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prophet Daniel told Israel exactly WHEN Messiah would "be revealed"
"He (Messiah ... the King) will be revealed 7 weeks + 62 weeks ( = 69 weeks of years) AFTER the commandment to rebuild Jerusalem and its walls, THEN He (Messiah) will be CUT-OFF (executed!) but NOT for Himself." (He willingly died on the Cross as the sacrificial "Lamb of God".) (Daniel 9:24-25)
This is a mathematical prophecy . . .
- A week of years (shabua or shabu’im) = 7 years - "Cut-off". . . the actual Hebrew word used was karath, literally means "executed!" - The "70th Week" (the last 7 years) of this prophecy is yet future ... the coming "Apocalypse."
The Bible uses 360 day lunar years for prophecies. So, the easiest way to unravel this prophecy is to first convert this prophecy into days ...
1. Add 7 + 62 weeks of years = 69 weeks of years in this prophecy 2. Multiply 69 (weeks) x 7 (to get the total number of years in this prophecy) = 483 years 3. Multiply 483 years x 360 (to get the total number of days in this prophecy) = 173,880 days
So, the prophet Daniel, who lived 500 years before Jesus (Yeshua) wrote that from the day of the commandment to rebuild Jerusalem and its walls, until the coming Messiah would be 173,880 days! (Note: This prophecy was also translated from Hebrew into Greek in the Septuagint almost 300 years before Jesus made His prophetic entry into Jerusalem, riding on a donkey.)
To convert the 173,880 days found in this prophecy into our 365.25 day solar years (the .25 adjusts for leap years) . . .
173,880 days ÷ 365.25 (days in a year) = 476 years (our solar 'Julian' calendar)
So, the prophet Daniel told us it would be 476 years from the "commandment to rebuild Jerusalem and its walls" to the time the Messiah of Israel would first be revealed to Israel (and to the world.)
The Commandment ...
This prophecy of the coming Messiah is both remarkable and extremely precise. There were other orders to rebuild the Temple, but, there was only one commandment to restore Jerusalem and its wall. On March 14th, 445 BC, as confirmed by modern archaeology, King Artexerxes I of Persia issued the commandment to rebuild Jerusalem and specifically included its wall (see Nehemiah 2:2-9 ... the book of Nehemiah records this account of rebuilding the city and its wall.)
Prophecy fulfilled ...
Now take the 476 years in this prophecy and simply start counting from March 14, 445 B.C. (when the command to rebuild the city Jerusalem and its wall was given) and you end on the exact year (even the very day) Jesus (Yeshua) rode 'triumphantly' into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday), being praised as King and Messiah by thousands upon thousands of the Jewish people who had gathered from all over for the Passover Holidays. Honored, yet lowly, riding on a donkey - exactly as another prophet, the prophet Zechariah, said He would ...
"Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (Israel)! Behold, your King (Messiah) is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, yet He is lowly and riding on a donkey." (Zechariah 9:9 ... written around 500 B.C.)
Thus, on the 10th day of Nisan ("Palm Sunday") 32 AD ... 476 years after the command was given to rebuild the city and its wall ... Jesus (Yeshua) made His famous "triumphal entry" into Jerusalem, riding on a donkey. It was the only day that He ever allowed Himself to be honored as Messiah or King (Mark 11:1-12) as the people of Israel cried out and sang "Hosanna to the Son of David (this is a Psalm of the Messiah), blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!" from Psalm 118 ... (and all this took place just a few days before He was "executed" exactly as Daniel's prophecy said He would!) A remarkable prophecy . . . simply count the years! March 14, 445 B.C. Commandment is issued by Artexerxes I to rebuild the wall to April 6, 32 A.D. "Palm Sunday", 10th of Nisan - Jesus welcomed as King and Messiah = 477 years - 1 year Subtract one for no "0" A.D. or B.C. = 476 years Exactly!
Who else around 32 A.D. fulfilled all these many prophecies?
No one!!! Only Jesus (Yeshua) of Nazareth (born in Bethlehem in the line of King David) ... the promised Messiah!
From Israel: Remembering "A Christian Warrior For Zion"... --Jerusalem Post/Michael Freund "I (God) will BLESS those who bless you (Israel) and will CURSE those who curse you" (Gen 12:3)
Christian Parents Torn Over Loss of Daughter in Nigeria After She Was Kidnapped By Islamics ... --CDN (ISLAM ... Allah vs. The Word of God)
Preparing For The Biblical New Year ... This Week's "Sabbath Of The Moon" --Jerusalem Post/Shlomo Riskin (Prophecies ... ISRAEL and JERUSALEM) (Prophecies: MESSIAH'S RETURN)
Russia Reports ... The World Is Now "On The Brink Of Third World War" --Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies: The coming "APOCALYPSE" and ARMAGEDDON) Note the points they highlighted in BOLD ...
--Drudge/ABC News (Bible Prophecies: The Bible's DESCRIPTION of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes ..."TRAITORS")
Media Blackout On Obama Eligibility Evidence Is "Near-Total"... --WND (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) Gaining control over the Media and Education is always the first objective in a Socialist (Marxist) takeover ... then, after gaining control over Media and Education (including Seminaries), their second objective is to control the Economy and the Courts ... and then, to eliminate believing Christians and the Middle-Class.
The Socialist-Marxist goal is to have only TWO "Classes": The "Ruling" Class ... and the "Ruled Over" Class.
The free Middle-Class (which is the backbone of any true believing Christian Republic) is quickly destroyed through high taxes, heavy government regulation-control, and the elimination of small to medium sized business and farms which form the foundation of a free society and economy.
The typical sequence in their war against Christianity includes ...
1. Ridicule (make them the brunt of stereotyping and jokes to make many feel "embarrassed" or "ashamed" to be called a Christian) 2. Marginalize (make them appear to be outside the "norm" of the new society ... start making them appear "radical" or "dangerous") 3. Pass laws which threaten penalties for teaching, following, or obeying God's Word ... (watch the new "hate" laws) 4. Pass laws which threaten imprisonment or death for bowing the knee to God's Word ... (which warns homosexuality and abortion are sins) 5. Massive imprisonment and execution of Christians ... use of informants and spies ... family members against family members
The enemy grows strong and now senses victory ... and as followers of the Messiah of Israel (Christ in English), we need to earnestly pray, continue to shine light into the darkness, and diligently seek the Lord's Will in this matter. (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST)
Democrats Trying to Weaken Arizona Abortion Bill ... --NewsMax (GOD'S LAW: ABORTION) (WARNING SIGNS of the Apocalypse: We will know when we are close)
Obama Daughter Taking Spring Break Around Oaxaca Mexico ... (With 25 Secret-Service Agents) --Drudge/Montreal Gazette
America's "First-Family" Uses Daughter To Make A Clear Statement At G-8 Conference Read Here The Origin and Meaning
Obama's Nominee To Head The World Bank Is Linked To George Soros ... --Times (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (György Schwartz ... aka "George Soros"... is a Marxist-Socialist (Communist) who has powerfully and aggressively been aiding and abetting our enemies (for several decades) by methodically planting and funding many Marxist-Socialist (aka "Left-Wing"-"Communist"-"Fifth-Column"-"Revolutionary") organizations in the US and around the world ... he was born and educated in Soviet-Hungary and emigrated to New York in 1956 at the age of 26 ... he also keeps an office close to the Kremlin ... and he has helped the global Socialist Party (Soviet-Communists) topple many economies, governments, and currencies ... read more about billionaire George Soros' background)
Obama's Former Medicare Chief Joins George Soros-Funded Operation ... --WND (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
New "Obama Directive" Allows Him To Send U.S. Troops After Those Wanted By International Criminal Court ... --World Tribune (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST)
The 4 Horsemen Of The Supreme Court ... The Dred Scott Decision ... and Obamacare --WND/Ellis Washington Report (Prophecies: DESCRIPTION of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "SLANDERERS"..."VIOLENCE")
White House Says Supreme Court WILL Find Obama's Health Care Law "Constitutional"... --Fox News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (The Democrat Party deployed an estimated 1000 operatives to Alaska to try and uncover information on Sarah Palin which they would attempt to use as weapons for slander, ridicule, blackmail, intimidation, or extortion in order to "neutralize" her as a threat ... there is little doubt they also bring to bear the same methods against vulnerable "swing votes" in Congress and the Supreme Court in order to try and forcibly manipulate votes to their advantage.)
Report: Democrat-Appointed Justices Will Vote In Lockstep ... GOP-Appointed Justices Look To Constitution --Drudge/Washington Times (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
--Drudge/NY Daily News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war ... "ETHNIC against ETHNIC")
Earlier: Black Panthers Supporting Obama By Intimidating Voters
Neighborhood Watch Captain Suffered Broken Nose And Head Injury While Being Attacked By Trayvon Martin ... --Drudge/ABC News (Bible Prophecies: The DESCRIPTION of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes ..."VIOLENCE")
Witness Says Neighborhood Watch Captain Was Being Beaten Before Shooting Black Teen ... --Drudge/Fox News (Bible Prophecies: The DESCRIPTION of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes ..."VIOLENCE")
Will Obama And The Democrats Also Comment On Mississippi State Murder Of White Student ... --Drudge/CDispatch (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war ... "ETHNIC against ETHNIC") The Marxist-Socialist strategy is to "divide and conquer." The Bible warns there will be "Wars and rumors of war ... ethnic against ethnic" as we near the coming "Apocalypse."
THE BIBLE tells us believing Christians are "all one in Christ Jesus"... AND there are NO ethnic, gender, race, or economic divisions in the "body of Christ" (Messiah) ...
"There is neither Jew nor Gentile (Greek), (This covers all races ... and all nations) there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:28) (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...) (God's Promise ...)
Photo: Through the prophet Daniel ... GOD ALSO WARNED Jerusalem AND the Jewish Temple ("Sanctuary") would be destroyed
AFTER Messiah would be "executed" ...
In Daniel 9:24 (see
above) ... God warned the Jewish Temple and Jerusalem would be destroyed
AFTER Messiah would be "cut off"... Israel Breaks Ties with UN Human Rights Council ... --Russia News (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) The Bible warns "at the time of the end" (around the time of the coming "Apocalypse" and Armageddon (also called the "Time of Jacob's (Israel's) Trouble"- Jeremiah 30:7) ALL NATIONS (including the US) will unite (united nations?) and turn against Israel (Zechariah 14:1-2 ... Joel 3:1-2 ... Revelation 16:13-16) ... but, it is heart-wrenching to see it happening ... it is like watching the water receding from the beach just before a great and terrible tidal wave strikes. Remember ... Armageddon is in Israel. Also remember ... through the return of Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) ... Israel WINS ... and will rule over the nations in peace.
Iran Preparing "Global March on Jerusalem"... Forcing Iranian Jews To Spearhead March Against Israel --Debkafile (Prophecies: IRAN) (Prophecies: The RAPTURE) (Prophecies: The "APOCALYPSE")
"Behold, I (God) will make JERUSALEM a cup of trembling (anger, fear) unto ALL the people (nations) round about . . ." (Zechariah 12:2) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL and JERUSALEM)
"And in that Day (The "Day of the Lord" ... "The Day of (God's) Wrath"... the coming "Apocalypse") I (God) will make JERUSALEM a burdensome stone for ALL people" (Zechariah12:3) (Prophecies: The "APOCALYPSE" and ARMAGEDDON)
Don’t miss this . . . God warns HE is the One stirring things up in Israel and Jerusalem!!!
Israel Warns Its Neighbors ..."Don't March To Jerusalem"... Or Approach Israel's Borders ... Next Friday --Ynet (Israel) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL and JERUSALEM) (Prophecies: The RAPTURE) (Prophecies: The "APOCALYPSE")
Iraq: Baghdad Heavily Secured Against Syrian Or al-Qaeda Attack On Arab Summit ... --Debkafile (Prophecies: DAMASCUS will be utterly DESTROYED) (Prophecies: RUSSIA and IRAN) (Bible Prophecies: IRAQ - (Babylon) Syria and al-Qaida ARE Russia and Iran ...
Earlier: "Is al-Qaida a Russian Proxy?" ... (From Former High-Ranking Russian KGB Officer) --JRNyquist (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war) (From an interview with high-ranking Russian KGB defector Litvinenko shortly before he was assassinated (silenced) by Russia's KGB in Britain ... the KGB officer suspected of leading the Russian KGB assassination team against Litvinenko in Britain has since been "elected" to the Russian Duma which provides him with immunity from extradition.)
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies: RUSSIA and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL) (Prophecies: The coming "APOCALYPSE")
Russian Troops Arrive In Syria ... Arabs Fear Invasion (Prophecies: DAMASCUS will be utterly DESTROYED) (Prophecies: RUSSIA and IRAN will invade Israel ...)
Sudan Army Deploying Drones From Iran In War With South ... --World Tribune (Prophecies: SUDAN (ancient "Cush"), IRAN, RUSSIA, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
Christians Targeted In Sudan’s "Ethnic Cleansing"... --CDN (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war ... "ETHNIC against ETHNIC") (Prophecies: RUSSIA, SUDAN, and allies will invade ISRAEL)
Russian Air Force Adopts New Advanced Cruise Missile Capable Of Carrying Nuclear Warheads ... --Russia News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
Russia Warns Israel Against Violating Lebanon's Airspace ... --Russia News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
Upcoming Russian Victory Day Parade Will Include Mobile "Topol-M" Heavy-Nuclear-Missile Launchers ... --Russia News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
China Aiming To Disable U.S. Defenses ... --WND (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of Mankind)
--WND (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of Mankind)
--NewsMax (Prophecies: The US will be "NEUTRALIZED" ... THEN ... RUSSIA, IRAN, and ALLIES will invade Israel)
Iran Greets Persian New Year With Cannon Fire ... --AFP (Prophecies: IRAN (Persia) (Prophecies: The RAPTURE) (Prophecies: The "APOCALYPSE")
"Paralysis Warfare"... China’s "Cyber-War" Focus Is To Cripple U.S. Military's Infrastructure Prior To Hostilities --World Tribune (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of Mankind)
Iran "Planned To Bomb Israeli Ship In Suez Canal"... --Drudge/Ha'aretz (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: IRAN) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL)
--NYTimes (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Bible Prophecies: A Generation of Evil will rise ... DESCRIPTION includes "VIOLENCE") (Russia-Iran-Islam Marxist Revolutionary (terrorist) tactics are evident in Mexico's "drug" war ...)
Russia-Iran Ally Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) Predicts This "Summit Of Americas" Will Be Last Without Cuba ... --NewsMax (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Most of South America (and its oil) has fallen under the Russia-China axis ...)
--World Tribune (Prophecies: The US will be "NEUTRALIZED" ... THEN ... RUSSIA, IRAN, and ALLIES will invade Israel) "Neutralized" means the US will be UNWILLING or UNABLE to defend Israel sometime before this coming invasion of Israel. "Neutralized" can mean Militarily, Politically, Economically, or any combination of the three. The Bible warns the US will NOT defend Israel when this coming war takes place. According to the Bible, Israel must stand alone ... with God. When Russia, Iran, Turkey, and their 'coalition' of nations attack and invade Israel, the U.S. will be unwilling or unable (or unwilling and unable) to help defend Her ...
THE BIBLE sets aside a lot of space (two whole chapters - Ezekiel 38-39) for this prophecy BECAUSE it will mark the beginning of the end ... BECAUSE it will set the forces behind Armageddon into motion. For over 10 years the World has watched this coming war slowly rising before us BECAUSE God wants all to be warned and to escape those things which will come both during and after this coming war ...
GOD is pleading with ALL Mankind (both Jew and Gentile) to turn back to Him and turn away from all our sinful activities (including "drunkenness," gossip, lying, sexual immorality, and complaining) AND to place ALL of our faith and trust in His Son (Jesus Christ in English ... Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) who was sent forth to "save sinners"... and to "wash us clean" of all our sins through His Blood which saves us from Hell (and from the coming "Apocalypse"). (Prophecies: The coming "RAPTURE"... Jew and Gentile ... Please don't be "left behind")
Germany Warns Israel Against Attack On Iran ... --Koenig/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies: RUSSIA, "GOMER," and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL) Who actually won the 'Cold-War'? For over two decades the Socialist slogan has been "Use Democracy to Destroy Democracy"... Gorbachev tore down the Berlin Wall ... then a generation of Russian-Marxist educated East Germans flooded the West German voter rolls ... pro-US German parties and politicians were quickly defeated ... and Germany swiftly turned toward Russia and away from the U.S. on all major global issues.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel served as Secretary of the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Young Communists at Marx-Lenin University in East Berlin after growing up and prospering in East Germany under Soviet education and indoctrination ... and Russia's Vladimir Putin was once the powerful KGB Commander of East German operations (while he lived there) and he still speaks fluent German.
Turkey Seeks Waivers From US On Iran Sanctions ... --AFP (France) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, TURKEY, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
Obama Bypasses (And Surprises) Allies Israel And Turkey ... Greatly Reduces Iran Sanctions --Debkafile (Prophecies: IRAN) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: The coming RAPTURE) AMERICA'S foreign and domestic policies are now being dictated by the same dark and evil forces which control and direct George Soros. Our Defense (and Economic) policies are now designed to strengthen the enemies of Israel (and America) ... AND to weaken Israel (and America).
THE BIBLE warns the sign God would give Mankind (the World) that the end of "this Age" is nearing (the coming "Apocalypse"), is when Mankind would see the nations of the world uniting to try and remove Israel as a nation, sometime after 1948 when Israel once again became a sovereign nation after 2500 years. (ISRAEL BACK as a Nation in 1948: A REMARKABLE MATHEMATICAL PROPHECY Fulfilled)
SINCE our nation ("house") which was originally founded upon God's Word (the "Rock") is being quickly torn down and discarded, and the new nation ("house") is being built "on sand" in defiance of God's Word, our days as a blessed and free nation are numbered ... and when the "rains", the "floods", and "the wind" come and "beat" against this nation ("house") of ours which has turned away from God and God's Word, it will not stand, but will be swept away (see Matthew 7:24-26 ... which applies to individuals, families, and nations.) (Prophecies: The coming "APOCALYPSE")
Photo: RIGHT AFTER HIS "TRIUMPHAL ENTRY (Palm Sunday) Jesus (Yeshua) wept over Jerusalem ...
Here, Jesus issues a new prophecy and warns
Israel WHY it would happen . . .
Report Finds Christians Are The Target Of Most Attacks In Europe ... --WND (Prophecies: 10 NATIONS OF THE ANCIENT ROMAN EMPIRE WILL REUNITE ... and WILL RISE in great power) (Prophecies: The ANTICHRIST)
--Ynet (ISLAM ... Allah vs. The Word of God) (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST)
From Israel: Islamic Murderer Who Killed Jewish Kids In France ... Not A Lone Gunman ... "Man of the West" --Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick (ISLAM ... Allah vs. The Word of God) (Bible Prophecies: A Generation of Evil will rises ... "VIOLENCE")
Muslim Brotherhood May Make Bid For President Of Egypt ... (Bible Prophecies: EGYPT) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: The coming RAPTURE) Obama and Clinton lifted Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood into power ... earlier the Muslim Brotherhood assassinated Egypt's leader Anwar Sadat and helped spawn al-Qaida ... al-Qaida's new leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, is originally from Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood ... and George Soros has been forging an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood through his "International Crisis Group" and his spokesman "Marwan Muasher" and "Mohamed ElBaradei" (the UN's chief nuclear inspector who spent years protecting Iran's nuclear bomb program.)
Israeli Ambassador Quits Egypt Over Gaza ... --Israel Nat'l News (Prophecies: GAZA) (Bible Prophecies: EGYPT) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: RAPTURE)
Turkey Army Forces Kill "15 Women Kurd Rebels" ... (The Kurds Are The Ancient "Medes" - See Below) --AFP (France) (Bible Prophecies: IRAQ - (Babylon and the Medes) (Prophecies: TURKEY, IRAN (Persia), and RUSSIA ...
Russian Oil Company Gets Iraq Contract On World’s Largest Undeveloped Oil Field ... --World Tribune (Bible Prophecies: IRAQ - (Babylon) (Prophecies: RUSSIA and IRAN)
--Drudge/Telegraph (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) Why do our leaders keep silent when Afghan "allies" murder our boys ...
Sweden Moving Toward "Cashless" Economy ... --Drudge/CBS News (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST)
The Bible warns there will be ...
- A coming Global Economy and Monetary System - A coming Global Government - A coming Global Leader (the coming Antichrist)
A coming global ("one-world") monetary system ...
"He (a coming world leader ... the "Antichrist") causes ALL, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that NO ONE MAY BUY OR SELL except one who has the mark, or the name of the Beast, (The coming Antichrist) or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:16-17)
This prophecy is very crucial for those who have not accepted Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) as their Lord and will be alive when this law is enacted and enforced. This "mark" may be some kind of tattoo, or implanted microchip with all of your credit card and banking information, we really don’t know right now. It will not be easy to refuse this mark, whatever it is, for many of you will have families and children that will need to be fed. But, please be warned . . . by taking this mark, you will have sealed your eternal fate in Hell. In God’s eyes it identifies you with the Antichrist ... and Satan. There will be no turning back for any who take the "mark, the name of the Beast, or the number of his name." The utter darkness, loneliness, and torments of Hell will be their fate and their eternal destiny. Blessings are promised in Heaven to all those who refuse to take the "mark" and refuse to bow down to this coming world leader . . . and will die in their faith for doing so. The Lord will take the sting out of death.
Earlier: Cashless Society ... India Implements First Biometric ID Program For All Residents --Drudge/InfoWars (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST)
--Fox News (Bible Prophecies: DESCRIPTION of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "FILLED WITH VIOLENCE")
Madonna To Launch Upcoming World Tour In Israel ...Adds "Concert For PEACE" --Jerusalem Post (Bible Prophecies: The 'Generation of Armageddon' ... MORALLY "CORRUPT") (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST)
The Bible warns there will be NO "PEACE" in Israel ... or on Earth ... until Messiah returns ...
"Because, even because they have seduced My (God's) people, (Israel) saying, 'Peace', AND THERE WAS NO PEACE ..." (Ezekiel 13:10)
"For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of My people (Israel) slightly, saying, 'Peace, Peace'; when there IS NO PEACE!" (Jeremiah 8:11)
"For you yourselves know perfectly that the Day of the Lord (the coming "Apocalypse") so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them" (1 Thessalonians 5:2-3) (TWO RABBIS who divided Israel almost 2000 years ago ... Rabbi Jochanan ben Zakkai and Rabbi Shaul of Tarsus)
Thousands Of New Agers Descend On European Mountain ... Think It's A Haven From The Apocalypse --Drudge/Independent (UK) (Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise)
--Fox News
7.6 Magnitude Earthquake Reported Near Oaxaca Mexico ... --Koenig/USGS (Prophecies: "And there will be EARTHQUAKES in diverse places"...)
7.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Off Chile ... --UPI (Prophecies: "And there will be EARTHQUAKES in diverse places"...) (This prophecy is remarkable because it had to look far into the future to anticipate the day (and generation) when there would be worldwide communications technology capable of reporting these worldwide earthquakes as they happen ... (Prophecies ... KNOWLEDGE AND TRAVEL will increase around "the time of the end")
70,000 Children "Dying Every Year From Tuberculosis"... --AFP (Prophecies: DEADLY DISEASES will spread ...)
Daily Bible Reading for the Week ...
Daily Bible Reading - Day 79: Joshua 1-3 ... Luke 1:57-80 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 80: Joshua 4-6 ... Luke 2:1-24* --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 81: Joshua 7-8 ... Luke 2:25-52 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 82: Joshua 9-10 ... Luke 3 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 83: Joshua 11-13... Luke 4:1-32 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Study - Day 84: Joshua 14-15 ... Luke 4:33-44 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Study - Day 85: Joshua 16-18 ... Luke 5:1-16 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Photo: The Lord's Offer ...
"Come unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me . . . for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest unto your souls.
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30) (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...) (God's Promise ...)
US Federal Judge Forces Schools To Allow Access To Explicit Lesbian and Homosexual Sites ... --WND/Greely Gazette (GOD'S LAW: HOMOSEXUALITY) (Headlines: The Democrat Party's WAR against CHILDREN ...) In Deuteronomy 28 God lays out "Blessings" for those nations who obey God's Word and God's Law ... and "Curses" for those nations who refuse to obey God's Word and God's Law.
God WILL bring "Curses" upon any nation who teaches their children to disregard and disobey God's Law ... And in the Bible we find God will raise up evil nations to inflict judgment upon those nations who have turned away from His Word and from His Law.
Russian Troops Enter Syria ... --Drudge/ABC News (Prophecies: DAMASCUS will be utterly DESTROYED) (Prophecies: RUSSIA and IRAN will invade Israel ...)
Russians Manning Syrian Air Defenses ... Iran Pouring Military Supplies Into Syria Through Iraq --Debkafile (Prophecies: DAMASCUS will be utterly DESTROYED) (Prophecies: RUSSIA and IRAN) (Bible Prophecies: IRAQ - (Babylon)
Russia To Deploy Three New Advanced Air-Defense Battalions Around Moscow, Far-East, and Baltics ... --Russia News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
--Debkafile (Prophecies: DAMASCUS will be utterly DESTROYED) (Prophecies: RUSSIA and IRAN will invade Israel ...)
Iran Deploys Advanced Torpedo Which Could Threaten US Navy ... --Middle-East Newsline (Prophecies: The US will be "NEUTRALIZED" ... THEN ... RUSSIA, IRAN, and ALLIES will invade Israel)
Iran Threatens To Close The Strait Of Hormuz And Cut Off World's Oil Supply ... --Debkafile (Prophecies: IRAN and RUSSIA) (Prophecies: The RAPTURE) (Prophecies: The "APOCALYPSE") Russia and Iran now have their "Dream Team" of Obama-Clinton-Panetta-Soros in place and leading America ... they will not let this long awaited opportunity pass without completing their mission.
The Season of War often began in the Spring ...
"In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle." (2 Samuel 11:1) (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
Also, every dollar the price of a barrel if oil goes up strengthens Russia and Iran as it adds BILLIONS of dollars into Russia and Iran's War Treasuries ... while every dollar the price of oil goes up weakens America as it drains BILLIONS of dollars out of the U.S. Economy and Defense budgets. This is why the Democrat Party refuses to allow the US to access its vast oil and gas reserves which would drive the price of oil down and would add BILLIONS to our Economy and would open thousands upon thousands of new jobs. This forceful blocking of strategic Economic and Defense assets by the Democrat Party sounds a lot more like Sabotage and Treason than their oft-repeated "Environmental Protection" alibi.
Iran Threatens Northern Israel With Missile Bombardment From Lebanon ... --Debkafile (Prophecies: Russia, IRAN, and allies will invade ISRAEL) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: The coming RAPTURE)
Russia Creates Its Own "Future Soldier" Combat System ... --Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
Russia and China Still Arming Sudan For Attacks On Darfour ... --World Tribune (Prophecies: Russia, SUDAN, and Iran will invade ISRAEL) (Prophecies: CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of Mankind)
Israel's Netanyahu Says "Gaza Is Iran"... --Jerusalem Post (Prophecies: GAZA) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: IRAN) (Prophecies: RAPTURE)
--Ynet (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: IRAN) (Prophecies: GAZA) (Prophecies: RAPTURE) (Prophecies: "APOCALYPSE")
Israel Develops Its Own "Bunker Buster" Bomb ... --Debkafile (Prophecies: Russia, IRAN, and allies will invade ISRAEL) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL)
Israel Tests Its New "Bunker Buster" Bomb ... (Video) --Israel Nat'l News (Prophecies: IRAN and allies will invade ISRAEL) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
Israel Ultimatum ... Stop The Missiles By Saturday Night ... Hamas Leader In Iran --Debkafile (Prophecies: IRAN) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: The RAPTURE) (Prophecies: The "APOCALYPSE") DO NOT take these "rumors of war" between Iran and Israel lightly. For the Bible warns sometime before or during this coming prophetic war the door of escape will slam close and then a terrible hammer will fall upon the land of Israel (which God calls the center of the world) which will create a deadly series of waves of destruction which will circle and engulf the globe all the way until the very end and the final Battle of Armageddon ... this coming war will help trigger the events which will ultimately devastate all nations of the World ... (Prophecies: The coming "APOCALYPSE" and ARMAGEDDON ...)
THESE months and years of headlines reflecting the growing hostilities between Israel and Iran (with Russia and allies) are God's global "air raid" sirens blaring ... these headlines are His warning to Israel and to ALL Mankind to take shelter in the "Word of God" (Messiah ... Jesus Christ in English ... Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) through repentance and trust in Him in order to "escape all these things that will come to pass." (Prophecies: The coming "RAPTURE"... Jew and Gentile ... Please don't be "left behind")
Iran Says It "Fully" Backs Palestinians Against Israel ... Promises Continued Support For Hamas --Jerusalem Post (Prophecies: Russia, IRAN, and allies will invade ISRAEL) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: The coming RAPTURE)
Jewish Mother And Daughter Ambushed By Islamic Palestinians In Israel ... --Israel Nat'l News (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: IRAN) (Prophecies: RAPTURE) (Prophecies: "APOCALYPSE")
Iran Says Israel Is So Small "It Wouldn't Last A Week In A Real War"... --Ynet (Prophecies: IRAN) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: The RAPTURE) (Prophecies: The "APOCALYPSE")
Egypt's New Parliament Calls Israel Its Number One Enemy ... --Hal Lindsey/Jerusalem Post (Bible Prophecies: EGYPT) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: The coming RAPTURE) Obama and Clinton lifted Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood into power ... the Muslim Brotherhood also assassinated Egypt's leader Anwar Sadat and helped spawn al-Qaida ... al-Qaida's new leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, is originally from Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood ... and George Soros has been forging an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood through his "International Crisis Group" and his spokesman "Marwan Muasher" and "Mohamed ElBaradei" (the UN's chief nuclear inspector who spent years protecting Iran's nuclear bomb program.)
Roman Catholic Church Says "Israel's Existence Has Nothing To Do With The Bible" ... --Ynet (Israel Back as a Nation in 1948: A Remarkable MATHEMATICAL PROPHECY Fulfilled) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL)
Assassin Kills 4 In Shooting At Jewish School In France ... Killer Targeted Children And Teacher --Debkafile (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Bible Prophecies: A Generation of Evil will rise ... DESCRIPTION includes "VIOLENCE")
Israel's Netanyahu Condemns "Loathsome Murder Of Jews" In France ... Slams UN For Not Condemning Attack --Jerusalem Post (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: The coming "APOCALYPSE" ... "The Day of God's Wrath")
Obama's Muslim Adviser Says Syria's Assad Is "Too Soft" On Israel ... --Israel Nat'l News (Prophecies: DAMASCUS will be utterly DESTROYED) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) If you haven't noticed ... all of the "Arab Spring" revolutions which Obama has supported ... including Libya, Egypt, etc ... have replaced regimes who were willing to maintain at least some level of truce or peace with Israel with new regimes who are ALL now moving into a "war-like" stance against Israel. (Prophecies: The coming RAPTURE)
Photo: Have you been "born again" (of the "Spirit" and not of the flesh)?
"Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, UNLESS one is born again, he CANNOT see the Kingdom of God.’ Nicodemus (a powerful Jewish religious leader) said to Him, ‘How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?’ Jesus answered, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, UNLESS one is born of water AND the Spirit, he CANNOT enter the Kingdom of God (Heaven). That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.’" (John 3:3-6) (God's Promise ...) (Prophecies: The coming "Rapture"... Jew and Gentile ... please don't be "left behind")
Note: We had no choice concerning our first birth ("of the flesh"), but to be born again of the Spirit and into the Kingdom of Heaven requires a conscious choice and decision on our part. The Bible says if we believe, sincerely and in faith, that Jesus ("the Son of God") lovingly and willingly shed His blood and died on the Cross for us (as God's "sacrificial Lamb" which takes away all our sins "once and for all"), was buried, then rose again the third day (through the awesome power of God), and sincerely (and lovingly) accept Him as our Lord, invite Him into our lives, and turn back to God (and turn away from our sinful ways), then we are "born again" (and are called "a new creation"). This time, we are born of the Spirit ...
"Whoever believes that Jesus is the Messiah (Christ) (Prophecies of MESSIAH ... from the ancient Jewish Scriptures) IS born of God, ("Born again" in the Spirit) and everyone who loves God the Father also loves Him who is begotten of Him (Jesus)." (The "gospel" is a love story written in Blood on the Cross ...) (1 John 5:1) (God's Promise ...) (The assurance of life in Heaven ... it's NOT too late!!!)
Martial Law?? Obama Issues New Executive Order ..."National Defense Resources Preparedness" --Drudge/ (Prophecies: The US will be "NEUTRALIZED" ... THEN ... RUSSIA, IRAN, and ALLIES will invade Israel) "Homeland Security" is a recently created monster which now controls America's freedoms and law enforcement ... Janet Napolitano is now the "head" of Homeland Security ... Janet Napolitano has said she thinks believing Christians and returning military servicemen are the greatest "threat" to America (and NOT Islamic jihadists). (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST)
--WND (Bible Prophecies: DESCRIPTION of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "TRAITORS") (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist) An FBI informant documented discussions centered on communist nations of Cuba, North Korea, China, and Russia helping to occupy parts of the US while massive "Re-Education" Centers would be set up in the Southwest ... this same Bill Ayers was instrumental in Barack Obama's rise to power. (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST)
Earlier: Obama's Plan For Massive "Civilian National Security Force"... --WND (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) The National Socialist (NAZI) Party of Germany called their Civilian National Security Force the "Gestapo" and "Brown Shirts." The National Socialist (Communist) Party of Russia called their Civilian National Security Force the "KGB." And, with Russia's help over the past 40 years, the Socialists in America have now stealthily (and successfully) penetrated and wrested control over the highest levels of the US Government, Unions, Universities (and Seminaries), News, Media, Courts, and the Democrat Party ... and now appear to be preparing to topple our "King"... which is our Constitutional Rule of Law ... the President, Congress, and Supreme Court are ALL to be subservient to and under the Constitution ... Socialists' first priority after gaining control over a nation is always to try and "eliminate" God's Word, believing Christians, and the Middle-Class. (Prophecies: The RAPTURE) (Prophecies: ANTICHRIST) (Prophecies: The "APOCALYPSE" and ARMAGEDDON) (Prophecies: MESSIAH'S RETURN)
Earlier: Obama Wants New "Civilian National Security Force" To Be As Well Funded As Military and Defense ... --WND (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (It might take only one major military "crisis" to set this Stalinist plan into motion ...)
US Longshoremen's Union Names China's Premier "Best Friend" of American Worker ... --Drudge/Free Beacon (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) Former KGB officer Anatoliy Golitsyn warned Communist-Russia had penetrated and developed a close and powerful relationship with American Unions to help advance their Soviet-Marxist Socialism (Communism) into the US and to help weaken and cripple portions of the (then strong) American Economy ... (Socialism-Communism is also a sworn enemy against Biblical Christianity and God's Word.) (Prophecies ... The coming ANTICHRIST)
China Deemed Leading Military Supplier To Iran ... --Middle-East Newsline (Prophecies: CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of Mankind) (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
Iran Deploys Advanced Torpedo Which Could Threaten US Navy ... --Middle-East Newsline (Prophecies: The US will be "NEUTRALIZED" ... THEN ... RUSSIA, IRAN, and ALLIES will invade Israel)
AFL-CIO Union Votes To Endorse Obama ... Cites "Shared Values" --Drudge/AFLCIO (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Many place allegiance to a Union above allegiance to God's Word or the nation.)
Public-Sector Unions Played Key Role In Helping Democrats Win Colorado Elections ... --NewsMax (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
Washington Post To Partner With Chinese Government Propaganda Outlet To Launch "News" Website ... --Drudge/Free Beacon (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of Mankind) The highest priority in a Socialist-Communist rise to power is taking control over the Media and Education ... and then eliminate Biblical Christianity and the Middle-Class.
George Soros Funded Southern Poverty Law Center ..."If You're Not Left Wing (Socialist), You're A Hate Group" --WND (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (György Schwartz ... aka "George Soros"... is a Marxist-Socialist (Communist) who has powerfully and aggressively been aiding and abetting our enemies (for several decades) by methodically planting and funding many Marxist-Socialist (aka "Left-Wing"-"Communist"-"Fifth-Column"-"Revolutionary") organizations in the US and around the world ... he was born and educated in Soviet-Hungary and emigrated to New York in 1956 at the age of 26 ... he also keeps an office close to the Kremlin ... and he has helped the global Socialist Party (Soviet-Communists) topple many economies, governments, and currencies ... read more about billionaire George Soros' background)
7th U.S. Military Member Killed By "Friendly" Afghan Soldier In Last Month ... Shot In The Back Of The Head --Drudge/AP (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (These headlines don't really seem to bother Obama and the Democrat Party leaders ...)
Col. Allen West (Republican) Says "If There's No Political Will to Win In Afghanistan Then Leave Now"... --NewsMax (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Democrats blocked victory in Vietnam ... and now in Iraq-Afghanistan.)
How FDR's Supremes Enabled Obamacare ... --WND/
--Drudge/NYMag (Bible Prophecies: The DESCRIPTION of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "SLANDERERS" ... "DECEIVERS")
India Expands Geopolitical Footprint To Counter China’s Strategic Threat ... --World Tribune (Prophecies: CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of Mankind)
China Becomes Top Investor In Germany ... --Drudge/AFP (Prophecies: The US will be "NEUTRALIZED" ... THEN ... RUSSIA, IRAN, and ALLIES will invade Israel) Who actually won the 'Cold-War'? For at least two decades the Socialist slogan has been "Use Democracy to Destroy Democracy"... Gorbachev tore down the Berlin Wall ... then a generation of Russian-Marxist educated East Germans flooded the West German voter rolls ... pro-US German parties and politicians were quickly defeated ... and Germany swiftly turned toward Russia and away from the U.S. on all major global issues.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel served as Secretary of the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Young Communists at Marx-Lenin University in East Berlin after growing up and prospering in East Germany under Soviet education and indoctrination ... and Russia's Vladimir Putin was once the powerful KGB Commander of East German operations (while he lived there) and he still speaks fluent German.
In his book "New Lies For Old" ... PUBLISHED IN 1984 ... High ranking Soviet KGB officer Anatoliy Golitsyn (who defected to the West) WARNED Soviet-Russia would FAKE a collapse, even predicting the Berlin Wall would come down and powerful US ally West Germany would be quickly "neutralized" as a threat to Russia ... and Golitsyn warned Germany (along with most of western Europe) would be drawn into into a European "Nationalism" which would embrace Socialism and would begin to reject America while shifting alliances more toward a "European" Russia (and thus falling into Russia's deadly trap) ...
Golitsyn also warned back in 1984 that when we got to this point in their long-range war plan it would be difficult to stop Russia ... and China ... who by this point would be working jointly in the "Clenched Fist" phase of their plan, during which they would publicly re-unite as an adversary to the US (Russia-China now call it a "multi-polar" or "bi-polar" shift in world political-economic-military power and domination) ... where the US would initially be left isolated and in economic difficulties ... and then soon after would be turned into a "defeated enemy."
However ... we know from the Bible God also has a plan which appears to be nearing its "final phase" which will "pre-empt" Russia's (and China's) final victory and global "checkmate"... as their eyes (and armies) will one-day be diverted toward (and quickly drawn into) the Middle-East ... Israel!
Photo: Do you believe Jesus (Yeshua) DIED for all your sins and was RAISED AGAIN the third day ("firstfruits" of the Resurrection)?
"Now I would remind you, brothers, of THE GOSPEL ("good news") which I preached to you, which you received and in which you stand, BY WHICH YOU ARE BEING SAVED, (from your sins and from Hell), IF you hold fast to that word I preached to you -- unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that CHRIST (MESSIAH) DIED FOR OUR SINS according to the Scriptures, and that HE WAS BURIED, AND THAT HE WAS RAISED (RESURRECTED) THE THIRD DAY according to the Scriptures, and that He was seen by Cephas (Peter), then by the twelve. After that He was seen by over five hundred brethren at once, (Jewish Law only requires 2-3 witnesses to establish a fact ...) of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep. After that He was seen by James, then by all the apostles. (God does not fulfill prophecy in secret ...) Then last of all He was seen by me also, as by one born out of due time." (His death and resurrection had many witnesses.) (1 Corinthians 15:1-8) (MESSIAH Revealed: A Remarkable MATHEMATICAL Prophecy)
Christian Survivors Desperately Seek Loved Ones After Islamics Bomb Church In Nigeria ... --CDN (ISLAM ... Allah vs. The Word of God) (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) (Prophecies: Believing Christians will be hated)
A Young Christian Mother In Pakistan Charged with "Blasphemy" For Refusing Islam ... --CDN (ISLAM ... Allah vs. The Word of God) (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) (Prophecies: Believing Christians will be hated)
Iran Arrests Christians And Christian Church Leaders ... --CDN (ISLAM ... Allah vs. The Word of God) (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) (Prophecies: Believing Christians will be hated)
Islamic "Grand Mufti" Of Saudi Arabia Demands Destruction Of ALL Christian Churches In The Region ... --WND (ISLAM ... Allah vs. The Word of God) ("Allah"... The ancient Babylonian-Arabian Moon god) (Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise)
George Soros Funded Homosexual Group Leading Attack To Silence Christian Minister ... --World Tribune (GOD'S LAW: HOMOSEXUALITY) (WARNING Signs: We will know when we are close)
Obama Opposes North Carolina Amendment Which Would Restrict Homosexual "Marriage"... --NewsMax (GOD'S LAW: HOMOSEXUALITY) (WARNING Signs: We will know when we are close)
--WND/Politics (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) His path is being prepared ...
Britain Banning Terms "Husband and Wife"... Placing Homosexuality Above God's Word --WND/Daily Mail (GOD'S LAW: HOMOSEXUALITY) (WARNING SIGNS of the Apocalypse: We will know when we are close)
Lesbian Demands Catholic School Remove Catechism Which Deals With Homosexuality ... --WND (GOD'S LAW: HOMOSEXUALITY) (WARNING SIGNS of the Apocalypse: We will know when we are close)
--Drudge/Free Beacon (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST)
Church of England (Episcopalian) Leader To Quit ... (He Accepted Homosexual Bishops and Sharia Law)
6.1 And 6.8 Magnitude Earthquakes Hit Japan ... --Drudge/Reuters (Prophecies: "And there will be EARTHQUAKES in diverse places"...) (This prophecy is remarkable because it had to look far into the future to anticipate the day (and generation) when there would be worldwide communications technology capable of reporting these worldwide earthquakes as they happen ... (Prophecies ... KNOWLEDGE AND TRAVEL will increase around "the time of the end")
Sweden Moving Toward "Cashless" Economy ... --Drudge/CBS News (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST)
Daily Bible Reading for the Week ...
Daily Bible Reading - Day 72: Deuteronomy 20-22 ... Mark 14:26-50 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
GOD'S WORD provides strength during times of trouble to all who love and trust in Him ...
“When you go out to war against your enemies, (Our enemies can be anything that tempts us to weaken under fear ...) and see horses and chariots and an army larger than your own, (Our enemies are often much more powerful than us) you shall NOT be afraid of them, for the LORD your God is WITH you, ("He will never leave you nor forsake you"... Deuteronomy 31:8 ... Hebrews 13:5) who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. (See also Hebrews 8:9 ... and Jude 1:5) And WHEN you draw near to the battle, the priest shall come forward and speak to the people (We are told God's Word ... Messiah ... is now our High Priest) and shall say to them, ‘HEAR, O Israel, TODAY you are drawing near for battle against your enemies: Let NOT your heart faint. Do NOT fear OR panic OR be in dread of them, for the LORD your God is He who goes WITH you to fight FOR you AGAINST your enemies, to GIVE you the victory." (In times of trouble ... SEEK the Lord ... Seek HIS Will ... TRUST in Him ... LOVE Him!!!) (Deuteronomy 20:1-4) (Finding HOPE and COMFORT in Times of Trouble ...)
THE BIBLE tells us all these thing happened to (and were taught to) Israel in the Wilderness for OUR instruction ...
"Now these things happened to them (To Israel in the Wilderness ...) as an EXAMPLE, but they were WRITTEN DOWN (in the Bible) for OUR instruction, on whom the END of the Ages has come." (Prophecies: The coming RAPTURE) (Prophecies: MESSIAH'S RETURN) (1 Corinthians 10:1-13) (God's PROMISE ...)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 73: Deuteronomy 23-25 ... Mark 14:51-72 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 74: Deuteronomy 26-27 ... Mark 15:1-26 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 75: Deuteronomy 28 ... Mark 15:27-47 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 76: Deuteronomy 29-30 ... Mark 16 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 77: Deuteronomy 31-32 ... Luke 1:1-23 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 78: Deuteronomy 33-34 ... Luke 1:24-56 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Photo: GOD WARNS GAZA would one day "be forsaken" (yes, that same Gaza (and Ashkelon and Ashdod) you have recently been watching on the world news). Gaza is in the land which was given to the tribe of Judah (Joshua 15:1-12), and one of Messiah's titles is "The Lion of the Tribe of Judah" (Revelation 5:5 ... also see Genesis 49:9). The Bible LINKS the forsaking of Gaza to the coming "Apocalypse," which is also called "The Day of Wrath" and the "Day of the Lord's Anger."
From these following passages from Zephaniah 2:1-7, God wants the children of Israel and ALL people on Earth to learn and know at least three (3) things . . .
#1 First, God has issued a TERRIBLE warning and a 'plea' to both the Children of Israel AND to ALL MANKIND (whom He Created) ....
"Gather yourselves together, Yes, gather together O undesirable nation (the nation who would willingly try to give God's Land away to her enemies) BEFORE the decree is issued, BEFORE the day passes like chaff, BEFORE the Lord's fierce anger comes upon you, BEFORE the Day of the Lord's anger comes upon you! (The "Day of God's Wrath"... the coming "Apocalypse") SEEK THE LORD, ALL you meek of the Earth (This warning is also for ALL MANKIND!!!) who have upheld His justice SEEK righteousness, SEEK humility. IT MAY BE THAT YOU WILL BE HIDDEN (Prophecies ... The coming "RAPTURE") IN THE DAY OF THE LORD'S ANGER.." (Prophecies: The coming 'APOCALYPSE' and ARMAGEDDON) (Zephaniah 2:1-7)
Israel Army Says Number Of Rockets Fired From Gaza Into Israel Over Past Few Days Is "Unprecedented"... --Ynet (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: IRAN) (Prophecies: GAZA) (Prophecies: RAPTURE) (Prophecies: "APOCALYPSE")
Egypt Mediated Gaza Truce Delayed ..."Gaza Confrontation Evolving Into Clash Between Israel And Iran" --Debkafile (Prophecies: Russia, IRAN, and allies will invade ISRAEL) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Bible Prophecies: GAZA)
Israel Warns Gaza Palestinians Against Firing Longer Range Missiles Supplied By Iran ... --Debkafile (Prophecies: Russia, IRAN, and allies will invade ISRAEL) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Bible Prophecies: GAZA)
Iran Calls Israel's Raids Against Gaza Missile Launchers "War Crimes"... --AFP (France) (Prophecies: Russia, IRAN, and allies will invade ISRAEL) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Bible Prophecies: GAZA)
Gaza Missile Explodes Near Israel School ... School Already Closed Because Of Missile Attacks --Ynet (Israel) (Prophecies: Russia, IRAN, and allies will invade ISRAEL) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Bible Prophecies: GAZA)
Gaza Rocket Attacks Against Israel ... Palestinians Fire New Mobile Missile Launchers Smuggled From Libya --Debkafile (Prophecies: Russia, Iran, LIBYA, and allies will invade ISRAEL) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Bible Prophecies: GAZA)
Some 100 Rockets Fired From Gaza Hit Israel Over Past 24 Hours ... --Ynet (Israel) (Bible Prophecies: GAZA is LINKED to the coming "APOCALYPSE") (The "RAPTURE"... don't be "left behind") As you read this article, please note that both "Ashdod" and "Ashkelon" are mentioned by name in this ancient Bible prophecy.
EU (European Union) "Frets" At Latest Gaza Violence ... --AFP (France) (Prophecies: 10 Nations of the ancient Roman Empire will REUNITE and will rise in great power) (Prophecies ... The Antichrist)
Israeli Defense Will Hit Anyone Planning To Attack Israel ... (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
Israeli Defense Kills Terror Chief In Gaza Strike ... --Ynet News (Bible Prophecies: GAZA ... Gaza is LINKED to the coming "APOCALYPSE") (The "RAPTURE"... don't be "left behind")
Israel Army Officials Disclose Gaza Terror-Chief Was Planning A "Mega-Attack" On Israeli Targets ... --Ynet News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL)
Israel's Netanyahu Tells Obama "We Can’t Wait Much Longer" To Stop Iran ... --Debkafile (Prophecies: IRAN) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: The RAPTURE) (Prophecies: The "APOCALYPSE")
Photo: The Bible links GAZA to the coming "Apocalypse" (also called "The Day of Wrath" and the "Day of the Lord's Anger") God wants the children of Israel and ALL people on Earth to learn and know at least three (3) things . . .
#2 God wants all in Israel and on Earth to know WHAT will help trigger His fierce and terrible anger: GAZA!! He warns, 'GAZA will be forsaken'... her inhabitants (the children of Israel) "uprooted" and "driven out" . . .
"FOR GAZA SHALL BE FORSAKEN, And Ashkelon desolate; (it will continue to grow worse ...) They shall drive out Ashdod at noonday, (These are the same "Ashkelon" and "Ashdod" we see in the news today) And Ekron shall be uprooted. (They dug up ALL the Jewish graves during the forced evacuation of Gaza ...) Woe to the inhabitants of the seacoast, The nation of the Cherethites! The Word of the Lord (The "Word of the Lord" IS Messiah ... Jesus Christ ... John 1:1-14, Revelation 19:11-16) is AGAINST you, O Canaan, land of the Philistines (Palestinians): "I (God) will DESTROY you So there shall be NO inhabitant." (All 'Palestinians' (Philistinians) and their allies should take note ... and leave!) (Zephaniah 2:1-7) (Prophecies: The coming "APOCALYPSE" and ARMAGEDDON ...)
Obama Is The Most "Biblically Hostile" President Ever ... --WND (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) (Socialists always move to eliminate Biblical Christianity and the Middle-Class ...)
Catholic Cardinal Warns Obama Administration's Attack On Religion Is "Unprecedented"... --NewsMax (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) (Prophecies: Believing Christians will be hated)
--WND (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) (Prophecies: Believing Christians will be hated)
Russia's Pravda Asks: WHY Is US Media "Deliberately Hiding Evidence" Of Obama's Birth Fraud ... --WND (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Because we no longer have a "free" and "fair" press ... its content is now tightly controlled by the Democrat Party ... and "The Party" uses it to destroy those who it would destroy and to protect those who it would protect. The highest priority in a Socialist-Marxist rise to power is to first take control over the Media and Education ... and then eliminate Biblical Christianity and the Middle-Class.)
From Russia: Sheriff Investigation Finds Strong Evidence Obama's Presidential Qualifications Were Forged ... --Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies: "In the Last Days"... "Evil men will wax worse and worse"..."DECEIVING and BEING DECEIVED")
Obama Considers Giving Russia Top-Secret Information On New U.S. Missile Defense ... --Drudge/Reuters (Bible Prophecies: DESCRIPTION of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "TRAITORS") Over the past 4 years Obama and his Democrat Party's DEFENSE policies have been directed by Socialist (Marxist-Soviet) doctrines of weakening, crippling, and destroying America's national defense ... NOT strengthening it. Simply step back and watch ... every Democrat Party defense policy now strengthens Russia-Iran-China's ability to attack and destroy us ... and weakens our Military's ability to protect and defend us.
Earlier: Russia Upgrading Its Strategic Missile Arsenal With New Missile-Defense Evading Nuclear Missiles ... --Russia News (Prophecies: The "APOCALYPSE" and ARMAGEDDON) (Prophecies: The coming RAPTURE)
Earlier: During The Cold War ... Obama's Defense Sec'y Was Keynote Speaker At PRO-RUSSIA Conference --WND (Bible prophecies: 'Generation of Armageddon'..."TRAITORS") (Panetta was also Obama's CIA Director ... a windfall for our enemies)
Earlier: Putin Tells Russians To Prepare For Battle ..."Battle Of Russia Is Continuing! Victory Will Be Ours!" --WND/LA Times (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL) For Russia WWII never ended ... and will not end until they have defeated the US and the West including Israel. Like a computer virus, Russia has been waging its "sleeper" war against the US (and the West) and Russia made great inroads during the 1960's as they successfully penetrated and wrested control over the highest levels of our Unions, Universities (and Seminaries), Media, Courts, and Democrat Party.
High-ranking KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn warned in the 1960's (and published his book "New Lies For Old" in 1984) that the long-term Russian (with China) war strategy would include the "fall" of the Berlin Wall (he warned before his book was published in 1984 that the fall of the Berlin Wall had already been planned by the Soviets as a false victory for the West), and he warned in 1984 that when the World would see Russia and China publicly announce a "new" alliance (which happened in 1998 with their "Multi-polar World" pronouncement) then Russia and China's war plans against the West would be entering into its final "Clenched Fist" phase at which time Russia-China war planners projected their patient and secret war against America and the West had progressed to the point where the US and the West had been penetrated and weakened enough for Russia and China to engage and defeat their enemy more openly. Out of over 100 Russian strategic war operations disclosed and forecasted by Golitsyn (before 1984) around 94% of them have now been successfully implemented by Russia and China. (Prophecies: CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of Mankind)
Obama Administration May Disclose Classified US Missile Defense Data To Russia ... --Koenig/Russia News (Prophecies: The US will be "NEUTRALIZED" ... THEN ... RUSSIA, IRAN, and ALLIES will invade Israel)
Constitutional Analyst Warns: Obama Provision Now "Makes Detention Of U.S. Citizens Legal"... --WND (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST)
--WND (Prophecies: A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon) (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist) (FBI informant documented discussions centered on communist nations of Cuba, North Korea, China, and Russia occupying parts of the US with "Re-Education" Centers in the Southwest ...)
Earlier: Obama Praised Marxist-Revolutionary Ayers' Book ... Obama Is Even Mentioned In Ayers' Book --Fox News (Prophecies: A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon)
Obama Praising His Friend Terrorist Ayers In 1997 - Fox News
Earlier: Obama Ally Ayers' Outrage ..."Everything Was Absolutely Ideal On The Day I Bombed The Pentagon" --WND/Les Kinsolving (Bible Prophecies: DESCRIPTION of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "TRAITORS")
Earlier: Obama's Political Sponsor Ayers' Group Firebombed Judge's Home While 9 Year-Old Slept ...
Earlier: FBI Report Stated Obama Ally Ayers' WIFE Built and Planted Bomb That Killed Policeman ...
--WND (Bible Prophecies: DESCRIPTION of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "TRAITORS") (Sirhan Sirhan is the Islamic who assassinated Robert F. Kennedy ... )
--Drudge/Washington Times (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (1960's Communist "Revolutionaries" have floated to the top of US politics ... their slogan is "USE Democracy to Destroy Democracy.")
Louis Farrakhan's "Nation of Islam" Threatens Glenn Beck ... --Drudge/TheBlaze (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
Earlier: Islamic Group Threatens WND (News) ... --WND (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) The use of violence, intimidation, blackmail, and slander to silence and destroy opponents will continue to rise under the Democrat Party ... (Bible Prophecies: The DESCRIPTION of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "VIOLENCE")
Nation of Islam's Farrakhan Hosted By UC Berkeley As Guest Speaker ... --Fox News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) The highest priority in a Socialist-Marxist rise to power is taking control over Education and Media ... and then eliminate Biblical Christianity and the Middle-Class.
Earlier: "Nation of Islam" and "Occupy" Hold Joint Rally ... --WND (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (The Democrat Party has a loyal coalition of violent groups across the country ...)
Obama Communications Director Assisting Sandra Fluke's (Whom Rush Limbaugh Chided) Media Campaign ... --Drudge/Fox News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
Gloria Allred Wants Rush Limbaugh Arrested For His Speech ... --Drudge/Politico (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
Jane Fonda and Gloria Steinem Want Rush Limbaugh Fired ... --NewsMax (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Several years ago they almost got Gloria Steinem placed as head of the Girl Scouts ...) (Headlines reveal the Democrat Party's WAR against our CHILDREN ...)
--WND/ (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST)
Obama Justice Department Blocks New Texas Voter Identification Law ... --Fox News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Like a deadly computer virus ... this war won't be detected until it's too late.)
Obama Is Personally Pushing Democrat Senators To Kill The Canada-US Oil Pipeline Bill ... --Drudge/Politico (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) A recent report stated that for every 1-cent ($.01) rise in gasoline prices another $1 Billion dollars is taken out of American's pockets and our Economy. The Democrat (Socialist) Party is successfully sabotaging the American Economy ... much of that $1 Billion dollars that goes out of the US Economy for each 1 penny rise in gasoline prices is now being transferred into Russia-Iran-Islam's economies and bank accounts. With that new money Russia - Iran (and China) are feverishly building up their military and advanced weapon production programs ... while our Democrat Party led Administration is now feverishly tearing down the US Military and cancelling our new weapon production programs. The only One who can now save this nation (and world) is God ... but as long as we continue to elect and lift up leaders who have turned their backs on God, ignore God, and despise His Word, we will have no hope of recovery.
Photo: The Bible links GAZA to the coming "Apocalypse" (which is also called "The Day of Wrath" and the "Day of the Lord's Anger") God wants the children of Israel and ALL people on Earth to learn and know at least three (3) things . . .
#3 GOD ALSO wants all to know there is HOPE. He promises hope for all those who will wait in faith and trust in Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) ... for one-day in the future, AFTER the coming 'Apocalypse' ... a remnant of the tribe of Judah will once again peacefully inhabit and prosper in that precious land God promised and gave to them ... and then, and only then, will there be 'peace on Earth.' For at that time, our Messiah and God will restore all the Earth in peace and beauty ... as promised.
"The seacoast shall be pastures, With shelters for shepherds and folds for flocks. The coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Judah; They (the remnant of the house of Judah) shall feed there flocks there (coastlands of Gaza); In the houses of Ashkelon they shall lie down at evening. The Lord their God WILL intervene for them, And return their captives." (Zephaniah 2:1-7) (Prophecies of MESSIAH'S RETURN)
Islamics Announce Plans To "Eradicate" Christianity In Nigeria ... --WND (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies ... False Prophets) (Islamic "terrorists" are closely tied to Russia-China ...)
Islamic Bomber Attacks Church In Nigeria ... 3 Killed --AFP (ISLAM ... Allah vs. The Word of God) (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) (Prophecies: Believing Christians will be hated)
Israel's Envoy To The US Warns "Israel Is The Only Safe State For Middle-East Christians"... --Jerusalem Post (ISLAM ... Allah vs. The Word of God) (Prophecies: The ANTICHRIST) (Prophecies: Believing Christians will be hated)
Russia Refuses To Return Kuril Islands To Japan ... --Russia News Agency (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
U.S. Uncovers Chinese Spying And "Influence" Campaign To Derail Pentagon’s Asia Buildup ... --Washington Times/Gertz (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of Mankind)
Chinese Spies Access NATO Chief's FACEBOOK Account ... --Drudge/Washington Times (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of Mankind)
Iran Building Drones For Ally Hugo Chavez's Venezuelan Military ... --Drudge/US News (Prophecies: The US will be "NEUTRALIZED" ... THEN ... RUSSIA, IRAN, and ALLIES will invade Israel)
Iran Navy In Atlantic Ocean ... --Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
--Debkafile (Prophecies: DAMASCUS will be utterly DESTROYED) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will invade ISRAEL)
Seeing Iran Officers With Syria Forces Angered Many Syrian Military Deserters ... --World Tribune (Prophecies: DAMASCUS will be utterly DESTROYED) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will invade ISRAEL)
Obama Defended Iran And Focused On Diplomacy In "Tense" Meeting With Israel's Netanyahu ... --World Tribune (Prophecies: The US will be "NEUTRALIZED" ... THEN ... RUSSIA, IRAN, and ALLIES will invade Israel) (According to the Bible, Israel will stand alone ... with God.)
Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei Praises Obama's Call For Diplomacy With Iran ... --Ynet (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
Iranian General Identified As Leading Drug Trafficker ... --Middle-East Newsline (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Russia-Iran-Islam Marxist Revolutionary tactics are evident in Mexico's "drug" war ...)
--Koenig/Thomas (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Democrats blocked victory in Vietnam ... and now in Iraq-Afghanistan.)
Large Magnetic Solar Storm Headed Toward Earth ...
Aid Group Heightens Warnings Of New Africa Famine ... --Drudge/US News (Prophecies: "And there will be ... FAMINES")
3.7 Magnitude Earthquake Centered Around The Sea of Galilee In Israel ... --Jerusalem Post (Prophecies: "And there will be EARTHQUAKES in diverse places"...) (This prophecy is remarkable because it had to look far into the future to anticipate the day (and generation) when there would be worldwide communications technology capable of reporting these worldwide earthquakes as they happen ... (Prophecies ... KNOWLEDGE AND TRAVEL will increase around "the time of the end")
Daily Bible Reading for the Week ...
Daily Bible Reading - Day 65: Deuteronomy 1-2 ... Mark 11:1-19 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 66: Deuteronomy 3-4 ... Mark 11:20-33 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 67: Deuteronomy 5-7 ... Mark 12:1-27 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 68: Deuteronomy 8-10 ... Mark 12:28-44 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 69: Deuteronomy 11-13 ... Mark 13:1-13 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 70: Deuteronomy 14-16 ... Mark 13:14-37 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 71: Deuteronomy 17-19 ... Mark 14:1-25 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Photo: The Romans named the month of March after their "god" of War (Mars) ... The Season of War often began in the Spring ...
"In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle." (2 Samuel 11:1) (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
North Korea Tested Iranian Nuclear Warheads In 2010 ... --Debkafile (Prophecies: IRAN) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: The RAPTURE) (Prophecies: The "APOCALYPSE")
North Korea's Military Ordered On High Alert ... --Fox News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) RUSSIA and CHINA control North Korea's every move ... Russia's national game is chess ... chess is a game of patience and deception ... Russia views itself as the "king" seated safely in the rear while skillfully maneuvering others such as Iran, North Korea, Islamic "Terror" Forces, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Sudan, China, etc. to engage and attract their enemy's attention all across the globe ... then, after patiently weakening the enemy through "10,000 paper cuts" and misdirecting their enemy's attention away from the real danger ... Russia and China will attempt to deliver their planned death blow with what Chinese war-planners call the "Assassin's Mace" while their enemy's attention is directed elsewhere and they least expect it.
YET, they arrogantly and foolishly ignore God (who Created them) and God's Word. God publicly revealed HIS Plan for all Mankind in the Bible ... all the answers are in the back of the Book ... GOD WINS ... THEY LOSE. (The Book of REVELATION - With Notes) (Prophecies: RUSSIA) (Prophecies: CHINA) (Prophecies: IRAN) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: The "APOCALYPSE" and ARMAGEDDON) (Prophecies: The RAPTURE) (Prophecies: ANTICHRIST) (Prophecies: MESSIAH'S RETURN) (GOD'S PROMISE)
Russian Police Escort Inter-Continental Nuclear Ballistic Mobile Missile-Launchers Along Moscow Road ... --Russia News (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will invade ISRAEL ...) (Prophecies: The coming "APOCALYPSE" and ARMAGEDDON)
Russia's Vladimir Zhirinovsky (Deputy Speaker Of Russian Duma) ... Is He Serious --Moscow News (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
Earlier: Russia's Zhirinovsky Calls For Re-Occupying Alaska And A Nuclear Attack Against Japan ... --Moscow Times (Prophecies: Russia and allies will go to war ... and will invade Israel) (Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse and Armageddon)
Earlier: Russian Defense Warns Their Arctic Claims May Lead To "Serious Consequences" For Neighbors ... --Russia News Agency (Prophecies: Russia and allies will go to war ... and will invade Israel)
Earlier: Russia Deploying Armed Forces To Enforce Its Territorial Claims Over The Arctic and North Pole ... --Russia News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
Obama Set To Cede (Give Away) 7 Oil-Rich Alaska Islands And Oil-Rich Seabeds To RUSSIA ... --World Tribune (Bible Prophecies: DESCRIPTION of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "TRAITORS")
Chevron Lobbies Russia For Access To Arctic Oil ... --AFP (France) (Prophecies: The US will be "NEUTRALIZED" ... THEN ... RUSSIA, IRAN, and ALLIES will invade Israel)
Obama's Energy Secretary Admits Administration Is OK With High Gas Prices ... --Drudge/Yahoo News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
Cyber-Warfare ... China Hackers Gained Control Over NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory --Fox News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of Mankind)
China's Military Budget Over $100 Billion ... 11% Increase --BBC News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of Mankind)
Earlier: Putin To Spend Another $770 Billion Increasing Russia's Military Power ... --Russia News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
Earlier: Obama's Sec'y of Defense Pressing For DEEP Military Cuts In US Armed Forces and Defense ... --Fox News (Prophecies: The US will be "NEUTRALIZED" ... then Russia and allies will invade Israel) Mixing homosexuals in with our fighting troops ... mixing women into our front-line combat troops ... cancelling our new fighter jets ... dismantling our nuclear missile deterrent ... slashing our defense budgets as our enemies prepare for war ... over the past 4 years Obama and his Democrat Party's DEFENSE policies have been directed by Socialist (Marxist-Soviet) doctrines of weakening, crippling, and destroying America's national defense ... NOT strengthening it. Simply step back and watch ... every Democrat Party defense policy now strengthens Russia-Iran-China's ability to attack and destroy us ... and weakens our Military's ability to protect and defend us.
Earlier: Defense Sec'y Panetta Was Keynote Speaker At Pro-SOVIET Conference ... During The Cold War --WND (Bible prophecies: 'Generation of Armageddon'..."TRAITORS") (Panetta was also Obama's CIA Director ... a windfall for our enemies)
Putin To Lead Russia For At Least 6 More Years ... --Drudge/London Telegraph (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies WILL go to war ... and WILL invade ISRAEL)
Putin Romps to Victory in Kremlin Vote ... --Russia News (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL) (The time draws near ...)
Map Of Russian Presidential Elections ... --Russia News (Russia is vast ... Russia spans 11 Time Zones across Europe and Asia)
World As Seen By Russia's Vladimir Putin ... (Infographics) --Russia News Agency (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will invade ISRAEL ...)
Iran, Syria, and Iran's Hizbullah Threaten Coordinated Military Attack ... --WND (Prophecies: DAMASCUS will be utterly DESTROYED) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will invade ISRAEL)
U.S. Fifth Fleet Along With 25,000 Troops Patrolling Gulf To Secure Kuwait ... --World Tribune (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
Report: Israel and Russia Swapped Military Codes ... Israeli Paper --Moscow News (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
Israel's Security Depends On Keeping The Jordan Valley ... (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
Iran Warns Azerbaijan Over Arms Purchase From Israel ... --Israel Nat'l News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
Israel's Netanyahu Says Israel Reserves The Right To Defend Itself ... --Russia News (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (Prophecies: The coming "RAPTURE") (Prophecies of MESSIAH'S RETURN)
Putin Says "Russia Will Try its Best" To Ward Off War In Iran ... (Includes US Naval Deployment Chart) --Russia News (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
--Debkafile (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
Israel's Foreign Minister Lieberman To AIPAC ..."Don't Count On The United States" (Prophecies: The US will be "NEUTRALIZED" ... THEN ... RUSSIA, IRAN, and ALLIES will invade Israel) "Neutralized" means the US will be UNWILLING or UNABLE to defend Israel sometime before this coming invasion of Israel. "Neutralized" can mean Militarily, Politically, Economically, or any combination of the three. The Bible warns the US will NOT defend Israel when this coming war takes place. According to the Bible, Israel must stand alone ... with God. When Russia, Iran, Turkey, and their 'coalition' of nations attack and invade Israel, the U.S. will be unwilling or unable (or unwilling and unable) to help defend Her ...
THE BIBLE sets aside a lot of space (two whole chapters - Ezekiel 38-39) for this prophecy BECAUSE it will mark the beginning of the end ... BECAUSE it will set the forces behind Armageddon into motion. For over 10 years the World has watched this coming war slowly rising before us BECAUSE God wants all to be warned and to escape those things which will come both during and after this coming war ...
GOD is pleading with ALL Mankind (both Jew and Gentile) to turn back to Him and turn away from all our sinful activities (including "drunkenness," gossip, lying, sexual immorality, and complaining) AND to place ALL of our faith and trust in His Son (Jesus Christ in English ... Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) who was sent forth to "save sinners"... and to "wash us clean" of all our sins through His Blood which saves us from Hell (and from the coming "Apocalypse"). (Prophecies: The coming "RAPTURE"... Jew and Gentile ... Please don't be "left behind")
Photo: First, the ancient prophets in the Bible warned the promised Messiah would be hated and despised ...
"He (Messiah) was despised, and we did not esteem Him." (Isaiah 53:3)
"The Redeemer of Israel, their Holy One, To Him whom Man despises, To Him whom the Nation abhors." (Isaiah 49:7) (PROPHECIES of MESSIAH From the ancient Jewish Scriptures)
"He (Messiah/Christ) is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief ..." (Isaiah 53:3) (Messiah of Israel (Jesus Christ in English ... Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) felt the deep pain of rejection)
Then, Jesus warns believing Christians will be hated by the world . . .
"If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." (God's Promise ...) (John 15:18-19)
And Jesus prayed, "I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them (those Christians who love and follow the Messiah) because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one (Satan)." (In the Bible, Satan is also called the "Ruler of this world"... until Christ (Messiah) returns) (John 17:14-15)
Doctors Try to Save Remaining Eye Of Ugandan Christian Pastor After Islamic Acid Attack ... --CDN (ISLAM ... Allah vs. The Word of God) (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) (Prophecies: Believing Christians will be hated)
Commentary On Rick Warren's Bridge To Islam ... --WND/Joseph Farah (Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise) ("Allah"... The ancient Babylonian-Arabian Moon god) (Allah vs. The Word of God)
Islamic Group Threatens WND (News) ... --WND (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) The use of violence, slander, blackmail, and intimidation to silence and destroy opponents will continue to rise under the Democrat Party ... (Bible Prophecies: The DESCRIPTION of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "VIOLENCE")
ABC (Disney) Continues Its Attack Against Christianity With New Primetime TV Show ... --WND (Prophecies: Jesus Christ and believing Christians will be hated) (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) Since Michael Eisner's group wrested control over Disney a number of years ago, Disney (who now owns ABC) has been methodically poisoning its content with messages that subtly (and not so subtly) attack and mock God's Word. Disney (and now ABC) gives the Democrat Party (Socialists) open access to our living rooms and to our children, and like the delicious (and harmless) looking apple which the Evil and Wicked Witch used to poison Snow White, they hide their poison in cuddly, friendly, funny, respectful, and yummy looking morsels and characters. And remember, a glass of 99% pure water with just 1% poison can kill you or deaden your moral conscience. Socialists regularly employ slander, ridicule, false accusations, lies, and deceit to attack and "poison" minds against their opponents (which is interesting because these are the same characteristics which the Bible uses to describe Satan) ...
--Drudge/Breitbart (Prophecies: WARS and RUMORS of war) (The Communist-Marxist (Russian) Trojan-Horse penetration and political ideology control over the Democrat Party and Hollywood is now complete ... the official religion of Socialists (aka "Communists" - "Marxists" - "Left Wing" - "Liberals" - "Progressives") is "Atheism" which denies God and despises God's Word (and attempts to eliminate believing Christians.) (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST)
THEN (In 1959): Russia Leader Nikita Khrushchev boasted in 1959 ...
"We cannot expect the Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism UNTIL they suddenly awake to find they have Communism." (Russian Leader Nikita Khrushchev, 1959)
NOW: Communist Revolution Che Guevara posters hoisted in Obama's Democrat Party campaign headquarters ...
Photos From Obama's Campaign Headquarters With CUBA's Communist "Che" Banner Flying ... Workers Under Image of Obama
Obama Birth Mystery ... Investigators Report Records Now Missing From National Archives In Washington DC --WND (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
Arizona Sheriff's 6-Month Investigation Reports "Probable Cause" Obama Birth-Certificate Is A Forgery ... --WND (Prophecies: "In the Last Days"... "Evil men will wax worse and worse"..."DECEIVING and BEING DECEIVED")
More Interesting Details On Sherriff's 6-Month Investigation Into Obama's Birth Certificate ... --WND
Breitbart Was Preparing To Release Video Evidence Against Obama Just Before His Untimely Death ... --WND (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
Michael Savage ... Was Breitbart Assassinated --WND (Bible Prophecies: The DESCRIPTION of the 'Generation of Armageddon' includes "SLANDERERS" ... "VIOLENCE") Socialists regularly employ slander, ridicule, intimidation, accusations, lies, and deceit to attack and "politically assassinate" their opponents (which is interesting because these are the same characteristics which the Bible uses to describe Satan) ... and as a note, since "Women" and "Blacks" are both critical components of the Obama-Soros-Democrat Party (Socialist) power base, look how the Democrat Party controlled army of journalists and media are quickly ordered to relentlessly attack and eliminate any conservative and charismatic "black" or "woman" who is seen rising as a serious political threat to the Party and their Socialist agenda.
Then, looking globally (and historically), as in Lebanon ... Iraq ... Afghanistan ... Ukraine ... Britain ... and elsewhere, we find when their attempted media-launched "character assassinations" fail (or are impractical or too slow), Socialist (Russian) controlled forces also employ "black ops" or targeted assassinations (remember the Russians are masters of covert assassination methods and techniques) to forcefully and permanently eliminate those who could seriously threaten their Socialist political or military agendas ... (The Bible also uses "Murderer" to describe Satan.) (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
Breitbart Was Preparing To Release Video Evidence Against Obama Just Before His Untimely Death ... --WND (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war)
Why Is US Media Giant Not Reporting WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Is A Paid Agent Of Russia ... --World Tribune (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies: RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will invade ISRAEL)
"Occupy" and "Nation of Islam" Hold Joint Rally ... --WND (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (The Democrat Party has a loyal coalition of violent groups across the country ...)
--Drudge/NYDailyNews (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war ... "And ETHNIC group ("ethnos") will rise against ETHNIC group")
Obama Cutting Health Care For US Military Personnel ... --WND
North Carolina University Orders Christian Club To Allow Non-Christian Leaders ... --Fox News (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (A war is raging against Biblical Christianity ... and most churches either keep silent or have surrendered under this attack against God's Word.)
"Do NOT be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Messiah (Christ) with Belial (Satan)? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the Temple of God with idols? For you are the Temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people." Therefore "Come OUT from among them and be separate," says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you." I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the LORD Almighty." (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) (God's Promise ...)
"Watch yourselves, so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward. Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works." (2 John 8-11) (The assurance of life in HEAVEN ... it's NOT too late!!!)
Death Toll From Tornadoes Rises To 36 ... Small Town Of Marysville "Completely Gone" After Tornado
Messiah (Jesus Christ ... Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) says He is drawing a people OUT of the World. "The World" can be seen and heard 7 days a week, 24 hours a day speaking through those mediums that entertain us ... the shows we watch, the music we hear, and the things we read.
The world is powerful. It despises the Cross ...
"Do NOT love the world OR the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world -- the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life -- is NOT of the Father, but IS of the World." (I John 2:15-16)
"Do you not know that friendship with the World is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an ENEMY of God." (James 4:4) (If you're a Christian and the Sex, Violence, and Language of "R" rated movies still entertains you ... please take heed.)
The World speaks powerfully through Hollywood, New York, London, and all across the globe. A deadly spiritual virus flows from these media centers and infects all that it touches. It blinds and numbs our soul.
The only inoculation against this deadly virus is through the Blood on the Cross.
We can open the door of our hearts and invite Jesus Christ into our lives, allowing the innocence, the goodness, the honesty, and the purity of His Word and Spirit to flow through our veins. He is our only protection . . .
Provincial Government In Canada To Forbid Teaching Homeschoolers The Bible Says Homosexuality Is Sinful ... --WND (GOD'S LAW: HOMOSEXUALITY) (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) (WARNING Signs: We will know when we are close)
Israel Court Rules In Favor Of Lesbian Couple ... Approves Lesbian Maternity Case --Ynet (Israel) (GOD'S LAW: HOMOSEXUALITY) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL) (WARNING Signs: We will know when we are close)
Mailmen In Israel Refuse to Deliver "New Testament"... --Israel Nat'l News (PROPHECIES of MESSIAH From the ancient Jewish Scriptures) (Prophecies of MESSIAH'S RETURN)
Through the prophet Jeremiah God declared He would make a NEW Covenant with the house of Israel and Judah ...
"BEHOLD, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a NEW Covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah -- NOT according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My Covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the LORD." (Study Jeremiah ... Ezekiel ... the other prophets ... (and Judges) ... Israel turned away from God) (Jeremiah 31:31-31) (In the book of Isaiah God reveals Messiah would suffer ... and would be a light unto Gentiles)
And Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) REVEALS the "New Covenant" (Testament) ...
"And as they were eating (the Passover Meal), Jesus (Yeshua) took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, "Take, eat; this is My Body." (Look at the Passover matzah (matzoh) "stripes" and "holes" then read Isaiah 53 ...) Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you. FOR THIS IS MY BLOOD OF THE NEW COVENANT, (Fulfilling the prophecy found in Jeremiah 31:31 ...) WHICH IS SHED FOR MANY FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS. (God's Promise ...) But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on UNTIL that Day when I drink it new with you in My Father's Kingdom." And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives." (Matthew 26:28-32 ... also see Mark 14:24, Luke 22:20, 1 Corinthians 11:25, Hebrews 8:8, Hebrews 9:15, Hebrews 12:24)
Billboards Calling God (In Hebrew) A "Myth" To Appear In Williamsburg New York ... --Israel Nat'l News (WARNING Signs of the "Apocalypse": We will know when we are close) THE BIBLE warns God is now being patient while the good news ("gospel" in Greek) of Messiah (Jesus Christ) is being carried to all the Gentile nations around the world ... then God says He will send nation Israel through a terrible fire (one last time) which will be worse than anything it has ever gone through ...
AND since "the Nations" (Gentiles) of the World have now been given God's Word with the warning to "Repent" (turn away from all sinful activities) and to place all their "faith and trust" in the Messiah of Israel to save them from all their sins and from Hell ... God will hold "the World" responsible as well.
JESUS (Yeshua) promises a remnant of Israel will survive the coming "Day of God's Wrath" (and will receive all the promises God made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) while "the World" will be utterly destroyed ... the time draws near.
"I (the Lord) have held My peace a LONG time, I have been still and restrained Myself. Now I will cry like a woman in labor . . . I will lay waste to the mountains and hills" (Isaiah 42:14-15)
"I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity ... I will halt the arrogance of the proud." (Isaiah 13:11) (Prophecies: The coming "APOCALYPSE" and ARMAGEDDON ...)
"Thus says the LORD of hosts (armies): BEHOLD, disaster shall go forth from nation to nation ... And at that Day the slain of the LORD shall be from one end of the Earth even to the other end of the Earth . . ." (Nobody will escape God's wrath after the Rapture) (Jeremiah 25:27-38) (Prophecies: The coming "RAPTURE"... Jew and Gentile ... Please don't be "left behind")
"Nation Of Islam" Leader's Tirade Against Jews And Zionists During Speech In Chicago ... (Prophecies: WARS and rumors of war) (Prophecies ... ISRAEL and JERUSALEM)
Palestinian Leader Abbas Declares Diplomatic War On Jerusalem ... (Prophecies ... ISRAEL and JERUSALEM) (Prophecies: The coming "APOCALYPSE" and ARMAGEDDON ...)
4.0 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes San Francisco Bay Area ... --Drudge/CBS (Prophecies: "And there will be EARTHQUAKES in diverse places"...) (This prophecy is remarkable because it had to look far into the future to anticipate the day (and generation) when there would be worldwide communications technology capable of reporting these worldwide earthquakes as they happen ... (Prophecies ... KNOWLEDGE AND TRAVEL will increase around "the time of the end")
5.2 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Close To New Dehli India ... --Fox News (Prophecies: "And there will be EARTHQUAKES in diverse places"...)
Daily Bible Reading for the Week ...
Daily Bible Reading - Day 59: Numbers 21-23 ... Mark 7:14 - Mark 8:10 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 60: Numbers 24-27... Mark 8:11-38 (March 1) --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 61: Numbers 28-29 ... Mark 9:1-29 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 62: Numbers 30-31 ... Mark 9:30-50 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Day 63: Numbers 32-33 ... Mark 10:1-31 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
Daily Bible Reading - Day 64: Numbers 34-36 ... Mark 10:32-52 --Alpha News Daily (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012) (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)
THE TIME draws near ...
NO MATTER how long it has been since you last prayed (if ever), please consider, and take a moment to SINCERELY pray and earnestly ask God "If these things are true" ... He will hear you and will answer your prayer.
THEN ASK HIM to soften your heart towards Him, and ask Him to provide you with the wisdom, the understanding, and the strength you will need to prepare for what now lies ahead ... and if you ask with a sincere and humbled heart He will grant you these things you ask of Him.
Seek shelter in the Lord ... for the time draws near. (God's Promise ...) (Prophecies: The coming "RAPTURE")
Islamic Bomb Attack Targets Crowded Christian Church In Nigeria ... --AFP (ISLAM ... Allah vs. The Word of God) (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) (Prophecies: Believing Christians will be hated)
Islamic Bomb Attack Against Two Christian Churches In Nigeria ... --CDN (ISLAM ... Allah vs. The Word of God) (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) (Prophecies: Believing Christians will be hated)
Iran Court Issues Final Death Verdict For Christian Pastor ... --Fox News (ISLAM ... Allah vs. The Word of God) (Prophecies: ANTICHRIST) (God's Promise ...)
Christian Pastor In Iran Condemned To Death
How many of those who call themselves Christians have ever taken any time to pray for any of those boys, girls, men, and women around the world who are being imprisoned, killed, beheaded, mutilated, burned alive, raped, and sold into slavery BECAUSE they have placed their faith and love in the Messiah of Israel (Jesus Christ in English ... Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) the Son of God ... and call Him "Lord"?
"Iran's Pastor" Now In Prison ... Awaiting Execution ... For Believing The Islamic "Allah" Is NOT God --Fox News (ISLAM ... Allah vs. The Word of God) (Prophecies: ANTICHRIST) (God's Promise ...)
"America's Pastor" Reverend Rick Warren Quoted As Saying He Believes The Islamic "Allah" IS God ... --OCRegister/cc (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) ("Allah"... The ancient Babylonian-Arabian Moon god) (Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise) (Prophecies: "The Falling Away"... Churches and leaders will "DEPART from the faith" ... "will no longer endure sound doctrine") (After this was published, Rick Warren posted that some of this article was taken out of context, but has not yet specified which parts of the article he considers out of context.)
FOR ANY (Christian, Jew, or Muslim) who might be confused about "Allah" of the Koran and what the Bible says, Please remember the Bible warns not to trust in our own "feelings," or "opinions," or "understanding" But to place all of our trust and obedience in God's Word ...
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart (mind), And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil."
(Proverbs 3:5-7) THE BIBLE clearly says Jesus (Yeshua) IS God ...
"In the Beginning was THE WORD . . . and the Word was WITH God, and the Word WAS GOD. And THE WORD (God) BECAME FLESH and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the ONLY BEGOTTEN of the Father . . . full of grace and truth. He was in the world, THE WORLD WAS MADE THROUGH HIM, AND WITHOUT HIM NOTHING WAS MADE THAT WAS MADE ... and the world did NOT know Him. He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him . . . (PROPHECIES of MESSIAH From the ancient Jewish Scriptures) (Excerpted from the Book of John 1:1-14) (The assurance of life in HEAVEN ... it's NOT too late!!!)
"JESUS said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you STILL do not know Me, Philip? Whoever has seen Me HAS seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Do you NOT believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own authority, but the Father who dwells IN Me does His works. Believe Me that I AM in the Father AND the Father is in Me, or else believe on account of the works (the miracles He performed) themselves." (John 14-9-11)
"Eight days later, His disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them. (Thomas is the disciple who had doubted His Resurrection earlier ...) Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace (Shalom) be with you.” Then He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see My hands; and put out your hand, and place it in My side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.” Thomas answered Him, “MY LORD AND MY GOD!” Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen Me? BLESSED are those who have NOT seen and yet have believed.” (God's Promise ...) (John 20:26-29)
"Watch yourselves, so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward. Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works." (2 John 8-11)
YET, ISLAM loudly says Jesus Christ is NOT the "Son of God"... ISLAMICS (to mock the Bible) even wrote their denial all around the gold-domed "Dome Of The Rock" in Jerusalem ... THE BIBLE issues a stark warning ...
"Even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out FROM us, but they were not of us ... Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Messiah (Christ)? He is ANTICHRIST who denies the Father and the Son. WHOEVER DENIES THE SON does NOT have the Father either; (and will be cast OUT of the Kingdom of Heaven ... and into Hell) he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also." (and will be lovingly received into the Kingdom of Heaven) (1 John 2:18-19,21-23) (The assurance of life in Heaven ... it's NOT too late!!!)
THE TIME draws near ...
"Little children, it is the last hour; (Prophecies: The coming "RAPTURE"...) and as you have heard that the ANTICHRIST is coming, (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST) even now MANY antichrists have come, by which we KNOW that it is the last hour." (John 2:18) (Prophecies: The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)
GOD WARNS those who "compromise" or fellowship with any who deny Messiah is the Son of God ...
"Do NOT be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Messiah (Christ) with Belial (Satan)? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the Temple of God with idols? For you are the Temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people." Therefore "Come OUT from among them and be separate," says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you." I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the LORD Almighty." (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) (God's Promise ...)
"THE SON OF GOD" (From Psalm 2) PROPHECY of MESSIAH ... (A Psalm of King David)
"I (God) have set MY King on My Holy Hill of Zion. (Jerusalem) I (God) will declare the Decree: The LORD has said to Me, You are MY SON this day I (God) have BEGOTTEN You. Ask of Me, and I will give You the Gentiles (nations) for Your inheritance, and THE ENDS OF THE EARTH for Your possession ..." (Psalm 2:6-7)
"Kiss the SON (of God) lest He be angry, and you perish in the way (in Hell), when His wrath is kindled but a little. (Prophecies: The coming "Apocalypse" and Armageddon ... "The Day of God's Wrath")
all those who trust in Him."
Promise ...)
(Prophecies: The coming "Rapture"...
please don't be "left behind")
THE ANCIENT Jewish Prophets revealed MESSIAH (CHRIST) would be Savior to ALL peoples, INCLUDING BOTH Jews and non-Jews alike . . . thus fulfilling the Abrahamic Covenant
"I will ALSO give You (Messiah ... Jesus Christ) as a Light to the Gentiles (non-Jews), That You (Jesus) should be My Salvation (saving all who believe He is the Son of God from their sins and from Hell) to the ends of the Earth." (Isaiah 49:6) (God's Promise ...) (Prophecies: The coming "Rapture"... please don't be "left behind")
JESUS CHRIST (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) warns ...
"I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. NO ONE comes to the Father, except through Me." (John 14:6) (God's Promise ...) (The assurance of life in Heaven ... it's NOT too late!!!)
JESUS CHRIST (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) FULFILLED the Law of Moses and the Prophets ...
"These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things (prophecies) MUST be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets (the Tanakh ... Old Testament) and the Psalms concerning Me." And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures." Then He (Jesus-Yeshua) said to them, "Thus it is written, and thus it was NECESSARY for the Messiah (Christ) to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in HIS Name to ALL nations (to the ends of the Earth), BEGINNING at Jerusalem." (Luke 24:44-47) (PROPHECIES OF MESSIAH (Christ) from the ancient Jewish Prophets (Old Testament) (Prophecies of Messiah's Return)
NOW SEARCH the Scriptures to find even ONE prophecy of Mohammed other than "and false prophets will rise"...
Bloodiest Day Yet Over Koran-Burning In Afghanistan ... Islamic Rioters March, Yell, Scream, and Kill --Drudge/Reuters ("Allah"... The ancient Babylonian-Arabian Moon god) (Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise) If any Muslim Imam, Sheik, or Ayatollah disagrees with anything they read here, they should publish their own Muslim Prophecy Page and list any prophecies found in the Koran which have been fulfilled ... and any that are yet future (other than their coming "Mahdi" whose prophetic description is almost identical to the Biblical Antichrist.)
It would also help give Islam some credibility if they could find and list any ancient prophecies predicting and detailing their prophet Mohammed and his life. Remember, GOD uses prophecy to prove He IS God, and to prove the words found written in the Book are HIS words. I would think any believing Muslim (who is staking his or her or their children's eternal destiny in Heaven or Hell on the Koran) would like to see a Muslim Prophecy Page, in order to simply compare the Bible and the Koran to help make a good objective decision as to which one truly reflects God's words and warnings.
I offer this same challenge to Mormons.
And don't forget, since God uses prophecy to set the Bible apart from every other "religion" on Earth ... and since God uses fulfilled prophecy to determine "truth" from "lies" and "His" prophets from "False" prophets ... He warns if any "prophet" publicly issues a prophecy that does not come to pass ... he (or she) is not from Him and is to be executed.
For God (who wrote the Bible and created Mohammed and Joseph Smith) says it very clearly ...
"For I Am GOD,
and there is NO other.
and there is NONE like Me,
"Surely, the Lord GOD does NOTHING UNLESS He reveals His secret to HIS servants the PROPHETS ..." (List of Bible Prophecies and Studies ... with Links) (Amos 3:7) (Around 25% of the Bible (both Old and New Testaments) is prophetic ... taking us from the Beginning to the End)
If I was betting my life (and the lives of my children) on ANY other religion, I would march right down and make the religious leaders provide me with a long list of already fulfilled prophecies ... and yet to be fulfilled future prophecies ... in order to prove they are not just one of the "false religions" which God warned would rise out of Mankind and lead "many" into the utter torment, aloneness, and darkness of Hell. (The assurance of life in HEAVEN ... it's NOT too late!!!) (God's Promise ...)
Obama Sends Apology With "Deep Regrets" To Afghanistan Leader Over Koran Burning ... --Drudge/AFP (VIDEO: Short "YouTube" video of Obama lifting up his own Islamic (Muslim) roots and beliefs ...) Where was Obama's apology to Christians and Jews when the Army was ordered to confiscate and burn Bibles in Afghanistan when General Petraeus was the new Commander ... however, this same General Petraeus later issued a "stern warning" against the burning of one Koran by a fringe church in America ... Obama has since appointed General Petraeus as his new Director of the CIA. (Prophecies: The coming ANTICHRIST)
Earlier: US Military Confiscates And Burns BIBLES In Afghanistan ... --UPI (Prophecies: AMERICA will be "NEUTRALIZED"... THEN ... RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will invade Israel)
Missionary Says Chinese Authorities Torture Christians ... (Prophecies: CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of Mankind)