

Alpha News Daily

Weekly News Headlines




                                               world news  +  Bible Prophecy


BIBLE PROPHECY allows both the diligent and the skeptical to test God's Word.  The Bible is God's Word and He proves it by

including many, many detailed prophecies of events which would happen in the future.  Bible prophecy is also God's way of

warning ALL Mankind (whom He created) of the great danger which now lies ahead.  The Bible warns a single generation will see

the fulfillment of many extraordinary prophecies, beginning with Israel gathered back into her Land as a nation ... and ending with

the Rapture, Antichrist, Armageddon, and Messiah's Return.   We believe the generation the Bible warns about is alive today.  

We expect you to challenge this statement.  To do so, simply learn what the Bible says, study the news, study your history books

(to see if these things have or even could have happened before), pray for wisdom, and then decide.  Many prophecies are given so

we will return to God and draw close to Him before it's too late ... for God promises eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven for ALL

who will receive it through His promised Messiah - Jesus Christ in English ... Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew - called "Savior"

because as "the Lamb of God" He willingly bore all of our sins (and our guilt) while He suffered and died for us on that terrible Cross

as God lovingly gave His Son to bear the punishment for all our sins to save us from the utter darkness, aloneness, and torment of Hell..

He now "stands at the door and knocks" and your eternal destiny is determined by your decision to "receive" Him or "reject" Him.


                                               "The Message Found In The Bible is not trivial ...

                                                                            it is staggering!!! "








That Tiny Red 'Dot' is Israel ... God warns, 'Israel is His'...'Allah' and his vast armies (green) keep trying to prove Him wrong

The 'God of Israel' and the Bible . . .  or . . . 'Allah' and the Koran . . . The Bible Warns One Is True . . .  and One Is False

The coming Battle of Armageddon ('Hill of Megiddo')  . . .  Armageddon lies right in the center of that tiny Red 'Dot'

"I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you". . .  (Genesis 12:3)


God's Promise  ...

--Alpha News Daily     (God's Promise ...)   


The Book of Revelation - With Notes

--Alpha News Daily       (The Book of Revelation - With Notes)   


The Polarizing Effects of Jesus Christ ... Do You (Or Your Church) Avoid The "Jesus" Taught In The Bible? ... (Audio)

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church      (God's Promise ...)      (Prophecies:  Messiah (Christ) and Christians will be hated)


Hope For Today Radio Bible Studies ... (Audio)

--Hope For Today/DavidHocking.org       (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...)


More Helpful Bible Studies ... (Audio - Video) 

--Focal Point Radio/Compass Bible Church      (God's Promise ...)  


Daily Bible Reading ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List And Verses  

--Alpha News Daily     (Daily Bible Verses ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index) 


Daily Bible Reading ... Daily Verses ... 2012  

--Alpha News Daily     (Daily Bible Verses ... 2012)


This Week's News Headlines . . .

In times of trouble ... trust in the Lord ... draw near to Him ... earnestly pray for His guidance and direction ...  and seek His Will in your life.


Video:  Israel's "Women In Green" Sovereignty Conference ... Israeli Sovereignty Over Judea And Samaria  

--MiddleEastPeaceResearch.org   "I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you"... (Genesis 12:3)


In Ezekiel 37 God explains the re-gathering of the children of Israel will happen in TWO phases:  First, they will re-gather as a nation without the "breath" (Spirit) of life within them (without the love, faith, trust, and obedience to God's Word which is lovingly offered through the new Covenant prophesied in Jeremiah 31:31) ... and they will re-gather as a nation still divided between Israel and Judah represented by the "two sticks"...


In Zephaniah 2 God reveals GAZA is a key element in the final restoration of Israel (and the World) and He also describes TWO phases:  First, where GAZA (which lies in the land of Judah) will be "forsaken" by their brethren (Israel) who will force them to be "uprooted" which we are warned will kindle God's Wrath and lead them into the final "Day of the LORD'S Fierce Anger (Wrath)," which is also called "Time of Israel's (Jacob's) Trouble," the "Apocalypse (Revealing of Messiah)," and "The Great Tribulation."


In Ezekiel 37 we find AFTER this coming judgment upon Israel (when there will be no more "Homosexual Pride" parades through Jerusalem and not one single baby will be "aborted" ("passed through the fire") in the Land of Israel) ... then the "two sticks" (Israel and Judah) will once again be joined together as one nation under the reign of Messiah.


In Zephaniah 2 we find AFTER God destroys all of Israel's enemies and removes them out of Gaza (and from the land of Judah) then the children of Judah will be able to rest in their land and pasture their flocks in the fullness of peace and contentment.


   ‘Thus says the Lord GOD:

   “Surely I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim,

     and the tribes of Israel, his companions;

     and I will join them with it, with the stick of Judah,

     and make them ONE stick,

     and they will be one in My Hand.”’

     (Ezekiel 37:18-20)      (Prophecies: ISRAEL)


   "The seacoast shall be pastures,

     With shelters for shepherds and folds for flocks.

     The coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Judah;

     They (the remnant of the house of Judah) shall feed there flocks there (coastlands of Gaza);

     In the houses of Ashkelon they shall lie down at evening.

     The Lord their God will intervene for them,

     And return their captives."

     (Zephaniah 2:1-7)      (Prophecies: GAZA will be "forsaken"...)       (Prophecies:  MESSIAH'S RETURN)


First Jewish Homosexual-Lesbian Children's Book Published ...

--Jerusalem Post      (GOD'S LAWHOMOSEXUALITY)      (Prophecies: ISRAEL)      (Prophecies: ARMAGEDDON ..."The Time of Israel's (Jacob's Trouble")


Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) warns ...


   "Then Jesus (Yeshua) called a little child to him ...

     Whoever causes one of these little ones who believes in Me to sin,

     it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck

     and he were drowned in the depths of the sea.

     Woe to the world because of offenses, for offenses must come,

     but, WOE to that man (or woman) by whom the offense comes!"

     (Matthew 18:2,3-7)      ("Woe" is a terrible, terrible, terrible curse ... in this life ... or in Hell.)


Dramatic Lightning Hits St Peter's Hours After Pope Resigns ...

--Drudge/Daily Mail      (Prophecies:  The coming ANTICHRIST)


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

God's Word provides REAL hope  ...


    "We know that ALL things work together for good,

       to those who love God"      (ALL things ... not just some things or most things)

       (Romans 8:28)       (The Bible says all things work together for good ... only to those who love God)  


     "Let your requests be made know to God, with thanksgiving,

       and the peace of God,

       which surpasses all understanding

       will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."       (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...)

       (Philippians  4:6-7)    (Believing Christians are given a peace (even in the most difficult times) that is beyond understanding)


Possible Indication Of Nuclear Test ... USGS Detects Earthquake In North Korea

--Fox News      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA)      (Bible Prophecies:  CHINA)      (Prophecies: ARMAGEDDON)      RUSSIA and CHINA control North Korea's every move ... North Korea's first "Great Leader" was an officer in the Russian Army during WWII ... he was later transferred and placed in power over North Korea by RUSSIA.  For Russia WWII has never ended ... and will not end until they have defeated the US and the West including Israel.  With Russia, Iran, and China's "Dream Team" of Obama - Clinton - Panetta in power there will be military, economic, and domestic decisions made which will place our nation (and Israel) at risk and in great peril ... the war-planners in Russia, Iran, and China (and their allies) will not let this opportunity pass ...


North Korea Explodes Nuclear Bomb In Test ... Boasts It Is A New Powerful "Miniature" Nuclear Device

--Drudge/Reuters      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA)      (Bible Prophecies:  CHINA)      (Prophecies: ARMAGEDDON)      Remember ... after the Clinton-Gore campaign received money directly from China to help fund their re-election they illegally allowed top-secret strategic US rocket and nuclear missile technology to be transferred to China ... this illegal transfer of US missile and space technology has allowed China to quickly develop pin-point launch accuracy along with the ability to miniaturize nuclear-weapon payloads in order to integrate multiple independently targeted nuclear warheads on each missile.   (Prophecies:  The Bible's DESCRIPTION of the Generation of Armageddon includes ..."TRAITORS") 


From Israel:  North Korea and Iran ... Partners In Nuclear And Missile Programs

--Debkafile      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA and allies will go to war ... and will attack and invade Israel)      RUSSIA and China control NORTH KOREA and IRAN'S every move ... and Russia and China help North Korea and Iran prepare and deploy every "new" weapon design.  Stalin called Russian-bred allies such as Iran and North Korea "icebreakers" directed by Russia to weaken and distract the enemy ... another good term for Iran and North Korea would be well-trained and vicious "attack dogs" straining on the end of Russia (and China's) leash.


US Withdrawal From Europe-Based Missile-Defense Shield Will Impact Israel’s Defense ...

--Debkafile      (Prophecies:  US will be 'NEUTRALIZED' (Unwilling or Unable to help Israel) ... then RUSSIA and allies will invade Israel)      Russia has made it clear they do not want the US to develop a missile-defense shield ... and if you study the headlines over the past 4 years you will find Obama orders his Defense Department to do everything Russia wants ... the question is WHO is giving Obama his orders?


US Navy Unable To Refuel Aircraft Carrier Due To Budget Cuts ...

--Drudge/USNI.org      (Prophecies:  US will be 'NEUTRALIZED' (Unwilling or Unable to help Israel) ... then RUSSIA and allies will invade Israel)      Obama and the Democrat Party's ECONOMIC and DEFENSE policies are now directed by Socialist (Soviet-Russia) doctrines of weakening, crippling, and destroying America's national Economy and Defense ... NOT strengthening it.  Simply step back and watch ... every Democrat Party Defense and Economic policy now strengthens Russia-Iran-China's ability to attack and destroy us ... and weakens our Military's ability to protect and defend us (and our allies.)   (Prophecies:  The Bible's DESCRIPTION of the Generation of Armageddon includes ..."TRAITORS") 


From Russia: Russia Won't Cut Off Its Nose To Spite "Feeble America"...

--Pravda  (Russia)      (Prophecies:  US will be 'NEUTRALIZED' (Unwilling or Unable to help Israel) ... then RUSSIA and allies will invade Israel) 


Russian Nuclear Missile Sub Rejoins Russia’s Northern Fleet After Refit ... Holds 16 Nuclear Ballistic Missiles

--Debkafile      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA)      (Prophecies: ARMAGEDDON)      (Prophecies:  ISRAEL)     (Prophecies:  MESSIAH'S RETURN)


Russian Navy War Games In Mediterranean-Black Seas ... Russian Pilots Conduct Air Strike, Detect Naval Targets

--Russia News      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA and allies will go to war ... and will attack Israel) 


Chinese Warship Targets Japanese Vessel ...

--HalLindsey/Fox News      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Bible Prophecies:  CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of MANKIND ...)     


Russian Fighter Jets Breach Japan Airspace ...

--Drudge/AFP      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA and allies will go to war ... and will attack Israel) 


Russia-Japan Territory Dispute Heats Up As Fighter Jets Face Off ...

--Washington Times      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA and allies will go to war ... and will attack Israel) 


China-Japan Territory Dispute Steps Up ... Claims China Warship Locked Fire-Control Radar Onto Japanese Ship

--BBC News     (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Bible Prophecies:  CHINA and allies will DESTROY 1/3 of MANKIND ...)      Russia-China war planners appear to be placing Japan into the cross-hairs of their sites ...


North Korea Preps Road-Mobile ICBM Launcher For Upcoming Nuclear Test ...

--Drudge/Free Beacon      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA)      (Bible Prophecies:  CHINA)      (Prophecies: ARMAGEDDON)  


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

God's Word promises REAL hope  ...  


     "Do NOT worry (or be anxious) about anything,      (no matter how bad things might seem in your life ... trust in Him!!!)

       but pray about everything

       with thanksgiving"    (Wherever you look ... day or night ... you will find God's blessings in your life ... thank Him!!!)

       (Philippians 4:6)       (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")      (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)


    "Do NOT be anxious for tomorrow ..."

       (Matthew 6:34)     (Trust in the Lord ... draw near to Him ... earnestly pray for His guidance and direction ... and seek His Will in your life.)


     "For our citizenship is in HEAVEN,

       from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior,    (who saves us from our sins and from Hell)

       the Lord Jesus Christ"       (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew ... do you "eagerly" await His Return?)

       (Philippians 3:20)      (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)         (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture")


Florida Judge Approves Birth Certificate Listing Three Parents ... Two Lesbians And A Homosexual Man

--Drudge/Reuters      (GOD'S LAWHOMOSEXUALITY)      (Prophecies: DESCRIPTION of the Generation of Armageddon ... Morally "CORRUPT")      Today's generation will simply yawn at news such as this ... Yet, NO nation on Earth has ever survived after embracing homosexuality as an acceptable practice.  The Bible warns Sodom and Gomorrah were given as an example and as warnings of a terrible coming judgment.  Not since the deepest depravity of the ancient Roman Empire has Mankind so openly rebelled against and mocked God's Law ... Roman Emperor Nero (who also hated Christians) publicly "married" a homosexual man while dressed as the bride ...  (WARNING SIGNS of the "APOCALYPSE" ... "The Day of God's Fierce Anger and Wrath" ... we will KNOW when we are close)


God ALSO WARNS ALL who simply "APPROVE OF" those who practice homosexuality-lesbianism will be held just as guilty as those who actually do them ...


   "For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven      (Prophecies:  The coming "Apocalypse"..."The Day of God's Wrath")

     against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men ("mankind"... men and women) . . .

     For even their women exchanged the natural use

     for what is against nature (lesbianism).

     Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman,

     burning in their lust for one another,

     men with men committing what is shameful (homosexuality) . . .

     that those who practice these things are worthy of death (Hell),

     and not only those who do the same

     but ALSO (all those) who APPROVE of those who practice them!"

     (Romans 1:18, 26, 27, 32)     (The ASSURANCE of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!) 


Obama Nominates Openly Homosexual Lawyer for Patent Appeals Court ...

--NewsMax      (GOD'S LAWHOMOSEXUALITY)      (Prophecies: DESCRIPTION of the Generation of Armageddon ... Morally "CORRUPT") 


Public University (North Carolina State) Awards Adult Sex Toys As Prizes For School "Dirty Bingo" Event ...

--Drudge/CampusReform      (Prophecies:  The Bible's DESCRIPTION of the Generation of Armageddon ... Morally "CORRUPT")   


Illinois University Brings Porn Star Annie Sprinkle (Ellen Steinberg) To Teach Orgasm ...

--Drudge/CampusReform      (Prophecies:  The Bible's DESCRIPTION of the Generation of Armageddon ... Morally "CORRUPT")  


Mysterious Disease Leaving Philadelphia Women Catatonic, "Possessed" ...

--Drudge/CBS Local      (Prophecies:  DEADLY DISEASES will spread ...) 


Ohio Election Official (Democrat) Publicly Admits "I Voted Twice for Obama"...

--Drudge/Nat'l Review      (Prophecies:  "EVIL men will wax worse and worse" ... "DECEIVING and BEING DECEIVED")     


The father of modern (and American) "Socialism" Joseph Stalin told his followers ...


   - "The people who cast the votes decide nothing.

       The people who COUNT the votes decide everything."


"Socialism" IS a religion that despises God's Word and Biblical Christianity ... this is why Socialists and Islamics (and counterfeit Christians and rebellious Jews) are such natural allies ... Socialists writhe and hiss and froth at the mouth even at the mention of God's Name or God's Word ... Socialists have no "defined" set of rules for morality ... they are driven by arrogance, greed, hate, fear, anger, lust for power, and whatever "feels good" to them ...


Since their "conscience" has been "seared" (hardened or deadened) through rebellion against God's Word, they teach their "end" justifies their "means," which is why corrupt immorality, abortion, lies, treason, vote fraud, slander, intimidation, and violence are fully acceptable to them ...  they can also be easily convinced of the need to "silence" and "eliminate" those people and groups who oppose them.    (Prophecies:  The coming ANTICHRIST)      (Who is Satan ... an important Bible study) 


Earlier:  Another Obama Speech Writer to Depart for Hollywood ...

--Drudge/LA Times      (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      Joseph Goebbels was the German Socialist Party's (NAZI) "Minister of Propaganda"... Stalin was the teacher and Hitler was his pupil ... Stalin taught Hitler (and all Socialist dictators) the power of propaganda ("If you tell a lie loud enough and long enough people will believe it" ... "The bigger the lie the more they will believe it").


Joseph Stalin is the father of modern (and American) "Socialism" ...

He carefully taught his followers how to gain control over a nation ...

Here are a few of Stalin's "directives" ...


   - "The Press must grow day in and day out - it is OUR Party's sharpest and most powerful weapon."


   - "If I could control Hollywood, I would need nothing else to convert the entire World to Communism."


   -  "Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas."


   - "We don't let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?"


   - "If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves."


Did you know "Joseph Stalin" was NOT his real name but just a "stage name" he made up?  Joseph Stalin's real name was Ioseb Besarionis dze Dzhugashvili ... the name "Stalin" (which he gave himself) means "Man of Steel" in Russian.  (Who is Satan ... an important Bible study) 


Obama's Sec'y of Defense Nominee Said US Needs To "Reverse Optics" In Relationship With Israel ...

--DavidHocking.org      (Prophecies:  US will be 'NEUTRALIZED' (Unwilling or Unable To Help Israel) ... then RUSSIA and allies will invade Israel)


Earlier:  Has The Human Race Become Demonic ...

--Pravda  (Russia)      (Prophecies:  The Bible's DESCRIPTION of the Generation of Armageddon ... "VIOLENT"... Morally "CORRUPT")       As a note, the Bible warns as we get closer to Armageddon demonic spirit activity on Earth will rise sharply ...


American Christian Pastor In Iran Jail Fears Supporters Have Abandoned Him ...

--Fox News      (ISLAM vs THE WORD OF GOD)      (Prophecies:  The coming ANTICHRIST)      Yet, we allow Islamics to freely do and say whatever they like in our nation ... while our government stumbles all over itself trying to embrace and promote this religion of Darkness (instead of giving them an ultimatum that they will no longer be welcome in our nation until they stop jailing and executing Christians in their nations and global Islamic terrorism stops to the point we can once again freely meet or walk our loved ones to the gate of an airport) ...


When you study Islam you will find "mosques" are considered military outposts and all Muslims gathering at mosques are under command of the imam or sheikh (that's why it is so easy for them to order mobs to take to the streets) ... "imams" and "sheikhs" are also considered military ranks and are required to submit to higher ranks ... and the chain of command for ALL mosques now ultimately leads directly to either Saudi Arabia or Iran ... so ALL acts of Islamic terror can ultimately be traced to either Saudi Arabia or Iran (and directed by Russia).  (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Prophecies ... FALSE PROPHETS would rise and will lead many) 


Turkey's Prime Minister (Erdogan) quoted the following concerning Islam ...


    "The mosques are our barracks,

      the domes our helmets,

      the minarets our bayonets

      and Muslims our soldiers …”


In England (under the reign of Queen Elizabeth) over 6000 churches have now been turned into mosques ...


In England The British Parliament Votes To Legalize Homosexual Marriage ...

--HalLindsey/Guardian  (UK)      (GOD'S  WORD and GOD'S LAW HOMOSEXUALITY)      England once thrived and prospered when it faithfully bowed its knee to God's Word and Jesus Christ.  Under the reign of Queen Elizabeth the state-run Anglican Church has "fallen away" and darkness has risen over the land ...


NO nation on Earth has ever survived after embracing homosexuality as an acceptable practice ... the Bible warns Sodom and Gomorrah were given as an example and as warnings of a terrible coming judgment.  Not since the deepest depravity of the ancient Roman Empire has Mankind so openly rebelled against and mocked God's Law ... Roman Emperor Nero (who also hated Christians) publicly "married" a homosexual man while dressed as the bride ...  (WARNING SIGNS of the "APOCALYPSE" ... "The Day of God's Fierce Anger and Wrath" ... we will KNOW when we are close)


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com

God's Warning . . .


     "But WITHOUT faith

       it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him (God),

       for he who comes to God

       must believe that He IS,

       and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

       (Hebrews 11:6)


     "If any of you lacks wisdom (concerning your situation),

       let him ask of God,

       who gives to all liberally and without reproach,

       and it will be given to him.

       But let him ask in faith,

       with NO doubting,

       for he who doubts

       is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.

       For let not that man (the one who doubts)

       suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord"  

       (James 1:5-7)   (The ASSURANCE of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)       (GOD'S PROMISE ...)         (Prophecies ... The coming "RAPTURE")


American Christian Pastor Tortured In Iranian Prison ...

--WND      (ISLAM vs THE WORD OF GOD)      (VIDEO:  Short "YouTube" video of Obama lifting up his own Islamic (Muslim) roots and beliefs ...)      Yet, we allow Islamics to freely do and say whatever they like in our nation ... while our government stumbles all over itself trying to embrace and promote this religion of Darkness (instead of giving them an ultimatum that they will no longer be welcome in our nation until they stop jailing and executing Christians in their nations and global Islamic terrorism stops to the point we can once again freely meet or walk our loved ones to the gate of an airport) ...


When you study Islam you will find "mosques" are considered military outposts and all Muslims gathering at mosques are under command of the imam or sheikh (that's why it is so easy for them to order mobs to take to the streets) ... "imams" and "sheikhs" are also considered military ranks and are required to submit to higher ranks ... and the chain of command for ALL mosques now ultimately leads directly to either Saudi Arabia or Iran ... so ALL acts of Islamic terror can ultimately be traced to either Saudi Arabia or Iran (and directed by Russia).  (Prophecies ... WARS and rumors of war)      (Prophecies ... FALSE PROPHETS would rise and will lead many) 


This Week's Battle For Damascus ... Rebel Army ... Syrian Army ... Israel's Air Force ... and Iran

--Debkafile      (Prophecies:  ISRAEL)      (Prophecies:   SYRIA)      (Prophecies:  IRAN-RUSSIA)       (Prophecies:  MESSIAH'S RETURN)


Syria's Chemical Weapon Research Center Survives Israeli Strike ...

--Middle-East Newsline      (Prophecies:   SYRIA)      (Prophecies:  IRAN-RUSSIA)      (Prophecies: ARMAGEDDON)       (Prophecies:  The RAPTURE)


Iran Ambassador Caught On Video "High-Fiving" Female German MP ...

--Drudge/Telegraph  (UK)      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA, IRAN, GOMER (Germany-France) and allies will go to war ... and will attack Israel)      German Chancellor Angela Merkel herself served as Secretary of the "Agitation and Propaganda Department" of the Young Communists at Marx-Lenin University in East Berlin while growing up in East Germany under Soviet education and indoctrination.  (As a note, Russia's Vladimir Putin was once the powerful Russian KGB Commander over East Germany and he still speaks fluent German) ...


Earlier:  "Evil Americans vs Poor Mullahs"... Germany Siding With Iran Over the United States

--WND/Claus Malzahn/Der Spiegel      (Prophecies: 10 nations of the Roman Empire will reunite and rise in power)      (Prophecies...RUSSIA-IRAN)   Who actually won the 'Cold-War'?  For at least two decades the Socialist bumper-sticker has been 'Use Democracy to Destroy Democracy'... Gorbachev tore down the Berlin Wall ... then a generation of Russian-Marxist indoctrinated East Germans flooded the West German voter rolls ... pro-US German parties and politicians were quickly defeated ... and Germany swiftly turned toward Russia and away from the U.S. on all major global issues ... German Chancellor Angela Merkel herself served as Secretary of the "Agitation and Propaganda Department" of the Young Communists at Marx-Lenin University in East Berlin while growing up in East Germany under Soviet education and indoctrination.  (As a note, Russia's Vladimir Putin was once the powerful Russian KGB Commander over East Germany and he still speaks fluent German) ...


You will find 'Gomer' listed in this prophecy as one of the nations who will join the Russia-Iran led coalition of nations who will one-day attack and invade Israel.  The ancient Roman-Jewish historian Josephus tells us 'Gomer' is the land those (the Romans and Jews) called 'Galatians' were from.  The word 'Galatians' comes from 'Gaul' which we are told is the area around France and Germany.  Encyclopedias will also specify 'Gomer' as the area around Germany and France.  We also know the Galatians from the Apostle Paul's letter to the Galatians (written around 55 AD) ... we find from history an army of ancient Galatians left their homeland around Germany and France (Gaul) and (after a number of conquests and defeats) were brought over to the highlands of central Anatolia (now Turkey) as mercenaries around 300 BC (which is about 280 years after Ezekiel's prophecy was written), and there they formed their own 'colony' in an area the Jews and Romans called Galatia (which means 'Gaul of the East') and lived (and thrived) until the days of the Apostle Paul (Rabbi Shaul.)


Cyprus Joins 7 Other EU Members In Recognizing "Palestinian" State ... Upgrades Mission To Full Embassy

--Ynet  (Israel)      (Prophecies:  10 NATIONS of the ancient Roman Empire will REUNITE ... will rise in great power)      (Prophecies:  ANTICHRIST)


EU (European Union) Unlikely To Brand Hizbullah A Terrorist Organization ...

--DavidHocking.org      (Prophecies:  10 NATIONS of the ancient Roman Empire will REUNITE ... will rise in great power)      (Prophecies:  ANTICHRIST)


France And Germany Pressured Bulgaria NOT To Openly Name Hizbullah As The Group Behind Bus Bombing ...

--Israpundit      (Prophecies:  10 NATIONS of the ancient Roman Empire will REUNITE ... will rise in great power)      (Prophecies:  ANTICHRIST)


Iranian Hizbullah Moves Into South Lebanon Villages ...

--Ynet  (Israel)      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies will go to war ... and will attack and invade Israel)     


Israel's Netanyahu Says "It's Time To Stand Up To Hizbullah!" ...

--DavidHocking.org      (Prophecies:  ISRAEL)      (Prophecies:  RUSSIA-IRAN)       (Prophecies:  The RAPTURE)     


Epic Blizzard ... Snow Storm Leaves Cars Buried ... Thousands Without Power

--Fox News      (Bible Prophecies:  Prophetic "WEATHER FORECAST" around the time of the "Apocalypse" ... great snow and scorching heat)


8.0 Magnitude Earthquake Generates Small Tsunami In South Pacific ...

--Fox News      (Prophecies:  "And there will be EARTHQUAKES in diverse places"...)


7.0 Magnitude Earthquake In Colombia ...

--AFP  (France)      (Prophecies:  "And there will be EARTHQUAKES in diverse places"...)       Children of Israel sitting in their homes in Jerusalem can now hear of earthquakes around the world within a day (or even hours) of when they occur ... this Bible prophecy is REMARKABLE because just after revealing a startling prophecy concerning the Jewish Temple which was then still standing in Jerusalem (yet destroyed 38 years after the Cross exactly as Jesus prophesied) ... Jesus (Yeshua) gave this prophecy concerning the hearing of "earthquakes in diverse places" which could only be fulfilled far in the future when there would be global communications technology capable of reporting worldwide earthquakes as they happen ...  (Prophecies ... KNOWLEDGE AND TRAVEL would increase around "the time of the end")


The Way To Heaven ... It's Not Too Late ... "Weak Starts And Strong Finishes"

--WND/Greg Laurie       (The ASSURANCE of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)       (GOD'S PROMISE ...)



Daily Bible Reading for the Week ...


Daily Bible Reading - Day 37:  Exodus 39-40 ... Matthew 24:1-22

--Alpha News Daily     (Daily Bible Verses ... 2013)       (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index) 


Daily Bible Reading - Day 38:  Leviticus 1-3 ... Matthew 24:23-51

--Alpha News Daily     (Daily Bible Verses ... 2013)       (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index) 


Daily Bible Reading - Day 39:  Leviticus 4-6 ... Matthew 25:1-30

--Alpha News Daily     (Daily Bible Verses ... 2013)       (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index) 


Daily Bible Reading - Day 40:  Leviticus 7-9 ... Matthew 25:31-46

--Alpha News Daily     (Daily Bible Verses ... 2013)       (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index) 


Daily Bible Reading - Day 41:  Leviticus 10-12 ... Matthew 26:1-19

--Alpha News Daily     (Daily Bible Verses ... 2013)       (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index) 


Daily Bible Reading - Day 42:  Leviticus 13 ... Matthew 26:20-54

--Alpha News Daily     (Daily Bible Verses ... 2013)       (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index) 


Daily Bible Reading - Day 43:  Leviticus 14 ... Matthew 26:21-75

--Alpha News Daily     (Daily Bible Verses ... 2013)       (Daily Bible Verses ... Full Year ... All 365 Days ... Daily List and Index)     


Note:  Many people today do not know whether or not they (or their loved ones) will go to Heaven.  Many have not been adequately (or honestly) taught what the Bible actually says and teaches ...


   "For God so loved the world that He GAVE

     His ONLY begotten SON,

     that WHOEVER believes in Him

     should NOT perish (in Hell)

     but have EVERLASTING life (in Heaven)

     For God did not send His SON into the world to condemn the world,    (for the Bible warns we are already condemned)

     but that the world through Him might be saved (from Hell).

     He who believes (trusts) in Him   (and loves Him as He loved us ...)

     is NOT condemned (to Hell);

     but he who does NOT believe

     IS condemned (to Hell) ALREADY"     (The "Gift" is life in Heaven ... He is the only One who can  "Save" us)  

     (John 3:16)       (God's Promise ...)  


   "For by GRACE you have been saved (from your sins and from Hell)    

     through FAITH,       (In Jesus Christ ... Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew)

     and that not of yourselves;

     it is the GIFT of God,   ("Grace" is getting something we don’t deserve…we can't earn this gift of life in Heaven)

     NOT of works,   (We cannot enter Heaven through any “good deeds” we have done ... we go to Hell for rejecting God's Gift and Son.)

     lest ANYONE should boast."   (We are told it’s a gift from God … we just have to thankfully (and lovingly) receive it.)

     (Ephesians 2:8)       (The assurance of life in Heaven  ... it's NOT too late!!!)       (Prophecies ... The coming "Rapture") 


Please remember . . .


The Kingdom of Heaven is available to every man, woman, boy, and girl in this world.  It is freely offered to any and all who will receive it.  Simply learn of Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew), invite Him into your life as Lord, believe He died on the Cross for all of your sins and rose from the grave (proving there is life in Heaven).  Learn of Him and believe in Him ... for He was the only one who has ever loved you enough to substitute Himself for you on the Cross (which represents Hell).  He shed His blood, suffered, and died on the Cross as the "Passover Lamb of God" to save you from the utter torment and darkness of Hell ... if you will accept it.


That is why Jesus (Yeshua) is called "Savior."  He now lovingly and graciously offers you life in His Kingdom of Heaven ... and it is a "take it or leave it" proposition.  If you sincerely admit you have sinned (which means you will need a Savior) and sincerely believe Jesus lovingly paid (and cancelled) the debt for all of your sins on the Cross, and honestly try to stop doing those things God says are wrong, you will go to Heaven  ...  It's God's Promise!!!


The only unpardonable sin is to reject God's love and His free offer of life in Heaven by rejecting God's Son, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, who stepped forth from Heaven ... not to condemn the sinner, but to save the sinner (from Hell) and who willingly and lovingly shed His blood on the Cross so we can be washed clean of all of our sins.  The Bible warns there will be no peace in our hearts until we make peace with God through His Son, the Messiah, Lord Jesus Christ . . .  


   "Therefore being justified by FAITH,    ("justified" means 'just as if all our sins had never happened')

     we have peace with God     (this verse comforts like a soft pillow for a weary head ...)

     through our Lord Jesus Christ"

     (Romans 5:1)


And with open arms and with tears of joy He will welcome any and all into the Kingdom of Heaven who willingly come to Him through the One He sent forth to save us sinners ... Jesus Christ  (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) ...'LORD OF LORDS AND KING OF KINGS"... our Savior!!! 


For the ASSURANCE of Life in Heaven (and of having ALL of your sin and guilt completely removed) . . . A.C.T. NOW!!! 


-  Acknowledge you are a sinner ... and have sinned against God's Law

-  Confess your sins to God

-  Trust (believe) completely in Jesus Christ  (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) ...

     -  He (lovingly and willingly) suffered and died for all of your sins on the Cross ... and His innocent blood washes away ALL our sins

     -  He was buried ... 

     -  He was raised (Resurrected) from the dead the third day ... and is now waiting for His Word spread around the World)

-  Turn back to God ... and turn away from sinful activities ("repent") ... He will welcome you with tears of joy.


When you believe and trust in (and love) Jesus Christ as your "Savior" (who lovingly saves you from your sins and from Hell) ... and then turn away from your sinful ways and turn back to God ("repent"), you can have the complete peace and assurance in your heart that when you die, you will enter into His Kingdom of Heaven ... forever and ever it’s God’s Promise!!! 


The ONLY thing God asks a NON-believer to do is to "believe"... Jesus (God) did ALL the work ... life in Heaven is offered as a GIFT!!! 



Grace and Shalom



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