Iran Warns Israel Against Strike
--BBC News (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Suspected Nuclear Weapon Test Bunkers Spotted In Iran
--Koenig/M.E. Newsline (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Turkey's European Union Hopes 'Leap' as Brussels Sees 'No More Obstacles'
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as the final 'superpower') (Prophecies...The
Coming Antichrist)
Last Week: EU
Display Depicts 'The Union' As New Roman Empire,
Dominating the World
--WND/London Telegraph
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as the final 'superpower') (Prophecies...The
Coming Antichrist)
North Korea May Be Preparing to Test-Fire Missile That Can Hit Most Areas of
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Japan Now Sees China As A Major Military Threat
--NewsMax (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Reuters News Wire Service Refuses to Use Words
'Terrorism' or 'Terrorist' in Reports
--WND (This type of internal
political bias is why it is difficult to get factual, comprehensive, and
accurate news from the 'mega' newswires)
Russia Raps South Korea on Nuclear Experiments
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Iraqi PM Says 'Thank You America'
Iranian Control of Hamas Exposes Israel's Southern Flank in Gaza Strip to
Iranian Surface Missiles
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies
will attack Israel)
DEBKAfile Reports: Iranian
Zalzal-2 missiles if transferred from S. Lebanon to Gaza Strip would bring Tel
Aviv in range.
40 Nations to Become Nuclear
Weapon Powers...
--Pravda (Russia)
Wars and rumors of war)
... The Apocalypse prolog)
(Prophecies...the 'Apocalypse')
Jerusalem: At Least Two
Killed and 16 Wounded in Islamic Terror Attack
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(God warned He would make Jerusalem 'a cup of
trembling' ...)
China Building Submarine Port ... New Sub Catches U.S.
Intelligence Off Guard
--World Tribune (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Islamics Behead Another American
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath in 'the last days')
British Hostage Faces Execution Threat By Islamics After US Colleagues
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies of the generation in 'the last days')
Swiftboat Ads Expose 'Hanoi'
Kerry's Dealings With the Enemy
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath lists 'traitors' among the
character traits we will see)
Iran Says It Will Cut Back 'Interference' in Iraq
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
Zarqawi's Right-Hand Man Killed in Iraq
(Prophecies of the generation in 'the last days')
Islamic Car Bomb Kills 14, Injures 65 in Baghdad
--Koenig Int'l/AP
(Prophecies of the generation in 'the last days')
Hamas Said To Be Active In Iraq
--Koenig Int'l/Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
Iran Drawing Hamas Into Iraq War
--World Tribune (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies
will attack Israel)
Israel's Mossad Warns of Iranian Nuclear Threat
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies
will attack Israel)
Iran Vows to Continue Nuclear Drive
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Iran Has Begun Large-Scale Uranium Conversion Activities
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Analysis: European Union and Turkey 'Row' Deepens
--UPI (Prophecies...Europe/Rome
will rise again)
(Prophecies...Iran and allies)
(Turkey will join the Iranian coalition against Israel ...)
Political Affiliations of Viacom Board (Heavily
Democrat) Could Impact CBS Case...
--Drudge Report/NY Sun
CBS Coordinated Faked Bush Memo
Story with Kerry People
--WND/Associated Press
the last days evil
men/women will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
This Isn't the First Time Dan Rather Has Launched a
False Report as a Political Attack
--WND/Joseph Farah
the last days evil
men/women will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
Feds Hunt for Man in Bush Threat
--Drudge Report/NYDailyNews
(Prophecies of the generation in 'the last days')
French Ministers Laughed at PM Sharon´s Plan
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(Prophecies ... A coming peace plan will be enforced upon Israel by a leader
of European nations)
French President Chirac Backs Plan For Global Tax
--WND (Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again
as the final 'superpower') (Prophecies...The
Coming Antichrist)
Intelligence Groups Believe
Islamic Military Group Al-Qaida Planning 'Spectacular' Terror Attack in US
--WND/Washington Times
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
Wars and rumors of war)
Kerry Who Once Urged A Regime
Change, Now Says
A Regime Change in Iraq Was a Mistake
the last days evil
men/women will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
Tropical Storm Jeanne Floods Kill More Than 600 in Haiti
--WND/Associated Press
Border Clashes Strain Relations
Between Venezuela and Colombia
--Pravda (Russia)
Wars and rumors of war)
U.S. Detects Syrian Chemical Weapon Use In Sudan
--Koenig Int'l/M.E. Newsline
Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies ... Syria)
During the 'Cold War' the Soviet Union Planned to Build
Military Command Posts on the Moon
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase 'in
the last days.')
Tennessee Lab Develops Electron Microscope That Can
Distinguish Individual Atoms in a Crystal
--Koenig Int'l/AP
(Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase 'in
the last days.')
Terror in America and the Clinton
Fix Part 1: World Trade Center 1 and Oklahoma City
--WND/Jack Cashill
(Prophecies of the generation in 'the last days')
Intelligence Report From Israel ...
(Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies
will attack Israel)
Hu Takes Full Power in China as He Gains Control of
--Koenig Int'l/New York Times (Prophecies...China and allies)
CBS Now Claims They Were
'Deceived' Concerning the Fake
Bush Guard Memos
--WND (Prophecies...'In
the last days evil
men/women will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
CBS Defense of Rather Hints at Bigger Story
--Koenig/Chicago Sun-Times (Prophecies...'In
the last days evil
men/women will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
Ridge Plans Security Links
With the European Union
--WND/Financial Times
Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again)
Islamics Saw Off Heads of 3 Kurdish Captives in Grisly
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
Couple Fined $94,000 and House Sealed In China for
Disobeying 'One-Child Rule'
6 Out of 10 Pakistanis Support Suicide Bombers
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
Analysis - Putin Forever?
--UPI (Prophecies...Russia and allies)
French Leader Says World Should
'Impose' Peace Upon Israel and Palestinians
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Peace plan) (The Bible warns the last 7 years
of this age will be defined by a 'peace plan' imposed upon Israel)
Iran Repeats Warning of Reprisal
and Military Action Against Israel
--WND (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies
... The Apocalypse prolog)
World Will Not Be Saved From Iran
by 'Little Israel'
--WND/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Russian Leader Accuses the West of
Complicity With Terror
--WND/The Scotsman
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
North Korea Vows To Never
Dismantle Nuclear Weapons
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
US Seeks To Limit The UN's
Obsession With Condemning Israel
--WND/Jerusalem Post (Prophecies...Israel)
(The Bible warns 'in the last days' all nations will turn against Israel ...)
Iran Tests Long-Range Missile as UN Watchdog Reviews Nuclear Program
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Poll Shows More Than Half of Britons Have Forgotten the
10 Commandments
(Prophecies...Church leaders would no longer teach sound
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
British Hospitals Report 'Disturbing' Increase of
Drunken Women Injured in Brawls
--WND/London Telegraph
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
Bible Losing to Horoscopes in
Britain ... 2/3 of 18 - 24 Year Olds Believe in Mysticism
--WND/London Telegraph
(Prophecies...Church leaders would no longer teach sound
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
5.5 Magnitutde Earthquake Rocks
California/Nevada Border
--Drudge Report/
(Prophecies ... Earthquakes in diverse places)
3.7 Magnitude Earthquake Knocks Kentucky ...
--Drudge Report/
(Prophecies ... Earthquakes in diverse places)
Tornadoes Pound Washington D.C. Region...
--Drudge Report/WTOP
Singapore Raises Concern Over Soil-Borne Disease Melioidosis After 23 Deaths
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Deadly diseases spreading)
Chinese Leader Hu Takes Over China's Top Military Post From Former Leader
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...China and allies)
(War preparations? Chinese and Russian
leaders are now consolidating power)
Iran to Defy Ban on Enriching Uranium
--UPI (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Turkey's Leader Tells EU Not to Meddle in Turkey's Internal Affairs
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies) (The Bible warns Turkey
will join this coalition against Israel ...)
Europeans Launch New Military 'Police Force' ... Adding to Their Global
Military Muscle
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again)
Says Kerry's Claim That All His Service Records Were Released Is Not True
--WND/CNS News
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
CBS Document 'Source' A Known Bush Hater Who Admitted
Lying About Earlier Accusations
--Drudge/Houston Chronicle (Prophecies...'In
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
At Least 17 Iraqis Killed in
Islamic Suicide Attack in Kirkuk
--WND/Voice of America News
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
Report Says That Mexico is Islamic
Terrorist Route to the US
Manitoba Becomes 5th jurisdiction in Canada to Approve
Homosexual 'Marriages'
--WND/CTV, Canada
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
Hispanic City Council Candidate Calls For Killing Bush
and Urges Sex Attack on Twin Daughters
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
the Ring' ... Weekly Notes From the Pentagon
--Washington Times/Inside the Ring
Wars and rumors of war)
US Debates Military Strikes on 'Nuclear Iran'...
--Drudge Report/Financial Times
Iran, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
China Will Send Troops to Haiti
--Washington Times/Gertz (Prophecies...China and allies)
Palestinian Islamic Clergy Call
for Genocide and Extermination of the Jews ...
(The teachings of Mohammed oppose the teachings of Christ ... you can only
choose one)
Ex-Muslim Exposes Mohammed as a
Fraud and Child Molester Using Only the Islamic 'Holy Books'
... False Prophets)
CBS/Dan Rather 'Authentic' Bush
Documents Traced to Texas Kinko's
--WND (Prophecies...'In
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
Austrian Engineer Taken Hostage and Tortured in Iraq
Gets Fired For 'Missing Work'
--World Tribune
Europeans Warned Turkey No Place For Them in the
European Union if Adultery is Outlawed
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again)
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
The True Origins of Terrorism
--JR Nyquist/Joseph Douglass (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
60 Lies A Minute ...
What Now Passes for Truth in Journalism
--WND/Craig McMillan
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
CBS 'Concerned' ... Dan Rather
Ratings Plunge in Major Markets
--Drudge Report (Prophecies...'In
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
Israeli Leader Says He Will Not
Follow The 'Road Map' Peace Plan Backed By US, UN, EU, Russia
(Prophecies...Coming peace plan) (Prophecies...Israel)
Coming Antichrist)
Documents Show Arafat Paid For
Disco Bombing That
Killed 21, Injured 120
(Prophecies .... the generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Report That Syria May Have Tested Chemical Arms on
Civilians in Sudan
(Prophecies .... the generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Strong Earthquake Jolts Bali
(Prophecies ... Earthquakes in diverse places)
3 Beheaded Bodies Found Near
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies .... the generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Chechen Islamic Reports Russian
Intelligence Agents and Not Islamics Attacked School
(Prophecies...Russia and allies)
(Russia has used terrorism against its own people before in order to gain
power ...)
Russia Rejects US Criticism of Strengthened Kremlin Power
--AFP (France)
Iran, and allies)
Russia Says North Korea Not Ready to Resume Nuclear Talks
--AFP (France)
Iran, and allies)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Iran's Political Leader Vows Resistance to EU, US Nuclear Pressure
--AFP (France)
Iran, and allies)
Iran Launches Major Military Exercises in Western
--Middle East Newsline
Iran, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Russia Advances In New Missile Defense Project
--Middle East Newsline
Iran, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Russian Leader Putin 'Declares War'
--JR Nyquist (Prophecies...Russia and allies)
(Russia has used terrorism against its own people before in order to gain
power ...)
Sweeping Political Reforms in Russia Are 'A Lurch in the
Wrong Direction'
--Moscow Times Editorial (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia and allies)
(Russia will use Islamics to prepare the way for war ...)
CBS Expert Says He Never
Authenticated Papers Used by CBS to Attack Bush
--WND/Washington Post
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
Ex-CBS Newsman Goldberg Says Rather's Bogus Bush Memos
Could Sink Kerry and CBS News
--NewsMax (Prophecies...'In
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
Islamic Terrorist Car-Bomb Kills
at Least 59 in Iraq
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies .... the generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Six-Flags Theme Park in New Jersey to Host "Muslim Only"
(Prophecies...False prophets)
Israeli Leader
Insists Arafat Will Be 'Expelled'
--AFP (France)
Iran Refuses Suspension of Uranium Enrichment
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Israel Intelligence Reports Iran Will Have Nuclear
Weapons by Next Year
--NewsMax (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Russian Leader Putin Launches
Unconstitutional Coup D'Etat
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia and allies)
(The Soviet Bear is rising from hibernation ...)
Putin Tightens Grip on Russia After Attacks
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
(We are quickly heading towards war with a Russia/China backed Iran ...)
Russian Leader
to Scrap Popular Vote for Governors
--Moscow Times (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia and allies)
(Gog will be a powerful leader of Magog/Russia)
US Blasts
Russian Leader's Bid for Power
--UPI (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
(It appears Russia is preparing for war ...)
Earlier Soviet Government Tested
Russian Troops With A-Bomb to Prepare for War
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia and allies)
Analysis - Mysterious North Korean Explosion
--UPI (Prophecies...Russia and allies)
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Homosexual Students
Offered Special College Scholarships ...
--Drudge Report/SF Gate (Bible
warnings on homosexuality)
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
Texas Rangers
Clear Bench and Bullpen in Altercation With Oakland Fans...
--Drudge Report/Sports Yahoo
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
UFO Clouds Abduct Humans
--Pravda (Russia)
Rapture) (The 'world' seems to be preparing
excuses for the coming 'Rapture')
Under This Rock - Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
Islamic Convention in London
Celebrates 9/11...Say 'Your Either With Islam or Against Islam'
Iran Discloses Nuclear Plans
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Islamics Kill at Least 8 in
Russian School Seizure ... About 400 Held Hostage
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies .... the generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Weekly Israeli Intelligence Update ...
Wars and rumors of war)
Islamic Bus Bombings in Israel Kill at Least 12 and
Injure 80
(Prophecies .... the generation of wrath will be filled with violence) (Prophecies...Israel)
Islamic Military Group Hamas Says Attacks on Israel
(Why? Because the Koran says if a land
is lost by Islam and not re-taken, then the Koran is not true ...)
Canadian Intelligence Reports Islamics Blew Up NY American Airlines Flight in
(Prophecies .... the generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Russian Leader Cites
Islamic Terror Link to Plane Disaster
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies .... the generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Islamic Website Says Twelve Nepalese Hostages Were Beheaded in Iraq by Their
Islamic Captors
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies .... the generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Another 'Discrepancy' Erodes John Kerry's Story of
--WND (Prophecies...'In
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
John Kerry Group's Poster Attacked US Soldiers Calling
Them Rapists and Butchers
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
European Union (EU) Claims It Won the Olympics...
--Drudge Report/The Sun (UK)
(Prophecies...Europe/Rome will rise again) (Prophecies...The
Archbishop of Canterbury Says 'Islamics Can Go to
--WND/London Telegraph
and church leaders will be corrupted)
Separation...Heaven or Hell)
Newspeak...'The Separation of Church and State'
--WND/Joseph Farah
(Prophecies...Christ and believing Christians will be hated)
Russian Armed Forces to Obtain New Unique Rockets and
Launchers (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Russian Leader Putin Set for Landmark Visit to Turkey
--WND (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies will include Turkey)
German Soldiers and Their Equipment in the 21st Century (Russia)
Wars and rumors of war)
Jihad' Terrorist Group Has 3 Main Websites in Iran, Colorado, Maryland
--WND/Israel National News
(Prophecies...False Prophets would rise)
Secret Service Worried About NYC Bush Plot
Catholic Shrines Draw Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims
(The Bible warns 'in the last days' there
will be a 'one-world religion' which will kill millions of believing
Christians and Jews ...)
India Tests Nuclear-Capable Ballistic Missile
--AFP (France)
Wars and rumors of war)
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Fighting Continues in Fallujah, Baghdad
--Fox News
Wars and rumors of war)
Iran's Nuclear Program is Close to
'Point of No Return'
(Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies) (Prophecies
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
FBI Documents Say China Funded
John Kerry
--WND (Prophecies...China and allies)
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath lists 'traitors' among the
character traits we will see)
Medal Citation on Kerry's Site a 'Total Mystery' To
Ex-Navy Chief - 'I Never Saw It. I Never Signed it.'
--WND/Chicago Sun-Times
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
General McInerney - Kerry's Vietnam Testimony
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath lists 'traitors' among the
character traits we will see)
Russian Investigators Find Explosives On Both Planes After Deadly Twin Plane
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies .... the generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Britain's RAF (Royal Air Force) Participates in
Homosexual Parade
--UPI (Bible
warnings on homosexuality)
(Prophecies .... the generation of wrath will be filled with immoral
'corruption' [rottenness])
Admiral Speaks Out and Disputes Kerry's Account of
'Purple Heart' Wound'
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
The Kerry Plot Thickens Even More After Checking
Official Records...
--Drudge Report/SunTimes (Prophecies...'In
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
Another Kerry 'Whopper'...Said He Recalls Hearing of
Martin Luther King Murder While in Vietnam
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
Remote Russian Nuclear Weapons Test Facility is Active
--World Tribune (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Iran Could Develop Its Own Nuclear Bomb In 2005
--M.E. Newsline (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies
... The 'Apocalypse' prolog)
Syria Believed To Have Centrifuges For Its Own Nuclear
Weapons Program
--M.E. Newsline (Prophecies...Syria)
Wars and rumors of war)
... The coming 'Apocalypse')
North Korea Marketing Inter-Continental Ballistic
Missile to Iran and Middle-East Countries
--M.E. Newsline (Prophecies...Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
... The coming 'Apocalypse')
Dog That Didn't Bark' ... US and American Jewish Policies on Israel and on Her
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
Islamic Torches His Own Store After Painting a Cross On
It ... And Then Cries 'Hate Crime'
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
Islamic Group Claims Responsibility for Deadly Russian Plane Crashes
--AFP (France)
.... the
generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Russia Kills 60 Islamic Rebels in Chechnya This Week
Wars and rumors of war)
Army Surrenders Arms After Siege in Najaf
Wars and rumors of war)
John Kerry's Real 'Band of Brothers' ... Media's
Cover-up Guarding Democrat's Weird Fantasies
--WND/Jerusalem Post
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
The Facts Expose the Kerry/Democrat/Media's Subterfuge,
Dishonesty, and Dirty Tricks
--WND/David Limbaugh
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
A Newsman Trashes 'Lapdog Media' For 'Sleeping With
--WorldNetDaily/Joseph Farah
the Ring' ... Weekly Notes From the Pentagon
--Washington Times
Wars and rumors of war)
European Union Allowed Greater Role in Israeli 'Peace
Process' by Israel
--Koenig/Jerusalem Post
(Prophecies...Rome will rise again) (Prophecies...The
(Prophecies...Coming peace plan)
Judge Rules Against Ban on 'Live-Baby' Abortions
--Koenig Int'l/Fox News
.... the
generation of wrath will be filled with violence and immorality)
College Professor Uses Profanity Against God in
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
and Christians will be hated)
University Bars Christian Fraternity Because It Won't
Allow Atheists and Homosexuals
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies...Christ and Christians will be hated)
Rare Form of Virus Worries California ...Athlete
Suffered Polio-Like Symptoms After Mosquito Bite
--WND/San Francisco Chronicle
(Prophecies ... Diseases will spread)
25 People Killed, Dozens Wounded in Iraqi Violence
--AFP (France)
.... the
generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Sexual Assault Lawsuit Filed Against William Kennedy
--Drudge Report/ABCNews (Prophecies
.... the
generation of wrath will be filled with violence and immorality)
This Rock' - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
Intelligence Report - Iran Seeks to Buy
Nuclear Bomb "Booster" From Russia
--Koenig/Ha'aretz (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies
... The Apocalypse prolog)
Iran Forces Turkey Into Secret Anti-Israel
Military Concessions...Consolidating Regional Power
--Debkafile (Israel) (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies) (Prophecies...Israel) (The Iran/Israel conflict is a major prophetic
Preliminary Intelligence Analysis of Simultaneous Airline Crashes in Russia
--Debkafile (Israel)
.... the
generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Vietnam War POWs to Blast John
Kerry in TV Documentary
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath lists 'traitors' among the
character traits we will see)
After Truth Emerges, John Kerry Revises His Medal Claim
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
A Veteran's Commentary on John Kerry...'Heroes Don't
--WND/New York Post
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
When There is No Defense Against Truth...Kerry Private
Eyes Digging Dirt on 'Swiftvets'
(Prophecies of the generation of wrath)
Margaret Thatcher's Son Arrested in South Africa Over Coup Plot
--AFP (France)
Islamics Kill Eight Government
in Algeria
--AFP (France)
.... the
generation of wrath will be filled with violence)
Judea And Samaria (The West Bank) Are Israel´s
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
Israel and EU Hold Advanced Talks on Wider 'Europe Plan'
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post
(Prophecies...Strong and weak nations from Roman Empire
will rise in power)
European Hypocrisy...EU to Build Protective Wall After
Condemning Israel's
--Koenig Int'l/WND
... Europe/Rome will rise in power)
Islamic TV Program Says There is No Jewish Connection to
the Land of Israel
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
U.N. Warns Israel on Airspace 'Violations'...Ignores
Iranian Backed Hezbollah's Attacks Against Israel
(The Bible warns 'at the time of the end' all nations will turn against the
tiny nation of Israel ...)
Skies Set For Perseid Meteor Shower 'Extravaganza'
--BBC News
(The Bible warns that one day sights from
the heavens will cause men's hearts to fail ...)
Unknown Underwater Animal Found in Atlantic Ocean
--Pravda (Russia)
Why People Are Getting So Fat
--NewsMax/National Geographic
Vietnam Swift Boat Vets Reveal New Details of John
Kerry's 'Self-Inflicted' Purple Heart, Bronze Star
U.S. Troops Battle Insurgents in Najaf
Wars and rumors of war)
Islamic Terror Plan Uncovered to Detonate Bomb Inside Tunnel Under
Thames River to Kill Thousands
--WND/London Evening Standard
(Islamic Terror) (Prophecies..
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...the
generation of wrath)
China Will Soon Have 800 Missiles Aimed At Taiwan ...
V.P. Says 'Quasi War' Already Started
--NewsMax/Daily Times
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Iraqi Christian Compound Attacked
by Islamics
--WND (Islamic
Swift Boat Officers and Veterans Steamed ... Reveal
Kerry's Lies About His Being Sent Into Cambodia
--Drudge Report (Prophecies...'In
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
Christian Compound Housing Computer and Women's Center
in Iraq Attacked With Mortars
and Christians will be hated)
Wars and rumors of war)
Rise of Islam Ushers in A New Era
of Christian Persecution
--WND/Pat Buchanan
(Prophecies ... False prophets)
and Christians will be hated)
Israel Risks US 'Ire' By Approving Hundreds of New Homes in West Bank (Judea
and Samaria)
--AFP (France)
(God says He will deal harshly with those nations who reject His
Word and who curse His people Israel)
Rice Says Iran's Nuclear Intentions 'Worrisome'
--Koenig/My Way
(Prophecies... Iran, Russia, and allies)
(According to prophecy, Iran will not be restrained by the US 'in the
last days')
Iranian Backed Al-Sadr Vows to
Fight to the Death in Iraq
--WND/Associated Press
(Prophecies... Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Afghan Forces Capture 4 Taliban Commanders
--World Tribune/AP
Wars and rumors of war)
9-11 Commissioner Reports Michel Moore 'Less Than
--WND/Boston Herald
the last days evil
men will grow worse lying, deceiving, and being deceived'')
New ID Chip Goes Under the Skin
... Uses Skin as Transmitter
(Prophecies of
the coming Antichrist)
Ominous Drop in 'Chatter' By
Islamic Terrorists
--WND/Strait Times, Singapore
Wars and rumors of war)
Companies Planning to Evacuate
Taiwan ...
'China May Attack Taipei in 2006'
--WND/Strait Times, Singapore
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Preparing to Test New Missile ... Threatens Israel
(Prophecies... Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
War of Words, Kidnapping Worsens Iran-Iraq Relations
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies... Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
U.S. Warns Turkey Against Iran Deal
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies... Iran, Russia, and allies)
(According to the Bible, Turkey will assist Iran in attacking Israel)
Report - North Korea and Iran Are Closer to Nuclear
--UPI (Prophecies...China and allies)
(Prophecies... Iran, Russia, and allies)
(Prophecies...The coming Apocalypse prolog)
Notes From an Israeli Intelligence Site ... Things Are Heating Up
(Prophecies... Iran, Russia, and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Islamic Terror Documents Had Plans to Attack US Navy ...
--WND/AFP (France) (Our
war isn't against a few Islamic terrorist bands ... we're up against at least
22 Islamic nations + Russia + China)
Islamic Al-Qaida Agents
Infiltrating From Marxist Backed South Africa
Wars and rumors of war)
Islamic Guerilla Leader Zarqawi Has Safe Haven in
(Prophecies... Iran, Russia, and allies)
Islamic Terrorist CD Includes Names and Suicide's 'Pre-Nuptial' Rites
Preparing For Virgins in 'Paradise'
--Debkafile (Islamic
Terror) (The teachings in the
Islamic Quran and the Hadith are considered equal in holiness to a Muslim)
Campaign Won't Comment on Kerry's Private Trade Trips
Dealing With Firm Tied to Chinese Military
--WND/Insight (Prophecies
of the
generation of wrath includes listing traitors)
Vietnam Veterans Say John Kerry
Made Up Cambodia Story He Used As Evidence of 'War Crimes'
men will grow worse lying and deceiving)
generation of wrath)
Troops Clash With Shiite Militia in Fierce Battles
Around Iraq
--Fox News
Wars and rumors of war)
North Korea Working on New Missiles ... Systems Designed
to Deliver Nuclear Warheads
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
(Prophecies...The coming Apocalypse prolog)
Book Reports Kerry Took No Enemy
Fire for Silver Star ... Received Purple Heart for 'Scratch' on Arm
(John Kerry has voted against almost every bill in the Senate to help provide
help, support, and weapons to our troops)
Democrats Threatening TV Stations To Quash TV Ad By
Veterans That Served With Kerry
British Al Qaida Suspect Had U.S. Navy Plans
--World Tribune/Leicester Mercury
2,500 Korean Christians Visiting Israel
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(We should support Israel and the Jews ....)
New Decree in Israel - No Expansion Allowed in Judea and Samaria
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(We may now be closer than we think ...)
Our Solar
System and Planet Could Be 'Unique'
--BBC News/Science
(In the Bible God says He formed the Earth
separately from the rest of the heavens ...)
Under This Rock - Weekly Mafia and Gangland News
--World Tribune/Jerry Capeci
generation of wrath)
Israeli Defense Forces Reticent
About Forcing Residents of Gaza to Abandon Their Homes
(Gaza is in the land which was given to the tribe of Judah ...
the 'Lion of Judah' will return to restore it)
Islamic Group Attacks Christian
Pastor in Pakistan
--WND (Islamic
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Kill 9 Policemen in Attack on Security Camp in Kashmir
--AFP (France) (Islamic
Wars and rumors of war)
Alan Keyes Gets Okay to Run For
Senate in Illinois
--WND (Alan
Keyes is a good man with a heart for the Lord ... the media attacks will be
great against a non-Democrat black politician)
Muslims Adopt Islamic Sharia Legal Code in Canada
(Prophecies ... false prophets would rise)
(A Christian was convicted of hate crimes in Canada for quoting Bible verses)
Egyptian State Newspaper Says the
Jews Made Up the German Holocaust Story
Terror) (Islam is filled with lies
and hate ... Jesus warned that 'Satan is the father of all lies')
Documents Reveal Saddam Terrorized and Gassed Christian
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated) (Prophecies...the
generation of wrath)
Sharon Stone is Mad and Blames Bush for Climate That Cut
Lesbian Kiss From 'Catwoman' Scene
warnings on homosexuality)
generation of wrath)
Illinois Republicans Considering Alan Keyes For Senate
--WND (He is a good man ...
let's pray for Alan Keyes)
Democratic Adviser Backed Atheist to Remove 'Under God' from Pledge of
--Washington Times
generation of wrath)
'Reporting For Duty' ... History
and Facts Reveal the Real John Kerry
--WND/Joseph Farah
men will grow worse lying and deceiving)
generation of wrath)
Vietnam Vets Prepare to Rally
Against John Kerry
D.C. Journalists Favor John Kerry
12 to 1
China Boasts of 'Smashing' Taiwan
--NewsMaz (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
North Korea Pumps More Money Into Military
--Washington Times (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
US Warns Iran on Nukes
(Prophecies... Iran and allies)
Protection of Iraqi Christians
Called For in Wake of Killings By Islamics
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated) (Prophecies...the
generation of wrath)
US Spacecraft 'Messenger' Blasts Off Toward Mercury
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Knowledge and travel will increase
'in the last days')
U.S. Seized 77 Middle-Eastern 'Aliens' in Southern Arizona
--World Tribune
Iran Allegedly Seeking Nuclear Explosion 'Booster'
--World Tribune/NTI
(Prophecies... Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war) (Prophecies...The coming Apocalypse prolog)
U.S. Sanctions Russian Firm That Traded Missiles to Iran
--World Tribune
(Prophecies... Russia, Iran, and allies)
Rumors of war) (Prophecies...The coming Apocalypse prolog)
Major Financial Sites Guard Against Islamic Attack
--Fox News (Islamic
Threat Info Came From a Captured
Computer Trained Al-Qaida Militant
--Drudge Report/NY Times (Islamic
Some Counter-Terror Experts
Skeptical of The Current Relevance of Captured Al-Qaida Computer Info
--Debkafile (Israeli Intelligence
Site) (Islamic
In Iraq Its War on Christians
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated) (Prophecies...the
generation of wrath)
Islamics Blow Up Iraq's Churches on Way to Spain, Italy, and the Vatican
--Debkafile (Israeli Intelligence
Site) (Islamic
Terror) (The armies of Islam have
a plan and are on the march ...)
China Vows to Smash Taiwan Independence
--Koenig Int'l/UPI (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
China Stages First Military Parade in Hong Kong
--NewsMax (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
Britain Warns of 'Real and Serious' Terror Threat
--AFP (France) (Islamic
Wars and rumors of war)
Islamic Terrorists Spread Their Messages Online
--World Tribune/Christian Science Monitor
Islamics Target Christian Churches
With Near Simultaneous Car Bombs in
--Fox News (Islamic
Terror) (Prophecies...the
generation of wrath)
(Prophecies...Christians will be hated)
Valor Defined ... Marines Showed
Extreme Courage During the Fierce Battle of
--WND/San Diego Union-Tribune
Islamics Planning New York Attacks
--WND/ABC News
(Islamic Terror)
U.S. Fears Israeli Strike Against
--WND/The Forward
(Prophecies... Iran and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
China Considers Law Which Will
Attack Against Taiwan If Independence Declared
--WND/Straits Times, Singapore
(Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
China Warns U.S. Against Taiwan Arms Sale
--UPI (Prophecies...China and allies)
Wars and rumors of war)
U.S. Psychologists Embrace
Homosexual 'Marriages'
--WND (Bible
warnings on homosexuality)
generation of wrath)
Newspaper Upset That Moore Faked
Its Headline in His 'Documentary'
men will grow worse lying and deceiving)
