming time of great and terrible testing (a 7-year period which could begin soon), a remnant of the children of Israel will soften their hearts (and "foreheads") and will recognize and cry out for their Messiah to save them, He will return and He will save them from all their enemies ... and then the children of Israel will rule over all the nations of the world in peace under Her Eternal King who will sit on the throne of King David ... in Jerusalem.)       (Messiah:  The GENEALOGY of Jesus ... Yeshua)


Daily Bible Reading: Lamentations 3-5 ... Hebrews 8

--Alpha News Daily     (Daily Bible Verses ... Daily List and Index)   Quotes (and explains) the new Covenant prophesied in Jeremiah 31:31


US Presbyterian Church vs. Israel

--Ynet  (Israel)      (Prophecies: "THE FALLING AWAY"... Churches will "DEPART from the faith" ... "will NO LONGER endure sound doctrine")  


Leaked CBS Memo Supports Bachman's Charge That Debate Was Manipulated To "Shut Her Up"...

--WND      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)    


Coulter:  Obama's Chicago Machine Behind Cain Allegations ...

--NewsMax/Coulter      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Bible Prophecies:  Description of 'Generation of Armageddon'..."SLANDERERS")


How To End Washington Corruption ... The Solution Is Simple

--WND/Joseph Farah      (Bible Prophecies:  The Bible DESCRIBES The GENERATION of Armageddon)


Daily Bible Reading: Lamentations 1-2 ... Hebrews 7

--Alpha News Daily       (Daily Bible Verses ... Daily List and Index)


Daily Bible Reading: Jeremiah 51-52 ... Hebrews 6

--Alpha News Daily       (Daily Bible Verses ... Daily List and Index)


Where Are Christian Businessmen ...

--WND/Joseph Farah      (Bible Prophecies:  The GENERATION of Armageddon ..."Having A FORM Of Godliness")


5.7 Magnitude Earthquake Rocks Eastern Turkey ... At Least 3 Dead

--Israel Nat'l News      (Prophecies:  "And there will be EARTHQUAKES in diverse places"...)  



Note:  Many people today do not know whether or not they (or their loved ones) will go to Heaven.  Many have not been adequately (or honestly) taught what the Bible actually says and teaches ...


   "For by GRACE you have been saved (from your sins and from Hell)

     through FAITH (in Jesus Christ),

     and that not of yourselves;

     it is the GIFT of God,   ("Grace" is getting something we don’t deserve…we can't earn this gift of life in Heaven)

     NOT of works,   (we cannot enter Heaven through any “good deeds” we have done ... or think we have done.)

     lest ANYONE should boast."   (We are told it’s a gift from God … we just have to thankfully (and lovingly) receive it.)

     (Ephesians 2:8)       (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)       (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture") 


   "For God so loved the world

     that He GAVE His only begotten Son,   (see Psalm 2)

     that whoever BELIEVES (trusts) in Him      (to trust in Jesus alone to save us from all our sins and from Hell)

     should NOT perish (in Hell)

     but have everlasting life (in Heaven).

     For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,

     but that the world through Him might be saved (into Heaven).

     He who believes in Him is NOT condemned (to Hell);

     but he who does NOT believe (in Jesus Christ)

     IS condemned (to Hell) ALREADY"    (There is no second chance for any who reject what God did for us on the Cross.)

     (John 3:16-18)     (Jesus greatly LOVED us to save us from Hell ... all God asks is that we love Him for all He has done for us.)


For the ASSURANCE of Life in Heaven (and of having ALL of your sin and guilt completely removed) . . . A.C.T. NOW!!! 


-  Acknowledge you are a sinner ... and have sinned against God's Law

-  Confess your sins to God

-  Trust (believe) completely in Jesus Christ  (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) ...

     -  He (lovingly and willingly) died for all of your sins on the Cross ... and His innocent blood washes away ALL our sins

     -  He was buried ... 

     -  He was raised (Resurrected) from the dead the third day ... and now waits to see if you are "with" Him or "against" Him

-  Turn back to God ... and turn away from sinful activities ("repent") ... He will welcome you with tears of joy.


When you believe and trust in (and love) Jesus Christ as your "Savior" (who lovingly saves you from your sins and from Hell) ... and then turn away from your sinful ways and turn back to God ("repent"), you can have the complete peace and assurance in your heart that when you die, you will enter into His Kingdom of Heaven ... forever and ever it’s God’s Promise!!! 


The ONLY thing God asks a NON-believer to do is to "believe"... Jesus (God) did ALL the work ... life in Heaven is offered as a GIFT!!! 



Grace and Shalom




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