

Alpha News Daily

Weekly News Update



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This weekly news update is being sent because the Bible tells us to know the prophecies and to "watch" for their fulfillment (which can only be done by learning and knowing what is going on around the world) ... yet, many churches and synagogues today ignore and deny Bible prophecy (which in itself is a major fulfillment of Bible prophecy) ...


 Now, a short Bible prophecy lesson to help show how close we are ...


  + Israel back in the Land as a nation   (this started the clock ticking ...)

  + Iran and allies threatening war against Israel

  + Russia rising as a military threat ... and acting as a "guard" for Iran

  + China armed with weapons capable of quickly destroying 1/3 of mankind

  + Nations of the ancient Roman Empire (Europe?) reuniting and rising in power

  + Teachings of false 'Prophets' leading many

  + A Generation 'morally corrupt' and 'filled with violence'  

     (The Bible uses the word 'corrupt' -  like smelly, rotting meat)

  + 'The falling away'... churches and synagogues no longer teaching or enduring sound doctrine

  + Israel and Jerusalem . . . trouble, troubles, and more trouble 

  + All nations turning against nation Israel . . .                 

  = The Generation of the ... Rapture ... the 'Apocalypse' ... Armageddon ... and Messiah's Return.


For the first time in history this prophetic 'equation' is nearly complete . . . and all in this generation!!! 



That Tiny Red 'Dot' is Israel ... God warns, 'Israel is His'...'Allah' and his vast armies (green) keep trying to prove Him wrong

The 'God of Israel' and the Bible . . .  or . . . 'Allah' and the Koran . . . The Bible Warns One Is True . . .  and One Is False

The coming Battle of Armageddon ('Hill of Megiddo')  . . .  Armageddon lies right in the center of that tiny Red 'Dot'

"I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you". . .  (Genesis 12:3)


Top Stories . . .

(Click on the headline for the full news story ... Click on the blue link for the Bible prophecy)


From Russia:  "Chikungunya" Viral Fever May Be The Next (Future) Epidemic To Reach The United States ...

--Pravda  (Russia)        (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)       (Prophecies ... Deadly diseases will spread)     (Russia and China both have active "biological warfare" programs.  The Russia and Chinese military doctrines (which follow their "art of war" philosophies) believe in attacking their enemy with "the assassin's mace"... basically a crushing hammer blow to the back of the head when their enemy does not expect it.  Their philosophy of war first calls for attacking their enemy from within without firing any shots ("Use Democracy" to destroy democracy) ... by developing, infiltrating, nurturing, and directing a "fifth column" (a modern form of 'Trojan horse') of agents and sympathizers within their enemy's nation, government, schools, and media ... and then use voter fraud and election fraud, slander, misinformation, false accusations, false promises, mocking, ridicule, lies, deception, extortion, and black-mail to neutralize and to destroy any potential political threats and to pave the way for "legally" seizing power and victory.   Then, when they perceive their enemy is weak enough, they will either bind and draw them into to their unholy web or "union" of darkness (such as the Union of Soviet Socialist "Republics"... or now, the Russia-China 'multi-polar" axis of nations), or, if necessary, try to utterly destroy their enemy by attacking ferociously and unexpectedly.  They do not believe in God, nor are they Christian ... so lying, deceiving, and attacking nations and unarmed civilians (including women and children) viciously and without warning or mercy are NOT considered "wrong" but ARE considered effective and useful weapons to be used in gaining victory over their enemy, especially an enemy who wants to "play by the rules."   But, remember,  their rules are not our rules.   Russia, China, and all their Islamic and Socialist allies just laugh at (and ignore) the "Geneva Convention" and the Judeo-Christian doctrines of war, except when they want to use them for their own protection and gain.)


Taiwan Intelligence Warns China Weaponizing The Deadly SARS Virus In Their Biochemical Warfare Program ...

--World Tribune     (Prophecies...China, allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)         (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) 


16 Somali Pirates Died After Handling Unknown Substance On Captured Iranian Ship ...

--World Tribune     (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)


Russia-China Ally North Korea Threatens To Turn South Korea Into "Debris" ...

--Drudge/AFP  (France)       (Prophecies...China, allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)       (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)


U.S. Intelligence Report Warns Iran Will Be Able To Build Nuclear Bomb By February ...

--DavidHocking.org      (Prophecies: The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)      (Prophecies ... Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)


Top Iran (Persian) Officials Recommend Preemptive Military Strike Against Israel ...

--Drudge/Ha'aretz         (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)      (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)


New Iranian Naval Base Can Block Strait of Hormuz and Confront Israeli Subs ...

--Debkafile    (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)        (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)


Iran's Parliament Speaker Supports Obama ...

--Debkafile       (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" (politically, economically, and/or militarily) then Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel) 


Democrat Party Congressional Majority Quietly Defeats Resolution Which Would Authorize Iran Blockade ...

--World Tribune     (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" (politically, economically, and/or militarily) then Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)


Egypt Shifts To Most Radical Philistinian (Palestinian) Anti-Israel Stance ... Most Anti-Israel Document Written In Years

--Debkafile    (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)        (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation)


Israel's Defense Ministry To Prepare Mayors For War ...

--Jerusalem Post       (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)        (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation) 


Iranian General Boasts Iran Is Arming "Liberation Armies"...

--Fox News      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)        (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)


U.S. Special Forces Strike Targets In Syria ...

--Drudge/AP      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)         (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed)


US Official Confirms Syria Raid ... Targeting The "Foreign Fighter Network"... In An "Uncontrolled Gateway"

--Debkafile    (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)         (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed) 


U.S. Strike in Syria Killed Al Qaeda Leader ...

--Fox News      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)         (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed) 


Syria Completes Troop Encirclement of Lebanon ...

--Debkafile      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)         (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed)   


Russia Military Offers Cuba Air Defense Aid ...

--Drudge/Reuters      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)         (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)


Russia and Vietnam To Sign Major Package Of Cooperation Documents ...

--Itar-Tass  (Russia)       (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)         (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)


Democrat Congressman Barney Frank Calls for 25% Cut In U.S. Defense Spending (In The Midst of Wars) ...

--Drudge/South Coast      (Democrat Barney Frank ... whose homosexual sex partner was once caught "recruiting" at a local school.)



This Week's News Headlines . . .

(What to do in times of trouble ... Trust in the Lord, draw near to Him, earnestly pray for His guidance and direction, and seek His Will in your life.) 


Finding Hope and Comfort ... For Those Going Through Difficult Times

--Alpha News Daily     (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...)      (God's Promise ...)   


Weekly News Update Archives ... 

--Alpha News Daily    (Read earlier "Weekly News Updates" from Alpha News Daily)


How To Get Eternal Life In Heaven  (With Audio) ...

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church      (Assurance of life in Heaven ... it's NOT too late!!!) 


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

   "For God so loved the world

    that He gave His only begotten Son,

    that whoever believes in Him  (Jesus Christ ... Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew)

    should not perish (in Hell)

    but have everlasting life (in Heaven).

    For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,

    but that the world through Him might be saved (into Heaven).

    He who believes in Him is not condemned (to Hell);

    but he who does not believe (in Jesus-Yeshua)

    is condemned (to Hell) already"   (The implications of this verse are staggering!)

    (John 3:16-18)        (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)         (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")


Threats, Intimidation, and Fraud .... Hillary Clinton Backers Document and Decry Massive Obama Vote Fraud

--NewsMax       (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon ... "violence"... "deceiving and being deceived")     (Democrat Party "brown-shirts" enforcing their "jack-boot," Soviet-Socialist form of "free speech" is not too far away ...)


Stealing The Vote:  No Charges Against 13 Voters Registered Under The Same Address ...

--WND/WBNS-TV    (Prophecies ... "In the last days"... "evil men (and women) will wax worse and worse"... lying, "deceiving and being deceived") 


Democrat Party Stealing Our Votes and Stealing The Election ... Mississippi Has More Registered Voters Than Adults

--NewsMax         (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon) 


Mississippi's Voter Rolls "Stuffed" With Dead and Absent Registrants ...

--Drudge/WLBT TV3     (The "Socialist" slogan for 20 years has been "Use Democracy" to destroy democracy ...)


Obama's Socialist Mentor Ayers Planned U.S. "Re-Education" Centers ... Wanted 25 Million People "Eliminated"

--WND     (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon)     (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)     (FBI informant documents discussions centered on communist nations of Cuba, North Korea, China, and Russia occupying parts of the US with "re-education" centers in the Southwest ...)


Obama and Soviet Revolutionaries ... Angela Davis ... Dohrn ... Ayers:  "Radical Loon"... A Marxist 'Fifth Column'

--WND/Ann Coulter        (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon ... also marked by "traitors")  


Soon To Be "One-Party" Nation:  Barack Hussein Obama Wants 12 Million Illegals to Get Instant Citizenship ...

--NewsMax     (Citizenship = Votes)     (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon ... also marked by "traitors")


Newspaper Documents Obama's Membership In Socialist Party ...

--WND     (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon)     (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)      (Socialism:  Where the few rule over the many ... and the few are directed by a Committee ... and the Committee is controlled by a Chairman ("Dictator") ... the "State" and its power is their god ... the "State" enforced religion is "atheism"... without God the "State" has no moral foundation or definition ... without God's Word and God's Law lying and deceiving are acceptable ... sexual immorality is acceptable ... killing innocent babies is acceptable ... voter fraud and election fraud, slander, misinformation, false accusations, false promises, mocking, ridicule,  extortion, and black-mail to neutralize and to destroy any potential political threats is acceptable ... THEN ... silencing the opposition is acceptable ... impounding the paychecks and property of businesses and the working middle-class is acceptable ... intimidating and arresting Bible teaching pastors and rabbis is acceptable ... imprisoning Christians is acceptable ... and executing "enemies of the state" is acceptable.)


Democrat Leader Dean Says, One-Party Rule WOULD Rule ...

--Drudge/Roll Call     (The stakes are our freedoms and our future as a Constitutional Republic ... we shall reap what we have sown.)


Ex-Hitler Youth Warns Socialism Is Rebellion Against God ...

--WND/Hilmar von Campe        (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon)


America's Imperiled Democracy ... Shining Light On Obama and the Democrats Over Vote Fraud and Intimidation

--WND/Hal Lindsey        (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon)


You Cannot Be A Christian and Vote For Obama ...

--WND/Janet Folger     (Bible Warnings:  Homosexuality and Abortion)       (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon)


Obama  Says It's A "Tragedy" That "Redistribution of Wealth" (Giving Your Money To Somebody Else) Not Pursued By Court ...

--Drudge/WBEZ.FM     ("Socialism"... a small group of people wrest control over the savings and paychecks of the middle-class.)


Obama Says He Thinks The U.S. Constitution "Reflected A Fundamental Flaw of This Country That Continues To This Day" ...

--Drudge/You Tube    (The US Constitution represents freedom from Government ... Obama's "Socialism" represents iron-fisted Government control.)


The U.S. Supreme Court's "Outrageous" Vote Against Our Constitutional Republic ...

--WND/Ellis Washington      (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)    (This coming world leader will be very attractive to the world ...)


Democrat:  Obama's Grandmother Confirms His Kenyan Birth ..."A Real Sham He's Pulled Off"

--WND     (Law of the Land ... our Constitution is very clear concerning the citizenship requirements of any Presidential candidate.)


Earlier:  What Is Obama Hiding From Us ... Why Won't He Produce An Official Copy Of His Birth Certificate?

--WND/Hal Lindsey   (Our Constitution is clear about the citizenship qualifications of a Presidential candidate ... it's the law.)


2nd Lawsuit Challenges Obama's Citizenship...Demands State Verify Birth Records or Remove Him From Ballot

--WND      (Prophecies ... "In the last days"... "evil men (and women) will wax worse and worse"... lying, "deceiving and being deceived") 


Obama Refuses to Answer Birth Certificate Lawsuit ...

--NewsMax    (Law of the Land ... our Constitution is very clear concerning the citizenship requirements of any Presidential candidate.)


Judge Dismisses Obama Birth Certificate Lawsuit ... Rules Voters (Citizens) Don't Have Standing To "Police" Candidates

--WND     (Our Constitution and Laws expect voters/citizens to "police" our leaders ... Obama Socialism will destroy our "Rule of Law.")


Clinton Appointed Federal Judge Breaks Rules ... Donates To Obama ... Shows Partisanship to Democrat Party



Obama Supporters Hang Sarah Palin Effigy From Noose ...

--Drudge/AP/CBS 2  


What If "Saturday Night Live" Mocked Michelle Obama?

--WND/Pat Buchanan  


Arab-Islamics in Gaza Are Campaigning for Obama ... Long Distance Tele-Campaign Targeting Americans

--Israel Nat'l News       (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon)     (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)   


From Israel:  Poll Shows U.S. Jews Love Barack Hussein Obama ...

--Ynet  (Israel)      (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation) 


The Media's Presidential Bias and Decline ... Slanted Election Coverage and the Reasons Why

--Drudge/ABC News      (In Socialist states like Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany they call it "propaganda"...)


Obama Warns:  "I'm Not Interested In The Suburbs (The Working Middle-Class). The Suburbs Bore Me"...

--Drudge/NY Times     (Do your homework ... Socialism always attacks Christianity and the middle-class.)


What the U.S. Under Barack Will Look Like ... "Obama's 1st 100 Days

--WND/Pat Buchanan        (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon)


After Speaking His Mind On Obama ... Government Computers Used To Find Information On 'Joe the Plumber'

--Drudge/Columbus Dispatch       (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon)


Joe Biden's Warns Our Enemies Will Test The U.S. Under Obama ...His Comment "Goes From Scary to Petrifying"

--WND/Joseph Farah   (Prophecies: The 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)       (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)


Testing Obama ... If Obama Wins ... Prepare For Attacks, Compromise, Retreat, and Surrender

--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick        (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized"...  then Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel) 


News Coverage of McCain Much More Negative Than That of Obama ...

--Drudge/Washington Post     (In Socialist states like Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany they call it "propaganda"...)


Biden Angered by Tough Questions from News Anchor ...



Obama Bans TV Station Over Biden Questions ...



Obama Supporter Hugo Chavez of Venezuela Wants To Jail Rival ...

--Drudge/Reuters     (Fellow Marxist-Socialists Obama and the Democrat Party will try to follow the same path in America ...)


Home Shot Up Over McCain Signs In Florida ...

--Drudge/Local 6     (Democrat Party "brown-shirts" enforcing their Soviet-Socialist version of "free speech" is not too far away ...)


Earlier:  Gunshot and Paintballs Fired At McCain Bus Window In New Mexico  ... Window Shattered

--WND/Sacramento Union        (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon will be filled with "violence")


Earlier:  Female McCain Supporter Physically Attacked in New York City ...

--Drudge/PajamaMedia     (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon will be filled with "violence")


Democrat Party Sponsored Anti-Republican Phone Calls Coming From Former Soviet Satellite Romania!

--Drudge/Billings Gazette     


Sarah Palin Says Election Is In God's Hands ..."Seek His Wisdom And Guidance"

--WND/AP      (Finding hope and comfort in times of trouble ...)          (God's Promise ...)


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

    Jesus said to him,

   "I am the way (into Heaven), the truth, and the life. 

    No one comes to the Father (into Heaven)

    except through Me."

    (John 14:6)          (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)         (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")


Parents Outraged To Find School Holding Surprise Homosexual "Gay Day" For Kindergarteners ...

--WND      (Bible Warnings:  Homosexuality and Abortion)        (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon)


   "Then Jesus (Yeshua) called a little child to him ...

     Whoever causes one of these little ones who believes in Me to sin,

     it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck

     and he were drowned in the depths of the sea.

     Woe to the world because of offenses, for offenses must come,

     but, woe to that man (or woman) by whom the offense comes!"

     (Matthew 18:2,3-7)      ('Woe' is a terrible, terrible, terrible curse ...)


   "For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven

     against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men . . .

     For even their women exchanged the natural use

     for what is against nature (lesbianism).

     Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman,

     burning in their lust for one another,

     men with men committing what is shameful (homosexuality) . . .

     that those who practice these things are worthy of death (Hell),

     and not only those who do the same

     but also (all those) who approve of those who practice them!"

     (Romans 1:18, 26, 27, 32)         (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)       (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")

     (Note:  Other offenses were also included which were not listed here.)


Here, God clearly warns all those who simply tolerate or "approve of " these things with their great "open-mindedness" will be held just as guilty as those who actually do them.    The Democrat Party believes the STATE should raise our kids (following the Soviet Socialist doctrine) ... while the Bible tells us it is the father, the mother, and the family (instructed and lead by God's Word and God's Wisdom) who should instruct our children as to what is right and what is wrong ... and what is good and what is evil.  As George Orwell's "Animal Farm" warned against ... the Democrat (Socialist) Party will turn our children (the puppies) into their attack dogs ... much of what our children are (and will be) taught in school under Democrat controlled education is NOT "Reading - Writing - and Arithmetic" but is Marxist socio-political, anti-Christian and anti-Bible propaganda that is designed to turn children against their parents' beliefs ... while turning them into "little (atheistic) Democrats.  Wearing little uniforms with "Papa Obama's" graven image on their shirts is not far behind ... remember ... Obama has been trained and nurtured in the exact same beliefs and methods as Malcom X and Louis Farrakhan and Fidel Castro (Che Guevera) ... the Black Panthers, the Weathermen Underground, Nation of Islam, and the Soviet-Communists were his heroes and are his allies ... just study his history and his background.  The Democrat Party controlled Educational system (who is now trying to force homosexuality, abortion, and Godless atheism upon our kids) should keep their filthy hands off our children. 


Missouri School Warns 50 Students May Have Been Exposed to HIV-AIDS ...

--Fox News      (Prophecies ... Deadly diseases will spread)      (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon)


White House Calls for World Financial Summit ...

--Fox News     (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)      (There are many Bible warnings of a coming global "one-world" financial system ...)


The "Mark of the Beast" . . .


   "He causes ALL,

     both small and great,

     rich and poor,

     free and slave,

     to receive a mark

     on their right hand or on their foreheads,

     and that no one may buy or sell

     except one who has the mark,

     or the name of the Beast,   (the coming Antichrist)

     or the number of his name."     (These may refer to some kind of political or economic "ranking" of citizens ...)

     (Revelation 13:16-17)


This prophecy is very crucial for those who have not accepted Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) as their Lord and will be alive when this law is enacted and enforced.  This "mark" may be some kind of tattoo, or implanted microchip with all of your credit card and banking information, we really don’t know right now.  It will not be easy to refuse this mark, whatever it is, for many of you will have families and children that will need to be fed.  But, please be warned . . . by taking this mark, you will have sealed your eternal fate in Hell.  In God’s eyes it identifies you with the Antichrist.  There will be no turning back for any who take "the mark, the name of the Beast, or the number of his name."  The utter darkness, loneliness, and torments of Hell will be their fate, forever and ever.  Blessings are promised in Heaven to all those who refuse to take the "mark" and refuse to bow down to this coming world leader . . .  and will die in their faith for doing so.  Yet, the Lord will take the sting out of death.


   "Then I saw the souls

     of those who had been beheaded

     for their witness to Jesus

     and for the Word of God,

     who had not worshiped the Beast (the coming Antichrist)

     or his image,

     and had not received his mark

     on their foreheads or on their hands.

     and they lived and reigned with Messiah (Christ)

     for 1000 years."

     (Revelation 20:4)     (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)       (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")


   "Now brother will betray brother to death,

     and a father his child;

     and children will rise up against parents

     and cause them to be put to death.

   "And you will be hated by all men for My Name's (Jesus’) sake.

     But he who endures to the end shall be saved."   (from their sins and from Hell ...)

     (Mark 13:12-13)       (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)      (Prophecies: The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)


   "I saw under the altar  (in Heaven)

     the souls of those who had been slain

     for the Word of God

     and for the testimony which they held.

     And they cried with a loud voice, saying,

   "How long, O Lord, holy and true,

     until You judge and avenge our blood

     on those who dwell on the Earth?"

     Then a white robe was given to each of them;

     and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer,

     until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren,

     who would be killed as they were,

     was completed."

     (Revelation  6:9-11)      (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)       (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")


   "Then I heard a voice from Heaven saying to me,

   "Write:Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’"

   "Yes," says the Spirit, "that they may rest from their labors,

     and their works follow them."

     (Revelation 14:13)         (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)      (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")


An enigma . . . 666


    "Here is wisdom.

      Let him who has understanding

      calculate the number of the Beast (the coming Antichrist),

      for it is the number of a man:

      His number is 666."

      (Revelation 13:18)       (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)      (Prophecies: The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)  


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

  “Jesus said to her,

  ‘I am the resurrection and the life.

   He who believes (trusts) in Me,

   though he may die (the first death), he shall live (forever ... in Heaven).

   And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die (the second death ... in Hell).

   Do you believe this?’"   (This is the question every man and woman must answer)

   (John 11:25)        (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)         (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")


From Northern Iraq (Ancient Assyria):  "We Are Killed Because We Are Christians" ...

--WND/London Times        (Prophecies ... Messiah (Christ) and believing Christians will be hated)      (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")  (God promises a special blessing for Assyria after the coming "Apocalypse" and Messiah's return ... Isaiah 19:23-25)


Christians Face Attacks in Eastern India ...

--NewsMax        (Prophecies ... Messiah (Christ) and believing Christians will be hated)      (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")


Christian Pastor Charged With Felony For Spanking Son For Lying ... Wisconsin Teacher Calls "Social Services" (The SS)

--WND    (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)     (Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)     (Prophecies:  The Generation of Armageddon)   (The Democrat Party is quietly passing new laws and twisting old laws to make following God's Word a crime.)


   "He who spares his rod (does not spank his children when they are disobedient)

     hates his son,

     But he who loves him

     disciplines him promptly."  

     (Proverbs 13:24)


   "The rod (a spanking) and rebuke give wisdom,

     But a child left to himself (with no discipline)

     brings shame to his mother."

     (Proverbs 13:24)


For the believing Christian who disobeys God (which will be all believing Christians at times throughout this life), enduring the chastisement (or "spankings") from God (in the form of various troubles) isn't "joyful" or pleasant, but when it is over we find comfort in knowing the Lord truly loves us, and as a loving Father helps us to develop the obedience, the patience, and the humility we need to grow and walk in faith as His "sons" (and daughters) . . .


   "And have you forgotten the exhortation   (the encouraging words)

     which God speaks to you as sons (and daughters)?

     He (God) said . . .

   ‘My son, do not despise the chastening (discipline ... punishment ... "spankings") of the Lord,

     nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;

     For whom the Lord loves He chastens,

     and scourges (whips ... "spanks") every son whom He receives.’

     For if you endure chastening,

     God deals with you as sons (and daughters)

     for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?"

     (Hebrews 12:5-7)


   "Now, no chastening (discipline ... punishment ... "spanking")

     seems to be joyful for the present,

     but painful;

     nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness     ("Righteousness" ... doing the "right" thing)

     to those who have been trained by it."

     (Hebrews 12:11)


Not all trials in the life of a believing Christian are from chastening.  We may never know the reason until we get to Heaven.  But suffering in the life of the believer helps conform us into His image and helps us to become more like Him in patience, gentleness, kindness, humility, compassion, forgiveness, and obedience.  Faith provides the strength and power we need to make it through our various trials, tests, and difficulties.


It is the unbelieving person who disobeys and ignores God's Word with no remorse or repentance, and seems to get away with it (and maybe even prosper) who should really worry ...   (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)       (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")      (Prophecies: The 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon ... the "Day of God's Wrath")  


Two Moderate Earthquakes Strike Northern California ...

--Fox News       (Prophecies ... Earthquakes in diverse places) 


Al Gore Delivers His "Global Warming" Speech To Harvard (Massachusetts) In Record Breaking COLD Temps ...

--Drudge/Harvard       The Bible warns of great atmospheric and weather upheaval during the coming "Apocalypse"... both global cooling and global warming lie ahead for mankind (men and women ... all those who are left on Earth after the coming "Rapture") ...


There will be a great plague of snow and hail coming upon the Earth  ...


     "Have you entered the treasury of snow,

       Or have you seen the treasury of hail,  

       Which I (God) have reserved for the time of trouble,   (the coming "Apocalypse")

       For the Day of battle and war?"  

       (Job 38:22-23)    (Prophecies: The 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)       (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")   


     "And great hail from heaven fell upon men,   ("mankind"..  men and women)

       each hailstone about the weight of a talent. (A "talent" = 85 - 114 pounds!!)

       Men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail,

       since that plague was exceedingly great."

       (Revelation 16:21)      (Interesting ... chronologically Job and the Revelation are the first and the last books written in the Bible ...)


And, there will be a great heat from the Sun which will scorch the people on Earth ...


     "Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the Sun,

       and power was given to him to scorch men with fire.  

       And men (mankind ... men and women) were scorched with great heat,

       and they blasphemed the Name of God who has power over these plagues;

       and they did not repent and give Him glory."

       (Revelation 16:8-9)      (Prophecies: The 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)       (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")   


And, there will be unimaginable and exceedingly great storms and hurricanes ...


     "And there will be signs in the Sun, in the Moon, and in the Stars;

       and on the Earth distress of nations, with perplexity,

       the sea and the waves roaring"

       (Luke 21:25)      (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)  


Cyclists "Braved Freezing COLD Temps" In New York To Promote "Global Warming" Awareness ...

--Drudge/WKTV  (Utica)   The Bible warns of great atmospheric and weather upheaval during the coming "Apocalypse"... both global cooling and global warming lie ahead for mankind (men and women ... all those who are left on Earth after the coming "Rapture") ...


"New Prostate" Grown Inside Mouse ...

--BBC News         (Prophecies ... "In the last days" knowledge and travel will increase)   


Possible "Breakthrough" In Treatment For The Common Cold ...

--Drudge/London Telegraph         (Prophecies ... "In the last days" knowledge and travel will increase)   


India Launches Rocket For First Moon Mission ...

--Drudge/BBC News      (Prophecies ... "In the last days" knowledge and travel will increase)   


China Approves $292 Billion Railway Investments ...

--Jerusalem Post      (Prophecies...China, allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)   


Russia, Iran, and Qatar Discuss Forming Gas Cartel (Like OPEC) ...

--NewsMax      (Prophecies ... Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)


From Russia:  The U.S. Is No Longer On Top of the World ...

--Pravda  (Russia)  (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" (politically, economically, and/or militarily) then Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel) 


New Russia Ally Bolivia Approves New Socialist "Constitution"...

--AFP  (Prophecies ... Russia and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)   (The socialist slogan is "Use Democracy" to destroy democracy ...)


Earlier:  New Russia Ally Ecuador Rolls Out New, Socialist Constitution ...

--AFP  (Prophecies ... Russia and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)   (The socialist slogan is "Use Democracy" to destroy democracy ...)


Brutal Blood-Bath Continues In Mexico ... Police Find 19 Corpses Along Highway ... Show Signs of Torture

--WND/Excelsior        (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise .. The Generation of Armageddon will be filled with "violence")


The Children of Israel Are Charged With Crowning God As King of the Universe ... There Is Still Time

--Jerusalem Post/Rabbi Shlomo Riskin       (Prophecies of Messiah)        (Prophecies of  Messiah's Return)


Liberal "Leftist" Church Opposes Christian "Zionism" (Christians Who Support Israel's Right To Their Land) ...

--Israel Nat'l News        (Prophecies... Churches and church leaders would "depart from the faith" ... "will no longer endure sound doctrine")


Passport Controversy ... U.S. State Department Refuses To List Jerusalem As Part Of Israel

--DavidHocking.org      (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation)     (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized"...)     Remember, the Bible warns "at the time of the end" all nations will turn against Israel (Zechariah 14:2 ... Joel 3:2:16 ...  Revelation 16:12-16) ... and Armageddon is in Israel. 


Israel's Livni Says Jerusalem Must be Negotiated ...

--Israel Nat'l News      (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation) 


All Roads Lead To Jerusalem ...

--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick        (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation)


   "Behold, I (God) will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling (anger, fear)

     unto all the people (nations) round about . . ." 

     (Zechariah 12:2)


   "And in that Day      (The "Day of the Lord"... the "Day of God's Wrath"... the coming "Apocalypse")

    I (God) will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people" 

     (Zechariah 12:3)


Don’t miss this . . . God says He is the One stirring things up!



"For I am God, and there is no other.
   I am God, and there is none like Me,
   Declaring the end from the beginning,
   and from ancient times
   things that are not yet done . . ."
   (Isaiah 46:9-10)


 "When you see these things happening,

   know that it (the 'Apocalypse') is near  --  at the door!

   Assuredly, I say to you,

   this generation will by no means pass away

   till all these things take place."

   (Mark 13:29)


 "Before the decree is issued,

   before the day passes like chaff,

   before the LORD'S fierce anger comes upon you,

   before the day of the LORD'S

   anger comes upon you!

   Seek the LORD,

   all you meek of the Earth,

   who have upheld His justice.

   Seek righteousness,

   seek humility.

   It may be that you

   will be hidden

   in the day of the LORD'S anger."

   (Zephaniah 2:2-3)


Finding Hope and Comfort  In Times of Trouble >>>


God's Promise  >>>


What Happens Next?  Heaven or Hell ... >>>


Prophecies of the Messiah  >>>


Prophecies of Messiah's Return  >>>


Prophecies of the Coming 'Rapture'  >>>


Prophecies of the Coming Apocalypse and Armageddon  >>>


A Remarkable Mathematical Prophecy ... Messiah Revealed  >>>  


Another Remarkable Mathematical Prophecy ... Israel Back As A Nation >>


More  Prophecies >>>



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Grace and Shalom,



























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