Graduating Seniors Defy Judge and Pray During Ceremony
... 200 Students Stand and Recite Lord's Prayer
... Christ (Messiah) and Christians will be hated)
Palestinian Rocket Hits Classroom in Israel While Students Praying in
Different Room ...
--Arutz 7
(Prophecies...Israel after becoming a nation)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Through the prophet Ezekiel, God warns us why He
destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ...
"This was the iniquity [sin] of your sister Sodom:
She [Sodom] and her daughter [Gomorrah] had pride,
(Pride = 'Nobody's
going to tell me what to do!'... 'I don't care what God
says!'... 'I'll do what feels right to me!')
fullness of food and abundance of idleness ...
neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor
and needy, (their education and job training for the poor was useless)
and they were arrogant (haughty) ...
Therefore, I [God] took them away as I saw fit."
(He 'removed' them from the Earth with fire ... fire is used to 'cleanse')
(Ezekiel 16:49-50)
In these verses, God links the rise of open homosexuality in a
society to 'sinful pride' and 'arrogance'... the sin of Satan ... and to a
coming judgment. Sodom
and Gomorrah were taken away ('cleansed' with fire) because they were filled with arrogance while flaunting their 'lawlessness', sexual immorality, and their
homosexuality openly before God. They mocked God ... and they had no
fear of God. Their worthless teachers, priests,
rabbis, ministers, 'reverends', and 'Arch-Bishops' were assuring the people that
God's Word and God's Law didn't really mean what it said and didn't really apply to them,
and they could continue to do whatever 'feels good' or 'seems right'
'in their own eyes,' even
when in direct opposition to God's Law. All of this reflected their
lack of faith, lack of
belief, and their
and rebellious attitudes toward God and His Word. Sin
meant nothing to them ... and there was no fear of God. Sound
God's judgment against Sodom was was given as a warning!
The Bible warns the coming 'Apocalypse' will be as the judgment against
Sodom (only worse), and this time it will come against the whole
world! Our time is short. God is pleading
with us to stop (repent of) our sinful ways and return to Him before
it's too late. With open arms and with tears of joy He will welcome
any and all who willingly return to Him through the One He sent forth to
save us sinners ... Jesus-Yeshua ... the promised Messiah. And, as
with Lot (and with Enoch before the Flood), God promises to remove ('Rapture') those who will sincerely return
to Him in faith before the coming Judgment which the Bible also
calls the 'Apocalypse (the Revealing),' 'the Great Tribulation,' 'the Time of Jacob's [Israel's] Trouble,'
'the Day of the Lord,' the 'Time of the End,' and the 'Day
of God's Wrath' ... God warns it will not be the end of the world
(yet), but it will be the end of and an Age, just as the judgment
that came upon the world 'in the days of Noah' was the end of an Age.
Only this time God warns us He will judge and cleanse the world not
with water, but with fire! Sadly, the Bible also warns many
will harden their hearts against God and His Word when they hear these
things. For many will face their judgment before the coming Apocalypse
Who loves the homosexual more? The Christian ('a follower of the Messiah
of Israel') is
commanded to 'love others and treat them as we would want to be treated.'
According to the Bible, a person living in homosexual sin "will not inherit
the Kingdom of Heaven" and those who "approve of those who do such things"
will be held just as guilty. Jesus-Yeshua, the Messiah's first command
was to 'repent' (turn away from those things which are in opposition to God's
Law) and then to trust in Him alone to save us from all our sins. He
said He came to 'save sinners' ... lots of them ... both Jew and
Gentile ... any who would believe and trust in Him. The Bible warns
until we acknowledge we are sinners and that we desperately need a Savior (to
save us from our sins ... past, present, and future) we won't be saved
from Hell. So, who loves the homosexual more? One who tells them
it's okay to continue in a sin the Bible warns will condemn them to an
eternity in Hell, or someone who is willing to endure the ridicule and hate to
warn them and to try to get them into Heaven? In Proverbs 27:6 God says,
'Faithful are the wounds of a friend ... but the kisses of an enemy are
deceitful.' Jesus-Yeshua said more about Hell than He did about
Heaven ... and the true believing Christian will try to get as many boys,
girls, men, and women into the Kingdom of Heaven as possible.
Jesus-Yeshua, the Messiah, even commands us to 'love our enemies' ...
and you can't love someone without warning them when they are in great danger.
"And as
it is appointed for men to die once,
but after this the judgment"
(Hebrews 9:27)
Two Members of US Television News Crew Killed in Iraq
... Traveling With the 4th Infantry Division
--AFP (France)
... Wars and rumors of war) (We pray
you're okay Brandon ...)
Russia is Now The Largest Arms Exporter in the World
... Surpassing the USA
--Pravda (Russia)
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
(Prophecies - The coming Apocalypse ... the road to Armageddon)
Indonesia Earthquake Toll Passes 5,100 ...
(Earthquakes in diverse places)
(This prophecy 'foresaw' the worldwide communications
system capable of quickly reporting major earthquakes)
Do All Roads Lead to God?
--WND/Greg Laurie
(Heaven or Hell ...)
Satellite Pictures Indicate North Korea May Be Preparing
to Test Long-Range Ballistic Missile ...
--WND/Reuters (Prophecies...China
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
... Wars and rumors of war)
China Claims Its Technology Can Now Detect U.S. Stealth
Jets ...
--World Tribune (Prophecies...China
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Lies, and the Atomic Bomb'...
--NewsMax/Charles Smith (Prophecies...China
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
Nebraska Grocer Mandates Spanish for Employees
... Wars and rumors of war ... 'Nation against nation' and 'ethnic against
Nuclear Offer to Iran is 'Rife With Hidden Dangers' ...
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Russia Takes Over Presidency of European Rights Council Overseeing 'Democracy
and Human Rights' ...
--AFP (France)
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
Syrian Intelligence Agents Slip By Israeli Security to Meet With Hamas ...
(Prophecies ... Syria)
(Prophecies...Israel after becoming a nation)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Syria Obeys Iran As It Rounds Up and Arrests Members of Dissident Group Who
Fled Iran...
(Prophecies ... Syria)
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
Illegals Granted Social Security
--Washington Times
... Wars and rumors of war ... 'Nation against nation' and 'ethnic against
Democrat Leader Reid Calls Proposal To Make English The
Official Language 'Racist'...
--Drudge/Washington Times
... Wars and rumors of war ... 'Nation against nation' and 'ethnic against
Study Shows Teenage Girls Now More Likely Than Boys to
Drink, Smoke, Steal, Take Drugs...
--Drudge/DailyMail (UK)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will be morally corrupt and filled
with violence)
Mubarak Denies Access To U.S. Leaders
--Middle East Newsline
(Our billions and billions of dollars worth of
weapons and financial aid don't seem to buy much these days ...)
Israeli Knesset Member Believes Iran Should Be Struck
Now ...
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Russia Building Up Space Defense Forces ...
--Itar-Tass (Russia)
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Venezuela Pondering Purchase of Advanced Russian Fighter
Jets ...
--Itar-Tass (Russia)
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Ex-Lockheed Agent Pleads Guilty to China Arms Plot ...
--WND/Reuters (Prophecies...China
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
... Wars and rumors of war)
China Denies Having Weapons Agents in USA...
--Drudge Report/Reuters (Prophecies...China
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Thousands of Iran-Backed Hamas Militants Deploy in Gaza and Now Control All
Strategic Crossroads ...
(Prophecies...Israel after becoming a nation)
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
6 Rockets Fired At Israel From Gaza ... Israeli Defense Forces Base Struck
--Arutz 7
(Prophecies...Israel after becoming a nation)
Senate Votes for Both Fence and Massive Illegal
Citizenship ...
... Wars and rumors of war ... 'Nation against nation' and 'ethnic against
My Lips'... Ann Coulter on Bush's Immigration Plan
--WND/Ann Coulter
... Wars and rumors of war ... 'Nation against nation' and 'ethnic against
Expert Says Iran President Overheard Promising 'End of
History in 2 or 3 Years'
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
High School Questionnaire Asks Kids How They'd Know If
They Would Not Prefer Having Homosexual Sex
--WND/Milwaukee Sentinel
(Bible Warnings...What exactly does
the Bible warn about Homosexuality?)
Iranian President Ridicules European Nuclear Offer
--AFP (France)
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Israel 'Will Not Allow' Iran Nuclear Weapons
(Prophecies...Israel after becoming a nation)
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
Iran-Backed 'Hamas' Creates New 'Security Force' ...
(Prophecies...Israel after becoming a nation)
(The Bible warns Israel will be sorely judged after being re-gathered in Her
WND Editor and Staunch Israel Supporter: 'I Give
Up On Israel'
--WND/Joseph Farah
(Prophecies...Israel after becoming a nation)
(The Bible warns 2/3 of Israel will be 'cut-off' for their unbelief)
Delivers Hundreds of Anti-Air Missiles and Roadside Bombs to Iraqi
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Iran Pledges 300 Vehicles To Palestinian Authority
--Middle East Newsline
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
Foreign Islamic Militia With Soldiers From Iran, Libya,
and Saudi Arabia Control 80 Percent of Mogadishu
--World Tribune
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
Cuba to Let China Drill For Off-Shore Oil ...
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will go to war and will invade Israel) (Prophecies...China
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Venezuela Declares Support For Iran ... Chavez 'Prays to
Allah' No War Will Be Launched Against Iran
Iran, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
Israeli Security Forces Report Islamic Terrorist-Security Events Against
Israel Have Risen to 15-20 A Day ...
--Arutz 7
(Prophecies...Israel and
Jerusalem after becoming a nation)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Senior Hamas Strategy Advisor Maps Out Plans for Guerilla War Against Israel
(Prophecies...Israel and
Jerusalem after becoming a nation)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Bizarre Disease Hits South Texas ... Black, Tarry Beads
of Sweat, Lesions, Fibers Popping Out of Skin
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases will spread)
Can Anything Stop the Coming War Against Iran ... and the Islamic 'Mahdi'
(Muslim Messiah)?
--WND/Hal Lindsey
(The coming Antichrist ... the
'counterfeit Messiah')
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
Plane Loaded With Two Companies of 'Iranian Revolutionary Guards' Lands in
Sudan ... Plan to Infiltrate Israel
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
(The Bible says Sudan (Cush - 'Ethiopia') will join this attack)
Iran's Letters to Bush May Be Precursor to War ... May
Follow Muhammad's Instructions for 'Jihad'
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Iran Calls Israel a 'Terrorist' State ... Says
Jewish Nation 'Will One Day Will Be Destroyed'
(Prophecies - The coming Apocalypse ... the road to Armageddon) (Prophecies...Israel and
Jerusalem after becoming a nation)
Iran's President Says Israel 'One Day Will Vanish'
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies - The coming Apocalypse ... the road to Armageddon) (Prophecies...Israel and
Jerusalem after becoming a nation)
CNN Anchor Says Administration is Following 'Absurd'
Policies on Border Security and Illegals
... Wars and rumors of war ... 'Nation against nation' and 'ethnic against
God clearly warned Israel and the World what would
happen to a 'morally corrupt and violent' generation who would rise
immediately after Israel became a nation (in 1948), and further warns
what would happen soon after 'Gaza would be forsaken' (Zephaniah 2:1-7), which
was a prophetic event we recently saw take place on all the world news ...
For just a small and bitter taste of what the future now
holds for this generation who mocks our Lord and His Word, and will soon come
against His people (who will be judged for turning from Him and giving up
their Land), study the following ...
- Ezekiel 38 (Russia/Magog
and Iran/Persia)
- Isaiah 5:25-30
- Joel 2:1-10
- Jeremiah 25:15-17, 27-38
- Zechariah 13:8-9, 14:2, 12:2-3
- Revelation 16:12-16
Jewish Families Forcibly Removed From Hebron (Israel's Oldest City) ...
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Israel after becoming a nation)
(God gave Hebron to Caleb for his faith ... God will soon judge Israel for her lack of
Israel Reveals Plan to Divide Jerusalem ...
--WND (Prophecies...Israel and
Jerusalem after becoming a nation)
(God warned after Israel became a nation He would make Jerusalem 'a cup of
Russia and China 'Differ' With the US on Iran ...
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
(State Run) Russian Media Says New 'Cold' War With U.S.
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Russia-China Backed Venezuelan Leader Chavez Threatens
to Seek 'Indefinite' Re-election
--Fox News
(Prophecies ... The coming Apocalypse)
(The Russia-China-Islam Axis is fomenting and
planting seeds of war all across the globe ...)
Tuition Soars Due to a 'Knowledge Shortfall' ...
--WND/Ann Coulter
Colombian President Shows Willingness to Implant
Microchip IDs in Their Temporary US Workers ...
(The coming Antichrist ... the
'counterfeit Messiah')
(The coming Antichrist will be a very popular
world leader ... and he will kill millions)
Iran Threatens to 'Hit' Israel First If the U.S. 'Does Evil'
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
Democrat-Backed Law to Ban 'Mom and Dad' and Mandate
Pro-Homosexual Lessons in Schools is Advancing
(Bible Warnings...What exactly does
the Bible say about Homosexuality?)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will
be 'morally corrupt')
Democrat Judge Orders Cross Removed in San Diego ...
(Forcing homosexuality on our children,
slaughtering babies, attacking Christians ... and somebody asked why I don't
like Democrats)
Britain and France Introduce Iran Resolution ... China
Ambassador Disagrees
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
Israeli Defense Forces Shut Hebron's Jewish Quarter
--Jerusalem Post
(Prophecies...Israel and
Jerusalem after becoming a nation)
Lebanon Refuses Taiwan Leader's Plane After China's
Ambassador Makes Request ...
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Tensions Rise ... Vatican Ex-Communicates 4 Bishops
Ordained by China Without Pope's Consent
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
(The coming Antichrist ... the
'counterfeit Messiah')
Solomons Elects Pro-China MP as New Prime Minister
--AFP (France)
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
12 Islamic Terrorists Unleashed to Hunt Down Danish
Cartoonists ...
(Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise)
on followers of Islam and religions of Terror)
8.0 Magnitude Earthquake Rocks Tonga Islands ...
(Earthquakes in diverse places)
(This prophecy 'foresaw' the worldwide communications
system capable of reporting them)
Libya's Gadhafi Says Islam is Taking Over Europe ...
(Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise)
on followers of Islam and religions of Terror)
'May Day' Protests Organized By Marxist-Communists ...
--WND/Jerome Corsi
('Infiltrate, Divide, and Conquer' ... The 'May Day'
Mexican protests were well organized, orchestrated, and have an agenda)
Iran Battles Qatar Over 'Arabian' Gulf Name ... Iran
Wants It Changed Back to 'Persian' Gulf
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
(Iran still considers itself 'Persia')
Hillary Clinton Says, 'I Wanted Desperately To Be An
Olympic Athlete'...
(Prophecies...Evil men and women will wax worse and worse, lying and deceiving)
Iraq's al-Qaida Leader Zarqawi's April 25th Video Tape Was Filmed in Syria...
(Prophecies ... Syria)
... Wars and rumors of war)
U.S. Middle-East 'Allies' Support Terrorist Groups
--Middle East Newsline
on followers of Islam and religions of Terror)
groups are Islamic 'special operations' and guerilla brigades ...)
Official Egypt Television ...Hate America, Hate Israel ... But
Accept our Billions of Dollars in 'Aid'
--Arutz 7 (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war) (The Bible warns in Isaiah
and Revelation there will be another war with Egypt coming against
Israel ...)
(US, EU, UN, Russia) to Hold Key Talks on Fate of Its 'Mideast' (Israel Peace)
(Prophecies ... A coming 'Peace Plan' enforced upon Israel will change the
world forever) (The Bible warns this coming 'peace
plan' will be enforced upon Israel by a coming world leader and will begin the
7 year 'Apocalypse' which we are told will include 3.5 years of false peace +
3.5 years of the 'Great Tribulation' ... during which over 1/2 of the world's
population will be quickly destroyed, and as Jesus-Yeshua warns, 'Unless those
days be shortened no flesh on Earth would be saved ...')
Russia Test-Launches New Nuclear Ballistic Missile
Warhead In Bid to Scare The US ...
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...Russia and allies
will go to war and will invade Israel)
... The coming Apocalypse Prolog)
Ayatollah Warns US Against Attacking Iran ...
--Koenig Int'l/Jerusalem Post
Iran, and allies
will go to war and will invade Israel)
Savage Injustice...Ohio State University Shows How
Deeply 'Anti-Christian' Professors Have Infiltrated Colleges
--WND/Front Page
... Christ (Messiah) and Christians will be hated)
(Prophecies ... The generation of the 'Apocalypse')
Christian Persecution ... 200,000,000 and Counting
--WND/Farrah Khalil
... Christ (Messiah) and Christians will be hated)
on followers of Islam and religions of Terror)
Israel Warns Iran is the 'Worst Threat to Jews Since
--Drudge Report/Telegraph (UK)
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
'Friends' Saudi Arabia and Gulf States Line Up With Russia and China on Iran
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
Syria Builds Military Posts In Lebanon
--Middle East Newsline
(Prophecies ... Syria)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Netanyahu Warns Hamas is Iran's 'Proxy'...
--WND/Jerusalem Post
(Prophecies...Israel and
Jerusalem after becoming a nation)
Promoting Evil and Demoting Good ... The Israeli Defense
Force's Suicide Attempt
--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick
(Prophecies...Israel after becoming a nation)
(The Bible warns 2/3 of the nation will be 'cut-off'' for unbelief)
British MI-6 Reports al-Qaida Working With Mexicans in
Plot to Penetrate the U.S. ...
--WND (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
Commission Recommends Sanctions On Saudis for Financing
Violence and Hatred of Non-Muslims ...
--World Tribune
(Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise)
on followers of Islam and religions of Terror)
Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, and Cuba Elected to New UN 'Human Rights' Council
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... The 'generation of wrath' will
be 'filled with violence'')
Iran-Backed Hamas Welcomes 'Quartet' Moves to Resume Aid to Palestinians ...
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies...Israel and
Jerusalem after becoming a nation)
(The 'Quartet' includes the UN, EU, Russia, and the US)
New Israeli Defense Minister Says His 'First Mission' is to Destroy All Jewish
--Arutz 7
(Prophecies...Israel and
Jerusalem after becoming a nation)
(The new Israeli government is treading on very dangerous and Holy ground ...)
Shimon Peres Warns 'Iran Should Know It Can Also Be
Wiped Out' ...
(Prophecies ... The coming Apocalypse) (Prophecies...Israel and
Jerusalem after becoming a nation)
North Korea Trying to 'Weaponize' Deadly Bird Flu ...
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases will spread) (Prophecies...China
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Russia's Gold and Currency Reserves Hit a Record High
... Now Rank Third to China and Japan
--Pravda (Russia)
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will invade Israel)
(This is the same 'poor' Russia we subsidized all through the Clinton years)
Israel Launches New Spy Satellite Tonight Aimed at Iran
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Russia Cross-Breeding Wolves With Dogs for 'Security
Service' ...
--Pravda (Russia)
(They also have an active program for crossing
jackals with Eskimo dogs ...)
Iran-Backed Sadr's 'Mahdi Army' Moving Into Northern Iraq Oil Town Kirkuk ...
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Iran Is Now Ready to Transfer Its Nuclear 'Know-How' to
Other Islamic Countries ...
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... The coming Apocalypse Prolog)
Sri Lanka: Woman Suicide Bomber Kills At Least 10 and Critically Wounds
Army Chief ...
--AFP (France)
(Prophecies ... The generation of the 'Apocalypse' will
be marked by violence)
... Wars and rumors of war)
China and Saudi Arabia Sign Defense Accord ...
--Middle East Newsline
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Japan: Japanese Leader Says
China's Refusal to Meet is 'Incomprehensible'
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Israeli Court Rules 'Palestinian Authority' Meets
Criteria to be Sovereign State (Within Israel)
(Mathematical Prophecy of
Israel) (Prophecies...Israel)
(God warns after Israel is back as a nation 2/3 will be
'cut-off' for their unbelief)
Islamics Protest in New York Chanting 'Mushroom Cloud is
On Its Way'...Show Muslim Flag Over White House
on Islam and religions of Terror)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Russian Missile Exports To Iran Alarm the US ...
--WND/BBC News
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
China Arming Iran With Advanced Missile Technology
--NewsMax/Charles Smith
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind) (Clinton gave China
our advanced missile designs)
CIA Official Who Gave Classified Information to the
Washington Post Was Top Intel Aide to Clinton
(Prophecies ... The generation of the 'Apocalypse' will
be marked by moral corruption, liars, deceivers, and traitors)
EU Worried After Russian Gas
Monopoly Warns the European Union Not to Block Its Expansion ...
--Moscow Times
(Prophecies...Russia and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
(Russia-China-Islam are tightening their grip on world oil)
Joint Oil Business Tops Chinese Leader's Trip To Saudi Arabia ...
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Iran - Israel - the US - and The
World ... Time
For a New International Community
--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick
(Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies...Iran and allies will invade Israel
... Wars and rumors of war)
Pennsylvania School Puts "Bible" and "God" in Same
Prohibited Class of Words as Profanity
(Prophecies ... The generation of the 'Apocalypse')
University Professors Adding
Pornography to Classrooms ...
--WND/Daily Northwestern, Illinois
(Prophecies ... The generation of the Apocalypse will be
'morally corrupt')
Top Russian General Warns Russia Will Deliver Air
Defense Systems to Iran...
--Drudge Report/Russian News Agency
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
Jesus-Yeshua In The Jewish Talmud ... How Rabbinical
Teaching Changed After Jesus-Yeshua
--Moriel/Jacob Prasch
(Mathematical Prophecy of the Messiah)
of the Messiah) (Once
past the 'Introduction' it gets very interesting!)
Iran vs. US and Israel
... 'The Fateful Hour Has Arrived'
--Jerusalem Post/Carolyn Glick (Prophecies...Iran and allies will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Iran Issues Stark Military Warning to United States
--Itar-Tass (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
... The coming Apocalypse Prolog)
Iran Warns Israel Will Soon Be 'Annihilated' ...
--Drudge Report/AP (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
is Constructing A Secret Large Scale Nuclear Enrichment Plant with The Help of
Soviet Bloc Engineers ...
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
... The coming Apocalypse Prolog)
North Korea Vows to Strengthen Nuclear Weapons Forces
--Drudge Report/AP (Prophecies...Russia
and allies will invade Israel) (Prophecies...China
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Russia to Have 'No Fewer' Than 2,000 Nuclear-Warheads
After 2011
--Itar-Tass (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
... The coming Apocalypse Prolog)
Saudi Professor Warns 'America Will Be Destroyed' and 'Israel Must Be
Demolished' ...
--Arutz 7
on Islam and religions of Terror)
(This high-level Saudi belongs to many US scientific organizations and did his
'sabbatical' at UCLA)
Questions About the Bible, the 'DaVinci Code', and Judas
--HFT/David Hocking
(Prophecies...Evil men will wax worse and worse, lying deceiving, and being
Man Faces Death Penalty In Afghanistan for
Becoming A Christian ... His Relatives Turned Him In
... Christians will be hated (Our Christian soldiers rescued
these Afghans from their beastly Islamic 'brothers' who ruled over them)
Jesus-Yeshua, the Messiah, gave us many prophecies about the
generation of the Apocalypse, including ...
"Now the brother shall betray the brother to death,
and the father the son;
and children shall rise up against [their] parents,
and shall cause them to be put to death."
(Mark 13:12)
Bethlehem Christians (Those Who Believe Jesus-Yeshua is
the Messiah) Fear Future Under Hamas ...
of the Messiah)
(Prophecies of the
Messiah's Return)
on Islam and religions of Terror)
"But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah,
(The same Bethlehem you now see in the news)
though you are little among the thousands of Judah,
Yet out of you shall come forth to Me
The One to be ruler in Israel,
Whose goings forth have been
from of old, from everlasting." (Eternity ... the Bible warns the Messiah would step forth from
(Micah 5:2) ( An Old Testament
prophecy written hundreds of years before the birth of the Messiah)
One-Up On US ... Secret Talks in Washington and Europe ...
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
Report - Turkey Plans to Move 250,000 Troops to Iraq
Border ...
--World Tribune
Russia, Turkey, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Iran Threatens Global Retaliation if US Attacks ...
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Iraq Builds 45 Forts on its Border With Iran
--World Tribune
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
al-Qaida Leader Warns Islam 'Will Liberate Jerusalem Through Jihad' ...
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Israel and
Jerusalem after becoming a nation)
on Islam and religions of Terror)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Holocaust Memorial Day - "Human Spirit in the Shadow of Death"
--Arutz 7 (Israel)
(Prophecies...Israel and
Jerusalem after becoming a nation)
(Mathematical Prophecy ... Nation Israel ... 'Captivity and Doom')
Israel PM
Accuses Syria and Iran For Deadly Tel Aviv Suicide
Russia, and allies will invade Israel in a terrible coming war)
(Prophecies ... Syria)
Palestinians to Establish New Military Force Headed By Known Terrorist ...
(Prophecies...Israel and
Jerusalem) (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
Shiite Iraqi Militia Drives All 35,000 'Palestinians' Out of Baghdad ...
(Prophecies ... Iraq) (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
Massive Earthquake Rocks Russia's Remote Kamchatka Peninsula
(Earthquakes in diverse places)
(This prophecy is interesting ... it would require a worldwide communications
system capable of reporting them)
Russia Rules Out Any
Sanctions Against Iran Without 'Concrete' Proof ...
--AFP (France)
Russia, and allies will invade Israel in a terrible coming war)
Leader Promotes Top Terrorist to High Military Rank... Prepares Hezbollah For
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
During Visit to White House New Lebanese PM Shocked to Find Out US Backing
Down on Syria, Hezbollah...
(Prophecies ... Syria)
(Iran now has their missile armed 'Hezbollah' on the Northern border of Israel
and their 'Hamas' on the Southern border)
Venezuelan Leader Warns Venezuela is 'Ready to Defend
... Wars and rumors of war) (Our weak-kneed politicians
failed to support those who ousted him a couple of years ago)
Socialist-Marxist Democrat Dianne Feinstein Says US
Won't Defend Taiwan
(This same Dianne Feinstein tried to sell the Port
of LA to China ... and her husband was helping to broker the deal)
Bin Laden Tape Calls Muslims (Islamics) to Fight in Sudan
Russia, Sudan and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
(Ancient 'Cush' translated 'Ethiopia' is modern day Sudan ...)
Iran-Backed Hamas Agents Caught in Jordan Preparing for Attacks Against
Jordanian Targets ...
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
"After Two Days He Will Revive Us (Israel)"...
--WND/Hal Lindsey
(Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies ... Mathematical prophecy of
Israel's Return) (Prophecies
... The 'Rapture')
Students at London School for Islamic Imams 'Taught to
Despise Unbelievers as Filth'
--WND/London Times
on Islam and religions of Terror)
Ann Coulter ... "Lay Down With Strippers, Wake Up With
--WND/Ann Coulter
(Prophecies ...
The generation of the Apocalypse will be 'morally corrupt' and 'filled with
Known for His 'Pray For the Peace of Jerusalem,'
Jewish-Christian Rabbi-Preacher Zola Levitt Dies
(As Jesus-Yeshua revealed
in His teachings, His message was for the Jews first and then
the gentiles ...)
Last Passover For The World's Oldest Jewish
(No, the remaining Bible prophecies will be fulfilled just as
precisely as the ones we have studied this past week)
Report: Baghdad Teachers Beheaded In
Front of Students
on Islam and religions of Terror)
(Prophecies ...
The generation of the Apocalypse will be filled with
Multiple Rocket Launchers Prepared For
Deployment By Palestinians Against Israel ...
(Prophecies...Israel) (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
Israel's New PM Opts for 'Soft Response' to
Bloody Islamic Suicide Attack Against Israel
on Islam and religions of Terror)
Iran Seeking British Bombers For Suicide
--Ynet (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
on Islam and religions of Terror)
The Real Mexican Revolution ... Marxism South of the
(Mexico has never been our ally ... even pre-war
Germany leveraged Mexico's longstanding desire to regain parts of the US)
Mexico Harsh to Undocumented Migrants...
--Drudge Report/AP
Tom DeLay's Conspiracy Charge Tossed Out
(The Marxist-Democrats used their tactics of lies,
intimidation, and misinformation on DeLay)
(Prophecies...Evil men, lying and deceiving)
EU Will No Longer Use Term 'Islamic Terrorism'...
Replacing With 'Terrorists Who Abusively Invoke Islam'
--WND/London Telegraph
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in
power) (The European Union is controlled by
Marxist-Socialists who support Islamic terror groups ... the EU is decisively
'Pro-Islam' and 'Anti-Israel'.)
Al-Qaida No. 2 Says Eliminating Israel Is 'The
Duty' of Every Islamic Believer
(Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise)
(Prophecies...Israel and Jerusalem)
Passover and Unleavened Bread ...
--HFT/David Hocking
of the Messiah)
(Prophecies of the
Messiah's Return)
Iran Troops Shell and Attack Iraqis in Iraq ...
--WND/London Telegraph
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
Earthquake Shakes Panama-Costa-Rica Border...
(Earthquakes in diverse places)
(This prophecy 'foresaw' the worldwide communications
system capable of reporting them)
Israel's Mossad Warns Iran is 'A Monster In The
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
Turkey's Leader Says Turkey Will Not Support the US Against Iran ...
Russia, Turkey, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel) (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
Egypt Fighting 'Tora Bora of Sinai' as Battle Rages Against al-Qaida Mountain
Stronghold ...
--Debkafile (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
Israel's New War ... In the Crosshairs
--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick
(Prophecies...Israel and
Jerusalem after becoming a nation) (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
Israel Must Re-Take Gaza Warns Ex-Israeli Defense
Minister ...
(Prophecies...Israel and
Jerusalem after becoming a nation)
(The Bible warns Gaza was the beginning of the end ...)
Iraq Concerned Over Turkish Invasion ...
--Middle East Newsline
Russia, Turkey, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel) (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
US Warns Relations with China, Russia Could Be Harmed
Over Their Support for Iran ...
--Jerusalem Post
Russia, Turkey, and allies will invade Israel)
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Iran Nuclear Plan 'Irreversible'
--BBC News
Russia, Turkey, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel) (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
Iran Deploys Nuclear-Capable IRBMs
--Middle East Newsline
Russia, Turkey, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
A Commentary on the Aftermath of a Nuclear Terror Attack
--WND/Robert Pfriender
... The coming Apocalypse Prolog)
'American Hiroshima' Nuclear Onslaught Against the US
Linked to Iran Attack ...
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
Iran Receives Russian 1,500-Mile Range Missile From
North Korea ...
--WND/ITV News
Russia, and allies will go to war and will invade Israel) (This
new Russian missile puts Europe in range)
Russia and China Warn UN Not to Antagonize Iran...
--WND/Financial Times (UK)
Russia, and allies will go to war) (Iran and North Korea are
Russia and China's 'attack dogs')
Islamics to Join Illegal Mexicans in Los Angeles Protest
on May 1
... Wars and rumors of war ... 'Nation against Nation and Ethnic against
Ariel Sharon's Family Was From a Small Town in Russia
and His Real Last Name Was 'Sheinerman' ...
--Pravda (Russia)
(He is now termed 'permanently incapacitated' and
according to this article his sons may discontinue his life-support ...)
Former Iranian President in Syria to Increase War Tensions on US in Iraq ...
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
... Syria) (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
International Conflict Looms Large as Iran Announces It
Is Now a Nuclear Power
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
Iran Just 1 Step Away From Nuclear Bombs ...
--WND (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
... The coming Apocalypse Prolog)
Iran Vows to Expand Uranium Enrichment
--UPI (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
... Wars and rumors of war)
--Drudge Report/AP (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
... The coming Apocalypse Prolog)
Israeli Official Says Olmert Will Retreat From the 'West
Bank' (Judea and Samaria) 'Before Bush Term Ends'
(Prophecies...Israel and Jerusalem)
(My opinion is God will 'interrupt' this plan ... the 'peace plan' will be
enforced by the coming 'Antichrist')
Iran Appears to Be Preparing 'Hezbollah' For War Against
Israel and the US ... Lebanon Leader Concerned
--WND (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
... The coming Apocalypse Prolog)
Iran Leader Warns Iran Won't Back Down 'One Iota'
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
... The coming Apocalypse Prolog)
Prodi Declares Victory in Italian Election
(Prophecies ... Europe/Rome will re-unite and rise in
power) (Prodi is a high level 'European Union' leader
who is very anti-Israel and anti-US ...)
The World is Full of Hamas [Hamas means
'Violence' in Hebrew]
--Arutz 7/Rabbi Dov Begon
Prophecies ... The generation of the Apocalypse will be 'filled with violence
Jesus-Yeshua warns what the world will be like at the
time of the coming 'Apocalypse' and His return ...
"But as
the days of Noah were,
also will the coming of the Son of Man be .
. ."
(Matt 24:37)
Now, to help us understand this prophecy God
describes the generation of Noah . . .
"The Earth was
corrupt [like smelly, rotting meat ... 'immoral'] before God,
and the Earth was filled with violence.
(the Hebrew word 'hamas')
So God looked upon the Earth, and indeed it was
for all flesh had corrupted their way on the
And God said to Noah, ‘The end of all flesh has come
before Me,
for the Earth is filled with violence through
and behold, I will destroy them with the Earth
. . .’"
(Gen 6:11-13)
Only eight people on Earth were saved . . .
Report Claims Bush Planning Tactical Nuclear
Strikes Against Iran Bunkers
--WND/London Telegraph (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel)
... The coming Apocalypse Prolog)
Iran Says US Military Strike Talk is 'Psychological Warfare'
--AFP (France) (Prophecies...Iran, Russia,
and allies will invade Israel) (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
Plane Carrying House Members Fired On With Russian
Missile in Iraq
--WND (Prophecies...Iran, Russia,
and allies will invade Israel) (Prophecies
... Wars and rumors of war)
California Bill Still Alive ... Could Nix 'Mom and Dad' and Require
Schools to Teach 'Homosexual History'
(Bible Warnings...Homosexuality)
On Immigration Reform ...
--WND/Hal Lindsey
... Wars and rumors of war, 'nation against nation' and 'ethnic against
Exposing the Satanic Nature of the 'DaVinci Code' ...
--WND/T. Baehr
(As in the 'Garden,' Satan's tactics have never
changed ... he mixes a little truth, creates doubt, and then follows with a
lie that will end in death (Hell)
Russia and China Seen As Strengthening Ties To Counter
--Drudge/Wash Times (Prophecies...Iran, Russia,
and allies will invade Israel)
and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)
Deniability'... Russia's Links to Terror
--JR Nyquist (Prophecies...Iran, Russia,
Turkey, and allies will invade Israel in a terrible coming war)
Man in Hawaii Fighting For Life As Flesh Eating Bacteria
Closes Waikiki Beach...
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases will spread)
Man in Seattle Dies From Flesh-Eating Disease...
--Drudge/Seattle Times
(Prophecies ... Deadly diseases will spread)
How Does Mexico Treat It's 'Illegals?'
--WND/Larry Elder
... Wars and rumors of war, 'nation against nation' and 'ethnic against
Iran Unveils Secret 'Super-Weapons' To Scare the Whole
World ...
--Pravda (Russia) (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, Turkey, and allies will invade Israel) (Those of
you who have been reading this page for a long time will notice most of these
weapons (advanced 'stealth' missile and underwater rocket) were first
'unveiled' by Russia ...)
Tension Mounts Between (Iran-China-Backed) Sudan and UN Over (Mainly
Christian) Genocide in Darfur
--AFP (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies will invade Israel) (Sudan
(Kush/Ethiopia) is listed as one of the Russia-Iran allies in this coming war)
Venezuela Takes Control Of Oil Fields Operated By
Foreign Companies...
--Drudge/Telegraph (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia, and allies) (The Russia-China-Islam axis now
controls much of the world's oil supplies ...)
Earlier: PM Olmert's Party 'Kadima' Reveals It Will
Divide Jerusalem ...
(Prophecies...Israel and Jerusalem)
(The time grows short ... learn of the Messiah ... trust in Him ... believe in
Him ... He is our only hope)
Newly Elected Israel PM Olmert Tells Bush He Will
'Perpetuate Sharon's Legacy' (of Dividing the Land of Israel)
(Prophecies...Israel and Jerusalem)
(The Bible says 'The just shall live by faith' ... faith in
God, the Messiah and God's Word ... the Bible warns the unbelieving and
unfaithful will 'Do that which is right in their own eyes' and not God's.)
Solar Eclipse Envelopes Israel in Brief Darkness
--Arutz 7
The darkness of the solar eclipse is no accident as it
falls on the start of this New Year (the Biblical New Year starts
today/tonight in Israel).
Muslim Attacks Indonesian Christian Pastor With Machete
--WND/Voice of the Martyrs
... Messiah and followers of the Messiah will be hated)
(Note on Islam and religions of terror)
Jimmy Carter Bashes Israel for The 'Colonization of
(Yet, this same Jimmy Carter (Democrat) claims to have concluded the 'Camp
David Accord' in 'great fairness' to Israel)
Russia Starts Building 'Fourth-Generation'
Submarine...Will Be Armed With New Advanced Nuclear Missiles
--Itar-Tass (Russia) (Prophecies...Russia,
Iran and allies will go to war and will invade Israel)
... The coming Apocalypse Prolog)
(As a note, the current Russian strategic submarines are
larger, double-hulled, more silent, and more advanced than ours and they
currently carry 12 ballistic missiles each armed with 12 independently
targeted nuclear warheads ... their nuclear submarine fleet's primary mission
is for a 'pre-emptive' nuclear strike.)
'V for Vendetta'... Filmed Described 'Anti-Christian,
Neo-Marxist, Left-Wing Propaganda' #1 in Box-Office
--WND (Prophecies ...
The generation of the Apocalypse will be 'morally corrupt' and filled with
Iran Planning Coordinated Terrorist Attacks Against US in Iraq and Against
Israel ...
--Debkafile (Prophecies...Iran, Russia,
Turkey, and allies will invade Israel in a terrible coming war)
Israel's 'Homosexual Community' and Yesha
(Judea-Samaria) Council Plan to Plant Trees in Galilee
(Bible Warnings...Homosexuality)
Russia Warns Against Conflict With Iran ...
--UPI (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia and allies will invade Israel in a terrible coming war)
The Bible warns Russia/Magog will act
as a 'guard' for Iran (Persia) and allies ...
Russia 'Destined' to Suppress 'USA's Global Domination'
--Pravda (Russia)
(All those nations who now feel protected from Russia, China
and all their brutal and vicious allies should get worried ...)
Iran Orders Renewal Of Uranium Enrichment
--Middle East Newsline (Prophecies...Iran,
Russia and allies will invade Israel in a terrible coming war)
Bill Clinton Praised by Iran and Arabs
--NewsMax (Prophecies ...
Evil men will wax worse and worse, lying and
deceiving and being deceived)
