

Alpha News Daily

Weekly News Update



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This weekly news update is being sent because the Bible warns us to know the prophecies and to "watch" for their fulfillment (which can only be done by learning and knowing what is going on around the world) ... yet, many churches and synagogues today ignore and deny Bible prophecy (which in itself is a major fulfillment of Bible prophecy) ...


 Now, a short Bible prophecy lesson to help show how close we are ...


  + Israel back in the Land as a nation   (this started the clock ticking ...)

  + Iran and allies threatening war against Israel

  + Russia rising ... and acting as a 'guard' for Iran

  + China armed with weapons capable of quickly destroying 1/3 of mankind

  + Nations of the ancient Roman Empire (Europe) reuniting and rising in power

  + Teachings of false 'Prophets' leading many

  + A Generation 'morally corrupt' and 'filled with violence'  

     (The Bible uses the word 'corrupt' -  like smelly, rotting meat)

  + 'The falling away'... churches and synagogues no longer teaching or enduring sound doctrine

  + Israel and Jerusalem . . . trouble, troubles, and more trouble 

  + All nations turning against nation Israel . . .                 

  = The Generation of the Apocalypse ... Armageddon ... and Messiah's Return.


For the first time in history this prophetic 'equation' is nearly complete . . . and all in this generation!!! 



To Readers:  Due to my travel schedule this week's update is very short  . . .


This Week's News Headlines . . .

Please search the Scriptures to see if all these things are true . . .


Finding Hope and Comfort ... For Those Going Through Difficult Times

--Alpha News Daily     (Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Trouble ...)      (God's Promise ...)   


Photo:  free-stockphotos.com


       "He [the Lord] will be with you,

        He will not leave you nor forsake you." 

        (Deuteronomy 31:8)


Russian KGB (FSB) Office Politics (are Global Politics)...

--Debkafile    (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)   (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel) 


Syrian Official Warns War With Israel Will Be Ballistic ...

--Israel Nat'l News      (Prophecies ... Damascus-Syria will be utterly destroyed)    (Prophecies:  The coming 'Apocalypse' and Armageddon) 


US B-2 Stealth Bombers Will Soon Be Fitted With New Massive 15-Ton Penetrator Bombs ...

--Debkafile    (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)   (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel) 



      "But without faith it is impossible to please Him (God),

        for he who comes to God must believe that He is,

        and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

        (Hebrews 11:6)


Iran-Backed 'Hizbullah's Military Might is Restored' in Lebanon Along Israel's Northern Border ...

--Jerusalem Post    (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)   (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel) 


France and the UN Turn Against Israel and Begin Supporting Iran-Backed Hizbullah In Lebanon ...

--Debkafile    (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)   (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel) 


U.S. Moves to Clamp Down On Groups Assisting Hizbullah ...

--Ha'aretz    (Prophecies ... Wars and rumors of war)   (Prophecies...Russia, Iran, and allies will 'neutralize' the US and will invade Israel) 



Photo:  free-stockphotos.com


 "For you are all sons (and daughters) of God through faith in Christ Jesus (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) ...

   There is neither Jew nor Greek (non-Jew),

   slave nor free,

   male nor female,

   for you are all one in Christ Jesus (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew)."

   (Galatians 3:26,28)


Israel's Olmert Government's Assault on Biblical Zionism ...

--Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick      (Prophecies...Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation)  


Should Jews Build the Third Temple ...

--Jerusalem Post      (Prophecies...Israel and Jerusalem after becoming a nation)    (Prophecies ... The coming Antichrist)  (We know from Bible Prophecies that a 'third' and a final 'fourth' Jewish Temple will be built ... and the coming Antichrist will have much to do with the coming 'third' Temple ...)



"For I am God, and there is no other.
   I am God, and there is none like Me,
   Declaring the end from the beginning,
   and from ancient times
   things that are not yet done . . ."
   (Isaiah 46:9-10)


Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) commands all those who will follow Him to "watch" and be ready ...


 "Take heed (to the prophetic warnings) ...

   watch (what is going on) ...

   and pray (see below);

   for you do not know when the time is (the coming Rapture).

   It is like a man going to a far country,

   who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work,

   and commanded the doorkeeper to watch.

   Watch therefore,

   for you do not know when the master of the house is coming --

   in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning --

   lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping.

   And what I say to you, I say to all:  Watch!"

   (Mark 13:33-37)


"When you see

   these things,

   know that it is near - -

   at the door."

   (Mark 13:29)


 "Watch therefore,

   and pray always

   that you may be

   counted worthy to escape

   all these things

   that will come to pass . . ."

   (Luke 21:36)


 "Before the decree is issued,

   before the day passes like chaff,

   before the LORD'S fierce anger comes upon you,

   before the day of the LORD'S

   anger comes upon you!

   Seek the LORD,

   all you meek of the Earth,

   who have upheld His justice.

   Seek righteousness,

   seek humility.

   It may be that you

   will be hidden

   in the day of the LORD'S anger."

   (Zeph 2:2-3)


"Watch therefore,

   and pray always

   that you may be

   counted worthy to escape

   all these things

   that will come to pass . . ."  (The Bible promises all who wait in faith are not "appointed" to the coming time of "Tribulation")

   (Luke 21:36)


 "When you see these things happening,

   know that it (the 'Apocalypse') is near  -- at the doors!

   Assuredly, I say to you,

   this generation will by no means pass away

   till all these things take place."

   (Mark 13:29)


... for He promises to protect and shelter all those who are found waiting in faith from the coming 'time of trouble.'



Finding Hope and Comfort  In Times of Trouble >>>


God's Promise  >>>


What Happens Next?  Heaven or Hell ... >>>


Prophecies of the Messiah  >>>


Prophecies of Messiah's Return  >>>


Prophecies of the Coming 'Rapture'  >>>


Prophecies of the Coming Apocalypse and Armageddon  >>>


A Remarkable Mathematical Prophecy ... Messiah Revealed  >>>  


Another Remarkable Mathematical Prophecy ... Israel Back As A Nation >>


More  Prophecies >>>



For daily news updates go to www.alphanewsdaily.com . . .



Grace and Shalom,






























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