

Alpha News Daily

Weekly News Update



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This weekly news update is being sent because the Bible tells us to know the prophecies and to "watch" for their fulfillment (which can only be done by learning and knowing what is going on around the world) ... yet, many churches and synagogues today ignore and deny Bible prophecy (which in itself is a major fulfillment of Bible prophecy) ...


 Now, a short Bible prophecy lesson to help show how close we are ...


  + Israel back in the Land as a nation   (this started the clock ticking ...)

  + Iran and allies threatening war against Israel

  + Russia rising ... and acting as a 'guard' for Iran

  + China armed with weapons capable of quickly destroying 1/3 of mankind

  + Nations of the ancient Roman Empire (Europe?) reuniting and rising in power

  + Teachings of false 'Prophets' leading many

  + A Generation 'morally corrupt' and 'filled with violence'  

     (The Bible uses the word 'corrupt' -  like smelly, rotting meat)

  + 'The falling away'... churches and synagogues no longer teaching or enduring sound doctrine

  + Israel and Jerusalem . . . trouble, troubles, and more trouble 

  + All nations turning against nation Israel . . .                 

  = The Generation of the ... Rapture ... the 'Apocalypse' ... Armageddon ... and Messiah's Return.


For the first time in history this prophetic 'equation' is nearly complete . . . and all in this generation!!! 



That Tiny Red 'Dot' is Israel ... God warns, 'Israel is His'...'Allah' and his vast armies (green) keep trying to prove Him wrong

The 'God of Israel' and the Bible . . .  or . . . 'Allah' and the Koran . . . The Bible Warns One Is True . . .  and One Is False

The coming Battle of Armageddon ('Hill of Megiddo')  . . .  Armageddon lies right in the center of that tiny Red 'Dot'

"I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you". . .  (Genesis 12:3)


God's Promise  ...

--Alpha News Daily     (God's Promise ...) 


Finding Hope and Comfort  In Times of Trouble ...

--Alpha News Daily     (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...)


The ASSURANCE of Life In Heaven ... It's NOT Too Late!!! 

--Alpha News Daily    (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ (Messiah) ... DID It Really Happen ... (Audio-Video)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church       (Prophecies of Messiah (Christ) from the ancient Jewish Prophets (Old Testament)  


Bible Prophecies Page ... List Of Bible Prophecies (With Links)

--Alpha News Daily       (Bible Prophecies Page ...  List of Bible Prophecy Studies)


God's Word ... Our Daily Bread ... Reading Through The Bible In 2011 ... Daily List and Index  

--Alpha News Daily     (Daily Bible Verses ... Daily List and Index)



This Week's News Headlines . . .

(In times of trouble ... Trust in the Lord, draw near to Him, earnestly pray for His guidance and direction, and seek His Will in your life.) 


Note To Readers:  This week's update is a little long, but the events of this week are not insignificant.  I hope you will take the time to carefully read and consider the news and Bible prophecies ... even if it takes a while to slowly work through it.


Foxe's Book Of Martyrs ... Detailed History Of Christians' Faith During Torture and Death ... Lest We Forget

--AND   (Read Here FREE ... Foxe's Book Of Martyrs ... Chapter by Chapter ... Martyr by Martyr ... Caesars and Popes could not silence the Word of God)


School Confiscates Kids Items With "Jesus" or "God" On Them ... "Merry Christmas" Not Allowed For Troops

--WND        (Prophecies ... Believing Christians will be hated)         (Prophecies:  The coming Antichrist)


Christians In Syria Concerned Over Upheaval ... Watching Plight Of Fellow Christians In Iraq and Egypt

--Jerusalem Post       (Prophecies ... Believing Christians will be hated)         (Prophecies:  The coming Antichrist)  


Christian Doctor In England Censured For Discussing Jesus With Patient ...

--Drudge/Fox News     (Prophecies ... Believing Christians will be hated)        (Prophecies:  The coming Antichrist)


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) speaks to the religious leaders ...


     Then Jesus said to them again,

   "I am going away,

     and you will seek Me,

     and will die in your sin.     ("The Lamb of God"... Messiah was "sent" as the Sacrifice for sin ... we accept it or reject it.)

     Where I go you cannot come.     (His Resurrection proves God accepted His Sacrifice ... God then removed the Temple)

     So the Jews said,

   "Will He kill Himself, because He says, 'Where I go you cannot come'?"  

     And He said to them,

   "You are from beneath;

     I am from above.

     You are of this world;

     I am not of this world.  

     Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins;

     for if you do not believe that I AM

     you will die in your sins.    (This applies to all who reject God's "once and for all" loving Sacrifice for their sins ...)  

     Then they said to Him,

   "Who are You?" 

     And Jesus said to them,

   "Just what I have been saying to you from the beginning.  

     I have many things to say and to judge concerning you,

     but He who sent Me is true;

     and I speak to the world those things which I heard from Him.  

     They did not understand that He spoke to them of the Father."

     (John 8:21-27)         (Prophecies of Messiah (Christ) from the ancient Jewish Prophets (Old Testament)


Sunday:  Obama Again Calls For Dividing The Land Of Israel ... (Speech To American Israel PAC)

--Koenig/Ynet     "I (God) will BLESS those who bless you (Israel) and will CURSE those who curse you"  (Genesis 12:3)


Sunday:  Nearly 50 Tornadoes Hit Central US ...

--Koenig/AccuWeather     (White House correspondent Bill Koenig (Watch.org) wrote a book called "Eye To Eye - Facing The Consequences of Dividing Israel" which amazingly documents all the record-breaking storms and disasters that have struck our nation over the past two decades at those times our leaders call for dividing the Land of Israel.)


Sunday:  Heartland Devastation ... Massive Tornado Rips Through Joplin Missouri ... At Least 116 Dead



Sunday:  Worst Tornado Disaster Since 1953 ... At Least 89 (Now 116) Killed In Joplin Missouri

--Koenig/WeatherBlog     Many can't see the connection between "historic" floods...tornadoes...fires and America's rebellion against God's Word ... White House correspondent Bill Koenig (Watch.org) wrote a book called "Eye To Eye - Facing The Consequences of Dividing Israel" which amazingly documents all the record-breaking storms and disasters that have struck our nation over the past two decades at those times our leaders call for dividing the Land of Israel.


Stunning Rainbow After Tornado ... (Video)



Bill Koenig's "Eye to Eye - Facing The Consequences Of Dividing Israel"... Book Information and Overview

--Watch.org  (Koenig Int'l)    (From the "Perfect Storm" to "Hurricane Katrina" (and much more) ... the incredible timing and sequence of "historic" disasters that strike America at the exact times our leaders call for dividing Israel.)


In Speech To The World ... Obama Sides With Palestinians ... (Against Israel)

--Drudge/AP       "I (God) will BLESS those who bless you (Israel) and will CURSE those who curse you"  (Genesis 12:3)


                                         God Judges Nations For Its Leaders               (Photo - Drudge Report)


Obama's Speech Stuns Israelis ... Netanyahu Rejects 1967 Lines

--Debkafile        (Prophecies:  US "neutralized" ... then Russia and allies will invade Israel)  "Neutralize" can mean Politically, Economically, Militarily, or any combination of the three.  The Bible warns the US will NOT defend Israel when this coming war takes place.  According to the Bible, Israel must stand alone...with God.   When Russia, Iran, and their 'coalition' of nations attack and invade Israel, the U.S. will be unwilling or unable to help defend Her ...  


Note:  A number of years ago when first noting this Bible warning which infers America (who was still Israel's "friend" at the time) must somehow be "neutralized" because in the Bible God warns Israel must stand alone at the time of this coming war, I had no idea how quickly and how powerfully God would work in this area ... at the time it was just another "unchecked" item on the "checklist" that said IF we are in the evil generation that will see the Rapture, the Antichrist, the Apocalypse, the battle of Armageddon, and Messiah's Return THEN we will see these things.  As a further note ... God will "neutralize" America because the churches and people of America have allowed this nation to turn its back on God and God's Word ... and America (and the world) is now being led by a wicked generation who despises God's Word and is "offended" by Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) ... please consider the Way and the Word of the Lord and turn back to Him and trust Him and love Him BEFORE it's too late ...


   "When I heard,

     my belly trembled,

     my lips quivered at the voice ...

     rottenness entered into my bones,

     and I trembled in myself,

     that I might rest (be hidden or escape)

     in the "Day of Trouble"...  ( the coming "Apocalypse")

     (Habakkuk 3:16)     (Prophecies:  The coming "Rapture"... please don't be "left behind")       (Prophecies:  The "Apocalypse" and Armageddon)


Israelis Slam Obama's Dangerous "Peace" Policies ...

--DavidHocking.org       (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem (and Gaza) AFTER becoming a nation in 1948)      The Bible warns "at the time of the end" (around the time of the coming "Apocalypse" and Armageddon (also called the "Time of Jacob's (Israel's) Trouble") ALL NATIONS (including the US) will unite (united nations?) and turn against Israel (Zechariah 14:1-2 ... Joel 3:1-2 ... Revelation 16:13-16) ... but, it is heart-wrenching to see it happening ... it is like watching the water receding from the beach just before a great and terrible tidal wave strikes.  Remember ... Armageddon is in Israel.  Also remember ... through the return of Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) ... Israel WINS ... and will rule over the nations in peace.   (Prophesies ... A coming 'Peace Plan' will be ENFORCED upon Israel ... and WILL change the world FOREVER!)


An Open Letter From Israel:  Netanyahu Should Say The Following To The American People ... Lest We Forget

--Israpundit/Yaakov Katz       (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem (and Gaza) AFTER becoming a nation in 1948)


From Israel:  Why Did Obama Purposefully Start An Ugly Fight With Israel's Prime Minister ... Diversionary Tactics

--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick      (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem AFTER becoming a nation in 1948)      (Prophecies:  The coming Antichrist)


Obama's Call For A "Contiguous" Palestine Would DIVIDE Israel On The Map ...

--WND/CNS News       (Prophecies:  The coming "Rapture")      (Prophecies:  The coming "Apocalypse" ... "The Day of God's Wrath") 


God warns around the time of the coming "Apocalypse" and Armageddon the nation Israel will be divided ...


   "For BEHOLD, in those days and at that time,     (Prophecies:  The coming "Apocalypse" ... "The Day of God's Wrath") 

     When I (God) bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem,     (sometime after Israel became a nation in 1948)

     I will also gather ALL nations,

     And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat;  (outside Jerusalem)

     And I will enter into judgment with them there

     On account of MY people, My heritage ISRAEL,

     Whom they have scattered among the nations;

     They have also DIVIDED up MY Land."  (nation Israel)       (Prophecies ... Israel AFTER becoming a nation in 1948)

     (Joel 3:1-2)      (The world doesn't realize that dividing the Land of Israel is like signing a death warrant against itself ...)


12 Reasons Why Jerusalem Must Remain United Forever Under Israeli Control ...

--DavidHocking.org       (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem (and Gaza) AFTER becoming a nation in 1948)


    "For I (God) will gather ALL the nations to battle against Jerusalem,

     (This is remarkable...since we are now seeing all nations turning against Israel.)

     the city (Jerusalem) shall be taken,

     the houses rifled,

     and the women ravished (brutally raped).  

     Half of the city (Jerusalem) shall go into captivity,     (Prophecies:  The coming "Apocalypse" ... "The Day of God's Wrath") 

     but the remnant of the people

     shall not be cut off from the city."

     (Zechariah 14:2)        (Prophecies of Messiah's Return)


92-Year-Old Arab Gloats Over 1929 Rape-Torture-Massacre Of Jews In Israel ... Wants More

--Israel Nat'l News      (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem (and Gaza) AFTER becoming a nation in 1948)


Michael Savage:  The Bible Shows What Is Next For Israel ..."Ezekiel Predicts There Will Be A (Terrible) War"

--WND      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA ("Magog"), IRAN ("Persia"), and allies will attack and invade Israel)


Turkey Setting Up Confrontation With Israel ...

--WND      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA, IRAN, TURKEY, and allies will go to war ... and will invade Israel)


Earlier:  Russia and Turkey Sign Major Nuclear Cooperation Agreement ...

--Russia News     (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA, IRAN, TURKEY, and allies will go to war ... and will invade Israel)


Israel Hunting Syrian and Iranian Hizbullah Spies Who Slipped Across Border During May 15 Protest In Golan ...

--Debkafile         (Prophecies ... DAMASCUS-SYRIA will be utterly destroyed)      (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel ...)


A Surprise In Psalm 83 ... An Alternate View On The Coming Russia-Iran-Turkey Invasion Of Israel In Ezekiel 38

--K-House.org/Missler       (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)      (Prophecies ... Damascus-SYRIA will be utterly destroyed)    One thing to consider while reading this well-written commentary on the prophecy found in Psalm 83 concerning the nations surrounding Israel is that they have ALREADY attempted to destroy Israel in 1948 ... 1956 ... 1967 ... 1973 ... so, this prophecy may have possibly been recently fulfilled.  Yet, now we see IRAN (with Russia's backing) deploying troops and weapons along Israel's northern and southern borders (in Lebanon and Gaza) while tightening its noose around Israel with military footholds and alliances in Sudan ("Cush"... translated Ethiopia in most Bibles), Libya, Southern Iraq, Turkey and other allies.  But, we will have to wait and see as we watch so many of the prophecies the Bible warns the world will see just prior to Messiah's return now starting to unfold.       (Prophecies:  The coming "Rapture"... Jew and Gentile ... please don't be "left behind")


Canada Rejects Obama's “1967” Division Of Israel ...

--Israel Nat'l News     "I (God) will BLESS those who bless you (Israel) and will CURSE those who curse you"  (Genesis 12:3)    (As a note, the Canada dollar is now trading higher than the US dollar ... 1.02 US for 1.00 Canada.)


Australian Prime-Minister Tells Muslims Who Want To Live Under Islamic Shariah Law To "Get Out!"

--DavidHocking.org       ("ALLAH"... Is the ancient Babylonian-Arabian MOON god)       (Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise and lead many)


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) speaks to the religious leaders ...


     Then they said to Him,

   "We were not born of sexual immorality;   (alluding to His virgin birth ... some Jewish leaders called Him the "bastard son" of Mary)

     we have one Father -- God."  

     Jesus said to them,

   "If God were your Father,

     you would love Me,

     for I proceeded forth and came from God;    ("from of old, from everlasting" - Micah 5:2)

     nor have I come of Myself,

     but He sent Me.  

     Why do you not understand My speech?

     Because you are not able to listen to My word.  

     You are of your father the Devil,

     and the desires of your father you want to do.

     He was a murderer from the beginning,

     and does not stand in the truth,

     because there is no truth in him.

     When he (Satan) speaks a lie,

     he speaks from his own resources,

     for he is a liar

     and the father of it.  

     But because I tell the truth,

     you do not believe Me.  

     Which of you convicts Me of sin?"   (They accused Him for claiming to be Messiah ... "Son of God" ... Daniel's "Son of Man")

     (John 8:28-40)         (Prophecies of Messiah (Christ) from the ancient Jewish Prophets (Old Testament)


From the Old Testament (Tanakh) all the Jewish Rabbis BEFORE the time of Jesus (Yeshua) KNEW there was a "Son of God" ...


   "I (God) have set MY King

     on My Holy Hill of Zion.  (Jerusalem)

     I (God) will declare the Decree:

     The LORD has said to Me,

     You are MY SON

     this day I (God) have BEGOTTEN You.

     Ask of Me,

     and I will give You the Gentiles (nations)

     for Your inheritance,

     and the ends of the Earth for Your possession ..."

     (Psalm 2:6-7)


   "Kiss the Son  (of God)

     lest He be angry,

     and you perish in the way,

     when His wrath is kindled but a little.

     Blessed are all those who trust in Him."
     (Psalm 2:12)


   "Who has established all the ends of the Earth?

     What is His Name,

     and what is His Son's Name,

     if you know?

     (Proverbs 30:4)      (Prophecies of the Messiah ... from the Old Testament)     (A Remarkable Mathematical Bible Prophecy of the Messiah)


Preacher Claiming (Claimed) May 21 Is Date Of The Coming "Rapture"...

--WND      (Prophecies:  The coming "Rapture"... Jew and Gentile ... please don't be "left behind")   Two of the great heresies found today include presuming to know the day of the coming Rapture ... and to deny the coming Rapture.


Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) clearly warns NO MAN will know the day or the hour  ...


   "But of that day and hour NO ONE knows,

     not even the angels in heaven,

     nor the Son,

     but ONLY the Father."

     (Mark 13:32)


   "Watch therefore,

     for you know neither the day nor the hour

     in which the Son of Man is coming." 

     (Matthew 25:13) 


Note:  We know He is speaking of the coming "Rapture" in these passages because the Bible tells us when He will return the second time to rule upon the Earth.  We are told exactly 3 1/2 years (also given as "1260 days" and "42 months") after "the abomination of Desolation" (the day the coming Antichrist will enter into the coming Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and demand to be worshipped as God) Messiah will return the second time (not as a "thief in the night") but when "every eye will see" (Revelation 1:7) to save the remnant of the children of Israel and to reign over the Earth.     (Prophecies of Messiah's Return)


   "Beware of false prophets,

     who come to you in sheep's clothing,    (looking and sounding just like Christians)

     but inwardly they are ravenous wolves."   (Many hearts can be hardened against God's Word after false prophecies ...)

     (Matthew 7:15)


The "date" this preacher has set is not the issue, but the fact he presumes to know something the Lord has told us NO MAN (or angel or even the Son of God) will know reflects unbelief and opposition to the Word of God ...


   "Then many false prophets will rise up

     and deceive many."

     (Matthew 24:11)


   "But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My Name,

     which I have not commanded him to speak,

     or who speaks in the name of other gods,

     that prophet shall die.  

     And if you say in your heart,

    'How shall we know the word which the LORD has not spoken?'

   "When a prophet speaks in the Name of the LORD,

     if the thing does not happen or come to pass,

     that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken;

     the prophet has spoken it presumptuously;

     you shall not be afraid of him."

     (Deuteronomy 18:20-22)   


Note To Readers:  Even though Jesus (Yeshua) commands us to "Know" (the prophecies) and to "Watch!" and "When you SEE these things"... many churches spend little or no time or effort teaching the many things the Bible warns we will see leading up to and following the coming "Rapture" for lack of knowledge or for fear of being accused of being a "date setter." 


We feel every believing Christian should have a basic knowledge and understanding of Bible prophecy (around 25% of the Bible is prophetic) ... and if people are forced to come to a site like this for their only meaningful (but limited and imperfect) exposure to Bible prophecy, then our churches are in great trouble.


No "dates" are ever set here ... but when people have been diligently taught they can intelligently and prayerfully compare Current Events with Bible Prophecies to see if there is any statistical significance surrounding this generation, or if there has been any other time in history all these things have (or even could have) "intersected," and if this "generation of Israel" does appear to be unique, then the discussion of Bible prophecies can be a great tool to help lead people back to the Bible and God's Word (because no other religion or book on Earth can compare or accept God's challenge to tell "the end from the beginning" in detail as God does to prove He is God and the Bible is His Word.)     (Bible Warnings:  The coming  'Apocalypse' ... We will know when we are getting close)       (Prophecies:  The coming "Apocalypse" ... "The Day of God's Wrath") 


Catholic Priest Served On Board Which Advocates Legalizing Sex With Young Children ...

--Drudge/AP      (Prophecies: Churches and church leaders will "depart from the faith" ... "will no longer endure sound doctrine") 


The Bible LINKS the "falling away" (apostasy) of the Church to the coming Rapture AND to the coming Antichrist ...


   "Now, brethren,   (he is speaking to believing Christians)

     concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ

     and our gathering together to Him,     (Prophecies:  The coming "Rapture"... please don't be "left behind") 

     we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled,

     either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us,  

     as though the Day of Christ had come.   (Someone wrote them they had missed the Rapture and were in the Tribulation)

     Let no one deceive you by any means;

     for THAT DAY will not come          (Prophecies:  "The Day of the Lord"... the "Great Tribulation"... the coming "Apocalypse" and Armageddon)

     UNLESS the FALLING AWAY comes FIRST,        (Prophecies: Churches and church leaders will "depart from the faith") 

     and the man of sin is revealed,       (Prophecies:  The coming Antichrist)

     the son of perdition,   (the coming Antichrist)

     who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God

     or that is worshiped,    (a coming "one-world" religious system is coming ... and is even forming now)

     so that he sits as God in the Temple of God,     (a new Jewish Temple will be built in Jerusalem)

     showing himself that he is God.    (Jesus warns His brethren in Israel "when you see this"... flee into the Wilderness)

     Do you not remember

     that when I was still with you

     I told you these things?     (He only taught them on "3 sabbaths"... he considered teaching these things a top priority)

     And now you know what is restraining,   (The Holy Spirit)

     that he may be revealed in his own time.  

     For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work;

     only He who now restrains will do so

     UNTIL He is taken out of the way.    (The coming Rapture ... God's Spirit currently resides in the body of believers)

     And THEN the Lawless One (Antichrist) will be revealed,       (don't waste time trying to guess who the Antichrist is)

     whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth

     and destroy with the brightness of His coming.         (Prophecies:  Messiah's Return)

     The coming of the Lawless One is according to the working of Satan,

     with all power, signs, and lying wonders,      (the coming Antichrist will have the power to perform miracles)

     and with all unrighteous deception    (the coming Antichrist will be a very convincing speaker)

     among those who perish (in HELL),  

     BECAUSE they did NOT receive the love of the truth,  (Jesus is the Word of God ... which is the "truth" and the "way")

     that they might be saved (into the Kingdom of Heaven)."       (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)

     (2 Thessalonians 2:1-10)     (God's Promise ...) 


Attacked From Within ... What Can Christians Do In Days Of The "Falling Away" (Apostasy) Of The Churches

--ThruTheBible/JVMcGee      (Prophecies: Churches and church leaders will "DEPART from the faith" ... "will NO LONGER endure sound doctrine")  


Majority Of Americans Now Support Homosexual Marriage ... (Democrats and "Independents" Lead The Way)

--Fox News     (GOD'S  LAW:  Homosexuality and Abortion)      (Prophecies:  The coming "Apocalypse" and Armageddon)     By hoisting the banners of Abortion and Homosexuality over our nation the Democrat Party has acted as "high priests" of Baal and Molech (demon-gods which the Bible warns against) ... and God will never "bless" a nation who has raised those banners over its camp ... but, the Bible shows clearly God will send great judgments against those nations whose leaders bow their knees to Baal and Molech.


America (and the world) is now being led by a wicked generation who despises God's Word and is "offended" by Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) ... please consider the Way and the Word of the Lord and turn back to Him and trust Him and love Him BEFORE it's too late ...


The Bible warns Sodom and Gomorrah were given as a dire warning and "EXAMPLE" for a coming generation  ...


   "As Sodom and Gomorrah,

     and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, ( 5 cities were destroyed including Sodom and Gomorrah)

     having given themselves over to sexual immorality

     and gone after strange flesh, (homosexuality)

     are set forth as an example,

     suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."

     (Jude 1:7)     (Bible Warnings:   'Apocalypse' ... We Will Know When We Are Close)


   "And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes,

     condemned them (Sodom and Gomorrah) to destruction,

     making them an example

     to those who afterward would live ungodly ..."

     (2 Peter 2:6)    (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)       (Prophecies:  The coming "Rapture"... don't be "left behind")


Darkness and Light ... The Coming "Day Of The Lord"

--ThruTheBible/JVMcGee     (Prophecies:  The coming "Rapture")     (Prophecies:  The coming "Apocalypse")     (Prophecies:  Messiah's Return)


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) speaks to the religious leaders ...


   "And if I tell the truth,

     why do you not believe Me?  

     He who is of God hears God's words;

     therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God."  

     Then the Jews answered and said to Him,

   "Do we not say rightly that You are a Samaritan and have a demon?"  

     Jesus answered,

   "I do not have a demon;

     but I honor My Father,

     and you dishonor Me.  

     And I do not seek My own glory;

     there is One who seeks and judges.  

     Most assuredly, I say to you,

     if anyone keeps My Word he shall never see death.      (The second death ... "Hell")

     Then the Jews said to Him,

     Now we know that You have a demon!

     Abraham is dead, and the prophets;

     and You say, 'If anyone keeps My word he shall never taste death.'  

     Are You greater than our father Abraham, who is dead?

     And the prophets are dead.     (Just study the Old Testament (Tenakh) ... all of God's prophets were treated with contempt)

     Whom do You make Yourself out to be?     (Prophecies of Messiah (Christ) from the ancient Jewish Prophets (Old Testament)

     Jesus answered, "If I honor Myself, My honor is nothing.

     It is My Father who honors Me,

     of whom you say that He is your God.  

     Yet you have not known Him, but I know Him.

     And if I say, 'I do not know Him,' I shall be a liar like you;

     but I do know Him and keep His Word.  

     Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My Day,

     and he saw it and was glad.  

     Then the Jews said to Him,

   "You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?"  

     Jesus (Yeshua) said to them,

   "Most assuredly, I say to you,

     before Abraham was, I AM."  

     Then they took up stones to throw at Him;     (The Jews knew He was claiming to be the "I AM" of the burning bush ... the living God.)

     but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the Temple,

     going through the midst of them"

     (John 8:45-59)


Chinese Video Game (Backed By China's Army) Has Players Target and Kill U.S. Troops ...

--Drudge/Wired       (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)       (Prophecies:  China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)


India Pushes For Submarine-Launched, Missile-Launched, and Aircraft-Launched Nuclear Weapons Triad ...

--Russia News Agency       (Prophecies:  RUSSIA  and allies will go to war ... and will invade Israel)


Earlier:  "BRIC" (Brazil-Russia-India-China) ... Rise Of New World Power ... (Without USA)

--Drudge/AP    (Prophecies:  US "neutralized" ... then Russia and allies will invade Israel)      (Prophecies:  China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)


Iran Building Rocket Bases In Venezuela ...

--Drudge/Jerusalem Post       (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)    Russia and China (and allies) are tightening a noose around Israel in the Middle-East ... and around America in South America, Asia, and Africa (and Russia's new claim over the strategic North Pole and Arctic.)


Israeli Defense Attaché To Russia Arrested and Expelled For Alleged Spying ...

--Jerusalem Post       (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)       (Prophecies:  RUSSIA  and allies will go to war ... and will invade Israel)


Russian President Warns West Of New "Cold" War ...

--Drudge/AFP       (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)       (Prophecies:  RUSSIA  and allies will go to war ... and will invade Israel) 


Russian Geo-Political Theorist Exposes Russia's Confidence In Future War Against America ...

--JRNyquist      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)       (Prophecies:  The U.S. will be "neutralized" ... then Russia and allies will invade Israel)


Putin Decides To Retake Russia's Presidency ...

--Drudge/AP      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA ("Gog" of "Magog"), IRAN ("Persia"), and allies will attack and invade Israel ...)


George Soros Spending Over $48 Million Funding US Media Organizations ...

--Drudge/Fox News       (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)    (György Schwartz ... aka "George Soros"... is a Marxist-Socialist (Communist) who has powerfully and aggressively been aiding and abetting our enemies (for several decades) by methodically planting and funding many Marxist-Socialist (aka "Left-Wing"-"Communist"-"Fifth-Column"-"Revolutionary") organizations in the US and around the world ... he was born and educated in Soviet-Hungary and moved his operations to New York in 1956 at the age of 26 (and appears to be one of the Soviet agents ex-KGB officer Anatoliy Golitsyn warned about and Nikita Khrushchev boasted about in the 50's and 60's) ... he also keeps an office close to the Kremlin ... and he has helped the global Socialist Party (Soviet-Communists) topple many economies, governments, and currencies ... read more about billionaire George Soros' background)


Obama Tells Congress "I Don't Need Your Permission" (To Continue To Engage Our Military In Libya) ...

--WND/ABC News    (Bible prophecies describing 'The Generation of Armageddon' includes ..."TRAITORS")   If you step back and look objectively at the News Headlines over the past years (concerning Defense, Economic, Domestic, and Foreign policies) you will find it appears Obama, Clinton, and the core Democrat Party Leaders have been acting as agents of a foreign power (Russia-China and their allies) while undermining the vital interests of America, Israel, and our Allies.


We are never told who actually determines the policies or issues the "talking points" for Obama's speeches (we do know he merely reads them) or how such massive laws like "Obamacare" just appear overnight (the Democrat Congressman who brought forth the law recently admitted he had never even read it).  So, if you continue to look objectively at the News Headlines over the past years (concerning Defense, Economic, Domestic, and Foreign policies) it also appears as though a comprehensive plan with a detailed time-line had been prepared well in advance by war-planners headquartered far away which the leaders of the Democrat Party are now in the process of methodically (and obediently) executing and implementing ... and, if this is the case, no arguments, or logic, or threats, or calls for compromise will distract or deter them from completing their mission to "change" America (and Israel and the world.)    (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia and allies will attack and invade Israel)      (Prophecies:  The coming Antichrist) 


Obama Policy Allows Chinese Military To Visit Sensitive US Military Installations ...

--WND     (Prophecies:  China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)    (Bible prophecies describing 'The Generation of Armageddon' includes ..."TRAITORS")   If you step back and look objectively at the News Headlines over the past years (concerning Defense, Economic, Domestic, and Foreign policies) you will find it appears Obama, Clinton, and the core Democrat Party Leaders have been acting as agents of a foreign power (Russia-China and their allies) while undermining the vital interests of America, Israel, and our Allies.


China Developing Advanced Military Aviation ...

--Pravda  (Russia)       (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies:  China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)


Israel's Leader Netanyahu Accuses Palestinian Leader Of "Distorting History"...

--DavidHocking.org      (Prophecies:  "In the last days"..."Evil men (and women) will wax worse and worse"..."DECEIVING and BEING DECEIVED")


America's Marxist Historian Who Distorted Our History ... Tracing Communist-Atheism In Our Colleges

--WND/EllisWashingtonReport.com    (Prophecies:  "Evil men (and women) will wax worse and worse"..."DECEIVING and BEING DECEIVED")  Marxists (aka Socialists-Communists-Liberals) always use lies and half-lies to distort the truth and change history (especially to disconnect children ... the next generation of leaders ... from the truth) in order to lead a people and nation into bondage.  Today if you visit Washington DC (or listen to a class on American History) you will hear this generation being taught our fore-fathers were "occupiers" (a popular Marxist term also being used against Israel) and they deny the foundational role God's Word and God's Law had in the establishment of this nation and our Constitution.


America's Slide Into Darkness ..."We’re All Communists Now" (Part 3)

--WND/EllisWashingtonReport.com     (Prophecies:  The coming Antichrist) 


Comparing 45 Communist Goals Written Over 50 Years Ago ..."We’re All Communists Now" (Part 2)

--WND/EllisWashingtonReport.com     (Prophecies:  The coming Antichrist) 


Obama Speech On Middle-East Reflects Marxist "Community Organizer" Who Dedicated His Book To "Lucifer"...

--WND    (From the Bible:  Who is Lucifer (Satan) ... a short Bible study)     (Prophecies:  The coming Antichrist)   A while ago a respected Bible teacher said he stopped counting after noting over 160 provable lies Obama had told during his speeches ...


The Bible has a lot to say about this creature, Satan.  God wants us to have knowledge of the enemy.  God wants us to know Satan is real and he is powerful. We are told he was the “anointed Cherub who covers.”  The diligent student of the Bible will discover that Cherubim (plural form of cherub) are at the highest level of rank and order of those created beings called angels.  Cherubim are not pudgy little babies with wings as shown in some art.  They are powerful!  We only know of five that were created.  Four now surround the throne of God and the fifth was once the head of this rank until he became filled with violence and pride.  We find in the Bible God goes out of His way to make sure we know Satan was created.  We also find in the Bible that God, through the Holy Spirit, goes out of His way to make sure we know Jesus Christ was not created.  As we are told in the book of John, “Jesus was the Word that became flesh, and the Word was with God and the Word was God and by Him all things were created.”  God stepped out of Eternity ("from of old, from everlasting" - Micah 5:2) and placed His Spirit into the form of man, as the Son of Man . . . as the Son of God.  Satan, with his many names and titles, is the most powerful creature ever created.  Jesus defeated Satan at the Cross.  The only “person” powerful enough to defeat Satan had to be God Himself, who created Satan.  We are told Satan rules the Earth and will rule the Earth until Messiah (Christ) returns to take back that which He purchased with His blood.  Don’t ever let anybody convince you Satan and Jesus are some kind of equals, but opposites.  The Bible clearly tells us Jesus Christ, God, created Satan.


Satan is called the “ruler of this world” and “the power of darkness.”  He is a powerful force.  His spirit directs leaders, nations, and people.  Satan hates the Jews because they brought forth the Messiah and will be instrumental in His return.  Satan hates believing Christians because they love and worship the Messiah.  The Bible warns he will try to destroy both.  We are told to beware of wolves among the sheep. He often uses those who call themselves Christians or Jews to destroy.  This powerful angel is given many names and titles in the Bible . . .


Just a few of the names and titles found in the Bible describing Lucifer (Satan) the powerful angelic "Adversary" ...


            -  Abaddon  (Destroyer)                                     (Revelation 9:11)

            -  Lucifer  (the shining one)                               (Isaiah 14:12) 

            -  The father of ALL Lies                                    (John 8:44)

            -  The Liar                                                             (John 8:44)

            -  Lying spirit                                                        (1 Kings 22:22)

            -  The prince of the power of the air                (Ephesians 2:2)

            -  The Evil One                                                    (Matthew 6:13)

            -  The Ruler of the demons                                (Matthew 12:24)

            -  The Ruler of this world                                  (John 12:31, John 14:30, John 16:11)

            -  Ruler of the darkness of THIS Age               (Ephesians 6:12) 


Fear not ... for the promise of hope, comfort, strength, and power to withstand Satan is given to ALL who will follow Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) in love, faith, trust, and obedience (with hope and thanksgiving) ...


    "You (believing Christians) are of God, little children

      (through Jesus Christ ... Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew)

      and have overcome them     (and the fear, greed, seductions, temptations, attacks, snares, and ridiculers of the world)

      because He who is in you    (the Holy Spirit ... we are told He indwells all who are in Christ Jesus)

      is GREATER that he

      who is in the world (Satan)."

      (1 John 4:4)


    "Therefore, submit to God.

      Resist the Devil (Satan)

      and he will flee from you."     (Through sincere and earnest faith, prayer, love, and supplication ...)

      (James 4:7)        (God's Promise ...)  


Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) will DEFEND us during the many attacks we will all face ...


    "Put on the whole armor of God,      (see Ephesians 6:13-18)

      that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil"

      (Ephesians 6:11)       (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


San Francisco To Place Law Which Would "Ban Circumcision" On The Ballot ... (A Law To Ban God's Law)

--Jerusalem Post    (Bible prophecies describing 'The Generation of Armageddon')    (Prophecies:  The coming Antichrist)    As in the days of Jeroboam and Manasseh ... the vast majority of Jews in America still vote for the Democrat Party which arrogantly marches under the banners of Homosexuality and Abortion (Baal and Molech).  The coming "Apocalypse" (the "Great Tribulation") is also described as "The Time of Jacob's (Israel's) Trouble"... Jeremiah 30:7)


Brazilian Woman, 114, Takes Crown as World's Oldest Person ...

--Fox News 


In Genesis God said He would reduce the UPPER age limit for Man to 120 years ...


   "And the LORD said,

   "My Spirit shall not strive with Man forever,

     for he is indeed flesh;

     yet his days shall be 120 years."

     (Genesis  6:3)


In Psalm 90 God reveals the AVERAGE age will be 70 - 80 years around the time of the coming "Apocalypse"...


   "The days of our lives are SEVENTY years;

     And if by reason of strength they are eighty years . . .

     who knows the power of Your ANGER?"     (Prophecies:  The coming "Apocalypse" and Armageddon ... "The Day of God's Wrath")

     (Psalm 90:10,11)         (The average life span in the world is now reported at 69 years ... to 80 years in Israel.)


From Israel:  Israeli Defense Sec'y Barak’s Lack Of Preparedness For Israel's Independence Day Clashes ...

--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick      (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem (and Gaza) AFTER becoming a nation in 1948)


Russia Headline: "Israel Murders 12 Palestinians"...

--Pravda  (Russia)       (Prophecies:  RUSSIA  and allies will go to war ... and will invade Israel)


Egyptian Named al-Qaida's "Command and Revenge" Chief ...

--Debkafile      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)       (Our enemies can now do any number of things and blame it on al-Qaida ...)


Earlier:  "Is al-Qaida a Russian Proxy?" ... (From A Former Russian KGB Officer)

--JRNyquist      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)      (From an interview with high-ranking Russian KGB defector Litvinenko shortly before he was assassinated (silenced) by Russia's KGB in Britain ... the KGB officer suspected of leading the Russian KGB assassination team against Litvinenko in Britain has since been "elected" to the Russian Duma which provides him with immunity from extradition.)


Earlier:  Al-Qaida's #2 ... Egypt's Ayman al-Zawahri Now Expected To Succeed Bin-Laden

--WND/Reuters     (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)     Al-Qaida's al-Zawahri rose out of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood (whom Obama and Clinton actively supported while toppling Mubarak) ... and the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaida have been operating jointly in Libya and Syria.  The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is now directing Egypt away from Saudi Arabia and towards Iran's Hamas and Hizbullah.  Bin-Laden was Saudi and al-Zawahri is Egyptian.  Obama-Clinton have been assisting the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's rise in power while turning their backs on Saudi Arabia.  So, if you plug your ears for just a moment and ignore the political rhetoric and "patriotic" back-slapping and "victorious" sound-bites coming out of the White House ... and simply stand back a moment to observe the strategic geo-political trends reflected in recent headlines, it appears Obama may have just helped al-Qaida remove its Saudi leader (bin Laden) in order to hand the reigns of power over to its Egyptian (Muslim Brotherhood) leader (al-Zawahri) ... which will strengthen Russia and Iran in their Middle-East efforts against Saudi Arabia and our Gulf-state allies ... which of course will also strengthen their hand against Israel.


Earlier From Israel ... Obama Has Picked The Muslim Brotherhood As His "Chosen Partner"

--Debkafile       (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) 


Hamas Parliament Member Says Jews Are Being Ingathered Into Israel For "Annihilation"...

--Israel Na'tl News        (Bible Warnings:  The coming  'Apocalypse' ... We will know when we are getting close)


New Egyptian Foreign Minister Says Hamas Can Be "Peace Partner"...

--Jerusalem Post     (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)      (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem (and Gaza) AFTER becoming a nation in 1948)



Note:  Many people today do not know whether or not they (or their loved ones) will go to Heaven.  Many have not been adequately (or honestly) taught what the Bible actually says and teaches about Heaven or Hell ...


   "For God so loved the world

     that He GAVE His only begotten Son,

     that whoever BELIEVES (trusts) in Him      (to trust in Jesus alone to save us from our sins and from Hell)

     should NOT perish (in Hell)

     but have everlasting life (in Heaven).

     For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,

     but that the world through Him might be saved (into Heaven).

     He who believes in Him is not condemned (to Hell);

     but he who does not believe (in Jesus Christ)

     IS condemned (to Hell) ALREADY"    (There will be no second chance for any who ignore or mock what God did for us on the Cross.)

     (John 3:16-18)       (Jesus greatly LOVED us to save us from Hell ... all God asks is that we love Him for all He has done for us.)


   "For by GRACE you have been saved (from your sins and from Hell)

     through FAITH (in Jesus Christ),

     and that not of yourselves;

     it is the GIFT of God,   ("Grace" is getting something we don’t deserve…we can't earn this gift of life in Heaven)

     NOT of works,   (we cannot enter Heaven through any “good deeds” we have done ... or think we have done.)

     lest ANYONE should boast."   (We are told it’s a gift from God … we just have to thankfully (and lovingly) receive it.)

     (Ephesians 2:8)       (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)       (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture") 


Please Remember . . .


The Kingdom of Heaven is available to every man, woman, boy, and girl in this world, no matter who they are, where they live, how old they are, or what sins they have committed.  It is freely offered to any and all who will receive it.  That is the "Good news" ('gospel' in Greek.)  Simply learn of Jesus (Yeshua), the promised Messiah, invite Him into your life as Lord, believe He died on the Cross for all of your sins and rose from the grave (proving there is a Kingdom of Heaven ... and a Hell).  Learn of Him and believe in Him . . . for He was the only one who has ever loved you enough to substitute Himself for you on the Cross.  He shed His blood, suffered, and died on the Cross to pay for your sins and to save you from your sins and from the utter loneliness, darkness, and torment of Hell, if you will accept it, believe it, and trust in it ... it's God's Promise!!!


The only unpardonable sin is to reject God's love and His free offer of life in the Kingdom of Heaven by rejecting Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) who stepped forth from Eternity ("from of old, from everlasting"... see Micah 5:2) ... not to condemn the sinner, but to save the sinner (from the torment of Hell) and who willingly and lovingly shed His blood on the Cross so we can be washed clean of all our sins.  The Bible warns there will be no peace in our hearts or minds until we make peace with God through His Son, Jesus (Yeshua), the promised Messiah.  The Bible also warns there will be no peace in Israel, or on Earth, until Jesus (Yeshua), the Messiah returns ... (Prophecies...Messiah's Return)   


Grace and Shalom



Finding Hope and Comfort  In Times of Trouble >>>


God's Promise  >>>


The ASSURANCE of Life In Heaven ... It's NOT Too Late!!!  >>>


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