

Alpha News Daily

Weekly News Update



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This weekly news update is being sent because the Bible tells us to know the prophecies and to "watch" for their fulfillment (which can only be done by learning and knowing what is going on around the world) ... yet, many churches and synagogues today ignore and deny Bible prophecy (which in itself is a major fulfillment of Bible prophecy) ...


 Now, a short Bible prophecy lesson to help show how close we are ...


  + Israel back in the Land as a nation   (this started the clock ticking ...)

  + Iran and allies threatening war against Israel

  + Russia rising ... and acting as a 'guard' for Iran

  + China armed with weapons capable of quickly destroying 1/3 of mankind

  + Nations of the ancient Roman Empire (Europe?) reuniting and rising in power

  + Teachings of false 'Prophets' leading many

  + A Generation 'morally corrupt' and 'filled with violence'  

     (The Bible uses the word 'corrupt' -  like smelly, rotting meat)

  + 'The falling away'... churches and synagogues no longer teaching or enduring sound doctrine

  + Israel and Jerusalem . . . trouble, troubles, and more trouble 

  + All nations turning against nation Israel . . .                 

  = The Generation of the ... Rapture ... the 'Apocalypse' ... Armageddon ... and Messiah's Return.


For the first time in history this prophetic 'equation' is nearly complete . . . and all in this generation!!! 



That Tiny Red 'Dot' is Israel ... God warns, 'Israel is His'...'Allah' and his vast armies (green) keep trying to prove Him wrong

The 'God of Israel' and the Bible . . .  or . . . 'Allah' and the Koran . . . The Bible Warns One Is True . . .  and One Is False

The coming Battle of Armageddon ('Hill of Megiddo')  . . .  Armageddon lies right in the center of that tiny Red 'Dot'

"I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you". . .  (Genesis 12:3)



Finding Hope and Comfort ... For Those Going Through Difficult Times

--Alpha News Daily     (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...)      (God's Promise ...)   


How To Get Eternal Life In Heaven  (With Audio) ...

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church     (The most important Bible prophecies ... Heaven or Hell ... it's not too late!!!) 


Our Battle Against Sin ... "What’s Your Problem"  (With Audio)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church        (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!) 



This Week's News Headlines . . .

(In times of trouble ... Trust in the Lord, draw near to Him, earnestly pray for His guidance and direction, and seek His Will in your life.) 


Russian KGB (Now Called FSB) Helped Iran's Hizbullah Uncover Israel's Lebanese Spy Rings ...

--Debkafile     (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will attack and invade Israel)      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) 


From the article:

"This disclosure, if borne out, would indicate that the Russian agency, which specializes in counterespionage, is engaged for the first time in anti-Israel activity in the service of an Arab terrorist organization.  An Israeli security sources describes this turn of events extremely grave. It also cast an ominous slant on Moscow's deepening strategic involvement in Syria."


Tension On Israel-Lebanese Border Rises As Iran Sends Hizbullah Upgraded Missiles ...

--Debkafile     (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will attack and invade Israel)      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) 


Iranian Hizbullah Has 40,000 Rockets Near Israel's Northern Border ... Ready To Attack

--Drudge/London Times    (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)    (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will attack and invade Israel)


Israel's Northern Command Warns "Stability In The North (Along Lebanon Border) Could Explode At Any Minute"

--Jerusalem Post          (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)    (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will attack and invade Israel)


Russian Attack Submarines Patrolling Off East Coast of the United States ...

--Drudge/NY Times        (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)    (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will attack and invade Israel)


From Russia:  Two Russian Nuclear Attack Submarines Make USA Shake With Fear ...

--Pravda  (Russia)       (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)    (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will attack and invade Israel)


Israel Issues Dire Warning To Lebanon (and Iran's Hizbullah) After Cairo Plot Revealed ...

--Israel Nat'l News      (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will attack and invade Israel)      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) 


Israel's Prime-Minister States "Disengagement" Turned Gaza Into Hamas Base Controlled By Iran ...

--Jerusalem Post       (Prophecies:  "Gaza will be forsaken" ...)    (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will attack and invade Israel)


Venezuela To Buy Russian Arms and Tanks ...

--Drudge/AFP        (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)    (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will attack and invade Israel)


Russia-Ally Chavez Urges Venezuela Military To Be Prepared For Conflict ...

--Drudge/AP     (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)       (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will attack and invade Israel)


Russia-Ally Chavez Warns:  U.S. Military Presence In Colombia Could Spark War ...

--Russia News Agency   (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)    (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized"... then Russia and allies will invade Israel)


Russia-Ally Chavez Claims Colombian Troops Entered Venezuela ...

--Drudge/AFP  (France)    (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will attack and invade Israel)


Greece Reports Turkey's Air Force Is Violating Its Air Space ...

--Middle East Newsline        (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, TURKEY, and allies will go to war and will attack and invade Israel) 


Russian Commander Outlines Future of the Russian Air Force ...

--Russia News Agency   (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)     (Russia would never reveal actual timelines or states of readiness ...)


Iran's Hizbullah Ruling Lebanon As It Takes Nation Hostage ...

--Israel Nat'l News/Elias Bejjani       (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will attack and invade Israel)


Russia Offers Israel Military Aircraft Cooperation ...

--Middle-East Newsline       (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will attack and invade Israel)


Russian President Proposes Bill on Troop Deployment Outside Russia ...

--Russia News Agency       (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will attack and invade Israel)


Russia Orders Japan To Halt Aid To Kuril Islands ...

--Moscow Times     (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war and will attack and invade Israel)


China's Military Launches Long-Range War Games ...

--Drudge/Washington Post       (Prophecies:  China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind) 


Chinese Scholar Says "Divide India"...

--UPI        (Prophecies:  China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind) 


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

    Jesus said to him,

   "I am the Way (into Heaven), the Truth, and the Life. 

     NO ONE comes to the Father (into Heaven)

     except through Me."

     (John 14:6) 


   “Jesus said to her,

   ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life. (in Heaven)

     He who believes (trusts) in Me,

     though he may die,  (our bodily death)

     he shall live   (forever ... in Heaven).

     And whoever lives and believes in Me

     shall never die    (the "second death" ... in Hell).

     Do you believe this?’"   (This is the question every man and woman must answer ...)

     (John 11:25)


From Israel:  Barack Obama Is No Friend Of Israel ...

--Jerusalem Post        "I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you"  (Genesis 12:3)


"Downright Evil"... Palin Warns of Obama "Death Panel"

--Drudge/AP     (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise ... the generation of Armageddon)      (The coming Antichrist) 


A Glimpse Behind The Obama Agenda ... "Unmistakable Evil"

--WND/Janet Porter        (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist) 


   "Little children,

     it is the last hour;

     and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming,

     even now many antichrists have come,

     by which we know that it is the last hour."

     (1 John 2:15-18)


Obama Dispatches Union Thugs to Intimidate American Citizens ...

--Rush Limbaugh      (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)        (Democrat Party "brown-shirts" enforcing their "jack-boot," anti-Christian, Soviet-Socialist form of "freedom" is not too far away ... we have turned from a nation "Under God"... to a nation opposing God ... from a nation of freedom  ... to a nation of bondage.)


Tampa Couple Roughed Up by Democrat Party Thugs at Town Hall Meeting ...

--Rush Limbaugh    


Media Has Relentlessly Probed Many Candidates ... But Not Obama

--WND    Obama's "long-form birth certificate, college transcripts, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, Illinois State Bar Association records, and his adoption records" still kept secret.


Democrat Party Congressman Wants Government GPS In All Cars ... Democrats Want To Track and Tax All Miles Driven

--WND      (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)    


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

For all those who will reject Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) . . .


   "The Son of Man (Jesus) will send out His angels,

    and they will gather out of His Kingdom all things that offend,

    and those who practice lawlessness (sinning willfully … without repentance or remorse),

    and will cast them into the furnace of fire.

    There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth."

    (Matthew 13:41-42)


   "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world,

    and is himself (his soul) destroyed or lost?

    For whoever is ashamed of Me (Jesus Christ) and My words,

    of him the Son of Man will be ashamed (on the day of Judgment)  . . ."

    (Luke 9:25-26)


   "So it will be at the end of the age.

    The angels will come forth,

    separate the wicked from among the just,

    and cast them into the furnace of fire.

    There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth."

    (Matthew 13:49-50)     (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)         (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")


3 Christian Pastors Beheaded By Islamics In Nigeria For Refusing To Convert To Islam ...

--WND/Nigeria Sun News       (Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)      ("Allah"... Is the Babylonian-Arabian Moon god)      (A note on Islam)


Nigeria:  Christian Death Toll Climbs in Attack by Islamics ...

--CND        (Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)      ("Allah"... Is the Babylonian-Arabian Moon god)      (A note on Islam)


Iran's Secret "Special" Prisons For Breaking Political Opponents Include Murder, Rape, Broken Bones ...

--Debkafile   (This is what happens when you combine Soviet Marxist-Socialism with Islam ...)      (A note on Islam)


Palestinian (Philistinian) General Assembly Declares Jerusalem Must Be Made Void of Jewish "Settlers"...

--Jerusalem Post     (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation ... UPDATED)


Palestinians Warn They Will Take ALL of Jerusalem By Peace or By Force ...

--DavidHocking.org     (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation ... UPDATED)


Palestinian Fatah Leaders Applaud Bloodthirsty Terrorists (Who Murdered 12 Children) at Convention ...

--Israel Nat'l News    (A note on Islam...violence)     (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise ... the generation of Armageddon ... "filled with violence")


US State Dep't Angry At Eviction of Arabs From Illegal Housing In Israel ...

--DavidHocking.org       (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized"... then Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)


Former President Carter To Return To Gaza ...

--DavidHocking.org       (Prophecies:  "Gaza will be forsaken" ...) 


Israel's Hope Of Obtaining U.S. F-22 Fighter Jets Now Slim ...

--Jerusalem Post      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war) 


Republican Leader Speaks Out Against Obama's Focusing Against Israel Rather Than Iran ...

--DavidHocking.org      (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized"... then Russia, Iran, and allies will attack and invade Israel)


Obama Justice ... Special Prosecutor To Probe "CIA Abuse" Interrogating Prisoners

--Drudge/LA Times   (The Obama-Democrat Party agenda weakens the US ... and strengthens our enemies.)


Palestinian (Philistinian) Ruling "Fatah" Party Conference In Bethlehem Reveals True Goals and Motives ...

--DavidHocking.org     (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation ... UPDATED)


80 Years Later ... Remembering The Massacre of Jews In Hebron ... The Scars Still Show

--Jerusalem Post        (Prophecies of Messiah's Return)  


If You Have Faith ... Don't Just Talk About It ... Use It

--WND/Greg Laurie       (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...)      (God's Promise ...) 


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

The Bible promises . . .


   "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus

    and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead,

    you will be saved."    (From your sins and from Hell ... and welcomed with tears of joy into the Kingdom of Heaven)

    (Romans 10:9)     (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


Media Power ... "Ridicule" Is Man's (and the Democrat Party's) Most Potent Weapon

--WND/Joseph Farah       (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise ... the generation of Armageddon ... "slanderers")


AP (Associated Press) To Distribute George Soros Funded "Journalism" (Soros Is A Putin Ally and Marxist) ...

--WND   (Billionaire George Soros is very active in the Democrat Party ... George Soros has offices in Moscow and is a close friend of Putin ... George Soros (now a US citizen) should be registered as an agent of a foreign government.)


Cuba Leader Raul Castro Promotes Use of Oxen Over Tractors ...

--NewsMax     (This is where fellow Soviet-Marxist-Socialists Obama and the Democrat Party are leading our economy ...)   


Cash-Strapped Cuba Says Toilet Paper Running Short ... (But Comrade Castro Is A Billionaire)

--Drudge/Reuters      (This is where fellow Soviet-Marxist-Socialists Obama and the Democrat Party are leading our nation ...)


Russia's Putin Adding To His "Macho" Strongman Photo Image Collection ...

--Drudge/London Times    


Bloodbath As Gunman Walked Into Aerobics Class And Opened Fire .... Several Reported Dead and Wounded

--Drudge/Pittsburgh Channel      (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise ... the generation of Armageddon ... "filled with violence")


Openly Homosexual Sheriff's Deputy Allegedly Preyed On and Sexually Assaulted Illegals ...

--Fox News      (God's Law:  Homosexuality)        (Prophecies:  A generation of evil will rise ... the generation of Armageddon ...morally "corrupt")


Two Examples of Islamic Law Being Forced On Citizens In Britain ...

--Jerusalem Post/Daniel Pipes      (Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise and lead many)       ("Allah"... Is the Babylonian-Arabian Moon god)


7.6 Magnitude Earthquake Rocks Indian Ocean ...

--Drudge/Usgs.gov        (Prophecies ... Earthquakes in diverse places)


New 6.6 Magnitude Earthquake Off Japan ... Tokyo Shaken

--Drudge/AP       (Prophecies ... Earthquakes in diverse places)


Strong 7.1-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Tokyo Area ...

--Fox News          (Prophecies ... Earthquakes in diverse places)



"For I am God, and there is no other.
   I am God, and there is none like Me,
   Declaring the end from the beginning,
   and from ancient times
   things that are not yet done . . ."
   (Isaiah 46:9-10)


Note:  Many people today do not know whether or not they (or their loved ones) will go to Heaven.  Many have not been adequately taught what the Bible actually says and teaches ...


For the Assurance of Life in Heaven . . . ACT (A.C.T.T) NOW!!! 


-  Acknowledge you are a sinner and have sinned against God's Law ...

-  Confess your sins to God

-  Turn back to God and God's Word ... and away from sinful activities ("repent")

-  Trust (believe) completely in Jesus Christ  (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) ...

     -  That He died for your sins on the Cross ...

     -  That He was buried ... 

     -  That He was powerfully raised (Resurrected) from the dead the third day ...

     -  And that He is now seated on His throne ... in Heaven!!!     (Notice He did all the work ... all you have to do is "believe.")


If you do these things … sincerely and in faith … the Bible says you can have the complete assurance of eternal life in Heaven.  The Bible tells us Jesus (Yeshua) did all the work for you when He died on the Cross, was buried, and was raised (resurrected) from the dead through the fearful ... and wonderful ... power of God.  The Bible says you can’t add anything to it!  When you turn away from your sinful ways and turn back to God ("repent") ... then believe and trust in (and love) Jesus Christ as your "Savior" (who lovingly saves you from your sins and from Hell) you can have the complete peace and assurance in your heart that when you die, you will enter into His Kingdom of Heaven ... forever and ever it’s God’s Promise!!! 


The only thing God asks a non-believer to do is to "believe"... God (Jesus) did ALL the work ... life in Heaven is offered as a gift!!! 


Yet, many don't realize God’s loving offer (see below) contains both a “blessing” and a “curse”...


   "For God so loved the world

     that He gave His only begotten Son,

     that whoever believes in Him    (to trust in Jesus alone to save us from our sins and from Hell)

     should NOT perish (in Hell)

     but have everlasting life (in Heaven).

     For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,

     but that the world through Him might be saved (into Heaven).

     He who believes in Him is not condemned (to Hell);

     but he who does not believe (in Jesus Christ)

     IS CONDEMNED (to Hell) ALREADY"     (The implications of this verse are staggering!)

     (John 3:16-18)     


   "For by GRACE you have been saved (from your sins and from Hell)

     through faith (in Jesus Christ),

     and that not of yourselves;

     it is the gift of God,   (‘Grace’ is getting something we don’t deserve…we can't earn this gift)

     NOT of works,   (we can’t and won’t enter Heaven through any “good deeds” we have done)

     lest anyone should boast."   (We are told it’s a gift from God … we just have to receive it.)

     (Ephesians 2:8)       (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)       (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture") 



Finding Hope and Comfort  In Times of Trouble >>>


God's Promise  >>>


What Happens Next?  Heaven or Hell ... >>>


Prophecies of the Messiah  >>>


Prophecies of Messiah's Return  >>>


Prophecies of the Coming 'Rapture'  >>>


Prophecies of the Coming Apocalypse and Armageddon  >>>


A Remarkable Mathematical Prophecy ... Messiah Revealed  >>>  


Another Remarkable Mathematical Prophecy ... Israel Back As A Nation >>


More  Prophecies >>>



For daily news updates go to www.alphanewsdaily.com . . .



Grace and Shalom,


