

Alpha News Daily

Weekly News Update



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This weekly news update is being sent because the Bible tells us to know the prophecies and to "watch" for their fulfillment (which can only be done by learning and knowing what is going on around the world) ... yet, many churches and synagogues today ignore and deny Bible prophecy (which in itself is a major fulfillment of Bible prophecy) ...


 Now, a short Bible prophecy lesson to help show how close we are ...


  + Israel back in the Land as a nation   (this started the clock ticking ...)

  + Iran and allies threatening war against Israel

  + Russia rising ... and acting as a 'guard' for Iran

  + China armed with weapons capable of quickly destroying 1/3 of mankind

  + Nations of the ancient Roman Empire (Europe?) reuniting and rising in power

  + Teachings of false 'Prophets' leading many

  + A Generation 'morally corrupt' and 'filled with violence'  

     (The Bible uses the word 'corrupt' -  like smelly, rotting meat)

  + 'The falling away'... churches and synagogues no longer teaching or enduring sound doctrine

  + Israel and Jerusalem . . . trouble, troubles, and more trouble 

  + All nations turning against nation Israel . . .                 

  = The Generation of the ... Rapture ... the 'Apocalypse' ... Armageddon ... and Messiah's Return.


For the first time in history this prophetic 'equation' is nearly complete . . . and all in this generation!!! 



That Tiny Red 'Dot' is Israel ... God warns, 'Israel is His'...'Allah' and his vast armies (green) keep trying to prove Him wrong

The 'God of Israel' and the Bible . . .  or . . . 'Allah' and the Koran . . . The Bible Warns One Is True . . .  and One Is False

The coming Battle of Armageddon ('Hill of Megiddo')  . . .  Armageddon lies right in the center of that tiny Red 'Dot'

"I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you". . .  (Genesis 12:3)


God's Promise  ...

--Alpha News Daily     (God's Promise ...) 


Finding Hope and Comfort  In Times of Trouble ...

--Alpha News Daily     (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...)


The ASSURANCE of Life In Heaven ... It's NOT Too Late!!! 

--Alpha News Daily    (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


God Has Given Everyone Going To Heaven "Gifts" and "Talents" To Help The Church ... What Are You Doing?

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church      (Prophecies:  The coming "Rapture"...)     (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


We Have To Fight Against Our "Prideful" Tendencies ... (Audio-Video)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church     (Bible prophecies describing 'The Generation of Armageddon')     (From the Bible:  Who is Satan?) 


Striding Against The Current To Be Saved ... Living In A Culture Hostile To God ... (Audio-Video)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church      (Prophecies:  The coming "Rapture"...)      (God's Promise ...) 


Christians Should Act (and Speak) The Same Around Christians AND Non-Christians ... (Audio-Video)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church      (Prophecies:  The coming "Rapture"...)     (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


Messiah's Return FOR Those Who Wait ... Then WITH Those Who Wait ... War & Peace ... (Audio)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church      (Prophecies:  The coming "Rapture"...)         (Prophecies of Messiah's Return ...) 


Taming Your Tongue ... God's Wisdom and God's Word ... (Audio-Video)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church      (God's Promise ...)      (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


Knowledge Is Useless Until We Know The Real Meaning Of "Fear God"... (Audio-Video)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church      (God's Promise ...)      (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


Significance (and Facts) Concerning The Resurrection ... (Audio-Video)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church    (Prophecies of Messiah from the ancient Jewish Scriptures ...)      (Prophecies of Messiah's Return ...)


The Names Of Messiah (Christ) ... His Names And Titles Help Show Who He Is ... (Audio-Video)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church    (Prophecies of Messiah from the ancient Jewish Scriptures ...)      (Prophecies of Messiah's Return ...)


The Deity of Messiah (Christ) ... Study of Messiah (Christ) From Scripture ... (Audio-Video)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church   (Prophecies of Messiah from the ancient Jewish Scriptures ...)      (Prophecies of Messiah's Return ...)


You'll Never Make It Into Heaven By Trusting In YOUR Goodness ... (Audio-Video)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church      (God's Promise ...)      (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


Turn Back To God (Repent) And Trust In Messiah To Be Saved ... (Audio-Video)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church      (God's Promise ...)      (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


The Mystery In Who God Saves From Hell ... HE Made Us ... HE Sets The Rules ... (Audio-Video)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church      (God's Promise ...)      (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


Four Biblical Reasons WHY You ... Or Your Family ... Or Your Friends ... Just Don't Get It ... (Audio)

--Compass Bible Church/Focal Point Radio        (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!   UPDATED)


This Week's News Headlines . . .

(In times of trouble ... Trust in the Lord, draw near to Him, earnestly pray for His guidance and direction, and seek His Will in your life.) 


"Our Daily Bread" ... God's Word ... Read Through The Bible In 2011 ... Daily List and Index  

--Alpha News Daily     (Daily Bible Verses ... Daily List and Index)


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

First the Pharisees (the "religious" Jews who knew the Law but followed doctrines and "traditions" of men) came to test Messiah ...


   "Then the Pharisees went and plotted how they might entangle Him (Jesus ... Yeshua) in His talk.  

     And they sent to Him their disciples with the Herodians, saying,

   "Teacher, we know that You are true,

     and teach the way of God in truth;

     nor do You care about anyone,

     for You do not regard the person of men.  

   "Tell us, therefore, what do You think?

     Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?"  

     But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said,

   "Why do you test Me, you hypocrites?  

   "Show Me the tax money."

     So they brought Him a denarius.  

     And He said to them,

   "Whose image and inscription is this?"  

     They said to Him, "Caesar's."

     And He said to them,

   "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's,

     and to God the things that are God's."  

     When they had heard these words, they marveled,

     and left Him and went their way."

     (Matthew 22:15-22)


Mysterious "Pale Rider" Horse-Like Image Appears In Egyptian Riot Video ... Questions Rise About The Apocalypse

--WND     (Prophetic Warning Signs:   "Apocalypse" ... We will know when we are close)        (Prophecies: The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)     We don't know if the apparition-like images at the end of this video are real or not ... but we do know two of Satan's great strategies (and tactics) are "deception" and "imitation" (counterfeits) ... however, the interest in this video does remind us "the time draws near."


Just after warning His disciples the Jewish Temple would be destroyed (prophetically fulfilled 38 years later in 70 AD),

Jesus (Yeshua) prepares us for other future and terrible events which are coming upon Israel and the whole Earth  ...


   "Now as He (Jesus ... Yeshua) sat on the Mount of Olives,

     the disciples came to Him privately, saying,

   "Tell us, when will these things be?   

     And what will be the sign of Your coming,

     and of the end of the age?"  

     And Jesus answered and said to them:

   "Take heed that no one deceives you.      (Learn the Scriptures ... know the Scriptures ... Jesus warns of "deception")

     For many will come in My Name, saying, 'I am the Messiah (Christ),'

     and will deceive many.  

     And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.

     See that you are not troubled;

     for all these things must come to pass,

     but the end is not yet.  

     For nation ("ethnos") will rise against nation,

     and kingdom (nation) against kingdom.

     And there will be famines, pestilences (deadly diseases),

     and earthquakes in various places.    (He clearly warns neither Mankind nor the Church will ever solve these problems)

     All these are the beginning of sorrows ("birth pangs"). 

     Then they will deliver you (believing Christians) up to tribulation and kill you,

     and you (believing Christians) will be hated by all nations

     for MY Name's sake.  

     And then many will be offended,

     will betray one another, and will hate one another.  

     Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.    (Like Mohammed/Muslims ... and Joseph Smith/Mormons)

     And because lawlessness will abound,    (A generation ignoring, mocking, and opposing God's Law in the Bible ...)

     the love of many (for God and Messiah) will grow cold.   

     BUT he who endures to the end SHALL be saved.     (From the darkness and torment of Hell ... and the "Apocalypse")

     And this Gospel ("Good News") of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world

     as a witness to all the nations (gentiles),      (God's Word ... Messiah ... will be "a Light unto the Gentiles"... Isaiah 49:6)

     and THEN the end will come.  

     Therefore when you see the 'abomination of desolation,' spoken of by Daniel the prophet,   (Prophecies:  The coming Antichrist)

     standing in the Holy place" (whoever reads, let him understand),       (A new Jewish Temple will be built in Jerusalem!)

     then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.   (He is warning His brethren in Israel and Jerusalem  ...)

     Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house.  

     And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes.   (Armageddon is triggered by the World against Israel ...)

     But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days!

     And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath.  

     For then there will be Great Tribulation,        (Prophecies: The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon) 

     such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time,

     no, nor ever shall be.  

     And unless those days were shortened,

     no flesh (on Earth) would be saved;

     but for the elect's (the children of Israel's) sake those days will be shortened.  

     Then if anyone says to you,

     'Look, here is the Messiah (Christ)!' or 'There!' do not believe it.  

     For false messiahs (christs) and false prophets will rise

     and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.   (The Antichrist will perform "miracles")


     Therefore if they say to you, 'Look, He is in the desert!' do not go out;

     or 'Look, He is in the inner rooms!' (in the coming Jewish Temple)

     do not believe.  

     For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west,

     so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."    (See the "Son of Man" prophecies of Messiah in the book of Daniel ...)

     (Matthew 24: 2-26)


Here we find the sweeping scope of the prophecies Jesus revealed.  As we look closely at these verses, we find there are three specific divisions of the future addressed:


1. "Tell us, when will these things be?"

This question refers to the prophecy Jesus had just given concerning the destruction of the Temple (Matthew 24:2). We find the prophecies which answer this question reported and outlined in Luke’s report of this prophetic discourse (see Luke 19:41-44).


2. "And what will be the sign of Your coming"

This question refers to the signs which will be given and the events which would take place before He returns "as a thief in the night," sometimes called the "Rapture," in order to shelter and protect those who believe (and place all their trust) in Him and still wait for Him in faith from those awesome and terrible events which will strike the world during that coming period of time Jesus calls the "Great Tribulation."     (Prophecies:  The "Rapture"... Jew and Gentile ... don't be "left behind")


3. "And of the end of the Age?"

This question refers to the signs and events which would take place before Jesus returns the second time, not as a "thief in the night," but when every eye "will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."  These will be the signs and events that will take place during that period of time Jesus calls the "Great Tribulation."  This upcoming period of time called the "Great Tribulation" is given many names in the Bible and refers to the awesome events which will take place during a 3½ year period of time which represents the last half of a very specific 7 year period of time also known as the prophetic 70th Week of Daniel (a week of years = 7 years. See Daniel 9:24-).  In the Book of Revelation (also known as the Book of the Apocalypse), John lists and details the awesome and terrible events which will strike suddenly and sweep over the Earth.  The 7 years will start with a man who will rise to power first over 10 nations which once were part of the ancient Roman Empire (Europe?), and then over the whole world.  This coming world leader (the Antichrist) will enforce some treaty with Israel for a period of 7 years. Halfway through his enforcement of this treaty, or exactly 3½ years later (using prophetic 360 day years), this "man" (who will perform miracles and will be looked at by the world as the Messiah) will stand in the holiest place or room in a new Jewish Temple which will be built in Jerusalem and command that the world worship him as God.  This event is technically and prophetically called the "abomination of desolation," and at that moment God will begin to pour out His wrath on an arrogant, unbelieving, and violent world, night and day, for exactly 3½ years, or exactly 1,260 days, during which most of the world will be utterly destroyed, "And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved."  After all these things take place, Jesus, the true Messiah (Christ), will then return.       (Prophecies: The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)        (Prophecies of Messiah's Return ...)


Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) warns that NEVER in the history of Mankind has there been anything as terrible on Earth as the coming Apocalypse, the "Great Tribulation"... only a small remnant of the world will survive.


European Hostility Against Open Demonstrations Of Christian Faith Growing ...

--WND      (Prophecies:  10 Nations of the ancient Roman Empire WILL REUNITE and rise in great power)     (Prophecies:  The coming Antichrist)


France and Germany Prepare To Submit New Rules For European Union ...

--Pravda  (Russia)     (Prophecies:  10 Nations of the ancient Roman Empire WILL REUNITE and rise in great power)      (Prophecies:  The Antichrist)


MSNBC To Air "President Of The World" TV Special Highlighting Bill Clinton ...

--Drudge/MSNBC       (Prophecies:  The coming Antichrist)


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

Then the Sadducees (the "liberal" Jewish leaders more concerned in pleasing "man" than in pleasing God) came to test Messiah ....


   "The same day the Sadducees,

     who say there is no resurrection,

     came to Him and asked Him,  

     saying: "Teacher, Moses said that if a man dies, having no children,

     his brother shall marry his wife and raise up offspring for his brother.  

    'Now there were with us seven brothers.

     The first died after he had married,

     and having no offspring, left his wife to his brother.  

     Likewise the second also, and the third, even to the seventh.  

     Last of all the woman died also.  

     Therefore, in the resurrection,

     whose wife of the seven will she be

     For they all had her.' 

     Jesus (Yeshua) answered and said to them,

    'You are mistaken,

     not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.  

     For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage,

     but are like angels of God in heaven.  

     But concerning the resurrection of the dead,

     have you not read what was spoken to you by God, saying,  

    'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'?

     God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.'  

     And when the multitudes heard this, they were astonished at His teaching.

     (Matthew 22:23-33)


When People Ask "Why Did God Let This Happen" or "Where Was God"...

--WND/Greg Laurie     (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...)     (God's Promise ...)  


Islamics Use Egyptian Protests To Slaughter 11 Christian Family Members (Including Children) In Egypt ...

--WND/INN    (ISLAM'S VIOLENCE ... "Allah" vs. The Word of God)     (Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)     (Prophecies:  The coming Antichrist)


Obama Friends Helped Provoke Chaos In Egypt ... Ayers-Dorhn Began Stirring Trouble Months Before Crisis

--WND     (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)      (Bible prophecies describing 'The Generation of Armageddon' ... includes "TRAITORS") 


Obama to Egyptian Army:  Remove Mubarak Now ... Start "Transition"

--Debkafile    (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)  ("Transition" to Islamic Muslim Brotherhood (with Russia-Iran) in control ... HOWEVER, It does NOT appear Egypt will be among the Russia-Iran-Turkey-Armenia-Sudan-Libya (Northern Africa) led armies who will invade Israel in Ezekiel 38-39 ... though (like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait) Egypt will do nothing to help Israel or to stop the invasion) ... yet, there are significant prophetic events concerning Egypt-Israel which are still future according to Bible prophecy.)


Egypt Now Fears Obama Is A "Manchurian President"...

--WND    (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)    The same Muslim Brotherhood whom Obama embraces (and whose leaders were just recently in Iran with ElBaradei for briefings) assassinated Egyptian president Anwar Sadat ... and one of the founders of al-Qaida (Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri ... #2 in al-Qaida) is an Egyptian whose Islamic Jihad (pre-al Qaida) was an "off-shoot" of the Muslim Brotherhood ...


Now, if you consider the Muslim Brotherhood (in Egypt) and Obama's Democrat Party leadership (in the US) are both loyal to Russia ... and Russia is currently the dark fountain from which all global Socialists (aka "Leftists"-"Marxists"-"Communists") and Islamic "Jihadists" now draw their power, instructions, strategies, weapons, strength, encouragement, scripts, and timing ... you may come to the conclusion that our Democrat Party leadership policies do not reflect "confusion" or "ignorance"... but they do reflect a very real and well-coordinated (and methodical) global plan for "change."    (Prophecies:  The coming Antichrist)       (Prophecies ... Believing Christians will be hated)


Earlier:  "Is al-Qaida a Russian Proxy?" ... (From A Former Russian KGB Officer)

--JRNyquist      (From an interview with high-ranking Russian KGB defector Litvinenko shortly before he was assassinated (silenced) by Russia's KGB in Britain ... the KGB officer suspected of leading the Russian KGB assassination team against Litvinenko in Britain has since been "elected" to the Russian Duma which provides him with immunity from extradition.)


Obama Stands By Muslim Brotherhood Endorsement ...

--Israel Nat'l News    (Bible prophecies describing 'The Generation of Armageddon' ... includes "TRAITORS")    If Mubarak is the dictator Obama claims why did he allow the Muslim Brotherhood so much freedom and power ... and why does Obama openly support other Marxist and Islamic dictators who allow no opposition?  Whether Mubarak stays or goes the US has lost him (and Egypt) as an ally.  Barack Hussein Obama is no friend of freedom ... and no friend of Israel ... and no friend of America. 


Pray for Israel.  Israel must return to God ... listen to the prophets ... and embrace Her Messiah.     (Prophecies of Messiah from the ancient Jewish Scriptures ...)      (Prophecies of Messiah's Return ...)


Muslim Brotherhood's Message ... Same As Hamas ..."Kill Jews"

--DavidHocking.org      (Prophecies:  The "Rapture"... Jew and Gentile ... don't be "left behind")      (Prophecies: The 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon) 


Muslim Brotherhood:  Prepare Egyptians For War Against Israel ...

--NewsMax       (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem (and Gaza) AFTER becoming a nation in 1948) 


Egypt's New VP Says Muslim Brotherhood Invited To Meet With Government ...

--Jerusalem Post     (Prophecies ... Christians will be hated)      (ISLAM'S VIOLENCE ... Compare Allah to the Word of God)    The Muslim Brotherhood has been behind many of the brutal, bloody, and deadly attacks against Christians in Egypt ...


Separate Whirlwinds Demolish Two Middle-East Figures In One Day ...

--Debkafile      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)       (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war ... and will attack and invade Israel)   Many people might fail to notice Obama (and the leaders of the Democrat Party) are trying hard to give control of the globally strategic SUEZ Canal to Russia and Iran through the Muslim Brotherhood (just as pro-Islam Jimmy Carter (Democrat) gave the strategic Panama Canal to China) ...


Whoever controls the Suez Canal controls strategic military (and commercial) transport to much of the Middle-East and the world.  Our US Navy aircraft carrier task forces have to use the Suez Canal.  Obama and his Party are purposefully putting our nation and allies at great risk ... and are quietly allowing Russia and Iran build a "siege wall" around our ally Israel.  All we are now seeing greatly strengthens and empowers Russia and Iran's strategic positions surrounding Israel ... and don't forget both Iran and Russia already have military forces stationed in Sudan.


NOTE:  It does NOT appear Egypt will be among the Russia-Iran-Turkey-Armenia-Sudan-Libya (Northern Africa) led coalition of nations who will invade Israel in Ezekiel 38-39 ... though (like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait) Egypt will do nothing to help Israel or to stop the invasion) ... yet, there are significant prophetic events concerning Egypt-Israel which are still future according to Bible prophecy.)


Israel's Netanyahu Warns "Regime Change In Egypt A Gateway To Iran"...

--Israel Nat'l News   


Iranian Hamas Stirring Up Violence In Egypt ...

--DavidHocking.org      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)       (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war ... and will invade Israel) 


Iran's "Supreme Leader" Ayatollah Khamenei "Satisfied" With Egyptian Unrest ..."Sign of Islamic Awakening"

--Ynet News      (Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise ...)      (Prophecies:  The coming Antichrist)      (Who is Satan ... what does the Bible say?) 


Iranian Hizbullah-Hamas Unit Breaks Out 22 Hizbullah and Muslim Brotherhood Terrorists From Egyptian Jail ...

--Debkafile       (Prophecies:  "GAZA will be forsaken" ...)      (They escaped to Gaza ... which Bush-Rice pressured Israel to "forsake".)


Iran Sees "New Egypt" As Part Of Islamic Revolution ...

--Israel Nat'l News      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies ... False Prophets would rise and lead many)     Remember, Jimmy Carter (Democrat) SUPPORTED Iran's "Ayatollah" revolution ...


Israel's Netanyahu Speaks About Regime Change In Egypt ...

--DavidHocking.org      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)   


Soros:  "The Main Stumbling Block Is Israel"...

--NewsMax    (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies ... Israel AFTER becoming a nation in 1948) 


From Israel:  Whether Democrats or Autocrats ... Arab Nations Will Continue To Hate Israel

--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick      (Prophecies ... Israel and Jerusalem (and Gaza) AFTER becoming a nation in 1948) 


From Israel:  Clueless in Washington ... Washington Ignoring Danger Of Muslim Brotherhood Gaining Power

--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick      (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)   


Protests "Snowball" And Knock Over Jordan's Government ... King Dismisses Prime-Minister

--DavidHocking.org     (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)    (Lebanon ... Syria ... Jordan ... "Palestine"... Gaza ... and Egypt ... a "siege wall" around nation Israel is being built by Russia and Iran.)     (Prophecies ... Israel AFTER becoming a nation in 1948) 


US Senator John Kerry (Democrat) Urges Egypt's Mubarak To Step Aside ...

--BBC News    (Bible prophecies describing 'The Generation of Armageddon' ... includes "TRAITORS")    (Simply study John Kerry's public record and transcripts of the Congressional hearings during the Vietnam war for which he provided "testimony" against our soldiers (which was proven false) and you will find a man whose loyalties do not lie with America, but are guided by enemies far away ...)


Earlier:  Science Of Subversion ... Russian KGB Techniques In America ... Bribery, Blackmail, Violence, Death

--JR Nyquist     (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia and allies will invade Israel) 


Ireland Expels Russian Diplomat After Finding Russia Stealing Irish Citizen Identities For Russian Spies ...

--AFP     (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)     (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, and allies will go to war ... and will attack and invade Israel) 


Former Sec'y of State Madeleine Albright (Democrat) Says Egypt’s Future Lies in Unified Opposition ...

--NewsMax    (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)     (Bible prophecies describing 'The Generation of Armageddon' ... includes "TRAITORS")   Clinton's Sec'y of State Madeleine Albright was born in Soviet-Czechoslovakia and her real name is "Marie Jana Korbelová"... she now speaks fluent Russian and her family was approved by the Soviet KGB for travel to the West for "Christian" reasons (while the KGB was imprisoning real believing Christians) ...  yet, this same "Christian" after visiting Sudan during the Democrat Clinton Administration warned her staff to keep silent over the fact it was Christians who were being massively slaughtered by the Russia-backed Islamic regime (close to 2 million have died under the onslaught) ... she also approved of giving China and our enemies our military and technology secrets.  Her logic for aiding and abetting our enemies was if we helped our enemies become our equals militarily "they would no longer be afraid of us" and we could all be friends. 


Warning Against The "Progressive"- Islam Axis ...

--WND/Ellis Washington     (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)   (Remember, for many years the "Progressive" (aka "Socialist"-"Leftist"-"Marxist"-"Communist") global slogan has been "USE Democracy" to destroy Democracy.)


Russia's President Medvedev Wishes Mubarak Peaceful End To Egyptian Crisis ...

--Russia News      (Prophecies:  "In the last days"..."Evil men will wax worse and worse"..."DECEIVING and BEING DECEIVED")


From Israel:  Could US Abandon Israel Too?

--Ynet News        (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia and allies will invade Israel)      The Bible warns "at the time of the end" (around the time of the coming "Apocalypse" and Armageddon (also called the "Time of Jacob's (Israel's) Trouble"- Jeremiah 30:7) ALL NATIONS (including the US) will unite (united nations?) and turn against Israel (Zechariah 14:1-2 ... Joel 3:1-2 ... Revelation 16:13-16) ... but, it is heart-wrenching to see it happening ... it is like watching the water receding from the beach just before a great and terrible tidal wave strikes.  Remember ... Armageddon is in Israel.  Also remember ... through the return of Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) ... Israel WINS ... and will rule over the nations in peace.  


Unheralded Christian Leader Pivotal To Herzl’s Work In Helping To Establish Modern Israel Recognized ...

--Jerusalem Post     (As with many humble men of God he died unknown and impoverished ... with a great reward waiting in Heaven.)


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

Then, one more test by the Pharisees ...


   "But when the Pharisees heard that He had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together.  

     Then one of them, a lawyer,

     asked Him a question, testing Him,

     and saying,  

    'Teacher, which is the great Commandment in the Law?"  

     Jesus said to him,

    'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart,

     with all your soul, and with all your mind.'  

     This is the first and great Commandment.  

     And the second is like it:

    'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'  

     On these two Commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."

     (Matthew 22:34-40)


THEN, Messiah silences them with a question of His own testing their knowledge of God's Word against the doctrines of men ...


   "While the Pharisees were gathered together,

     Jesus asked them, saying,

    'What do you think about the Messiah (Christ)?

     WHOSE Son is He?'

     They said to Him,

    'The Son of David.'  

    'He (Jesus) said to them,

    'How then does David in the Spirit call Him 'Lord,' saying:  

    'The LORD said to my Lord,

   "Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool" '?  

   "If David then calls Him 'Lord,' how is He his Son?"   (Think Jewish ... a son could never be called "Lord" by a father or  grandfather)

     And no one was able to answer Him a word,

     nor from that day on

     did anyone dare question Him anymore."

     (Matthew 22:41-46)


Obama's Secret "START" Treaty Deal:  U.S. Agrees To Give Britain's Nuclear Weapon Secrets To Russia ...

--Drudge/London Telegraph     (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)


Obama Signs START Treaty in Relative Privacy ... (Drastically Reducing Our Nuclear Weapon Deterrent)

--Fox News     (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)   


US and Russia Launch "Nuclear Arms Reduction" (START) Pact ...

--AFP  (France)     (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia, Iran, and allies will invade Israel)     Obama and the Democrats feverishly rushed this "Treaty" through just hours before losing their majority in the House.  The Democrat Party's DEFENSE policies now follow the global Socialist (aka "Leftist"-"Marxist"-"Communist"-"Soviet") doctrines and strategies of weakening, crippling, and destroying America's military and national defense ... NOT strengthening it.


Simply step back and watch ... EVERY Democrat Party (Socialist-Marxist ideology) defense policy now weakens our Military's ability to protect and defend us ... and strengthens Russia and China (and their Islamic allies) ability to attack and destroy us.


From Russia:  START Treaty Won't Keep Russia From Developing New Advanced "Bulava" Nuclear Missiles ...

--Russia News      (Prophecies:  Russia and allies will go to war ... and will invade Israel)  


Earlier:  New Russian Submarine-Based "Bulava" Nuclear Missile Could Be Modified For Ground Launches ...

--Russia News Agency      (Prophecies:  The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)


Earlier: Russia's Strategic Nuclear Missile Forces To Upgrade Topol-M With Advanced Multiple-Warhead RS-24

--Russia News Agency      (Prophecies:  Russia and allies will go to war ... and will invade Israel)      (Prophecies: The 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)


Earlier:  New Advanced Russian Land-Based Nuclear Missile ("Topol") Hits Target At Range In Kazakhstan ...

--Russia News Agency      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)


Earlier:  Russia's Strategic Nuclear Missile Forces Conduct Large-Scale Drills ...

--Russia News Agency    (Prophecies:  The US will be "neutralized" ... then Russia and allies will invade Israel)    (The 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon)


Earlier:  Russia's Zhirinovsky Calls For A Nuclear Attack Against Japan ... and For Re-Occupying Alaska

--Moscow Times     (Prophecies:  Russia and allies will go to war ... and  will invade Israel)   Vladimir Zhirinovsky ("Mad Vlad") is now Deputy Speaker of Russia's Parliament (Duma).


Why Is China Building So Many Eerie "Ghost Cities"... Google Earth Reveals New Cities Completely Empty

--WND       (Prophecies:  China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)        (This could be useful in preparing for a major nuclear war ... )


China and Turkey Ready For More Joint Military Exercises ...

--Middle-East Newsline    (Prophecies:  Russia, TURKEY, and allies will invade Israel)     (Prophecies:  China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)    (Since Turkey is in NATO and has a NATO trained and integrated military China will be given knowledge and practice in defeating NATO's tactics and defenses ... and since China and Russia are close allies Russia will also receive critical NATO defense secrets and information.)


Syria and Turkey Lay Foundation Of "Friendship Dam"... Relations Warmed After Syrian Leader's Visit In 2004

--Russia News      (Prophecies ... Damascus-SYRIA will be utterly destroyed)     (Prophecies:  Russia, Iran, TURKEY, and allies will invade Israel ...)


China's Military and Defense "Copy Machine" Eyes Europe Military "Cooperation"...

--Pravda  (Russia)      (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)


Indian-Born Engineer Who Worked On B-2 Bomber Sentenced For Spying... Gave China Stealth Fighter Secrets

--World Tribune/East-Asia Intel       (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)         (Prophecies:  China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)


China Maneuvers For U.S. Defense Contracts ... Same Chinese Company Makes China's New Stealth Fighter

--Fox News       (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)         (Prophecies:  China and allies will destroy 1/3 of mankind)


Sec'y of Defense Robert Gates' Destruction Of The U.S. Military ...

--WND/Maj. General Patrick Brady        (Bible prophecies describing 'The Generation of Armageddon' ... includes "TRAITORS") 


Mammoth Winter Storm Leaves Bitter Cold, Snow, and Destruction ...

--Drudge/AP     (Bible Prophecies:  Global "WEATHER FORECAST" around the time of "ARMAGEDDON" ...) 



Note:  Many people today do not know whether or not they (or their loved ones) will go to Heaven.  Many have not been adequately (or honestly) taught what the Bible actually says and teaches ...


   "For God so loved the world

     that He GAVE His only begotten Son,

     that whoever BELIEVES (trusts) in Him      (to trust in Jesus alone to save us from our sins and from Hell)

     should NOT perish (in Hell)

     but have everlasting life (in Heaven).

     For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,

     but that the world through Him might be saved (into Heaven).

     He who believes in Him is not condemned (to Hell);

     but he who does not believe (in Jesus Christ)

     IS condemned (to Hell) ALREADY"    (There will be no second chance for any who ignore or mock what God did for us on the Cross.)

     (John 3:16-18)       (Jesus greatly LOVED us to save us from Hell ... all God asks is that we love Him for all He has done for us.)


For the ASSURANCE of Life in Heaven (and of having ALL of your sin and guilt completely removed) . . . A.C.T. NOW!!! 


-  Acknowledge you are a sinner ... and have sinned against God's Law

-  Confess your sins to God

-  Trust (believe) completely in Jesus Christ  (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) ...

     -  He (lovingly and willingly) died for all of your sins on the Cross ... and His innocent blood washes away ALL our sins

     -  He was buried ... 

     -  He was raised (Resurrected) from the dead the third day ... and now waits to see if you are "with" Him or "against" Him

-  Turn back to God ... and turn away from sinful activities ("repent") ... He will welcome you with tears of joy.


If you do these things … sincerely and in faith … the Bible promises you can have the complete assurance of eternal life in Heaven.  The Bible tells us Jesus (Yeshua) did all the work for you when He bore all of your sins and died on the Cross ... and was buried ... and was raised (resurrected) from the dead (as "firstfruits" of the coming Resurrection) through the awesome power of God.  The Bible says you can’t add anything to it!!!  When you believe and trust in (and love) Jesus Christ as your "Savior" (who lovingly saves you from your sins and from Hell) ... and then turn away from your sinful ways and turn back to God ("repent"), you can have the complete peace and assurance in your heart that when you die, you will enter into His Kingdom of Heaven ... forever and ever it’s God’s Promise!!! 


The only thing God asks a NON-believer to do is to "believe"... Jesus (God) did ALL the work ... life in Heaven is OFFERED as a GIFT!!! 



Please Remember . . .


The Kingdom of Heaven is available to every man, woman, boy, and girl in this world, no matter who they are, where they live, how old they are, or what sins they have committed.  It is freely offered to any and all who will receive it.  That is the "Good news" ('gospel' in Greek.)  Simply learn of Jesus (Yeshua), the promised Messiah, invite Him into your life as Lord, believe He died on the Cross for all of your sins and rose from the grave (proving there is a Kingdom of Heaven ... and a Hell).  Learn of Him and believe in Him . . . for He was the only one who has ever loved you enough to substitute Himself for you on the Cross.  He shed His blood, suffered, and died on the Cross to pay for your sins and to save you from your sins and from the utter loneliness, darkness, and torment of Hell, if you will accept it, believe it, and trust in it ... it's God's Promise!!!


The only unpardonable sin is to reject God's love and His free offer of life in the Kingdom of Heaven by rejecting Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) who stepped forth from Eternity ("from of old, from everlasting"... see Micah 5:2) ... not to condemn the sinner, but to save the sinner (from the torment of Hell) and who willingly and lovingly shed His blood on the Cross so we can be washed clean of all our sins.  The Bible warns there will be no peace in our hearts or minds until we make peace with God through His Son, Jesus (Yeshua), the promised Messiah.  The Bible also warns there will be no peace in Israel, or on Earth, until Jesus (Yeshua), the Messiah returns ... (Prophecies...Messiah's Return)   


Grace and Shalom



Finding Hope and Comfort  In Times of Trouble >>>


God's Promise  >>>


The ASSURANCE of Life In Heaven ... It's NOT Too Late!!!  >>>


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