

Alpha News Daily

Weekly News Update



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This weekly news update is being sent because the Bible tells us to know the prophecies and to "watch" for their fulfillment (which can only be done by learning and knowing what is going on around the world) ... yet, many churches and synagogues today ignore and deny Bible prophecy (which in itself is a major fulfillment of Bible prophecy) ...


 Now, a short Bible prophecy lesson to help show how close we are ...


  + Israel back in the Land as a nation   (this started the clock ticking ...)

  + Iran and allies threatening war against Israel

  + Russia rising ... and acting as a 'guard' for Iran

  + China armed with weapons capable of quickly destroying 1/3 of mankind

  + Nations of the ancient Roman Empire (Europe?) reuniting and rising in power

  + Teachings of false 'Prophets' leading many

  + A Generation 'morally corrupt' and 'filled with violence'  

     (The Bible uses the word 'corrupt' -  like smelly, rotting meat)

  + 'The falling away'... churches and synagogues no longer teaching or enduring sound doctrine

  + Israel and Jerusalem . . . trouble, troubles, and more trouble 

  + All nations turning against nation Israel . . .                 

  = The Generation of the ... Rapture ... the 'Apocalypse' ... Armageddon ... and Messiah's Return.


For the first time in history this prophetic 'equation' is nearly complete . . . and all in this generation!!! 



That Tiny Red 'Dot' is Israel ... God warns, 'Israel is His'...'Allah' and his vast armies (green) keep trying to prove Him wrong

The 'God of Israel' and the Bible . . .  or . . . 'Allah' and the Koran . . . The Bible Warns One Is True . . .  and One Is False

The coming Battle of Armageddon ('Hill of Megiddo')  . . .  Armageddon lies right in the center of that tiny Red 'Dot'

"I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you". . .  (Genesis 12:3)


Top Stories . . .

(Click on the headline for the full news story ... Click on the blue link for the Bible prophecy)


Take A Clue From Noah ... Nonbelievers Need To Pay Attention To Biblical Prophesies

--WND/Janet Folger       (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")    (Prophetic Warning Signs:   'Apocalypse' ... We will know when we are close)


The September War ... Pieces Falling In Place For Battle Between Iran, Israel, and Her Neighbors

--WND/Hal Lindsey    (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)    (Prophecies:  The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)


First Documentary Evidence Iran Is Into Nuclear Explosives and Missile Warhead Design ...

--Debkafile     (Prophecies...The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel) 


Iranian Conference On Destroying Israel ...

--DavidHocking.org      (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel) 


With $5 Billion From Iran, Syria Places Massive Advanced Weapons Order With Russia ...

--Debkafile      (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed)      (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel) 


French Court Confirms France-2's Famous Video Blaming Israel Of Killing Young Palestinian Boy Was Faked ...

--Israel Nat'l News    (Prophecies ... "In the last days evil men (and women) will wax worse and worse"... "deceiving (lying) and being deceived") 


Islamics Destroying Iraqi Christians Through Killings, Kidnappings, Forced Conversions, and Church Bombings ...

--NewsMax       (A note on Islam ...)    ("Allah"... The ancient Babylonian Moon god)      (Prophecies ... Messiah (Christ) and Christians will be hated)


Two Arrested For Talking About Jesus During "Freedom Celebration" in Norway ...

--WND      (Prophecies ... Messiah (Christ) and Christians will be hated)    (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist) 


Climate Change Spreads To Mars and Jupiter ... Turbulent Storms On Jupiter ... Ice Caps Retreating On Mars

--WND     (The Bible warns one-day during the coming "Apocalypse" the sun will scorch people on Earth ... Rev 16:8-9)



This Week's News Headlines . . .

(What to do in times of trouble ... Trust in the Lord, draw near to Him, earnestly pray for His guidance and direction, and seek His Will in your life.) 


Finding Hope and Comfort ... For Those Going Through Difficult Times

--Alpha News Daily     (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...)      (God's Promise ...)   


Weekly News Update ... with Weekly News Archives ... (More Added)

--Alpha News Daily    (Read earlier "Weekly News Updates" from Alpha News Daily)


How To Get Eternal Life In Heaven  (With Audio) ...

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church     (The most important Bible prophecies ... Heaven or Hell ... it's not too late!!!) 


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

       "But without faith it is impossible to please Him,

        for he who comes to God must believe that He is,

        and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

        (Hebrews 11:6)


President's Daughter Jenna Bush Says It's "Okay" For Ellen DeGeneres To Wed Lesbian At Crawford Ranch ...

--WND/Houston Chronicle     (Bible Warnings:  Homosexuality and Abortion)     (Prophecies:  The Generation of Armageddon)


How "Same Sex Marriage" Points To The Coming Apocalypse and Armageddon ...

--WND/Janet Folger      (Bible Warnings:  Homosexuality and Abortion)     (Prophecies:  Generation of Armageddon)  ("As in the days of Noah" ...)


Schwarzenegger Says He Thinks Homosexual 'Marriage' Is Good For The Economy ...

--NewsMax      (Bible Warnings:  Homosexuality and Abortion)     (Prophecies:  The Generation of Armageddon)


Jesus (Yeshua) warns ...


 "No one can serve two masters;

   for either he will hate the one and love the other,

   or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other.

   You cannot serve God and mammon (money)."

   (Matthew 6:24 ... Luke 16:13)


"Weeping For Tammuz"... (Ezekiel 8:12-14) ... As Our Nation Turns Its Back On God's Word

--WND/Joseph Farah      (Prophecies:  The "Day of God's Wrath"... the coming "Apocalypse" and Armageddon)


U.S. Appeals Court Strikes Down Virginia Law That Banned "Partial (Live) Birth" Abortions ...

--WND/Wash Post   (Bible Warnings:  Homosexuality and Abortion)     (Prophecies:  Generation of Armageddon will be morally "corrupt" and "violent")


  "Were your acts of harlotry a small matter,

   that you have slain My children,

   (notice that God looks upon these little, slain babies as His!)

   and offered them up to them (to other gods, idols)

   by causing them to pass through the fire ..."

   (Ezekiel 16:20-21)


"By causing them (babies) to pass through the fire ..."  Back then, unwanted babies were 'offered' to a false god 'Molech' (a god of lust and pleasure) by placing the baby onto the glowing red-hot arms of a small bronze statue which was placed in the fire.  Do a study of Molech (an idol, false god) or passing babies 'through the fire' in the Bible and you will find God will judge a nation (and a world) for the killing of babies for convenience.  God says a lot about this killing of unwanted babies ('passing sons and daughters through the fire') in the Bible.  The technology we now use to kill these 'unwanted' babies is different, but the intent is exactly the same.  Now, instead of calling them 'priests' we call them 'doctors,' and instead of burning the babies alive (passing them 'through the fire'), we cut them into little pieces while they're alive and call it 'abortion.'  God sees it and it causes Him to cry out in agony and anger.  This is one more reason why the coming Apocalypse is also called 'the Day of God's Wrath' which will come upon a (morally) "corrupt" and "violent" generation.  Also, the Bible warns us that 'not only those who do such things, but also all those who approve of those who do such things' will be held just as guilty.   Please remember, our God is a forgiving God who is filled with grace and mercy, and even those who have done or approved of such things can still be washed clean and forgiven through the 'blood of the Lamb of God,' our Lord, the only One who can now save us from our sins, Jesus-Yeshua the promised Messiah.


Scientists Initiate New Study Of "The Shroud Of Turin" (Who Some Claim May Be The Burial Cloth of Jesus) ...

--WND   (The "Shroud" is not important, but it is trusting in the power, the love, and the hope of His Resurrection that saves us ...)




    The Garden Tomb Today             A Massive Burial-Type Stone       Resting Place Inside The Tomb


 "When Joseph (of Arimathea)

   had taken the body (of Jesus Christ ... Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew),

   he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth ..."

   (Matthew 27:59)


 "Now after the Sabbath,

   as the first day of the week began to dawn (Sunday),

   Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb.

   And behold, there was a great earthquake;

   for an angel of the Lord descended from Heaven,

   and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it.

   His countenance was like lightning,

   and his clothing as white as snow.

   And the guards shook for fear of him, and became like dead men.

   But the angel answered and said to the women,

 "Do not be afraid,

   for I know that you seek Jesus (Yeshua) who was crucified.

 "He is not here;

   For He is risen, as He said.   (John 2:19 ...)

   Come, see the place (in the tomb) where the Lord lay."

   (Matthew 28:1-6)    (Prophecies of the Messiah)     (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")     (Prophecies of Messiah's Return)


 "For You will not leave my soul in Sheol (Hell),

   Nor will You allow Your Holy One  (the Messiah)

   to see corruption (decompose)." 

   (Psalm 16:10)   (The ancient Bible prophecies told us Messiah would be Resurrected soon after His death ...)


 "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew)

  and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead,

  you will be saved   (from all your sins and from Hell ... and welcomed with tears of joy into the Kingdom of Heaven)."

  (Romans 10:9)


 “Jesus (Yeshua) said to her,

  ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life (in Heaven).

   He who believes (trusts) in Me,

   though he may die (the first "bodily" death which we will all experience),

   he shall live (forever ... in Heaven!!!).

   And whoever lives and believes in Me

   shall never die (the second death ... in Hell).

   Do you believe this?’"   (The answer to this question will determine every man and woman's eternal destiny ...)

   (John 11:25)


 "For by GRACE you have been saved   (from all your sins and from Hell)

   through faith (in Jesus Christ ... Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew),

   and that not of yourselves;    (For He took the punishment and He paid the price (the "debt") for all our sins)

   it is the gift of God,   (‘Grace’ is getting something we don’t deserve … we can't buy this gift)

   not of works,   (... we can't earn this gift with all the "good things" we think we have done.)

   lest anyone should boast."   (we are told it’s a gift from God … we just have to receive it ... with great thanksgiving!)

   (Ephesians 2:8)  


 "For God so loved the world

   that He gave His only begotten Son,   (His gift to Mankind)

   that whoever believes in Him  (Jesus Christ ... Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew)

   should not perish (in Hell)

   but have everlasting life (in Heaven).

   For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,

   but that the world through Him might be saved (into Heaven).

   He who believes (trusts) in Him is not condemned (to Hell);

   but he who does not believe (in Jesus-Yeshua)

   is condemned (to Hell) already"   (The implications of this verse are staggering!!!)

   (John 3:16-18)        (The most important Bible prophecies ... Heaven or Hell ... it's not too late!!!) 


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

     "The righteous cry out,

       and the Lord hears and delivers them

       out of all of their troubles."  (It often takes a while)

       (Psalm 34:17)


Cuba's Fidel Castro Says Democrat Presidential Candidate Obama Is "Most Advanced" Candidate ...

--Drudge/Reuters     (Turning our backs on God ... we will soon lose our freedoms and our democratic Republic.)


Top Obama Adviser Represented Reagan's Attempted Assassin And Is Defending Killer of US Soldier ...

--WND     (Prophecies:  Generation of Armageddon)  


Two Candidates:  McCain Tortured By Communists in Vietnam ... Obama Mentored By A Marxist-Stalinist Agent

--World Tribune     (Prophecies of  the 'Generation of Armageddon'... includes "traitors")


Report:  Obama Mentored By "Extreme" Communist Party Figure ...

--WND   (Don't listen to what he says, but watch what he does ... look at his voting record ... he votes in lock-step with the Kremlin.)


Newsweek Magazine Int'l Editor Fareed Zakaria Says The US Can Manage, But Not Prevent, Its Decline ...

--Jerusalem Post   (Like Time Magazine and CNN, Islamics have invested heavily in Newsweek to help control content ...)


You Know Somebody Has Said Something Intelligent When Democrats React With Hysteria and Rage ...

--WND/Ann Coulter     (Prophecies:  The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)


The Oil Problem ...

--JR Nyquist     


Pushing For A Worldwide (One-World) Wireless Web ...

--Drudge/Int'l Herald Tribune  (UK)     (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)   (Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase "in the last days")


Subway Sandwich Contest:  Homeschoolers Not Wanted ... Spelling-Challenged Promotion Offers Gift 'Bastket'



Watch A Tornado (Around Kansas or Oklahoma) From The Sky ...

--Drudge/BBC News    (Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase "in the last days")


NASA Spacecraft Safely Lands On Mars ...

--Drudge/Bloomberg       (Prophecies ... Knowledge and travel will increase "in the last days")


Lawsuit Claims New Swiss Atomic Particle Collider's Energy Could Create Black Holes That Swallow Earth ...



 "The Earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard,

   And shall totter like a hut;

   Its transgression (sin) shall be heavy upon it,

   And it will fall, and not rise again."

   (Isaiah 24:20)


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

       "Do not be afraid, nor be dismayed (distressed),

        for the Lord God is with you wherever you go." 

        (Joshua 1:9)


From The Pentagon:  Defense Officials Say Israel Helped China Build Their New J-10 Jet Fighter ...

--Inside the Ring  (Pentagon)      (Prophecies...China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind) 


Putin Named Prime-Minister Of New Belarus-Russia Alliance ... Meaning Of Move Not Immediately Clear

--WND/AP    (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel) 


Children As Young As 6 Years Old Raped By United Nations (UN) "Peace Keepers"...

--WND/London Telegraph      (Prophecies:  Generation of Armageddon will be marked by its "violence" and moral "corruption") 


Islamic Enemies Jeer Israel As 'Paper Tiger' After Latest Retreat Of Jewish Troops From Gaza Crossing ...

--WND      (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)      (Prophecies ...'Gaza shall be forsaken")


Our World:  Utopian Peace Junkies ... Olmert and Livni Strengthening Israel's Enemies

--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick    (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)   (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed)


Iran and Syria Warn, "Syria Will Continue To Oppose Israel"...

--Jerusalem Post    (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)   (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed)


Iran Sparks Regional Nuclear Race ... 13 Middle-East Nations Now Planning Nuclear Plants

--WND      (Prophecies:  The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)       (Prophecies of Iraq)


EU (European Union) To Seek New Partnership Pact With Russia ...

--BBC News    (Prophecies ... 10 nations of the Roman Empire will reunite and rise in great power)   (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)


UN Concludes Russia Shot Down Georgian Spy Plane ...

--AFP  (France)   (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel) 


Iran-Syria Backed General Suleiman Elected Lebanese President ...

--Debkafile      (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)   (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed)


Iran "Paid Iraqi Insurgents To Kill British Soldiers"...

--WND/London Telegraph   (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)    (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)


Iran May Provide Their Hamas Forces With Lethal Roadside Bombs For Gaza ...

--Debkafile     (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)      (Prophecies ...'Gaza shall be forsaken")


Israeli Charged With Spying For Iran ...

--Jerusalem Post      (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)    (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)


Serious Falling-Out Between US and Israel Over Olmert’s Syria Talks ...

--Debkafile     (Prophecies...The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel) 


'Palestinians' Say Israel Offering "New Map" Which Would Give Them 91% of Israel's Judea-Samaria Area ...

--Jerusalem Post      (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation)


Israel's Prime-Minister Says It's "Delusional" To Believe In "Greater Israel"... Who Is Delusional?

--DavidHocking.org        (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation)


Revealing The Truth About The History Of 'Palestine'...

--WND/Joseph Farah     (Prophecies ... "In the last days evil men (and women) will wax worse and worse"... "deceiving (lying) and being deceived")


President Bush's Speech To Israel's Knesset ...

--DavidHocking.org    "I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you"...  (Genesis 12:3)


Jimmy Carter Discloses Israel Military Secrets Concerning Their Nuclear Weapons Arsenal ...

--Fox News   "I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you"...  (Genesis 12:3)


Iranian International Conference to Focus on 'Israel's End' ...

--Israel Nat'l News   (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)    (Prophecies:  The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)


Hizbullah Coup Allows Iran To Gain Control Of Lebanon ...

--WND/Joseph Farah     (Prophecies...The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel) 


Analysis:  President Bush Wondering Whether Israel's PM Olmert Knows What He's Doing ...

--Jerusalem Post/David Horovitz    (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation)   (Olmert is a Kremlin man ... not a Washington man.)


Column One:  Iran's Man In Damascus ... Assad's Week of Triumph

--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick    (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)   (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed)


Iran and Venezuela Unite In Bank Venture ... Ties Between Leaders Ahmadinejad and Chavez Deepen

--WND     (Yet, the only thing Iran and Venezuela have in common is Russia ... and their intense desire to destroy America.)


Israel Warns Russia May Be Selling Syria New Advanced Weapons ...

--Jerusalem Post     (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)  


Analysis:   Political "Accord" Shifts Lebanon’s Balance Of Power To Iranian Hizbullah ...

--Debkafile    (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)   (Iran has now opened fronts on Israel's northern and southern borders.)


Russian President Warns U.S. Over Missile Defense Plans ...

--AFP  (France)    (Prophecies...The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)     (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) 



"For I am God, and there is no other.
   I am God, and there is none like Me,
   Declaring the end from the beginning,
   and from ancient times
   things that are not yet done . . ."
   (Isaiah 46:9-10)


 "When you see these things happening,

   know that it (the 'Apocalypse') is near  --  at the door!

   Assuredly, I say to you,

   this generation will by no means pass away

   till all these things take place."

   (Mark 13:29)


 "Before the decree is issued,

   before the day passes like chaff,

   before the LORD'S fierce anger comes upon you,

   before the day of the LORD'S

   anger comes upon you!

   Seek the LORD,

   all you meek of the Earth,

   who have upheld His justice.

   Seek righteousness,

   seek humility.

   It may be that you

   will be hidden

   in the day of the LORD'S anger."

   (Zephaniah 2:2-3)


Jesus (Yeshua) commands us to watch and be ready .....


"Watch therefore,

   and pray always

   that you may be

   counted worthy to escape

   all these things

   that will come to pass . . ."  (The Bible promises all who wait in faith are not "appointed" to the coming time of "Tribulation")

   (Luke 21:36)


... for He promises to protect and shelter all those who are found waiting in faith from the coming 'time of trouble.'



Finding Hope and Comfort  In Times of Trouble >>>


God's Promise  >>>


What Happens Next?  Heaven or Hell ... >>>


Prophecies of the Messiah  >>>


Prophecies of Messiah's Return  >>>


Prophecies of the Coming 'Rapture'  >>>


Prophecies of the Coming Apocalypse and Armageddon  >>>


A Remarkable Mathematical Prophecy ... Messiah Revealed  >>>  


Another Remarkable Mathematical Prophecy ... Israel Back As A Nation >>


More  Prophecies >>>



For daily news updates go to www.alphanewsdaily.com . . .



Grace and Shalom,



























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