

Alpha News Daily

Weekly News Update



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This weekly news update is being sent because the Bible tells us to know the prophecies and to "watch" for their fulfillment (which can only be done by learning and knowing what is going on around the world) ... yet, many churches and synagogues today ignore and deny Bible prophecy (which in itself is a major fulfillment of Bible prophecy) ...


 Now, a short Bible prophecy lesson to help show how close we are ...


  + Israel back in the Land as a nation   (this started the clock ticking ...)

  + Iran and allies threatening war against Israel

  + Russia rising ... and acting as a 'guard' for Iran

  + China armed with weapons capable of quickly destroying 1/3 of mankind

  + Nations of the ancient Roman Empire (Europe?) reuniting and rising in power

  + Teachings of false 'Prophets' leading many

  + A Generation 'morally corrupt' and 'filled with violence'  

     (The Bible uses the word 'corrupt' -  like smelly, rotting meat)

  + 'The falling away'... churches and synagogues no longer teaching or enduring sound doctrine

  + Israel and Jerusalem . . . trouble, troubles, and more trouble 

  + All nations turning against nation Israel . . .                 

  = The Generation of the ... Rapture ... the 'Apocalypse' ... Armageddon ... and Messiah's Return.


For the first time in history this prophetic 'equation' is nearly complete . . . and all in this generation!!! 



That Tiny Red 'Dot' is Israel ... God warns, 'Israel is His'...'Allah' and his vast armies (green) keep trying to prove Him wrong

The 'God of Israel' and the Bible . . .  or . . . 'Allah' and the Koran . . . The Bible Warns One Is True . . .  and One Is False

The coming Battle of Armageddon ('Hill of Megiddo')  . . .  Armageddon lies right in the center of that tiny Red 'Dot'

"I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you". . .  (Genesis 12:3)


When Life Is Tough ... (Part 1) ... (Audio or Video)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church    (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...)      (God's Promise ...)


When Life Is Tough ... (Part 2) ... (Audio or Video)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church    (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...)      (God's Promise ...)


The Message Of Messiah and Salvation We ALL Need To Hear ... (Audio or Video)

--Compass Bible Church/Focal Point Radio      (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!   UPDATED)


Four Biblical Reasons WHY You ... Or Your Family ... Or Your Friends ... Don't Understand It ... (Audio or Video)

--Compass Bible Church/Focal Point Radio        (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!   UPDATED)


Finding Hope and Comfort ... While Going Through Difficult Times

--Alpha News Daily       (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...)       (God's Promise ...)   


This Week's News Headlines . . .

(In times of trouble ... Trust in the Lord, draw near to Him, earnestly pray for His guidance and direction, and seek His Will in your life.) 


Jerusalem Day Celebration (May 12) ... Bible Facts Concerning Jerusalem

--DavidHocking.org       (A REMARKABLE Mathematical Prophecy ... ISRAEL Back As A Nation in 1948!!!   (The "7X Judgment" against Israel)


Israel's Netanyahu Turns To The Bible Over Jerusalem ... Jerusalem Mentioned Over 840 Times In Bible ... 0 Times In Koran

--Drudge/Reuters       (Prophecies ... Israel and JERUSALEM (and Gaza) AFTER becoming a nation)   Think about it ... "Jerusalem" appears over 800 times in the Old Testament (Tanakh) ... and "Jerusalem" appears another 142 times in the New Testament (the books describing God's New Covenant with Israel and the World) ... which means Jerusalem is mentioned by name over 900 times in the Bible ...


Now, take a copy of Islam's book (the "Quran" or Koran) and thoroughly search for "Jerusalem" and you will find it mentioned 0 times (that is Zero with a "Z") ... yet, the "holy men" of Islam (Muslims) shriek and howl like demon-possessed banshees claiming "rights" to possess this ancient city which is currently covered in ancient dust, littered with discarded stones, and has no worldly beauty or wealth to attract such covetous attention.


Now, ask the question "WHY" is the whole world being led into this Battle over Jerusalem!?!?!   Then, to answer your question ...


-  Just read the Bible

-  The Bible claims to be the "Word of God" (who says He created us, and the world, and all things in the world)

-  Then to PROVE He is God He tells us things that would happen and will happen in the future (almost 25% of the Bible is prophecy)

God said that through Adam's disobedience in the Garden all Mankind became infected with a terrible (spiritual) disease called "SIN"

-  God said "SIN" causes all death, sickness, heartbreak, pain, violence, fear, misery, tears ... and separates Man from God (and Heaven)

-  God said He would one-day send a "cure" for this deadly virus called "Sin" that infects every man, woman, and child on Earth

-  God said He would one-day "step forth" from Heaven and put His Spirit into the likeness of Man ... as Messiah ("Christ" in English)

-  God said He would set apart ("sanctify") a people (the children of Israel) to bring forth the Messiah ("Emmanuel"... "God with us")

-  God said He would set apart a small land for His people ... as an everlasting Covenant ... and He called it Israel

-  God said He would set apart a city called "Jerusalem" as an everlasting capital for the Land (and the children) of Israel

-  God said "Messiah" would be the "Son of God" and "the Son of Man"... bridging the gap between a Holy God and "sin-infected" Man

-  God said Israel would reject the promised Messiah (as with the prophets sent before Him)

-  God said Messiah would be born without "Sin" and would be executed ("karath") as a Sacrifice ... His Holy Blood would be shed for all

-  God said the GOOD NEWS ("Gospel" in Greek) is the Messiah of Israel came to Earth with the "CURE" for our fatal "Sin" disease

-  God said the "pure" and "innocent" Blood of Messiah "washes away" all our Sin ... and saves us from its deadly consequences (Hell)

-  God said "He so loved the World" that eternal life in Heaven through Messiah's blood, death, and Resurrection would be offered to all

-  God said He would disperse the children of Israel out of their Land until the "fullness" and "times" of the Gentiles was complete

-  God said after the "light" of the Messiah of Israel had spread to all nations (gentiles) He would re-gather Israel back into Her Land

-  God said the hearts of many (most) in Israel would still be hardened against Messiah ... but a small remnant of Jews would believe

-  God said He has set aside a final 7 years to "test" the children of Israel (the coming "Apocalypse") ... and 1/3 will turn to Messiah

-  God said around the time of the coming "Apocalypse" (the "Great Tribulation") ALL nations will turn against Israel

-  God said as a sign it is near JERUSALEM will become "a cup of trembling" and "a burdensome stone" for ALL people and nations

-  God said Satan will try to destroy the children of Israel because they brought forth Messiah ... and will be instrumental in His Return

-  God said when Messiah returns He will have Satan (who we are told now rules the World) "chained" and then later "cast out"

-  God said Messiah will then lift the curse (see Genesis 3) from the Earth ... and He will then restore the Earth in peace and beauty

-  God said Messiah will then sit on the "Throne of David" ... and Israel with Her King will rule over all nations in peace

-  God said ALL who will turn away ("repent") from their sinful ways (while turning back to God and God's Word) and willingly receive God's free gift of eternal life in Heaven by loving and sincerely trusting in the Messiah of Israel (and in the innocent Blood which He shed to "deliver us" from the consequences of the deadly "Sin" virus) will be "saved" from being cast into Hell ("Gehenna") ... which is basically God's eternal garbage heap (trash incinerator-furnace) and spiritual leper colony for all who are still infected with the leprosy-like spiritual "Sin" disease after their earthly bodies die ... HELL is for all who refuse to be healed ... and refuse to be "washed clean"... ... and refuse to obey God and God's Word ... and reject God's love by rejecting His Messiah who willingly and lovingly died for us and shed His innocent (righteous and pure) Blood on the Cross so we can be lovingly "washed clean," "healed," and "born again" into the Kingdom of Heaven as the "children of God" and "co-heirs" of Messiah.  "Born again" (in the Spirit) with the hope and promise of everlasting life in the Kingdom of Heaven (which will be the world God originally intended for Mankind before the "curse" of Genesis 3.)  Heaven and Earth (and Israel and Jerusalem) will be restored in perfect peace and beauty ... the Kingdom of Heaven will be as a "garden" and land filled with excitement and will never be boring ... and there will be no pain ... no sickness ... no fears ... no worries ... no fatigue ... no tears ... no heartbreak ... no old age ... no loneliness ... and where Messiah (the "KING OF KINGS) will one-day "defeat" His final "enemy"... DEATH.

-  All God asks us to do is to "believe"... to trust in Him (and to love Him as He loved us) ... we are told we are "saved" by FAITH.


Scientists Stunned As Grey Whale Sighted Off Israel ...



Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

God says what He means and means what He says ... ALWAYS  take His Word seriously.

Man's "spirit" is somewhat like "software" that has been infected with the fatal "SIN" virus which eventually kills EVERY "computer".

And like a fatal computer virus ... the deadly "SIN" virus will never go away on its own ... and is passed on to every generation.

God warns NO infected (unclean) "computers" will be allowed into Heaven ... and they will all be thrown into a garbage dump (Hell).

And we are told there is only ONE "Antivirus" that "restores" us to our original "uninfected" state ... and "saves" us from the incinerator.

Our "Designer" warns the ONLY "Antivirus" is in the Blood of the Son of God ... which He shed willingly and lovingly for us on the Cross.

When we trust in Him and willingly come to Him we are immediately "inoculated" and are "washed clean"... AND are "upgraded" with a high-speed "download" of His "Software" that is guaranteed to be "virus free" and will last forever and ever and ever . . . (although we get our new Software immediately, we don't get our new next-generation "computer" (heavenly body) until sometime after this old (virus-wracked and obsolete) earthly body finally breathes its last breath.)


   "Then the LORD God took the man

     and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it.  

     And the LORD God commanded the man (Adam), saying,  

    "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat;  

     but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall NOT eat,     (The "virus infected" fruit God warned Adam NOT to eat ...)

     for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die."     (God warned him ... as God has clearly warned us concerning Heaven and Hell)

     (Genesis 2:15-18)      (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!   UPDATED)       (God's Promise ...) 


Has Israel Abandoned The Mount of Olives ...

--Jerusalem Post     (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem (and Gaza) AFTER becoming a nation in 1948)          (Prophecies of Messiah's Return) 


Prophecy of Messiah's return . . .


     "And in that Day (the "Day of the Lord")

       His feet   (Jesus Christ ... Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew)

       will stand on the Mount of Olives,

       which faces Jerusalem on the east.

       And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two,

       from east to west . . .

       It shall come to pass in that day

       that there will be no light;

       the lights will diminish.

       It shall be one day which is known to the LORD,

       neither day nor night.

       But at evening time it shall happen that it will be light."     (Awesome!)

       (Zechariah 14:4, 6, 7)


Israel Prepares For Imminent War ...

--Middle East Newsline     (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war ... and will invade Israel) 


Russia Signs Arms Deal With Syria Including Warplanes, Anti-Tank Weapons, and Air-Defense Systems ...

--HalLindsey/Ha'aretz         (Prophecies ... Damascus-SYRIA will be utterly destroyed)       (Prophecies:  RUSSIA and allies will invade Israel)


Russia-Backed North Korea Supplies Arms To Iran-Backed Hamas In Gaza (Israel) ...

--Middle East Newsline       (Prophecies:  "Gaza will be forsaken" ... the Bible links Gaza to the coming "Apocalypse")


Israel's Deputy Prime-Minister Warns "We Are Already In A Military Confrontation With Iran"...

--World Tribune     (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture"... Jew and Gentile ... please don't get left behind)      (The time draws near ...)


Iranian Cleric Urges Creation Of "Greater Iran"... Which Would Rule Over The Middle East and Central Asia

--Drudge/AP      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)       (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war ... and will attack and invade Israel)


Iran Ends Large War-Exercise By Test-Firing Same Missiles It Is Providing To Hizbullah Along Israel's Border ...

--Debkafile      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)       (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war ... and will attack and invade Israel)


Leaders of Turkey and Brazil Bolster Iran's Nuclear Drive ... In Constant Contact With Russia Before Announcement

--Debkafile      (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, TURKEY, and allies will go to war ... and will attack and invade Israel) 


Sense of Despair Rising From Israel ... Sanctions Against Iran Are A "Dead Letter"

--Debkafile      (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, TURKEY, and allies will go to war ... and will attack and invade Israel) 


The Next Lebanon War ...

--HalLindsey/Time        (Prophecies ... Damascus-SYRIA will be utterly destroyed)       (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel


Syria and Iran's Hizbullah Building Massive Wall In East Lebanon ... Gaining Strong Military Control Over Area

--Debkafile      (Prophecies ... Damascus-SYRIA will be utterly destroyed)      (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)


Israeli Military Officers Slam Netanyahu's Lack Of Strategy For Northern Threats ...

--Debkafile      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)       (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war ... and will attack and invade Israel)


From Israel:  The Battle For Israel's Soul ...

--Israel Nat'l News    (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem (and Gaza) AFTER becoming a nation)     (Prophecies: The coming "Apocalypse" and Armageddon)


From Israel:  Hizbullah On The Homefront ... The Perilous Infiltration and Rise Of Iran's Proxies Inside Israel

--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick     (Prophecies ... Israel AFTER becoming a nation in 1948)      (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

We are told we must be "born again" to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven  . . .


   "There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.  

     This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him,

    "Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God;

     for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him."  

     Jesus answered and said to him,

    "Most assuredly, I say to you,

     UNLESS one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."  

     Nicodemus said to Him,

    "How can a man be born when he is old?

     Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?"  

     Jesus answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you,

     unless one is born of water and the Spirit,  

     he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.  

     That which is born of the flesh is flesh,   (and still infected with the deadly "sin" virus ...)

     and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.   ("inoculated" and fully "upgraded" with new eternal and virus-free "software"...)

    "Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You MUST be born again.'"    (Through faith in the Messiah of Israel ... Christ Jesus)

     (John 3:1-7)        (God's Promise ...) 


About 5 Armed Islamic Men Force Christian To Sell Kidney to Pay Debt (400% Interest) To Boss In Pakistan ...

--CDN       (A Note on Islam's VIOLENCE ... from a Christian and Biblical perspective)        (Prophecies ... Believing Christians will be hated) 


Lao Christians Expelled At Gunpoint From Village For Refusing To Renounce Faith ... Suffer Critical Illnesses

--CDN      (Prophecies ... Believing Christians will be hated) 


Former First-Lady Laura Bush Supports Homosexual Marriage and Abortion ...

--WND      (God's  Law:  Homosexuality and abortion ... includes a warning to those who simply "approve" of those who do such things)


   "For what profit is it to a man (or woman)

     if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?

     Or what will a man (or woman) give in exchange for his soul?"

     (Matthew 16:26)      (God's Promise ...)       (The ASSURANCE of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


US Episcopalian Church Set To Ordain Openly Lesbian Bishop ...

--BBC News   (Prophecies: "The falling away"... Churches and leaders will "depart from the faith" ... "will no longer endure sound doctrine")  


All Political Issues Are "Social Issues"...

--WND/Joseph Farah     (God's  Law:  Homosexuality and abortion ... includes a warning to those who simply "approve" of those who do such things)


FBI Files Show Walter Cronkite Aided Anti-Vietnam War Activists ...

--WND/Yahoo News       (Bible prophecies describing 'The Generation of Armageddon' includes ..."Traitors")     In his book "New Lies For Old" ... PUBLISHED IN 1984 ... Soviet KGB officer Anatoliy Golitsyn (who defected to the West) disclosed the Russian KGB was instrumental in the rise of the anti-war "peace" movements ... during the 1960's Russia's KGB spy-master Andropov (who Senator Ted Kennedy corresponded with) helped spawn, fund, direct, and nurture the "anti-Vietnam War" movement in America and the West in order to turn the tide against their pending military defeat in Vietnam ... Andropov was later promoted to Secretary General of the Soviet Union for his successful penetration of American politics and media which successfully divided our nation and led to the Soviet victory in Vietnam.  Now, those same Marxist-Socialist ideologists who led the Russia-backed "anti-war" efforts (which were strategically designed to cripple and destroy everything that made America strong ... including our Biblical Christian values and beliefs ... our military ... and our free-market economy) have floated to the top of American politics and are now leading and directing our nation into bondage and defeat. 


A Glimpse Into Russia's Information Warfare (Propaganda) Program and Techniques ...

--JRNyquist       (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war ... and will attack and invade Israel)


Hollywood Plans "Race War" Movie ... Subsidized With Taxpayer Money

--Drudge/Infowars    (Prophecies:  Wars and rumors of war ... "nation against nation"..."ethnic against ethnic")    "Information Warfare" (Propaganda) ... The enemies of this nation (from within and without) have been methodically dividing our nation along many different demographic lines for over 40 years now ...


   "But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them:

   "Every nation (kingdom) divided against itself is brought to desolation,

     and every city or house divided against itself will not stand."

     (Matthew 12:25)  


White House Blocks Media Access To Supreme Court Nominee Kagan's Family ...

--WND    (Our freedoms were given as a gift from God ... and were fought for and won by Godly men and women.  Now, our nation has turned away from God and our freedoms are being taken away by God through ungodly men and women.)


From Public "Servants" To Public "Masters"...

--WND/Thomas Sowell    (As our nation turns its back on God (and Israel) "we the people" will go from freedom into bondage ...)


Investigators Are Asking Why Obama Uses A Connecticut Social Security Number ...

--WND    (Prophecies:  "In the last days" ... "Evil men will wax worse and worse"... "Deceiving (lying) and BEING deceived") 


Obama "Hollowing Out" US Military Forces ...

--WND    (Bible prophecies describing 'The Generation of Armageddon' includes ..."Traitors") 


Palestinians (Philistinians) See Obama As Their "Savior"...

--HalLindsey/Israel Today     (VIDEO:  Short "YouTube" video of Obama lifting up his own Islamic (Muslim) roots and beliefs ...)


Obama Threatens To "Impose" Palestinian State ... Warns He Can Force Solution "Israelis Won't Appreciate"

--WND      (A coming peace plan will be ENFORCED upon Israel ... and will change the world FOREVER!!!)     (The coming Antichrist) 


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

Jesus (Yeshua) greatly LOVED us and came to "wash us clean" and to "heal us"...

He bore ALL of our sins on the Cross so we can be "born again" as "children of God"...

All God asks is that we love Him for all He has done for us and believe (completely trust) in Him to "save us" from Hell ...

But, God warns all who reject God's love and refuse to be "washed clean" through faith in the Blood of the Lamb . . .  


   "So it will be at the end of the Age.

    The angels will come forth,

    separate the wicked from among the just,   (the "unclean" from the "washed clean")

    and cast them into the furnace of fire.      (The garbage heap and incinerator ... an eternal leper colony for the "sin-infected")

    There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth."

    (Matthew 13:49-50)     (God's Promise ...)       (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!   UPDATED)    


Korea Warns Threat By North Korea Special Forces "Real"... 50,000 North Korea Commandos Now On Border

--World Tribune/East-Asia Intel      (Prophecies:  Russia and allies will go to war ... )     (Prophecies:  China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)


Russian Strategic Nuclear Bombers Patrol Skies Over Norwegian Sea ...

--Russia News Agency       (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war ... and will attack and invade Israel)


Earlier:  Japanese Fighter-Jets Trail 2 Russian Strategic Nuclear Bombers Over Pacific and Sea of Japan ...

--Russia News Agency     (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war ... and will attack and invade Israel)      (Russia is probing ...)


Earlier:  Russian Strategic Nuclear Bombers Intercepted In British Airspace ... 20th Time In 15 Months

--Drudge/AFP       (Prophecies:  Russia and allies will go to war ... and will attack and invade Israel)    (Russia is actively preparing for war ...)


Russia and U.S. (Obama) Say New START (Nuclear Weapons) Treaty Marks End Of "Cold" War...

--Russia News Agency     (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized"... then Russia and allies will invade Israel)     (Obama and the Democrat Party's DEFENSE policies are based on Marxist-Socialist (Soviet) doctrines of weakening, crippling, and destroying America's national defense ... NOT strengthening it.  Simply step back and watch ... every Democrat Party (Marxist-Socialist ideology) defense policy now aids the Kremlin's (Marxist-Socialist ideology) desire to attack and destroy us ... and hinders the Pentagon's (Constitutional-freedom ideology) desire to protect us. 


Russia Developing New Weapon For Space Defense ...

--Russia News Agency       (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war ... and will attack and invade Israel)


Earlier:  Obama Is Dropping US "Pre-Emptive" Attack Option ...

--Military.com       (Everything Obama (and the Democrat Party) does strengthens Russia (and China) ... and weakens America.)


Earlier:  Russia's New "Pre-emptive" Nuclear Strike Option ...

--WND    (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized"... then Russia and allies will attack and invade Israel)


China's Breakout Military Power And The Limited U.S. Effort To Contain It ...

--World Tribune   (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)       (Prophecies:  China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)  


From Russia:  Would-be Asian Superpowers Prepare to Clash When USA Weakens ...

--Pravda  (Russia)    (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)       (Prophecies:  China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)  


From Russia:  USA Threatens China With Military Blows In Response To Cyber Attacks ...

--Pravda  (Russia)      (Prophecies:  China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)       (Russia is actively stirring things up ...)


The "Country" Consisting Of 40 Nations Called The European Union Is "Falling Apart"...

--Pravda  (Russia)    (Prophecies:  10 nations of the ancient Roman Empire will REUNITE and will rise in great power)     (Prophecies ... The Antichrist) 


Earlier:  Spain Wants Israel's Support On A "Mediterranean Union" of Nations ...

--Israel Nat'l News         (Prophecies:  10 nations of the ancient Roman Empire will REUNITE and will rise in great power) 


                               Map of Roman Empire


Polish Plane Crash Not Only Killed Nearly 100 Pro-US Leaders ... But Also Gave Russia NATO Code Secrets

--Inside the Ring     (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)       (Prophecies:  Russia and allies will go to war ... and will attack and invade Israel)


NATO Must Be Ready To Intervene Anywhere ...

--AFP  (France)    (Prophecies:  10 nations of the ancient Roman Empire will REUNITE and will rise in great power)     (Prophecies ... The Antichrist)   It is interesting that Madeleine Albright was one of the "expert" speakers at this meeting ... Clinton's Sec'y of State Madeleine Albright (a Socialist) was born in Soviet-Czechoslovakia and her real name is "Marie Jana Korbelová"... she now speaks fluent Russian and her family was approved by the Soviet KGB for travel to the west for "Christian" reasons (while the KGB was imprisoning real believing Christians) ...  yet, this same "Christian" after visiting Sudan during the Democrat Clinton Administration warned her staff to keep silent over the fact it was Christians who were being massively slaughtered by the Russia-backed Islamic regime (close to 2 million died under the onslaught) ... and she also once said it was permissible to give China and our enemies U.S. military secrets because if we were on equal levels they would no longer be afraid of us which would bring peace and then we could just be friends. 


5.7 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Puerto Rico ...

--Drudge/CNN        (Prophecies:  "And there will be EARTHQUAKES in diverse places"...)   


From Israel:  Making Israel’s Case ...

--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick      (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem (and Gaza) AFTER becoming a nation in 1948)



Note:  Many people today do not know whether or not they (or their loved ones) will go to Heaven.  Many have not been adequately (or honestly) taught what the Bible actually says and teaches ...


For the ASSURANCE of Life in Heaven (and of having ALL of your sins and guilt completely removed) . . . A.C.T. NOW!!! 


-  Acknowledge you are a sinner ... and have sinned against God's Law

-  Confess your sins to God

-  Trust (believe) completely in Jesus Christ  (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) ...

     -  That He (lovingly and willingly) died for all of your sins on the Cross ... it is His innocent blood that washes away ALL of our sins

     -  That He was buried ... 

     -  That He was raised (Resurrected) from the dead the third day ... He now lives ... waiting to see if you are "with" Him or "against" Him)

-  Turn back to God ... and turn away from sinful activities ("repent") ... He will welcome you with outstretched arms and with tears of joy.


If you do these things … sincerely and in faith … the Bible promises you can have the complete assurance of eternal life in Heaven.  The Bible tells us Jesus (Yeshua) did all the work for you when He bore all of your sins and died on the Cross ... and was buried ... and was raised (resurrected) from the dead (as "firstfruits" of the coming Resurrection) through the awesome power of God.  The Bible says you can’t add anything to it!!!  When you believe and trust in (and love) Jesus Christ as your "Savior" (who lovingly saves you from your sins and from Hell) ... and then turn away from your sinful ways and turn back to God ("repent"), you can have the complete peace and assurance in your heart that when you die, you will enter into His Kingdom of Heaven ... forever and ever it’s God’s Promise!!! 


The only thing God asks a NON-believer to do is to "believe"... Jesus (God) did ALL the work ... life in Heaven is OFFERED as a GIFT!!! 


AND many don't realize God’s loving offer (see below) contains both a promise and a warning ... a "BLESSING” and a "CURSE”. . .


   "For God so loved the world

     that He GAVE His only begotten Son,

     that whoever BELIEVES (trusts) in Him      (to trust in Jesus alone to save us from our sins and from Hell)

     should NOT perish (in Hell)

     but have everlasting life (in Heaven).

     For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,

     but that the world through Him might be saved (into Heaven).

     He who believes in Him is not condemned (to Hell);

     but he who does not believe (in Jesus Christ)

     IS condemned (to Hell) ALREADY"    (There will be no second chance for any who ignore or mock what God did for us on the Cross.)

     (John 3:16-18)       (Jesus greatly LOVED us to save us from Hell ... all God asks is that we love Him for all He has done for us.)


   "For by GRACE you have been saved (from your sins and from Hell)

     through FAITH (in Jesus Christ),

     and that not of yourselves;

     it is the GIFT of God,   ("Grace" is getting something we don’t deserve…we can't earn this gift of life in Heaven)

     NOT of works,   (we cannot enter Heaven through any “good deeds” we have done ... or think we have done.)

     lest ANYONE should boast."   (We are told it’s a gift from God … we just have to thankfully (and lovingly) receive it.)

     (Ephesians 2:8)    



Grace and Shalom




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